rORERUMMER OFf D 'gU AlifMIOfOTflil Hi CATARRH Ik n 11 ' v ft 'I Few realize what flu- ?hk1 llirnnt 1 what a deep-seated, obstinate disease Catarrh is, regarding it as a simple inflammation, ol oat, little or no attention is given it. Hut, however insignificant It may seem at first, it reachinir in its results. IIKIUIIT T1MK frilKllULK. FKOM D.U.I.KS. Altll.VK FllOM .... i ' t.: 1 1 1 I Us The foul secretions entering the circulation poison the entire system. The stomach, kidneys in .-. it i i. 4 r ii.:.. .... i i..i . 1 ...i n,A i.... - i..l 1 . Knst MhII 12:io i. in. ShU I.nkr, Denver, Ft. Kt W.i.lli flt.mliii. l.' Mall ItlCl till lilt. UTillia im llli: l-llt.4.1 IU WHS lUUtllUUl IIU1S.UIJ, .Hill WUCIl IIIU lllll- tlU ll.44.4l4.'.i HA JI4 i rapid and destnictivc, and finally ends in consumption. It frequently happens that the'senses of hearing and smell are in part or entirely lost, the soft bones of Ms City, St., lHlls,' liiliii (i 111 'i umiitKii niiu r.nst tne nose eaten into ami destroyed, causing intense sintering ami greatly uisiiguring me. lace, wnue sprays, washes and salves may give temporary relief, no permanent benefit can be expected from such treatment. Atlantic K.xpross Suit Ijik?, Denver, Ft,1 I. I'm, in. norm, uiminii, turn Mil City, Ht. l-oills.f Chicago 11U1I Kilst. 't CATARRH IS A CONSTITUTIONAL OR BLOOD DISEASE, Vitwn. 111. VU Hunt iiijtton. and fir beyond the reach of mere local remedies. Those who rely upon them for a cure lose valuable time, meet with disap pointment "and allow the disease to take firmer hold. Only a real blood remedy can reach this troublesome and dangerous disease. S. S. S cures Catarrh because it first cleanses and builds up the blood, purifies it, makes it rich and healthy, stimulates and puts nej life into the sluggish worn-out organs, and thus relieves the system of all poisonous accumulations." i . . i . ; . . r - it. in - r i. .1 . f. r. it . . ii . . i .... . i . t. i.i. i .i .4. .ibb .aSBVaVaw. A3 eeaid l determined i .... r .i i Ktivi mc uji'ia., .iiiii ai 4ci .1 icii nccjv.9 41 tMn vears have had no slen of the disease." S. S. S. is made of roots, herbs and barks of wonderful touical and purifying properties. It is Hie only vegetable blood purifier known, and a certain and safe cure for all blood troubles. Send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases, and at llf Mfflp iittlt wrltn nnr lillvcirirttus filirmt vmtrMcp Tliv wilt MionrfiilK' mvo vnii any information or advice wanted. We make no charge for this. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. Slvoknnu Mllll mill Kxprvf.s J.2.. j. ni. 8 . m. Wnlla Wall, Hpoknne, Minneapolis. m. nun, 1M1 111 til, Mltmiukec, Chlraco rnui Knst, via fipoWnnonkil Iliiiitlnit ton, iiImi all polnti In WiishfiiRton ami Kast ern Oregon. Fkom l'Ol.TLANll. Oeeau Htenmslilps. For hau Francisco Fery l'ho Days. Kixikanc Mall ami K.xpte! a. 111 i p. m. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. GOING EAST- If you intend to take a trip East, ask your ticket agent lo route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-dite railroad in every particular. Through trains from Gliic.s!0, Kinsas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New EiiKuul points. All trains run via Niagara Fulls and every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining ears. