What we say we do, we DO do. Consequently our GREAT CLEARANCE SALE is the TALK of the town. Now ' 111" "Nick o'Timo" to liny Summer Clothing. This Midsummer Sale makes it cnay. Wo put new, clean, thls-scason's goodH wllhin tliii reach of nil. Prices like these in the heart of tlio seifon will persuade you to buy from u, und that is tlio ruason of this full! to hurry up busi nces; to cause you to buy NOW and from us. Highest possible grade of goods at lowest possible prices Hum always boon our motto, itml thin snlo il lustrates It lu'.'iutifiilly. Hero urn suits of this liuroat worsted, oiisslmereH and cheviot?, fiiHt color lilui) serges, etc, made lu the latest styles and by tlio beet makers. 4(1 iiO AUr-WOOLSUITS Cleatitneo price" . $3.85 T $5.85 $7 50 mid $8.50 ALL-WOOL SUITS Clearatteu price J!) 00 to $112.00 ALL-WOOL SUITS-- (hty Clearance prieu p f .00 $15 to !i0 Worsted and Citssimerc hails; clearance pricu $10.85 SEE WINDOWS. July Sale of Pique and Outing Skirts. Tbia is a raro July for bargains. There inarkablo succession of cool days has somewhat lugged tho eolllng ol Summer Wearing Appnrcl. Hundreds must yet buv, but wo must soil in a week what ahould havo been sold in a month; hence theso beautiful Skirts aro shown at tho priceB marked bolow: Plain Crash Skirls; worth Xtc at 20s Same, worth 50a at 30c Plain Whito Duck; worth 75c at oOc Heavy Whitu Puck ; worth $1.00 at 75c Good Honvy Linun ; worth $1 00 at 09c Same, triirmed; worth T1.G0 at $1.15 White Pique; worth 12.00 at 1.45 Snme, butter grade; wotthf-2 25 . at 1.05 Same, extra heavy ; worth $3.00 at 2.20 Same, trimmed with embroidorv Insertion; worth $0.00 at 3.80 Hotter grades reduced in proportion. Campers' Bed-Clothing. Blankets would bo a hazardous suggestion at noon ; but at night they aro most welcome to tbiiBn who need their protection from the cool breeze down the river and in tho mountains. We havo a largo stock to make your eelection from. Our Prices Are Right. This is a bid for your money A simple business proposition of offering you $1.00 for 75e Wo want to clean out all TAN SHOES this season. We have cut prices to make them go. All $5.00 values go at $3 75 All $4.00 values go at 3 00 All $3.00 values go at 2 00 All $2.50 values go at :.. 2 00 All $2.00 values go at 1 50 All $1.50 values go at 1 00 All $1.00 values go at 75 See our show window for best evi dence of genuine bargains. This sale includes all Tan Shoes except Queen Quality Shoes. All GoodH Mni-kod In Plain FIkui'ob. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle,, Ttlriihonc A'o. i. WUDN KSDAY - - - .1ULV 18, 100U to; ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA I At Andrew Kallnr's. U . WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The open season for door eotnnie ncejl last Sunday. La Grande briokl.ivera aro on u strike They demand $4 a day. Ladies' tan oxfords bI.-h 3 to 5 only 1)0 emits at tho Now York Cash Store. A. M. WillluiiiH & Go. announce an other bin Saturday sale in this leant?, lleiul their nil. The wont-bound passenger train due hure ut 12:35 p. m. was reported at. that time to In; live hours and a half late. A Salem MuthodiHt minister upon remarking lint what ho needed was inori) exorcise, was told to make his BOrinotiH longer. "Mow long dues it take you to do up a shirt, any way?" said an impatient man at a First street laundry. "O, abloiit tlcu washings," responded tint Celestial. A Portland woman for tho eighth time this year asked her husband what kind of a tiroes ho thought would beeomo hur best. ''You need iniisMlin," was tho ruipoiifu. Tho Houston of Jacob C. Bins, of this city, by a special act of congress .luuo 7th was Increased trom six to ten tlol tars a month. Mrs. Ollio V. Stephens, of thia city, was elected grand chief of honor of tlio M. of II.. Ht Salotn today. This is tlio highest odlno in the gilt of that order. The census olllue issued its first bul letin on Satuiday, giving the population of the District of Columbia at 278,718. Tho Increase eiuco tho last census is 20.118 pur cout. Carey Ballard, wlto has been under treittini'iti at tho Good Samaritan hos pital for a eouplo of woeke, returned linmo on last night's bout, quite- ro Htored to bio usual health. Uraeef ul, cool and stylish, are those Hliirt wnlalH displayed in Willlnmn & Uo.'s window this week. Their nil in thlsjlssuo gives details of it coming ealo on these wulsts. Kend it. U'Uiulily estimated Tlio Dulles ware houses havo up till now bandied