The Dalles Daily Ghponiele. THURSDAY - JULY 10, 00 1'or l'tpslilont WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or unlit. For Vlci-rreslili'iit THEODORE HOOSEVELT, Of Niv Yoilt, The Kansas City convention at tempted to square a circle when it tried to construct a sound-muney-frce-silver platform anil nominate a pair ot free-silver-sound-money candidates. The two things will not mix. One is right and the other is wrong; and no amount of word jug gling, wool pulling, hedging or evasion deceive the people. Those who sincerely helicve in the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 10 to 1, without, await ing the aid or co-operation of any other nation on earth, should vote for Uryan, for he is pledged to that very thing. All other citizens of the republic, no matter what their previous political alllliations may Lave been, should and must unite against that financial heresy, which, if adopted, would plunge the country into a state of business nnaichy, such as Ins never been experienced by an people since the invention of coined mono-. Exports to Porto Rico in May have more than doubled as compared with the preceding May, and im ports from the island have nearly doubled. Exports to the island. fiom the United States in May. 1899, were $30f.;j(M, and in May, 1000, were G9G,-17D. The imports into the United States from the island in May, 1S99. were 04.7,179, and in May, 1900, 1,10:3,807. The May commerce with Poito Rico shows a much greater inciease than is' the case with any of the other islands. "With Cuba the commerce of May differed little from that of May, 1899, and this was also the case willr the Hawaiian islands; while in the Philippine islands the imports show no increase, though the exports show a remarkable gain. If yon do not like this hot weather, says an exchange, move on. Do not stand around ami grumble. This is God's country. There are .lenly of cooler spots in this Pacific northwest land, with mountains and lakes gaiore, where the heat Is not oppies sive and the air is cool and sweet. Take a pair of blankets, a slab of bacon, some flour and a match, and be an autocrat of tho forest, of the mountain, or of the lake. Do some thing during the hot months. Dream, or bathe, or fish. The fond dreamer loves the shore; the fat man loves the babbling brook, where he can fish and snore. Stripped of all glamor, the demo crats have entered upon a flag furling cnD'paign. They condemn expansion, yet welcome Hawaii, bo cause its one vote alone enables them to again attempt to overthrow the alittilo currency of the country. TLcy decry "imperialism," yet shout them selves hoarse over an Hawaiian "prince." They are welcome to all the votes and glory they can mnkc out of such duplicity and treachery, which will nauseate, hut never de ceive, the true American people. The failure of tho democrats to denounce the annexation of Hawaii was doubtless due to the fact that tho vote of Hawaii alone enabled them to rcvivo the 1C to 1 corpse. Mr. Uryan is opposed tolMulvinley becoming an emperor but he has no objection to himself being the most imperialistic boss American politics lias over known. PERTINENT PRESS COMMENT. 