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Uoss C. Clini:, Pacific Coast Pass. Aut,, Loa Auzeles, Calif. C. S. Crank, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. $ Stop and see them. The best Sewing 0 Machine on the market for the least M $ price. For cash or on time. ' 0 i t s I The Jaoobsen Book & Music Co. A Gnuil Cimgli Medicine. Many thousands have been restored to health anil happiness by the use of Chamberlain's Cough fieniedy. If af flicted with any throat or lung trouble, give it a tiial for it is certain to prove beneficial. Coughs that have resisted all other treatment for years, have yielded to this lemedy and perfect health been restored. Cases that seemed hopeless, ! that tho climate of famous health resorts! failed to benefit, have been permanently I cured by its use. For rale by Iliakeley 1 rlouilitou. After many intricato experiments .scientists have discovered methods fori -obtaining all tho natural digestante. ' JFhese have been combined in the pro- j .portion found in the human body and J -united with substances that build up! ithe digestive organs, making a com--pound called Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure. It I digests what you eat ami allows nil i dyspeptics lo eat plenty of nourishing!. ioou wiiim the stomach troubles aro being radically cured by the medicinal agents it contains. It is pleasant to .take anil will "ive rmick relief. CLOUD CAP HMfl NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Magnificent Scenery. Pure Air and Water. Perfect Rest A MANSION IN THE SKIES. . Jl!1;01",,a from the MOUNTAIN .STAGE & LIVEf.'V CO.M PANi, Hood Hiver, Oregon. jiyl" S I. m I . .. Kx.&undayit.'olumblH Uv. Steamers.' Kx.hiinil'aj In'.. ....-. n . . uv... i Saturday Landlnss. 10 p. in. , (a. Bl. WlLLAMKTTK 1.1VKII. l:Mp. HI. hs.buuiiayiOrcKon city, Ncwhi-nr. Kx.tiunaay tialcui 4t Way Ijuul's. . a. m, IWltLAMSTTK and Vam- p. ni. Tuc,Thur. mti. Kivkhi. '.Mon..Vat nudSat. Orepon City, D.iytou,- mid Fri. , anil Way-KsnillUK. S1V 4 14' IMl't.1. I.v Itlp.iria, lilparia to lAjwlston. 3 36 n. ni l.KAVK Lkwisto:. I ilally J:00a. m. SUMMONS. Clillilrtii ror Aduiitlmi, 'Twin girl babes 5 months old ; one girl babe, 1 month; one girl 3 years; ono boy 1 year; one boy 2 years; one toy 9 years. JVpply to I. F. To bey, superintendent Children's Homo Soi'i 'ely. Tho superintendent will be in The Dalles this week and will receive written applications at this office. Now Location, C. J. Stubling has moved his wholsale and retail store opposite the old siand. where he will be pleated to meet his old j menus and patrons who will find here a full line of choice wines, liquors and cordials. Fiee delivery to any part of the city. Phone 'SM. IN" THE CIItC'tJIT COUKT OF Till- STATU ol Oregon, for Whco County. Mrs. Katu Hustings, I'laintiir, vs. Uoualil M. Hastincs. Defendant. To Donald JI. Hastings, tUc above-named de- luiiuani: In the Kameof thcStateof OrcKon, You arc hereby re(iilrcil to appear and ni awer tlm ccin. pl-lut lllttl xiii8t you in the above entit'eil Mil-on or belore the llh dav of July, hhk). and if you do not, for want thereof the plaintlll' will lake Judsiuenl Hgaitiit you and ill apply to the court ftr the rtllef pm((l for in hvr com plaint, to-wit. for a decree of divorce from you, ttu eaid defendant, Donald 51. HasiiiiKs. This summons Itherved upon you by publlca- II ii, by order of iho court, mad.ton the 5th day of June, lyoo, lvhleh mid oider directs that thic '"""',a himiii )uu ny pnDiieailoii thereof for s,Ix coutccntfru wtvka in 'I MB Iallk U keki.y Clliio.siCLE, a nepaper piibliibtd in said Ua'co county; tftat tlio rirst jaibllc ition IwiiiHdoon thefcthdayof June, l'JCu. mid tiiat thodefendunt bo reiuirl to appear and ainour tho complaint on or before-tbe Utb day of July, IMjo, said dale beln the last day of flic time prescribed for tho said publieatlon. Tho date of theiirkt puWicaiion of thh sum mons is JunuC, VMO, W. II. 'VI .SON, JO l Attorney for lluintill. SOUTH and EAST via Solium Pacific I Shasta Route Traiwene The Dalles for l'nrtJuid and wav itatlons- t a. jn. anil I) p. re-. I'arjies deslnnR to ro to llcppner or ! ,".."" o'ooioi" soiiuiern via IIIU'?, nlioillil takn No. 'V i.)