about ,000,000 pounds of wool of tills year's flip. Very little of it has yet changed liands nuii tho market Is practically lead. Louis Coinlm returned homo ou last light's boat from Hprsgue Landing, He bad his wounded eye examined lait Hun lay at Portland by Dr. Dixon,, who im pressed the conviction that it would not have to bo removed, ns was for a time feared, but with care even part of the sight might be saved. The North German Lloyd StenniHhip Co. estimate! their losses at tho recent dock llto in New York at $0,000,000 $4,000,000 for property destroyed and $5,000,000 for pensions to dependents of the victims. I C. W. Haight eold, today at the Suit marshe slock yards, twenty two head of ' horees to John IS. Tlarnett and Frank Taylor. Tito horsc3 were bought on speculation and tlio price was not given i, to tho public. Fred Hill, while working on liie roof of tlio Calvary Baptist church building VfiMtm-ilnv iiflHriinoii. fell in the 0 inr 11 distance of about fourteen feet. JIo wan considerably bruised, but fortunately not (seriously hurt. While teeting a powerful telescope on the roof of an optical factory in Roches ter, N. Y., u party of scientists dis covered a thief at woik over two miles away, and informed the police and had him placed under arrest. The Chicago w beat market was a shade ! better today and closed at "!7 for Sept- ' ember, This was an "advance of two and j an eighth cents over yesterday. Nothing I is doing in wheat in this maiket. and any quotations would be metely nominal. llutglars ' aro operating in ISnsterti Oregon towns. Baker City, Union and Pendleton havo been visited, and now La (irande reports five robberies in two nights. Tho thieves were unfortunate in the places they eolected, and secured very little booty. An exchange mitkos the following re port of a birth: Hot it to the wife of Jim Jones, a boy. The boy favors ids old dad lu several wave, viz : he is bald, has a red noso, takes to a bottle like a bumble lite to a lump of sugar, and makes a lot of noise about nothing. A new town has been started east of Union, Union county, and is to be known as P.uikemont. A copper pros pect is being developed I hero by an eastern concern. It is claimed tlio com pany has found u ledge of copper ore nearly 1000 feet wide and nine miles long. The large building of tlio Portland Ice Company, situated beside the railroad track, about a mile below tho town ofj Hood River, was totally destroyed by j (lro last night. Tho tiro occurred soon lifter train No. 0, which is duo at Hood River at 11 :4- p. nt,, passed that point and is supposed to have or!iuutcd from a spark from the engine. Dr. RolamH). Grant, formerly pnetor of the First Baptist church of Portland, will tvrrivo hunt by this evening's boat with a party of tourists from tho KhbI. They will 'be accompanied by another party of tourists from California and will Bpend tomorrow viewing the city and its surroundings, under the diaper onnijo of Rev. O. D, Taylor. The Albany Democrat tella of a hoy who drank a glass of acid phosphate, then one of cherry phosphate, followed by an ice cream soda. He then drank a pitcher of ico cold lemonade. Finally ho ate a pint of ice cream. The mixture threw him into a series of tits. He nearly died. A stomach pump relieved him. Tito boy was saved, but the stom ach pump was ruined by the mixture. The heat was so great in New York yesterday that it was impossible for laboring turn to work in the streets after 2 o'clock. In Greater New York there wero about thirty-five cases of prostrations. Five persons died from the clIectB of tho bent, and die person, who hud been overcome and taken to a hospital, committed suicide. Oilicinlly, tlio mercury ranged from 02 to 100 degrees between the hours of 10 a. tn. and 5 p. in,, but many thermometers at dill'erent points throughout tho city registered as high as 100. II. A. .Moore, of Moro, D. M. French, W. Lord and IS. C. Peate, of this city, and F. T. liurlburt, of Arlington, filed in the county eletk's ollice yesterday articlon of ineoiporiu'on of the Eastern Oregon lianking Company, a corpora tion formed for the purpose of conduct ing a banking business at Shaniko. The capital stock is placed at $25,000, in 250 shares of $100 each. Tho ouioers ot tho bank are D. M. French, president; H. A. Moore, vice-president; F. T. Hurl burl, secretary and cashier. Tho di rectors are ,1. W. French, W. H. Moore, A. IS. Hammond, F.T. liurlburt and W. Lord. Tho bank expects to