- , The Dalles Daily Chronicle,, 1" JULY 1-4, 1900 - . , .--,- SATURDAY for l'te'iilcnt--WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or Ohio. Knr Vlcr-rr?lileiit THEODORE ROOSEVELT, f ew York, THE MOSEY QUESTJOS. The free-and-unlimitcd-coiuace-. of-silver plank in the Democratic , . , , . n . platform adopted in Kansas City is as prominent as anv one in that dec- , . , . ,' ... laration of principles, and it is a well- known fact that Mr. Bryan would not have accepted the nomination ior president wunoui me convention . . , . . . unequivocally endorsed his views on the money question. This is a nut ' for the gold Democrats to crack, for; as sure as thev vote for Mr. Brvan they endorse his unsound views on 5 r , ., ,, .,, finance, and if thev swallow the pill, ' I compounded ny me Kansas uity con-, vcntion they swallow the H-to-l coinage ratio the same as the anti- trust and anti-imperialism ingredients ; of the mixture. There is no mistak- niade to this city, now ready for inspec ing this issue in the nest campaign. ! tion at H- Glenn & Co.'s. alT-lw It has been forced to the front bv 1 Democratic leaders, and it will be kept there, fact that bv otwithstandiuc the au overwLelminc ma-: jority the American people four years ago buried this fallacy, was thought at that time, ueyond the) power of resurrection, it has been ! duo out of its dishonored grave, and j now, with its grave clothes on, it is pushed again into prominence to do its duty during the campaign and meet its usual fate at the polls in November. If Democratic editors and Demo cratic leaders are honest in their nssnrtinns tlmt. this is n floml iisim , . ' nun iu.il oiuer questions or vital im-; portance will be the leading ones in ' the comini; presidential camnaicn. ' v.-hy was it incorporated in the plat-1 iurui, aim wuy was me apostle Ot free silver,' Mr. Bryan, chosen to lead the hosts this fall? These (juestions must be answered on the stump, and it is advisable for nil gold-standard Democrats who have returned to the old party to consider, if by voting for Bryau they are not stultifying themselves and suppoit ing n national candidate and a national platfoim which are dia metrically opposed to their honest, conscientious opinions. : If the powers should partition China, the United States may not want any share of the territory ; but onr commercial interests should be carefully guarded, and we should join with England in demanding an open door for our products. It is time enough to consider this question, and the most important one at rcs (Hit is the relief of the legations at I'ekin and the punishment of the Boxers for their outrageous treat ment of foreigners. As Americans we respect our Hag, and desire its protecting influence over all citizens wherever they may be. American missionaries have been murdered, and our minister at I'ekin grossly mistreated. China must make repara tion for these outrages, and an American army will see that this is done speedily. In this we have a common cause with England, Ger many, France and other nations, and when the walls of I'ekin arc scaled American valor will be as conspicu ous as that of any other nation. We may not believe in land-grabbin?, but wo do believe in the sacred im. inunity of the life and property of American citizens wherever they may be. ' The condition of tho legations m I'ekin is still shrouded in mystery, nnd those acquainted with the situa tion expect when the gates of the' capitol of China are opened to the relieving forces of Europeans and Japanese, or when authentic news isj received, the horrors of Cawnporc, in comparison, will be mild ncd 'Chililron, left nlmoat defenseless, to I the fury of these fanatical nnd nicrci- 1 less Asiatics. There will be a terrible reckoning with these Chinese; but this will not assuase the nrief of rela- 'lives and friends, or mitigate the J J awful fate that befell mothers, wives t land daughters during the hellish! 