- : , catarrh: FORERUNNER OF CONSUMPTION. t Few realize what a deep-seated, obstinate disease Catarrh is, regarding it ns n simple iullainmation of the nose and throat, little or no attention is given it. But, however insignificant it may cem at first, it is serious and far-reaching in its results. , . The foul secretions entering the circulation poison the entire system. The stomach, kidneys in fact all the organs feel the effect of this catarrhal poison, and when the lungs arc reached its progress is rapid and destructive, and finally ends in consumption. ....... i It frequently happens that the senses of hearing and smell are in part or entirely lost, the soft bones ol the nose eaten into and destroyed, causing intense suffering and greatly disfiguring the face. While sprays, washes and salves mav give temporary relief, no permanent benefit can be expected f torn such treatment. CATARRH IS A CONSTITUTIONAL OR BLOOD DISEASE, and fir btvond the reach of mere local remedies. Those who rely upon them for a cure lose valuable time, meet with disap pointment and allow the disease to take firmer hold. Onlv a real blood remedy can reach this troublesome and dangerous disease. 8 S. S cures Catarrh because it first cleanses and builds up the blood, purifies it, makes it rich and healthy, stimulates and put nev life into the sluggish worn-out organs, and thus relieves the system ot all poisonous accumulations Mr Josephine rolliill, of Due West, S. C, writes: "I had Catarrh, which became so deep seaKtl that I was entirely deaf in one ear, and all inside of my nose, including part of the Done. s!osfhed off. When the disease had gone this far the physician pave me up as incurable. I determined to try S. S. S. as a last resort, and began to improve at once. It seemed to pet at the em of the disease, and after a fen- weeks' treatment I was entirely cured, and for more than t?iu years have had uo sign of the disease." S. S. S. is made of roots, herbs and barks of wonderful tonical and purifying properties. It is the otdy vegetable blood purifier known, and a certain and safe cure for all blood troubles. Send for our Ijook on Blood and Skin Discascs, and at Vic c-itiio timt write nur nhvsiciatis nlimit vour ease. Thcv will chcerftlllv cive VOU any information or advice wanted. We. mate no charge tor this. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, 6A. nnr.r.T , foh T1MK SttlKMlMC, From Dai.i.ks. Aiintrs Hhom Knt Mail. Uil0p.iu ISnlt l.nki ' Worth, , Denver, l't. Omaha, Kan sas City, St. Kims, Chicago ami Hast. Mill i::w p in Atlantic Ifiilt iJike, Denier. Kt. Kxpress , Worth, Omnhn, Kan I2:aia. m.1 sns City, 8t. l-ouij, Via Hunt-' Chieagu anil Kiit. in:;ton. I lV..11n IV..11.. U.uttattn til.. ........ ..II.. I 'l llll!lVIM.llia. I mil, lHilutb, Milwaukee, Chlraco anil Kast, via Srokanealid Iltnitliiir- I ton, iiImi all point in 9:- p. m. ' Washington and hiut era Oregon. Spokane Mall and 1 hxprcss I: l ii, in. 8okatie Malt mid UxprcM I a. i 8 p.m. I 1'noM Pouthnii. . Ocean Steamship. i Kor t-aii l'ranelsto livery Vive Day-. i I p. m, The Dalles Daily Chronicle. GOING EAST- If you intend to take a trip Kast, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-dite railroad in everv particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains jun via Niagara Falls and.every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining ears. Stop over allowed on all tickets- at Ni agara Falls. lloss'C. Cline, Pacific Coast Pass. Act.. Los Armeies, Calif. C. S. Ckane, fi. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. SINGERS!! Stop and see them. The best Sowing Mauhino on the market for the least m 0 price. For cash ov on time. The Jacobsen Book & Music Co. 1 8 p. m. ' I p. m. Kx.sunday Columbia Uv. Stcami'rb.ll'.x.hunda) To Astoria and Way l Saturday landings. 10 p. m. 6a.m. Willamette HlVKR. Ii!'