II A Tl. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ZZ!L Fill DAY WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or Ohio. JULY 15 19X) comrnon icnsc 's sometimes very tin . . common. There should be no antagonism in( this rcjjard. If you wish to be neb, Tnr VlcrI'rrlilenl THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of fit York. save something every (lav, go with- jout food Jl necessruy. buy cheap clothing or go ragged, and, above all . this, by anj" and all means, make moaey. Follow these rules, and THE CLASSES VS. THE MASSES. " aayo wjtu jife ami bealtb. may be DnriDC an crarwperitv there wealthy. If you desire to be very ' Tvill be some bo will accumulate intelligent, study, cheat yourself of wealth and perhaps become million, sleep occasionally to pore over books, . . .1 I. l!l l( . train your iacumes to iuihk iikc me athlete hardens his muscles for fool ball or the sluggine match: but. When times are hard. above al! lbii lll5nk ntul k"ow uow aires. This is true of any prosperous country, and instances might be cited everv nation. capital unremunerative, and currency to think. The same rules mav be unsound, there is little prosperity PP,,ed 10 lbe Vaed ambitions that anvwhere. During the recent de- actuate humau lives. To succeed in . t; . I .1 l : - . pression. men who were wealthy one BDJ m)t' one ,DUSl WDn ai rg.e davwere frequently poor the next. ' thal direction, and the golden, Fluctuations alwaxs tended down-, aPPle o v,ctor-v TCiH bc within tie. ward, values constantly depreciated, reach of any and all. The success-' aedtheonh safe plan followed was ul form lbe clasSPJ aml thc UDSUC to hoard what you had and make n0lccsiful tbe masses- Tbis distinction speculations. In consequence busi-; bas alvrs-v' "fated and always will. ne was dull, wages were low, and CiMtl lllUlir ctpcK,. ; tbe poor became poorer. 1 All cauntr warrants registered prior ' There has been a chanue in the ' to Ausr. 1, lS9ti, will be paid at my . last three or four vears, capital has office- I ISfOO come out of its hiding places, busi- j ness has revived and thriftv men t have made money. Still there are poor people, the same as there always Interest ceases after June 30. J. F. HAMPHII!C, County Treasnrer. We are offering special values in , ; ladies' tan oxfords. A ?2.50 silk vesting ; I ton. turn-sole oxford for .1.7S while. have been and always will be. There j tll9y ast. Every dav ig bareajn dav Bt - are those who could not possibly De i tne New York Cash Store. WILD WITH ECZEMA One of Pittsburg's Most Estimable Business Men Certifies to the Wonderful Efficacy of Cuticura. I was a sufferer for eight year? from that mo$t dUtrc'Mng of nil diseases, Eczema. I tried some of the best physicians In the country, but they did mo little good. Hie palms of my hands were cor crefl, and would become inflamed; little white blisters nt first would appear, then they would peel off, leaving a red. smooth surface which would burn like fire, nud itch ; well, there is no name for It. On the inside of the upper part of both my limbs, great red blotches not unlike hives, would appear, and a soon as I became warm, the burning and Itching would begin. .Night after night I would lie awnke all night and scratch and almost go wild. I got a box of gS-J Crnctnu Ointment, a bottle of Ccticuka WtfSt' KES0LVEjrr auu" Pavc tllenl !l thorough trial, Mr'j and after a few applications 1 noticed the red 'jC7 uejsniid inflammation disappear: before I had used one box there was not a sign of Eczema left. I can truthfully assert that 82.00 worth of Ccticuka