'That oyen door in China eeeivis to he BtifTin the hinge;," eufgeata the Seattle Times. The Tacoma News taya "It ban been uggested that Adlai'a letter of accept ance will read something like this: 'Sire Any old ratio with an $S00O sal iiry to it is kuoiI enough for me. Yours, Adlul.' " The democrat? daro not openly attack the administration for protecting Atni'r iean interi-sts In Chum, lint tlmy aie utteritijj co win illy iniitiuiiiliK-s, Intimat ing that tln:ro is potnethin;: mysterious about its policy. Yqnina H.iy Xewa. Sllvyr is advancing. It has found an inducement to k up by reason of the fact that theru ia a demand for it in China and some buying of Mexican dol lars for use in Manila. If silver is n merchantable article so easily fluctuated as that, what condition would it be in it' wo had free coinanu and were at the mercy of the world's stock of silver? "If the leaders of Uryaniam would but make a candid confession of aim and purpose," days the American Kconomiit, "it would read like this: 'We are knte deep in trust stocks pas, electricity, trnciion, steel, ice, etc. tint have got to have a party cry. We must cuss souietbiui:. The Philippine war is over ; the Porto Uico incindent didn't p.ui out much for us; the imperialism bugaboo has collided with past history of demo cratic policy and with the obvious purpose of McKinley to do the right tiling by our new hall nrothers ; tarifl" reform and free silver are has-beens. What can we do but make the most ot popular discontent with the trusts? We mint make the people thud: that the republicans and their tnriiF are respon sible for the trusts. Of course, we don't mean to harm our own folks, and so, when the republicans iu congress pro posed some practical nnti-triijt legisla tion, something real and definite, we looked the other way. In fact, we aie a good deal like the Irishman who was looking (or work and praying to heaven that he wouldn't lind it." involution rotiuu. The copartnership business heretofore conducted at 175 Second street, under the firm name ami style of Hlakeley if: Houghton, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, F. L. flonyhton retir i f i r fiom said firm. The business will lie conducted in the future by Geo, U. Hlakeley, at the old stand. F. L. Houghton will collect all accounts and pav all liabilities of said firm. The Dalles, Oregon, .Inly 2, 1900. Gko. C. Hlakklkv, F. L. IIougiitox. J.iixnrli'i. Healthful drinks are not luxuries, they arc tieceStitie?. A full line of cool and refreshing porter, ale, mineral water and beers kept on ice. Take a bottle home for C. J. Stublin-'. Phone 211-!. I!e sure and ex-tmine our stock of wall paper thoroughly before buying else where, aa we have the latest shipment mndo to this city, ro.v ready for inspec tion at 11. Glenn & Ca.'i. n!7-lw Cure ilHauaclio Oiilciily, Baldwin's sparkling eflorveecent Cel ery Soda, A harmless and effective euro for headache, nervousness, eleoplossness, brain fatijinp. 10 and ''o cents. Sold by Clarke A. Falk, drii'iats. jtiri24Gw lJur Sale. We have at Portland a stock of fine lubricating' oils and "teases. Prices and terms arc riht, Write ior prices. Cen tral fU-nniiii: Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when yon can buy .lames K. Pattou'a eun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, yuaranteed for o years. Clark & Fail;, agents. mI7 For hums, injuries, piles and skin diseases use DeWitt'a Witch Hr.z;l .Salve. It is the original. Counterfeits may be oit'ttietl. Use only DuWitt'e. Wo are o fieri tig special values in ladies' tan oxfords. A 2 50 sill: vesting top, Hun-solo osford for .,1.7o while they last. Every day is bargain day at tho New York Gash Store. Dining the entire week there will be a Bale of street hats and eallors at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. Great reductions. 