H u m rL ' i I the beat blood purilleis, acting directly The Dalles Daily onponicie. ;,mtilu ,nuCoi.s surface. The perfect' combination of tlio two muredieutg is PHI DAY .... JtM.Y "0, 1900 j what pioditucs such wonderful results in j ---- - . -- - curinp Cntarrli. Send for testimonials. I tree. 1'. J. Ciii:ni:y & Co., Props., Toledo 0. Sold by drrnpuists, price 7nc. Hull's "Family Pills are the best. 12 l'nr l'tclileiit WILLIAM M'KINLEY, ur ohi. for Vlc l'relili'iit THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of Nou York. Illn.iliitloii Notice, ! The copartnership business heretofore conducted at 175 Second street, under The best Hill uotild say at Kansas the linn name and stylo of llhikelev & .. Houghton, is this day di?eulvtd by Uity tor the piattorm was: "it mere lla, consent. F. I., llomrbton retir arc some issues democrats uo not desire to present as strong as some others, they can at least talk about something in tin worth of tlietr approval." f the! feast is a failure the. mustard and j toothpicks are recommended as not ; half bad. j The announcement is made that the "Jeffersonian Democratic Club of The Dalle' will hold a "jubilee" Saturday night for the purpose of ratifying tlio nomination of llryan and Stevenson, flood music is prom- ins: from said linn. The business will lie conducted in the future by Geo. (J. Illakeley, nt the old slum!. F. L. llouirht'on will collect all accounts and i ii it. .!.,,!. -..i.l .1 i ,. ,, . i nnv an iiiiuniiif a ui Mini nriii. platform that 13 T, D oreuon. July 2. 1900. Oko, F. I. G. Hlakkluy, HouiiirroN. Luxuries. Healthful drinks aie not luxuries, they are necessities. A full line of cool and refreshing porter, ale, mineral water and beers kept on ice. Take a bottle home for lunch. C. .1. Stttbline;. Phone 23-1. Uuvva lleudaclif ijiitclil v. Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel erv Soda. A harmless and effective cure I I ....,..-.,-, t.,...,1...,a.,.,ai iscd and "enthusiastic" speeches arc br.,in lUi)Je. 10 ami o5 Ct!Ilt8i Solll to be delivered. In addition to these 1 by Clarke A Falk, druggists. jan24-0w attractions it is secretly hinted that' For sie. the brethren have imported a brand We have at Portland n stock of tine new "imperialistic" spook, from 1 lubricating oils and pieases. Prices and Lincoln, Nebraska, that is warranted ' ternls are riht- Writu for nri"3' Ce . , ., , , . .L . i tra! Helming Co., Cleveland, Ohio, to horribly shake the disposition of j MeKinlcyites with thoughts beyond j Why pay 7o per gallon for inferior the reaches of their souls". ! Daint8 wI,en yo" L,"n I)U' J,,mes R . ' Pattern's sun proof paints for .$1.50 per Imperialism is a misnomer. We are in the Philippines today and en gaged in subsiding insurrection as the result of the Spanish war. His tories written in calmer and later days will prove that we have not been "shooting civilization" into the" Filipinos and establishing govern juent without the consent of the governed, but rather tiiat wc have been putting down by force a dic tatorial government supported by force and a rebellion -inspired by ambitious leaders. It will show that the masses of people have opposed us, not from long chetished hopes of independence from America, but from hostilttv to America and Amer- gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Fa'.k, agents. ml7 -. We are offering special values in ladies' tan oxfords. A $2 50 silk vesting top, turn-sole or.ford for $1.75 while they last. Every day i? bargain day at the New York Cash Store. Dining the entire week there will be a sale of street hats and sailors at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. Great reductions. 