U9 BLOOD POISON. IS In some cacs the external signs of Contagious 1)1 owl Poison tire so slight that the ictiin is firmly within the grasp of the monster before the true nature of the disease is known. In'other cases the blood is quickly filled with this poisonous virus and the swollen glands, mucus patches in the mouth, sores on scalp, ulcers on tongue, sore throat, eruptions on skin, copper colored splotches, and falling hair and eyebrows leave no room for doubt, as these are all unmistakable signs of Contagious Blood Poison. Doctors still prescribe mercury and potash as the only cure for Blood Poison. These poisonous min erals never vet made n complete and permanent cure of Contagious Dlood Toison. Thev drive the disease back into tfie system, cover it up for a while, but it breaks out again in worse form. These powerful minerals produce mercurial rliptinintUm nnil tln not nftnusivo 5nn! niul ulrprs raiisine Hip inints to stiffen and fincer nails to dron off. Morotirv and potash make wrecks, not euros, and those who have been dosed with these drugs arc never after free from aches and pain. ! Make wrecks, Not cores DKr.lKT T1MK frllKUULK, i ituu Dallks. Fast 'Suit I-flkr, Denver. Kt. Mull Wotlli, Oimtliu, Kiin- U;(0p. m, .is City, St. 1MIU, ChlciiKo una Knst, Atlantic Kxnress S. S. S. acts in an entirely different manner, being a purely vegetable remedy : it forces the poison out of the system, and vf mint instead of tearing down, builds up and invigorates the general health. S. S. S. ts the only antidote for this specific vims, and i iiistim. therefore the oiiiv cure for Contagious Blood Poison. No matter in what stace or how hopeless the case may appear, even I though pronounced incurable by the doctors, 5. b. b. cau be rclieil upon to make a rapid, permanent cure. b. b. b. is not n new ,untried remedj : an experience of nearly fifty years has proven it a sure and unfailing cure for this disease. It is the only purely vegetable blood medicine known. Mr n. 1h liver x) Miilbi-rv St Newark X J savs. I was afflicted with a tertililc blood ilUtnse. vrliich n in pots at lint, but ftenYiui! snreadnll cvtrmv bock Theie'sooti broke out into sorts, nnd it i eav to iui.ieuie the sufleritic I endured. Before I became convinced tliat the iryr nr muin no me nn pdou i nati snenL a imiiarrti uouars. wmcn ra imnv inrnwn n wv. 1 men i . tried various patent medicines, but thev did not reach the dieasc. When 1 hid finished my first , " I'1 bottle of S. S S. 1 was greatly improved, and was deliRhted with the result. The large, red splotche on my chest bepan to prow paler and smaller, and before long disappeared entirely. I regained my lost weight, became stronger, and my appetite improved. I was soon entirely well, and my skin at clear as.n piece of slass." Send for our Home Treatment Book, which contains valuable information about this disease, with complete directions for self treatment. Our medical department is I.-nlt IjiWc, Di'tiver, Ft. I Worth, Omahii, Kim 1 City, Kt. Units, ulilcngu "mi l.nst. Aiut;vK FlIUM Ft Mall li!;nn p m I: l.'i it. III. sss in charge of physicians who have made a life-time study of blood diseases. Don't hesitate to write for any information or advice wanted. " We make no charge what ever for this. All correspondence is held in the most sacred confidence. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. Spokane Mail mnl Kxptes S p. a. Wiilln Wiilln, Hpoliitne, Mlnucnpdlis. Ht. i'rtlil, i) u lu th, Mllnnuktf,! Clilrueo mid Fast, via Spoknncakil Hunting- ton. also tin poimi. in Washington mill Fast- :;.:) . m orn Orcgnn. Hpiikimu Mall nnd Fxptci FllOM I'Or.TLASI). I Ocean HtouinslilpH. For San Francisco I Every Five Days. I p. m, S p. m. THE DISEASE OF LOVE. l!r had to s!..'