IImiedies cured me. J. D. PORTE, -123 4th Ave., 1'ittxliurp, Pa. CUTICURA THE SET $1.25 Complete External and Internal Treatmontfor Every Humor, consisting- of CCTicx'UA SoAr file. , to clean? e tliu ckln of cru$U anil scalo ami Rotten thc Uiickcned cuticle. Cuticura Ointment (Kc), to allay itchlnp, irrtutlon, and tnllanima. tion, and soothe and heal, and Ccticuba i:tsoLT.vr (inc. to cool and cluansu the blood. A single set U often iuOiclcnt to cure Uic most torturins, illsBeuriiis tAIn and pcalp hit. mors, rashes, itching, and irritalloni, wiUi lot of hair. eiu-ciall- of Infnnu anil clilldrou, when the bcl physicians and all oUier remedies fall. Sold throughout the norlil. I'OTTKIt Dkuo AND Clltll. Com-., Sole I'rops., Boston. " How to Cure Every Huniur," free. HAD COMPLEXIONS, plmpl, blotchw. bUekhcaJ., ml, rough, oily (kin, red, rcn?hhacds wlUiihaptleMnilU, dry, thin, a4 falllm; hair, with itching, icaly, irriutd f ealw, pr?Ttml by Cltictoa Medicinal and Toilet Boir, thc mo.t !( effective Un purifying and beanUfyinc neap In the world, m well as purt.t and wet let for toilet, bith, aod nurfwry. Two o- combined in one at one price, 25c 6 lj Str. noKulator. I U lum-M DP If . llHtlcK 15 nt ; a. x. f, Tiiewiny ; 5 TlmtMliiv , S Hiituiiiiiy . . j; Arr. I'nrtlimil 2. ut t r f. m. is 3 i REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, rORTLAXI) I ASFORIA NAY. COMPANY Ktrninuri l thi Itrtttilnlor Utic will run nn per (lit fol.N ..I. . ....... .1... r-iinii.iiiiK .t.itr. li (tin .IhI.I ... J i UK M'luiiiii-, tut v'uiM.ii .i-v.... i 'k11 o Cilnt(;o H'li dule ultlioiit notice. 9 l.v I'ortliind Ilt7 A. M. Monday We-liit'ily . riliUy Arr. I Ml le nts r. x. Ship your Freight via Eegtilator Line. Str. Dalles City. MIWH l.v. KiiIIck nt 7 A. i, .MnlidHV Wnlnwulny.. . Krlil iiy Arr. I'ortlniid nH;.Wr. m. IT, l M . I'nrtUnil J 'itJ.WA. . j Tl u,.,' Tlllird4yJ Sntutilny J Atr Ilitltof 3 ut ,i v. u.M . , FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Triivol by I lie Steiimprx f the ItcRtilntor Line. The Onmpmiy will endeavor tn kIvc its pot- , j g IltllH UIC IIVS l Cl Vli r ptFi-piiiMV. I " . m ""' "a u 1 e. l'nrtlsiid Ollice. Oak Slrt-ct Kock. W. C. ALLAWA Y, Con. Afft. ,)j DKALKH.4- IK All kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall S Burget UNDERTAKERS xf EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. 6Fi wealthy more than a week at a time, ; For ali, and others who could not he poor A good Fceond-hand threshing ma- but a little while if they had health chine for sale at L. Lane's blacksmith and opportunity. Between these hP' 0D Tn',rd streeu H-d&Tltn . two classes or, as some sav, the ' Sa,,!' ... , .i ' Trimmed hats and patterns at cost for mosses and the classes there is no i . , , ' . ,. . I the nest thirtv davs at the Campbell & natural antagonism. There should j Wilson millinery parlors. 23-tf be no conflict between capital and j , , , . .. . . , 4. Special values in ladies' tan oxfords, labor, or between the rich and the , . , . . , , , ' , A low cut in shoes. All nrices reduced. poor. One cannot exist without the x0 trouble to show goods at the New other, and botii are equalh depend- j York Cash Store. ent. Factories, railroads and other! n .r.,,,. T.,tl , t,. ' ! Witts Little L.nrlv Risers are large enterprises coulJ not be con-j famous little pills ior liver and bowel structed w ithout accumulated wealth, ; troubles. Never ynpe. and with accumulated wealth these Wantril, Iinniedlatel)", A good harness-tanker. Apply to H. Krause, of Wasco, Or. j'2-tf. There are no better pills made than ' DeWttt'e Little Early liters. Always i prompt and certain. Fresh cracked NebraEfca corn at the ! Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. nich25-ti ; C. S. Smith Tcmrrartnr7in t THK L. Lane. 1 Up-to-date (Jroeer! OKNKHAL I To Cure B Colli in One Day. j Tafci Lasative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All dnugist? refuinl the money. Clarke ii Falfc's navnrinc extracts are the best. Ask vour grocer for them. Yon will not have boils if you take. Clarke & Falk's sr.re cure for boii1.. Davton's natL-nt flv anil nir,nnitn could not be built without labor. ; killer at Maier A Rontnn'B. "n.ni Tllf mnnPTOll nlnczoc orn n nrnnt i . . . . It IS atnOHZ tLe w ..ww fe.w.. j une jiinme uongn v.nre is tne only:em benent to any country, especially to harmless remedy that produces im any region during thc era of growth, j media,t! ,e3ult8- Tfy St Natural resources need development, j Clarfc 4 Folk's drug stock is new, markets should be made available ! freah a"d ca'"Plete- Subscribe for The Ciiko.nice. by steam transportation, and labor ( Clark & Falk are never closed Smithy made productive by the employment Dl,n'1 'his- of modern machinerj-. All these require large amounts of mone', and i millionaiies are very useful. It it had not been for the moneved class ; G-nardian's Sale. A Difficult Problem. is atcon? tLe most ditricult pro1- j of naturaisciencf for one to become ! expert lit several lints. J. t. Aucos Co., by their comliination, linvu over-1 come this difhenlty in a practical man- j ner. J. E. Adcux is an esnert watch- i maker and is yood on jewelry, optical i j work and engravlnir, while Theo. H. i t Liebe is an expert optician and is good ; 1 on watch repairint:, jewelry work and ' engraving. Their tirice is as low as con-1 i sisteut sith gond workmaiialiiji. Th'y, are prepared to ilo ail work in lb ir several lines, on short notice. Work : sent by mail or espresa uill receive!' prompt attention. 'Sign. "liig Red;) Watch." I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I.-lSIi OFnCS AT V.4NCOITVKK. Vi'.Kf-U ,1 the western portion Of thc continent; Notice is hereby given tliit pnriit ton II--, 1.1 !,.. , , ,. !cene and order ut siltf made ard intd to rne uuiii nut uii; ii:uuiicii me preseui . frunruiaa oi tne jr-ons and cslate ot Iena , , , , . T, ., , ! Jloote a::d tiarfleld Jloore, minor-, bv the 1 Stnne of develonment. Unilronclis Jcmnir i ra,rt m it, .if . -.. ; i , . , ., , , County on tbe Ctl. day .if June, ltw. 1 will, on ' I'Oticc J hereby pivet- that the folltiwiiig"-1 large manufactories and Other factors the ait dav of luh, r.v). at the court houei ' "imed Mttler has rUtd notlcv of his Intention; ..,,, ,,, , , .. door in Dalles City, at the hour of o'clock n. , o makvttnal prtti in Miw-ort of hit. claim, nd Of growth WOUld have been lacking, m. of mM day. iell to tje biuhest bidder for 5?a.t Proof will be mndeU-foreW.lt. l'retbv. i cash in band, all of the interest of raid minor "V;1 ftM" 1 '"nnmnonir, ot (joldemlule, and great areas of fertile soil would j i" aid toX" h"n.i!SfnS2 ! J Complete Cipe of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUCCIST. IP 1 i ....... . . , ' rcuu; wiiu iHierwi oems 'ontlDir-nt two- .alirl II. til nr. uuu ucch tu a (jrimiuve suae anti evcntu mtere.