The Dalies Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY JULY 17.190CJ Vor relilent WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or Ohio. For Vltfe-rrlil,t THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of Nriv York. TUK VOUXTRY PRESS. It is estimated that three-fourths of the people of the Uuitcd Stales liyo in the country ami the country towns. To this fact is due the strong hold the country press retains on the American public, ?ays the Review. The weekly country paper is more eagerly sought than the daily paper j from llie city, ueeause u comes nuuic more closely to the people it serves. It tells them, more thoroughly than the city paper can hope to do, of the affairs and the happenings of their environment. Nor is the influence of the rural weekly confined to the country. Much the larger part of the city pop ulation comes from the farm. The city merchant, banker and profession al man cling to the old "home paper." ZMany years after the old ties are broken, you will find it upon their desks. Jt is the remaining tie that binds them to their boyhood home and boyhood companions. "Week after week it comes from the old place, with its burden of news and sentiment. It has a story of never ceasing interest. Aud no matter what measure of fame or fortune the game of life ma' bring to the countiy-bred bo, the time never comes when he loses all interest in its chronicles. When the day 'a duties are ended, and the household has grown quiet in the still notches of the uight, he loves to sit by the firC' side, and reading the columns of the old home paper, live over,, m fancy, Ihe happy, heedless days of his youth. It tells him a hundred things of his old sweethearts, the success of this companion, the failure of that; the use of poor boys; the downfall of one whose youth was showered with the golden sunshine of opportunity; To stranger oyos, 1 the little weekly from some distant , state seems dreary and commonplace but he reads between the lines j llfc, sees behind the scenes. The. small-' est item may carry a romance, and i even the advertisements unfold their1 stories. , The country weekly fills a want common to every t,an in the union. ' lit is one of" our American 'institu lions." How many newspapers,' think you, the single young state of "SVashiimton ' supports? Two hun ttred and twenty-one, and a big campaign crop in harvest, and all but , fifty or twenty of these are weeklies. I Oregon has l'J2; Montana, 02; Idaho, 70. I What ft story these figures tell of the country's expansion and the growth of the population since the quiet colonial days when Hen Frank lin's prudent father refused to help him start a weekly paper, because "there were already two newspapers in America, and a third was not j wanted." i EUSINESS LOCALS. Clarko & Falk have on snlo a full Hue of paint and artist's brushee. A full lino of Eastman films niut sup plies just received by Clarko fc Falk. Paint your houec with paints that arc hilly Riiatnnleeil to Inst. Clarke & Falk havo them. DeWitt's Littlo Euly Hlsem are famous little pills (or liver and bowel troubles. Never Ktipu. Then! are no better pills mailo than IleWttt'a Little Early Risers. Always prompt and certain. Fresh cracked Nebraska com nt the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. meli26-u One Minute Cough Cure is the only harmless remedy that produces iin mediate icsults. Try it. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are tttu best. Ask your grocer for them. L'ui-en Jlcnitnclw Otilckly. Baldwin's sparkling efl'ervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and '2o cents. Sold bv Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24 Ow Clark & Falk are never clo:ei Sunday Don't forget this. steek h Clark & Falk's drug fresh and complete. now, Plays & Giowe Mother'sStoryof Baby's Cure Of a Most Distressing Humor by the Cuticura Remedies. When our baby wub a week old, eczemn appeared on the top of her head find spread nil over nor seaip, nice, and forehead, forming one initsd or notes. You can realize how much she must havo Hiiffered, when who ncrutched at times till the blood ran intermingled with water. Our family doctor's treatment proved ineffectual, as the .disorder, instead of abating, developed more. We then stopped all medical treatment, and eont , inenced witii CirrtcuitA lJr.jir.inns. Wo used the Cmci'itA 1Jioi,vi:st, Ctm- nl.. .....1 f't-rtiMIH 4 Clltt fill VVMB0 1 UUUA MIIWIIUlllj illlll v-'l Iti-UM.i .j.y..., .... ,i yA traces of the eczema disappeared, the Jj "XL J skin and scalp were left perfectly clear ij 5 mil 4imnn h mill si IP W'N mmriMY I'UIL'U. sJlL-t- Miw. K. HHTLEIJ, Mv oldest bov, age nine rears, was troubled with sore on different parts of the bodv, especially on the leg, about twenty-four in all. They were about the sie of a ilve-eent piece, aud would fester very much and eject a pus. Thov were verv painful. After my above experience with the cure ot niy little irirl with (VTICUKA Kkjujdiics, I did not bother with the doctor in this ease, but gave him the CrricuitA treatment which completely cured Win in four weeks. Mrs. E. UUTLEIt, 12St) 3d Ave., H. HrooWyn, . . Sleep for Skin-Tortured Babies Ani lust von Tiirer. Mothers In a warm bath with ctrrirmiA Soav, ami a flnlo ar-pll-citlon or Cuticuua Ointment, greatest of emollient -Un euros. This treatment, aUtci, In the severer cases bv CUTICUUA ltKSOl.vr.NT, to cool anil cleave tlio blood, iitlnrils In. ttant relief. permit rest for i.nrcnt and eleep for child, anil points) to " spocily, permanent, and economical euro of toituring, iHMlgurlug. Itching. Imrnliijt. bleedlnjf. w-aly, pimply, J Sti I REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, FORTLANI) k ASTORU NY. COMPANY Htt-nincrs ot tlm ltcitulutor Mac will run ns per Ihulol. ow.nir M'iuibilo, the (.ompiiny roFervliii; tho right to clmngo M'hiilnle without notice. rioKiilntor. K DOWN. H. I.v Dalles at 7 A. M. K TlaiiMliiy . . . ! SAtutilny. . . Air. inrinnin I 5, nt !.! '. i. tie. I,v. rortliitid nt - a. M. Mondny Wfiliii"-iiy ...Krlibiy An. Dalles it r. v. m. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dnlloa City, DOWN I.v. Unties it a. h. Monilny WrilneMlay,, . Frltlny Arr. Portland at ::!0 v. i, Ia n 0 1 nd.l 'lucnW hurwlnyj , hntiiriiiii'j iitr.p..j S nrMiimnDrn wnnMOMY AND PI.F.ASTTRTn Jj r Uxt Kjvjmv ji j. ojw Q' .., i i .. ii... ui..,, nt ilui KcL'iilntor blue. The Company will emleavor to tvo Iti mi J Travel by the btomj 1,! po.ilhle. Kor lurther l.dormatlou n..lre,s '0mil fe, lM.tlai.d Olllce, ()..k Street Dock. W. C. AULA WAY, Con. Agt. 1 tfJ, r ivlviwWAvivlviwurivi1- L3 DKAI.KIJS IN fill kinds of i Funeral Supplies) and crusted ekln and scalp Humors v. an ions oi ii.ur, ncii ;m "" """v1"' the World. COMPLETljExTEU.VAI.ANllSTnitNAL TllKATMUS f. I'll. O, Till! hill', Sl.-'O I or. Cuticuka Soav, 25c., Cuticuua Ointment. ftV., Cuticuica, .a-. 