The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 20, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 2S9
OF CHINESE BOXERS to Stake With Iron Collar
Kminil His Neck I'rmltlcd With
Sharp Sticks Until Too Weak to
Statu! Molten Lead 1'ourcd Over
His IWnly DnriiiK Death Strutjyles-
Hs I'ias'CiHC'0, July II). A Chronicle
specul fro in Viutoiiu, 15. 0., miyn: Ail
vii'.M received from North China contain
liar'iiMi'urH of tint awful torture inflicted
on tin- K"v. II. V. Norman, who with
Iti'V. C. Puhinson wiib unions tho firet
of Hi" Vn eriean ininHion.iries to become
v.i'tiih' "f the !!oxorn. A eorretmoiidont
wrl'iiiir frnm Tien Teuton July 7, hiivh
soini' refugeea who liittl arrived thou)
g.ithend f did Chineeo "hunlly details uf
tin1 t ir'uri' infliutod on Norman.
Jt "tH'iiiB that hit foil into tin; lunula of
Li, 'hi' ln'.td mini of it littlo town hunt
bv 'In' iii'it' Anglican iniesdon, where he
mill liiliinuon itnil their liitmlijiitirttTK.
In it ipmrroi between Hoxern and
Clirin'i.i'if, llm convortn had driven ofl'
tlio Hi xith front the mihhIuiih nod hi
vmvi'il vengeance. 'J'liiii ho took in it
horriule 111:111 nui when Noriunn was
thrown into ti if lunula.
Af it r liis capture hy the riotoru, from
wlunn l.i took the captive, tho miHnionnry
wns stripped hy the retinue of I.I and n
collar of lion faatened to bin neck. A
short I'liitiu was attached itnd he whs
tethered to u make. The Chinese men,
women mid children then poked nhnrp
etii'ks into tit a fleiih and jabbed him with
tridents. When lie Hank down, weak
with the loss of blood and half crazed by
the invfn torture, and wmh uimblo to yet
upon hiu knees evun, tho uhain heiny
mailt) too abort, he ntnuigjed elowlv.
.Molten lead was then thrown on hiu
mull' body mid a R ho writhed in agony,
lit! was Htithbed to death. Hiu body wns
cut to piecee.
Kobmson, the other mibHtonnry, wiih
slaughtered without being ho tone, in ng
ony. Himviih out down by n mob itnd
hacked to pieeeti almost Inatitntly. A
niunhur of tho miNuion converts wore
slaughtered. Some wore nt-ked to re
cant and lbo8i) who did no to tmvo their
lives wort- middled itnd bridled and forced
to crawl to the temple hlolH.
ItltiMl 1'ny Mm ii fur Ten.
Ki:w YoitK, July 10 Already tho
tronlilea in China have given l ine to re
ports of a probable increase in the price
ol ten mid thuro in littlo reason to doubt
that I'llhrtB will hi; made to induce lea
drhikura to pay moro for their beverage
than thuy have been doint', even if the
dinirdor now prevailing in tho northern
part of China does not, a'preud to tho
south, where the ten lleldfl are.
Hut nnluHH tho IloserH tlo succeed in
inducing the Bonthern provinces to j tin
in thi' anti-foreign outbreak, tt doc not
stum probable, ho niaiiy inereliantH way
that tiio tea oron of China can ho MirloiiH
ly nU'eeli'd. Tho iiativeH who rnifii ten
will he jiiNt na anxious to bell it iib ever,
mid tin- homo market cannot oont-nnio it
all, oven in the most favorable circum
Retiring from
Closing out my Entire Stook
Regardless of Cost.
Hry C.oods, Clothinir, llootn and Shoes, at much lesF than wholesale
prices. Will sell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers.
Entire stook must be olosed out
before thirty days.
All uoodfl will bn oacrlficed except Thompson's Olove-llttlnn Corsets
"d llutietick Patturnu. Your prices will bo mine. Call early mid secure
Conior Second and Court Sts.