-t in and to the . of the sK'i. who ntdo h r sv, n, ,,.. .r-.i ...i II isolated from markets. Chicago, S,8fVf&fe ! BW Ttl..l. r i , rf !0f land bounded as followt: CouiiflenClUK at u !" ' ' 1 V. " h , M- S3 jUllwaUKeC. Umana. Dnnvrr nnrl Snn nan- on ,h nnnii it.,.. r n vi.. -. . ... i He name the followiiif ltnt-.j. tr. r.rnv. hie H lionation Laud Claim, where It crosses a ditch; , coutiiiuou re.idenee uiwn, and cultivation of he incomparably thenee in a southerly dilution acro the hot- l'1 1"'"1 vlz: ' loan oa the line of the i.re-ent feDct tArwh- ' . Ho;!l ' are now. Jloney ! thence west to tttis thence northwest M) rod?. I ""er. FrancNco would small to what thev l. I, .1,, . ., thence alons Mid'llnftv lrod! to tbe place of i vt'shlriKton. has been the open sesame in thc de-1 brinnmg. Mug a part of the vicwi ireviu v.-lnnmf.nt f nott- rn:.,c r, .u .'S1!'." Jf f.1?1.'.1.'1. ,'ii ? !!ii 1 w.. w. ,,w ., . , , w , , iiiiu iuic . i-iiik iu i.i.., r. 11., n.i, A.toa IlJe 111 ' t.nc ,,,..n.. i , . , , 1 eret in and to tot 1J. ifud IP, feet oft' the west i has usually been accumulated by ide of it n m bi:i cof iStbiin'. Biun' Ad-,i,-.f , ; ditfon to Kalle City, or thrift, economy and enterprise. ; mi liojittt w. jiooiu:. (iuardian. tronthm. fbtl K. Franren. W ill Jonn nure, mi oi J.le V. O., W. ft. Dl'SIiAP., i ItesiMer. i EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. .D&alor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, i 2 rtrrf-c-' c t,: A lloote, Shoes.. Hati, ("nts. Notions. .Rt. i.ji i iouKia, niio.. Telephone .V.. t8. iat second (St., Tiic Dalles, Or, It may be true that the few onlv! are wealthv. while the mnnv ro' -N0TICE p0R PUBLICATION . , . w ouu ikaijit-iitui r.tatitiu r.viiri, otcea.eu. w . . . DOOr- but U it i.nt f.lsr. t. l,otl 0mcE Tiie Dauk, 02Kr,o.v, All per.ons hvlne claims ayalint the wtate JnqP Vi O ffl f jiuur, uui is It HOI niSO true luatj July 9, l'..u. i oftbeMid i:allue Kvani. ate hereby rciiuired w - " v XiCiV nearlv all the rich men In this pnnn-'l ;so".tt' s henby given that the followinc-, " "J wrae to mm, propetly wtlQed. a " Blv lUL "Jen in IIIIS COUn- named wtl erhas illwi iinil...f hu it,.... ? 1 Uw miuim, nt Jio er. orecuii. wltliln lr ! Notice l herebv "iven that llm nmlr. j bu U-sn duly rtppoi. !til by the mmiiy ctmrt, of , ! thojiute of Urtvon, executor of the Jast J Freah EggB and Creamery Butter a Hpucialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. We Put... uveiT bit of j twenty rears experience j and drug knowledge j with every ; Prescription that's compounded here.; Is it any reason why our prescription business J is increasing ! so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLflKELEY & RHTOji, Keliablp I'rescriptionists F- S. Gunning, Blacksmnn AKDi Horsesnoer Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. 7 Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. ..cgfls. pflajK.. Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange. Kcc on drniiKht thv i-olebmleil CU1.U.M1IIA ItKKli, nckumv. eii(tvl the la-st ln:r In The Unllvs, tit tbe iifiiiul price Conn! In, try It mid be convliiced. Al( the Klnnt brniidti of Wlia-fi, U.-jnor mid Clk-Krsi. Sandujiehes of nil Kinds nlwnyii on Iih:u!. 1'rcj.ldent. II, M. llKiU, (fuhltl Kvnllne Kvjiii., dmnwl. JunlC II j i I try were once poor boys? Tbe SSm money-making or rooney-taving fac XS1- , c o( the uJtt o. ! ulty is rarely possessed bj- the multt-, ' i'ttr.on, of The uaii-. or., tude, and he who cserciras it usually "wc.TI,f if- aBd suffers the buffets and jibes of liis'KSKMS fellows. He who saves a portion of n p.Tierwm, n. J iiobert?. a.t itoUcm 1 his wages, and eventually has a large : L E" "uta,u' '" ' i,0,,w Zr7 micas,' ' ' ft, and increasing bank account, has n 1 ittitUtw. . ' rough and rugged road to travel, CONTEST NOTICE. and earns in more ways than one all EMBT(eOT ,,', . he has. He is entitled to the ease 1 VniJhiSlKi.AA and luxury that his money brings ' iun:iul.'' You Luant. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. i Cor second & Lanein. Tfaoue 15? it- (iEiSKMiourn:i; Physician and Surgeon, Sfwial attention given to rijery. .oorai 21 and '..', Tel. as Vot UUxt I X.-IKKIJ. W. WILfeON. I D A'nOfl.SEy-AT IW, I Ollxti nvei Kirt .S'at Ii-iwt. , ADMINISTRATOR'S SAI.K. if?) I'M .... 'i uiransn reward ior long years of ifVr ora t ,u,ce 19 'wreI,,1Kven that under and suffering and self-sacrifice It i ' !,y i?hlVT- rt.s.h'i ni in which t irat' t hL)lniti Hf an 0,,,er ' cunnty io.irt ouucriiit, ami stii-sacrilice. it is tbt d John T. w iiBi t ban wholly ' oi Clackamas county, Oregon, niailo anil , vHa. i.. i... i.i "oanuontu lain tract. and c unimt hi r-.i.i,,;. ..mu,l r. n. i.u.i. .1 1 ,i . ,. . ' """" UAluiimnu mill. HU HI1U WUUHl 1 1, !..(.. f,.. ii.... w.i we -mil uuy u .liav. IMIIU. I . ...1.1.. .,n.i t ..: iugM rrn X' X VL .'n"; will offer Ior tn. at nrivatH en e. from 1 1 'u. "", " ""Jw that ifce abifee of defendant: fiom m Id tract i n'tr the 7ih dav of July, 1900. for ' i, -ir K. . Mlf from his fellows, and bv hard 5:iAn2.K.ftof"ffi L4.!5 ."""nrir . cah in hand, all theVk-ht. tit Z ur"n. -e,rt.u,e.l bnni,..., , . ... jKSaT?Ailwt ol the estate of Waltur Fiaii. ) ! ,1. . ! , ""P usage accompiistl-evidence, to.ici.lnk 7.TO&,iToTOotfk j ceated, in and to lot 12 in h ock 8 t'mK-'U!WaU his purpose, freciuentlv leavinr s J.n..S?V.iW. .irr.nS Uughllfi'a Adilitlon to I r B "",a' ! . .ou- 1 0 1 iiaiuV ViLnn " w "" umw hi lbe, WWo county Orwnn ' uiretji. Auoa mil line o lost of bitter enemies behind him. I .&.ut b.v.n, , VroM. I ' fSiuok U.suuos, j D. W. VAUSE, The fluccessful ones in life's slroc ' AWX"?! Vl.SIL.Pi iFA?."' Admii.Ietrator of theemteof Waller ' ideas m Wall Patmr here. Sni. variety ae we are ahowing never he- iK. weal linita ordinary prices. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE. J. B. Oroasen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street gles constitute the classes, like tbejff&W&V moneyed men, and the multitude are pror jmbllwuion. JAV I'. LUCAS. Hegliter. Offers received bv Att mlnittnlor. J. T. Whalley, J'ir. A linr, Portland, Or. jo i e iiuriTinoTOM u v wiUOM HUNT1.S0TOK WltJMHJ, ATfOWIHYH AT LAW, omor.tN,t.kE DALUU 0R8U01- FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. paper prices, transact a kmmuuia-i Ul,, coloriuue. vourn ' " slore on Third 1 letters of Credit issued available in the iiouse paints, , . fcastorn States. oiki t jsxeuange and Telegraphit Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, 8t. Louis, San Francisco, PortlaoU Orf icon, Seattle Wash,, and various point 'n Oregon and Waahington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. ' Third St. First national Bank, THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General flunking Uuainc86 transactid Deposits received, subject to fcU'.l.t Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of :olloction Sight and Telegraphic xct ianj(t' sold vi New Vork, San Francisco anJ "nrl" '.and. DIHBOTOWS D. P. TlIOMPHON. JNO. S. SdHBKCft Ed. M. Wiluako, Gko. A. lRt. H M. Hum i Tlie CoiuDiDla PacKiiis Ci PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTORKKe OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON x)RIKD BEEF. ETC. JJ. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist, Otllca of er Kionch & Co.'a llaiik I'Iiimio, tiik PAU-Kri, OKKCO J)lt. K. E. reitODHUN, PJiysiciau aud Surgeon, Oltlcc, Vogt lllook (over !oitolcc), 20pJmo-dw T)IK DAU.K9, OSCUO IJOKJWf