The Dalles Daily Chronicle. '"IC"" WEDNESDAY "JULY 18, 1900 Silver at 1C to 1 is llrynn." For rtelilent WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or Ohio. Fur Vice- 1'rcKlilent THEODORE ROOSEVELT, l)f pir York, GRABS AT A STRAW. PERTINENT PRESS COMMENT. An exchange aske, "Who discovered William Jennings Bryan 7" Easy; first, tits father's family physician ; next, him self. Teleprani. About nine-tenths of the people who went to Nome to di cold would have done better to stay at home nnd dig potatoes or nlmost anything else. Kx-Senator Corbctt has naught his Telegram. second political wind and is a canth-' "President McKinley nrped" that dale for the United States senate j duties to be levied under the Dinpley ngatn, says the East Oregonian. He! larifl should 'revive and increase tuantj. announces his candidacy in a letter mcmre3- 1",s "een uone, as our I wiiv'c.p.iriipr.q nrpll know ' ntatpa the to the Portland Orcgontan as follovs; "Previous to the recent acts of i wage-earnera well Know, Olympic Olympian. ! Wall Street is betting 4 to 1 on Mo ray political enemies, I had hesitated Kinley; it will be 10 to 1 by next Oc- to become again a candidate for the j tobur. United States senate.' I now offer BUSINESS LOCALS. niV services to the state in that! ,. , , , , ,. ... 1 Lames tan low shoes only 90 cents at capacity, pledging myselt to "SUtj the New York Cash store, for the best interests of the state Orders by telephone or otherwise are with the same energy 1 use in tight-1 promptly filled at the McNeal market, ing all blackmailing, all forms of i a fresh supply of Lwney'e chocolates repudiation, for the development of ! received today at Blakeloy'e pharmacy, the oriental trade, and tor whatever Clarke it Falk have on 6ale a full line will make Oregon and the northwest ! of Paiut auA artist's brushes, great and prosperous." j A full line of Eastman nlms and sup- Did mortal man ever wilnoss P it received by Clarhe & Falk. vainer and coarser work! There is!, your houee with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & talk even an appearance that the ox- ,jave tlujm- senator had the "blackmail" suit DeWitt.3' LUtle Rulv 1isi;ra nre started against himself for "political famous little pills for liver and bowel reasons, in older that he mmht troubles have, excuse for offering the worn out issue of "too much Corbett" to Skin -Tortured Babies And Worn-out Worried Mothers Comfort in CUTfCURA. Find REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY Stwiincrrt of tlib llcttulntor Mho will run n r tliofol.V; eh(iltilc, the Conivany tcservliiR the rifjht to clinur fi'lKiliiluUH"iit notice. j ""i ' - ! the people of Oregon once more. The "fair Inez" should never be forgiven for driving the old states man into the field of politics asmn, j Great reductions, where he expects to fight the battle of his life for the double purpose of j vindicating his character and satisfy- j ing an unruly and unnatural desire I to serve a people in the United States, when and by whom he is not wanted. Some people have appetites and ambitions, but this aged man has more than his share of them. He re.dly needs a guudinn. It requires more than a scandal, a suit of black mail, a fat purse, a subservient news jjuiiur mm an easy uoss to enaoie a i man to break into the United Slates senate against the people's will. j -iever i;npe. There, nre no better pilla made than DeWitt'a Little Early Itisers. Always promptand certain. Dm ing the entire week there will be a sale of street iiats and sailors at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. 