Msitrfs Miscles, Shatters Nerves, Siilfcns Joints. RHEUMATISM Is due Uan at u jOlsoi w.t.cL uis access to the blood through failure of the proper rvrrr-ic 4.i Mm nfT lrrr the svslem clear of nil morbid, effete matter This ooison UiruUMi incueiieim circuiauun is ucjwbiicuih w: juiuia, iiiurica.itu itc., tuusiii un.mujtiu.MM.Mui liheumflisni mav attack with such suddenness and severity as to mate within a few days a healthy active person helpless and bed-ridden, with distorted limbs and shattered nerves ; or it may be slow jr. developing, with slight wandering pains, ust severe enough to make one feel uncomfortable ; the ten denev in such cases is to grow worse, and linally become chronic Like other blood diseases, Rheumatism is often inherited, and exposure to damp or cold, want of propel food, insufficient clothing, or anything calculated to impair the health, will frequently cause it to develop in early life, but more otten not' until middle age or later. In whatever form, whether acute or chronic, :itj';Ll Rheumatism im Strictly m Blood Diseaom, and no liniment or other external treatment can reach the trouble. Neither do the preparations of potash and mercury, and the various mineral salts, which the doctors always prescribe, cure Rheumatism, but rum the digestion and break down the constitution. A remedv which builds up the general health and at the same time rids the system of the poison i the onlv safe'and certain cure for Rheumatism. S. S. S., made of roots, herbs and kirks of wonderful TiMri'rintr nrnrertie. attacks the disease in the richt wav. and in the richt place the blood and quickly neutralize! -I,, nri.1 nn 1 f'b'sAnlvcs all rxjisouous denosits. stimulates and reinforces the overworked, worn -out organs, and cleu: of all uiiliealtny accumulations. r a. cures pcrxiiiincmiy auu uiuiuuguiunu the blood m a pure, healthy state. y- t " M-!ltv i;jV nthStrctt IndUnapolif.laJ.. foreiRMwiraonthswaAiotcrtiblj-aBicted vMh khearaaticrt he tt. unable to feed or drs hiralf. Ioctor fafd his ca--r was liopele. He had tried fifw-tir prtcriptious that trisnds had piven him. without the lif:htt relief . A few bottles of 6. 5 -E. cired him penaantntly. and he has never had a rheasiatic pain since This was fiTe years ago. We will send free our special book on Rheumatism, which should be in the hands of everv sufferer from thus torturing disease. Our physicians have made blood and skin dice: w a life studv. and will cive vou anv information or advice wanted, so write them 0 fally and freely about your case We make no charge whatever for this service. Address, SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga, O.R.&N. llErAKT ruK riMr. rcur.uvLr.. From D.w.lkj. AIOUVR Fl'OM Kant Suit I-Hkr, Itenvcr. Kt. Kt ilnll Wotth. OniHlid, Kmi- Hll 12 10 . in. City, tt. linils, 13. si in Chicago nd Kast. Atlantic Milt take, Denrcr. Kt. Kxiitcss Worth, Otniilia, Kim I'.' jiir. m. 5 City, St. lnils, Vi Hunt- Chicagu imd l.ait. lnston. solvent ; the svstctc sss c-jiir' 9 5 79 00 00 50 17 Alliivred at the .luly Torm loll -wins if a list of tiie bills allowed at 'lie Ju'y, ISM), term of c unity sJI Baldwin, cierfc and rent of room . . . . E P Vi!liaui, registering voters E F Bird, pulling np booths. Robert Kliy, hoard of prirunnr? Dr. Hnuh 1.'an, professional rvire? W H Whipple, services assersor JI