.ni. Ey..buiiday Oregon City, NcNtbers.ilix.sundaj Salem & Way Ijuid'b, Ta. ni, WlLLAMCTTE AND Y.M- Tuus.Thur. iiili. KiVEKs. and Orepon City, Dayton, and Way-Landings. l.v Hi pa tin daily 3 X a. m. S.VAKK ItlVKiS. Hiparla to lx;lstoM. p. m. Moii.AVcil and I'rl. 1.KAVK LKWISTO.'t daily 9. W a. in. -A flood Cnugii Medicine. Many thousands have been restored to j health and happiness by the use of' .Chamberlain's Coujh Kenieiiy. If nf-' flicted with any throat or lunj; trouble, give it a trial for it is certain to prove beneficial. Coughs that have resisted . all other treatment for years, have yielded to this tetnedy and perfect health been ' restored. Cases that seemed hopeless, that the climate of famous health resorts failed to benefit, have been permanently cured by its use. For ralo by Blukeluy , & Houghton. , After many Intricate experiments,, scientists have dircovered methods for i obtaining al! the natural digeetants. ' -These have been combined in the pro- i portion found in the human body and ' united with substances that build up' the digestive organs, making a com pound called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It' digests what you eat aud allows nil i dyspeptics to eat plenty of nourishing CLiOUD CAP IfW NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Magnificent Scenery. Pure Air and Water. Perfect Rest A MANSION IN THE SKIES. Huy your tickets from the MOUNTAIN STAGE & LIVKUY COM PANY, Hood Hiver, Oregon. j!yll SUMMONS. SOUTH and EAST via IN THE CIRCUIT COl'KT OK THE .STATE I ol Oregon, for Wasco County. Mrs. Kate Hastings, Habit!!!', i Donald M. Huttings, Defendant. ; To Donald M. Huiliiis;. the hImh e-imrneil tic-. troubles am ' fendaut: ,, i- i in i"s Jaineoi tlioatatool Oregon, You are Ilie uieaicinal hereby required to upiear and ai suer tho ccm- ii pleasant to'p ' ilc ' Hlnst 'm above entil'ed . . . ... . . .. i fun. on or ucioiu inu iui unv ii . lhk . nnu I raKe anu w ill u'lve qmcK reliel. if you do not, for want thereof the p'lalntiil' will I mm Pacific Co I'artiea delniiK to ko to Ilcppnvr or )oint.s on Columbia Southern via llictjs, should take No. j, leavlns 'I he Dalles at 1-;I0 p. :n. uiaUint,' direct connections at Ileppner junction anil Kinis, HcturnlUK uia'iinKilirecteoiiiieetlon at Hcppner junction anil lllcjjs with No, l.ar riving at The Dalletat 1' : p. in. l-'or full pirtlculars call on 0. K. .V N. Co. as;cut The Dallet. or adilres.s W. II HUKUU'UT, (en I'as. Azt. i'ortlaiul. Or, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. , Digests what you eat. , It artificially digests the food niid aida Nature tn streugtheninp; and recon structing the exhausted digestive or fans. It isthelatestdiscovereddigest antand tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efliciency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn. .Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlckHeadaclie.GastralgiaCramps.and Wotherresultsof Imperfectdigestlon. Preoored by E. C. OeWIti A Co., Crjlcaoo. f l 8 f 4 us 31 ' as ian si si 3p ? The Dollon, on. The Chronicle, dob Pitinters. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, S? ISl1 Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- ton FlOUr T'"s I,'",,r ,H nuuiufacturml xprosaly for family use : every puck is gtinmutoed to givo autiefnetion. We sell our gootla lower tlinn uny lioiieo in the trndo, and if you dou't tliinkw call and set our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. food while the stomach being radically cured by agents it contains. It Shasta "Route Trains leave The ba'.k-s for I'ortland and wnv 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE I take judgment ogalnH )ou and uill apply to j stations at I 2j a. m. and .. p. in Chilil ren for Ailiniiioii i the court for the rtllvf nracd for in hir com , I plaint, to-ivlt : for it dwrce of divorce from vou, ' Twin girl babes 5 months old ; one ' tuo tald defendant, HoiuiM M. HaMlnK. i Ichvc I'orlUnd . i l .1. , , . .i . io I This Miinmons is served uiioii you by riutillca-; Mh.mv 2rl babe. 1 month: one mr 3 vears: ti .., hrnni.,nin,a,,i ,!,..,i.;n i.... 1 aioanj ono bov 1 vear- one bjv"veara- one OI JC' , wuicn saw omerairecis mat mis , 1 ear', ", ; MiminoPh U- served imm you by imblleatiou uuy u years. lupiv io i, r. iouuv, i uiereoi lorMxrontecuiivunvKs in hie ij.w,i.k- superintendent Children'. Home SopJ. fVnV" SW Oty. The euperinterident will b& in The Dalles this week mid will receive written applications at thii office. Now Location, C. J. Stublin has moved hie uhol.