Regular Prices Cut Deeply and Remorselessly. Oiilv nni' thought is behind tins TRADE C ) MiMNCi SAhH, anil th'at i'h, to make ii ilia' will ho sweep everything before them .n Alpine avalanche; hi i wo print In big let -v,t, ii mihiII prices, net every eye will bo en eh , i il ly tluiiii : $3.85, $5.85, $6.85, $9.85, $10.85, $12.85 Your choice of $0.50, $7.50, 10, $12.50, $15 and $20 ....SUMMER SUITS.... c, repeat it; lot tlio piicea burn In your mi' i on , f'r tliu regular prima on the atiilfl rang (Ml froin .(' 50 to fJO; but tlio big business thia fiMj n ii cut into tlio regular lines that tic havo gathered together nil tlio. broken lots, mill said (uith u' ii t lion t of present pre II te or airything els - lui' ii quick riildtiticu) :- ! $3.85, $5.85, $6.85, i $9.85, $10.85, $12.85 I The e are nil sizes of stylish Summer .Suits of i worsti'ili', cifHimnri'M, oxford", tweeds, cheviots, gerni" nod striped (lannt'l. Every suit ia sowed , with pure dye silk, mid all have pure mohair serge I mill 1 iirnifr's satin lining. C Did today; oomo instantly, and got at a . rnlu'iiioiiH prima Summer Knit that'll give you a 8Mf to i'f h li'iidid service for remember: I " lnvl we say wo do, wo DOilo." Scarboro Cordsa. Special for Saturday Only 1000 yds, at per yd QC per yd The Scarboro Cords area close? re production of one of the latest foreign Wash Fabrics, being almost the ex act equivalent in quality and style, yet oll'ered at a price in comparison that is sui'i risingly low. Real value, 8c. Saturday only, -3c. This is a bid for your money A simple business proposition of offering you $1.00 for 75e "Yo want to clean out all TAN SHOES this season. Wo have cut prices to make them go. All $5.00 values go at $3 75 All $-1.00 values go ai 3 00 All $3.00 values go at.... 2 00 All $2.50 values go at 2 00 All $2 00 values go. at 1 50 All $1.50 values go at..". .,. 1 00 All $1.00 values go at 75 See our show window for best evi dence of genuine bargains. This sale includes all Tan Shoes except Queen Quality Shoes. All OoocIg Mnrkocl In Plain FltruroB. PEASE & MAYS The Mies Daily Chronicle, Telt)ilmnr No. 1. 1'ltlDAY - - JULY 20, 111(10 . ice cream and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Kellor's. f WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Toinnrn w is nlirt wuiat day at A. M. I William (Vs. I.ihIiih' tan oxfords siz"S !i to 5 onlv ! Wivntfl at the Now York Cash Store; 0. Abbott, a prominent Bnaton woj buyer, arrived hero yeHtorday, and guest ol the l iiiutilla IIouhu. Jnhn V Christie, of Davyilli', a naVivo of Nova Snitin. took out bis full clthVn papers yesterday afternoon before Jndg Jiraiiaiiaw. Henry Iturton nod Mnrtha Pone, of thin city (ir. united in umrriau't) at tlio j court Imtw yoHtordny afternoon by Pre-1 siding Knlur Wurnur. " i l'"Vl Cliri-iiiian had tlin niiHfnrlmie In I let till' i' imvit fall (in Iiih feint lliln morn. i'U', iiilliciu, ,i t;ut.h that required tho sjrvii'i s- ol a Hiirgcuu. Tli Ilt'tiiiuilor lult her duck thin morn ing l to tho guards with oroured woo , I'uriov, miscellaneous freight and n larni. in uf passengers. I he l''i" niu government ih aaid to "vc detinue ,.WB tllU u,,, (on-ii;,,. in IVIun wore massacred July Oth. liiHsiiin troops buvo reeaptiued Blago- veatelicn- k Trto new postolllces havo boon opened In Klickitat county, ono at Codur vulloy, limned LntMH, from ita poatinaator, and anotticr on tho Haunt ronto to be named n i'inz, also from ItH pootiiirtHtor, 0. l knurl. Ohnirnmn W. It. I'rHby luifl isauod n "II lor tin. im-ftlni: of tho Klickitat W'lnty ii-piihlicaii con volition at Coldon- ",,,u " Aiit-iiBt 11th. Tlio statu con- '""'"ii ill bo hold at Tauoina on Anuuet 1,1th. Ii was decided WtMlnoaday, in lluaton, Mi to l,,i mtnB of ,l0 Nutional "oolUrowurH' ABsociution in Portlnnd "' tlio Uth of AtmuHt. Tlila la nmttor 01 "i" hih'huat IninroHt to tlio woolgrow ers ' Ho. 1'auiHu coaat. nr. Itolund 1). Grant's party of Uoe 0" touriHta roturuod to Portland on this Jniiii'M 10t. Thoy woro In oharKO ';rv' - l)- l Miaa Anna Taylor, "rj i"iut l.avinK loft the purtv hero in to dolivor n lecture at Gladstone Ji'U't. Gilbert has tlenitied to hold the e1 W asco county teachers' institute J lood Uivor Atiguat 20th, SOU. and 1 he oxiionte of tiiese inatltutes ii ueiraycd by the (oea paid by teachora " county certlficatoa. Ii, 1890 and '07 nfual imtitute of one monlt. wai bold. In 18!)8 and 'lli, boaidcn three roKUlnr iiiBtructorH. 