Caitachun, rebate on taxei.. Effi Bolton, s-rvices clerk's office Verta lioilun, same Frai.k Hi!., same J Do.'ierty, juror inquest lame- Hrtrpw, same Paul K i'rtulson, came Cha sciutz, same Frank E-titan, same JL-0 Havn, same U u Citnptrcll, witness itinuest Siksne Wnlla Walla, Hioknnc,1 ilnll MlnneapolK Ht. I'mil,' nnd u lut b, Milwaukee, Kxpre!1, Chicago and Kast, vln nrokancakil 1 1 11 nt 1 M c ton. nlM nit points In 9 j, m Washington and hint-i-rn Oregon. d, Prom 1'ontLANn. Ocean Steamshl. For san Francln'o K .cry rive l)nv. 8 pm. t p. in. Ki.aunday Columbia Uv. Htcanicr.!Ki.iiiimlfl To Ahtoku and Vinyl Sittirday Landliif?. 10 j. m. 1 I j ii. in. Spokane .Mall mid K.xptcs :..) a. m 4 p, m. 00 10 24 00 :2 c G A Pnirman, anie 1 5 G Dorris, same 1 Allwrt lsn, same Dr. J Huis"ii. esiert vitnesE W H Butts, coroner fee 15 J H Fi-ryusiJ!!, juror inquest 1 00 00 IK) 00 01 00 00 00 50 50 1 50 o iu 10 00 10 00 00 00 00 50 50 50 CbOUD CAP INF NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Magnificent Scenery. Pure Air and Water. Perfect Rest A MANSION IN THE SKIES. Ga. in. WiLLAMErrr I'.ivkb. I:,10i.i. m. Ks.aunday Oregon city, Ncwbcrc, Kx.bunilaj balcm A: way IjindV, Ta. m, Willamette and Yam-, 3:00 j. m, j Tuea.Thur. mu. IUvi:k-. :lnii.,Vul und a'at. Orcpon City, lMyton, mid Frl. and Way.Ijmdlii,'. Buy tour t'cbt'te from the PANY, Hood Itiver, Oregon. MOL'NTAI.V STAGE LIVLHV COM-jSylli Lv UlpariH dally f ",' a. ra. K.VAKE ItlVKH. Ulparii, to IjetvlHton. l.KAVK I.KW1KTO!! dally o.tou. in. t h Urowii. sdrne Thompson, same... j S Oiiiiper, fame G S Ev.iiif, ;, W H Alin, s?ame Wm Hnz-rlinan, vritnes H WhIis, same A J Carrel, same IV H Bud-, enroner fees IS 85 T Brownhill, justice fees 4 20 (Frank flul, constable fees 2 I'O SA S Evans, vrork on road .... 3 Oil Eon Ldkt- Lnniber Co., lumber 3 56 C H Cri'Cker, supplies 0 70 .1 M T(iiuif, board of p.iuper. . , 75 Geo T Prather, esam insane 10 00 Dr. M F haw, same 10 00 iP C FajMD, si-.-vices supervisor. . 31 00 'Frank Kmcaid. same -10 00 Jilex FikzIt, same 74 00 A B Bilin-u'-.-unje 29 50 Andrew Urqubart, same 35 00 BEI'UTY SIIEaiFIS ELECTION. W OKetiip 3 00 K D Fisher 3 00 Jlarry Cixik 3 CO iisa iitog-dil! 3 00 t SINGERS!! owing t J Trie Jacobsen Book & Music Co. j Stop and see them The best Machine on the market for the least price. For cah or on tim- : : : -AT i iMi Parties dcslrinc to co to llcniilier or , ix)i:u- on i.ommum eouincrn vit tiiKm. mioiuu take No i'. leaving The Italics at U!M0 p. m. niflkliit.' direct connections nt Itcppner Junction ' and Hisis. KcturiiliiR siaklncilirectcniiuectlou at Ileppaer junction and lliccs with No. ' rivmg at The Dalles at 12. M p. rn. i For full particulars call mi O. H. & N. Cu.'t agent The Dalles, or address W. II. IIL'P.MII'UT, Gen IVi. Ast., Portland, Or, SOUTH and EAST via Souinern pacific Co. Shasta Route Trails leave The Dalies for I'urlUud and way itatioi.- u: 1 i,i n. in. nad 6 p. m. Lenn Humlau. vWillit fli-rnlfis Harrv Mallear. . W A S-iUiik . . . O L WhIht-.. Waller D -Ujlas O Bolton 'Wm IHiilierB . . . - U L"irj PS Fouis. Orvin .Moure.. . . 