10-lw Il40ltltlUl t Ht ICC. SOME MONTHS AGO OVtl lUIIV'S IIEAI) GOT SOKE. Wo took him to the doctor, who pronounced it poison anil gave us miiiio mctllciuo which iliil no good. His head got so bail lio would cry all night, and my wlfo could sleep none, and began to look ghostly. Ills head got o5ore that wo put anight cap on him, and folded n whilii cloth four thicknesses in.siiloof it, anil just through the night a kind of matter would oozo out from hM head, soaked through thu cloth and cap and on to tho pillow. The top and hack of his head was almost u solid .sore, and looked so badly that words would not describe It. Almost hi despair 1 told my wife 1 had seen Cuticuiu ltioinniKS adveitiscd and iccominended veiy highly and I was going to try them. I bought the ConcuitA, Cuticuiia So.U'.aiitl Ci'TtcitKA Ointment. Wo gavo him half of tho 'itesolveut, uied part of tho caku of Soup, and before wo had used the second of Oirrtci'UA Ointment ho comniencod to got better, and is now as well and hearty as anybody' boy. Ho is as merry as a lark.sleopsAOinully all night, and his hair looks glossy, thick, and soft, while my wifo looks llkoa different woman, I look at him and thhiklowo It to yon and to suffering mankind to write and tell you of this almost wonderful r.'iro. W. W. & J. E. MY BUS, Box SO, Mtniroo City, Ind. Complete Extornal nnd Intornnl Trontmont for Evory Humor. Consisting of Cuticuiia Boai'(!Hc.), to clean the kiti of criut ami nnnwmt scales ami soften tho thickened cuticle; Cuticuiia Ointment (50c). 111 IB, II 121 to instantly allay ltchlnu, lollamtmlloii, anil Irritation, ami soollm ami lAlAUJi U heal; and Cuticuiu Insolvent (M?.), to cool ami clran.e I lie blood. T?T niT nr A Uinole tjr.r l oftcnaufllclent toCTin-thumosttorturlna.dlillzurinif, TUU vfT tl It and humiliating skin, ncalp, and blood bunion, with lo of lialr, whwi I 111. Oklj IH,U aiicUofalli. 1'ottek Uaco and Cueji. Cout, Hole l'rois., Uosteu. "Uow to Cure Baby Humors," free. Str. ReBtilntor. I ft' ' fc DOWN, I , I.v Dalles at 7 A. M. TtioMlay , TlitllMlsy i Calumny. .. . I Arr. I'nrtlimd ''.nt I 'M v. Ship your Freight via Str. Dalloo city. If S , M. I.v. Portland at; a. u. , Mnndity i WnlnewlHy ffiJ' Regulator Line. at n r. u. i IMIWN I.V. llllllCN nt , A. l .MiindilV Wnlneiulay i Arr, nt in-. 3 i J'nrlhuia J i W A. U. II -4 i FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, S Tinvi'l by the StPnmi-m of tho Itwil.itnr Mite. The Comimny will endenvor to ylyc In Mi. S i rons tlui licit oi vice ioIIjIo. Kor further liitormutliiii mldrcss J iMillnnd onice, Oak -Street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Qon. At. 8 1 isiviiiLY2&Si3rlviv:iriv2viv2vMrlv!isrbcL DUALKISfi IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall S Barget UNDERTAKERS P EMBALMERS Tho Dallos, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. C. S. Smith, wjinmrat-j t Jit. flngel College and Seminary, Conducte.d by the Benodictino Fathors. Ideated -10 miles south of Portland on ono of the most healthful and attractive spots of the Willamette Valley. The ideal place for vnnr bovs. Preparatory, Classical, Commercial and .Scientific Course. .Music a Bpecialty." For particulars apply to tho President. jnlylS cell 8 The copartnership business heretofore conducted at 175 Second street, nuder tho lirui name and stylo of Ulakelev & Houghton, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, F. L. iloui:htoii reliA intr from said firm. The business will 'expert in several lines. .1. K. Adcox & A Difficult Problem. It is anions the most difliunlt prob- leuis oi natural science for one to bt'conn he conducted in the future bv Geo. C Blakeley, at the old stanil. F. L. Houchtoti will collect all accounts and pay all liabilities of said firm. The Dalles, Oregon. July 2, 1900. Gko. C. Hi.akelky, F. L. Hough rox. Tin: Up-to-date Qroeer!; IK' it Phone 270. 