10-lw Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Waeco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. incb2o-ti' One Minute Cough Cure is. the only harmlota remedy that proJuees im mediate leeults. Try it. I'or Hale, A good Bccond'harul threshing ma chine for sale at L. Lane'a blacksmith hop, on Third 6treet. jj-d&vi'lm Forcholcu fruits, fresh vegetables, fish, poultry and all kinds of feed, call on thoMcXeal market. Phono 278. 11-lwk Tropical rind homegrown fruits, choice vegetables, also that chicken for your Sunday dinner. Call up 278. 11-lwk To Cure n Gold in iid liny, Tako Laxative Hronto Quinine Tab leta. All ilruggiste refund the money. See our weat window for bargains in ladlea low shoes. The New York Cash atore. There are no better pilla mado than DeWitt'a Little Early Risers. Always prompt mid cortain. V BAD COMPLEXIONS, pimples, blotches, blackheads, red, rough, oily, mothy skin, dry, thin, and falling hair with irritated scalps and dan drufl, red, rough hands, with Itching, burning palms, shapeless nails and painful finger ends, and baby blemishes, prevented by Cirrioun.v So.vr. It removes the cause of disfiguring eruptions, loss of hair, and baby blem ishes, viz. : the clogged, Irritated, inflamed, or .sluggish condition of the loiti:s. No other medicated soap ever compounded is to be compared with it for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines iu 0.r. So.vr at Oni: Piuci: namely, 25 Ci:nts the best skin and complexion coap and the best toilet and the best baby soap in the world. Sold everywhere. Pottt.k Dnt;o and Cur.Ji. Coin-., Sole Prop;., llostou, U. S. A. " How to Purify and lieautlfy the Skin," free. Comploto External and Intornal Troatmont of Evory Humor. CUTieORA Comlnlns of Cuticvm 8oap (2ic.), to clcame tho ikin of cruil. ami ca!ti ami noficu TH p err i, or. tho Uilckend caticle.Cuticvn i Omtnif nt (ftic.), tn loitantly allay Itchlnj and Irrlta'ion aoil ""4U --'J aooUnamlheal, and CimcuitA IUsoltkvi (SOc.), to cool and clcanio the blooj. A ilnlj let li citta lufficicnt to euro tho stvercit humor when all die lailJ. St. flngel College and Seminary. Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. '' Located -10 miles south of P rrtland on one of tho most healthful and attractive spots of the Willamette V.illcy. The Ideal place for your boys. l'rupnrtory, Classical, Commcicai and Seiuntifu: Course. Music a specialty." For particulars apply to the President. julylS ocl.18 iA Difficult Problem. It is amoiiL' the moot dilliciilt prob lems of natural science for one to bpcomu expert in i-everal Iim-9. J. K. Ade.ix & Co., bv thpir combination, dvhi ionie ihin ilifficiilt.v in it rir.itMicnl nntri- I ner. J. E. Adeo:; i mi esriert Match maker ami is gnod mi jtj'Atlry. oplieal work and linumvinc. while Theo. ii Liebe U mi expert optii-i ui and is jrood on natch repairing, jewelry work :wid ('nerrtvintc. Their price is uf Imv a eon. sisient, with iro'id workinar.ship. Tlmy are prp:ired to do all orlc in llo'V several hues, on short notlr-. Work sent by mail or cxtirese will rtcHivc prompt attoMion. Sij:n. "Ilitr Red Watch." ADMINIS 1 It A "1 OK'.S SA I.E. Notice la hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of tho county coatt of Clackamas coutilv, Orcuou, made and entered on the J8th ilav of ilay. 1900. I will offer for sale, nt private, tale, fr'in and after the 7th day of July, 10G0. for cash in hand, r.ll the riulii, title and in terest of the estate of Walter Fish, de ceased, in and to lot 12 in block 18, Lniigblin's Addition to Dalles City, Wasco cotinV- Oregon. Fiti:ni:nici: Haiidon', Adminiatrator of the estate of Walter Fish, deceased. Offers received bv Attorneys for Ad-! ministrator, J. T. Wliabev, lipps Tih't, Portland, Or. " jU i ii C. F- Stephens .. Dealer