!! 11 ni ECZEMA SATANIC ITCH. This most ainrrav.it ini: ntul tormcntine of all skin diseases is caused br nil acid condition of the blood, and unless relieved throuch certain instrumentalities too much I of this acid poison reaches the skin and it becomes red and inflamed. The itching and burning are almost unbearable, especially when overheated from any cause. The skin seems on fire, sleep or rest is impossible, the desperate sufferer, regardless of consequences, scratches until strength is exhausted. This burninc itchiutr humor anucars sometimes in little nustules. discharging a sticky fluid, which forms crusts and scales. Again the skin is dry, hard and fissured, itches intensely, bleeds and scabs over. This is n painful and stubborn form of the disease. While Hczema, Tetter, Krysipelas, Salt Rheum and many like troubles are spoken of as diseases of the skin, they are really blood diseases, because THERE CAN BE NO EXTERNAL IRRITATION WITHOUT AN INTERNAL CAUSE. If the blood is in a pure, healthy condition, no poisonous elements can reach the skin. Uxtcrnal applications of washes, lotions and salves sometimes mitigate the itching and soothe the inflammation, but cannot reach the disease. Only S. S. S., the real blood medicine, can do this. akin troubles. It goes direct to the seat of the disease! neutralizes the acids and cleanses the blood, reinforces and invigorates 1 nil the organs, and thus clears the system of all impurities through the natural channels ; the skin relieved, all inflammation . ' . t .It ' f I . . .1. " 5 ! - UUSllies, anu an siyns ui um uimxisc urapjicar, Mr.. I.efa 51. IIofTmin, of Cardington, Ohio, says she was afflicted with Scrofulous sores anil Hczsma from birth. Iter face at times became so badly swollen that she was not rccocnizable, ami her limbs and liantU were very sore. She wa treated ! nil the doctors in town without being benefitted, and in her researches for relief, was told by mi old physician to take S. S. S. She followed his advice and was romptly cured, and hss never had n return of the disease. This was seventeen vearsauo. She sincerely elieves she would have leen in her grave rears ago but for S. S. S., and adds, what it has done for me it will do for others." Send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases, and write our physicians fully about vour case; they will cheerfully give any information or advice wanted. We make no charge for this. Address, Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. DRPAttT R.&NL VlKit MHll p. ni. Atlantic Kxpre?s 12:011 h. in. VI Hunt listen. Spokane Mall mill Express .m mm. sss 9.23 p. 111. 8 . in. TIIIR scitKnutat. KllOM DALI.K9. Salt Lake, Denver, Kt, Worth, Omaha, Kau nas City, St. xius Chicago mul Hast. Putt Uiko, Denver, Ft. worth, Oiiinliii, Kim stis tlltv, 8t. Until. Chicago mid Kast. Wnllii Walla, ffpo'c.tne, llIUIt'HH)lH. CU. 141111, llllltlMl. Mlliwillfcpo. (Uilracn mill Hast, via Srokaneiikil IIu n Unu t ii 1 1 ; utto nil )hiiiI 111 1 Washington null Kast- em uregon. Aim'.VK KltOM Kat Mill 18:80 p m 1 : 15 n. m. Bpokano Mull mid ll.tpross l:31 u. in " From ('oktmnd. l p. ni. ocean ! ton in imps. For bun l'r.mrtsro livery Five Days. The Dalles Daily Ghnoniele. Tlinnlt Tram II.i wnli.in-, "V.eui.Ntnox, Julv IS. Th-J t resident lias received the foliowiiivr letter: I .-0 "Honolulu, Jim :?0, 1000. To Mi Excellency, William MrdCi.nley, pierl dent, nii'l eiui2iei of the Uuitrd fiute of America GreetniL' : Tim native Hawaiian citizj:;-; ot the lurrito'v of Hawaii send their ureetinp; thev wish "to express to you ihoir appreciation anil timtikr for the literal laws which the congress ha-! enacted for tins territory of Hawaii, anil which your excellency hue approved on the 30th day of April last. Wo further xtend our good wi-lien to your excellency, to tlio congress and the people of America. Respectfully yours, "D. K:i!:iuo!;altini, James IC. ICauh.i, Robert W. Wilcox, national committee." N Or R S Stop and see them. The bent Sewing Machine on the market for the least price. P in For m cash or on time. 8 p, ni. i i p. in. Kx.sunilny Columbia Ilv. Stp.imcr,!Kx.Siiuilaj 'To AsTOitlA and Wuyl flaf.irdny ' Ijinillngs. 