Thp fiallp flail v Hhnnnirlp huc,,t,y mcn uot of lbc 1,l8hcst in me uaues uauy unromue. j lcU, nce or of l!lc purMt nioliVCS. MONDAY JULY Tor l'tcOilent WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or Ohio. For Vlc l'relleiit--THEODORE ROOSEVELT tir ot York. MOSSES AXD BOSSISM. The work of bossism begins at the primary, for this is the only pure, democracy that exists in ourrcpre-J senlative form of government, and ! 10, 1900 Thpy are generally creatures of craft j -i- jand cinminp, who have studied the( ' . m . I .1 11... -.. .1 arts 01 deception ami iiupuuiiy, ami arc usually adopts in the elements of character that arc despised by honor able and upright men. The people I arc not patriotic, who allow thutn-j selves to be ruled and tyrannized by these creatures of craft and greed, and while this condition of affairs' exist true patriotism and true patri-1 ots arc lulled to sleep by false 'and treacherous siren?. ! The delineation of bosses and , reformation shou.'d begin here, in Oregon, as well as elsewhere. The i bossism is absolutely impersonal, and j legislature next winter should pass a community from the Atlantic sea board to the Pacific coast, or from ' the great lakes to the gulf; and it ! .ha tnn l.w. lit. .-v. t.t.n l,lttl. ! voter controlling the nominees of the , , , . , : ... v.. . i . . colored to be artistic; or it may lack county, district and slate convert- . , J l,e0P1C I .'...- T . I in a measure, from the control of VKWlK' 11 u,a uu s,u'lJ,) a """"'i ., -,,., i but we are satisfied that the Amcri- partv bosses. I The American system of polities mim1 ? 7ith lhu nncumcuis, m.ii wu arc on mo eve oi primary election law, one that would insure the choice of the individual tions. This would free the has developed, or rather evolved a class of creatures known as "bosses," and these wield a most despotic sway over those who attach them selves to either party for the personal and pecuniary advantages to be de- j a mighty revolution, when the spirit ; of patriotism shall be aroused and ' the people in their might, at the I ballot-box, shall sever the chains i j that bind them to bosses ar.d bossism, and be what the fathers of the re- rived. These cnnffiii". snbservipnt beings, upon whouUhe boss depends I pul,.lic,led cach. cilizC" !,,ou,,, for success of his schemes, arc time servers m every regard, and would constitute the servile population in all countries. Thev would never have stood in the ranks at Runnv mede to demand of King John and, ; it necessary, die for Magna Charta i liberties; they would not have op-! posed the Star chamber of Charles I., or signed the Declaration of Inde pendence with the revolutionary patriots. The boss himselt is generally a creature of craft and cuuning, and studies more the art of treachery and duplicity, fully illustrated in the half-savage races, than the higher j qualities of civilization and intelli- ' gencc. lie is not a statesman, but j simply a vulgar boss, who uses a club ' against opponents and never argu- ment, lie can never bo a leader, besause he studies methods for con trolling his satellites and never prin ciples of government which will better the masses and ameliorate their condition. Our country in theory is a govern ment of the people, by the people and for the people; but in fact it is, a government by the machine, of the machine and for the machine; and behind the machine is the little hoa and the big boss, who puts all the wneeis in motion, greases the cogs, and then sets the apparatus moving' to grind out whomever or whatever he wants in candidates or platforms of principles. Then the party whip is applied, and the boss-duped citizen bares his back and cringes under the lash. This is not liberty. It is tyranny of the worst hind, and more' despicable, under the conditions, than any that has ever disgraced the sultan of Turkey or the czar of Russia. Those arc autocratic gov ernments, and the one-man power is fully understood nnd pvmppio.i No people can be free under such a1 system, and patriotism loses its' meaning. , The people arc subservient to the slate-makers, and the slatcmakcrs arc subservient to their own personal' desires and personal greeds. Kvery patty boss, or slate-maker as he may b; properly termed, constitutes him-' self the conscience of the people, and if the public are outraged in any' wny, they must bear their chagrin and disappointment jn silence, and! must meet tut petty tyrant with! smiles and kisslhe hand that smote ' them. What is patriotism and who are tho patriots under such circum- fill... I a etuiivi-a.