Another roaBon why tlioro should ho
-lit tlo (,'ennino ntrinj;oucy in the tea
market Ih the fact that Jndia nnrt'Ceylon
titj il Japan fnmlpli u lm part of tiio
wotld'n tea supply, and would grow
vamly larger crops than they tlo now,
were it not for the competition of cheap
China teaa. Still, if thia competition
Hhottld be removed by tho fprend of
anarchy antl war into the teu-g,rowinf:
provinces of China, there in every prob
ability that, prieea would advance tem
porarily , ut leant, and thin would prob
ably result in America in a larc.o drop in
the consumption of tea.
Nevertheless, for some reason or other,
there has teeently been u marked ad
vance in the wholesale price of boiiio
unities of tea.
.mill. ir x It All.
London, July '20. Tho Shanghai cor
correspondent of the Daily Ux press savs:
"Jntt'iiM! indiiMtioii is felt hern at
the honors in 1 1 onir Kong that liave
been accorded to Li 1 1 u rip Chung, who
is looked upon in Shmiyhni as the
originator of the whole fiendish ami-
fnruign pint.
"A Chinete merciuiut who has just
arrived from I'okin yives liorrible details
of tlio imtssacre. Ilo says ho suw Eu
ropean women hauled into the street by
shrieking Iloxers, who stripped them
and bucked them to pieces. Their dis
served limb!) were tossed to the crowd
and carried oil' with howls of triumph.
Some were already dead, having been
it tint by foreign civilians, lie says he
saw Chinese soldiers carrying the bodies
of white children aloft on their spears
while their companions shot at the
bodies. He gives other details too
horrible to be particularized here.
"KseeniH that the Poxer leaders had
organized u plan, including the od'ering
of rewards and ricti lout for tho annihi
lation of Europeans throughout China,
and that Prince Tumi's Boldio-s have
been einpliiisi.'in: the opportunity the
soldiers have hud of Byiziiiy the bodies
of white women."
During last May an infant child of our
neighbor was millering form cholera in
fantum. Tin doctors hud given up all
hopes of recovery. I took u bottle of
Chinnbei Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy to the house, telling them
I felt euro it would do uood if used uc
cordiiiL' to directions. In two days time
tlio child had fully recovered. The child
is now vigorous anil healthy. I have re
commended this remedy frequently and
have never known it to fail. Mrs. Curtis
linker, Ilrookwaltor, Ohio. Sold by
Hlakoley it Houtihton.
A ti'iinl Clinch Alxiliiiliiit.
Many thousands have been icstored to
health mid happiness by the use of
Chamberlain's Couith Remedy. If af
Hided with any throat or Iuiik trouble,
t!lvo it a trial for it is certain to prove
beneficial. CoukIih that have resisted
all other treat nieiit for years, have yielded
to tliiH lemi'dy and purfecl health been
restored. Caces that seemed hopeles-,
that the climatetif anions health icsorts
failed to beiielit, have been permanently
ctiteil hy its nsu. Fur mlo by Hlakeley
& Houghton.
Clark A Folk's drug
fresh mid complete.
stock is now
Has Given the Chinese Minister at St.
Petersburg His "Walking Papers"
anil Will Probably Soon Have an
Army Marching on Pckin.
Nuw Youk, Julv 10. A dispatch to
tho Journal and Advertieerfrom London
says: Tho Chinese invasion of the Amur
province is equivalent to a declaration of
war at?tlr8i Russia, which, construing it
as such, has handed the Chinese envoy
at St. Petersburg his passports today and
requested him to leave the country, along
with tlio members of his mistion.
The importance of this Chinese decla
ration of war against Russia, and of this
bold invasion of Rmsian territory, lies
in the fact, as the mutter now ttttnd?,
that it virtually releases the Czar from
his obligations to tho foreign powers to
act in concert with them in China, lit
is placed thereby in a position to act in
dependently, not only with reference to
defence of his dominions against the
Chinese invasion, but also as regards
the carrying of war into the enemy's
country and an eventual march upon
Should u Russian tinny, proc-edinc
from Siberia, ri-Hch l'ekin and captute it
before the allies could got to it from the
j Pacific Coast, tho Czar would be utile to
dictato terms to China independently ol
the other powers, antl without any re
gard to their wishes, virtually eetablish
itiir himself. as master of the country.