-ule and retail store opposite the old stand, where he will be pleased to meet his old friends and patroua wlio will find here a full line of choice wines, liquora and cordials. Freo delivery to any part of the city. Phone 2?,i. be mudo on tbu Ctli dny of June. l'XO, mid that tne defendant be required to Appear and uusuer ibu complaint on or beforn the lstli day of July, 1WJ, said dole- being the lust day of the time prescribed forthusuid publication. The dnto of the first publication of this bttin moiiMls JuneC, w. V. If. VH,SOX, jd I Attorney for I'lnintlll. m Dnnifin 11 1 (llilliy Yellowstone Park Line. mvWm 1MUJ LiiUi Arrive Ashland . ... " .Saerauiento " Sun yratitisto . h ii m .12. SOn in .12:3! it ni . 5.0) i in :!' p in Arrive Odon " Denver " Kansas Uty. ' Chicago . . d:ru m , U:(W ii m 7:'i ;i m 7:1'jii in '.Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A .pleasant berbdrinl:. Cures constipation .and indigestion, makes vou eat. tleen. work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed ! Tilfi dinixg CAK KOl'i K Fi'.OM roilTM.Ni) or money hack. 25 eta. arid 50 cte. ' TO Till: Last. 'Blakeley A Houghton DruisK thk o.vj.y dihk :t uuh To Tin. Vhl.i.ow- Good, pure natural ice from the Illue mountains for sale by the Columbia River re & Fuel Co. 'Phone :v.l or 81 Long Diet.; 75 or 8 Seufert & Condon. Caili In Your Clieckt. All countv vvarrints reuiatered prior io aul'. l, lbvu, will bo Da d at St ONE I'AItK ! Union Bepot, FUtband l sis Arilvc Los Aligtlos 1:20 pin " Kl 1'iiso cum ii in " Fort Worth C:.7)iiiii " 'f ty of Mexico 'j:,V) ii m " Houston . . lanjnm " New Orleans . . .Oi'i'min " WiisliiiiKtyn . . GslJii m " New York l.M lp in 7;0u piil 10. Go ji in j ll:.7)u in I ;a'i n m b:I i u m ll:l'ia in J-.Mii 111 7:'J.i a in t:a) n in 7:()n in ii:W) p in ;:io n in ii in 1:00 a in p in C'l:.' a in imce Marks )F.Sr,N3 Coi'YfllGHTS 4C. i'ullmif.i mid Tourist cars on both trains. Chair turs baerumeuto to OjC'Icn mid HI 1'iito, aud tourist oars to Chicusjo, fct ljiii, jitsw Or leans uud Wuthlii'ton. Conneelini: at fcun Frmiclsco ullli xuverul sU-iimship lines for Ifonoliilii, Jiipiin, Clilnn, I'lilllppiues, Central aud touth America. See uijent at The Oallcs station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, Oentrui l'suiger Agent, 1'ortlnnd, Or Aiiroiio?ciidliiic ajltrlfh nnd ddx-rlntlon ma f!nici7 asreriaiii our oi'ii.ion ireo win liiri-iiti in is iirohaolr p t( erir nl.lt niniuiilr ioin'trlctlyroiiUilpnlal. llaiiduo!iou 1'ati-nlt jpntfrc. ol'i '! ni'etu'f I jr d.'cniliiR palentf. PiiitMti l.ikttv ihr(iie!i Muni .V t'o, receive rperici riRiicc, n m.ut cniirtre, ill inn Scientific Jliwerlcam .Vlnnd'. i p!-.' i!!iitralpd week'r l.:incr,l rlr inl .Hon t' ipijr n-!e'i IU' 1 lurnnl. Ti'riun. J.l n riwr: (. 'ir ; i.intlu, !. tila byall iicrdi!aler. MUNN & Co.30,B'd3'- New Yorfc Uraneri oniro ta 1' ft . W.inliiusion, ll. ' D' V. T. KM I I'll, (Muoimlh. Kcniims l iunrt II, Chapman lllotk, The Dalles, Ori fe'i'ii luetdaj uud Trlday", ,i m. to V wayl--lm Pi-Mil's, $i.oo per month. .Strictly first class local nnil long ilistanco teluphoiie eervico within your homo. Lines do not crost-talk. Your con versation will bo kept eeurot. No cost for installing. You get tho standard Ilnnning Long Distant Instrument. Continuous clay aud night service Wo will accept your contract for ten years and allow yon to cancel eamu on giving us