be teady for business before the close of next week. Latent Noun l-'rtiiu Cliluti. A Chinese foiee has invaded Amur, In Southwestern Siberia, and attacked1 , iwl t i- it it1 III ti irrtt'oDl lwittob t)i nl (tit 111 I till Ulll IIVU - IIIV V T I t W w Will A Russian transport, laden with muni tions, were sei.ed and the escort killed. Li Hung Chang has started from Can ton to Pekin on a two-fold mission, to save the ministers' lives and arrange pence terms. Forty foreigners and 100 native con verts were (unentered July 0th at Tui Yuen Fuf about .'200 miles southeast of IVkin. The Chinese minister at Washington has received a dispatch from the Chi neso minister at London, authenticated by Shong, the imperial inspector of tel egraphs and posts at Shanghai, and by two vleoroye, declaring that tho foreign ers at Pekin were safe July Oil), and were receiving tlio protection of tho government. This is two days after tlio reported massacre. j Admiral Remey sends the welcome j news that the forts and City of Tien Tsin in the hands of tho allies, At the cabinet meeting in Washing ton it was decided Jthat there was no oc casion for railing an extra session of congrees, Secretary Koot says 12,000 troops can bo epnied (or service in China. The administration has made arrangements by which it expects to get word through from Pekin in a short time. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke I'EOl'LK COMING AND UOINO. L. F. Bnrdoiu, of White Salmon, is in town. John Kotb came into town today from Tych R'ulge. W. A. Maecftll, of Dayville, is regis tered at the Umatilla House. Will Wnrzweiler, a prominent Prine villu merchant, is in tho city. John Sommerville arrived here last night on a st.ort visit with his family. Murk Long and family left on thie morning's boat for an outing at Lojt lake. Superintendent C. L. Gilbert came up on the noon train today from HooJ River. Mrs. M. T. Nolun and children left this moiniugoii a visit to friends in Se attle. Rev. U. F. Hawk and family will leave in the morning for an outing at Collin? Landing. Alex. Mcintosh, a prominent 0'rook ounty sheepman, is registered at the Umatilla House. Misa Clara Sampson left on this morn ing's bott to join iter family in an out ing at Cascade Locks. Isaac Stern, of Ptrtlaud, in in the city in the interest of the American Hebrew News, of which he i3 editor. Tony Noltner, the veteran editor of the Portland Dispatch, is in tho city. i tho guest of the Umatilla House. G. II. Taylor, a prominent, sheepman of Klickitat county, is in the city for the pjirpuEO of disposing of his clip of wool. C. C. Ilobart left today for Portland, from whence he goes to Spokane, and, lifter visiting his Eon for a short time, will jjiu his family at Ocean Park. .titration, riicnun! There will b? a general drill of the firo department tln'o (Wednesday) even invr, July 18th, at 8 o'clock sharp. Hy order of the board of fire delegates of Dalles City. H. C. Likdk, Secretary. r.uiliicii Intui ru.itt'tl by Strike. Sr. Louis, July 10. The St. Louts transit company today filed in the city legister'e ollice its returns of trips and jias-sengors for the quarter ending June 30 last, ns itquired by law. These re ports aro particnlai ly interesting, as showing tiio decrease in tho company's business, caused by the Mi ike. During ti e first three months of this year, before the strike was liiaugurated, the transit company, according to its returns, carried 27,0.18,685 paesengere, Its cars making 1, oG7,S25 trips in so doiug. According to ita returns for tho three months ending June uO its cars made only 4-17,040 trips and carried 13, 73.'!, 021 passeugeis, CASTORS A For Infants and Children. Thtt Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the SlA Siguaturo of CuZ Notliti. All persons are requested to give ere Jit ti no one on my account without an order from me. M. Tiiouuiiouk.v jl81w 1 Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which lias been in uso for over 30 years, has homo tho Bltfiiatitro of and has been inado under his per- jK-Z- soual supervision since its infancy. (CdCA4fc Alltiw iin mm tn c1oeiivf von in tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-os-good" arc hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless .substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gtn-ic, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Blorphino nor other Narcotic .substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNTtUn COMPANY, TT MURPHY STREET. MCtW YORK CITY. The Host Kfineily for Stomach and ltowel Troubles. 