What we say we do, we DO do. Consequently our G-REAT CLEARANCE SALE is the TALK of the town. Now'h llui "Nick o'Timo" to liny Slimmer Clothing, la Mldtinniinor Sale uukoa It easy. We put now, clean, thls-season's goods vvllliiti Ilii! reach of nil. Prices like these in llio heart of the season will persuade you to'lmy from iih, and Unit in tho roiiHon of this sale to hurry up busi nets; to cause you to buy NOW and from us Highest possible grade of goods at lowest possible prices lias always burn our motto, nnil this Hale il lustrate it lumiitifiilly. Iloro arn suits of tho piiroBt worsted, eassimorcH and cheviots, fiiHt color blue serges, etc, madu in tho latum styles ami bv tho boat makers. p)hO ALL-WOOL SUIT.S tQ q- Clearance price tpO.OO S,7 50 and $8.50 ALL-WOOL SUITS Qfc Clearance priuu CpO.OO . 00 to $12.00 ALL-WOOL SUITS dw Clearance priro tj ( .00 15 to fl!0 Worsted and Oaaaimero djw r qj Suits; clearance price pAV.00 SEE WINDOWS. July Sale of Pique and Outing Skirts. This is a taro July for bargains. The re mnrkablo succession of cool daya has somewhat lagged the Eulllnts ol Summer Wearing Apparel. Hundreds must yet bnv, but we must sell in a week what should have been Bold in a month ; honcu these beautiful Skirts nro shown at tho prices marked below : rialn Crash Skirts ; worth .'i5c at 20c Same, worth 50c at .IOc Plain White Duck; worth 75c at 50c Heavy White Duck ; worth fcl.OO- nt 75c Good Heavy Linon; worth $1 00 at fi9c. Same, trlirmoil; worth $1.50 at $1.15 White Pique; worth 2.00 at 1.-15 Same, better grade ; woi th $2 25 at 1 05 Satno, extra heavy ; worth .fl'.OO at 2,20 Same, trimmed with emb'roiderv insertion; worth $5.00 . at 3.80 Hotter grades reduced in proportion. Campers' Bed-Clothing. Blankets, would bo a hazardous suggestion at noon ; but at night, they are most welcome to tbiifio who need their protection from tho cool breeze down the river and in tho mountains. Wo have a largo stock to make your selection from. Our Prices Are Right. This is a bid for your money A. simple business proposition of offering you $1.00 fot 75e "Wo want to clean out all TAN SHOES this season. We have cut prices to make them go. All $5.00 values go at $3 75 All $4.00 values. go at 3 00 All $3.00 values go at 2 00 All $2.50 values go at 2 00 All $2.00 values go at 1 50 All $1.50 values go at 1 00 All $1.00 values go at 75 See our show window for best evi dence of genuine bargains. This sale includes all Tan Shoes except Queen Quality Shoes. All Goods Marked In Pltiln FlRiiroH. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle, Titkpltouc No. 1. TVKSDAY JULY 17, 11100 ( ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. Co)- it Ib easiur to keep cool. Wo really have little reason to complain as yet tins HuaBon. Tho warmest weather we have had was last month, when the thermom eter stood at 00 one day. Last Sunday it was 91 ; yesterday 88, and today not over S4 ut I! :-'10 o'clock. One forest fire in California has burned a tract of twenty Equare miles. One little lireeracker xvue the cause of the dihiister. One negligent campfire in the forests of our state is liable to spread to thousands of acres of timber. Perhaps service a day ; for the following four Keep cool. weeks the Methodluts will do the tame; i . , " . t .. ,,. . ,. .1 t . .i t Advice to "keep cool" is good at all during the month of August the Lu-I . , , . .i l . , .. ... , . . ,, , times, but never better than in the heated thcrans will have no service at all and . ... , . , . ,. i:,.i .i... ...