thirty davs writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE (JOB. .UilllVK. No. office. rl&00. Interest ceases after Juno J. F. IlAMi'simm, Count v Treasurer, Fmtmnll forTneoma, t Seattle, Olynipla.liray'fc JHatbormid South Head points, Spokane. Iloss (land, it. c, I'ullman, I Mnsi-nu'. r.uI.Um ltnr U1J' 1 11:13 A. M.,falol!i!ipiilnlnj,'couit- 0. Special values in ladies' tan oxfords. A low cut in shoes. All prices reduced. No trouble to show goods at the New .York Cash Store. Go to the Columbia Hiver Ice fe Fuel Co., for pure natural ice. Phone S.'i or 31 long distance, 75 or 8 fieufert & Condon. No. 4. , it... ir..i...... in..... I He, fit, I'aul, Omaha, ' Kansas City. at. Uiuls, I Chicago and nil pclnu i.ii. i aim tun I m il u, No. ,.J I'. i'lleet Honllll .Wtirnj.t. 11130 I'. M.jfor Taeoiuu aud Seattle l ii ml intermediate joints flCA 'Axle Crease ONE FOR A DOSE, ur II 'nd.ii i.. an I li.i... inrx y .-, ii,, will ml,l ,?r',1' t",""- 1 n.,. inu f'liiu. fa FILLS lightens the load shortens the road. joiin fi.wiN r. MCOKK. M00J.K it GAVIN, AlTOItNl;Y& AI LAW Hnonw Wand W.over V. i, Lund oillc-e I Guardian' Notice Is hereby Sale. A low cut In shoes, all ladies tan oxfords. Cash stored Special values In At tho New York Ladies' tan oxfords sizes 3 to C only '00 cents at the NeiV York. Cash Store. I'ullman flrkt-clasn and touritt Meepers to MlnncaioHii.ijt, I'aul und .Mlntoun river loiiiu ulthout change. Vetdlbulcl irali!. I'uion deiot foitjicctloim In all principal cltlcr. JSaatfUKC cbvckul to destination of ticket. HirliuiHUomely llluMiatiiideherlpt!eiiiatter, tickets, lileeplnx car refcervatloin, etc., call on or A. D. CHARLTON, AnUtant General I'asfccnirfr Aneat. aw Jloirl wm fctreet, corner Tbird, 1'ortlaini, Oreson. ncljn the team. Saves wear antl cxiieusc. -old everywhere. STANDARD OIL CO. tilven that iiiirkiiiini i.. 11. eeiito mid ordvr of talu made and hum! to inn , Mooio u id OarJIcM Moore, minors, by Iho 7. .' 'w nww 'l Wri'tfOll Jill WilH'il PIONEER BAKERY. I havo ro-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cor. tho SW day of Inly. !!)), at tho coutthoun" iuoi iii uaiies uuy, at tne hour of l o'clock n ADMI.NISTK.VTOK'S NOTIOK Notluo U hereby given that tho undertlirned, Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn, Manufactured by Clarke & Falk, in. o tald iliy, hell to tho hlliet bidder f..f i, V. V. . 1 'wrui oi miu m iiorN 111 mill to tin ri'.il iirnt.i.rii. i... !........ .... ... 1 1 1 ... I -l.l I....V i1 ' .vvw,mi.'i ijy- ' iiiivirei ueiu n coll UK lit two- ' jevvn hb Jnteien In nnd to ihe t of tin' hVA., the oK'i of he WJyaiid Lot 1 U tic" 1 1, n l.ou l mid . of .sr. Ki, mid that certain u. i. el oi iuiiu ihjiiiiueu in lollotvb: L'ommeiiclnL' at u by an order of tlui .JoumV o , t n ' V ?X I TE"'.," J"",'" A" Victor Trevltt Oiet'on lor Waco Countv. ha. be.. . ni. ... ' h . . V'1'" " vimv a in en: admliilitrator r,f tho eMato of Helci liradford, deeeaitu . All persona liiivirn; rlalms nculiitt ttio eiitaloof bald . eceabcd uro ik tilled to pro-M-iit thj-m, with tbo proiKir voucher, to mo at ruVlyM;,,',,,, kU """ JJattd .May J5, I'.kw. , l'tnsx V. Uium-oH), thence Inn boutherlv illnilim n ; om on tho lino of thy luwent fent o ni rcxls ; t e ice west wi riv U theneo nortliwobt Hi wU. thence nlmu; bald Unowi rcxlu. to tho piacu of begliiiihiK, UIiik ii ..art of tho Victor Ticvl" Oonatlon I.aiiil i;lalin, In s'ec. i, fild lands behiB In Tp. 1 N, it l.j , w. M. Alwia like i. lercbt In .iiid to t u, and n;?,', fectoir tlio we"t tftoWaW' Uus",," ,,,u" J'Jll HOMKlt W. M001ti;.(iiiardlan, CLEANLINESS. llonJ'eo.wlV,?C;,,''f1 ',y ''I1 ,,,nrtl0,? f race, color or pio- 17 W?lllu' il"imhr wo make our custo- ii.lljotS Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings Ho sure and inspeut our stock of Wall l,vpur . .voiHu; mi luuiiun mspiay,, , , , H. GLENN & CO. Washinuton Slrnnt between Second and Third. Subscribe for the Chronicle.