The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 12, 1900, Image 4

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ftagnfeni SGSiiBry. Purs Air ansl Water. PerfeDt Rest
Be rW tirt-ets fnm tbe MOUNTAIN STAGE & LIVERY COM
PANY . aid K.ver. 0'e,'oc. y.12
Aimi1 Thrui'pti Uir limit..
Tt ttanfcs of onr city received
Ihe following apnea, from the committee
i 309 en il ittntne Teas'. bo. through
the uretwy at the various banks throusrb
ont the oni"B expct to emipii?b their
cood wort. Lilt It- has teeh done ia The
Dalies rnirdjac the matter, and t
pciMi-a. the (wrier that titoje who have
imd no opportunity aiv niider:md the
trot stale oJ affair; :
Nc Yoke.. Jaiy , JP03. ,
Famine, irorn lact of rain, is new
bcager and thirtt tlireaters onr-t-iitit f
iiiiit jiniuber. Tbasndi ere Etarrjnr
tract i ren:r-f jar boors, in thtt sirwkfti
lend, tbt tiecveiis are a iron and ibe
earih of brass.
Birds of tbt air drop liMes; from tbe
bumiac shr. Hundreds oi thousand; o;
CEUie bare slreadr perisbed. In tbe
abrance of food md tveter, fiet:Si
f.titiuaii !ai?D their hEtr&d, eid belpt
lie doiTD jB?etbr 10 die. 1 be (hrrftvinr
bidies of isezx and beasts tniictr bwb
plains and rirers. ;
And tbe woe has not vet reacbed its '
rsrsi. Pare to faee vritb even snch '
horrors still sttad cocatirss little
children, and women, and men, nbom
ioad wii! sE-e. Tbank God, reiief may
-alraost instantly pis;, by cable, from tbir ,
Jand of plenty to tbat India of starration.
Aceordinsly, only gifts of tnaney are ;
Wast, tben. rhall we do-? What trill
ou do? For our answer we are clearly i
responstiletc botb God and man. Oopbt
ao" Ameriea to send qciekiy at least a
miilion dollars? In tbe famine districts ,
are efficient, devoted men and women, J
not only American bnt aiso European,
,wbc are Eiready engaged in the actual !
Tterae. bat wbo are pleading for larger ';
rnppiieH. Sorely sncb snpfilirs can be
-provided, and yet tne enstornary cift- to j
iang-eftsblisbed agencies for tbe up
lifting oi tbe propie of India not be at all
Meanwbile, tbe government ol India j
Is organizing relief on a neap-;
jiroacbed in tbe history of tbe world. ,
Sotb treasure and Tie are given witnont -etsnt
in tne saving work. On Msy l-3sh,
ihe number o' starving atdud oScially
was 5,796,090. Tnat omcial daily aid ,
rili be steadfdstiy continued and in
creased, yet it wili be unable to fceep
pace wit b tbe fcwfnl need. Tbe death-,
rate is by far tbe creates: in tbe nativr
previuces. where tne government has '
least influence and cantioi. Only the '
united efforts of all the humane, the co- '
;erfiting gatKS will of all tbe nations .
will suffice.
In tnis emergency, tbe committee of
-One Hundred gladly puts itself at your
service, tbe service of the cau?e.
IUra. Brown Brothers & Ooinpeny,
the weli-known bankers, 59 Wall street,, ;
have freely consented to receive and
acknowledge all yifis sent to them.
Every expressed wiel. oi donors will be
Jaithfaliy carried out, and the committee,
on its own part, will earnestly seek tbe
best, ioosi efficient, most economical
ageneie for the destruction of nn--designated
Together end at once lei ns move to
ibe rescoer We can feed tbe starving.
Tbere is not a minnte to be tost. From
isro to five cents a dav will save a life.
WtiiiAM E. DavBK,
L.T. CwxuHiiaLAUi.
Cbairtnan of Ex. Com,
John Cwtaitr Bkowx,
Treae irer.
Tor IrJanu and Children.
