Regular Prices Cut Jt3 Deeply and Remorselessly. Onlv nun thought la behind thiH TRADE COMI'KIXINTt K A 115. mid that Ih, to mulct! ,ru'n ihnt will po Hwi'iip Hvorythlnt! Imforo iht-iri Ilk i mi Alplnn n valiincliK ; bo wo print in t) i tr let i,th tin) small ptirup, bo every eye will bo en el uieil by thorn ; &S.85, $5.85, $6.85, $9.85, $10.85, $12.85 Your choice of $0.50, $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15 and $20 ....SUMMER SUITS.... Yin, repent It ; lot tin prieou burn In your nil1 1 nry, for tlio rcuiilivr prices on thu suits nine. i'ii from -f(!.00 to $i!0; but thu lug business this Hiiis-n tii out Into tlio rcctilnr lines tliut wn liiivo ..Miiti'iI together till tlio broken lotp, iintl snid u ill u h thought of present profits or iiiiything i hi-nut n quick riddance): $3.85, $5.85, $6.85, $9.85, $10.85, $12.85 Tlu'Bi! uro all sizaa of HlyliHli Siiminor Suit n of v ireteda, cii-Himeres, 'oxfords, tjvoeds, cheviots, series mill Htripcil flannel. Kvitv suit. Ih sewed witli ptirodyo silk, and nil liuvo pure mohair serto mil Parmer's Hiitlu lining. Ciiiiic today; co m it instantly, and cot ut 11 ii icuhiUH price u Sutiiini'r Suit "that'll give you a a i- ni of splendid service for remember: "What wo say wo do, wo DO do." Scar bo ro Cords-,, Special for Saturday Only 1000 yds. at per yd QC per yd Tlio Searboro Cord? are a close re production of one of the latest foreign Wash Fabrics, boing almost the ex act equivalent In quality and stylo, yet oilered at a price in comparison that is sui'i risingly low. Real value, 8c. Saturday only, 3c. This is a bid money A simple business proposition of offering you $1.00 fop 75e "We want to clean out all TAN SHOES this season. We have cut prices to make them go. All $5.00 values go at $3 75 All $4.00 values go at.., 3 00 All $3.00 values go at 2 00 All $2.50 values go at 2 00 All $2 00 values go at 1 50 All $1.50 values go at 1 00 All $1.00 values go at , t 75 See our show window for best evi dence of genuine bargains. This sale includes all Tan Shoes except 2ueen Quality Shoes. All CootlB Mnrkotl in Plain Flffuron. PEASE & MAYS v "A Dslles Daily Ghponicle, 7We;inm' No. 1. Tilt Ii - DA Y - - - JULY 1!), HUH) ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODS At Andrew Kiillcn-'s. . . WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Hi - i nt'xt .Saturday at A, M. W 1 I' u C'o'h. 1 in- ' (mi oxfords Mh'ib : to 5 only Si' c-!.: tlio Sow York Gash Store. 'I.c r.m of tniiuitgn visiting Pacific ci ) ; m ii in May thin vt'iir over' that of tin , moiith of J8i)9 wiih IIO.OD.S. A' "ii' 27,500 tons of tin pinion uro ui"' i,i; rim Pacific oast yi'arly in oan ll'llt - vl.tiou. D t llmklo nuivml in town yeatcr d y I'i'n 10,01)0 pounds of wool belong iiif to .loliu Dovinc, of I.eo, Crook WHJll v, rv woman lu town will bo there ii"x Siturday. WhuruY At A. M. Wi ni ,v Ci.'h. Wliat'H tlio roaeon? dr ..!iftH woith to ''.)() for 90b. M . .Ins. T. Peters rocidvi'd a tolentam h)l fiuiii Baltimore advising him of tli- 'li'.iih ()f inothor at that plai'o vi'H-.M.hy at tho advanced ago of 80 ye i Ti . Yiihinm Wool Growcin' Aeaooin lio liit" lnjiin holding regular henii ,Mk"' '''' sales dayii at North Yakima, Wiisli. At tho lirat salu 1150 bales of wool Hold to u Han Francisco firm for " I'entii. I.arv Monday morning th" postufllco t Wallulu wue broken Into und robbed of ul'oiit $iiri In oiihIi. A ntoro in the 8 'in loom wiip nlijo ndiove'il of Hi'veral wmiidH of tobucoo, and othur articleo erc nlm lakun. n r:r,,.i .....i.. f n.,,,1.,.. r v.i,.m a jrtll III tour'HiH arrived on' hint nlKht'ti boat and HJ'rt it ilie day vlHltlnir tlio rMiI.h of tlio V) ami ita fiUrroundlnKf. Tho party y'm Califoi nia failed to connect hut tuo jxpiett-d later on. A eoiiplo of yentfl m;o two Olynipla '"iiHli fariim'rs drove u fow pllefl to pro tl''r " Unli trap loeation. 