1 massacre. l)loIutliin Notice. The copartnership business heretofore ' conducted nt 17o Second street, utnler, ; the firm nnme nntJ, gtyit. of uuhelev & 1 Houghton, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, i. L. Houghton retir-; inc from 8aiti firnii The business will I lie coodue.te.nn the future by Geo. U. niakulev, at the old slauit. F. L. Honphton will collect all accounts and i -" The Dalles, Oregon. July 2, 1900. eKo. C. I1i.akei.ey, F. L. Houbhtox. It has been demonstrated by experience that consumption can be prevented by the early use of One Minute Cough Cure. This is the favorite remedy for coughs, ,, .. . nmmi gilhmn. trrmnp nml Mil throat and lung trouble Curesquickly. Be sure and extmiue our stock of wall paper thoroughly before nuying eise- where, as we have the latest shipment Special values in ladies' tan os.'ords. 1 A low cut in shoes. All prices reduced. Xo trm,ble t0 show 15001,3 al the Nevv York Cash Store. Catb In iiur Untcht. All countv warrants registered prior as llito Anc. 1, 1S90, will be paid at my office. Interest censes after June 00, lfc0- J. F. Hamphiikc, Conntv Treasurer. Help Wanted. Two girls, who are ulling and compe-1 come this difficulty in a practical man I tent to help, can obtain work bv applv- j ner. J. E. Adcox is an expert watch line at the steam laundrv. None bnt t maker ami is good on jewelry, optical i those who are worth Hie llirillk. Iieeu ! apply. 11 3t Cuv Ueailaclie IJulckly. Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel- I - jerySoda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold b-v Clarke A Falk, druggists. jan24 0w r.UrV x- p.iii- nvor ,.inP.i s.mii Don't forget this. Ciark A F.dk's drn fresh and complete, J stock is new, The only store it this city where tin Oenuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold BEWARE! Other wares loot likeit.butthecenu S trSkve. Si Ware on each piece i Do not be deceived 1 First prize at ic , International Exhi bitions. Highest awara ai t oriu s i Pv-ilnmhinn F.vliihi t tion. Chicago, Pre ferred by the best cookingauthorities certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it it cheapest because BEST. Remember, this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us, a It does not rust nor absorb rrrease, does not discolor nor catch inside-, is notaflectedbyacids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, stew, roast and bake without imparting flavor of previously cooked food and will last for years, We cau tion the public against imitation plays & 6 iw V S7'Ott clearing tlio complexion of unsightly eruptions, and preserving, purifying, -4f- and beautifving the skin, scalp, hair, and hands, nothing so pure, so sweet, so speedily cfTectivo as Ccticura Soav. It removes tho cause of disnmirini; eruptions, loss o'f hair, and b.iby blemishes, viz. : the clogged, irritated, inllameil, or sluggish condition of tho Pokes. Cdticura SoAr combines dulicatooniolllpnt properties derived from CtTicrntA. tho great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing ingredients and mot refreshing of llower odors. No other soap, however expensive, is to be compared with it for all purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. It com bines in Onb Soap at One Pkice namely, il Cr:xTS the ur.sT skin and com plexion soap and the best toilet and baby t o.ip in the world. Stl 1 thnuzhout the world. Ponm ntro axd Cnix. Cor.,Sl Prop, Ccticvn ItutDin. "A'J iboat Uie Slio. Sctlp, llilr, isd Hindi," lrc. A Difficult Problem. It is among the most difficult prol lems of natural science for one to becomt expert in several lines. J. E. Adcox A Lo., by their combination, have over work and while Theo. II. T Iwl,p ,,n nvnprl nnlti!lti nnil iinmi on watch repairing, jewelry work and ......... .. .... w,..,.,.,. ...... ,o engraving, lheir price is as low as con- i sistent with goncl workmanship. They , arc ircjiwcu iu uu lu l urK in ueir several lines, on short notice. Work i sent by mail or exnress will receive i prompt attention. Sign, "liig Hud Watch. J-yt- KKISEMXIUFFCII Physician and Surgeon, Special attention Riven to urvcry. K'X)nis21am!e:. Tel. Voat lileck t AD.MI.NISTHATOH'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of the comity cn.ut of Clackamas county, Oregon, made and entered on the 1'Sth day of .May, 1900. I will offer for sale, at private ?nle. from and after the 7th day of July, 1900, for cash in hand, sll tho right, tftlo nnd in terest of the estate of Walter Fish, de ceased, in and lo lot 12 in block IS, L-iughlin's Addition to Dalles (Jilv, asco county, uregon. A little higher in Fkedkihck Haddon, price, but outlast! Administrator of tho estate of Walter a dozen pieces of so- Fish, deceased. called cheap enam Offers received bv Attomovs for Ad ded ware. ; ministrator, J. T. ' Whallev," Pipes A I Tifft, Portland, Or. " jO i thi: cleansing aii iu:ai.in cuki: j'oi: CATARRH CATARRH B ri..u n n i Ely s Cream Balm iir and tia..mt to c .iiw.ns 1,0 in- I wfi-i.'jfely abeorbed. It OtWflft Aftil 'ff,ntia' ,KSiK LULU 'NHL AO Iltsil! ami Protect- tho Membrane. Itecoro tbo bDf of Tajto anl Hmrtl. Lirgc Sjio, so cent at ELi UUOTUEKS, !A Warrm Street, .New York. fur Hale. I We have at Portland a stock of fino lubricating oils and greaeee. I'rlcee and terms aro riylit. Write fur prices. Cen- j tral Ittjfiniii' Co., Uiuvelaml. Ohio. I Why pay $1.75 pur gallon for inferior' piints when you can buy James E. ; Patton's Enn priof painta for $1.50 per! gillon, guaranteed for 5 yt-ars. Clark & 1 Fa!k, ngenta. nt 17 J For burn', injiirie', piles and fkin ! diseaeee uee DeWitt's Witcii Hz-il galve. It is tho original. Counterfeits innv be j offered. Uteonly DcWitt'p. ' ' Wo aro offering eptcial values in ladiefe' tun oxfordg. A $2.50 silk vesting top, lurn-tole oxford for $1.75 while! they last. Every day is bargain day nt the New York Cash Stoie. fur hale. A good sicoiid-hnnd threshing ma chine for sale at L. Lane's blacksmith hop, on Third street. J-t-diS: Im Hale. Trimmed hats and patterns ut coat for the next thirty days at the Campboll A Wilson millinery parlors. 23. tf Subscrlbo for The Ciiuonick. n rHAYfEVflS'J Complete Cipe of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. C. F. Stephens .O&nlor In. j Dry Goods, Clothing, i Gents' Furnishings. lioiits, Shew, lints, (,ip, Kutioiis. ior . i. ixnwus i-ikv. Jast What- You uaant. New ideas in Wall Paper bore. Such wide variety as we ure showing never be fore ttraced a single etork. Keal imita non creton tfTecle ut ordinary prices. Good papers at clieun mninr r.rir.,.a Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, youra ui a auiuu ince, nt oar Hiore on nurd street. Also a (all line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. B 8 HUMTINOTON WIUOX HUNTJNOTOW WILSON, ATfORNEYB AT LAW, omceomKlr.t(at.aKl,AUK,, RUOh H lioiits, Silo?, lints, (,ifis, Kutioiis. Act. I1' 11 forW. i. Douglas filioe. The Dalles. Or. : i fx iff .V. m'JM Hti-iHiiom iiw.uk M'IKililK'. is mwimiiii' ,tni'ii Str. RoBiilntor. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. DOWN. S l.V. llllllCS M lit 7 A. M. h1 Tui'Mlny TIiIHmIiIV . nr. I.v. 1'ortl.unl ut7 a. M. Monday Arr. Diillfs nt 6 r. m. I ; Siiliiiilay . 