The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 12, 1900, Image 3

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    n Bona Fioe Reauciion
On every gnnnonl in our Mon's
Clothing bopartmont. Hundreds of
people in Tho Dalles have boon wail
ing for our Annual 1I id-Summer
(llearanco Sale and now the oppor
tunity is here.
Why havo they been waiting?
Ueeauso they know llioy get just
what we advertise to give; they
know tho valuo of honost, legitimate
advertising; they appreciate the fact
that we never misrepresent.
Here's a clean-cut saving for
every man in Tho Dalles: '
Dresses for
Little Girls...
Many Kinds-Under-price.
Thcso are very stylish Summer
Dresses for tho little girls of 1 to 10
years. Some of light-weight Gray
Lawns; others of Dainty Dimities.
All Extremely
Low in Price.
Men's nil wool suits, regular $7 GO and
58.(10 units ; Clcuranco prico
Mon's nil wool cheviot and cosslmere
suits, regular $8.50, iftl.00 mid f 10.00; a q
Clearance price JpD.oO
A lino of odd suits, nothing to their din
credit Hitvn the' absence of ii few import
urit ui7.(!H ; all new ntid seasonable goods ;
broken linen, that's nil. Regular $5, !(.
.0,r0, 7, $7.50 and $8.50 suits; Clear- gQ.
unru prico Jpo.oO
All CniHh Suits just the thing tor this hot
weather Cletiranco prices. .$2.50, $2.75, $,'1.25.
All Men's Negligee and Golf Shirtst regular -0
Wie, 75,-., Hoc ; Clearance price uaC
What wo say we do, we DO do.
that cost little
The Summer DresBeB may be as dainty as
you like, and yet be remarkably inexpensive.
There are eonie striking offerings being made just
Silk and Cotton Ginghams
at 25 Cents. m
Therein etill nn excellent variety of these
daintiest of Ginghams for these who have to pur
chase. Many are in deep colored grounds with
white cords, so much wanted now.
The Special values offered in
Ladies' kid button, siz'j 2(, to 4, at .85
Same . 1 00
Ladies' brown kid oxfords, size .1 to 7, nt... . 1 00
" black " -" " 3 to 7, at... 1.00
on tho expense of keeping children's
feet well shod and great saving
when 3'ou can huy
Misses' kid, sprint! licul, lace or button, sizj8
2)4 to 0, at $1 00
Same, button, sizes 12 to 2, at 85
Child's kid, sprimi heel, button, eizes 11 .75
Sume, sizes 5 to 8, at til)
Same, sizes 5 to 8, at 40
Infants' kid, button, sizes 3 to 5, at 25
the money saved when we offer you
first-class goods in
Men's brown calf welt, lace, at $2 00
" black " congress, at .- . 1.00
Hoy's " ' 85
As shoes are advancing in price
it is like finding money to get such
good values, and they can only be
had here.
All Goodo Marked
In Plnln FIkutob.
The Dalles Dally Chronicle.
Telephone No. J.
THl'RbDAY - - - JULY 12, 1000
i At Andrew Kollnr's.
W .
Orders by telephone or otherwise are
promptly tilled at the McNoul market.
The talk of the town those negligee
shirts that Tease k Mays' are selling for
f9o. See window.
Tropical and homo grown fruits, choice
vegetables, also that chicken for your
Sunday dinner. Call up 278. 11-lwk
Hetter hurry up; they are going fast
those 5!lj negligee shirts at reuse it
Mays'. See window.
The telephone line is now completed
between Mitchell and Fossil, and the
Miii. lu. Illi. ,u r....i .... :i .i. .. !..
....n tn vm-j' HUH WUIil 111
touch with the world.
Murphy was taken to CiiHiiades todav
by Deputy Marshal Sailing, where lie
will he tried for the robbing of two men
hiBt liiduy night nt that place.
The pretty little cottage being erectod
i'.v V. II. Wakellehl on Fifth street is
Hearing completion, and will booccupied
by ttie family of Monroe Grimes.
The evening no doubt will be n pleas
nut one, and the good, so be
present at Academy park tonight to en
jev the lawn social. Admission will bo
b it 15 cents.
A number of wool buyers aro already
in the city; but wo are told next week
will l(o tiio time when they expect to
tueut tin, Wool men hero, and If any
hiniiiCHS is done it will be apparent at
that time.
Letters received by friends of Rev.
Gentry Rushing n tins city, tell of ids
frloiiB illness in Spokane, where thry
now make their home. His phyHiciatiH
liuve pronounced his ailment consuinp
Uniii and he is confined to his bed a
Kood mrt of the time.