..4'i.,r, -ii... t...iinu ... i , , " Tl -....., iiii; 4'Ml.i;-. .44 '' 1.. Ul mjltln. ' HI r.V.f .inii.inn.lmi. ... tl. and llisus. Heturiilnir niaklintilircct connection Hf I Intin.l.. 1tln..... ...... 1.1 . ....4. 4'.. . . "MT.iv. ,iii,viiun nan JH--1 fllll I. ar riving at The Dalles at p. in. For full particulars call on O. K. iV N. Co.'a HRcnt The Dalles, or addresi W. II. HUm.llI'ltT, (ien I'as. Aut., Portland, Or, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. uigests what you eat. Itartlflclallydlgeststlicfoodandalda .Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or rans. It is the latest disco vered digest ant and tonic. Nr nt can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, SlckIIeadaclie,Gastralgia,Crarnps,and HI otlier results of imperfect digestion. PreDared hv E. C. n.vui.f a r ' .....v ,Ui w ll 4. U LjU- Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by usiny Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and iiuliirostion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or niontiv hick, t'o cts. and 00 cts. Ulakeloy & Houghton Druififiet". Good, pure natural ico from the Illuo mountains for sale by the Columbia Kiver Ic & Fuel Co. 'I'hone ,'J.T or 81 Long Diet. ; 75 or 8 .Seufert & Condon. Vutli In i,ur Cl:olia. All couutv warrants registered prior to Auif. 1, 1S0G, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after June SO, 1000. J. f. IlAMi'Hiiiti:, Countv Treasurer. Special values in ladies' tan oxlords. A low cut in shoes. All prices reduced. No trouble lo show goods at tho New York Cash Store. HT it Tl "P Mill ill! I U-Jive I'oriOmd " Albaivy Arrive Aihlntv! " .SucraiiK.'nto . . " bun Fieiicico . S.aiVim 7:t'ipin .IJ.IWniiv 10:Jv p in .12:." in jit ll:oniiiii "M ji Jin i;:;', a in 7:ljjui! ;)' a ii Arrive Oftdou " Denver . .. ' KuiiMi8t;ily. " Ohicaijo ... . fi:ISu m ii: ft a in 'JiUOinn 'J:Uain 7:U")Un 7:'i"nni 7: I'm in 5:U0nm Arriic Ims AiiKelti 1:20 pm Fort Worth City of Mexico . liouBton Keiv Orleans . Wavhlnston Ji'eiv York.. . ., 0::m a m . lura u m l:fK)u in C:'J.j n m C:l.' a m I'.M.Ipw 7:l)a in M p in iHutii '."t.Vi a in l:lM m 1. VT p in li-Kit in 12- m 1' 50 YEARS' PXDCDicMri: I anas TnACE Marks iFQIftMc; nnuiin- I ITn S. r- - - wwr- niun I uw. ni Toiw piriiaiiiit n nacirn nncl UMimptlnii ow oulckly ascertain our opinion liee wueilier a iiv.Mitlon ii probably paUMiinblc. ' miunii-F Ioim si rlrt i v rriiiildent lal. llandtKiolsonl'utenti jcatlrep- DMrit iicem-y for wcurln paten Is. I 'atei.W . taken tbroimh .Maim 4 Co. reeelv.. ........i ,.tM 44 . .in iioui. voariio, lllllio r con.i-iy iiiuFiraiPti iveoKir. Ii.'irtfosr rir Mil.illi.ii of aiirfdenllUi! Jouriml. Tenim, tl n MUNN & Co.rjc,u'oi'd. New York Uriicli oriieo ita V Ht U'arliiijuion, I). ( Yellowstone Park Line. TI1K DI.NI.NO CAIi KOL'TK FI'.OM I'Ol'.TI.A.ND TO Till: KA8T. T1IK ONI.V DIItKCTI.INK TOTHK yi;i.I.OW- HlO.Ni: 1'AUK LKIVE. I anion Depot, Fifth and i Sts l'lillma i anil Tourlit ears on both tr.tut. Chair cart .Sueraiiu-nto to Oitden imd HI I'ano, and tourist cars to t'ltleio, Ht l-ouli,, New Or leans, aud Wifliiiijon. Conneetinc at fcaii I-ranehco with heyeral steaiiitlilp iTne for Honolulu, j,,,,,,,,, n,,," I'hllippliiea, Ceutiul mid S-outh America. Sto utjctit at Tin Dalle Matlon. or uddrtits C. H. MARKHAM, (iCiictul l'awiiKer Aent, 1'uitliini), or jy.. V. T. H1UTII, OsteoiHith. l i mid II, Chapman IlliK'k, '! lie Dbliei, Oregon. Tuid.i).i nnif Ki Mays, 8 m. I i' maylK-im AIIKIVK. No, No. 2. 1 FaktnmltforTucoma, I Seattle, Olysnplu, (iray'h l(lllltr mtti ..utl. llfxirl I . - . . .. .. UUIUII 4JV..I. I points, Kpokiuic, Itosn. iliind, 1!. C, I'lillmaii, ni- . .. I1!""!'.""