'f hoy rceently wore paid $100,01)0, thin bein tho bill mice of $1.12,000,1110 prlco they asked far their lUliing "eliiim." 'i'l' ii k Malone, of Antelope, wiih until rulizi'd thin niornluif ly Jmln Urad. fllmw. Wu CiUllH t0 t, United Stiitea in ISM and took out Ida full oltl.on pupora ISO."!, hut had lost them, and liko '"liny othem, found It cinder to lako out lull citizen paperH u iiecoml timo than to "t ' certified copy of tlio original ; imperB. Hut wentlior Biiggestlona voflB, alpiiea coats nnd voate, llnun ornali Jt8, crush sultH, ekoleton lined coftte voate, ligUt woiglit blue serge coats nnd voHtB, white duel: trouper?, Ptrlpod flannel emit and pnntK. The new tiling. Any of tlio nbove mentioned lire ju?t the thing for t.hio hot weather and JVnso A Miivh are Belling ut nctiml cost. See windows. I.izzio Wakerkins, a olild of 11 years, wb brnuht to mwn hist tiitrht by her jiurtMily from ISoyd to have a finder at tended to by Dr. GreitondorfPer. Tlio idrl wiib playing yeaterday afternoon with other ehildieu around a header, and at a time when the middle linger of her ilgnt hand wna on the edi;n of the sicklu and between the Kiuirde, a piny mate cave the eicklo a jHrk that eovercd the (lueer near the middle joint. At !!:i!0 thiw afternoon tiio thonnnino lot in front of Hlukeley's drug store, in the nhndo of tho nwiiinr, stood at an evun bundled decrees. Another iiiGido Hood at 02. Tlirf wind all day has been (nun tho ent, which makes the heat all the moie oppiesHive. This paragraph ia written for tho special comfort of D.illen ilea who are camped by u nil mouuttiiii BtreauiB oi by tho blessed end fea wuvch. Two wolvee onco npied a lamb,wliicli had fitrayed from the, flock. "It is mine," paid one. "No, mine," tuiid the other, and while diBputmt; the lamb oiiee moio eiimo under tho eye of the watchful ahepherd don. Moral It ia not well to let a good thine flip while outlined in id!o eil'ort, nnd those neli kuo nnd iolf flhirla that I'eiiso & Mnyii two nellint; for f)0 eentn aro nearly all mine. Iti'unlnr price 75, t." and $1. Juat tho tliini: for tho holidays. Andrew Ganger, of Crate's Point, wns thrown from a wiigon ycateidny nnd re. ceived heveio cuts nnd bruiscfl over the eyes nnd face. While on hia way homo from The Halloa, and nt a point oppo site the Kllndt place, a wheal came oft' tho wiion mid Mr. Ganger was thiown violently to tho ground. Tho team ran fur enough to wreck the wniron into apliutorH mid llnnlly rnu up against a blull'of nicks, which stopped their pro ureeH. Mr. Gnni;er is over 70 year of iijju; but hia injuries, UioukIi painfl, nio not thought to bo soiioiis. A friend of TiinCiir.u.sit'u: wiitei us from Collins Lauding to say that the Collins' hut sprint! liiivo just ftieen opened nnd thnt the iipcomodtitioni uie nil thnt could bo desired. Among tioae now there uro Win. Hendriehs, ex-iVerk of Shoriiinu county, Attorney J. 1!. llos ford nnd Ji. K. Mooro of Moro, nnd UV. II. HiiKsdale, Bchool suporiutendentl ol Sherman county. A end accident le curred U tho Bnwmlll nenr I hero .Sunilny nfternoon, when Afgio l'Vont, nbijut fourteen yenrs of nue, who drowned in the hike. Sim with several otl or children wore playmu In " old bint nnd left it for tho saw-lotss, from wh eh they slipped Into the water. K A little after 1 o'clock today word ine received t the ofllco of the Oregon T de phone