R Bona File Refluciion On ovory garment in our Men's Clothing 'Department. Hundreds of people in The Dallos liavo boon wait ing for our Annual Mid-Summer Clearanco Sale and now the oppor tunity is, here. Why have they been waiting? Moeauso they know they got just what we advertise to give; they know the value of honest, legitimate advertising; they appreciate the fact that wo nover misrepresent. Here's a clean-cut saving for every man in The Dalles: $5.85 Men's nil wool suits, regular $.7 50 mid .S.(H) suits; Cjearunco prieo Mimi'h nil wool cheviot nml eaSHimero Hilts, regular JfS.fiO, $9.00 and $10.00; Clearance irli;H IpO.OO A Hiii! of odd milts, nothing to their dis credit wive tho absence of 11 few itujjort ant sizes ; nil now and buhhoii :tltu goods ; broken hues, that's nil. Regular $!), $('. $11(0, $7, f7.50 anil $8,50 suits ; Clear- qp aneo price Jpo.oO All Crash Suits just tlio tiling tor this hot weather Clearance prices. sjCJ.oO, $2.75, fXiJo. All Mch'h Negligee and Golf Shirts, regular llfm. 7ic, H'k: ; Clearance price O0 What we say we do, we DO do. Dresses for Little Girls Many Kinds-Under-price. These are very stylish Summer Dresses for the little girls of 1 to 10 years. Some of light-weight Gray Lawns; others of Dainty Dimities. All Extremely Low in Price. Ginghams that cost little The Summer DrcsBes may he as dainty as you like, nnd yet he remarkably inexpensive. There are boiiio striking offerings being made just now. Silk and Cotton Ginghams at 25 Cents. SCOTCH GINGHAMS There ia still an excellent variety of these daintiest of Ginghams for these who have to pur chase. Many are iu deep-colored grounds with white cords, so much wanted now. Read The Special values offered in Ladiea' kid button, sizis 2)4 to 1, at $ .85 Same 1 00 ladles' brown kid oxfords, sizes 3 to 7, at. . . 1.00 " black " " " .'! to 7, at.. . 1.00 Reflect on the expense of keeping children's foot well shod and great saving when you can buy Misses' kid, epring heel, lace or button, siz-is to 0, at $1 00 Same, button, size9 12 to 2, at 85 Child's kid, sprim; heel, button, tizjs 8J4 11 .75 Same, sizas 5 to 8, at fiO Same, sizes fl to 8, nt 40 Infants' kid, button, sizes 3 to 5, at 25 Consider the money saved when wo offer you first-class goods in Men's brown calf welt, lace, at $2 00 " black " congress, at 1.00 Boy's " " " " 85 As shoes are advancing in price it is like finding money to get such good values, and they can only be had here. All GoocIh Marked In Plnln Figures. PEASE &, MAYS L The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. J. Fill DAY JULY 13, 11)00 ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At AnHrniv tCallnr'ct. ) our a Vk ti. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Orders by telephone or otherwise lire promptly filled at the MeNual market Those ij t.OO tan shoes your husband admired so much at A. M. Williams t'o's the other day are now only $2.81 i rupical and homegrown Irmts, (moice vegetables, also that chicken for yqur Suudav dinner. Cull up 278. 11-1 We know of one store that will do a mailing business tomorrow it's A. M. Wi'liaum Co. Don't drink water during this hot weather. Shasta Mineral water is health lul and refreshing. C. J. Stubling. Hume 2.11. II. . l'reneh hits been eonllncd to us home by illuesH for the past few days, and is reported no better today. I Mrs French is improving slowly. Juno is always naid to ho the month of weddings, but July seemo to ho getting her share this year. Today nierk l.uke granted a lieenHe to Ralph Noycs a.,(l Ethel M. Brown, of Dufur. The Oregon Telephone Co., is steadily stretching its wires and bringing all the small towns throughout Kastem Oregon in communication with eaeh'othor. To day an olllce was establistied ut Mouk liiml, in Sherman oounty. Yesterday the manager of the babies' homo in Portland puesed through the eity, having In charge twin girl babies, nix monthu old, which he was taking to Mrs. Mary Thompson nt Ilardmuu, noar Hepptier, she having adopted them. Surely the man will) the hammer iu 'Hie DalleB would he a great deal more popular than tho man with thu hoe, as Ihe Watchman suggests, The papers have lulled to jog the memories of prop erty owners, and the spikes have bo enme so numerous on our sidewalks that it Is dangerous to be safe wulking over tiiem. the JeU'ursonian doinooratie club of ''lie Dalles is making arrangements to n ratification meeting nt tho Hiildwln