H Bona File ReHion On every gnrmonl in our Men's Clothing Department. Hundreds of people in The Dalles havo boon wail ing for our Annual Mid-Sum mor Clearance Salo and now the oppor tunity is here. Why have they been waiting? T.ecause they know they get just what we advertise to give; they know tho value ofhonosl, legitimate advertising; they appreciate tho fact that we never misrepresent. Here's a, clean-cut saving for every man in Tho Dalles: Men's nil wool FiiilB, regular 7.50 and is.00 suits; Clcarunce price $5.85 Men's nil wool cheviot anil caasirnere suits, regular $8.50, $0.00 and $10.00; Q Clearunee price. . ." JpO.oO A lino of odd suits, nothing to tiieir dis credit save the absence of n few import ant sizes ; ull new and seasonable goods ; broken lines, that's nil. Regular $fi, $0. $(i fit), f7, f7.60 nnd suits; Clear- a q mice price $O.OD All Crash Snita just the thine lor thip hot weather -Clearance prices. $2.60, $2.75, ifX'Jo. All Men's Negligee and Golf Shirts, regular ca (hie. 71c, 8Tc ; Clearance price OcC What we say wo do, we DO do. Infants' and . Children's Day.... On Wednesday, July llth, tho Dry (ioods Department will make a special effort to greet the little ones in gala attire. Everything in Infant's and Child ren's wear will bear a special price. Tnfants' long and short dresses from o0c up. Infants' gowns, long skirts, short skirts, at prices within tho reach of all. Infants' pitjue jackets at 90 cents, worth $1.25. Infants' lawn caps and bonnets of the very latest patterns. There are no better or more taste ful garments made than those we oiler you. Do not forget the day Wednes day the llth. Read The Special values offered in Ladies' kid button, eizis li to 1, at.. . . .-. . . .8.') Same 1 00 Ladies' brown kid oxfords, sizes 3 to 7, at.. . 1.00 " black :i to 7, at... 1.00 Reflect on the expense of keeping children's feet well shod and great saving when you pan buy Misses' kid, "spring heel, Ince or button, sizifl 2,'.; to 0, at 1 00 Same, button, sizes 12 to 2, at 85 Child's kid, spring heel, button, eiz'js 8,1 . 1 1 .70 Same, si.3s ft to 8, at .00 Same, sizes 5 to fi, at -10 Infants' kid, button, sizes : to 5, at '2ft Consider the money saved when we offer you first-class goods in Men's brown calf welt, lace, at $2 00 " black " congress, at 1.00 Boy's " " '" " 83 As shoes arc advancing in price it is like finding money to get such goojl values, and they can only be had here. All Goods Marked in Plain FlpureB. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. J. WEDNESDAY - - - JULY 11, 1900 ( ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA 1 At Andrew Keller's. OK- WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Tin Chantauqun assembly at Gladstone park commences today. i No, 1 must have been sand-bagged to- ' day, hiiicu wile's four hours late. Orders by telephone or otherwise ure , promptly filled at tho MeNcal market, j Hear the "Sniggleh" family perform 1 tomonow night in the Academy park.! it will coat you only 15 cents. j Tropical and homegrown fruits, choice i vegetables, also that chicken for your! Sunday dinner. Call up 278. 11-lwk j Thb hushIuh of the Columbia river an-! nun! coiil.trenco of the M. IS. church will ' bo lieal in North Yakima, beginning 1 Septruibei filli. i For choice fruits, fresh vegetables, fish, I poultry and all kinds of feed, call on ! the MeN'oal market. l'hone27S. 11-lwk j Tliu building in the East Knd. occupied i by Worsley's grocery store. Is receiving fresh coat of paint today, which is a Krc.it improvement. Ueports wero current this morning I Hmt Mr. Onshiug was worse, and that the accident would prove more serious, thun at firnt anticipated. Dr. Logan, however, informs us that he is better, "ml he thinks he will get along nil right. Looking over the register at the clerk's j ollicti today wo find that a marriage i license was granted to Henry Nagle, of I Montana, and Miss Ida Bnrchtorf, of this city. The marriage will take pluce j '! the home of tho bride tonight, Rev. Hreimer performing tho ceremony. l or sixty days a least Backus will cease selling liquor to Indians. He ap peared before tint IJ. S. vrnml inrv in Portland yesterday, and was fined 100 orai.xty duyslii the county jail. Deputy Marshal Roberts brought him up on the "oii train and lie has taken up his "bo'le in tiio jail. livery day fanners are. in the city look. 