Company that a fire was rK np, auppoBedly in tlio wheat fields of SI er man county, in the neighborhood of he Woodworth ranch nenr Wnaco. So great was tho smoke and flame thVt luqulrlee were tnudo from Centervllle in Klickitat county, and from Rufns on the Columbia, asking if Tho Dalles was not on fire. A mass meotiup; was held at Wasco to organize nil the able bodied men in the town to e;o nnd filit she fire. A later niessr.sre from Wntco enid the in dications were that the fire was this side the Deschutes. Tho vinoko was plainly visible from bote, nnd some people with n keen K'tiee of smell said they could distinguish tho emel! of burnum stiaw Thu engineer on tlio no"ii w eft- bound pnssuiiKer train reported that wns rayinir in tho Walla Walla he passed through this morning. People said it had already destroyed 1000. acres of fltandinp t;rain, but to the engineer it uppeared as if five times that amount hud been destroyed. west- bound ! t n bi; firoi la valley ns I I.iilt't.1 rin!i l'roiti China. The latefit report of thu foreigners in Pekin is thnt they hnvo tnken refuge in Prince China's palace. The state de partment at WnshiiiKlon hna loceived a dispatch from Consul-Geiieml Fowler nt Che Foo enyinj; thotoveruor of Shun TutiK ited that hia courier left Putin July 9th. The foreinuerfl were still holding out, In the capturo of tho nntivo city of Tien Tutu by the allies, tho foieignnrs lost over 700 killed nnd wounded, the Jnpunesu beinK tho heaviest losers. Serious friction ia upi'in repoited to exist between tho allies, nnd Japan de lays the forwarding of reinforcements Germany, Kussin nnd Franco have come to an ngie.emeut legutding future nutlon in Chtnn. Ilnsaln will cany on n separate campaign against PeUin from the north. Tho Chinese troops thnt invaded Amur are eonceutrntint; on tho railway line between Aigon and Snjrhnlien. The Chinese empress ia alleged to have proposed to Japan a wholeeale masiiiicie of foreigners in both countries. Li Hung Chang ia said to hnvo been implicated lu tho aflair. Sliurhluu Cannon l!ull. BaughuiHU, a son of the pioneer naviga tor, nenr where tho light occurred. Baughman lives in Washington, oppo site Bonneville. For somo years he kept the ball in his house as a relic of the war of '50, but a few days n'jo he allowed Colonel UnAkins to take it and place it on exhibition in Portland, l'lCCiri.K CIWIINd ,INJ GDlNG. Mrs. II. S. Wilson left on this morn ing's boat for North Bench. C. W. Ilaight and wife went to Port land on Ill's morning's boat. .lis Jiessio Lang was a pa-senger on the noon train for Portland. Frank Menelee was n passenger on the belated mid-dav train fur Hooil River. Postumster H. II. Riddell and wife left on this morning's bunt for an outing at MolFatt Springs. ' State Senator G. II. Baker, of Gold endah', passed through ton today on hia w ay to Portland. I Sicliel, late a well-known merchant of I'rineville, arrived here on the noon train from Poi lliiud. Attorney Jayno and family left on the boat this "moriiing for an outing in the Wind River country. The Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has hcu in uso for ovor SO j-cars, has horno tho slfjfnalnro ot and has beenmadounuer his pcr- . sonal Hiincrvision since Kslnrancy. Allow no one to deceive you in tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ns-ffood" are hut Experiments that triilo with and endanger tho health of Inlauts and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria ig a harmless substitute for Costor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Bubstancc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of