. , . . . f " ECZEMA This most aggravating and tormenting of all skin diseases is caused br an acid condition of the blood, ami unless relieved tnroui!li certain instrumentalities too mucn of this acid poison reaches the skin and it ticcome red and inflamed. The itching and hurtling are almost unbearable, especially when overheated from any cause. The skin seems on fire, sleep or rest if impossible, the desperate sufferer, regardless of consequences, scratches until strength is exhausted. This burning, itching humor appears sometimes in little pustules, discharging n sticky fluid, which forms crusts and scales. Again the skin is dry, hard and fissured, itches intensely, bleeds and scabs over. This is a painful and stubborn form of the disease. " . While IJczetna, Tetter, Krysipelas, Salt Rheum and many like troubles ore spoken of as diseases of the skin, they are really blood diseases, because THERE CAN BE NO EXTERNAL IRRITATION WITHOUT AN INTERNAL CAUSE. It the blood is in a pure, healthy condition, no poisonous elements can reach the skin. External applications of washes, lotions and salves sometimes mitigate the itching and soothe the inflammation, lint cannot reach the disease. Only S. S. S., the real blood medicine, can do this. S. S. S. the only purely vegetable remedy known, is a safe and permanent cure for Eczema and all deep-seated blood and akin troubles. It goes direct to the seat of the disease, neutralizes the acids and cleanses the blood, re-inforces and invigorates all the orirans, and thus clears the svstem of all impurities through the natural chautiels : the skin relieved, all inflammation ..i..f.i. "..j n : . .1:. ....... .1:. BUU3KieS, U11U ilil aiyus ui iuv mstusc uii)p.u . Mrs. I.effl M Hoflmin of Cardington, Oliio. says he wai afflicted Kith Scrofulous sore nml Kczema from birth. Her face at limts became so badly swollen that she was not recoRnizable, and her limbs and hands were very ore. She was treated by all the doctors in town without being benefitted, and ill her researches for relief, was told by nn old physician to take S. S. S. She followed his advice and was promptly cured, and hss never had a return of the disease This was seventeen years ago. She sincerely believes she would have been in her grave years ago but for S. S. S.. and adds, ''what it has done for mc It will do forothers.-1 Send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases, and write our phvsicians fullv about your case; they will cheerfully give any information or advice wanted. We make 110 charge for this. Address, Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ot. O.R.&N. ITOH.r- UKiur.T timk sciinnuir., rt)K Kkox DALi.r.s. Vast ISnlt 1-nki, Denver, Kt. Mall 1 Worth, Omaha, Kan U.top. m. City, St. Unils, ! Chicago and Kast. AnntVE Ki'ou Knt Mill 1S.-.5I p 1 Atlantic Kxprcss l'.':fOH. in. Via Hunt-instoii. fialt iJike, Denver. Kt.i I tin. 111. Worth, Omutin, Kati-I sas City, Ht. Louis, 1 Chicago mid Hast. 1 SioVanc Wnlln Mull and K.prc.s 9:Uj p. m. sss s p. in. Walla, HpnltnucJ jiuiueapous. ft. ram,, lu lu th, .Mllnimktvs Chicago and Hast, via brokanoakd llunttiic ton, nln all points in W'HshliiRton and I.ait rrn Otcgoi.. KH05I 1'ORTI.AXri. Ocean Steamships. Kor Fan Francisco Every l'tvo Days. HtoVanc Mall anil l.prv ' S") n. m 4 p. m. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Civtllzatliiu Vftitu l'.nr linrHiu New York, July 17. A dispulcb to the Trii tine from London, irayc; Civi'i .ition is confiontcd with a terrilnV ivar with the foro.'S of liartMrfctn. One of the turiiin.' point' of history has been reachfd. 