opera house Saturday evening, i There will bo a nuinbler of speeches by pioinlnont men and members anticipate V (,'enoral good time. Tlwy invito all be lievers In true domocratlo principles and leforiu. lieinomber thu round-trip duo to llnnnovillo Sunday, July 15th, will bo wily 50 cente. A special program has '"'on arranged for this occasion by tho "umagement, which will he appreciated V nil. Honnovlllo it (he most delight ful spot on the Columbia for a day's outing, and this opportunity to get out of town should not be overlooked. Spokane lawyers have agreed to cIobc their offices at noon each Saturday dur ing July and AuguBt. A member of ttie fraternity adds that if they would now close them the other five days and a half of the week, the millennium would be due. Laidios wanting tuateriul for a new waist something nice in the wash goods line will do well to remember Williams & Go's sale tomorrow. Ma terial euflleient for a wuist of 4.0e-n-yard will cost tomorrow only 25c for the pat tern of 2, yarde. A. J. Shrum, who arrived in the city yesterday from Grade, gives an account of tho cloud burst which visited Cherry Creek, Crook county, on the 23(1 of last month laying waste several splendid ranchos. lie says ho hnd just purchased a $5001) ranch from Pat Pagan, and after the storm it was not worth $25. Mrs. 1. 1). Francisco inform us that she received a letter today from her daughter, Norah, who has been in St. Vincent's hospital iu Portland for tho past three weeks, saying that she had about recovered from an operation for appendicitis and left that institution yesterday. Dr. Jones was attending physician. The apple crop, from present indica tions, will lie tho best ever gathered in Hood Kiver. Tho codllu moth is not much iu evidence so far this season even where the trees have not been sprayed, but it is time enough yet for their work. Tho lame orchards are being sprayed uud every precaution is being taken to save tho apples froiu this destiucllvo insect. Glacier. Tho citlzen3 of Shanlko, realizing the necessity of school advantages, circulated a petition and in a short time obtained money enough to build a comfortable schuolhoueo; nnd on Monday school opened up with Miss Campbell of Tygh Valley as teacher, and twenty p'upils in attendance. We are yet in Bake Oven district, but u petition will be im mediately put in circulation askiiig the county school superintendent to set tho town oft in u district to Iteelf. Leader. Tho Columbia Southern Railway Co., is now rushing the brick hotel along. The Htructuro is 32x100 feet on E street, and tho same dimensions on Fourth street, thereby forming an L. Down stairs there will bo a kitchen, dining room, pantry rooms, olllce, two sample rooms for commercial men, and bar room. Up-stairs there will bo the ladies' parlor and twenty-six bedrooms, heuldeB bath rooms, closets, etc. It will bo titled up with all the approved modern conveniences, Lender. The superintendent of tho city water works in Spokane speaks right up in mooting and nails those who fail to keep tho i tiles for irrigating "thieves." He says it's joat as bad to etenl water ua anything else, and that those who dis obey the rules Will in the future be dealt with like any othor thief. Theso are pretty strong terms, and oae which four cottages, containing good comfort able beds, stoves and tables. For a short trip and one never to be forgotten, commend us to Cloud Cap Inn, which you can reach easily in seven or eight hours ride from Hood River. We Apologize. no resident of Tho Dalles would care to answer to even if our sister state has such people within its midst. In spite of the. intense heat, a man by the name of Montgomery decided to celebrate todav and accordingly got on a jng the first thing this morning. The street didn't seem to suit his aesthetic taste and he proceeded to drive down The life of an editor is truly of short the sidewalk in front of the Clarendon. I duration and full of troubles. Yea, he Marshal Hughes objected, and taking I continually doing those things which the reins in his own bonds landed him ! he Bhould not have done, and leaving in j.iil, where he has since been orating, undone those things which he should He seems to be well heeled as well as j "ve done. This time we (or he whose loaded, and when searched a $375 check troubles we have assumed for a short was found on him. When arrested time) has unwittingly plunged himself