(;.,u B.mi tr' which now seems fairly upon this t-io Mini i ii tt it nnvij vim ijjiilicio n hi ... ... , . r section uiBiiuiipu n un service tor a iiuruuii ui WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Iulies tan low flliOL'5 nlv i'P cents the New York Cash store. Orders by telephone Or illhorwjBC A I tho McNoat at are market. titty piTHons, turning nut ilil averse o! 15,000 pounds of scoured Wool. Under the immediate necessity of a night run, putting in an exchange today. Dining the entire week there will be a sale of street hats and sailors ut the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. Ureal reductions. ltl-lw j The funeral of II. P. Isaacs, who dleij eo suddenly in Portland Saturday, tool place this morning at 0 o'clock at bii home in Walla Walla, under the inspicel of the .Masonic order. Lee Mnurhonse, Pendleton's famous. artist, visited I Inod Uiver Sunday aml One method is to seek the moun- the time, as the old building is already i tain r8rt0I ,he eeacoast, where breezes unfit for use. Protestants, therefore, I 'e rceneBS of the sun s rays. . . i But all cttv workers are not able to drop can remain at home Sunday evenings, .... , . . T . ! their business and leave -town. It is Serious trouble is brewing on the I possible to keep cool and stay at home Union Pacific and it is feared that there ) jf one will observe ordinary precautions, will be a general strike if the company J One authority putB it this way: attempts to enforce a new rule in refer- The nrntmr diet, for ih snapon is alight . me mm may cause nuniing patios ami . t.ce to the watch inspector of the Uuion j ami Bimple one, consisting largely of campers to be more cautious''th:n usual ! i,u.jfjc. The engineers, firemen, con-, fresh fruit and vegetables, and only to a .while tho ground and foliage are bo dry. '.luctore, brakemen, switchmen, yard- limited extent of meat. Alcohol should j At present our scouring mill is running masters, telcgraphets, station agente, be used much more discriminate!;- than on a full day tune, and employing ;;'ju;-,l , ,,;"n, and eertion foicmen were m- in winter. It predisposes to sunstroke. itriictcil that ati those who diii not carry j A free indulgence in iced drinks of any a 1 ".jeweled nickel-movement watch of ; kind is to be deprecated. Cold fluids in a certain make would have to buy one. jthe stomach are far mote prejudicial to Tho rcqueat has been complied with by health than cool ones. The internal I a few employee, but a large number re- chill produced by the former, no matter fuse and say they will quit work before j 10W refreshing for the moment, is likely i hey will be coeiced. Firemen on the ' to cause congestion at some other pait of the third district from North Platte to the Bystem and work eerious injury. It Sidney are reported to have made a du- j ja t0 be borne in mind, too, that many termiiid Pt uu', and it is said they liave I edibles and some potablee deteriorate notified the company if tho rule is en- 1 rapidly in warm weather. This is pai forced they will wall: out together. j ticnlarly true of meat, fish, fruit and milk. Too great pains can not well be taktn to insure their preservation. And the fresher milk is when drank the mind to be the competitor "stionger" ecx in every avenue of life from the leant to tho greatest, from the foolish to the most foolish, etc., let them lead a dispatch from Saginaw, Mich., yesterday which says: "Miss Marie Schmidt, aged IS years, reached this city sh supply of Lownoy'H chocolates j this amount will bo increased to between received todav ut Hlakeley's pharmacy. ! :," n pountiH in win near .ii i I futntc. Tho mills have sold their out. Shauiko is to have telephones galore. ... . , . The OreL-on Toleobone ComniHlV IS ' ' ' u - IIUIHI 1111 II Illlllllll IW I.UIIIU The rotuniE from samples hunt to manufacturers have invariably brought favorably comment. If there's one thing abovo another that The Dalles need, it is a hospital. There Is reallv no nereas'ity for our people and those who wmn in from the ' country about ub be'uig compelled to go 1 to the expense of going clear to Portland to bo treated for ailments and for opera. ; tlons with which our own physicians are equally computent to cope. Leaving the more critical cases out of the mr.