Tho Rrilish and German governments,
alarmed at the idea of title eventually,
have today decided to abandon the policy
which they have pursued until now and
to declare war upon the Chineso govern
merit, thus placing themselves in line
with Russia and France and the Uniteil
States is expected to follow suit im
mediately. France has, indeed, already issued, to
day, a decree forbidding the sale of arms
or war material of any kind to the
ChineBO, while Gertnuny bus already
prohibited the Chinyse envoy at Berlin
frotn communicating with his govern
ment except through the German foieiun
oflice, and is preparing to give him his
passports. Here in London, the Chinese
minister has already packed all belong
ings, removed hi boys from the schools
and cancelled all his entragetnents, so as
to be ready for immediate departure.
In addition to thecorps of the imperial
Chinese army, which has invaded Siberia
witli orders to drive all foieigners out of
the rich gold-bt'iiring Amur province of
the, there are live other corps, one
of which is engaged in destroying the
Russian railroad in Manchuria and in
driving all the foieigners, especially the
Russians, fiom the northern portion of
the empirt; another is to occupy the
roads between l'ekin and Sham Ilai
Kwan ; yet another is to concentrate at
Nanking, while columns aie being direct
ed in hot haste to Tien Tsin, to tho hol
ders of Corea and to tho neighboihood
of Shanghai.
Altogether tho Pekin government is
estimated to have under anus at the
present moment no less than 1 ,000,0011
men, splendidly equipped with Mauser
ritles, smokeless powder and quick-tiring
oidinanee, antl carefully trained under
the direction of Danish and German
ollleers. Thia huge" army iu under the
orders of Princo Tuan.
In addition to this, there- is tho Chi
nese fleet, reconstructed and reorganized
since the war with Japan, and eouipris
inu fifteen tirst-elass cruiseis of the very
latest type. These are eruicing about
tho Yellow him, with their decks cleared
for action.
Inasmuch as live vessels of the allied
fleet, ineludiiii the British battle-ship
Terrible, are cruising about in the same
waters, ri'cuiiiiolteriiig various towns
anil forts and inviting the hitter to open
(Uo upon them, news may be expected
at any moment ot a naval battle,
Mue other foreign men-of-war mo at
anchor of Shanghai, with the object of
assisting iu the defense of that city in
tlio event of its being attacked by the
big Chinese army, winch In now within
one day's match of the place.
Tlio Oroisua Will Hiioii llttiurii to Tuku.
I Washington, July 10. The navy do'
p.irtment this morning received the fol
lowing cablegram from Cuptiiin Wilde, j
onrnmrtndur of the Oregon, dated Kure, j
July 18th: j
"Secretary of Navy, Washington :
Oregon and Nashvi'lo arrived at Kure at
2 o'clock I hia afternoon. Expect '0
dock on trie 19th. Shall I make porma- ;
nent or temporary repairs? I would j
siugest putting on steel patches, which ,
can be tione in a very snort nine, ami
ship io hack to her duty at Taku. To
make permanent repairs it will require
ntlea-t sixty dais, probably more. Not
a single man injured in any way.
To this dispatch Secietary Long at
ence replied aa follows:
"Universal rejoicing over safety of
Oregon. She is the Constitution of this
generation. If safety of Oregon per
mits, patch and go to Taku. I com
mend your preference for service there.
I'ri'ventril h 1 rncfily.
Timely information given Mrs. George
Long, of Now Straitsville, Ohio, pre
vented a dreadful tragedy and saved two
lives. A ftiu'Dlful cough had long kept
her awake every night. She had tried
many remedies and doctors but eteadtly
grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's
New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured
her, and she writes this marvelous
medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe
attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are
positivo proof of the matchless merit of
this grand remedy for curing all throat,
chest mid lung troubles. Only oOo and
$1 00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial
bottles free at P.lakeley & Houghton's
Drugstore. 0
htury of n Slave,
To be bound hand midfoot for yeae
by the chains of disease is the worst
torm of slavery. George D. Williams, of
Manchester, Mich., tells how such a
slave was made free. He Eays: "My
wife has been so helpless tor five years
that Ehe could not turn over in bed alone.