Tfie Kind You Have Always Boughl
Bears the
Signature of
Kutiee it fcevby trivet tluit tin- uwtixtigMd.
u Mti oram f liic- Louutr turt oi the rUtf oi
Ore'.(. im CMiutT. ha brvti sfiti d
aflsiu.i-tMtor irf the vtlau- of Hele-i liradfom,
-ti,Kt Al iiwut bavin r uiuii acaiutt
' jeutc J tjtio Jeceetl are . liSed to pre--.m
tt?. w:ti. tlx- pwer voucliwt, to aw- at
lloori liner, oirti.n. mithla tlx launtb lru
ttte oau ol tail butter
Iatl iUtw W)
. , . 1. lluAtintan,
AUBinwtutor oJ tie tuie uf Helen brad-
'Bvoot Si and t, &ver U. H..Lad 03yi
A E&bi: That Is Gcrtinr; Strong
Hold ia Chicago.
I r ni Eflrrl it J lit- I'?vrrlal IlniK
Whrn TuLfii b u Srtiiialntit
Xndr -rciiu IVrti'Ua nr
Ca!i!.Bra bss- uwIIt fnuod its
ino xhe drinl: of tbr Chkauro brh livrt
of ls-ijtf f d awti women ha ut-
rtsMlv utl ractttj u!eutM from jibjf
fisiiS. Atjtlioritit of iiuiM asjeinr:
haw al Wsnm to rioe the prren-
tI ie calwaya nctnn, aMbuiicb .i iiv ,rat ittu more w ir-
es.ace ior a ptai nan c".
past. It iMiot so VBrj loii?rnm.
Tvri'fr in the Chicago TirxieIl mki.
:ltr,i it wak taicorataon in thvtiit-
" i.
camwifian with its- liquor lis fat, ht
was CFbnm -d to & so if he tS3K!erP!d
it ant' renenaJj -.ook it ia tr-
pmarj ol hik roMit or fhrourB tV
trriii-inT ftf 91 tnupv T ,.-5--,
, f . "
Now it fe. ouite a ird to mix tbe liquor
and califeaya in the oeiuaioa thai tiV
5. l-w,w,W--l
--- -. f sajirenie jnomtDT o; success mtis- more
tin- iifrvc prm-t-d from tht- rH! Pf- tjajj le couJd slal ana jhe use ttf
f of too tench stimulant. I saw j tj,(J j,oW jW6,sed Ltia him with iu-r-tber
day the brain erf a wan bo ha.; j acquirement. A certain James Meadt
died from a coinbinaikni of too JowcL j lav .j, ith 1Vjihaid feer in an
rchiA-y nwi calisaya. A local physiciar. oativinr camp just w be was .vtartint:
hat al-o called my attention to tut- fw Mm vrilh the accumulatjout- ('
at,esv of men under his treatment for sjie Ver, and he and bit. bar of dust
the JHB7.0W of heiir frefd irtwa the i eutered IHwson u.rether on a i.tter
c-e til tiH-werfuldmc. it 1H,i; mx men to brinir him in-a;
C clisava. or yelkm cinchona hark. I i-rwatintr fonr to carr and two tt'
reaches in it!- ermanent effect on tWe
fj stem the litarl and the brair. at aUari
"he Rame time not quittr no iuii-W.i.v
a- small due of arenic wouki or m-'--ical
does of f-trjehnia. but quirk
-n.urh to prtxiooe at an ear" jriocl
-nmf form of idiocy in the mind ttt ht
tt-ei. Tbe t hour hi ceattr of thf
iirain art quite rapidly eaten out. A
tn-sat i . destroyed which und-r o--dinary
circumstance ouebt to lust uu
til a man lie? passed hi sinjeih xar
The limbs berin to tremble ar the urc
f the druir inerea. Ths.w TBav
more or lets- uncertainty hi sjwecl..