1 k Atr. I'nrlliitnt lit !: . M. II FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Tm el by the Htcanu-rs ol lln Ittulatnr J.liie. j. iraui i lii .CjVll.,, jM,.f,v. !, IWIInml Olllce, O.ik Httcet Dncl rlf.Wi.fLY.i-r if 2 f If if tfi f if tfLflfifUfZv2xlflfZfJviyr.uttKlxMtrJ1) j Crandall & Barget DEALKK6- IN ,m IJobeS, All kinds of undektakers BuPial Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. Tho Dalles, Or. r C. S. Smith, TIIK dp-to-date Qroeerl Fresh E'ca and Creamery flutter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270 NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION I. and Omr: at Vam oiivki:, Wa-ii ,i Mny 17, 1'.J. I :otii'' t hcreliy slvcp Unit tlio (oIIdwIiik; iKiinnl ottlor Iiii.v illeil mitlru of his intention to make limit proof In Mipnort d( hi-, cliiitn, nml thatsiicl proof will U'liimlo Ijufuri- W. IS. 1'rfliy, United h(.ite.s ('iiminhtioiier, at (lold-.-mlak', ' on July ir, vl: A Hill i, l K, Olliir, wlio inailu II. K No. HvA, for the (riirtlumil Wi, ; NW4', St-c A T,. .( N. It l.i K, nml Hi:1., uf si: ,, Hit Tp .1, N It 11 K. W. II. , Ho nami-4 tnc followiiif; wltnofH lo prove Ills contlnnons rwiiluiu'c upon, nml uultlvntiim of' :llll lilllll vi ItoLcrtA. Strnutlipn. t'lir I:. Frniui-u, ill , Inm (iiirncr, John Kurc, -ll of l.rle )'. .. Vhlni!loii. w. it. liLMi.vi:. : tiiitySJ-l Itwintcr. ; KXKCUTOH'S NOTICIC. Notli'L' i herttiv l-Ivimi Unit tin. nii,l,.rl-ii.l Inn Ixun ilnly Mppoii tml by tlici-onim court, of thestatf of On-Koii, executor of tin-' lust Hill nml U-ttiuncntof Kviililn- Kvnn.s, ileco.i-iil. All tK-rmiiH Imvlni: i:lalni iiKiiinst the istntt oflhesiilil I'.viillne Lvnns lire hereby required to present thetiime lu him, proiierly etllled, ns by law roiuireil. ill iWhsler, On-iron, within six moiithfi (torn thediite hereof. 1'iittil tin.- nth ibiv of Jinn:, l'.tn. l.xeeutor of the last will mid tcstiirnont ol I.vftllnc l.aii!, devni'ed. junlfi ll 1 T attoi;m:v-.t law. 1,, .. . TIIK IIAI.I.Kri, OltKfiON Orl'co ovoi, Kirat .Sat. ll'inlt. F- S. Gunning, Blacksmiih, wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Sci'OHu & Laugbliu. 'Phone 151 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON ftESTAUWT And CAFE, J. B. OrosBen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street i i FRENCH & CO.; ' BANKERS. I TKAK8AOT A KXKKAI.BASlflNU ilUfcl.NKM j Utters of Credit issued available in the Sight Exchange and Telegraphi'j gon, Seattle Wash,, and varioue polnU In Oregon nnd Washington. Cplleotlona made at all points on fav. orable terms. ' REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY, CO) nt tliii ltt'Kulutor l.lnc will run 115 mt tlit fol.j tiio uimimiiy reu'rviiiR mo riRMt to Olmii'j Mimvv. 1 Str. Dallas City, I10WK I.v. Dulles 1 lit 7 A. h. .Monday WrilimUny. , 1'rldHv Arr. l'ortlHiul 1 nt I :."0 r. u. IA I'll. 'tlnml Ji at 7 (jo ' W a. u. J TiUfi,ra . Hnturdity a Arr. l)nln3 t? r. ji.Jj -J Thi- nimjMiuv will oiiileiivnr to Bive its jmH-J Kor lnrtlier Inlormatlmi luMrcus 'H W. C. ALl.AWAY, Oon. Atrt. r L. Lane, 'iKNl.llAI. I 1 IE' - .E, E f , Wagon and Carriage Work Fish Brothors' Wagon. 2. I Thirdlaud Jeffcrnn. Phoue:i59 1 ..GHAS. FRANK- Butehcns ' and Farmers .. Exchange.. Kt-flps on draught the eulfhraled CDl.l'MlllA ItKKK, ncknnw eilmd the Wtl Iwr In Tho I taller at the liMinl priee. Come lu, try it and hi fonvlneed. Aim the Finest hrnnds of Wines, l.l-iuir mill Cfuarii. Sandtjrjiehes of nil Kinds iilwiiyb uu hnml i J. n. i-ciir.sr K, l'renlilent. II. M llKAll, ( alb let first Rational Bank, THE DALLES - - - ORECON ' A General Hanking Business transacted Deposits received, tmbjeut to bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptb; ! remitted on dav of collection, : Sight and Telegraphic Exchange eoid cs New York, Kan Francisco and "ort I land. m D'KBOTOKS U. P. TlIOMI'HOH. JNO. 8. BOUKNl'I) En. M. Willi akh, Gko. A. Libuk. H. M. Ubau.. Trie Coiuiia Packing k, PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTUUKKBOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKI) BEEF. ETC. JJ. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Oftloa om rrench & Co.'n llniik Vhwie C, TIIK DAI.I.K?, OUKCOS J)lt. K. K. FKKOI1HON, Physician and Surgeon, Olllce, Voet Illock (over lotollc ), .lillno-Uw THE DAUKH, OtKHO.V- Blacksmim ...AND... Horsesnoer 1