1'orrKit Ukuo and CUEM. Com-., Vropo., lltfjtou. " How to Cure Kvery Ktmt of Ilumor," free. SB 4 I OH The only store ii this city whero the Oenulne Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen pieces of so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look likeit.butthegenu ino lias the name Stransky - Steel Ware on each piece, Do not be deceived First prize at 1C International Exhi bit ions. Highest award nt World's COluHIn E.Nhibi tion. ChiC-ago. Pre ferred by tho best e cookingnuthorities, certified to by the most famous chem ista for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Save Your Hair with warm ih.rapooof Coticoisa So.vr, anil UshtdrcM. lugs of Cuticuua, purest of emollient aud greatest ot ekln cures. Thin simple, refreshing, and Inexpensive trcntraent will clear tlumeilp and hair of cuntti, cale, and dandruff, nootho lrrltntcd and Itchlnir eurf;ice, tlmul.ito the hair folllcle,upply tho roots with energy and nourishment, and makotho hair grow on a doan, wholetomo scalp when, all cleu falU. Grandall&Barget UNDERTAKERS ,js EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. tjobes, Burial Shoes Etc. A Difficult Problem. It is amoni: tbu most ilitlieiilt prob lems of natural euiencu for one to becum Hxpert in feveral lines. .1. K. Adeox Co., by their combination, havti ovei 'lino tbi" (liflienltv in prariioal man ner. J, K. Adeox is an expert watch maker ami is good on jewelry, optical work and engravinc, while Tbeo. 11. Liubu is an expert optician and is good on watch repairing, jewelry work- and engraving. Their prien is as low as con-1 stetent with good workmanship. 1 hey are prepared to do all work in I l oir several lines, on short notice. Work sent by mail or express will reeeive prompt attention. Sign, "llig Red Watch." Remember, this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. It does not nut nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is notafTectedbyaciU; ia fruits or vegetaDies, stew, roast and bake without, imparting 1 flavor of previously , cooked' food, and, will last for years We cau. tion the public against imitation If JE13I5NIlOU FEU Physician awl Surgeon, Speelnl attention given to v:ir;ery. Uooras '21 ami 22. Tel. MS Vost lllecl- ADMINLSlitAlOlt's SA1.H. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an older of the county eo.irt of Clackamas county, Oreaou, made and entered on the L'Sth day of May, 1000, I will ofler for sale, at private eale. from and after the 7th day of .July, 1000, for cash in hand, all the riidit, title and in- j teieH of lhee?tate"f Walter Kih, t!c-j ceased, in and to lot 12 in block IS, j Laughlin b Addition to Dalles Uity, Wasco county, Oregon, FliSibnnicK N.utno.w Administrator of the estate of Walter Fish, deceased, Oilers received bv Attorneys for Ad .ninintralor, J. T. " Whalley, l'lpe Tifft, Portland, Or. Complete of Drus C. S. Smith TIIK ijp-to-dateQroeer;: L. Lane, I (!i;Ni:itAb at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. TIIK Cl.lvN.SINO ai hi:aiino CUltK I'Olt CATARRH 'If Fresh Kgge and Creatuo'v llutter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. NOTICE FOIi 1'UULIOATION. I.andOh ick at Vascouvkii, Wahi ,1 May 17, 1WW. i ;ollco Is hcieby Riven that the following niuneil hettler lnw Hied notice of his Intention to Make limit priHit in Mipnort of hli chilui, nml that 'Old prnoMtlll bo liiiuli! before l'rtby, Unlud .iiitiM (.'oiinni'iouvr, at (ioldendale, on July c, Pad, vl.: Axiiliel li , Hilar, whoinndo II. K. No. '.lvv for the fiiietlounl V, .N'W'if, Hee :w, Tp :s N, It l.l K, mid rtKi , of XI'.1 ,, See , Tp J, X It I'J i:, W. M. He tiiimet tlie following wltue'ees tn prove his eontlniKiii'i retidciuv upon, and cultivation ot said land vl.: Hobert.t. htrouthers. Chrli i;. I'runzcri, Vt 111 Inin (ijmer, John Kmc, nil of I. !, 1'. O., Wri-hlniiton. W. It, IlL'NIlAIl, iiiiiji-l ItegMU-r. KNICOUTOU'S NOTIOU. Notice 1- hereby iriven tbiil tbu unilcr.slKiiid lins been duly nppol. teil by the county rourt, of thehtateof Ureijou, executor of tho bill will anil testament of Kvallno IIvhiim, deceased. All perxons having elalnm UKahiit tho e.ttato oftht'Huld Kvallno Cvinm aro hereby required to present tho nuiie to liim, properly veiilled, ni by law ieiulred, at Milkier, uiegoii, within lx iiioiithi fiom theilnto hereof. iMted this loth ilny of .lime. Iiu. i.kanih.i: i:v.xs. Kxeciltor of the, last will and tiMarni'iit ot BHSlll ill .AND... Horsesnoe i Wngon and Cnrrlnyo Work. J Fieh Brothoro' Wagon. I i Thirdlaud JetTcron. Plioiie'lii jj .j Kviillue Kvans, ileeeaK'il. ,Iti:i). W. WIIAtlN, A ITOItX K V-AT LAW, Til r. 1IAI,I,I'U OU'coovci first Kat. Ilui:;. F Juiiin 11 OUIUION Ely's Gioam Balm NOTICK FOK I'UIJIdCATlON. 1.AMI Ol flCi: AT TllS D.ULKS, OllCrjON, Julyy, iwo. i Notice Is heribv clvcu Hint the follow iri- 6. p. Stephen- ..Doalor In... Knsy ami pleasant to I iii'. t'ontainb no In-1 jiirious uriiK. it U rpjlcltly absorbed, (ilvea Kellef at once. It Opens aud Cleaned' iiu ."vrisai rn8ti"u. All'ivalnllaiiunatioii. Ileal!) and I'mtccta tho Membrane. Ilcrtorea tlio of Tatto and Knitll. 1'irKO Szc, 60 cents at ururicisor ny man; 'inn t.e, io cents ny man. JH.Y UUOTIIEKS.Cfl Wuireu Street, New York. COLD 'N HEAD Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Gunninq, utehers and Farmers ..Eehatige.. '"midrnimbt tho cclcbrateC ..uIiiMiiiA m-:i:u. f"1,K;" ?lw the beit beer In The IMlWi nt tboufiial price. Coiue In.try it and be eouvllieed. Abo ljC HueNtbrandi of Wlnei, Mf.uor ami Clears. Sanduuiehes of all Kinds ahtnya on hmJ. J. A, hciiKNOK, I'reniilent. ii tt Itlllt. i 1 i Hoots, Shoes. Ilatf. Cups, Notions. Ai-t, fj j for V. I.. Iloutrliis Hhoe. J J S,i(!i,2",;&M- Thn nallfis. nr The New York World quotes "a well known democratic banker who declined to permit the use of his name," as saying: "I am offering to het three to one that Ikynn will not receive 1,000,000 votes this year, ns against 0,500,000 in 1800. and I find no takers." If that hanker has any existence beyond the fevered imagi nation of the World reporter, he is talking nonsense. The country is . . . i nunniBL iiiiiiiLiiuini u in tii'tun full of democratic money that would . wx, rorxuu of mH. tee.o, tp. ln.innKotfe, , . . ,, by John T. wrlirbt. eoiiteHee, lu wblcb it Is ni- jump nt ft cliailCO to glVC him Odds I u'khI that fald John T. Wrltrl t bus wholly , , abandoned said tract, and chanced his reMdeneo Of three to One 011 that estimate Of therefrom for woro Hum Mx raoulliH Hneoiimk. I in ir Mild entry, ami next prior to uaie; ami For Hale. Wo have nt Portland a stock of firm tfli iMippo0!' ttVttSn" ! lubricath.B oils and Kreat. Prices and terms are ritsht. Wrilo for prices. Cen- ' trial tiatu prooi Hill uinimuurauruiuumcum and Iteeelver at 'Ihe Dalles Oregon, on Tues day, August 21. 1'.KW, vl. Iluraeii l.'. l'attiTon, of Tlio Dullen, Or., II K. No. ,)l'l for the nW'H hW'li, fee. iW, and N).., tiyt, Bee. 31, Tp. -i .N , It. ii k , W. M. llo nunies too following' wllneskes to prove his continuous residence upon uud cultivation of said land, U: . ... 