CtpOTifcle. . VOL. XII THE DALLES. OREGON, TUESDAY. JULY 17, 1900. NO. 280 r-m it nrn liiTI I KtrULoLU vvim HEAVY LOSSES Seven Thousand Troops of All Nations Stormed Chinese Stronghold in Vain Friday, Retreating With ioo Killed and Hundreds Wounded. WxiiiiNf.-roN, July 10. Tho navy do .... .i.l ..,!.,,. ...n.ili-nil nfTlrdiil piUinieui lino iiiuiiimn """'I'-" coiillrnmtion from Admiral Itomoy of the reverse of tho allied forces at Tien Tsin on thu morning of tho l!Uh. The dispatch ia duted Che Foo, July 10, and pays . "Imported that the allien lorccB at tacked tho imtivo city tho morning of tho 13th, IMaaiatiH on tho riht, with tho Ninth inhintry and murines on tlio lt(t. Tlio 1o9h of tho allied force ia largo ; i. inn 1 ..I . .1 .... 1 1 1 lnvt nitlniiiil 1M1R31.1I1S, lUO. IHUIIIUIUK l UMIJ -ui"i , Americans over 30; llrltish ovor -10; Japanese os, inciuiimg iauunei , i "Colonel l.iecum, Ninth infantry kill eil: also Captain Davis, Marino corpa. .... .. li.. I (jjntiuii l.ynuiiy. j-unuuimmH muier 'At 7 in thu iivuninK an allied attack .1 - tl It.. i-itttii a.il (fit It 1 lfniiiriiu vnt Ini-nnmlittit Londj.n, July 10. Tlio Evening News . ' l! ...I. . CJI,..i..ll.,it irw . . 1 I .1 ..111.... r,,...... ... 41, n .. . imv ... n - :.. !... Ai. . .t :.....! ........ .1. i.il M'liiti Jit tCH IU UKl IICCIJUIIUUI UVSC( a lull UI .1. : 1 IT Acrodiug to thu evening news dispatch lln nllli-H with ri'iinlsiMl mill comiiollctl to . .. .. :.i. .. 1- t 1 1 tnii l.tll icuiiti mi ti men ui muiu uiuii m.ij .viii i .i .1 . i . . in i t... i . eu. nit' iiriuaii lusiiiu in nun inn ummii it is added, ill ho suffered heavily. The dispatch adda that tho Cliinamun fouuht with nre.it deaneration anil their .....i -i i i .i i 111.41 K H Mill 111 II I II U' IH III'I'll rn I II Illlll llllllll. V. Washington, .Inly 10. An unofficial report nas come 10 iiioniieniion o; mo Dili,... ,.n;..i,.in I ... ii... ..it'...., ii... "llllll- U lillll.llll.1 IIIIIT III LI1II UIIL'LL 1II.IL vii . niuT man 10 proicui mo luroinere, ll.sw... ... ,1 ...l.t . 1... killed. '.ouutotfoltnr'h ruriilli. Mwu t Jnuo 10. (Correapouduiiuo v iitmuuiuiiuroi mm uiuru m uvi rlll'ii fit Mm. ih II .ll T t! ...II.. ... .,., ,,,W(,V lltlCT III llltl - ... I'uiMiacD vi i it j iiiiiiii(ini;iui u niirinna oa'.h, riM... ..f... i " wiiiivii .U VUltlltUI D , vmii viuiniia iiifiii utiaui twit i "u'M'i'r inoiai, tlio Amurican nicUol ial "uti.-iii;ucii nun inn umwni diiih niivo i . ... lint tlm oluvoreat anil moat Hiireoaaful " 1 "iu bUllllll i; JMIIUI Illlll i n i. . i . . 1 1 . . I.. . . .. . . ""in mi'.Mi'uii anvui uui Urn. Tin. oil.,.,. :.. .. n. .1 .in... i'vui in muxicau iiouar, u iiiii.ii, in, onco (tunt)ioa in value, lor any one will give yon 2 Mexican for $1 Amurican. Tho advantage of this ache mo ia that n Hiifliuiency of good miital enn bo obtaiuod hy molting up Mexican dollars and when stamped with American facings tho new coitiB produce 100 por emit profit. Raids have resulted in finding several baskets full of bad money in the rear of Ghiunman'e house, and a Filipino was discovered with several thousand dol lars worth of counterfeit $5 bills and a box of recolned American silver dollars in his possession, The (Jhinatnou and Fillipluo have made partial confessions and given damaging testimony. It is now evident that they aro ineuiDers of a gangoperntingon n large scale in Luzon, and in which are several Americans and Europeans as leaders. Prevented a lingcily. Timely information given Mrs. George Long, of Now StraitHville, Ohio, pre vented a dreadful tragedy anil saved two lives. A frightful couuli had long kept her uwako every night. She had tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's Nuw Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her, and who writes this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a scvero attack of Pneumonia. Such cures aro positive proof of the matchless merit of this grand remedy for'curing all throat, cheat and lung troubles. Only 50c and $1.00. Kvery bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at JUtikeley & Houghton's Drug Store. 0 l'riiinrt!il tii Commit Hululilit. 