After using two bottles of Electric
Bitters, slieis wonderfully improved and
able to do her own work." Thi9 supreme
remedy for female diseases quickly cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
headache, backache, fainting and dizzy
spells. This miracle working medicine
is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down
people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only
60 cents. Sold by Bhikelev & Houghton
Druggists, 0
Ladies tan low shoes only 00 cents
the Now York Cash store.
Orders by telephone or otherwise are
promptly filled at the McNeal market.
A fresh euoply of Liwney'a chocolates
received today at Bhtkeley'e pharmacy.
Clarke & Falls have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
Paint your house with paints Unit are j
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk j
have them.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are
famous little pills tor liver and bowel
troubles. Never gripe.
If you intend to take a trip Kast, ask
vour ticket agent to route you via The
Great Wabash, a modem and up-to-date
lailmad iu every particular.
Through trains from Chicago, Kmsas
City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York
and New England points. All trains
tun via Niagara Fulls und.every through
train has free reclining chair cars, sleep
ing and dining cart-.
Stop over allowed on all tickets tit Ni
agara Falls. Ross C.,
Pacific Coast Pass, Agt.,
Los Angeles, Calif.
O. S. Ouani:, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo.
For the convenience of parties want
ing ice in the afternoons, tho Statlclmaii
Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store,
corner Thiid and Washington etrcete.
Phone No. 107; long distance 1SU.
"Ring 'em up." lSui-tf
Clarke & Full; h.iyu icceived a carload
of the celebrated Jauie E. Pattoii
strictly pure liquid paints
VI' ant ill, liiumil lately,
A good liariiesa.inaker. Apply to
II. Krauei), of Wasco, Or. j'Mf.
Chirk & Falk tiro never uloso.l Sunday
Don't forget this.
You will not have boils if you take
Clarke Sr. Falk'-' sure cure for bolls,
Subscribe (or The Chrouicle.
Such, as these are not to be had every day
can be found sssstjs
oOc Shirt Waists 30c
75c Shirt Wait- .. .! 49c
Shirt "Waists worth from 1 to $2.50 90C
35c Washable Skirts 19C
05c, 75c and 1.00 Washable Skirts 49c
1.25, $1.50, 2.00 and $2.25 Washable Skirts.... 98c
$2.75, $3.00 and $3.50 Washable Skirts $1.78
Sale hours from S:30 a. in. to 8:00 p. ui.
..Clothing Department..
Sale of Men's Trousers.
2, $2.25, $2.50, and $3 Trousers
$3, $3.50, !, 5 and $G Trousers
Hat Department.
$2.50 " Big Bear " Hats $1.68
$3.50 " Lion " Hals $2.50
$5.00 " Stetson " Hats $3.35
...Geo. C. Berkeley...
Successor to Blakeley & Houghton,
oiesale : and
Largest Stook of Drugs
in eastern urogou
Country " and
175 Second St.
State Slotmal School,
Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900.
The hluiU'iiU of the Nortoul School me pieiutred to take tlio Stnto CortttU'atu inuiicdlutoly on
(iradimUMrciidlty n-puroKooU positions, Kxpenso of year from fid) to f 150.
BIiouk Aeacli'iiilo Hint I'rodsloaiil Uoune, Now t$iei'htl Dvpurturc In Mutiual Tniluliig
Vu'lU'ijutpi'i'il I'tiilnlng Pcjiiirttauov,
For eiitalogui! continuing full iiiiuounceiueiiU iiddrcsa
1'. h. C'AMPllKi.h, I'mldetit. or W. A, WANK, Secretary o( Faculty.
: Retail : Druggist
and Druggists' Sundries j
JVlail h Orders 1
Phono 30O.
i v v i v t v ir i v T v i v it is v