some time since for the same offense he '"to a sea of trouble by an article which! tuisNPRRftrf n r-!iMk for (100. which seem, appeared in the daily of JnneSOrh. Thel ingly has UlUlinlSlieU. uciu iuchcu iu emu mm a. m.iii, , ' named Dymond, from Fulda, was sen-l For the benefit of those who con tern- , an Thur(i(Jav ,lt Uoldemi:l!e l0 plate yleitiug Wie seaside, we pum.sn ; thre(j ynn penUentiluy for )Or60 llie luiiuwmg unit: uiu ui die iiiuiuuii to Astoria, the faro being 25 cents: Leave Portland 8 a. in., arrive Astoria 11:30a.m., Seaside direct 12:30 p.m. Connect at Astoria with boat for Long Uench at 2 p. in. Leave Seaside 5 p. m.. Astoria 0:10 p. in., arrive Portland 9:40 p. m. Connects at Astoria with boat from Long Heach. Leave Seaside 0:15 n. in., arrivo Portland direct 11:10 a. in. Leaye Portland 0 :55 p. m., urrive Astoria 10:3') p. in. Connects with morning boat for Ilwaco and train for Seaside at 8:10 a. m. Saturday afternoon Seaside Fiver leaveB Portland at 2:30 p. in., arrives Astoria 5:50 p. in., Seaside p. in. Connects at Astoria with for Ilwaco. 0:50 boat Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has beeti in use for over 30 years, has horno tho slgnatnrc of nnd has heen mado under his per- p2. Honnl supervision since its infancy. Y0 ZCCU6t Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Jtist-as-prood" arc hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless suhstituto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic mhstancc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Fcvcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CCNTUH COMPANY. TT NUIMtAV STREET. NIW VORH CITY. 1'EOPI.K VOL' ALL KNOW. Hteallmr." Now, as a matter of fact, Tuny Ciiuonicli: man was wholly unacquaint ed with the circumstances, but searchA iriif for the wary item he discovered the above iu a neighboring journal; but, in an unguarded moment, when composi tors were demanding "copy," he must have mixed things somewhat and sub stituted the mime of the prosecuting witness for the real culprit, (or in other of Mrs. L. J'.. Orowe for u few days, words tubstitutiiii: tho Dymond for the Mrs. K. M. Williams, Mrs. F. Sampson imstnl as ue are informed Mr. nvmondfl and children and rloicnce William ' . , , . ,. James Whitten is iu from Antelope. A. M. Kirclieiner, of Antelope, was in town yesterday. VV. A. Campbell, tha insurance agent, is doing business ia the city. W. Vnrzw;eiller is in from Prineville attending to business in tho city. V. T. "Douglass registered at the Uma tilla Houeo yeaterdav fiorn Stevenson. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hosford came down from Moro on their way to Collins Lauding yesterday. i Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly and family started today for Newport, Ynqnina bay, where they will epend the remainder of the summer. ' Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Houghton returned home about noon today from their trip to shaniko, which they made in private 1 conveyance. " 1 ' Mrs. J. S. Fish went to Portland on the noon train, wjiero she will meet two cousins from Los Angeles, who are on their way to vieit her. k Mrs. Freas Sauu lera and Mies Kiit'i Rmdall left this morniiu: for Inde pendence, where thev will visit Mis. iianndnV aunt, Mrs. Itice. Mrs. Kdwin Mays ami her friend Mite Charlvjlio llonlpy, of Berkeley, c.uno up on Ihe Iiiiulator and will be the jjuestfl Dlfisolutlon Motico. The copartnership business heretofore conducted at 175 Second ttrcet, under the firm name and style of Blakelev & Houghton, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, F. L. Houghton retir ing from said llrm. The business will tie conducted in the future by Geo. C Blakelev, at tho old stand. F. L. Ifoughtoti will collect a'l accounts .and pttv all liabilities of paid firm. The l)ill, Ure..n. .lu'y 2. 