It reminded one of harvest time this
afternoon to soe the complete outfit,
"Miie, tank and thresher, of Juntos
Gray, 0f Victor, steaming up Second
Htrcot, Mr. Gray is preparing to take It
to Ills place, where it will hnve
iimplo opportunity to get in its work.
The body of Roy Gage, of Company O,
who was drowned hist Sunday in tho
Willamette, near Camp Goer, was found
yesterday live miles below the place
ttltere he was drowned. The body was
discovered by the captain of tho utoamor
"th. A military burial will be glvon
I' possible.
August 1st thorn will be launched in
""lift Walla a monthly publication
known ua The Inland Umpire. It will
he devoted to tho Interests of the Inland
Empire and already a number ot writers
have been secured to contribute to Its
columns. A new press is now on its way
to Walla Walla, as well as other ma
chinery. The Weekly Watchman plant
will probably be absorbed into the new
printing establishment.
Cascades has been the popular camp
ing resort for the puBt two years, and
bids fair to carry away the honors this
Benson. Many have already taken up
their abode in its shady groves, and
every day others join the party. Its
popularity is due to its location, afford
ing a splendid opportunity for the busi
ness men to visit their families over
I Sunday. The ntjnosphere is cool, and
' in numberless ways it is just suited to
n (lord a splendid summer outing.
J Again we urge upon our people to keep
, the streetB clean. Some of them area
i disgrace to the community, and If
, individual pride is not an incentive to
I bring about a different condition of
j things ; the law should lake hold of the
: mutter. During the eummei months
tourists and other strangers are con
tinually visiting the city, and surely
some of our highways and vacant lots are
enough to disgust any one and make a
Very unfavorable impreebiun on them.
! One would have thought Dalles people
' had "money to throw ut the birds," the
I way the shekels fell at the feet of the
I trick cyclists, who are indeed "birds"
1 last evening. We thought everyone had
I hfr Ifiti'ti 1 .11 f tnt tif. frim tin erntvd thnt.
g.ttheiod to watch them and thoroughly
enjoyed their riding and the antics of
the "hayseed." A little nonsense now and
then is relished by all, and its worth the
"prico of admission" to have a good
laugh no mattei how trivial the oc
currence which gives rise to it.
Boring for artesian water is still being
continued back of tho reservoir, and
they hove reached a depth of U20 feet,
j Progress is necessarily slow as solid
' rock lias been encountered. The sur
I face of tho ground i,n that vicinity is
j said to be !I50 feet above low water mark
tin tho river, lu boring for urteelnu
water, Mr. Sou fort struck water that
raised llftcen or twenty feet above the
surface at a depth of 100 feet. To reach
tho same dopth it will bo necessary to
bore 450 feet, and it is the intention
now to continue until thnt depth is
reached, when It is hoped a similar
stream will be forthcoming.
Tho O. R. & N. will put on uew dining
cars in a day or two, which ifro said to
bo "beauts," and It is oluiured tlioy now
havo the fiiieBt diners inthis section.
They are seventy feet long over fills,
and nine feet, nine luelios wide. The
interior finish is rarej? beautiful, being
of Mexican inahoguiiy in tho torge
dining-room and ifuarter-sawed oak in
the kitchen. Th6 color scheme In tho
ceiling shows a dark green tint, the'
decoration Inidwltli gold, and is of fa$y
Grecian ornamentation. The car seoU
thirty, but thereare no Htationary 60tV,
tho chairs being upholstered in g'cen
laathor. Flvenulea scut four each, and
five two each. Five handsome gas lamps
aro hung from the celling. Tho carpet
is of dark green in Columbia Wilton
over a floor of monolith. Trre windows
have curtains with darkgreen fringed
valances. .The portiere's are of green
velour with gimp ederng. The room has
nine niches for flowVrs, and forty square
feet of miirors. Oval windows and
Gothics set ofl the cars.
The receipts of the land office at The
Dalles for the quarter ending June 30th
were $7,155.07, and the fees and com
missions $5,4-10.11), making a total of
$12,599.80. During this period 81,852
acres have been filed upon, including
272 homestead entries, 11 original desert
land entries, 5 isolated tract entries, 5
timber and stone entries, 9 state school
indemnity lists, 3 Dalle9 Military wagon
road lists, 1 pre-emption entry and 1
timber-culture eniry. The last two
named being allowed by special author
ity. Final proof was ollered upon 10 931
acres, including 23 commuted home-
Pleads, 03 final homestead' and 20 final
timber-cultures. A fifty per rent in
create has been made in the past, yea
A well known citizen of Portland ha
been tued for $100,000 by a man wljo
claims he has alienated his wife's nf
fectious from him. It is probable th
the man never had his wife's nUVctioi
and he is now claiming to have loet som
thing ho never possessed. One think i
certain, a man who would set a money'
value on his wife's affections, imaixiuan
or otherwise, should be given a ducking,
or whipped in public until he had better
sense and more decency. And those who
make law and interpret it in the interei-t
of euch scoundrels are not entirely inno
cent of wrong doing and are encouraging
grand raecals who are lu the habit of
capitalizing and puttinir a money value
upon everything. East Oregonian.