Thousht. which at first ha heea quick.
ned by the innuence of the ctuisa.v.-
rrowt- dull, and the iiqaor which i j dition of the niinO of a m-v n- rar-oid
taken with is doe not vene to quick-i. i J1!! in a Highland lnrk t-rbool. Tii
it. I am told that a cloud t-(vnu- j. birthday of Abiahain Liiieoitt had b-eti
fs oer the brain. and thintr are i ade much of ii, the primary d.'ftart
lv the !Den;aJ eye as through a rain ! -'in wd the teacher had dwelt triih
Of course the drinker who -d P"'1 eropbasit upon the tuancip--brace"
every 24 hour ascribe th. ' tioc prorlatnation and iht- coo&iKftitmi
first symptom of dimotecrsitioa tot b ! mi-5w"oflM:Clai:nfrt-Mtbeero',
liquor and a bad stomach and takes i tMt' ' khiafH) f'hron'n-k.
more calusaya. I tut thi Kiaipiy !rv . -"ot t,lS after the Lincoln ceiebra--
o haviec hi end w ;th a lorm of idiorr j 10B hour v given over on-
said to Ih not quite o painful to- the- itJ ycoirdanct- with m-HuoJ cust-iii
front liquor alone. Men who eat be- j nBtnr' tudy. The teach'-r a-fkertec
iiy. drtnk much and take but little ! tht J-m f cooni-; tulti xbv chiklrec
erctte are noted as the ont. who now
publicly absorb ealisaya anu point t
f delightful inaovatios ialro-
; dueed by tbfir btitter educated broth -,
ers of tlit east. In time to uir tk--e of
eulisaya fail to produce the omi:
x-nefirial renltfc. If mwhtnl Hr-rMilaw
i then desired the -iotiru ha in hmi
itisianee. pone t-o far umard making a
lirtk- methins- lower than a beaut .rf i
. .1.... t. , "
uoui-vu lutu u jik oiuy ueetTHBtrr to
write out his- death certificate nn
Sfcribe thi- chiw to borm other reaaua
than yellow cinehooa bark.
Cinchona, or chinchona. i .so eaTk-rt
aftr the eount5- ut Chinchou. Cluo
j chon i a coin uj unit. v jn Spain near
Madrio. Tie comttk usu the k
; ueen-of Peru. who. in 1S.. wa cur-'
of lew bj the use of cmchoita bark i
and bo a4b.-td in making the ron 1
4 f-oy iruowu. without regard to all th
eon.iueiiees. The bark from rhiel.
f :he dm5 b made come Iron: a rer.u r
t f-nrn-B tr-. native- of the Aodre
frou. Colombia to JJoutji, provi ii j-
'9; ot. 'hi- easii rn klfrp, .- m ni. : -
iimli- fs-om I.i .f je,
'! ; - r. fount1 the aourw of ;
r . i.' licoia Imrk and qu:n.,. . '
.jUii;! -J ,poeieK bu! ,! . ( melion.
'1 fft cnsnK-rtviproduvM' h .,;!
:' '' ' !1 'lb' bark, c-onii rj.-:.
j.tiy phnriiiacy axe oh (. of tt.r-.
kini! ibf t)ituuy l'eruian Lark.
' abaii.xa turn red cinchona. Ordiuar.
rnK-hon burk ia alwtble a a rt-u.H
to feer and a a nrstl tona-. im't
the alkaloid obtiiinole from tbt bark
liae in practioe larjrel.v tak. n b plat-.
of tb bark ithtrlf . If tht eali a top,
uld confute hli.i4f to medicinal
dofcefc be iirobabH' would never xurW
any ill .Heoi. but he nbwrb tlie 4lnip the wtne quautitie ut, l,r
hi -hiiky or brandy. j
I allied l)r. J'ranl; .V. Doud, a htudeat
o. cajwuyic vioums, what particular HI
effect local iistinstif t he drug would fee.