10J0. Gko. V. Itl.AK'h'I.KY, F L. HouoiiTox. l.aiiie:' tan oxford? si:i'" 15 to 5 only 90 cents at tin New Ymk Cuih Store. man f!roif0 mayo at uiuuu One of the besetting dlflictilties of a newspaper oflice is the effort to decipher the numberless communications which from time to lime are sent iu to published. With this knowledge, the employes at the postolllce this morning elicited our assistance in deciphering some incoherent scrawls, which con stltuted the address on a lette-. But, like tho rest, wo were at last compelled to give it up, and swear it wos Greek. And so it goes from day to day, earelesa letter-writers make a few scratches on the outside of an envelope, leaving it to the postolllce clerks to de termine wlio Bhall receive the letter, and then heap vlale of wrath ou the manage ment of the otllce because mull is not delivered Iu season, when the writer is wholly to blame. But a few days ago wo heard n gentle man lamenting the fact that he had lived for years within a half day's ride of Niagara Falls and had failed to make tho trip, arguing that hu could ''go any time," and thus failing altogether to view tho grandeur. Such will be the experience of many residents of our city regarding a trip to Mt, Hood, Kach year tho city Is almost depopulated on account of trips to the seaside and various camping resorts, and yet how few have improved the opportunity to visit Mt, Hood. Those who have done so are wild over tho grandeur of such an outing, and not content until they duplicate it. The Inn itself has the moat romatlo sur roundings and is fitted up with ull modern conveniences, while near by are prosecuted a man for stealing horeca from him. Dymond has a big kick comiugM. and we don't blame him ; we would kick i too were we thus unjustly chaiged. Thu Cihiokici.k acknowledges its error, and ollVrs its best apology. Wo have no desire to pass sentence on any in nocent man, much less Mr. Dymond, jjjj j against whose character we have never llt.'tllll UUglll. AilVHillft'il l.ulltir. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postothce at Tho Dalles 'un called for July 13, lf)00. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : l.ADIKS. Allan, Miss A Ounn, Mra Peter Depee, Mrs NVttie McComi,MreFrance3 Chamberlain, ElhifJ) Ulni, Frances OKKTMiMKN. Campbell, Mr G H Depee, Dicic hvaus, Ira Fisher, Frank K Fianev, M Goldhill, DrChas Hanna, I. O Lang, 8 W Mammon, Ange Smith, F M Thomsen, John Ward, Fulaielie, Julius Hansou, Edward Johnston, Chas Martin, S B Peterson, P P Patrick. K Scott, Walter Welch, C. B Yerl. Chillis Mr and Mrs T P H, 11. lilDDlil.l,, P. M. CASTOR! A For Infants aud Children. , Th Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the giguature Better hurry up; they are going ast tboBO Mo negligee shirts at Pease & Mays', See window, were ou the Kegnlator tills morning bound for the camping grounds-nt Cas cades, where they will spend the summer. Mrs, Snoll, accompanied by her daughters, Misses Lena aul Lillian, returned last night from tho beach. Miss Lena will remain in the city for a few weeks visiting friends, while Mr , Snell and Miss Lillian will return to Arlington tomorrow evening. Wayland Fisher, whose boyhood was spent at and near Tho Dalles, arilved in the city yesterday and will remain until tonioriow. It has been twenty-one vears since Mr. Fisher left Tlio Dalles, but he finds a number of tin old rest denters here yet. He is the sou of the late Klder Fisher, who was pastor of tho Baptist church which stood on the corner of Third nnd Washington. They also made their homo on 3-Mile. Help Wuutixl. Two girls, who aro willing and compe tent to help, can obtain work by apply ing at tlio steam laundry, None hut those who two worth the hiring noo.l apply. u-:n For choice fruits, fresh vegetables, fish, poultry uud nil kinds of feed, call on tho McNeal market. Phono 278. 11-1 k fVolU e, Columbia Hiver lee it Fuel Co, wishes to announce that they will deliver ice to any part of the city at all limits of Ihe day or night. 'Phone 33 or 81 Long Diet . ; 7o or 8 Seulei t & Condon, BUSINESSLOCALS. A full line of Eastman films aud sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Flora) lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. w Tho only store ii this city where tht Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen piecesof so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has the name Stransky Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize nt 1C International Eshi bitioua, HiKlieat award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion, Chicago Pie ferred by the best cookingauthoritiea, certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Remember, this celebrated enam eled ware ia special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is notuftectedbyacidf in fruits or vegetables, will boil, stew, roast and bake with on t imparting flavor of previously u o o k e d food and will last for years. OyO- , We cau tion the public against imitation