-unru mum; vani.MMO pn.UHun ui inw i (.m.8lH1 tlioro imi lIUIIlblirleSB IierSOIIH lniilan relics and bulldingH across thoi . , k to tu) m(,tropuIlB each Colunihia from that point. month who could just as well be treated i last night from San Francisco, having Henry Hnmsey, the old gentlemen i jf thuro were only some place to which I If any have the least doubt in their I minds that the new woman 'and many j it., en nnivl Imq unt. mmlu no her ! 11... ,.,,, noli I nr nf t 1R "CI If I 1UI lin: u I I ll rci . x luiu... uk j.u.cu.. from Mayvillo, who eatno near loeing bis life Friday In a runaway accident nt Albany, is Htill in a very serlouB condi tion at tho home of his son in-law nt that place. Tho city is $2 ahead on a tight which occurred Sunday. Tho pugilist was ar rested on that duto nud put up that amount for his appearance title morning. Ho fulled, however to connect, but hie t 1b still in the hands of tho recorder. Tliia morning, while working at tho planing mill, Carl Hansen caught tho little linger of the left hand In the saw nud it was sawed into tho bone, making n very painful wound. Dr. Ooisendorfler dressed it and it ia thought nn perma nent injury will rosnlt. A friend of Kev. IS. Hushing, whom wo inentlonud a few daya ainco as being very ill at Spokane, says our informant must have been mistaken, iih a letter received this morning, tolls her lie ib im proving, and a tew daya since rodo five miles on his wheel. Nuwapnpor people Room to havo no doubt of McKlnlev's oloctioii nnd conse quent prosperity, ' from the number of now journals which ivro dally received. The latest la tho Condon Times, which is published each Saturday, and Blurts nut kb If it meant business. Wo trust it will continue in as lively spirits. Thank fortune, pooploure getting over they could ho taken. Our physicians should, with tho help of tho leading citizens, make a move toward establish ing a hoppital here. Hood Uiver is tho latest place to report a drowning. Yesterday afternoon about i 1 o'clock two men, John Dye and a man whose name wo could not Ijiuii, at tempted to ciosa the river to White i Salmon in a email boat, when the wind wau extremely high and tho liver rough. When about tho middle of the stream tho boat capsized. Kd Underwood, who aaw them from tho Washington 6ide, nt covered tho entire distance on foot, about -1700 miles. Mies Schmidt left San Frnneifico March 25 last on a $500 wager, made by a social club of San ing and ditoidcre of the inteetiual tract, work a vast deal of mischief when tho mercury gets up to the 003 and shows a disposition to linger there. The maintenance of health at this time of year is fully as dependent on sleep as food. As has already been intimated, susceptibility to many of the ills that llesh is heir to colds and pneu monia in winter and malarial and gastric trouble in summer is largely controlled bv the s'alo of the nervous system. If Tho Kihcl, You Havo Always Bought, anit which has hecu In uso for over 30 yenrs, 1ms borne tho slprnatnro of and has been mailo uncler his pcr j j&ffljt'-j, Konal supervision slnec Its Infancy. taf?X -etfcAXw: Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Just-as-Rood" are but Experiments that trifle with nnd endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare goric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootic raibstnncc. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd allays Fcvcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach nnd Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNT.UR COMMNV, T MURHAV STBCCT, NEW YORK CITY. year's respite o'i account of III health. Miss Nan Cooper will take charge of her room, fllisa Anna lhompeon taking the room taught by Misb Cooper in the East Hill primary. EAST HIM, 1'lll.M.UiV SCHOOL. Miss Anna Thompson 1st B, 2nd 15, 2nd A. Miss Emm.1 Roberts 31 A, 4th D, 5th B. COL'liT STREET SCHOOL. Miss Mary Douthit 1st B. 1st A. Miss Ella Cooper 2nd B, 2nd A. Miss Catherine Martin 3d B, 31 A. Miss Etta Wrenn 4th B, 4th A. ACADEMY PARK SCHOOL. Mis Nan Cooper 1st B, 1st A. Mies Maggie Flinn 2nd B, 3 1 B. Mrs. Kato Roche 4th B,5th