:!ide from ibpsej mate meTmloned. He
atil tbat tbey would by pariloiilarlv
aim iir attiK-k oT ia ctpp" nuC 1 c
lr pnisor ir Mii'ir ' r w '
Ji Ir rr.ppt ip ihr bentl v -'J' ut"
M'sn "r jM'rmatH'nt imtatMiv follf-tt -
'iC JtfTosi nddir-" 1r 1 i ' t
-nliisaja if. murk ltHtrr apt to -,akt 1
:r-ipiM' ih it- Mvoi-e or filial '.inn lr
H'ttd noted also that bard 'rinkrr
v bn Mjd&rn!;. rrwrf the ttsr r? i"kj..:h
, vvftcjilH take cnlbwya as si mien-
nit um' fnd thus they ha-ve jtiinpi
rnv the fry inn jwti into the an-. lb
?! tbr ww o-' raUsays jn hvcjb1
'rirkintr. Unaow of its damning if-
'rwt tijcm tar ur orator. As tb--hr.lri'
i rapidly jfrewiup ia Chfcair"
rtrijiKine rm-lr. Ave shall noon hav fni
r:i mrnx hv oiliwvk- iionrt. tlie cah-sn.VH-
fttoiiMwh nitri be rali-yic brain
-n-jtb a P t -tninolmr) in n raHiayic Ir-
H01r LDLii. KuriS iK ALASKA.
The lrotir of rmc 1 Snnkrrr Dr tier
fiboTTB Than in Tht
Ai first sirbv it -iiuJd bvm that
j tbe like rcd Jnck uiirbt fall to anv
i man. lnt tbe realin- runt- mucli ibe
oibtT wwy, fmvs. AiiisletV Iirrazine-
ho ordinarUy achieTp. ibis- t-udilun
rpHh. It is- tbe man wbo if too
5-5 rid to know tbe riskt be is taking,
and H is- tbe reckless- man wiio lungtt
wiMllr anil Ti.!.fS nn linsiicratt- rlianrt'
j wbe'.H, invorites vi tbe rod of
- chjjce. .Nor do U rood luck storiet
; havc j.ieatjint endinirs. Often
-bt j,je" js j8de. accitk Ht. disease or
attath in to prevent itt lerfii-
, nmJt. enjovmewt. One man drained
Uend wben a: the wcirbinr of tbe
jjj-s; clean-np lie iouiMJ himsvi: a ncn
j ,,,, Tbert was tomtthini: uronr
j,earl. 3e naa lac phvskrai
: stx..nrtiJ :c, firbs aainsi
food atIa water, to endure the !
! ... 1 , . -. . a '
; oaeK-ureRKiuir wii oi oeieiujnxir ana
; worianr otit. and all the strain of th
! Htjcp aintv that iven- l'fo Tit-
" . -U
j rest and hr aid each niau SI., a daj
OiK-e m Dawsui: Meade -ffiin"i ti
( rrrow i.eri'r. and when his sailing dax
came he walked to ibe boat. He
j reached -lit- viharf and fell dead as be
was about tf et- auoartl.
Little- CUl-as :irl Who AVna Si.ri-lj i ii Hei rlntifin of
Sta erj.
The epidemic of 'coon songs" which
now rares when tinct the milder "ne
gro lDelodiei-"" were ptevak-nt i doubf-
less respoiisili.i- for the ln'f;gl eon-
o xoer prowled about at nirli
it auil
j Mole the farmer' corn, ami ii
! return the farmers st trap for theiij
and. catrhinr them. jut cuihirc otj i tiei
: neck and chained them up ti tr.-f
wiiere tbt-y kcot them (uptH.-. Ti.
" teaober beeaH- aar- lt a hnl- i-ir
; in the front eat wa louktnr her
with a wore rmui. vKireion tiiui
ine .-lory smet: to eat for. In a u.
tnect a hand went Hand tbe h-tU one
was on her let t.
"Teacli-r." nh- Kaid, J Klioukii."'
think Mr. LiBcula would let 'eui do it
and. anyway. 3 know m imi wouldn't
' dare try to put a chain and collar or
; oar cook "
,is rut i iiv rn (.ovin o
1 afOn?--.:. f'r Wuttt Conuty
Sort- lUte lUtun I'uutiC
' vt J
iKmaWil Htia? lefendant
To tMduiid 31 Uitir-sf th; aw.-itarjrt a-;
la tbe Naaii uf tb slau i Orecoa, You aie)
ttrvby required tt ayi-var aad i.uer the ecat
IiUiot filed RiUit yoo ia tat utowe tJOtltVi
nf. oa r teiure the Uifc dav A July. JtMk and
if yoc do not. for want taertuf tbr Salutlil xtii
laic fodprneat trgatutt yoo and will atiplr u ,
the oonrt far tbt ivllef ptae0 for la htt vota
IiUlui, to-wlt U; a Oeervc : dtvxtrce Iwro yoo.
th ld deleudaut. Un;.ld M lleniup.