In. tvy Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Uoots, SIkhm. Hiitfl, ( iipb. Agr. ior , j.. uoinjiim mux-. Telfiihoiic No. Wi. t!lhn Tlnllnn fin :il Second Ht lUli UllllUS. Ul. U DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notlcr Is lipretiy k!vcii that tlio j nrtin.rlili htrcloforo exlullim rictwitii K. 1!. Diifiir ami Frank Meiufev, fit Tlie D.illcj, Orenil, muter tho II rni mime und tylu of Inutir ,v Menofee, la tills lllt llll.fOlWll hy tlllltlllll CllllaVllt, K. It. Idiliir rclIrliiK hum hM linn. All unfliiUtitil cne In wlilcli hiihl flim is InlinceUil im nt toraevs, will to mteinltil to unit completed br botti partnerh tliu siiiiid iw tlionli no iIIsooIiiiI.jii liarl ocpiii rt-d, Krank Mcncfcu will tetnlii tho ImokK mul hp counts of tho firm, iiiiiI will pay nil dehtn ami cl.ilniaiiiintiibi H'lld firm, and all parllo ludelitfd to the linn of Diifiir A: Mtfnvfee are teiiicttd to fcCltlo the Mime with liltn at mi carlv ihiic. iMttfl ut Hie Dalles, Onxon, tliln lt day of July, lion. 1,. ii. iiri't'it, Jly 7-w l'UANK MI'..NKrJ:i:. - NOTIOK FOlt PUBLICATION. 1-lMI OlIICK AT TlIK D.lLf.KS, OllKOO.VJ Jill) !), I'.KJO. ( Notice In hcrt-hy istvcii that tlio fullmviui; liaiucd fouler lias tiled notice of hU liiu-ntJon to mnKu liiial jiroof In mpport of his cllin. an, I Unit Mid prool will b inadu lwfnrii tho lli-l.ler and Itcctlvtjr at 'Iho DuIIoh, Oregon, on 'l uck day, AmtuatlH, W, via llnraco II. I'littcrauii, nf Tliu DullfN, Or, II K. No. 51-1 tor tlio rtWli 8WW, Hw. HO, und .NW NWJi. Hie 31, Tp. a , It. li K , W. M. He iiHines (iiu (olIntvlliK wltni'ikci In prove JiU contlnuoiH ictldeiicu iiikjii and cultlvallon of kald land, viz; It. I'. I'lttti-mon, I). J. Itobertv, A. T Itoberltr, I.. K. Kotx-rtB, all of Motlvr, Ortvon. JAY 1'. J.tlOAS, lhll'1 KvUtr. Pi Complete at M.Z. DONNELL, THii DRUGGIST. Just Wh&: 9, S&' New Ideas in Wall Paper hero. Such wide variety aa wo ate allowing nover bo- tnm frarcfl it, Htnplr. Uf1 I., ,lt ! lion ereton efrecta ut ordinary prices. ! Good papers at cheat) paper prices. , Klejtant designs, tasteful colorhi(,'8, yours for a Htuull prlco, ut our atore on Third ' street. Also u full line of bouse paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. 11 8 IIUNTIWITON ft 8 WIMOW HUNTINGTOI! it WIIiJON, ATXOKNKVH ATIjAW, , . THK DMAMV, OKRUD.N OiUco over Klrit Nit. IIhuU ll UKIHKNIKHCPPEIt Physician and Surfijeon, Hpcclal attention Rtveii to nirifry, Rooms afaud W, Tel. 82S Vot Block J7x' A Mm 'PlPflj REGULATOR LINE. : llilN mm, pwrruKD mm nay. mml ! fR'tirfyWl Kti ntiu-ra til Hit. Ilrmilator l.lno will run iiH,ortliufol. iv !$fc&V?3i 'u. iik M'l.t.tiiln, the ;omimy tesmJiu; the rlsbt to clmutn3 y?.WvYC'--f.:r.!r-?.io . ...... Str. noRiilator. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. til". I,V. I'Oftl.llIll i H. I.v. llalli-K it ; a. m. Tn,iiaV . . . . 1117 A. M. . Moiulny . Wcthientiiy Utility Arr. Dulles R.Tlmiwlay .... Hiiiuniny . . . Arr. I'ortlatiil nt 1:30 M. at .i r. ji FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, H' Timid by the Slenmorn nt tlm ItCKiil.itor Line. l "mo ' , ... t. ,.,,,.. .......It.,,, roim llu best service j l'orlhiiul Olllce, Onk Hlrcct Dock. W. tVi.TLV4YJx. irJ.iiTJ.,.7J.i Gf andall DUALKIiS IN ! Jill kinds of UNDERTAKERS tf EMBALMERS Tho Dallos, Or. f unepal Supplies C. S. Smith, TlIK Up-to-date Qroeer Fresh Ei!S.B anil Creamery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. iNOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. I,.imi (irrici: .11 Vani orvint, W.isn ,( May 17, IKX). I I,olict' l licroby slvcn Unit the tollimlnu' tunned nettlcr lias tiled notlcn of lila intoiitloii to niiiki) II1111I proof in aigpLortof his ulnlin, lld tlmtild iitoof will lx made before . 