'C Havward .... WD tVooarow.. CI. as Fonts. . . .. Win htau J M Uilf.ird . . M F Bird 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00, 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00, 3 00 3 00' 3 00' Xasal Catarrh quickly yields to trent raent by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agree ably aromatic. It is received through the nostrils, cleanses and heals, the whole sur face over which it diffuses itself. Druggists sell the 50c. she ; Trial size by mail, 10 cents. Test it and you are sure to continuo the treatment. Announcement. To accommodate tho. vrho are partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into the nasal passages for catarrhal trou bles, the proprietors prepare Cream IJalm in liquid form, which Trill bo knotm as Ely's Liquid Cream lialm. Price including the spraying tube is 75cenfs. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form embodies the med icinal properties of the sulid preparation. SUMMONS. IS THE f 'IltCl'IT tOfKT OF TIU. STATE of Oregon, for a-co County. Mrs Kate Hastinzi, l'lalntif!', Donald M. Hastings. Ixfcndunt. To Donald M. IIulins5, the atxive-unrncd de l fcr.dant: In the Name of the ntatL of Oregon. You ate hereby required to apjear and hi iwer the ecm plint riled (.aliut you In tin- above entlt'ed sui' or. or before the Iith day o! Julv, and , If you do not. for want thereof the pliintl.'r will lake judgment against you and will apply to the court for the relief piajed for in her corn i piaint. to-wlt for a ilteret of divorce from you. . tue aid defendant. Donald M. Hasiinx. I Thl summons It served upon you by pubhea . ti n, by order of the court, made on the Slh day I of June, VM, which .-aid order dlrtcu that thin umniois U: serl njin you by publication j Ihereol forMx consecutive weeks InlJli: Ii.ii.lkj ! Wlkkly CiiKOMCiR.a new.ipiiKr publiihtd iu i aid aco county; that the tint publication be made on the 0th day of June, 1'JtO. and that Leave Portland ' Albany Arrive Ashland . .. ' fcacrameuto . ' .San Frauchco S.Siain 7:Ci)pm .12.3011111 10:Wpm 12:S;ni lliHOam 5:"jpm liSiam . 7:15 p in h:15n tn Ariive Odon " Iwiver " Kanast;ity " Cbieiijo ... fi:l5 in 11.15am WUnra U:t)ara T:"J3 a ni 7:-i) a in 7 .15 a in 'J:ajum Arrie j AukoIuh . . Kl I'dMI " Fort Worth. . " City of Mexico " liomton. . . Nev Or I i lis .. Washington New York .. l-.'JOjun li:t) p in . . ii.a a m . 'J:a, n m .. l:l) am . 6"ia in 6: tJ it in ...I-'.Wpm 7 (i a m r:(.) p m ti:i) u m I'lfli II m I -oo h m fr.'iS p in li'Liu ra 1Z-a p m It hag been demonstrated by experience that consumntion can hn rirwfntfd bv the early of One MinuteCou,!, Cur,;. J Tl.: l t... t. t. 1.. 1. - l. 1''. rI,lT li,i thf. ljif fluv nf III., tlmn Liu? 17 me lovuriic reuietiy iu cuirjns, colds, croup, asthma, Kfippe and all co oo ; 4 50 : 2 2-1 ' 3 85 10 35 15 00 17 00 2 00 mi;;ouc. Ezara Hfn-un, reg votere 4 00 V A iia-bdiiil, tervicee super visor. E Wyi., work on road Frank La I'itr, earnc D Fi?li-r, iiiakiiiK toolg for road district iloiier .Mill Co., lumber I I' Goit, surveying Keal CI til:, labor on liriik'o .1 H G'lit, services clerk's oflice. . I)r Gei-emlorfler, profecHiunal services Vlonr Mills, lumber J S Hrtci.i.iin, serviciie siiperviOr John Hfiiilcti, nitiie lit Riiit'hart, t'sain inline .... Pimsc iS. M us, npplien paupei . JJalli'r l ny rtter Worke, water I renl and June 12 70, Oreuon Telephone & Tuleraph 'Co , rent and mefsjfi 20 30 D S Crupper, services eupervhor. 