- UlCIUlCOr UOSSeS IS IIOl , patriotism, for they would trample under foot every vestige of individ. ual liberty to accomplish their pur poses. They must own their follow, ers, body and soul. Neither are the bosses patriotic; for they are fre- be. individually and inherently free. I Then the voice of the peop'c shall , be the voice of liberty, and tyrannv of every kind shall be unknown in the great republic of the western continent. Mother'sStoryofBaby'sCure Of a Most Distressing Humor by the Cuticura Remedies. When our baby was a week old, cc.cnm appeared on tho top of iter head and spread all over her scalp, luce, and forehead, forming one nitis.s of nores. You can realize how much she nuint havo Buffered, when she scratched at times till the blood ran intermingled with water. Our family doctor's treatment proved ineffectual, as the disorder, instead of abating, developed more. Wc then stopped all medical treatment, and com , nvenced with Cimcuu.v Ii:mi:iu:s. Wo used the Cuticuka, Cim cura Ointment, and CYtiouka Soap, nil r traces of the eczema disappeared, tho skin and scalp were left perfectly clear and smooth, and she was entirely cured. ftKTtaOV' Mns. K. MJTLKIl, My oldest boy, age nine years, was troubled with sores on diilcrcnt parts of tlie body, especially on the leg, about twenty-four in all. They were about the size of a live-cent piece, and would fester very much and eject a pus. They were very painful. After my above experience with llio cure of my little girl with Ct'TicuKA Hemkdiks, I did not bother with tho doctor in this ease, but gavo him the CYticuiu treatment which completely cured him hi four weeks. Mus. E. HUTLElt, 12S9 ;d Ave., S. Hiooklyn, N. Y. Sleep for Skin-Tortured Babies Ant Rest roit Tihed StoTHF.ns In a warm batli with Oirnnnu .So.vr, and a t Ingle appll cation of Cuticuka Ointment, greatest of emollient skin cures, Tlil treatment, nsilttet! In the severer cases by Cuticuka Uesolvent, to cool ami cleanse the blood, .ittoril.4 In. ttant relief, permits rest for parent and steep for child, and points to a speedy, permanent, and economical cure, of torturing, disllurltij;, Hchlu', Ijiirnlii', bleeding, i-iuly, pimply, and crusted ektu and scalp humor with lo.-f.-i of hair, w hen alt eUc fall, sold throughout thO world. COMPLETE E.VTEIl.VAL ASH INTEI1VAI, TltlHTMKNT. I'rlce, TllK. SliT, I.'-Jfl ( or, Cuticuka So.r, 23c., Cuticuka Ointment, SOc., Cuticuka IIkmu.vf.xt. rv. I'oitkk Duuo aso Ciiem. Coar., l'rops., ltostou. " How to Cure Kery Kind of Humor," free. Save Your Hair with warm hmpooof CDTicnnv, anil llffht drew. lng of COTICDIU, purest of emolllcntii and jtreatcut of kln cure. ThU (lmple, refreshing, and Inexpensive, treatment will clear the sealp and hilr of crustc, calo, and dandruff, oothe Irritated and Itching surface, stlaiulite the hair follicles, supply tho roots with energy and nourishment, and make the hair grow on a clean, wholesomo scalp itbcu, all else falls. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY, COMPANY Ktetiniern of llio llrKtilntor l.Ino will run as per thu Jol im.iiR M'ludule, (he fompiitiy rescrvltii? tho right to chain..' .ill, ilnln without mittrc. Stt. noKitlntor. I DOWN. I lie M. I.v. D.ille.i ! M lit T .1 h TncMlny I R, Tliniubiy . I 'i S.itutdny . . . i; Arr. l'urtlaiiil f. lit i :ii v. m. nr. I.v I'ortlmd at" a. m. .Mondny WiilncMlty .. l'rtdiiy Arr. Dalles at r r. M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dnllon City. DOWN I.v. I )n I leu at 7 A, ll, Miindiiy WMlnesday . . l'rldny,.... Arr, nirtliiiiil lit I !.T0 V. M. Itk 'Aj'mtln I Tliiimllji B-iiurils Arr. lHt,J Hl5l. b, J g- FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, j ? Travel by Hie learners nl the lUunUtor Line. Thii Company wilt endeavor to K!vc Its r.t. j 4 toiiH tho best service ponlble. l or further tnform.illim mldteisi 1 1 j i I'orlland Otllee, Oak Htrivt Dock. W. C. ALLA WAY, Qon. Act. rxr i.'Ti'ra.vj iv:t:.t ;t.i.ti.t.i w.i.