B. Mite Alice B.ill-oth B, 5th A. man school. Mrn. Ellen B.Udwin G'h B, 0th A. Mies Louise Rintonl Gth A, 7th B. Mise Tuna Rintoul 7ih B, 7th A. Miss Minnie Michell Sib B, Sth A. Iff CSU SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Miss Melissa Hill, assistant; Mr. .1. T. Nt(F, principal First year A, First year B, Second year, Thin! year, Fourth year. J. S. Lenders, superintendent. PKOfLE l'Ol! ALL KNOW. ilut nIih oniild not reach Saginaw bv August 1 and beg her living I "'" kept toned up by plenty of re- en route." We would lust add next?" Surelv it is time to call u halt It has been idiotic enough in men to go traveling through the country on such senseless expeditious ; but when it comes to a woman (much less a girl of 18) aping her brothers In such foolishness, wo wonder hat this ago will not bring forth. If it has become ueceseary for ho has seen lit to indulge in. I l...u i .i....... ,1... luiutiwtau irrirltt ntirl tempted to reach thou, ; but in vain. . Umt ,. for in,,. i...i .1-1 flu, I ilnwn (ii Nicliolai's mill. , 1 ... ..... ,,, ' 1 the love of everything womanly in ner four miles below Hood River, and B I nntiiro, ir is to bo liopetl she will not at picked up by some o tho j tllt, Fnlll0 UnuMidopt .UI tho foibles which wiion iiiey luuuu uiw ui iu mun n.... clinging to tho boat. With diluculty thoy restored him; but at tho time tho messngo was telephoned up to Hood River, no onokuow his name, and there fore could give no information as to which of tho unfortunates was saved. Of late yenrs tho various denomina tlons nro 'sensibly coining to tho con elusion that a minister Is mado of tho same imperial as other men, und there fore need u rosplto from duties during tho heatod term s ,wull us thoy. Ac cordingly Dalles pooplo will be compollod to tnko thoir nap at homo Sunday even- In, instead of in their pow t otiuron "what i 'resiling Sleep, a gri au-r piiwer ui ru- sistauce to threatened dlsordeis results; whereas, if an adequate supply of nature's sweet restorer is not to be had, one's endurance is sensibly impaired. Fortunately, tho people of this section alwavs enjoy cool nights. The hottest day is succeeded by a pleasant evening and one cau enjoy a good night's rest. If people obseive the simple rules of health there need be no distress from heat. Slinuld lie Invt-HtlKilteU. liniToii Chronicle: There are a number of questions re garding tho morals of The Dalles, which som to be entirely overlooked by tho oll'uers of our city, and one in par- l!fii.l.ii iwintilu nf tfu. IllifllllH hill ' ' i ns morning feel that the authorities should looR into , j,:(lre(l Wallle, and together they and, if their suspicions can tie proven, Ur die sea coast R. J. Ginn, of Moro, is in tho city. J. M. Cameron arrived in the city this morning from Condon. A. K. Thompson went to Lost lake to day for a short outing. Mrs. James Fait was a passenger for Hood River this morning. Geraldir.o Kelly left on the noon train to visit with lelatives io Portland. Mr. arid Mrs. Abx. Mcintosh were visitors vestenhy from Glenwood. H. I.. Kuek returned cn the noon train today fioiii a business trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. A. Smythe, of Arlington, were registered at the Umatilla this morning. Chas. Ackers and wife came down from Wasco yetterday and left for Port land today. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Giflord and family ptarted for Lost Lake this morning to enjoy an extended outing. Mr. and Mrs. W. 15. Walther and family left on tho tioat this morning to join thecamperfi at Cascade. Miss Cad Booth camo up on the Dalles City lust night, trom Portland,, and is the guett of Miss Alma Schmidt. Miss Imia .Tetheiow, of Monmouth, arrived last night from Portland anil will leinain in the city for a ehort time. Mrs. E. M. Wilson and F. W. Wilson have spent some time at Seaside, Clat sop beach, and returned home last night. Mr. and SIr. B. F. Laughlin and family will spend the remainder of tho slimmer in camp at Glenwood, near Trout lake. Rov Rimer camedown from Pendleton . ... ... i i anil ioi"eu nis menu, left put a stop to. I refer to the characters of a man and woman ho it is believed are living in direct violation of the law of the land, their abode being near the garrison. Not only do we consider sue) to be the case; hut worse, young giifs are continually enticed in companion- thin with them, which will undou'itedly. be their munition. Klinnl.i tint Annul! hi nn Iih Hone In n a stop to such proceeding!