1'ekin will be erupted alter an H lu iih campaign in the autumn and th? bl.Todstaitipil .Iterator and tiiupre-s, in Fymruthy with atittf ireisn tmwt ment, will be overthrown, lint the only veneanct! which civiliz ition u.n carry into exfimticn 13 the humane policy of eovernitig China in an enlightened way through the partition of the empire. The Uoxers will radun'.ly be dispersed and the assassins driven into the interior, but Japan, Ru-su, and theother powers will iiecvmipt'll-'d lo accept responsibility fir condu jtiua the adciitiiatration of C !"a. ' Catarrh Canno: llu I'urcil I with local applications, as they cannot ' reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh' is a Mood or constitutional disease, nnd t in order to cure it you must take inter- ' nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is ' taken internally, and acts directly on i the blood and mucous surfaced. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not ft quack medicine. ! It was was prescribed by one of the beat physicians in this country for yets, and is a regular prescription. It is composed , -of the beat tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly! on the mucous surfaces. The perfect ' combination ol the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in 1 curins Catarrh ewin" least SINGERS!! The Jacobsen Book & Music Co. J Stop and see them The best S Machine on the market for the price. For cash or on time. : t i 8 p. m. 1 p. in. Kx.hundnyiCnlunibln Uv. Hteamcrs.'Kx.snindaj To Astoria and Vtnyi Saturday Landings. 10 p. 111. f. , tn. WltLAIlKTIK IttVEK. imp. m, Ks.bumlay.Oregon City. NcwbcrK, Kx.buuday Salem & Way Land.'. 7 a. m, WitLAMKTTr. ami Yam Tucs.Tliur. and Sat. Oregon city, Dayton, and Wnj.J .auitings. :i:.T0 p. tn. iiim. inverts. 'JIim.,W'cd I.v Iliparla dally 3 3-a. m. ' Snake Mvkk. Hlparin to I.uivlston. and Frl. l.EAVK I.r.wtsTos dally . y.eoii. in. ChOUD CAP IW NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Magnificent Scenery. Pure Air and Water. Perfect Rest A MANSION IN THE SKIES. Buv your tickets from the MOUNTAIN STAGE & LIVKKY COM PANY, Hood Hiver, Oregon. j!v!2 Parties desltinc tn iro to Ilcnmier or IHiini on i;oiuiiiDia soiiinerii via liik'Ks, i-noitui take No. leavlni; The Dalles at p. ci mnUini; direct connections at Heppiicrjiiuctlnn and Hlcs. ItcttirnlnK niakiiiKiIirccteonnecttou at IK'ppucr Junction and Disss with No. l.ar riviu;; at The Dalles at 12;.'Xl p. m. For (nil particulars call nn O. U. A N. Co.'s agent The Dalle, or add rev. W II. Hfl'.MU'HT, Gen I'as. Act., Portland, Or, JTJBnni"""""" Ed i K I, i i c( .St. , :E - si i Si I 'SB ' al, ' S 1 ! an- .f a, IS is f f The DcllQB, Ol. The Chronicle, dob Pttinters. lit IIIJ1-I11LILII .IllttUllUUttt tU.'JlllI t-iit;ni l JJ Mil 1 St dm 'Is :ih. i !3e 'SI as ' 1Z J SOUTH and EAST via !f Soiitta Pacific Go Shasta Route The Oregon All ltlgllt. Washington, July 17. The following j dispatch vui3 received at the navy du. bend for testimonials, , Pment this morning 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo 0. Sold by drrugtiists, price 7ic. Hall'e Family Pills are the be?t. 12 July 17 The Oregon passed. t i ronh Stmonof-ki Straits on way to Kure. Ail well. Wilde." Waul I'.isipnr t. Ban FitANCisco, July 17. Ho Yo;v, the imperial consul-general of the Chi nese empire, is officially preparing to re ceive passports for himself and hie at .tendants. He said : "'The Chinese in this slate are to a man heart and soul against the Koxers and the awful crimes they are eom mittini: aainst humanity. I have jiist attended n nieetint' of the leailum Chi nese merchants of San Francisco, at which it was decided that they would immediately close (heir business here, it necessary, and ofler their services to the United fctutes as volunteers to go to China and liulit under the United States flay with the allied powers. I under stand that .Minister Wu is ready to leave ut any time. I have not as yet received definite