'K for harvest hands, and it is a rare uiiiig to Bee an idle icarLCn tho streets. ' u takes n great deal of liffci to harvest u million nnd u half buatiolfl of ruln, which it is estimated will be Wnfcco eountv'ti yield, the acreage being larger thun ever before known. Inferring to the suit against ex-Sena-tor Uorbett for alienating the affections of the wife of Jj; IS. Peterson, of 1'ortlai.d, tlieSpokane Review remark! : "A Port luud banker Is asked to pay $100,000 to tho Injured man for alienating the alftetloiii of a wife. II the affection of such a wife lias a cash value of $100,000, what should be the market price for love of a woman wiiosc affections can not be alienated?" We'll take back what we said nbout the wind yesterday. It it didn't "kick tip such n dust" it wouldn't he quite 60 bad ; but it has been positively blinding today. A letter received from Frank Christnan informs the CmioNicu: that they have settled in Seattle, at least for a time, and cannot possibly get along without the home news. Therefore they desire the weekly visits of Tin: Ciiiio.nk ij:. Of tlie eleven who tool: tho examina tion for appointment to the West Point military academy, Alvin Barton Barber, of Portland, stood highteet, aud on rec ommendation of Congressman Moody, will receive the appointment. We under stand t hut a son of Frank Button, of Hood River, stood third highest for the appointment. Our public scliools will open on the JOtli of September this year, or the second Monday in that month. It has nlxvuyr seemed to us that it would ho far better for the opening to he delayed a week or two later, thus making them cioso later in the spring. This would bean advantage to U1090 who spend the vaca tion out of town, and particularly to the students who are employed in the eonntrv during the summer and cannot come tn until later In the fall. The weather is never very warm until several weeks after school closes, and its con tinning later would not inconvenience anyone. Captain Buchanan, of the steamer Iralda, takes exception to a recent state ment, to the effect that the Iralda had a hard time in tho rapids below the cascades, and that considerable wator had baen taken aboard. In regard to tho trip referred to, Captain Buchanan said: "Not a drop of water was taken aboard, either on that trip or any other. There is always n heavy eweli in the rapids, but no water ever came aboard. Sometimes the spray Hies up In sufficient quantities to wet the for'ard deck, but that is all. None of tho passengers even were wet by n wave or in any other manner since we have been operating on The Dalles routo."- Telegram. Fruitgrowers are to bo held strictly to tho provisions of tho quarantine law. This decision was reached by the mem bers of the executive committee of the State Hoard of Horticulture Monday. Another important matter considered was tho adoption of n uniform size of apple box for tho Pacilleeoast, including Hiilish Columbia. In order to enforce properly tho quarantine law directed against infectious fruits, the secretary was instructed to prepare small notifica tion sheets 'and send them to commission men, so that they may bo distributed amoiiMhlppere, Jt is also u nlawful to ship Iniected or diseased fruit outside of Oregon, and this part of the law will be enforced as well as the other. Clarke AFalk have received a carload of the celebrated Jame U. Patton strictly pure liquid paints HE WAS DECIDEDLY IN IT Why Ikllrn YouriE Man Mink (I Olehration. the was far, far away from where he was. As he left the car there were titters and giggles, mingled with ill-timed com ments and unseemly jests. On bis new trousers were the accusing stains of murder. lie left the train at the Cas cade Locks and came home on the mid night train. He did not see Astoria and the sounding sea. He missed the fire works, the pink parasols and lemonade, the merry-go-round and the lucid And besides all this the box glimpse of the I containeil a three-tined fork that was he (no matter Placed handle down, lie didn't see it, but he knows it was there. And here When the care came in from the East on the evening before the Fourth, they showed evidences of the dusty condition of the up-river country. In fact the seats looked like a town lot in Biggs and the windows were as dirty as a Montana election. The cars were crowded with misguided patriots bound for Astoria, to i oratory get a day's rest and a "blue briny." When who; entered the cars at The Dalles, he found every seat occupied by two per- sous, that is, all except one. That seat contained, besides a lone female of a certain age, a pasteboard box, tho news paper covering it permitting a bit of snowy tablecloth to Enow around its nn ii.i n ir twiirj.H. its rmnnii.irmHia minpKH: . indicated that the lone female had pro- Sunt " " poBVii, iu wine ui ji-uce, lu mane war