'M 50 M Kennedy, viuwiijc l.eadfonl road " 00 John Und, eam 2 00 ti I! Uriwr, siuiie 2 00 .J W Piirccll, chaininan Leadford rnnd 2 00 J W H-iUy, frtiue 2 00 J E Sio'v, murker Lendford road 2 0U W J HrfrriniHii, reg voters 2 30 T throat and lung troubles. Ctiregqtiickly. Be sure and eximine our stock of wall papyr thoroughly before buying else where, as we have the latest shipment made to this city, now ready for iiipec tion nt H. Glenn & Co.'e. al"-lw V.'X'. taid date beins the Uiit dav of the time piccribtd for the Mid publication. ' The dale of the first publication of th lum- 1 nion-is June? J'.xjo. 1 W. II. WILSON. 1 Attorney fur l'laintitT l'uilma:i mid Touriit car- on both trains. Chair ir ,-aeramento to Oplcti mid IH I'nso and tourist c.irs to Chicago, .-A Umis, New Or leans and Washington. Conuwtiii? at b'.iu Kranchco willi icvcral steHinhip lino for Honolulu, Japan, China, 1'hUippiues, Central and houtn America. St ntjetit at The Dalles station, or adilrci'. C. H. MARKHAM, c.eiii r,ii l-a.-iouger A(," lit. I'orllntnl, Or Fur hJle. We have at Portland a stock of One lubricating oils ami greases. Prices and terms are right. Write for prices. Cen tra! Refining Co., Cleveland. Ohio. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buv James L". 73 CO Patton's sun proof paints for fl.00 per 18 82 W,a1flr, . ( for S vpr.rn. l"!larb A- Falk, agent ml7 For T. BR0WNHILL, JUSTICE OFTIIF PEACE. Notary Puniic. Collections promptly uttended to. Monev to loah. G E llayiud's of fice, The Uallef, Oregon. Nortflera Paci D SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE 120 )0 03 50 5 Oil 1 00 burns, injuries, piles nnd tkin : diseases use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, j It is the original. Counterfeits may bo ' offered. Ute only iJeWm's. ilp.CUMN'S OME FOR A DOSE. PSI S fi ' it ,' "'T?l' 11 i fitalnUf - ' II J mii l)pfL!u. uwm..yP ru urirsr;lo(,rickD. 't'.ena' Ii , - t,lF TI . li i.-l -.1 nfrth H. A in f T L-Iil . T1 '.! ?. . W RU,, Mm. (r ... fnii 1.. . ... r l.t.bH.. .. . .... i- ... ' "... IVI I toUkliM JESICNS rrTT,? Copyrights &c. rr',no-!n1'lc a turlrh and (Jc.eripllon ma qti;. it iivert w opmou free whether a r.T' CI pr biMr ritentaj If. Xr.imunlcs iionntr ctlymiiUde- ia. llanrtUok on I'aleuu V. fre JJfli-i av-r y Ivr nevirinp MK.'iili. l'lt'..' taken t'lr unh Jiiint, & Co. rccelvv tp al nt(" , miTjou' tlinrzc, li tho Scientific JSiraetican A handtfn-'tr IliUHrj' "I vmn'-'r I.irireit tlr r alii. ' t, r U" )"iiriia; 1 rrnij. I ' a jeir : f ,r ruo-itbs. 1. uulduyal) newsdealer. riUNNCo.3C1B New York Urauctiumcu OI'H . VhlD3ton. U.C Yellowstone Park Line. ti.k lUvjN-, ( Ait itorn; khom 1'outi.aM) 'JO TIU. KAST. Tlir. ONi.Y MUfcCT TOTIIK VKI.I.OW- ftlO.NK I'AKK LKIVK. . OfllOfl DeWl, Flftfe alH I SIS ! AI11UVK. S"U. n.JJ L Blount, hull rent electiun Chromiili I'ul). Co,, printing and llllllliHlllllg 1 I Arnior, purvicos Biinervitor. . 50' ADMIXISTKA lOH'S NOTICE. CATARRH 13 00 100 00 H .Siirnmn, miiib 110 00 70 33 Geo Hue1'. i)iitilk'S pauner Clarkn & Frilk, drugH pauper..,. Wii S Cropper, deputy sheriff election putting up booths, tc. Priiiln & Niitelike, covering table in clerk h nllice 1 .J II Grum, fiiiiplien pauper 0 C Ev.inH, coimiilseioner 14 00 W J Harriinan, eatue. 