-i . u: j . Wnc. skies v. - i .:,:K or blue; Though well ht hjIh-U away His work was never through. The raiment that he wore Y.'as pBtebd ai.d old and f rayeiii The bnrdens that he bore He carried undismayed. And when the darkness fell He put his work aside. And hurried home jell-mell. Glad-faced and eager-eyed. He loved and btavcly bore The load he had tolear: Contentment lour.d his door And boldly entered there. Yet doctors wisely say Love's only a disease Good Lord, make love. I pray, Contagious. If you please! S. E. Ifi sr. Ir. Chicago Times-Herald. Floating with a Wolf I v s !ix!- si. not ny n '-lit nni! lift rs i"..; ; I mi.ii! load. 'I ll' n v ln'ii m- j ' f" :" i. n.r 1 tumid I hat! v.:: t' i. . , v. . .it of cam idjres and no il""- U l.jilijj it; the dead. I ki!U-d ;i lot. 1-Kl tlny fill in the water or, what was worse, on tin- bank. "ieh. sir. that's a fact. 1 tinned Imek to tro io the shore and discovered llict I va on an ice raft well out in the current. It was v.hirliiir:iround in the eddyiittr stream like n top. urn) by thf time I lint" seen the wnterworhs half a rtChen i lines- nnd lost 'em :ts often I deeinre 1 didn't know Sf 1 wns at QiKixl-ro or in the Alps. Hay, maybe .ton think 1 liked it. 1 didn't. That river is a hard proposition anywhere. It is harder in what they call tt throat Rortre one of these narrowinjrs of the t i. . . o.iiins man nnvwnere else, l was in wolf v.oiild liatt Ti lh. 1 not nine; rf t, hwiu.M'i r ir; ' 'f nnd it was et.ld. so 1 tri d to shfin ml that v.cilf. ik I vouiihi't .shod worth a rent. We were j out in the ir.iiule of the river In this J and i!mkii:g-'itl prcigrefch totvnrtlaKnn- i I ii. m. Kx.himdayiColumbla Uv. Steamers. K.t.bumlaj :iu .5tuuia aim iay Sattitday I ljindlng. lU..m. fia. m. , WlLLAMKTTK I'.tVKK. itSOp. m, Kr.bunday'Oregou city, Nowhere, Kx.bunday Salem iV way Uiud's. j sns t i:y. t inini. alter elitinl; was i whirliiiir from our raft mid it soon he I came u li'tittertif erouehiiifron ujijiosite sides of :t hinnmoek in the middle. The wolf crotielied in elpser und elojer and whined like a tiog. J'.ut he showed fitjbt when I bothered Mm. "The moon came up and silvered our raft. It nls: .-.bowed where the dark, sullen nud fi:riom water raged. It was a thoughtful time. 1 had luis&ed din ner by a dozen miles, was out on the bosom of the .Missouri with one lorn wolf of nncM-tnin parentage and un discovered halitb. 1 had no enrtridgin 7 a. m. Tucs.Thtir. ami Sat. ) t. m. 1I1LI, ItlVKHS '.Mon.,VrJl Oregon (,'lty, Daytou,' unit Frl. and Vay-ljiiidiiig. Lv Itiiviria. daily 5:S5a. m. I bXAKK llIVElt. i'.lpiula to IjcwUton. I l.KAVK. LKWI.HTO.'l daily 0:00 it. in. one of these gorges and working down- ' VV11'1 wl'i'-,h to hhuot him and he re . . . I 1 MI , . 1'artles desiring to en to llcmmer or juuiif un i.niiiniiiia anuiucrii via niggs, siioum i uij.1.-leaviuE i ne iiaues at khd p. m. making direct coni'.ectlons at llcppuer Junction mid lllgg-s. Itetiirnliig niiililngilirectcniiuccttou in neppner jiiiiciion iinu Jiiggs witti mj, i, ar livitic at The Dalles at 12. uo p. in, Grim Eiwlencoof a Westerner on IQe Miiouri IllTar. treain n& last as the iield ice would I let me. I "As T said, the crushing of the floe ; against that an trie in the bank had i rnieil up n lot of bergs higher than mv For full jwirtlculars call nn 0. agent The Dalle, or address !1w 'ELL, sir, this thing of sailin" on an ice raft doei not con form to the requirements of the Sun- c:a -.sehotfl pienie. Dismal as the lat-v-r may be and generally is. it is orien tal iuxurianee compared to the former, especially if the highway being trav ersed happens to be the ilissouri river vhen it feels 'pert.'" The sjieakcr was :i western man. "It was in the early 'SO's. You re member the winter 1 had that thing on in Kansas City?" he resumed. ''Whew, what a winter that was I Ther mometer down below zero for six weeks, wind howling a blizzard all dsn and resting' up at night for the next day. snow three feet deep r.ud frozen tolid so that wagon wheels played lull-monies all the time, n intn's breath adding to the nceurmihitions of snow und iee and " "Oh, come, Charlie," broke in the sufferer, "draw it mild, like Sairey Uanip liked it." "Well, you know it was a fearful win ter as well as I. What's the matter.' You visited me and nearly fro2e to death. Couldn't keep warm, although I burned up a ton of cotil a week. Wei!, yon know, I'm something of a hunter. I hud plenty of idle time and used to v.