uii i endeth the first lesson. I'KOfLK VOU ALL KNOW. f Yictor Mitrden went to Portland this morning. N George WoodrufT, a Victor farmer, is ! in tho city today. some patriotic citizen Ehould siie be fortunate enough to get him corralled on top of a Clatsop county kopje. "He," ! the tourist from The Dalles, was dressed j in a suit of light-colored goods, with a J dapper liuen hat (cost 2oe) and wore besides a gaudy necktie, a smile ap propriate to tho point of visit the moutlr of the Columbia river. He paused in tho aisle opposite tho paste- board box of the lune female aforesaid) T. M. Bennett, are in Portland, having and gazed longingly at it. He wanted ow" yesterday. Win. Henry returned to his duties in the Shaniko drug store today. Mies Clara Davis lias returned from a visit with friends iu the Valley. Dick Gorman has returned from a two weeks trip through the country south of here. Chas. Winneck, a Prineville merchant, returned home today, after a business trip to Portland. Judge A S. Bennett and li is fattier, Tho Klml You Havo Always Bought, nntl which has heca in use for over 30 years, has horno tho Bignatnro of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jtist-as-good" nro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Iufimts nnd Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Cnstoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops aud Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms aud allays Fcvcrlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy aud natural sleep The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of j -m The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC OCNTftUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STRICT. NEW YORK CfTY. Married at Missoula. DlASolutiou Notice. to take Us place, not on account of ite proximity to the "moire antique" damsel but to give his feet, which were protest ing against the si.i of ilia shoes, a much needed rest. Tho female gavo him one glance, and not being pleased with his stylo of beauty also a steady view of her back hair. while she admired the over-changing nnu.io. if tli.k i.rmwl nlil Ct II III 111 H Seeing no chance of getting tho seat, hw 1 turned his back on both basket and it ' owner and rested his frame ou the arnil frjt.nti8, of the 6eat ; but he did not rest long. . 1. 4 1 F AH inu cars buji uruuiiu n uiiiic, uuc) ing the law of centrifugal force, h started to describe a tangent, but til attraction of gravitation acting at th same time caused turn to describe a Mrs. Jos. Clark, of San Franulsco, who lias been thegueetof MrK. C, W. Uietel, left on tho delayed train for l'oitland. Chris Scliwabe and li s friend, Henry Stoltze, returned to Portland by bout to day. They will go over to Clatsop beach tomorrow. Mica Till Wrtril nliil linr clufi.r Mlsa (it was an odd size) gave him pt.Hr cailJH oll t10 lu.milator last r-,.... i rri... I....... ...;n llllll IIWIII J UI MttlltJ, up mucr V1 visit at home for a feiv weeks. ' Miss II. Taleiferro, the professional nurse empiojeii uv Ur. (icleuixlurlli'r, went to Portland ou the delayed train, and will spend a week in that city with Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Wilson and little daughter left this luortiiifK for Cascades, where they will spend'tho summer in camp. They wero necoinpanied by Miss Nina Guthri. if V. K. Garretson and wife, of Tho .11 i.. ii.. i... n:... .,i.,i...... f: i . parabola and land ,.ght side up yl"' UU ahJ inno. Mr! on the summit of the pasteboard Pox.lj and Mrs. Garretson to make their home Tliero was n gentle yielding of the paper, Vin Maker City -M . .i i. ii i i. ! ... a silent uui riii'ciivt) bijuubii, iiiiu no wns in it witli remarkable neatness aud considerable dispatch. There was a mingling of custard, mustard, cream, lemon pie, cake, pickles, sandwiches, chicken, hurd-boiled eggs, napkins, vinegar, salad, suar, profanity, tears and preserved fruit. As he extricated himself from the wreckage, a smashed jar of Btrawborries sent its red juices soaking through the tablecloth, a silent but startling witness to the deadly stab he hud given tlie combination. It seemed indeed tlie blood of bis innocent victim crying aloud to its owner to avenge its premature, unexpected aud Inglorious destruction, But why prolong the dreadful tale? lie make u sneak for the smoker, brake beam or anywhere he couid get, eo it Mrs, W. Barrett left on the boat this morning for 1'irtlund, where sue will join her hinhand, who has secured employment there, and where they will make I heir home, Leslie Butler came up from Hood Iiiver at noon on a business