8 80 Clarku & Falk have on ealo a full line o( paint nnd artist's bruahee, .Notice i liereliy irlvei. tiiat tljmriderliieij hi an order of Hie countv ( ourt of ti,. ntau of Oregon lor Wateo Coiintv. h been app'i li nduiinfitrator of the eatate of Heie- llradlotd. deceaei. All irnm liaviie lnin)k aKninsl tlieeitale of iid ileceaiieil aie li' tilled to pre-K-nt tli-io, Willi the prowr voueliere. to me at JIooiJ Itiver. Orexou. v.lliiin six uiontlifc from in mi I Uioualt of this notice. IU UII I llnrit Mm- 11 V.., i i'UTiUM y. IliuiDiinn. ! Admliilitrator of the Kmute ol Helen Iliad-1 ford, !)eeeatd. ic-l ; 50! 50! , r. xcoac. join; ijaviu MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOK.NKYB AT LAW; Ilooraii 39 and 10, over U. S. hand Olllce. TIIK CI.KANftl.Nfi AMI juui.i.vr; ci'itt: j'oii CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Uay and plesjsnt to tit -, (.oiiiama no in. I J'irioiji. druK. It h (liucuiy alorbed. Oivei Itelief at once. it flrliA nnn l'lu-i....ul WJLD'NHEAD lleils snd l'roiecu ilio iUuilimne. Ileitore the beiiyif lajte and riuitll. Ijire Hk, tocenttt J.hi Ditoaujjili;, M Warrvu Iilreet, New York. No. J-ast mall for Tacoma, !ieani,o, uiyinpiM.univ't ll.ulrfir and SouxU Ilend poiuta, Kpulcnue, ltosii lalid, il. C. I'lillinan, fAvJ'.itV l..ul.t..ti II, ,f . A. 31. falolliimpiiiiniugeoun- bUfll'.H. irj , iieicna, Jinineaui i ' Hit, bt. Paul, Oinulm, hiinta' C'lty, nt Ixiulu, i . CliicuKo and all joint' I No 1. nit and MmthtHii. No. 8. J'uitet fioutid KxpresH 11 a V. i. for Tutoma and heattle 7;lO A. 31, and Intermediate puints rnllniir, firnt oliLia and totukt leiiiH to Kuivir'nii ni. i ant nun ii)oiin river lMjiuik i wltliout cliaiiKe. Veitibuled train. Union deit coniieetlous in all principal title. ."o'.pt ;..'v... iu nviiuniioij 01 ijfjxeM,. l-or liuudiomcly illiitilelileH-ridlveiiiittter, ticket- Heeplng- tar reervutloii, etc., call on or wrlto A. D. CHARLTON, AMiMunt ( Pauenxcr A Kent. SttS Jlorrl on Htteet, corner Tliltd, Pottlaml, Oreson. Jjlt. V. T. N.MJTII, OsteoiJiitli. UoiMim.lOaiid II, Chapman llloclc, Tliu Dallej, Oregon. Tiiedii).i and Krldays, s ui in, to l'.. luaylSdin '31 Zi SI St 31 '3l ? ? I I 4S Th Dollas, Op. The Chronicle, Job Printers. r as i a m - - ' - -L - r mriuiuiujimiuuuuiiliii mi-iJiuJiiimuuuiii'ijMi.i.Ui'm"''""; WitWiltDl 7 1 firii-nintTfTTinTfiitTif tirnTifiiTTiiiiTiWfitirititttiTfriftttiriTyiriiy.irtrti' f ...C. J. STUBLING... As 5 Wholesale and Retail Wines, : Liquors : and : Cigars a- Agency for the Celebrated Yellowstone Whisky. Columbia : Brewery : Beer : on : Draught 173 Second St. Phono 234. THE DALLES, - - OREGON. 5" r it t-y t ,v..y -t -t. iyi.T.1: tut i ,r : .tai $1.00 per month. Strictly iirnt china local ami loiiy ili3liinci) leluphoni) eervico within your home. l.inec do not crosf-talk. Your con vereution w ill be kept a secret. No cost for iiiHtallitiK. You nut the standard Huntiing I.nnt; Distant Instrument. CoutintiouH day nnd ninht fiervice. We will ucci'pt your contract for ton years and allow you to cancel saiiio on KivhiR us thirty days writ ton notice. PACIFIC 8TATES TELEPHONE COS. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. CLEANLINESS. la i lining advocated l.y all parii, reirardler-e of race, color or pie SSr. aH-;?1!"" "-in..iibr w make our r.usto. 5Ki7hRja sis air. iasrffi.?i pf-Thoro iH Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings Bo sure and inspect our stock of Willi INitior Deuhjne (or lOUOon Display Washington Street, tt nrnrnv n between Second and Third. XI. fjrLENN OC CO. .3 1 :4