7 hi ncroBKiut u teried ujitrti ;ou hy ;ullit
tl ti. by order of tbt- umrt. iimd op lhe51b day
' of Job, 3iM.', waieb uud order tirecU that ttib
tutBBibiik In- kenrd u;oi. ol by pubti(mtiin
1lnnn' Urt ir o.iiin-'-uuve tuTllc lutxiu
tVcei.LT 4 lifcorwcix a iieuppgr publtibed in
ald Waeo tuatity taat tbe jjrtt t.nti!ixtlt
be mad on the Mb day ol Jaau lWt". od that
tbe deleadaut be refpilred to apar uad aiunor
tbe owaplaiot oo r tloi- tbt ;lh Oaj ( July,
liOj, aid dale bettifr tbe Ut rtav of tb tltoe
preibetl for the katd uoUeat).ia
Tht date ol tb bnt tKiblieatiun ol thi tun ;
raonvii June. !...
w U nib&ux,
J Atton,ey for 1'UluUlL
Puulic. Collection promjitly attended
io. Monev to lon. C. E, Bavard'e of
fic, The Dalles, Oregon.
fKOK tliiitv.
Fast !5lt Ltt', leaver. t.
ilall Worth. 0ch. Kn
l!:K)tin. Cltr, it. IviuH.
AUantlc iaU Lat, IcaTer. Ft., t lis. in.
Krpr Worth, Omntik, Kan-'
ttaSfcB.' f citr, Loui,i
VI Hunt- ChicFQ and rt.
lcrinu. i I
ttrottac Wall Wall. Hjiofcane,'
MtnaearolU. ?t. Paul,
u :3n a. rn
Calraco and IJt, via
feroialifatil Huutlur
ton also al, joint In
Watbluctoa atid Katt
rrn Ort?ou.
t. m.
4 p. a.
(wii ftraialilp4.
For fn Frnncitoo
Kvery Hit Dart.
f ns.
) 4 I). El.
Ex.MindcjiColnnifcU Kv. Bteaaicrs.jEx.buad)
To AKioiOi aaa v.oy;
Saturday Ijandiacv
19 ?.. ra.
Cl. Wiuaxirm lttvra. i30 n. ra.
I Es-aaadaViOrecoa Cltv. HcxiIkt:, Ex.sundn)
j salens i Wcy Lead'.
nf,r 1 ' -aiier
, t,, Tm.
WtiiAjjrrrz xnv Yxn- 3.30 il m.
Htu. UtVEES. Mon., al
i and
Orepan City, Itertnn,
and Way-Ijiadlacs.
and Frl.
EKAtr Rtvrx
lUi-eri to cwstaa.
9 t. ra.
Lr Riparle
l:t. ra.
Partis? deairmc to eo to Itetmncr
1 j-otntf on lidumbia toutierc ri Itlcc. houla
! tait No. lertnc The balle at 1-40 p. ra.
I aaJt-n'-' dlrtct conDrctloa. at Heppatrr junction
I '.B8P. Returntoc m.ktnp direct counteUon
' at Ilej.pncr Juuctlm. and llurss lth
So. 1. ar
riving at xnc utiles at 12 a p. ra
' For lull particulars call or. O.
It. i h". tJc. i
ajeat The Isues, or addreu
I w ii nri:Lfp.T.
dm I'ai. Art. I'ortlaad. Or,
SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
Traini leatcTiiC liallss fur "Vrtlanil and way
itation at -4 m a. ra. uad S p. ra
Ltsovc I'ortlaad
" Albany . ..