si The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CCNTAUR COMPANY, TT MUHBAV STREET. NEW YOI1K CITY. Alisa CHiidio Booth, who has. bet-n visiting hem for a few days, left, on this mot unit; a lJ01,t lor 'lt;r home in I'ort hmd. John Buker, a Well-to-do sheepman from Antone, Wheeler county, i j i n thu city looking after the tale of hie "clip of wool. W. T. Yountr, a mining nasayer from Siimptei', arrived hero today with tlio intention of spending the coming thri-L-wi-eks at the home of his father. in-law, M. ii. Miller, of Five Mile. Mi. Younu is a partner of Joles Bros, in tho placer mine at .Sand Gulch, Wheeler county. Tlio liest Iti-mcily for Stiiinatli unci i:rl Trouljlos. 'I have been in the dnii busintSi for twenty years and Jiave sold most all of ' the proprietary medicines of any note. ' Among the entire list I hnve never found ' anything to equul Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera anil Diarrhoea U"meilv for nil. stomach nnd bowel troubles," says O. W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Gn. "This remedv cured two severe oases of cholera morbus in my family and I have recom mended and sold hundreds of bottles of 1. If, till' fillklmiiQi Q tit I l.ritr uittiru at. tie. ' faction. It aU'.rds a quick and sure cure in a pleasant form." For sale by Blakelev A Houghton1. mniifi ft H mum n u n M U Ul kT lUlf Durins; last M.iy an infant child of our ' neighbor was stiHerini; form cholera in fantum. The doctors had eiven up nil hope? of recovery. I took a bottle t f Ctinmberlain't) Colic, CWiera ntid Dinr rhoea Itemedy to the h(.U;e, telliiii. them 1 I felt sure it would do eood if u-ed ac-, ordini: to directions. In two daB time 1 the child had fully recovered, i'he child t isnow vi!oro.i and healthy. I have re commended this remedy fri()ueully and j have never known it to fail. Mrs. Curtis Baker, Brookwnlter, Ohio. .Sold by j Blaheley & Houghton, Colonel L. L. Hawkins, of Portland, baa secured n prize for thu city museum in mi eighteen - pound cannon ball, which, undei tho personal direction of Geneial (then Lieutenant) Philip II. Sheriiluii. was fired at I ho miirnndni'. Vakimn Indiana when thev besieged the j on da-v I"' "Iiibitrd. I.loekho.ise at thn CaKi-a.h.s In tl, B1,rinL I I'lienwnnt and quail (11 kimls) nf I Still. After several ionti Inul I ipl; boen relieved by Colonel Steptoo nnd j m!,Je8' l"!oliiiiil Wri.rht. with thmr tioon. th ' ri" IIOliN. At 0 o'clock yesterday evening, to tho wile ot child. Mnishal Hughes, u stili born (Jllllle l.iitrK, At the lequest of the I.eaguo of Amer icnii .Spoitsuien we imblisli th follow ing synopais of the game laws pertaining to thnt pjrtion of the state east of the Cascade rnnge : Grouse It shall bo iinlnwfnl to kill, injure or destroy uny grouse nt any time between the 1st day of November nml tho 1st day of, August of -the following year. Killing of more than fifteen birds Shoot- killing or injuring prohibited ut all blockhouse was inveetcd, and Sheridan, with forty regulars and ten volunteers, went to its aid on thu steamer Belle. He landed on the Wnshingtou side, op posite Bonneville, nnd there met be tween 1100 nnd -100 Jiidtans, who drove Ida troops some dietnnco nnd killed one of his men. Ae the Indians carefully concealed themselves in the timber, Sheridan opened up on them with IiIb single cannon, und sent ball after ball crashing through the trees. Of all the balls .fired, only two were ever found. One was picked up years afterwards, but what became of it is not known, The second was found by John ,iino chicken Closed Reason be tween