10-lw Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-ti I'm' hiile. A good second-hand threshing ma chine for sale at L. Lane's blacksmith hop, on Third street. j-J-d&wlm ITCHING LIMBS And All Forms of Itching, Scaly Humors Are Instantly Relieved and Speedily Cured by CUTICURA. The itching- and burning 1 suffered In my feet and llniln fur three yearn were terrible. At night they were worse and would keep '' awake n greater part oi uie iiigui. i emiium. doctor alter doctor, :h I was travelling on the road most of my time, uNo one of our city doctors. None of the doc tors knew what the trouble wai. I got a lot of the different samples of the medi cines I had been using. 1 found them of so manv different kind that I eon eluded that 1 would have to go to a Cincinnati hospital before I would get relief. 1 had fluently been urged to trv COTinnt.v 1?i:mi:iiu:s but I bad no faith in them.- Al v wife llnally prevailed upou me to try them, riesto! vuiat a ebaiiire.! 1 am now cured, and it h u permanent cure. 1 feel like kicking some doctor or myself for suffering tin ce years when I could have uod Ci'm'tiitA ItUMtilHKS. II. JENKINS, Middleboro, Ivy. COMPLETE TREATMENT $1,25 Consisting of Cuticut.a Soav (23c.), to clcanso tlio skin of crisis and scales ami 60ftcn tlio thickened cuticle, Outicuka Ointment (50o.), to instantly allay itching, irritation, and iutlaiiiniation, ami s-oothoaml lioal, and CirricuitA 11ioi.vi:xt (.10c), to cool and cleanse tlio Mood, Notion Milllcient to euro the most toituriug, ilistiguring skin, .scalp, and blood humors, rashes, anil irrita tion with los of hair when physicians, hos pitals, and all clso fall. Sold throughout tlio world. 1'orricii Outre and (JllUM. Com-., Solo Props., Hoston. " How to Purify and llcautlfy the Skin," f icu. Vtc onlv CimciuiA So.vr for baby's gkiu, scalp, mid hair. II U not onlv llio pinost, " s ectest, and nio.t refrcfblnj; of nursery i-onps, but tl contalin delicate, tiuol. MILLIONS bent properties, obtained trom Uuricun.i. tlio gre.it ,-kln ouio, wlileh pix-.-erve, nr purify, and beautlf r tlie ekln, ei-alp, mid balr, and piovent Minplu .-Kin tilein Ur fslit'i from becoming fcerious. For ili-tre;ln' heat ra'lier, rliallng, liillam- MnTHFRS matlons, and eruptions, for crusted, ltclilnj; trilutioiw ot tlio tealp, ltli dry, inoi ntno thl1 am, iainK iwiir. for red, roujili hand?, ami tliapele? nalW, mid tliaple lu. Xantllc humors, it Is absolutely Indispensable. THE CELEBRATED L.GGMJPBM SREWEHY.... AUGUST BUCHliliiK, irTop. J ;n iwn bnuirn iJ now tu ning U'. tue wai nenr ami l'ortnr i'ivt of th" C'1' Cldi'- 1 ir iai! -l ni p laiu-i-- i ii iu "nnnimii oi inriii healthful lleeV have lvin intiodiiccd, and only the llral-chiSB article will he jil.iui.it on llie inarm i. $ East Sooond Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. i ii... i t ii t Tliii wi'll kn wti bnui. ri Hnowiu niug u-. uhj wai wit nun rortnr iMt of th" CV. cub'-, in" 'an -i app iiuov- , ' KO"U m i BIS i REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, rOHTLAND k ASTORIA NAY, COMPANY? siiMim'i- ot llic Ili'KUbilur Mac will run as per tin fol-'y ow.nit M'iudiile, llie Company reerliiB the rhjlit to cli.aii; j K'licmne iviiiicim nciiur. Str. Houtilntor. l. l'allcs , lit M. 1 h. Tlll'fllllV S TIiuimI.iv 'i Siiturdiiy . t. Arr I'orllmnl ? nt I 'Hi r. m. IT. Ii lMttliml lit 1 . M. MiiUilu nllll'KlKy Ship your Freight via Stn Dnlloa City. l.v. Dalli'i ill 7 .. i. Mommy W'.iliu"day l ilday TJan-nlonv l.ino , I-rliti- .... Arr. Dalles Alub niuvuwx , Arr, -ir tin It il at o v. i j at I :.;n r. m. I. I'lirllaiiil.H nt7 H).i . d Tiu-ntny '3 TlmiHlav .3 Hiillinlay Arr Hallcs'S at ! M.J 5 FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Tia ol li the Steamers nl tlio Iti'ioibitnr blue Tlx- Company will endeavor to glyu its pat h 4 rons tlio best etvlee pnlble. Km tttrtliur luiormatlon aililrcs A !p, I'oiil mil oillce. Oak street liwk. W. C. AULA WAY, Con. Afft. 1 . . ..... . ft , JtT.ili m tvi-TiVitiviTi Yi.riTi.Ti Vj.TiTi.ti Y.r.vi.....T.ri.v.v.i.'r.r,r.!.T.rj.'rs.irj.rj3 A Difficult Problem. It is among the most diilicult prob? luins of natural science for one to become expert in several lines. J. E. Ailcox & Co., by their combination, have over- j .