-? I .llV )(it A.N OnsEitvKit. ' the foolUb habit of accosting every quo lor ft month at least. Already the with "Ia it warm enough for yon," and1 GoiigregatloualiBts are having but one CASTORIA For Infants and Children, Thy Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature Ladtes silk vesting top tan oxfords worth 12.50. Our price .if 1.75 while they last. No trouble to show goods at the New York Cat.liBtoro. . For choice fruits, fresh vegetables, flsb, poultry and all kinds of feed, call on tho McNeal market; Phone 278. 11-lwk DInhoIuiIiiii Nollt'i'. The copartnership business heretofore conducted at 175 Second ttreet, under tliu firm uaiuu and style of Blakelev & Houghton, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, F. L. Houghton retir ing fiom said (Inn. The business will be conducted in the future by Geo. C. Blakeley, at tho old slaiul. F. L. Houghton will collect all accoiints and pay all liabilities of said linn. The Dalles, Oregon, July 2, 1900. Gko. C. Bi.akki.kv, F. L.'Houuino.v. Tf Hi'litim for Neil Vfitr. The uselgumeut of teachers for the coming year in the public school has been made, the only change from those of the preceding year being that Miss Selina Phirman has been allowed a Be sure and exunine our stock of wall piper thoroughly before buying ehu where, as wo have tho latest shipment mado to this city, now ready for inspec tion at ll. Glenn Si Co.'s. al7-lw llhas been demonstrated by experience that consumption can bo prevented liju tho early use ol uuo .Minuteuongn wire. This is the favorite remedy for coiiiihs, colds, croup, asthma, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. Cnresquickly. 1. 11 X ll I It'S. Healthful drinks are not luxuries, they are necessities. A full line of cool and refreshing porter, ale, mineral water and beers kept on ice, Take u bottle home for lunch. O. J. Sttibllng. Phone 234. Tropical and homegrown fruits, choice vegetables, also that chicken for your Sunday dinner. Call up 278. 11-lwk To Curo a Cold lu Oue Uy. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money, Mr. and Mrs. 1). D. Wilder leturned on the Dalles City from their we lding irip to Portland, nnd will make their home in The Dalles. Miss Bertha Hill and brother, Roy, and Miss Pearl Bales anil Boy Bate went down to Cook's Landing today to Ljoin the c.iinpcrs there. Win. Cales left this morning for Rusk springs, where ho goes tobting his father home, he having spent the past few weeks there for tho benefit of his health. Mr. and Mrs. 1. N. Saigent and Mis Kathryii Sargent will leave tomorrow morning for a camning dip to Mi fl'itt's rpring. Thev wid loniain about thieo if weeks. C. J. Crandall leturned this noon from his business trip to Yakima, where he found everything moving along Hinootbly on tho' work in which lo is interested, S. Adjutant Chas. Read returned last night trom 1'ortianu, Having aiicnuen tho encampment at Salem. He returned this afternoon lo his duties in Johnston Bros.' store ut Dnlur. Mrs. Kinkela, who was formerly u resident of The Dalles, but now icsidea in Astoria, is the guest of Miss Dulphiiri Velaide. She will leave for &t. ahiiiiii a springs Thuisday, accompanied by Mis. Velarde, Misses Mattie, Cassie and Lizzie Bailey were passengers on the boat this morning for Portland, where they will visit friends, They will also attend the Chautauqua assembly. SeeourweBt window for bargains in ladles low' shoes. The New York Cash store..