11j:i:m.v, July 10. -Tlio correspondent THEY PRAYED TO BE KILLED Admiral Seymour Saw That Prayer Granted They Preferred it to Tortures by Rarborous Chinese. ....OUfl TflH SHOE SAltE... Nr.w Yoiik, July 10. A dispatch to the Journal and Advertiser from Tien Tain, July 8, says : Ineffectual attempts, have been mnde to conceal the horrible fact that Admiral Seymour wiib com pulled to shoot his own wounded during tho recent disastrous retreat of the Pe kin relief expedition. All the wounded and prisoners who fell into the hands of the Chinese were friuhtfullv tortured. The bodies of two marines who were captured by Chin eso were recovered. The bodies had been cut into pieces. First, the eyes had been hocked out; then the cheeks, arms and leca cut off until death had -ended the Bufferings of the poor fellows. When A it in i nil beymour. in his re treat found himself so hard pressed that ho wbb unablo longer to carry his wounded with him, he asked the men "Which you do prefer, to be left to the mercies of tlio Chinese or bo shot bv your own comradeaV" As Admiral Seymour put the question, the tears wore running down his cheeks. "We prefer death to torture. Shoot us now, that wo may die like men," was lioro of thu Associated Preaa has recn'tv-1 the piteous response of the holplets ed private information from London that a private letter was received there from Lady Claudu MacDouald, wife of tlio ilritiuli ambassador at Peklu, writ ten when the situation waa growing threatening, saying that all the ladies of tho legation had supplied themselves with poison. Htury uf a Hluve. To bo bound hand and foot for years by the chains of diaeaao is tho worBt lorm of slavery. Guorgo D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a slave was inado free. Ho says: "My wife has been so holplesH lor fivo years that she could not turn ovor in bed nlone After usiiii: two bottles of Electric Hitters, shois wonderfully improved and nblu to do bur own work." This supreme remedy for funuilo diseases quickly curea nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy anells. This miracle working medicine te a uodsend to woak, sickly, run down people. Kvery bottle guaranteed. Only ftO cents. Sold by Ulakoloy & Houghton Druggists. 0 During last May an infant child of our neighbor was sullerlng form cholera in fantum. The doctors hud given up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle uf Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Hemudy to the house, tolling them I felt sure it would do good if used ac cording to directions. In two days time tlio child had fully recovered. Tho child is now vigorous and healthy. 1 havo re commended this remedy frequently and havo never known it to fail. Mrs. Curtis Halter, lirookwalter, Ohio. Sold by Ulakoloy & Houghton. Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. . ,,ry Cioods, Clothing, Hoots and Shoes, ivt much less than wholesale prices in S(t lmk or in jotB) m. lU)y Wliy l0 auit puruliaaora. Entire stook must toe closed out before thirty days. ii.ni 4,Vl.K00.l,fi wl" bo Bucrillced except Thompson's Glovo-fltting Coreots "utterick Patterns. Your prices will be initio. Call early and secure uti Kama. ' J. P. McINERNY, Cornor Second and Court Sts. men. A firini; sound was told oil', and while the little allied force stopped and beat off with gun fire the Chinese iiorde that Burrounded it, inside its lines an act of mercy was performed, ns the firing squad carried out its orders. Guturrh (Juiinol lto Cured1 with local applications, as they cannot reach the Beat of the disease. Catarrh is a hlood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it vou must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on tlio blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the beet physicians in this country for yecrs, and is a regular prescription. It ie composed of the beat tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, pi ice 7fic. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 lack, the Choicer. Taco.ma, July 10 An unknown mnn attacked Mies May Feltz, an operator at tho Sunset Telephone otlice, at Twenty fifth street and Tacoma avenue, Satur day nighf, and came near choking her to death before a policeman arrived on thu Ecene and her assailant took to flight. Miss Full?. Is now lyinu at her borne in a serious condition. Her friends aie at sea aa to thu causes actuating the rufllan. It seems to havo been hia do lilieiato intention to murder the girl. In addition to choking her, ho kicked and bruised her in a frightful manner. Somo aro Inclined to believe that a criminal of the Jack-thu-Klppor type has temporarily made Tacoma his head quarters. Miss Feltz is a charming young woman of tho brunette typo of beauty und has a host of friends here. XI id lluat Kmneily fur stuniach anil llownl TroutileH. 'I havo been in the drug busiueaa for twenty years and havo sold most all of tho proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entire list 1 have never found anything to equal Chamberlain's .Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy for all stomach and bowel troubles," says O. W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. "This rentody cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family and I have recom mended and sold hundreds of bottles of it to my customers to their entire satis faction. It affords a quick and sure cure in a pleasant form." For sale by Dlakoley & Houghton. Wanted, Iiiunudlntely, A good harness-maker. Apply to H. Krause, of Wasco, Or. j-'tf. It still goes merrily on. With each succeeding day as it becomes better known that we are selling GOOD Tan Shoes at the price of the POOR kind more and more people find that they need new footwear and decide that there is really no shoe quite as practical for summer wear with all its heat and dust as a GOOD TAN SHOE. Today we mention shoes for the little folks: Boys' and Youths' Shoes. $2.50 Chocolate brown vici kid, lace, vesting top, sizes 2h to 5h $1 85 2.25 Chocolate brown vici kid, lace, vesting top. sizes VSh to 2 1 65 2.25 Tan Russia calf, lace, calf top, sizes 2h to oh " 1 70 2.00 Tan Russia calf, lace, calf top, sizes 134 to 2 '. 55 1 .75 Tan Russia calf, lace, calf top, sizes 2h to oh 1 30 1.50 Tan Russia calf, lace, calf top, sizes 134 to 2 '. 1 15 Little Gents' Shoes. $1.75 Chocolate brown vici kid, lace, vesting top, sizes 84 to 13 $1 40 1.75 Russia calf, tan, coin toe, calf top, sizes 8 to 13 1 40 2.00 Tan willow calf, bluchers, calf top, sizes 8 to 13 1 40 Misses' and Children's Shoes. $2.25 Tan willow calf, coin toe, lace, sizes 114 to 2 $1 55 1.75 Tan willow calf, coin toe, lace, sizes 84 to 11 1 30 1.75 Chocolate chrome kid, vesting top, sizes 114 to 2 1 35 1.50 Chocolate chrome kid, vesting top, sizes 84 to 11 1 15 1.50 Chocolate chrome kid, patent leather tips, sizes 114 to 2 1 15 1.25 Chocolate chrome kid, patent leather tips, sizes 84 to 11 95 EXTRA Special. An assorted lot of Misses' chocolate kid shoes in lace or button sizes afl aa from 114 to 2 value $2.00 at A. M. Williams & Co. lilHinurrlt'M Iron Nerve Was the result of hia splcudid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success thev bring, U6e Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. 0 The law holds both maker and cir culator of a counterfeit equally guilty. flie dealer who sells you a dangerous counterfeit of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve risks your life to make a little larger profit. Vou can not trust hiai. DeWitt's is (lie only genuine and original Witch Hazel Salvo, a well known cure for piles and all skin dieases. See that your dealer gives you DeWitt's Salve. It Saved li is Leg. P. A. Danforth, of LaGraude, Ga,, suffered intensely for six months with a frightful running sore on hie leg, but writes that Bucklen'e Arnica Salve wholly cured it in ten days. For Ulcers, Woutuls, Uurns, Noils, Pain or Piles it's the best salve in tho world. Cure guar- I iyXt XfXIVfjtl AS' AT A- AA A A1 A: f 4 -Jk. I A!ljM'.:IAfA'fJt1''IfA-l'A A-l'fJW2 Vv,VvVVV V V v V . V V V V vvvVVV.VV V ...Geo. C. Blakeley... Successor to Blakeley & HoughtQUi Wholesale : and : Retail : Druggist Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries in Eastern Oregon Country and - JVIail Oidei?s Will Receive PROMPT ATTENTION. 1 175 Second St. THE DALLES, - Phone 300. - OREGON. $t i tvy .A- lAr if5 jifk ii an teed. Only 25c. Sold by lilakeley k Houghton druggiets. A gentleman lecently cured of dys pepsia gave tho following approprate rendering of Hums' famous bleesing: "Some have meat and cannot cat, and some havo none that want it ; but we have meat and we can eat, Kodol Dys pepsia Cure be thanked." This prepara tion will digest what you eat. It instantly relieves and radically cures indigestion and all stomach disorders. For tlio convenience of parties want ing icu in the afternoons, the Stadelman Ice Co, will carry a stock at their store, corner fhlrfl and Washington street?. Phouo' No. 107; long distance 183, "King 'em up." 18m-tf Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celobrated Jame K. Patton 6trlctly pure liquid paints You will not have boils if you take Clarke & Folk's sure cure' for boils, eft 0 ' ft to Good Dressers.... I extern! a cordial invitation to all to inspect the saiii tiles of Woolens from tho CHOWN TAILORING CO,, Chicago's famous Cua torn Tailors. Suits to Measure, $8.75 up. s ft lll VII IVIllUliSlJI UllU Clllll V OIlllClllUllUII Uua IUIICUU. lA, JOHN PASHEK, Merohant Tailor, Agent. ft i$ J -f if't 101 x2!'I0f iQf ijji ijp jfjf ilyi jjjji iyttyl y J0f 0& State Jotfmal School, MONMOUTH, - OREGON. Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. The MudenU uf the Normal School aie iireimrcil to take tlio State Ccrtlllcuto Immediately on Kriuluuttuu. tlruiluatei roaillly tccuro Kood ponltloua. Kxpensc of year from f HO to 1150. Stroue Acaiteii'ito mid I'rofosloiuil C'ourtes, New Special Departure in Manual Training Well equipped Tralalnir Department. For catalogue containing full announcements address l', I.. OAMFUKI.b, Vru'ldcut. or V. A. WANK, Secretary of Faculty.