-ortie tljip difliculty in a practical man-! ner. J. 15. Ailcus 'a an expert watch-' maker and is good on jewelry, optical work and engraving, while Theo. U. Liebe is an expert optician and is good on watch repairing, jewelry work and eneraving. Their price is as low as con sistent with good workmanship. They are prepared to do all work in their several lines, on short notice. Work gent by mail or express will receive prompt atte.ition. .Sign. "I!ig Ked Watch.' Forchoice frintc, fresh vegetables, fish, poullrv and all kinds of feed, call on icans bred by the false teaching of i the MeNeal market. Phone 27S. 11-lwk unscrupulous natives, ex-Spanish . , 7T T .. . . 1 1 I Tropical and home eron fruits, choice civil servants, foreign juntas ami tables, also that chicken for your American sympathizers. Snndav dinner. Call up 278. 11 lwk To Cure u Cold in Uum Day. Tako Laxative Dromo Quinine Tab lets. All drucgists refund the money. Populists whose political stock in trade is denunciation of the money power for depriving them of the right and opportunity to work had better stay away from Kansas until the crops are all in, says the "Kansas City Star. The farmers are going out with shotguns, rounding up rdl the tramps they can find and com pelling them to wotk in the harvest lieltls for $2.u0 a day and board. .See our west window for bargains in ladies low shoes. The New York Cash store. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office ai Van" ocveu. Wash , -May 17, linw. ( :olice Is hereby River tbat the following; mimed 'etller has llltd notice ot bis Intention to make liual proof In mmiort of bis clulm, mid tbat s ild proof will be made before W. U. I'resbv, u iiiion nuuei i oiniimiioutr, on July 0, 1X), vi.: A:ibfl K. IJIIar, OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE, J. B. Orossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street ADMINISritAlOU'S SALK. At the league meeting Of licnn clubs in St. Louis, a resolution Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of the county roart of Clackamas county, Oreuon, made and at lioldendale, eniereu on ine -join nay oi aiay, iuuu, j will oner lor eaie, at private eaie. irom and after the 7ih dav of .Julv, 1000, for vbo raude II. IJ. No. for tbo fructlounnyij I cash in baud, nil the riu'llt, title and in- reptlb- Iscc&li. u'rt'3t of. lhH l'll'uf'f "alter I-h, de- LCllTll, 111 .111,4 LU till X. Ill I. IIII.IV IQ, Laughlifi'e Addition to Dalles City, Wiuco county, Oregon. Imikijkuick B.M'.don, Administrator of the estate of Walter Complete of Drdts at M. Z. DONNELL, THrZ DRUGGIST. DKALl'Kfc IN I All kinds of I i punepal Supplies Grandall & Bar get UNDERTAKERS Tjs EMBALMERS Tho Dallas, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. CLiOUD CAP IW NOW OPEN TOR THE SEASON. Magnificent Scenery. Pure Air and Water. Perfect Rest A MANSION IN THE SKIES. liny your tickets from the MO I'. VTA IN TAGH A LIVERY COM PANY, Hocjil Hiver, Oregon. j!yll2 SINGERS n I Ho miraes the folloivhiK wltne'es to prove bis I contlniioiu resiileiicu uuun. and cultivation of was passed recommending the forma- j MiSrolllhert. .hrJs K. Vtmtm, nm tion of a republican club in every ! "J," Jol,n Kuro' 1,11 of "' i Jusfc What You txiant. mit)JM It. DUNHAK, ileffister, KXIICUTOR'S NOTICE. ward and township of tho state. That's all right if the clubs so formed would not copy the example of The Dalles republican club, which met v. , , t , " " ! - , , . ' ."Mii-i; i ucituy ni,n inui mi, l liners lullC'O I ..mi ui ii iiiii;ii tuiti vuuii iiiijuiu lieu, ; 1,,la w-ii 'iii niui. iu,i .ij i jjc k.'ii ii i-oon, oi '.thontateof Oresoii, oxeautor of tho lat will j Sine (lie. and tUAtament of Kviillne IJviins, deeemiol. I All permits biivlim clulmi ugulnit tho estate T ,, . . loiuiomin r.viiin.e i.v.ins are nereoy ie.Ulrccl In the opinion Of the rlliladelplll.l 1 to present the mine to him. properly verified, us ! n .1 i . i . -v , by luw reiiirtd, at Motler, Onon. within ! i J'rCSS tllO electoral VOtO in ISOVembcr months from the date hereof. .... , , ,T . , : J'atcd this loth ibiy of June. 1Wi. will stand Mckinley 277, Ikynn 1 7, 'lhaniu-.k kva.vs, ,.,, - . , .i. , , . Uxecutor of the lavt will and testumont of with Kentiick s thirteen in tlotibt. ! Kvaiino Kvaiisdctci'cd. juuicu The most earful estimates made from I Klll. fli(.