-rj.TM-ru.-wrs.vMtzxMY.txiy jjj DKALKKS IX All kinds of Funeral Supplies, Grandall & Burget UNDERTAKERS if EMBALMERS Tho Dallos, Or. fobes, Burial Shoes Etc. A Difficult Problem. It is auionp the moat ilidicult prob lems of natural science for one to becoinn expert in Eeverul Iine9. J. K. Adcox & Co., by their combination, hnvo over-1 come this difliculty in n practical man-) tier. J. E. Atleox is nn expert watch maker ami is "ood on ienelrr. ontical Help Wanted. Two girls, who are willinp and compe tent to help, can obtain work by apply ing at the steam latindrv, Xone but 1 work ami eneravini:, while Theo. II those who are worth the hirinc need I L,e',e ,8,an expert optician ami is good : anDi.. o. ton watch repairtnu', jewelry work and I 11 i enKravintr. Their price is as low as con-1 Ciiich iieadachH Quicktr. i sistent with goul workmanship. Thev i Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel-: are pfep;jreil to do all work in H eir ery Soda. A harmiess and core - ?e T for headache, nervousiiess, sleeplessness, , prompt attention. 'Sign. "Hig Ited brain fatigue. 10 and '25 cents. Sold Watch.' by Clarke & Fulk, druggists. jan24 fitv i - Clark ci Falk are never clo-e.l Sunday Don't forget this. Clark A Falk's drug fresh and complete. stock is new, mays & Gfowe The only store ii this city where tin Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen pieces of so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! j JH-tSKiSENnoill'KKi: Physician and Surgeon, special attention given to nursery. i , It'joas 21 and ii. Tel. 3iS Vout Block ADMIXISTlIATOirs SALE. N'otlce is. hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of the count v tout of Clackamas county, Orenon, in.tilu ami I HMlcrt.ll nil lli "Kill J.... nl l ... lOAA T , will offer for sale, at private sale, from i , anil after the 7th dav of Julv, 1900, for ! . cash in hand, all tho riu-ht, title and in- ' ; terest of the estate of Walter Fih. de- ceased, in and to lot 12 in block IS, j Litighlin'e Addition to Dalles Citv, i i Wasco county, Oregon. " ' FlIKDr.itICK HaIIDON, j I Administrator of thee-tateof Walter' Fish, deceased. i Oilers received by Attorneye for Ad I ministrator, J. T. Whallev, Pipes -k Tim, Portland, Or. ' jC i Complete Cipe of Dms at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. C. S. Smith, Tin: dp-to-dateQroeer Fresh Eggs and Creamery llutter n specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. i, 2. L. Lane, (iKSi:i(AI. NOTICE FOli 1'UHI.ICATION. LiNiiOmei: Wagon and Carriago Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Tfiirdland JeiTcrnn. at V.isrm'VKii. V 4 ir . ii i .May 17, ll. i i C, .witlcv is licrchy Klven the nnnmi .vcttler Iihh tiled notli.- nf his Intention fc to miike llmil ii:ir In iiii.ort of lil eliilm, Mini , B. that Mill proof i 111 lx- mude before W. II. l'lchy, K Dnltiil Mutes Coiiiiiil-kioner, lit OoM-.-ndiile, 1 C' on July o, I'm), tit: j 5, A iihi. K llllur. M vliomade II. K. No. (KV. fr the frmMii.iiHl Vi MVi.,, s-ce M, Tp3 N, K l:i K, and Si;'t of NK , t Six- .'5, Tp J, N It li i:. W. M, 4 if lli.imin.u in.. rllui.. ii.,... , 1... 1 1e'--'-"rj..K6i. - , ....... -". ... ,.111. .nr. , eoiuliiiions resideiieetiH)n, nnd cultlviitlon of mM liiiid vU' I Kobcrt a. .Mroitthcrj, Chris .. Krntizett, Will Inm Ciirner. John Kmc. nil of I.vlo p. n.. ' V Washington. V. It. IH'NllAl!, tmijiM ItvKiiter. Biacksmirn J Horsesnoer . EXECUTOR'S NOriCE. .Notice i heiehy Kiven that tlie iiihlerilKiicd m bt-rn duly iipKili t( ,y the eountv court, of tlie.l.ite of Uresmi, c.xeeutor of the' lint lll nnd teU.imentof Ivviillne Kviinx, ileccveil. A I vtruii liijyiiij.':l.iliin anraliMt the eitato of the Mill l.Millm-IIviiiin nro hereby rciuliol to prctent thu same to him, pniH-rly veiitled, i by law ijiiiired,nt Moier, Or.'K.jii. ulthln M.v month-fiom thedato hereof. I'M ted thl- Idth day of Jnne. h). l.xw'iitor of the lat will nnd teMnmont ill I. valine hv.nis, dwiiMil. Junlfi ll I(Kl). W. WILaON. ATTOfiNKV-AT LAW, TIIH II A t I l.-i iM.L-.