on1 - 'm. The law holds both maker and cir cul.itor of a counterfeit equally guilty. The dealer who sells you a dangerous counterfeit of DfWitt's Witch Hazel , I Salve risks your life to make a little, ! larger profit. You cm not trust hiai.l DeWitt's is the only tienuinu and original Witch Hazel Palve, a well I known cure for piles and all skin dieases. See that your dealer cives you. DeWitt's . Salve. I t . Clilliltun for Ailopt Ion , Tv:in irl babe' 5 months old; one girl babe, 1 month; one girl 3 years; one boy 1 year; one boy 2 years; one boy 9 years. Atioly to I. F. Tobey, superintendent Children's Home Soci ety. The superintendent will be in The Dalles this w-ek aud will receive written applications at this office. Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &r Anjnna sendlns A sKtiCh and description rnv inlckly aircrtalu our cpli lrn fr-;o whether a Indention it prohnbly patentable. C'omniunlt I Ions t rlctly contideiit ial. Handbook on I'atcntt lent freo. Oldest nsenry lor fccurlr.g palents. I'ater.tJ taken tlirou'.-h ilunn & Co. reeelrt tptcui notice, Mllhouc clnryc, In tbn Scieirtific JJmericatto A lundfomclr lllmlraled tTi'ellr. I.ir?et rlr. tuiation of nny cientlUc Journal. Terms, fi n reir: lour months, tt. Hold bjrall newnlealerf. MUNN & Co.3C,BroadNew York Branch (Iffleo Ui5 1' t-L. Washluutotj. D. f Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way stations .it l .J.) a. m. .unt p. ni. Uuve Portland " Albany Arrive Ahlnnd . . . " hfacruniento " Kan Kraueisco fi:a)am .lJ..7)a in lJ:i a m .':lO p m 7: 1-i p m Arrive 0don " Denver .... " Kaiifca t.'ity. " Chicago ... S: l'i u ra 'Jitw u m 7:'i'i n ni 7: 15 u m Arrive Uy- Angeles 1:10 p m " KI P.im r,:i) p m " Fort Worth ii:0nm " City of Mexico ... tliMnm ' Houston l:Wum " Sen Orlealib . .. iK'i'iarn " Washington .. . GM.'um ' NmvYork 12:13 pin ": f lit lll.ii; p Ul ll::a in I ;.1 n in 8:15 a m 1 1 : l.'i n m 'J:(la in T.J." a m 'J:C0 n m 7 to a in t'd) p in DM n in '.':&' a in 1.00 a in ii:U.j p in C-I2n m 1'J'M p m V. T. S.11ITII, Ostuoimth. Itooms V: Oregon l'and 11, Ctiapnian Illoct, Tin D illts, Tueidaj j, nnd Krldayii, h u. m, t .. niayn-iin 1 M.(l tail . P. A. Uiiiforth, of .LaGrande, Ga., fctiflereil intcnsfly for six months with a i frightful Minnins; sore on hi teg, I ut writes that Hueklen'a Arnica Salve wholly cured It in ten days. For Ulcere, Wounds, Hums, Holie, Pain or Piles it's the best salve in the world. Cure uuar anleed. Only 23c Sold by Illakeley & Houaiiton druiets. 0 A gentleman recently cured of dys pepsia jjave the following approprate rendering of Hums' famous blessing. "Some have meat and cannot eat, and Koine have none that want it; but ue have meat and we can eat, Kodol Dys pepsia Cure be thanked." This prepara tion w ill dlu'est what you eat. It instantly relievos and radically cureh IriiliKestiun and all stomach disorders. Good, pure natural ice from the lllue ' mountains for sale by the Columbia j Itiver Icu & Fuel Co. 'Phono US or 81 Long Diet. ; 75 or 8 Seufert & Condon. Sath In iiur Onecliii. I All coutitv warrants reuistered prior I to Aug. 1, 1890, will be paid at my i oflice. Interest ceases after June "0, 1000. J. F. IlAMfSIIIIiE, ' ('onntv Treasuror. i J.1"0" will l:i e i.ub)((irui(gi5iv 3&. PILLS , .tl.f iV-"1?' '""""en. T cn. ONE FOR A DOSE. Itfraora !;itnpr.B, p,,tcnt i'fV' h'Ulood. 