'I have been in the driij biifinea" for twenty years and have sold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Chambeilain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all stomach and bowel troubles," says O. V. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. "This , remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family and 1 have recom mended and sold hundreds of bottles of it to my customers to their entire satis faction. It arTrds a quick and sure cure in a pleasant form." For sale In Blakoley & Houghton. j Storm )n WIcotitli, I,.v Chossk, Vh., July 10. The I cav-' iest rain storm in ha Crosse und vicinity for three years has been rasing fur the pat three days. The storm wae general in Wasconsin, Minnesota and the Da-1 kolas. AU railroads have Hifltred fiom: wathotils. The hail did a great deal of damage to crops in those Rtates. ' Durini: last May an infant child of our neighbor was Piifleriin: form cholera in fantum. Tin-doctors had given up all hoj.e.3 of lecnvery. I took a bottle of Ciminbi'thin's Colic, Cholera and Diai ihoe.t Remedy to tho bnu?e, telling them I felt sure it would do trood if used tic-1 cording to directions. In twodajs lime' the child had fully recoveied. Tho child is now vigorous mid healthy. I have re cjuiinended this remedy friquently and have tuiver known it to fail. Mrs. Curtis Baker, Brook waiter, Ohio. Sold by Blake ley & Houghton. .IikIxh W. It. lV:i-.tlnnl.)li. 1 Pliouxix, Ariz, July 1(1 Judu-e V. II. Washington, of Philadelphia, u dir ct , descendant of Aiicntine Washington,! father of tieoriro Washington, is dead at Castle Creek Hot Springs, of conntmp-l tinn. Flt.ll-:lH fur! v. ft vi lJLk! nlit utul n f lawyer of recognized ability. After many intricate experiments, j 'scientists have ducovcred methods for obtaining all the natural digestauts. These have been combined in tho pro portion found in the human body ami united with substances that build up tho digestive organs, making a coin pound called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat ami allows all dyspeptics lo eat plenty of nourishing food while tho stomach troubles aro being radically cuied by the medicinal agents it contains. It is pleasant to take und will give quick relief, A (1'Micl (Jiiiigli Mi-itU'lnti. Many thousands havo been restored to health and happiness by the uo of Chamberlain's Couh Remedy. If uf flicted with any throat or lung double, give it a tiinl for it is certain to prove , benetleial. Coughs that have resisted all other treatment for years, have yielded to this lemedy and perfect health been restored. Cares that seemed hopeless, that the climate of famous health resorts fulled to benefit, have been permanently cured by its use, For rale by Blakeley k Houghton. Subscribe for Tun Cuhonick. i Tho only store ft this city where tht Oenuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen pieces of so called cheap euam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has tho name Stransky - Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at 10 International Exhi bitioua. IliKhoat award nt Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago Pre. ferred by tlio lwst cookinKauthorities, certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Remember thia celebrated euam oled ware is special ly imported for and sold ia this city ex clusively by us, It does uot rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is notallectedbyacids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, stew, roast and bake v i t h o u t imparting flavor of previously o o o 1j o il food and will last for years. -.00. Wo ciiit tlon the public against ituitatiotij ' Nasal Catarrh q iWdy yield i U- tn.d inont by Ely'ri C'roam lialm. which is. an o ably Rioniatie. It U vocoived lhroii,;h tho nostrils, cleanses and heals tho wholo bur faco over whieh it diffuses itself. Drngijiats soil tho 50o. Mzo; Trial hi.c by 10 cents. Tent it and you are biuo to coulinuo tho treatment, Announcement. To accommodate those who aro partial to tho use of atomizers in applying 1. quids into tho natal passages for oitarriul tivii blti, tho proprietors prepare Cienin ll.dm iu liquid form, which will bo known as Rly'w Liquid Cream Ualui. Price includ'tig tlio spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. Tlio liquid form embodies tho med icinal properties of the bolhl preparation. mi