1! I. l'uttwson, I). .1 Itobertf, A. T. Itoberls, I.. K. lioberts, all of Metier, Oreuon, .JAY l' I.UCAS, IUll Itechttfr. CONTKST NOTICK. Dlil'AHTMB.NT OP TUP. I.NTHltlOIt, 1 IJ.NITK1) HTATKH I.ANI) OrKICH, ..... n t. . . . .... r. m ittrta A tutllelent conn t allldavlt IiiivIiib been Illed 111 tbls ollleu by dus b. Alexander, conteetatit, , Ht'uliikt liomestead e itry Mi. 0777, inline .Miiy n Hryan's vote. Help Wanted, Two girls, who are uilllne; and compe tent to help, can obtain work by apply in(ut the steam laundry, None but thoie who are worth the hiring need apply. U 3t , Ill bubicribe (or The Chronicle, that tho absneo of defendant fiom said tract Is not ilno t bis omnlovmeut In tho military or naval service of the United Htates, mid parties aro hereby notltled to appear, respond mid otter evidence touching said ullexatlou at 10 o'clock a. in. on JiiuoUU, 1U0U, before the llt-nlslcr and Kecelver at the United btstes laud olllce in The Dalles, Oregon. ... Tho said contestant huvlnir, In a proper Hindu vit, Illed May 15. 1UO0, set forth tacts which show that alter duo diligence iieisonal seivicool this notice can not be mode, it Is hereby ordered and directed that tucii notice bo given by duo and PKrpub.ic.tlon.JAVl, JU(.AB lu,gUter Iral liellnirit: Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Why pay $1,75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy .lumen K. I'atton'a sun proof paintM for $1.50 per gallon, Kuaranteeil or r, yearo. Clark & Falk, Hgenl nI7 Fur burns, injuries, plies and ekin dieeaeefl ueo DeWilt'R Witch I Salve, It is tlie original. Counterfeits may be offered. Use only DeWilt'e. Wo aro ofl'eriiiB special values in ladies' tan oxfords. A $2.50 nl I k vesting top, Itirn-eole oxford for $1.75 while they last. Kvery day ia barialri duy at tho New York Cash Store. For NalH. A Kood stconddiHiid hreehJriK inn chine for sale at L. Lane's blacksmith hop, on Third street. j4.ilA tin Haie. Trimmed hatB and patterns at cost for the next thirty days at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. 23-tf (subscribe lor Tiik Giiuo.niub. Just What You uaaat. Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, i nor Scuoiul & Lauablin. New ideas in Wall Paper here, fiueh wide variety aa we are showing never be fore itraced a einvle Btoek. Heal imita tion creton efl'ectH at ordinary pricea, Good papers at cheati paper prices. Klegaut desiKiis, tasteful coloriiiKB, yotira for a small price, at our store on Third street. Aleo u full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE. J. B. Orossen & Oo., Props. 87 Sooond Street. II H WILIOX H H KUMTIMQTON HUNTINUTON VVllSON, ATrOHMKVK AT LAW, THK VAUUHb, OltKUO.S OUloa over Vint Nat, Hunt FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. T1UNHAOT A KNUItAb HAN KINO JIUbiNKd Letters of Credit issued available in the Kastern Htatea. Bight Exchange and Teletrraphi'; Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, fit. Louis, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various poinU In Oregon and Washington. ' Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. First Uationa! Bank. THE DALLES - - - Utuv i - 1 n l.t . li... ...... tvanuiu a viiiiiurui jiiiikiii; wuuiiii-'cu """"TV DejiositB rocoivod, nubjeet to filg" Collectlonn mado aud proceeds promfl romitteil on duv of collection. . oitui nuu xuiunriiiiini; auii New York, Ban Franujaco atiw vw laud. ninitriTOK!! rv n m I..., U Ur'111,1 Ed. M. Wu,maib, Oko. A. Li"'1 H. M. Hkam.. me coiDgia Mm PACKERS OF MANUKAtn'lJKKHHOK Gurersofr BRAND TT a -aarrN o T) A Pi 1 ORIKD BEEF. KTO. JJ. 8TURDEVANT, Iieiilist. ()lo.ioer:rreiioli & .''.,,, iMt u .. i, a I I.K3. UP- III II j u n. im )lt. K. K. FKItOUfMiNi Physician and Surgw Olllce. Vent lllock (over J'U)t) Wuiilmoaw TIIK DAbbKH.O"