November 10th of ench year and SeptemLer 1st of the following year. Duck Cloted teason between Murch loth and September 1st of ench year. Elk Piohibiled to kill before Decem ber 1, 1010. Closed season between Novein- j her 1st of ech ear nud July 15th of the following yeur. Use of dogs prohibited. Sale prohibited, .Spotted fawn Unlawful to hunt or kill at uny time, All officers are gnine wardens nud will en fore the above laws. Stetson lints at 3.35 next Saturday at A. M. Williams & Co'. After nruiy Intricate experiments, scientists have diicoveied methods for obtaining all the natural digest.ints. These have been combined in tho pro portion found in the human boly and 1 united with Euhctnncea thnt build up the digestive organs, making u com pound called Ivodo! D spi-pr-in Cure. It diiiei-ts what y.iii eat nud allows all dyspeptics to eat plenty of nourishing food while the stomach troubles nru ! being radically cured by the medicinal J agents it coutnlus. It is plensiiut to i take nud will give quirk relief. A (..Mill Cloiixli M.illi'lno. Many thousands hnvo been restored to j health end happiness by llm u.-o of i Cliuiiiberlain's Coiiith Remedy. If nf- j llicted with any thro it or lung trouble,1 give it a trial for it is eeitain to prove j beneficial. Coughs that have resisted ( all other treatment fur ) ears, have yh l ied j to this lomcdy ami perfect health been , restored. Gaos II. tt seemed hopeless, j that tho e'imnto of f nii'iits biMith resorts j failed to bent lit, havebteu perinanent'y 1 cured by its use. For rale by Bhtkeloy 1 & Houghton, castoria! For Infants and Children. j The Kind You Hava Always Bought mm f Tho only store u this city where th( Genuine Imported Stransky-Stesi Ware 13 sold A little higher in prico, but outlasts a dozen piecesof so called cheap enani cled ware. Other wares look lias tho name StrnnsUy -'Stool Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First piizo nt 10 International Exhi bitions. IIiRhont award at Worlds Columbian Exlubi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by tho best cookinga,uthontiea, certified to by the most famous cheni ists for purity and durability it ia cheapest because BEST. Remember thia celebrated onnm eled wnro ia special ly imported for and sold in tlua city ex clusively by us. a It does not rust nor absorb grease, docs not discolor nor catch inside; is notafl'eotedhyucids in fruits or vegetables; will boil, stow, roast nud buko without imparting flavor o previously 0 o 0 k 0 d food and will Inst for years, ..OyO.. Wo cau tion tho. public against imitation Nasal Ciiluvrh qnieldy yields to trcat moiit hv Klv's (Jrnniii llnhn, v.'liiehis nuivo- tho ubly aiomatlo. It is receivod throiujh tho fj s 1 nostrils, cleanses nnd heals tho whole- mir- ro of LLaf?f&CU24 fftco over which it dilVuses itsolf. DruegistH soil tlio &uo. blzo; urini uizo oy niiiii, 10 cents. Test it nud you nro sure to coutluuo tho treatment, Announcement. To aceouuuodnto thoso Yho nro partial to tho uso ot atomizers in applying liquids into tho nasal passages for ctitawutl trou bles, tho proprietors preparo Cream ltnhn in liquid form, which will ho known ns Kly'u Liquid Cream Bului. Prico including tho spraying tube is 75 cents. Drugcists or by mull, 'i'ho liquid form embodies the med icinal properties of the solid preparation. $ Boars tho Sitjuutur iteiiivmlier That Chas. Stubling h still doing a retnil business at hia new place. He sells in quantities to suit nil customers, from one bottle to u .barrel, Family orders dellvere i promptly. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clurkc & Fulk.