John Mackenzie, superintendent in
charge of construction on tiie portage
railroad, says : "Within n month track
laying on the road will be completed
and a practical test of the capabilities of
tiio project will be had. The handling
of freight at either end of the line will he
practically automatic, lifts and carriers
having been erected that will deliver
freight from boat to train and vice versa'
in one operation. So perfect is the
Bchomo devised that it is expected that
the entiro cost of transfer will not ex
ceed 2 cents per ton. This handling
apparatus bus been specially constiueted
for the grain trade but can be used on
all classes of freight. Speaking of the
grain trade, wo have already signed eon-
tracts for the transportation oi 2,000,000
sacks from up-river poiuls to tide water."
The neighbors in the vicinity of Third
and Lnughdn streets have been .much
a mu Bed of late watching a battle royal
between two birds, who have choeon as
their place of abode the aims of a tele
phone pole, and tho world in general.
The lighting proclivities of the birds was
first apparent when, annoyed by th-
email boys, who insisted on throwing
stones at their nest, the maternal
ancoetor of the wee ones, pallied forth
and ewooped down on a kid with a straw
hat on, arid as the story book would say,
almost "nipped otf hie nose." The
aforesaid boy took to his heola and the
rocky life of the birds cea9ed. The next
day, however, another boy passed wear-ing-a
straw hat, and to his surprise, he
waB attacked hv the enraged bird,
who followed him until he was out of
that rejion. Tht next difficulty which
beset them was when one of their young
decided to try his wings and leave the
parental poie, and in so doinc fell to the
ground. A neighborhood deg soon made
hia appearance anil mercilessly proceeded
to make a meal off of him. Tills was too
much for his fond parents, and in an
instant the yells of the cur could be
heard foi block?, while the hirds attacked
him in a manner (hat would have done
credit to a Boxer. The dog no longer is
seen in hi favorite haunts, and now the
birds, for "hirds" thny are in more than
one sense, reinn euim-me.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has hecu
iu use for over 30 years, has horno tho Hlgnatnro of
and has been made under IiIh ncr-
ffly solu,l supervision Hlnco its infancy.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-fjood" aro hut
Experiments thnt triflo with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
cuibstancc. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcvcrislincss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Me Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
BtarrliMt Last Kvniliifr. !
J The wedding ill Mr. Henry Nagel and
JliSB Mil uuront'iri, ilnuiiiner oi ir
and Mrs. C., which was an I
nontxvd yenterdav in 'iu ('iiiiosici.E,
took place lai-t t-venini; at 7:!10 o'clock at
the Borchtoif burnt- in this city. 'I he
weddiiiK whs a quirt tine mid lint cere
monviM pet lurmed h Hev. Brenner)
of tin Lutheran church. At its cloi-e
very bounteuue tep-n-t wit" served, am
SO'11 alter .Mr. a i id Mis rHk;ei lett on
the 9:15 train to ui'tkf (finr home in
l.ettixt'in, win' if the ltd mi is euuaued
Nn bti'dnt'Bx
Mr. N-iihI wrtf f'. -inn1 tune propri
etnr nt the Khi E-n H'-i'h Murks, end is
a young man t it 1 nf "li the
COUIIUIluitt'. Hi- hriilf i mu. ti' . M'
modest iMI if , llif wnrlli nt chnr telel
is lie.-! knnw.i iii ti.f home circle anil
a 1 1 1 (j 1 1 ihi'Se with vhom i-he i ino-t
i itimule.
Willi their many irii-nds, Tim Ohhon
HM.ic j tins in heariy ciumrittiilnt ions.
camp during the remainder of the warm
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Iluntincton and
family went down on the boat this morn-
init on a camping trip to Lost Lake, near
Mt. Hood.
John Hutniston, havine visited for a
week with his cousin, S. L. Brooks, left
on the bot this morning on his way to
Ins home in los Angeles.
Geo. Joles, Mrs. Isaac Joles and her
daughter, Miss Pearl, accompanied by
Miss Blanche Emerson, left this moruirg
for a cumping trip to Trout lake.
S. .1. Nutting, who has spent the past
four months in the mining section of
Eastern Oregon, returned to the city on
the noon train coining by the Columbia
Southern from Shaniko.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Filloon, accompa
nied by Mrs. J. II. Crooks, Miss Minnie
Crooks'and Albert Crooks, were passon
gers on the tioat this morning starting
tor a camping trip to Trout lake.