10 p. m. : fin. m. I Wiixaukttk UlVKH. 1:39p.m. Ux.bundrt-! Oregon City. Newlieig.'lix.hunita Salem : Way Land's. 7 a. m, 'WttLAMfTTK and Yam- H.S0 p.m. Tues.Tiiur. iijl:. ittVKiis. Mon.AVeii and tut. i Oregon (lit, Dayton, mid Fii. uiul Wiiy-Umilliigs. I a- itlparln daliy t 1 i a. m. i Shakt. ltivcit. Itipuriu to iiwistun. ! I.EIVS I.i:w!sto;i - dally ii.OOa. m. 8l M s si SSIG 00, mr-f-z i T I r r M "A 5 1 't 1 (1 as The Chronicle, Tho notion, Ok. dob Printers. t :iiilirittlttiiliittttrriiiYlVi(Tllillkn'i7flf iftiuilllflk 1 k jii'ttMiiViirri iiririrb HOOK & Culnrrh (Janimt lie L'uriil- with local applications, as they cannot reach the eeat of this disease. Catarrli ia a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you mu-!t taku inter nal teuieilies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intornuliy, and aet3 directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia not a qtincl: medicine. It was was prescribed by onu of tho beat physiciuns in this country for ye-a, and is a regular piescription. It h composed of the best tonica known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly I on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two ingredients ia j what produces such wonderful results in j curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, j free. F. J. CiinsnY & Co,, I'rops., Toledo O Sold by driiiLigi.-ts, pi ice 7ic. Ilall'a Family nils aro the best. 12 if L NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. ! Magnificent Scenery. Pure Air and Water. Perfect Rest A MANSION IN THE SKIES. Kuvvonr tickets from tho MOUNTAIN STAGE & LIVEUY COM PANY, Hood River, Oregon. jlyl' I ruriics de'lruiK to en to lleppi.er or I point on Columbia Southern via l)i).'it, should ! take No. :!. leavlni: Hie Dalits at l' 40 n. in. i inakiiiffiilrcct Cdnnecllons at Ileppsierjiiiiellou , n nil ris:ss llcuirulnj; liintiliiHdirinteonncctiou I , at in ppner junetloii mul nines wttli No. l.nr i nvi.is nt tne Danes at l'J-so p. in. I'V full particulars call im O, It. N. t'o.'s Rgeiit The Dulles, or adilreis W. II. IIDllUU'llT, (ion fas, Aitt., l'ortland. Or, SOUTH and EAST via i uDUiifD Fi 1'rliiOH Tiiuu'ii Army. t'T. I'ktkksuubo, July 18. A dispatch irorn Clie tfiio t.iye: Prince Tuan has moliilizeil 150.C00 nun, divided difi'erenr corps, Tim northern corps lias iieen orilend to expel foreijrnere from Amur. Tlio I'eltln tnmv ia divided into (our corpH, ihe first of which is to oper ate againi-i Mukden and cccupy the roads between Pekin and Shan Hai Kuan; tho second ia to concentrate at Tien TVm, ami tho third at Pekin, whence a column numberinc 10,000 will bo gent to Wu! Hai Wei and Tsln Tau, while the fourth corps will concentrate at Nankin Ttiero are now 123,000 Jap anese tronpoiii China. I'mveuteil a liaeily, Timely information given Mrs. George Loiifr, of Ntnv .Straitaville, Ohio, pre .vented a itreudfiii tragedy and saved two lives. A fiiL.'htliil coiiith had lone kept iter nwako every niht. Sho had tried many remedies nnd doctors but steadily grow worm until urged to try Dr. King's 2Jew Didfovery. Ono bottlo wholly cured her, and sho writca this marvelous medicinii nltn cured .Mr. Ijongof a eevrfro attack of Pneumonia, Such cures aro positivu proof of tlio matclilees'inerit of tliii) is rand remedy for curing all throat, chest iiinl lung troubles. Only 50c and $1 00. Every bottlo guaranteed. Trial bottles fren at Jtlakeley & Houghton's Drug Slore. 