-rap uj) well and tnke my l'nrker out across into Kansas, where chicken and duck were plenty. I had some fine sport .sniping, too, along the big river and the slough. There are too many hills thereabouts for good sloughing, though. "It wus along in March. You know the idea that the weather out there lb lietter than here won't hold water, for the water would freeze in winter. The 2-etuson outlasts om.s sometimes, too. It did this partieular winter, for thev had hiiow in the middle of April. 1'uut. I got out my gun one day when it was a bit mild and went over the road to a few miles up river from Quindaro. You know this once famous town is now j thercfc'Tvoir for the waterworks. Well, ! I sniped along the bank in the reeds nnd wni knocking over quite a few. v.Jien I saw I had better start back down river if I wanted to get home ligfore dark. 1 hud had good Hjiort, JjilylK'd for more. It w as u grand day - coin, n l- sure, imt bracing. "At ln.st I spied wme dual; sitting on the vviiter the river rarely freezes nil lite wuy over just U-yond the rim of ice which fringed the hhore. At thio point the river nweeps wide to the north and then euts into the hills on tin- south side, forming n narrow gorge near the waterworks. There is n bu( which the curt out strikes and it had -piled ii) a lot of Jet- in hiiinuiQuks iifc it iM-ouiid aruinst the hhore ledge. These kui.iir.ouJis helped me a heap, for I timid wieuk out on the Hhore ice and get a cumin- nt the duck. J forgot nil about 1 1n. time, for J was Hhy a gooi1 fat redhead and wanted liiiu. "Well, nIi , 1 wont uul on Hint shore liilgeit wim hoal water there and heaved chunks, of lee at those duoks to .'el Vin up, you know, for no hunter shoots at water fowl whttn hu binning. They balked like Sam Hill and 1 crept jitt further and further, still heaving things at Vin. M JM they rose and head. What made ine swear at mvself J '-r a fool was that 1 had forgotten to j .-aleulaie the l otteniiees of iee ai that ' T ... . . . ., . niisun. i went out on tne ciige, anil, as the dunuied stream was rising any way. I had .-dipped the moorings of my raft. So while 1 was buv shooting the confounded thing was traveling due north, which there meant out into the current. There I was out in the middle of the busiest river un the globe with nothing but some rotten iee be tween me and an undertow warranted to pull under a warship. ,th. it was j lovely. Hut T was tip against it, feo j there was no use cussing. "Just at this point the river makes I a 'crossing.' That is-, the current hits i one bank- a good wallop and then butts ' across to the other side in suite of the ! main body of water. This imparts to the whole business a ineaslev upstream' idea at certain spots. Wc got into this : whirlpool I forgot to mention .Mr.! Wolf, who was Du that bloek wilh me J and then we backed away from side to" side, as if we were dancing a ' quadrille. I saw the waterworks a few ; times, then J didn't. Then it began j to get dark-. Then .Mr. WoU com-j menced to sing his swan song and 1 j wanted to go home right off. i "You see, tiicy have gray .wolves out mere, .now, u iiappemtl that a mem ber of this tribe usually afraid of a man had marched out on the ice to take a quiet urink. He was biwy lap ping up the uiuo water. Oh, yes, it's blue in winter if it does, look fil.c pea soup in summer when I split out our raft. 1 say ours, for the woli held his end of the game to the showdown when it was a draw. Then he could have had the prcmihcs without a light from me. "Wc hacked and filled there until the moon came uji. 1 had been too busy to think of the pohtubility of ant aiiimnl being there, when the wolf, hitting where it mm, thick enough tf, -land his .vovi, lifted his beak to tin heavens and cut loose with n grout, which reminded ine of the whistle o' a tug in idstrewi. 