-!IGpd ! OHeru received bv ' miniatrator, .). T. iTiin, Portland, Or. Attotnevi for Ad- Wiialley, l'lpew k J i present contlilions from these figures. vary hut little C. S. Smith, TllK In the last six months, hogs have ! advanced :5 u head. Apply this to D-("0-dat6 ClfOCSr ."0,000,000 hogs, and there is a prolit ' ' of liiO.OOO.OOO for western farmers, 1 i?rB9h KgB8 mu Creamery ; uutter a bpeclalty. .Doalor In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. lints, I'nps, Ni lions, for W. 1.. DouRlas Shoe. Telephone No. 83. r5 WtfeveondHt., Too Dalles, Or, Al?t. rflrWV k t t i The iaoobsen Book & Music Co. Stop and soe them. The bo.sl lowing iMat'hinu on tlio inurkol for tho loast prioo. For ra'li or on Li mo. : : : VIt. Angel Gollege and Seminary, Conductod by tho Bonoclictine Fathers. 1jcated 10 miles aoiith of Portland uu one nf the iiiohI healthful and altracuvo Hjiottf of the Wlllniuette Valley. Tho ideal place for your boy.), l'ronarat ry, Chibsical, Ooinmereial and Scientific Course. MuhIc a opecialty. For lurticiilarp. apply to the President. ' julylS ocllH Gen. Agtiinaldo say8 lie never heard of Adlai K. Sleveuson before, hut that ho will vote for him on Col. Dryan's recommendation, 2d Street. 'Phone 270. Caturrli Cxniiut He Uureil witii local applications, aa they cannot reacli the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter" nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the beat physicians in this country for years, and ia a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with J)lt. K. K. Kl'.IUH MIN, Physician timl Surgeon, Olllce, Yogt Mock (over Postntllcc), Wapliao-dw THU DAM.K3, OttKOON. Y)11' "KIHBNJHIItt'FKK Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to nursery. Kooms21md, Tel. 828 Vogt Block H 8 WILMM B 8 JIUNTINOTON HUNTINGTON tfc WIL80N, ATTORHBYH AT LAW, , v, THE DAIXSB, UBBUON OSlo ovr First Ntt, Bank .GjiAs. m Buteherts and Fafmefs ..Exchange.. Keeps on ilrauirlit tho colebraled (JObUMIIIA IIKKIt, iickuow;. cJkc1 tbo belt beer In The Dalies, at tbe usual price, Conio In, try It anil be ronvineed. Alio tbo Fluent brand of Wines, U-iuor and Uigurs. Sanduiiehes of alLKiudi always on band. New ideai) in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety us we ate showing never be fore uraced a einijlo stock, heal imita. tion ereton eirecte ut ordinary prices. Good papers nt cheap paper prices. Elegant tlusiena, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our Htoro on Third street. Also a full line of bouse paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. tub coluintiia Packing Go J. H. HCIIKUCK, I'resldeut. II.M.1IKAI.L, C'uiiblei First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Bankiug Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds prompt. remitted on day of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, Han Francisco and port land. DIRKOTOHI. D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. Bobimos, Ed. M. Williams, Gao. A. Liisa, H. M. Bsai.l. FKKU. W. WlLbON. ATTOUNKY-AT LAW, . . . JUK UALIJtfl, OKEOON uateo ovi Flnt Nat. Bunk. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF ilANOFAlJTUHKKU OF Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON )RIKD BEEF. ETC. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANHAOT A KNKKAhUANKINU B1JH1NKB Letters oi Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraph.', Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various points In Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on (ay. orable terms. LTA?MT'A?4?'t3s'3'!Kl,' iRl1 L. Lane, (JK.VKKAL BiacRsmnn .AND. P VHmaan mnrt n.l.i. Ufavk. Horsesnoe r i . r- Fish Brothers' Wagon. t' Third anil IniTrnn Phmifi Ififl w u.an HUH WVIIUI 'IUI UVUV w - l i JJA. 8TURDEVANT, Iieuiist. Ofllea our Freuoh & Co.' Hnk Vhmt , THK PALLE9, OBK00N