11. I'rwbv, llnlltil ritituv, Comnilnfiloiitr, nt tloldmidalt', on July 1., liw, vi: AKitlittl K. Ollnr, who mado II. i:. No. '.WVS, for the fim'tlomil . NW)f, utc- ;a, 'i s, u h v., mid 8K.t of ni: ,, See is, Tji i, N It 1. K, W. ii. llcimmcs tlio followliiL- wltiio-ro.i tnnrovi- tiN coiitlnuotu umidtoof upon, and cultivation ot gnli! land viz: ltobert. Htroitthcrt, Clula K. I'rntueii, Will Ihui (iarnti, John Kino, ot l.)lu 1'. o., Washington. W. It. Dt'NIlAlt, urn j S3-1 Ki-Klstcr. EXUCUTOll'S Noncic. Notice Ik huruby uUcn Unit tlio linik-rtlRtitHl hail been duly appol. till hy tb emuity court, of thuatateof oa-Koti, cvicntor of tliu Jnl will and testament of KvolUtu Kvans. dttwa-cd. All por'niis liavlntr ebllniK Kuniit tlio (.'iitato oftliuanfrl Kialhiu Kviiiih atti liuroby Kiiilrtil to pwent tho miiici to liim, iiroperly vi-tlfWd, bs by law ii iiilml, at Jloslur, Urt'Koii, v.itlilu lx month'- fiom the date iiortof. ImUd thlc 1Mb day of .Intio. IIWO. I.KANli:it i;v.N8, i;.enitor ot tlio last will mid tentiimniit ni r.vaiino Jivniu, deceitH'il. Junlfill rrutKP. w. wiuoFT V ATTOI'.NKY-.VT J.AW, TlIK 1)AI.1,!!9, OKUdON OlUouovei First Nat. ll infi. p. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Olacksmitii Supplies. Cor Second & LaUiliii, Ttoiie 157 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. the CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE, J. E. Oroeson & Oo., Props. 87 Sooond Street. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rilANSAOT A li.S'l'KAIilIANKINU HUblNEH letters of Credit iesued avallablo in the Ktiatern States. Bight Exchange and Telegraphs Transfera Bold on New York, Ohicago, St. Lonla, San FrAnoiico, Portland Ore gon. Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on lay. orable term. ,n.. - n Str. Dnltnn City. i DOWN I.V, DillIcA lit A. M. .Mllllclliy. . . Wnhipilny . , Krldny Arr. I'ortlimd ut -1 ;r.(i i', m, i ,,p- ') ' rnrtliinrl & U 7 ) A, m. i TllPHlny3 Illlllllltly Nliitiiay'j Arr lliilicitl "if' P. M.8 -A The romimiiy wilt endeavor to glyr Kg ,,(. ,',ir further Information nlilri 1 r H C. AL1.AVVAY, Oun. At. --- r.ti rjJTAj & Barget Robes, Bupial Shoes, Etc. L. Lane, ! (IKNKltAI. MM !8: .AMD.. a I Wnaon and Cnrrlngo Vork. l-'lsrt Drothora' VVafjon. K rphinSi Phone 159 i n- iiiauti: I i ..GHfls. ?mtl Bufcehefs and Fapmefs Exchange.. lCt'Cii, on diatiBliI tlio celehriii' I Cdl.l'MlllA l!i:i:i!, mklio cdKi'd tin- boat b-.or In Tin- Dull' at tin-imial price. Come In fy It and hi coiivlnt'cd, Alto li riiicKt iirandi of WInen, l,l.ti'r and Clcarii. Sanckuiches oi mi uiiitiK mwtiyu on ounu. J. H. HCIIRNCK, l'reHbk'iil, II. M.IIKAH, I 'Ushlft First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OHEOON A Guticral Diuikinp Biieiiioufl trunsixcttd Dopoaitn reoolvfid, onbjeut to Mlit Dralt or Chctik. Colluctlonfi moilB anil proceoils iituinptlj remitted on dav o( nolluotioi Sight and TelegrHiililo Exulinntte oolil i New York, Kim Frauuiuco un J "of land. DIKHOI'OKtl D. 1'. TliOMl'HOH. J.NO. 8. SCIIKHI Eo. M. WiuJAMB, Gko. A. LiiiK' H. M. liKAI.I.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF ilANUKAOTllHEKH Of Fine Lard and Sausages Gurersol BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKDJtEEF. ETC. JJ. 8TURDEVANT, Iientist. Utiles oi er V renoli Si C'o.'n lhink I'hoiia f,. TlIK DAM.KS, OltKdO JU, K. E. VKHODHIIN, Physician and Surgeon, Olllce, Vogt lllocfc (ovor I'o.toOlcc). iWnplino aw THE PAl'lJJHi O'lKtlON- Horsesfioer tub coiuiia Mm ci