1 was shocked mid turned about to bee what this all meant. iSiere was .Mr. Wolf sitting on his hniincbeg and ninging a dolorous measure. Then I remembered that the farmers iu that region loved not the wolf, to 1 wished him to cease fron, murmuring. They might turn low u few Catlings ou us and the wolf would have none the best of it. I heaved a few loose blocks of iee nt bin. and he quit howling and growled, crouching as if to spring. "Here's n funny thing, 'flint cbui.k of ice was some 50 feet v.Iife and as many broad vhen we started navign lion. Then as we butted into a pice, of shoal water or another berg a hi? chunk would come away and the raf' commenced to grow laaulifully This made it interesting. You know the American wolf Is a coivaid when hi has a few thousands of miles to rne over, but in cloe quarters he will fight. I knew it. at any rule, fcr when i tossed chunks nt him he quit warbling, showed his teeth and crouched for a sipriug. "I saw by the time we had been out there half a dozen hours that the raft wag too small fo'riboth of us. 1 wanted all the room mvselrV-nnd oYi'lilfii H... I.enve Portland " Albany Arrive A-ihlaiid . .. " Sacramento . " han Francisco Arrive Ogdun " lienvcr " (,'lilcai ... iVrrlvc kos Angclos . . " F.l I'.i.o " Fori Worth. " City ill Mexico . " JlOUttllll " New Orleans .. " Wellington " New York. . .. Kented any familiarity. 1 remember thai, having used threats, 1 resortt!- to the 'con' game, but that woli wu-J ii ivisu oiij. ; nt j.iiui no neeii to mv efforts to ni.irtC friends. He howlti' when not mulcsted, as lie evident I v had no purpisc of swimming for it Neither had I, but as our limits nar-rr.wi-ir witii evi-rv swirl of a tide that j does nothiuir else it soon became n i question of who would win at this hint' ! of postponed game, j "Away to the south, high in tin j heavens, 1 could see a line of light. j declining visibly. I took them foi i stars, but Inter concluded they wen j the lights mi I Huff street. Would vw I sweep by the big city or would we hit j a sandbar, plent v of which lurked neai ; byV It was a question. 1 made up nit j mind I must get rid of that wolf, n j I sneaked around (he kopje und hoist j eif my shotgun to smite him. Then j commenced the most lurid scrap I ever I mixed with. "I swung with the gun; he ducked and clawed in. in the ribs. J ru&hrt!. , he side-sic pped and Kwung for mj jaw, but 1 went under. Then wi spurred around that iee hill. lie kepi it between me nnd harm until till n once with n yowl he charged, ilcsinoli ! me 'in the side and one leg went into (s0 feet of water, but 1 was tip before hi eould count Un. Then I closed-in-I had to, for I broke off another chunk with that rush and handed him an awful punch. 1 thought he was out, but he cnnie up before the count and ducked as I went for him. "One must g: out this time or it n a draw, for but eight feet of space wn left, r uidn't measure it excepting with my eves, but J'll swear to it. I led the left I'd lost the gun iind hi blocked, countering with his right. J went under and caught him nn awfi uppercut under the chin with my right. He liked it; absolutely liked" it, for ii never bothered him. He crouched low and led right and left swift as light ! ning. l gave ground and backed cleat off the iee as u hit that sandbar. "I struck out to swim for shore, al though I didn't know where that was. 1 pnddled vigorously for awhile with my feet high in the air 'stern wheel ing,' we used to cull it as boys when my fingers d:ig into sand, tiny, I never felt anything which equaled that. I hauled myself in gingerly and found that for Hvc minutes 1 had been swim ming in six inches of water. 'j;heji ns 1 headed for dryer land that wolf took a header over me as he started for tall grass. J swung and fell over from the force of my punch." Chicago Chronicle. It. & N. Co.'ii (il'U W. II. HUm.lll'KT. Fai. Ac:.. Portland, Or, SOUTH and EAST via Soumern Pacific Co. Shasta Route Trains leave The lialles lor l'ortland and way 'tntious at I . Jo a. ni. anil o . m. . siSO ii rn . .1".'