Maurice dishing, who is intire ted in
mining in the Snmpter district, came
down on the morning train to visit his
lather, M. M. dishing. He finds him
improving, and he w ill soon be ab'e" to
Die movt d to his farm.
. Uev. and Mrs. D. V. Politic and familv
went to Cascades todav to join the
campers there, Mr. Paling has so ar
ranged that he will eojrte up each Satur
day evening and hold tho regular morn
ing service on SiipdayH.
NMrs. V. b. btephens took the boat for
'ortland thiamorning, onheruity to
Saiem, where ehe will attend the grand
lodge Degree of Honor, of which sho
i- Irtdy of honor. After the close i f
the session she will visit in Albaiv,
nr .i.i. it now
Warner went to Hood
f Kev. Hoht.
HlVer lOilaV
' Frank Mi ip-iee madea husineffi trip to
CiiM!itdeS todav.
J'!NOruiiiliiilciiniH."irA'ii from iShnnlko
on ihe iinon Mum.
Mrs W O II die i- d.iwn frtiin Moro
to -peiiil a ii ia- i h leliitiven here.
John Chap e le, nf Gnldendal", spent
this iniiriilu i i thi'cnx , lemming home
at noon.
M s. Thou Wool and little son,
Vincent, left the cim eterdav on their
it ay to Vicluila, U (1
Mrs FreH Siiumbrs came d iwn on
the nno i ir.nn '''inn V'luuion and is lb
ueH of Mn-h I'Miiii Haiidttll.
Mii-tee N.i . C'Miperanil nalina Phirman
leu thin iniirniiiu in e.imp near l lie family
of. I. M lluniiigiiiu at. Lost lake.
Thefii'iilh t.lo.tii Heiiueitaro spend
ii'g the Hiiuiiiiet a V ipi'iia tuv, whither
tho judu'tt we'll tnj en hem vesterday.
Mis Kugeiihi nrf returned to her
home in Purl land t Men! y, lifter a short
visit with her si.ter, Mrs. 11. H. lUddell.
Mr. anil Mre, A. O. (liegeCHine down
from Heppner yesierdavVdid left today
to spend some lio.e atceaview, Ilnucb
Mr. and Mrs, U. T. Parr, ceoinpmiled
bv Mr. Parr's iimttier ami sister, joined
the parly teiuud fur I he L -cks this morn
ing, where me I idle will remain in
DIaoliitli)i) Notice.
The copartnership business heretofore
conducted at 175 Second itreet. UDder
the firm name and style of Blakelev &
Houghton, is this day dissolved by
mutual consent, F. L. Houghton retir
ing from said firm. The business will
be conducted in the future by Geo. O.
Blakelev, at the old stand. F. L.
Houghton will collect a1! accounts ami
pav all lialii'ities nf aid firm.
The Dull"-, Oreuini, .Inly 2, 1900.
Gl.'tl. O. lil.AKLI.KY,
F L. Houghton.
l.adie-' tan oxfords 3iz-s .1 too only
90 cants at tin- New York Cash Store.
lays j Me
Iii this city, Wednesday, July 11th,
to Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Williams, a son.
Help Wanted.
Two girls, who aro willing and eouipe
tent to help, can obtain work by apply
ing ut the steam laundry, None but
tlioarf who are worth the hiring need
apply. 1 l-Itt
Oh, say, have you seen those elegant
negligee shirts that Pease & Mays' are
showing for 59c regular 75c, 85ii and
$1 goods. See window.
For choice fruits, fresh vegetables, fish,
poultry and all kinds of feed, call on
tho McNeal market. Phone 278. ILUk
Columbia River Ice & Fuel Co, wishes
to announce that they will deliver ice to
any part of the city ut all hours of the
day or night. 'Phone !1U or 81 Long
Dial, ; 75 or 8 Seutert & Condon.
Why pay if 1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James K.
Patton's sun pr jof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years, Chirk &
Fa'k, agents. mI7
Clarke & Fulk have on sale a full line
of paiut and urtiet's brushee.
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Fulk.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn, Manufactured by Clarke
& Falk.
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Fulk
have them.
Tho only store ii
this city where tlu
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold.
A little higher in
price, but outlast:"
n dozen pieces of so
called cheap enam
eled ware.
Other wares look
hna the name
Strausky - Steel
Ware on each piece,
Do uot be deceived
First prize nt 1C
International Exhi
bitions, Highest
award at Worlds
Columbian Exlubi
tion, Chicago Pre
ferred by tho best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember, this
celebrated enam
oled wave is special
ly imported for anil
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It docd uot rust
nor absorb rrrease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside; is
notnll'eoted by acids
iu mats or
will boil,
htew, roast
and bake
tl.i vor ot
food and
will last
for years.
We cau.
tion tho