'the teuchi-rsi pre pnrud ptpera on dillereut Biibjeeta as nlcnt'd them, and nunornl diacuaHioiiB followed on tho eunif. This year there will bo two or three regular inatruetors, I and the work of the touchers will be to ; liaten and take notes. I Wanted, a lady's Beeond-luuid bieye ! Muat bo in ood condition and eheiip for cash. Iuouire at tliie oiiice. it!flf-12t Tiio thornioiuetor at the reBiilenuo of Special Observer Hrooke at:::!0 thia nfternoon atood at 100 and the borotni'ter at 20.51. The lira I load of Klickitat v licit of tliin fleaaou arrived at the Wneco aro house this forenoon. It was ,atril'kly No. 1, and weighed l- poiinda to I the bushel. George K. Stewart, formerly atelion raphor for Judue 15ennntt, and later of Iieppnor, baa removed to Spokane, where he has accepted a poailioi aa Htenoraplier in tlio otlice of the Great Northern. The Kutuhn echnol and morning ser vice of the Calvary Baptiet church will be held at the frame school huildiui; (drat Hour) on Union street, until tiieir new building is completed, Tlio even inn service will helt In the M. K, cliu rcli. Since the pafcsane of tho scalp bounty act in February, 18110, the state has paid honntioa on IlO.'ISl c.iyote aoalps. Of this number, Wuaco county's share was 1,051. Tho number prct'ontud for pay ment during the months of April, May and Juno was 1;,'M8, uf which 100 were from this county. Just the tliini; for the coast. Just the tliin for the mountains. The very thing for every day wear. Any pair of our .1. 50, .$1 75, $2)0, 2.50 and ;1.00 pants for 11.1)5, No time limit, but re member the old adage of the early bird, etc. Hotter get in line, reus? it Mays. Tlio steward of the Regulator says that while the boat was at the Hood River wharf yeatorday afternoon on way hero the inoroury in tho tliermomei. r on tlio pilot house lose so high that it burst the glass. About the same time the heat had risen to 112 in Mays & Crowe's corrugated iron tin ohopand toe workmen wore compelled to ijuit work till the heat had moderated. Tho pold democrats will meet in Indianapolis July 25, and the plan will bo to havo the committee call a conven tion at which all parties now opposing tho candidates of tlio two old parties can meet and units on a third ticket and adopt a platform approved of by butb gold democrats and anti-lir.periallsls, and also by republicans dissatislled with MoKinley and democrats dissatisfied with Urynn, by any reason whatever. Will Frank, who left lieie with the Barlow company about six months ago, has made a fresh engagement with tho company for the coming season at very satisfactory wages. At the close of hie first engagement with the company he placed himself under the instruction of Frofeisor DeWitx, an eminent Chicago ) vocalist. Tim ninfoBoor irno an pnrneet j in praise ot his pupil that Will soon bad oilers of engagements from half a dozen companies. He accepted tho oiler of tlio Harlow com puny because it is one of tho largest and moat respectable com- I pauiee in the field. Mr. J. W. Adkins has taken charge ! of the Umatilla. House dining room, where he will conduct a first-elaes res taurant and grill room. After today the I meals will be served a la carte. The restaurant will be open from H a. m. to !S p. m. Mr. Adkins intends to have a 'restaurant second to none on the coast. J All the delicacies of the market will be ! found on the table, served by the host j caterers. Mr. Adkins is a thoroughly j competent restaurant man, having spent 1 his entire life in the business and been connected at various times with the I best restaurants on the Pacific coaat. 'The new departure will undoubtedly j piovo popular, and in any event Mr. i Adkins will spare no pains to make the ! Umatilla House restaurant second to I none anywhere. j20-2t j A short timu ago John Caiey sold his . Bee Hive restaurant in the East End to a couple of youuK fellows who agreed A MAGNIFICENT TESTIMONY- Tlio Quality or Augunt llucliler'H Beer Approved by the ItlglirKt Ttvttl liiiii))' In the Uultcil .States, to pay the puicliase price in daily in- j stallments. Yesterday the boys both ; got hold of enough surplus cash to get on a genuine old.faauioneu jamboree, and at 5 in the afternoon were both so drunk that business at tlio restaurant was iieceefl.trily suspended. Later when one of them iiad sobered oil' a little lie accused his partner ol appropriatim: $7.50 of partnership funds from