-' lHtuii. Huf I1:U A. M. falolluiiipmininii'toun. i;W I'. M, try, Helena, MiuueaiHi f)t. I'aul, Omaha, haiims City, .St. J-oiiis, jChitMKn and nil points No I, ea.taiiiHoutheakt. ;i. 1 1. i. m , l',fet 6ou'"1 .Kiprw-s HjjiJ r, JI., for Taeoina and fceuttle 7,(JA.M. j and lutermeiiiato points Go to the Columbia Htver Ice & Fuel Co., for pure natural ice. I'hone 3.1 or 81 long distance, 76 or 8 Seufurl & Condon. A low cut in ehoee. nil ladies tan oxfords. Caeli store. Special values in At the New York Ladies' tan oxfords sizes 3 to 5 only 90 cents at the New York Cash Store. I'll II in ii n Ir..i1..L.. i a. . 5l"!oui rK lUUlal"1 iU"y'mi ,lyet '"Jl"ls inulrllVrtri.L'nla ''' jikkko cih'ckwi louestlnallon of tickets, ,ljr.,lu"dMV,,cl''l'awfewf'ttve matter, writ lw,,,"B eur f,-'eVlloii etc., call on or A. D. CHARLTON, Ahklktant (ieneral 1'ai.keniter AkchI. a.v .Morri foii Htreet, corner Third, 1'ortlaiid, Oregon. li(;hteiw the load shortens the rcurL Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn, Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Mica 'Axle UREASE helps the team. Saves wear mid expense, soul every where. STANDARD OIL QO. ADMlXISTJt ATOM'S NOTICJC. Notice in licfthy Riven that the underlined, h'.Vvl ' V7J,lHtv o tho H tato o irtmil 'or N'lh'; Co,,,"y' has been appoli to. SV, i"'VruV.r, of U,u "'"to "f Helen llnulford, tel."!' )l1,l1'ef"' Imvliut claims uuliist Hrili'iMi''' vvAlh ,l,u I'.?!?1- vouchers, tonie at Huttd .May 15, lime. MS ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS flilir.,?.'!.'" V.?''".. lVenl ....... , U4ar(KQ Cf, ph,,a 0j . r Mcom:. , ,,,4.,.", M00HE tfe CjAVJN; ATTOitNKV.S AT l,AW Itooins ;w and 10, over II. S. Ijind (Kitto. Guardian's Sale.',"''1.' !s ''V'y. Klveu that purtiiant ton H tense a id order of sale made and iiMitil in mo "? JK.TH11118 auii "state of u" a Mooiii and (iarllcld Moore, mliiorS, liv 1 Com, y Court of tho Statu of Oreo i for ni o i?. yt !' U,, C,11', u"-Jw'- S, Vll on ioor l I ,lLH ! i,1,;i,1,!H,,l Mt ,,J,U 'U't i. hami;,f U ra'S jl! Hiventi s in e f v in a,n? all i WU 0 f 'tilt, Hp o land boii uiled as folm tm, ie cihw'a't a ako 011 tlm north lino of the v elorYrevItt onatlou Land Claim, wheio tt croMe" a d ie m ' o. ,l,,ii,,,uhi,!.,i,f flyt. "lrw,l",, torn on the llnuof tho prehoiit feneo Nl rodk heiieu west wi rods: llieiieeTorthw.wtWJr hence bIouk i.ail luoWlrods, u, t u iXco of .egliiiihig, fAinK u part of tho Victor TrevPt IJCUIK ill 111. N, It la K, W. il. A bo a like In lerest In. and to Iit lj. and HW feet ni .1, .".. i". d.Uo,r(!,YeU1.,,, ,as,,U,rt "' J'J II HOMKK Y. MOOUK.Ouuraian. 1 if at '1 v '1 The Chronicle, Th OK. dob Printers. ij i M ii ill aS :.K 1 1 Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ol pll kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts. ' ?.".kLn - f w vi uu rutu Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOn FlOUr T,lia I'I""r 18 "'a""fctm,l expressly for family ,,r , , , : "very nack is Ktinranteed to Kive Bntiafaction. V 4? Bell OUT I'nniln nivnr limn .mi. Iwi.iu.. I., tl... .....I.. I tl ...... .1 14 4. 1 II I . " , ' .I..UOU .11 iiu iiiiud, niiu II YUU UUU t IUIIII BO call and net our prices aud bo convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whea.t, Barley and Oats. $ 1.00 per month. Strictly first class local and lone, distance telephone eervicu within your home. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will he kept a secret. No cost fur installing. You K'lt the standard IIunniiiL' Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and nlht service. Wo will accept your contract fur tun years and ullmv you to cancel eamo on Kivinj; us thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. "" ' CLEANLINESS mors iilml w , 11, y 1, , '"l ,, V,""'" , !'k our onto. " iii" "iSkti in; KK'ii;!"' 11 Paints. Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings Washinaton Street, '"' between Second and Third. H. GLENN & CO. 1111 i Subscribe for the Chronicle.