trip. Mr, Butler is greatly pleased with his new liome and sh)s tlie little Ioaii is going to be unusually lively this season, HAItlllKI), At tlie residence of Sherman Smith, in Columbia precinct, Sunday July 8th. Mr. Sfolt McKeller and Mrs. hiura Quirk, Hey C. I. Brown ofticiatiug. UIIKN. On DeiChutoj, Wednesday, July llth, to Mr. and Mrs. Clem. Kgbert, a daughter. One Minute Cough Curo Is the only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results, Try it. This morning at S o'clock the wedding of George B. Wilds, Jr., and Miss Bessie Rowland will take plac-i at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rutherford, iu South Miesoula. A recount here of the many blessings and hopes for future happiness which a host of friends will shower on the happy couple must seem unnecessary. The groom is a young man of excellent qualities. He lias lived in Missoula for nine years and has a large following of friends and acquaintances hereabouts. Tlie bride arrived only yesterday morn ing from Dalles, Ore., where she Iuib resided with her parents for two yearp, prior to which the family lived in Missoula, Mrs. Rutherford being a sister of tho bride. Immediately following tho wedding ceremonies, which will not be preten tious, Mr. and Mrs. Wilds take tlie morning train eastbound, en route for Kentucky, wheru they will iniike their future bomb. It is with easy prediction that Miss.uU friends exptct for tho yoiin.' man and woman a happy future. Miesoulian June '27. Dalies frif nds extend their very best wishes to tho newly married couple. Mrs. M. R. Rutherford, nieter of the bride, wuh formerly Mrs. Margaret Ainsworth, she having been married to M. R. Rutherford tome two months since. Two trick bicyclists entertained a largo crowd on tho corner of Second and Federnl streets about 1 o'clock today, and they are "dandies" on tlie wheel, being able to perform all sorts of feats. One was gotten up in u genul ne "Rube" attire, and acted his character to per fection. He filially ended tho perform ance by advertising some compound for hardening and repairing oicyclo tire-" Another free stiow will be given tonight I at 7 :30 at tlie same place. lll Wuntuil. I Two girls, who are willing and enmpo tent to help, can obtain work by apply ing at tlie steam laundry, None but those who are wortli the hiring need apply. ii-:n 'ollc tf. Columbia River Ice it Fuel Co. wishes to announce that tliey will deliver ice to any part of the city at all liouis of the day or night, Thono ',V,i or 81 hong Diet. ; 75 or 8 Seulert & Condon. Why pay $1.76 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James K, Pattern's sun proof paint, for $1,50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years, Clark it Ftt'k, agents ml7 BUSINESS LOCALS. Clmke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and urlUt's brushes. A full line of Hastmun ft I ins and sup plies just received by Clarke A Fulk, Floral lotion will cure wind chapplnu' und sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Fulk. Paint your house with paints (hut are fully guaranteed to lust. Clarke & Fulk have them. The copartnership business heretofore conducted at 175 Second street, under tlie firm name and style of Blnkelev oc Houghton, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, F. L. Houghton retir ing from said linn. The business will lie conducted in the future by Geo. C. Blakeley, at tlie old stand. F. L. Houghton will collect aM accounts and pav all lMbilitins of su'd linn. Tlie Dill-r', Ort-giiii. July 2, HMO. 'Geo. O. lil.AKKI.KY, F. L. Houghton. 1 adies' tan oxfords siz-s 8 too only t0 cents at the Xuw York Cash Store. 0I0WB W i Tho only store fi this city where tin Oenuine Imported Stransky-Stecl Ware is sold A little lusher in price, butoiftlastj a dozen pieoeaof so called cueajp-euain eled wareft$i BEWARES Other wares look lias tho name Strausky Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize ut 1C International Exlii bitions, Highest award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion, Chicago Pre ferred by tho best t'ookingauthorities, certified to by tlie mobt f amove? cheni ista for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Remember, this celebrated enam eled waro is special ly imported lor and sold in this city ex clusively by us. It does not nist nov absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch Inside, is not affected by acids In tnntsor vegetables, will boil, stew, roast and bake xv i t Ii o u t impart inn flavor of previously o o o k o tl food and will last lor years. OfO.. We cau tion tho puhlio against imitation