1 - - , r- NOTIOK FOR PUliUCATION. L. Lane, (ii:.vni(Ai. Freeh lv,:v,s and Crearnury llutter si apuuinlty. 2d Street. Bttill SI .AND. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. chiciten feed. mch25-ti A dealer in lemons left at this! Ono Minute Cough Cure ia tho only nq!Mlni,, , , , , harmless remedy that produces im- ollice totlpy a sample lemon Irotn a : mediate lesults. Try it. tot recently received from California, j Co., by their combination, havo over come- this difficulty in a practical man-1 ner. j. v.. Aclcox is an expert v.ateli maker and is (jood on jewelry, optical work and enyravini:, while Tiieo. H. Liebe is an expert optician and is (rood on watch repiirine;, jewelry work and engraving. Their price is us low as con sistent with sond uorkmansliit). Tliev Finen kind of i nr) t'fepared to do all work in the.V . -. . ......... wx ciiiii v uu.iv.r. u UIK sent hy mail or exnre-s wili receive prompt attention. Sign, "lis-' Ued Watch." Cel ,. . , . ,.. ,, , I Olives iio.KlacIiu Onickly. which 13 literally covered with the Baldwin's sparkling effervescent San Jose scale. Here is a field that Jery Soda. A harmless and effective calls loudly for some effective mis , orain latm-iif. iu and 'Jo cei jan2-l-6iv ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE I 5ompIeb Cir;e ! for headucSiO, nt'rvousnes?, sleeplessjiess. sinnnrv tvnrl.- 1- ,un i.,:..i , "-' iwu.,.-. ,u aim .o cents, hold ' ' " J vi uvuiiiiwi. t,r ymrlie tc J-u!i:, druggists. Notice is hereby eiven that under nnd by virtue of an order of the rnnntv rn.iri ! of OIank:imaa ennnrv nnmnn m 1 Ulrt' entered on the L'Sth day of Mav, 1000. I powers that be. We had no frli'.ti ,,or S4le peat till they were brought here, as We hlU.e at Por.mna n stock of fine the scale is still coming in carload lubricating oiie and greases. Prices and i I lots of affected fruit every day. All terms are right. Write for prices. Cen efforts to stamp out the fruit pests j traI Kfin'"S Co., Cleveland. Ohio. must be unavailing so long as ship pers and dealers are allowed to handle affected fruit without even ! I'nU0"'l! s,m !'"of I,ni",a for $1.50 per the pretense of a restraint. Tin: ; f ,"' P'1'"1'11 for -vei,rs Ciiiiomci.i: hopes the day is not far will ofler for sale, at private enle. from and after the 7tli day of Julv, 1000, for cash in hand, all tho riuht, title and in terest of tho estate of Walter Fish, de ceased, iu and to lot 12 in block 18. Laughlin's. Addition to Dalles Citv, Wasco county, Oreuon. FjiUDunicK Baiujox. Administrator of the estate of Walter Fish, deceased. - Oirr4 rMfbtriill III Atfnrunva f.r A 1 Why pay .$1.75 per gallon for inferior I mimstrator, ' .1. T. ' Wlialley,' Pipep & I paints when you can buy James h. ' lint, Portland, Or. jO i distant when no fruit raiser or dealer will dare to offer for sale in The Dalles market even a wormy apple without the certainty of arrest and punishment. Falk, agents. For Clark & : ml" , bums, injuries, piles and skin diseases use DeWitt's Witch HrzsI Salve. ; It is the original. Counterfeits may ha j oit'ered. Use only D.tWitt'e. C. F- Stephens .Doalor In. We aro offering special values in ladies' tan oxfords. A $2.50 silk vesting top, tum-eolo oxford for $1.75 while they last. livery