tho till, and, on promise of swearing out a war rant, hud the. partner arrested. Tho ac ensed was kept in tlio city jail all night, but as no warrant was sworn out, and tho complaining paitner failed to appear this morning, tho piisoner was turned loose. In fact tlie complainant skipped the town last night and tho 15oe Hive is again m possession ol Mr. Carey. j From John Dalrymple, who lives on j tlio Floyd place, we learn that yester j day's tiro was not in Sherman county, as was at first supposed by tho citizens of ilie town of Waeco, but wholly thia side tho Deschutes. It H believed to have started fiom a spark from tho went- I bound passenger that ia due hero a I little alter noon. It started at the Willows on the Seufert property, and climbing tho blurt" burnt its way over the hill to tho Floyd, Cooper and Linton ranches, It burnt over 3000 aeres of ground, fortunately all pasture, although in tlio case of Mr. Dalrymple, who had about 700 acres' of winter pasture de stroyed, tho loss of winter range for Ins sheep is nearly as bad as if tlio ground had been covered with grain. Mr. Liu ton saved his place by vigorous and timely plowing, but on tho Floyd and Cooper ranches the lire spread without tho possibility of control, till it hud burned itself out. Considerable pasture land on the .Seufert ranch was also burned over. Fortunately no houses were In the path of the flames else the losses might nave been greater. Head Williams & Co.'s ad in this Issue. Interesting items for men and women. I Tiie following splendid testimony to I the purity of Dalles beer is copied from i the leading editorial in the United j States Health Reports for June 28, 1900. I The article was written by Amos Grey, ', M. D., and is all the more interesting j and valuable because it was written I without the n quest or knowledge of I Mr. Bucliler, who to this hour does not '; know and cannot even guess who sent j the samples to the United States Health Reports for its analysis. The edilotial says in part : "Many of our correspondents take pains to forward samples of tho beer they have purchased in open market with a request that we analyze such beer and make an impartial report. This should be done in all cases, us we sometimes havo ditlicultv in obtaining j tiie same and some days are lost while j wo go through the necessary work of ', getting samples from outlying towns and cities. Recently wo received a request for information 'accompanied by sam ples) regarding the product of August IJnchler, The Dalles, Or. "In reply wo would eay that a more superior brew never entered the labora tory of t United Slates Health Re ports, end we bestow lieaitiest com mendation upon it for tho following rea- jsons: lit is iieer is aotointely uevoiii ol i the slightest trace of ad alteration ; but, ! upon tho other hand, iu composed of . tlio best of malt and the choicest of bops. I Ito tonic qualities are of tho highest and it can be used with the greatest benefit i and satisfaction by old and young. Its use caii conscientiously be pretciibed by the physician witli the certainty that a better, purer or more wholesome bever age could not possibly be found. "Taken altogether, it oilers a thor oughly first-class beer made from the best materials and manufactuicd under tlio newest approved modem sanitaiy process. "It iB this combination of excellence and worth which earns for it tlio oflicial and editorial endorsement of the United States Health Reports." Miiutny i;ciii.iu to It ii tun- v i 1 1 Take either tho Pacific oxpiess, leav ing Tho Dalloa at 1:50 a.m., or the Portland special, leaving Tho Dalles at 12:!!r) noon, for tlio Bonneville picnic grounds Sunday, Fare 60 cents for the round trip. Good music, vaudeville performance, specialties under the pa vilion, free, Return on the evening train. frdy&sat Found, An astracliau cipe waa found last night iu tiie toad near the fair ground. Owner can have the same by calling at this otlice and paying for this notice. Nutlvu. All persons are requested to give credit to no ono on my account without un order from me. M. Thouhiiouhn jUJ-lw Pants sale now on at Williams & Co't, For particulars read ad. 5 Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, ami which 1ms hcuu iu use for ovor iJO j-cnr, lias homo tlio Hlgimtnre ot r-S? anil has been in.ulo minor his icr- yj--yf1,, annul supervision alnoo ifs infancy. utryy, CMcsU'it Allow no one todecoivo you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" aro hut I2crimcnt.s that trifle with and endanger the health ol Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Ktibstnncc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and alloys Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years.. THE CCNTUH COMPANY, TT MURRAY STRCfT, NCWVORK CITY. All vertlaeil l.cttem. Following is the list of letters remain ing in tho postoffice at The Dalles un called for July 20, 1000. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised: GENTLEMEN. Abbott, Ernest Bailey, Frank L Heck, fteoige Copeland, Jim Cooper, AlliertrX Dunning, FN Herrick, M Johnson, K K Lane, B V Miller. W A Reed, Ciuis II Sini'll, Jnsepl) I bnlwnnt, Dan lays I liewe MaSaaH Hamburger, I L Johnson, J W Lvons, Tlios Mitlines, M S McDanells, John Shag, Harry bnyuer, Geo Weir, W X LADIES. Bell, Miss Nina Cooper, Miss Cora Henkle, Mi's Rand Rowland, Mis C A Seefiras, Jane Stiles, Mrp Marv Wilson, Mrs W G Vilnn, Mrs V K H II. Riddkll, l M. Tlio Hot Itetiiudy for Stimuli !l mill Itinvl TruulilH'. 'I have been in the drug businis' for twenty years anil have sold inoet all of the proprietary medicine of any note. Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Uliiimb'-il mi's Colic, Cholera anil Diarrhoea Remedy for all stomach and bowel troubles," says O, V. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. "This remedv cured two severe c ices of cholera mmhus iu my famil" and I have recom mended and sold hundreds of bottles of it to my customers to their entire satis faction It. ail'.rds a quick and tine cure in a pleasant form." For sale by Blakeiey A Houghton. Spcnil Suntliiy at ISuiiuevllle. Put up a hi oh and eet alio.ird either of tho O. it. & trains leaving The Dalles at 1 :50 a. m. or 12 ::!o noon, nno spend the day in the refreshing Shade of the trees at Bonneville. F.ue i only 50 cent for the. round tiip Good music and first-clii'-s perf rniaiice under the pavilion free to all. Refresh meiits can bo proeuced on the mounds if desired. . fnlit--at Watileil A position to do general house work luquiio at Mis. Bauer's residence ot. Ninth street, opposite old l.uiherai. church. jijL'0 22 CASTORS A For Infants and Children. Tl... II.J II-... II....... ftn..L.I niu miiu iuu ndvu Hiwdyb uuupi v: 9 Bears the Signature of Itoiui'iiiOiir That Cbas. Stubliug ia still doing a , retail business at his new place. He sells iu quantities to suit alt customer.?, (rem one bottle to a barrel, Family orders delivered promptly. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping aud t unburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. 1 i The only store t this city wliero the Oenuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen pieceBof so called cheap ennui eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look likoit.butthegenu ino has tho name S transky Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at lti International Exlii bitions Highest award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion, Chicago Pre ferred by tho best cookingauthonties, certified to by the most famous chein ists for purity and durability it 1 1 cheapest because) BEST. Remember this celebrated onam oled waro is special ly imported for and sold iu this city ex cdusively by us. ji lt does not rust nor absorb fjrense, does not discolqi nor cntcli inside, is fruits or vegetables, will boil, stew, roast and bake w i t h o u t im parting flavor of previously nook o d food and will last for years. We cau. tion thu public against imitations J, B. Stetson hats for if 3 00, at A. M, Williams & Co.'g. Bee their window. Clarke & Falk'a fiavnring extracts are the beat. Ask your grocer for them. ' Nasal Catarrh quickly yiVlda to tivat inout by Ely's t'roani Halm, which N lajno ably aromatic It in revolved tiiumuh tlio nostrils, cleanses and heals tho whole i.ur faco over which it dill'uaes itbulf. Druyjjiata Boll tho 50o. bizo Trial size by mail, 10 couts. Tcbt it ami )ou are bine to continue, tlio treatment, Announcement. To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atomizers iu applying liquids into tho nasal passages for ri rftal trou lles, tho proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will bo known as Kly't Liquid Cream Balm. Trico including tlio spraying tube is 75 cents. Drugguts or by mail. Tho liquid form embodies tho mcd iciual properties of the solid preparation. J