0 It Huvrtl Ulfc I.CL". P. A. D-wiforth, of LnGrande, Ga,, suffered inteiisLdy for six months with a frightful running eore on his leg, but writes that Hucltleu'e Arnica rJalvo wholly en red it in ten dVH. For Ulcers, Wound, Hume, Dolls, Pain or Piles it's! tho best salve in tho world. Cine guar anteed. Only 25c. Bold by Hlakeley & Houghton druggists. 0 Clillilrcn for Adoption. Twin girl babes 5 months old ; one) ! girl babe, 1 month; ono girl U years ; f j ono boy 1 year; one hoy 2 years, ono 'boy 9 yeirs. Aiwly to I. 1. Tobey, superinteiidtnt Children's Home S'ici , ety. Tlio superintendent will ba in The 1 Dalles this wfel: and will receive writttn ' applications at tbN ofTico. Tho law holds both maker and eir- I f.nl.il.ir rt i r.nn nlurfnt 1 nr. n.ilt.t i.nillt. intO W......W i.v v.j,.-. .... Iho dealer who sells you a Uangerous counterfeit of DeWitt's Witch Uw Salve risks your life to make a little larger profit. Yon can not trust hi ti. DeWitt's Is the only genuine and original Witch Hazel Salvo, a well known euro for piles and all skin dieases. See thai your dealer gives you DeWittV Salve. lllHimirck'H Iron .Nnrvo Was the result o( his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found whero elomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If you want theso qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's Now Life Pills. Thoy develop every power o! brain and body. Only 2oc at Hlakeley & Houghton's drugstore. 0 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ill E iiiii; Shasta Route Trains leave Tho Dalles for l'ortl.tnd and way tiitioiih at l.o a. in, unit p. in. Leave I'ortlanil.. " Albany.. 8:S0n in .12.30a in Arrive Aslilanil U:.Tia in " SauraiiiMitu 0:00 pm " Hun l'riiiieitco 7;fj p in Atilvc Oftilou " Denver " Kntif..it:lty. " C'lile.t'40 .... 5:1 1 a m . U:i a m 7:-iri u in 7:15a m Jesighs CopvniQHTs &c. Anrononrmll a kclf li nn:l li'BCiint..in ma nul l;lr iiai'rimii mir cri' iua fico wiiillier o ln. 'itlim l.i prul.ii' y pun nt. Wo. ' "Mimnilcr ilfiiiJtr'.oilyciiitJileiitlil, Handbook en I'atcntt n'lit lieu. l li-st i!!;pric- for I'cciiriiiK pattiuta. I'.uci.ta taken t irouzh Muni (.'o. reteWu fftcl.ll actlc!', wlHioutc'inro, lutbo A hamW.Tnoly HlutralP't wocUl)'. I.nrirot rtr fill.itl.iii of anv Kclciitiui! iurii.il, 'j "Tina, 1 1 a F'ir: lour piontba, ?1. iJ&M ly.ill nowtdcalcr'. liianch Ofilcu. If tt-. 7.i9ijiotou. D. I' O. T. .SMITH, Osteopath. Kooms 10 anil U, Chapman Mock, The Dallei Oregon. Tuetilnj s and Krldnys, 8 a. ra. to 1.'. luaylS-lin "am lit Vour cncniit. All coutitv warrants rcgiatorcd prior to Aug. 1, 1890, will bo paid at my oflico. Interest ceases after Juno 30, 1000. J. F. IlAMi-iimti:, Oonntv Treasuror. Go to the Columbia River Ice & Fuel Co., for pure natural ice. Phono 33 or 81 lon distance), 75 or 8 Scuff rl & Condon. 8 ibacribe for Tho Chronicle. Ilh.iB been demonstrated by experience that com-umptinn can bo prevented by tho early nm of Ono MimUoCongh Cure. 'This is the favorite remedy for cauuhs, coIiIf, ciinip, Hsthinn, grippe nnd all -IJjroaL and lunj troublee. CureBqulckly. lAffiASE 1 yj hcliis the tcim. Saves we ir ami OWE FOR A DOSE r)R'rc'"o I'inpbi, Vr-vrni I 1 1 loi ti eat, I'uri i y I h i li I rt . iuru llor.Jsfho tit, 1 Dyi)t.t,ii. so, favia bt MnetM-i. Oft. 'J03A:h co Phil IV . T. MCOKK. JOHN OAVIM mom & gayin, A'lTOH.N'KYH AT J.AW Uooms.TJainl 40, over U. S. IjiiuI Oflli-e. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItarHflclallV1lifAataflin,.loJ l.l iVaturo in strengthen! nrf nnrl mnnn. , Btructlnp tlio exhausted dlKestlve or-! fans. It Is tlio latesbdlscovered dlirest-1 nuuuuu mini;, vtu oilier preparation can approach It in elllclency. It in-; stantly relieves and permanently cures ' Anivo hos Anceies . . ' Kl I'.tko " I'ort Worth... " City of .Mexico . ' Hointon " .New Orltiini . " WaihliiKtoti ... " :.'tv. Vort . 