day is bargain day at the New York Cash Store. jjj Dry Goods, Clothing, The Oregonian knows of only one democratic paper in . the northern states that opposed Uryan in 1 890 j Trx'u. and is supporting him now. The j A good second-hand threshing ma- single exception is tho Chicago ! c,line for sa nl I- I-ane'a blacksmith Chronicle which is opposed to the! Il0p' " T"'lri1 "tieit- H-JAwlm IC-to-l fallacy, claims it is obsolete,' For choice fruit-, fresh vegetables, fish, outdated and not an issue nt all. ! no",lr.v a"'1 a" kin,1s of 'eed, call on ;;;,.. tho McNeal market. Phono 278. 11-hvk Hoots, Shoes. Hats, ( arm, Xutlonis. for W. I.. DoiikIuk Shoe. Telephone Xo, SS, 131 second St., .Kt. Tie Dalles, Or, of Dru0s at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. 12- no if Laud OKHrr at V.x.vcot'vKi:. Wahii ,i Mny 17, l'.U ( p. ..ollcc Is licicliy (,'lven that Hid inllnwing; A liamcil ,-cltlcr hat I1UU iiotleo nl lilt Intention k' tn imil:c limit jironl In Mipjiort of lili claim, mid J!, that.silil prool will l inadc before V. II. I'risby, ' K TliirillauUelTcrii. Phoiin 159 lr nt tlolilviiihile, who mnde II. l:. No. uv.i, for the frimllimnl W'.. N WW, sc.- !JU, Tp I) N, II :i i:, una HK.' ol Sl'jJ, Hfe '.'5, Tp J, N It Yi K. V. il. 4' United Unites Coinmlsslouer, on juij u, r.v;, : A -ll In-1 IC, IMIiir, He tuimiw the following nlttu-'Sf i to jinno his contliiiloiis rotlilenee upon, uml eullivntlon o! t..iiil hind vi: llolwrt,. itroilllicrk. Clirl" K. I"rniueti, U 111 (iiirner, John K'urc, nil of I.le I', it., WlIlllj!tOll. W. It. llfXlIAIl, mnrSM KeslJler. Woon nnd Cnrriago Work. Fish Brothora' Woyon. r KXKOUTOK'S NOriUK. .Vollec l herchy siren Unit the lUiiltinilKiiul has keen duly tippol, till hy the eonntv court, of the sl.ito ol Oregon, uxecntor of thu Iut uill mid lestaiiient of Cviillnu Kviins, dei-eatwl. All lwr-ptis hnvlutr ohilrii. iiwluit tho wtiiti; ollhn..Hid I.viillno hvnns nn- hereby irimlml to pre-cut tlio fitme to him, proper!) vuilikd, na liyhiH ieiiilrt;I,ii' Jloler, Oh-kuii, within six inoiilh-' fiom (heihite hereof. 1'iitrd till- l.Mh ihiv of June, It'll. m:a.ndi;i: kvaks, l..VMMtor of the last will and nf-fciumut ol hvnlliic l.viuu, dwenkiil. Juiilfi II IJiItKI). W.'IliON" V AITOKNKV-AT LAW, n, ... . .'"IK HAI.I.Hri, OKKOO.N p. s. " "j Gunning, ..cflAs. m- 1 Bufcehens and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keepi mi (lMin-ht tho culehmlol t:ol,r.MlllA IIKUIt, iieknuw. iiIkiiI the belt htvr In Thu Ihillvii. nt the imuiil price. Comn in, try It and he roiivlncfil. Aim tho HiKHthninila of Wines, I.I j in and Ulnars. Senduitches oi nil kiiiiIh nlwii)s mi luiinl. I J. 8. HCMRNTK, I I're.liih.'iit, il. M HKAll, L'HtbM Just What You uiant. DISSOLUTION NOTlOii. Notice Is hereby sriven Ihat the rurtiiershlp wVV.'j'x,"3 e,xU""K ''et'vte,, i:. j,. J)1fllr ,', f milk Mcntfee, nt Hie I)ulle. OreKon, under the linn HHtne mid tyl of Dnlur A .Meneli-e, la A I . 1 1 . . . .ucrviniuy nas tioi a single clement Troni.-aland i,n...n..,H- rmii. i,i. I !! .. JHmi.ii & muiu..i eimn . i-T'i of an imperialist in his makeup, but ' veetablee, also that chicken for your :f if ho had, Uryan is an autocrat and i Sunday dinner, Call up 278. n despot, as is evidenced by his forcing the democfatic national con vention to declare for the idiocy of free silver when three fourths of the delegates did not want it. lets. ill ... t lf""ev.vrllbe nlttndtd to nnd completed hy ll-lwk both partners the miiio as though no dUfcoIiuJoii . Mm iVLUIIVIl. To Cum u c.m in unci Day. l-'rtinb Meiicfce will rctnln tho Ixioks mid c- Take Laxative Urorno Quinine Tab- r V ". "f'i will pay n debts and .VII ilrucviue refund tho money. 