..-Mn in ..12:S;a m r:eo ji m .. T. tip m .1: l.'i a m JitO n m :" u ra 7 : 15 u m .. . 1:20 p in C: p m ... I'r.Wn m . 11:65 am ... I:0u n m . . 0 ;' a in ... 0:r.' n in ...Vi:l3 pin 7:0) p m ld.-JO p m 11:. 'Via in l;.TS a m S;. a in 11. I a in J:Uiii iu 7:''i a in 'j:S0uiii 7:Uj a m li.eo p m ii;:)0 it m .i:5' n in 1:0) it in ii-.'Si p in 1)12 it in 1- l: ji in I'u 1 lft)ti:i inn) Tourist i.un nn botli triiin. (JliHir rum Sneranitnto tn Ogrten nnd Fl I'.ijo nud triutlit rnr to fhk-iigo, St Iiuis, Nutrut leaiisniid Wanlilngtiiu. Connecting at t-mi Franciseo v.-ltli ievcr.i! stenmship Itiics for llnimlulu, Japan, China, l'hillpplnes, Central mid houtn Anatk-a. Kceusentat The lulles station, or atldrcss C. H. MARKHAM, Oeui-r.i! I'as- -ugi.r Agent, ! -r tl.iml , Or I'ovnrl) ti Crime, 3'ovcrly is n crime mnriinonially spenking. C liir-at'o Daily News. j - ! (Nnrtbern Panifin' liuiinuin i uuiiiu ! i Yellowstone Park Line. T11K D1N1NO I All KOt 'lK FllOM l'OItThANU '10 THE F..VKT. THK O.VI.y Iill'.FlT LINK TOTHK ykl.l.OW. K10NK 1'AIiK i.cwr.. Union Depot, rumaad I sis akhivi;. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought J.O.S. Fast mall for Tmi-oihb, l.'o. f-'eattle. UlympJu. (iray'i, llatljoriiiiil Houtlt llenil jMilutii, Kpiikaiie, Itoss-' lutiil, 11. (.., I'ullman, .. . . .. ?,?r',"w 'ewl'ton, lluf 11:15 A. il. hiliilliiinpinliiliiKCoiiii- i;U) 1', M try, Helena, Minneapo lis, tit. l'aul, Omalio, kniuua Cltv. St. IjimU. ! Chffitr'n iitn! fill itniutk j No 1. ettntand ioutlieint. ! I'imet hoiunl Kxpreih JliJJ r. M. lor Thcomiii mid heattle 1 niul Intermediate ihiiihi. i No. a. iW A. M. Bears the Siguaturo of T. BROWNHILL, JUSTICE OF THK 1'EAOE. Notarv Public. Uollectior.e promntly attended to. Monev to loan. C. K. llavard'a o( Gco, The Dullee, Oregou. i'lilliniin limt elaM mnl lourlrt sleemif to MlntKvipo Is, tit. l'aul mid MIoail river iolni i tvltlutiit eliaiiKe. ! Vuitlhnleil trains. Fuloti ilepot toaiiectlom, In all principal eltlcf, i llaL'L'itL'c clieeketl to i!i-.iMii.iIIam ,f i!nv,.i. I For hmlMinely illnttiateil iletcrlptlveiimtter, I i wlito 1 " v.-itiiiiuii, me, van on or A. D. CHARLTON, AkKlktuiil t.eneral l'an.einer Aireat. 'M Miiirl nilihtrect.Kiintr'llilril, Funland, Oregon. JJH. C. T, H VI Fill, Oateoputh. booms lo and t, cimiimau Ulock, 'flic b.llc, Oteyon. 'Iuwilii)t nud Friday, b , m. lo U, mayl8-lin ft jj: 't t r" SL:i , 31 ! 3E 1 3E 't fa fa I fa The Dallas, Ok. The Chronicle, Job Printers. f If 4 'siTittitiiim ttritiir rritrriiritirittxiVritiiff i rimVj':nvi'iViJj I ! 5-1 3S I ft m I t 1 "JS a I (Ti.'fXaM''rtl -li'V tA- A-A-'A rATA'IXJA! I A1i,lt A A' f A' A"? A1 A-"""' - ATAT? I 6. ...C. J. STUBLING... j Wholesale and Rotall I Wines, : Liquors : and : Cigars I Agency for the Gelebted Yellowstone Whisky. - Columbia : Brewery : Beer : on : Draught M 5' 173 Second St. Phone 234. '2 THE DALLES, - - OREGON. i 'il $1.00 per month. Strictly first t:lnp local and Ioiik diHtnncc tcluplionc fcurvicc within your honiu. l.inee do not crose-tall:. Your con vernation will 1m kept n ut-crct. 2Co cost for inetnlllni;. You ma Hid Btnndurd IIunniiiK Loni: Uietnut Instrument. ContinuuUB day and nlnht eerviue. Wo will nrccpt your contract for ten yenre and allow you to cancel emmo on uivint; ub thirty daye writ ten notice. PAOIFIC STATES TELEPHONE GOS. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. CLEANLINESS. is beini; advocated by all parlies regnrdlcbB of race, color or pre Z Z , hurit,1lu' tH"V"l,r w kc our custo. nil ,) i t? imyu ".'i1 u, ''"IJ"'"'! I'lt8. There is a wnlali and floja to its work that is udm red bv nil. Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings !.. - . . uu ""fo a inspect our stock of Wall Pnpor . . . . fcmBut iur luuu on uispiay H. GLENN & CO. Wnfditnfftriti Ul.m.i between Kecond anil Third,