1 :f 0 p m fi:00 p in .. G.:Waiii .. 9:M m . I.KIll in . :u in . G:Un m .12-13 pin 7:tti p in 10:60 p m Jl:."0n m I M'i n in 8:1,) u in 1 1 : li n in J:ma in 7 :'i) n in y:"0 ii in 7:00 a m (1:00 p m 'J:.i a ni 1 :00 a in u;'J) p in 0-U n m U-tt p m Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for .Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, S?m?I!l!"eed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- toil "loiir '"fl '''l,,,r ,H manufactured exprosHly for fitmllj ' tiFu: uvory wick in uarantoud to iiivti Katinfaction. A Wu Bell our yoodo lower than any hoiifiti in the trade, and if you don't think so call nnd et our pricoa and bu convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wh-aa.t, Barley and Oats. t'uuwii.i mill Toinlst earn on both traiin. Chair lure SULT.linimlo In Dirilon nml I'l I1, ii.i and tomht cnih id chlciiKO, Ht Louie, New Or-Ii-nnt. inn! Vi'iishinutoii. t'oiiiivcllinr at Sail rrautirco with siiveral ttoaiiiitlilp Unci for lloiiolulii, Japan, china, i Jiijijiiui;a, ivillllll 11I1U iTOIIlll .IIlvIlCa. bec iiijuiit at Tho Dalles station, or nd'IrtM C. II. MARK HAM, fioucmt I'usbuigcr .geiit, I'ottlnua, Or Norto Paic Yellowstone Park Line. T1IK DLS'lNti (JAR KOl'TK J'itOM 1'OHTI.ASI) TO THE 1JAST. THK ONI.V DlltKCTU.Nj: TOTHK VKM.OW 810.Ni: I'AltK tiHvi;. No, 11:15 A.M. No. 1. U;50 V. 51, Union Depot, Firth audi sis AKIUVE. No. I Kant mall (orTaeoma,, fuiiuii;, wiyniiiu, urny N Huthorimil Kouth llcinl poiutt, Hpokmic, llOSB-1 IlllHl, , C',, l'lllllllllll, Jlon-nw, IBulltoil, Hlif- fnloUuiiipuiinliitfoouii., OiM P. M, try, IlcU-nii, Mhiiu'iipo.l Us, HI. l'mil, Oiniihii,! Kiuihii!. CUy, 8t. Ixju1,. ChluiiKo nuil all points' cat and koulhi'iist. No, :i, I'llL'et Hounil Kxiirnxi;! for Tmcoiiiii anil Hcattloi 7:00 A, l, nii'l liiU'riacillatu points' hcliw the team. Saves we ir nad expense, hold every wlicic, fi HAiir. in- fi? . OTANBAHU OIL CO. rt&J'jl Clark A Falk'a drug Btock h now, fresh and complete. uygpeps a. Flatulence. Indlgeatlon, Heartburn, SlckIIeaaaclie,Ga.straIgla,cVamp8,an(i imotherresuHsoflrnperfe'ctdlRestlon. -.wnumo py t. vi. ueym. Co.. Crjlcago. (Jlarko & Falk's flavoring oxtructs ato tlio boat. Ask your urocer for thorn. l'lllllllllll fll.t.rliKj mill lA.irl.t ul, ....... ... .Mliilii'piil,st. Paul unit ilUnouti river poliitH Mllhollt r-hiiiiuo. ' ViiMlbitleil trulns. Dillon Ucjot coiiucctloiis In all principal cltlor. lliiuunvo chirkiKt In ilostlnnllnri nt ii-.b,.iu ror huniloiiicly llliuiiatiililcKrlptlvoinatter. wrtto lcv,,l"B ,:ur '"wutloiu, tie,, call on or A. D. CHARLTON, AkWklaiittii'iicriil t'abtfiiKir Atrcnt. JM Jlorrl him trwt,cojw Tlilnl, I'ortluud, UrcRon. $ i .oo per month. Strictly first class local and lone dislaiico telupliono eotvico within your hoinu. Lines do not cro"s-tall:. Vour con vwation will bu Itupt a secret. No cost for liiHtallimr. Yon trot the Hlandard Hiiiinini,' Louu DiHtunl Instruiiifiit. ContinuoiH day and nii;ht norvico. Wo will accept your contract for ton years and allow you toonucol p.'imo on KivhiK 8 thirty days writ ten nolico, PACIFIC' STATES TELEPHONE COS. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy G-rooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer oer. I to Good Dressers.... 1 T. BR0WNHILL, JUSTICE OF THK PKAOE. Nolnry I'liolio. Collections promptly nttontltd !? Ji,0'?? f, lo,, - K Uftywrd'a of (Jco, 1 ho Dalleu, Oregou. i t'Xtomi n cnniial Invitation to all to iiiHpecl tho enmnlns nf Eftow.'" 1 10 H0WN TA1L0,tlNG CO.uiIlcaijo 'a' ramous Cu". Suits to Measure, $8.75 up. Fit, workmanship and entire aatlafiictlon uuftranteed. JOHN PASHEK, Merohant Tailor, Agent. JJ Subscribe for the Chronicle.