7h,whm oi WK See our west window for bargains in latlies low shoes. The New York Cash store. Ktlle tho mine with him nt un early d ito. Dattslatlhu Uulks, oreeoii, this 1st iJuy of July, Jlioo. K. II. IiVVVH, J'y -W l'KANK MKNHFKK. mWi), if) Blacksmith, .fiPst National Bali Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. i Mr Second & Lanolin, 'Phone 151 NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. I..m Ohick at Tub lutLics, ohkuon, iiiiy v, iiMj, If Kx-Scnator Corbett has con-1 i.iiuri. eluded to run for United States sen-! Healthful drinks aro not luxuries, they - i ... I tirA iianuailfioa A full t 1 I avor occausc someUoily lias sued him f "'7 " " u , Notice t, heuhv given ih,.t the following, for l()f) nnn fm- i.!, ..,.. I re'refIn8 porter, ule, mineral water nnd V.!'"l.'t.l,i,',lu." I""1 '" M liiti.tio.i to w ' ",3 i beers konl on ee. 'PaUn n Imiil. I, 1 . w w ' - . w H wvtviw MUIIIC for lunch. C. J. Stublinif. Phone 231, nffeclions, it is a safe presumption Ibot he would have run for president u lie had boon sued for, say, a quarter of a million. Kx-Secrelary of Agriculture, J. Sterling Morton, reduces tho demo. Subscribe for The Chronicle. lie sure and examine our stock of wall paper thoroughly before buying elte where, aa we have the latest shipment made to this city, now ready for inspec tion at H. Glenn A Co.'s. al7-lw muKo final nrrxif In tiunmrt nr iiU i.i.n that Mid proof will be made before tho and Itecelver at 'Ihe nallci,, Oregon, on TueV day, AuicuntVl, IDUO.vlz. Iloraon V. I'altrrnoii, f Tlie llallxn, Or., K. Np. 5I'I for tho fiWJ HWV, Bcc. 20, and lie nuiiies 1 11 11 fnlliiivlm' i, im.u.. ... i.i coniliiuouii HtWcuco iifion and cultivation of ld land, viz: 1 'l; f: 'rwn, I). J. Itobertf, A. T. ItoberU, I.. E. Kuberti, all of lolr, Orejon. JljU- JAY V. I.lfOAS, KtgWtor. New ideas in Wall Paper hore. Such I wide variety as we ate ehowInK never bo- loro crared a single stonk. Heal iinila. lion creton effeeta at ordl Good panora at cheap paper prices, fclegant desiirna, tasteful coloriiiKS, yonra for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. B 0 HUNTINOTON s w II.K0N HUNTINGTON & WlUjON, atiou:;kvk at i,aw, )B OKIHKNIIOItKPBH Physician and Snrireou, HpeeUl attention Klvcn to lurijery. UoomtSlaud, Tel. 828 Vogt Illock OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTART And CAFE. J. B. OroBaen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street TUB Cniumnia PaGkjnn Go FRENCH & CO. BANKERS. TKaNHAOT A K.S'KHAI. UANICINll IIOfclNKB Uttera of Credit issued available in 'the c. . . t, hte States. hlK;t Exchange and Teleurapbi', Transfers sold on New York, OldcHio Si ,8anrF:nci8co, Portland Ore Kon, Seattle Waib.. and vnrloua polnu in Oregon and Washington. ' w orSKS. UM,d 8t P,Dte D f7' THE DALLES - - - OHEOON A General Ranking liuninoHS transacted Deposits received, aubjoct to Sight Drnft or Obook. Colloctione mailo and proceeds promptly remitted on day ol eolluution. Hik'bt and Telegraphic Exclinnc soul t Now York, Ban Fruuuineo aiiv "orl land. , DIRBOTOHS D. P. TllOMI-HON. Jno. fJ. boiuscif. Kd. M. WiiihiAMH, Gi:o. A. LitDB- II. M. llUAt.1.. I A PACKERS OF I PORKand BEEFl MANIIKAOTUUKItHOK Fine Lard and Sausages j Gurers of BRAND j HAMS & BACON . 4RIKI BBKF. KTO. -f. 8TURDEVANT, Olllcafntr Crunch At tit.' Hunk j I'hono (, THK l)AI.I.Ka,Olti:iON 4 J)lt. K. K. VKIUUIHON, Pliysidun and Surgeon, Oltlco, Vot lllock (over I'ontoBlcc), VCuplmo-dw THK DAI.I.KH, 0'ti:'N- J