Arrive Ahlaad
- tacraacata
" an Franclc
;.3j a ju
12 a na
12 S. fk TH
SrOjj. ra
- ym
lo r ra
11.30a m '
4:Kl ra
Arrive Dpi no
" feaver
' Cnteairo . . .
11 LitlD
9:ta in
T : a ra
b.tO a ra
T: m
T t5a rs
Ardvt Um Anz&m . .. :.30prc
- Ul !- t ii. rc
FontVarlh ... (,.
' City of ifeslon . . a m
- Jl-ton ikb
" Orlta . 6 22a ra
" Whinic:o S.-a m
- XemTort l.4Spa
5 n
4Sa n;
15- B ra
lUiiojaa aad Trbit van on both tnun.
Chair fan- -c!tnento t" O.-deo and i;i l'aio.
WW! touriat ear l- . hi;ci. at loan, .Now-1 Or
leans aad W ashiniriua.
; Ctrortinf tt! tan 1 raueneo with nevursl
i ;tcunthl) lina for Ilnotdu'c Jajwiq, Cbiutt,
j l'hUipaine, Central nafl en-".lr America..
1 Set-afffrrjtatTbt 11I4 ftatiiL or edcirtsj.
.--u: n. I.'-ijr- - v;--: 1'
Yellowstone Park Line.
; XHL I'D I.s ( AL HO' it ih'
.M 1-OkTUM.
rlOJJt 1'AitK I
' tEAVt. OiW DsnJ, TM iM I Ut wwii
T U raatl ir Tarcsx.. tin.
:-Mitle, Olyiuau orav
- Harbor and eoutt Kebd
ixuottj tj-itai.' Rm
JaatS. II. l'ulliMn,
iiftKjosr,, linl-fukilloiLiintininceouri-
," 4p.!.
try. Helta. Miantapi
lu, al lv.u,, Omaha.
Kan ( a? . bt Ltnih.
'hltpt and all t-aiuu
.! nad MMitbeML Iv. ,.
Itjeet Sound
for Tawiaa aod tlle 7,-tuJL M
and intermediate Innlun-
J . 34
I'uUiaac firt-da tad Itmritt aieepo u
iiiiisaiwlu, m. I'aul aad yittaourj nrei ijtuu
without ebaasc.
V.tlbu!ed train. I tjioi. dejt cnneetitH.
tb all prlnolinl titiu.
ltCKtte obti.l 1 1. dwllaatiin. oi liclvlt.
titt LaitdMtiasly 1lluuatedltkcrJptli.r matter.
t.tdt. ksa,iO(.'-or ieNpratl. etc . eal! nti
j Aiurttnt Ceoera! l'aurt?r AcenL 2iS Jlmn
I on attcet. outner Third, l'artiana. Qief i.n.
JJK. C. T. b.MlIl!,
Rwiiot lit tmd 11, Cbaj-man Block. The Dallu.
Jres(u. Tutday and i rldayt m w.-lO TJ.
Souinern Pacific Go.
or (
...C. J. STUBLING...
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, : Liquors : and : Cigars
Agency for the
Celebrated Yellowstone Whisky.
Columbia : Brewery : Beer : on : Draught
; 173 Second St.
$1.00 per month.
Strictly firet class local and long
distance telephone service within
your borne.
Lines do not cross-talk. Yocr con
versation will be kept a fcecret.
No coet for inrtalling.
You get tbe standard Kenning
Long Diete.ra Instrument.
Continuous day end night service.
AVe will accept your contract for
ten years and allow yoo t0 cancel
same on giving ut thirty days writ
ten notice,
I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every-bodj-
with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer.
ts being advocated by all parties regArdles? of race, color or pre
vtous conditi'in of servitude. i:-tnimbrr we make our cueto
mere glad when they buy or Pure Prepared Paint. The re it a
bniab and glos to Us work tbut is odmleod by ail.
Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings
Be fure and inspect our stock of Wall Paper
Deelgns for KM) on Display.....
Washington Ktrt
between Second and Third.
dob Printers.
Phone 234.