-riv; Ort coovei Klt Nat. llVn;;. Tin: ci.i:.n.sino AK1 HKAI.l.NO cum: pan Other wares look likeit.butthegenu Wareoneachpiece, a Do not be deceived ri. t. n n First prize at ic Ely s Cream Balm International Exhi y.j and pleasant to unions, niK'ieHi award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago. Pre ferred by the best cookingauthorities certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because CATARRH ns -. 'ntaiiia no In jurious Uruj;. 1: U quickly aheorhed .ves Helicf at once. It Op :is and Ljiih-3 mo .Mipal rHssavf. in iya mnaminauou. COLD IN HEAD llnala and Protwi i'hn Unni,.... i... .1.. Benfea of Taste and Mnell. Lr-o Size, w cents at l-l JJKOlillilte.M Warren fctrtct,Ntw Vort. SWWWN j C p. Stephens ...Doalor in.. py Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Iloote , Shoes BEST. Put Hale. ! We have at Portland a stock of flue ! lubricating oils and freaees. Prices and , termB are nnt. Write for prices. Cen tral Ilefiniii' Co., Cleveland, Ohio. . Hats, Cans. NotfoiiH. Apt. iU ) 5 tor W . 1. DoukIiih Mine, M lj "U UUHUDj Ul! 1 i F. s. Gunning, Pliouo 159 1 ..CHfls. FRANK Butehers and Farmers Just What You cuatit. Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & LaneMin, ..Exehange.. Kee;a nn ilrnnirlit tho colchriiled Cpl.I'MHlA lIKKIt, iieknmv. edjied the heit bvr In Tho iMlies, nt the usiuil W. (:,,. in, Iry It nnd Ik ronvlueeil. Alio the Uni il brmids of Wines, l.huor Htid Clunr. Sanduiiehes of nil Kinds nhvnys on hand. J. b. SCIIKM'K, l'resldent. 11. ii ISitilU CatMd Remember, this celebrated enam eled ware is special Why pay $1.-0 perKallon for inferior tt, T rrj X L""u P's when yon can bnv Janiea K. Patton's sun prjof paints for $1.50 per j ; t'4llon, i?iuranteed or 5 years. Clark A i It does not rust c'Uh "Kenie ,i7 nor absorb crease, For bums, injuries, piles and skin does not discolor n-i... . . . ,.cu ul a I? nun unzii rjaive. sold in this city ex clusively by us. nn, Mll. intuit, ic not affected by acids Jt 18 tll(i orijsina). Couiitorfeits may in fruits or oilreil. Utu only I)n Wilt's. be I vegetables, 1 will boil,! etew, roast and bake withou t We are ottering ant-clal values in ladies' tan oxforde. A $2.50 silk veelinu top, lurii-eolo osforil for $1.75 while imparttnc ' 'hey last. Kvery day is bargain dav at flavor of , the New York Cash Store. previously j cookecii food, and will last lor years. We cau. tion the public against imitation! Cash Store. Tor fiale. A good sicond.hand threshini; ma chine for sale at h. Kane's blacksmith hop, on Third streat. Jl-dA x lm Tii mined bate and patterns at cost for the next thirty days nt the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. 2.'J-tf Subscribe for Tub Oniio.vice. nu 1 r.a.i-' .vc v -i-; OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore uraced a sinule slock. Heal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. wouu papers at Ctiean naiwr ru.. i Elegant designs, tasteful colorings; youra ' inA'1 ""KBALBANKlNa BUklNiu I?Ln..8'naJL'!ricr'.t..our P on Third 1 Letters of Credit issued availabl In 11,. L' . 1 r,. - street. Also a full Hue of house paints D. W. VAUSE, Third St II & WILSON H miNTINOTON XTIINTI VIITflU J. wiiuiu II ATTOKNKYH AT LAW, TIIV kill ........... Omceow Kim Nt. Bank unnuw ; First National Bank. 1 THE DALLES - - - OIlEaOr HnnnnUnn; A uenerai Hanking Huh neee trtiiisactio i IU OUUIIUulllpi , cuniw 11.-VUIYUU, auojeui IU riK' Collections made and proceedd proinptlj remitted on dav of collection. Wight nnd Telegraphic Uxolianue eoidrJ New York, San Francisco anJ "ort land. rx r, OIKBOTOW8 J). P. 'JlIOMI'HOM. J.SO. 8. BuilKNCiri Kn, M. Wu.iiiAMH, Gko, A. liliiili if M. Bkai.i.. Tne CoiumDia Packino Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANtJFAOTUHKHH UK Pine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD liEEF. ETC. H' 8TURDEVANT, Jient int. Ofllca Krcucli & Co.'n Hunk Phoiia (i, ' TJIK I)AI.I.K8,OBE(iON )H. K. K. KKUOUHIIN, Pliysioinu and Surgeon, Ofllce, Vogl niock (ovr J'oto(tlci'), 'J0lilinoaw TllK IMI.I.K8, OSK'iO!' The CLARENDON RESTAUWT And CAFE. J. B. Orossen & Oo., Props. 87 Second Street FRENCH & OO. BANKERS. Eastarn Rtntu. Sight fckchange and Telegraphi', T5a'e sold on New York, (ftlXo St. Jonis, San Francisco, Portland 0? tor .. Seattle Wa.h ..and Various polnU In Oregon and Washington. '