1'iillnm i and Tourist ears on both Ir.thib. tyialr i-urs baciamcnto lo (Kden and Kl l'n0, and toiui-tears to Chlcatjo, Mt Unils, Now Or leans and Wm-Lliigtoii. ConiKctiiiK at b'an Krnnclsco with Kiveral steain-hip lines for Honolulu, Japan, china, rJillippiiiL's, Central mid Houtli America. Sec ntfciit at Th' Dalles ttntlon, or addrts C. H. MARKHAM, (fiiieml l'iiAciiKer Ascut, Portland, Or Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, o? mTli!feed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOIl FlOUr ''''8 ''our 1H innHtifitctured expreanly for family use : overv Hack ie guaranteed to givi) aatiBfaction. We sell our goods lower than any house in thu trade, and if you don't think so call and gut our prices nnd lie convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. IliF! Piic $1.00 per month. Strictly llrst class local nnd long diHlaiict) telephone service within your home. Linen do not cross-talk. Your con versation will uu kept a secret. No cost for installing. You get thu standard Iltinning Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night survico. Wo will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel pamo on giving us thirty days writ ten notice, PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. UK. SOSAKKO CO Phila-PV lOHN O.VVI.N & GAVIN. Go to the Columbia Hiver Ice & Fuel Co., for pure natural ice. I'lione li.'i or 81 long distance, 7o or 8 Seufert & Condon. Locution, C. J. Stubllng has moved his wholfale and retail siore opposite the old Htand, where he will be pleased to meet ids rild friends and patrons who will find here a full lino of choice wines, liquors and cordials, Free delivery to any part of the city. Phone 2:11. Yon will not have bolls if you take Clarke & Falk'a eure cure for boile. : l Mir A r 1 : ; I Axle J JOrease -1 B helps the team. Saves wear mid E H. cxpciiDe. hold every where. ML stock is n W Clark A Falk'e drujf fresh and complete. . f. MCOIIK. M0011E ATTOItNhYS AT LAW itooms Si and 10, over U. a. Lund (Mllte. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature In strengthening nnd recon structinKtho exhausted digestive or fans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in elllclency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Jatlllence. Knur Htnmpoh m.,o-' SlckHeadache,Oastralgla,Crarnp3,and, ...uuuui leouiisui unperiecta trestlon. . Prtportd by E. C. DeWKt ft Co., Chicago. Clarke & Falk'a flavoring extracts are the beat. Ask your grocer for them. Yellowstone Park Line. Till. 1IJN1.S0 ( Ail HOt TK HiOM I'OHTI.A.NJ) 'JO Till; KAST. THK ONLY DIllLOT LINK TO TUK YKI.I.OW- HI O.N i: l'AHK mmvk. fLTniou Depot, Filttiaod I sts Aiimvfi. No. No. 'i. Kast mull lor Thooiiih, Seattle, Olymplii, liray'h ii.uuor nun nouin IK'llcl l)lllt, lijiokiiiie, Itoss lund, iJ. l l'lillinnit, i. ,. . ?,?sf.n,v' ''-'"'"loll. Iluf II U A. .M.illolIilliipiiillliliKC0llll- S;.'i0 1', il. try, Ik'lciin, MiiiiieaiH). lis, ht. Paul, Omnliii, Knilias City, St. IiiU, l.JIR'dL'O 1,11(1 nil no nt.i' OHM HUH hOIIUHll-H. No. il. 7;W PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grooer es. LaLUHGE. RUCH, Pioneer oer. "'it No I. I'll vet fcioiiiid LxprtK.s II )) v. Jl. for Tuconm nnd Hcnttlo ' ll rid lliiir,.i..ll..ln ....I... ,..... ... iv. ...viiiiiu in ) fu I'lilliiiiui llrst class mnl loumt klvciivrh lo Sup Mliuiuipolh.Mt. lMul Hid JIlKsourl liver iioiiith ! svitliout Plinnnf. , 3i Vcijtlliiiled trains Union ilcpot coimwlioiib j.3 In nil principal cltlet. JSi Itiif.irm.i nlitiivl t.i iL.wlln.itl.. i. ..f .IaI .,!.. ' '"MIJ"v w.v.-. .r.v.MIIHIim "I r or liuiiilMiincly IlliimiiiUililutvilptlvoiiinttor, I tldU-tx, Dlcc-pliiK'car n.-kcrvatioiis, etc., call on or A. D. CHARLTON, Atfclkliint deiHTal I'axK'llKOr AKfcllt. liVj lloirl wn Street, corner Ttilrd, I'onlwid, Oregon. L BROWN HILL, JUSTICE OF THK I'EAOK. Notory I'ubliu, Collectioua promptly utlonded lu, Monev to loan. C. K, Unynrd'a of II (jo, The UhIIoh, Oregou. Uli Good News to Good Dressers.... I f'xluiiil a cmilinl invitation tn nil tn ItiHiiout the onmnloi) of Suits to Measure, $8.75 up. Fit, workinntiHliii) nntl entire sntiafuctlon sunrantoed. JOHN PASHEK, Merohant Tailor, Agent. Subscribe for the Chronicle.