The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 11, 1900, Image 2

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Vnr l'jolilflit
or otiiii.
For Vlce-I'reMiInU
lf eir York.
It is a condition, not a theory, that i
COUIrOniS US III lUU 1 uiiijuiiiius, mm i
-tti- a t i nkw:1 nnnrcbv in these islands, and meant
The Dalles Daily Chronicle. cverlMtlng lll8graco lind lll9honor t0
TT't Y 11 loon tlie American republic and its Hag.
: However mucli Democratic orators
ma prate about expansion and im- (
psrialism, nun tlilaie scnunicniiuij
I upon the Declaration of Independence
'and the consent of the governed, the
' facts of history will prove "that the
1 United States was the unwilling in
jstrnmeut of providence in extending
I the beneficence of our laws and insti-1
i ..
tutions to these tar away Astatic
islands. It was not a matter of
)ifiifr lint irns fnrrpd unnn US b s
liowcver much the Democratic press i ., . . . . ;
1 . tone of those terrible exigencies ofj
and Democratic orators may give . , , . ji
, , , , j war, which cannot be foreseen, and ,
vent to tirades of language and' . '
.... , , , . . . which must be met bravely and ,
ironica innuendoes the fact cannot i
, . paticnth by all courageous peoples..
lie denied, there has never been a 1 - -
, , . , - hen the I ilipiuoes are capable of
day or an hour since Admiral Dewey :
, , , - , , , . , self-goveinment when thev are sulh-
destroved the pnnish Jliet in .Manila ; .
, , - , , ' . , . , , cicntlv removed from the memory of
-harbor that the L nited states could ...
... , - , l Spanish despotism and the rancorous ,
have withdrawn her fleet or army 1 , . , , , ,
, ... . , sores are healed, we have no doubt i
from these islands with honor to her-' ' . , , !
... ... i the congress of the United Mates,
eelf or safetv to the foreign residents. 1 - . , . .
, , , : will grant them a proper and nine-'
The islands were forced upon us by if , , :
, , , . . pendent state of government. At
one of those unforeseen exigencies . , , , , , 1
, . , , , , , . present, it would be cruel to them
of war. which frequently have hap-' , . ,
. .. , - and verv unwise in us to grant them
. , . . ; independence and autonomv. Ihev
nation. It was so when we sent our .... . ,. . " ,
, n are children in a political sense,
armies to protect the Lone Star re-1, . . , ....
.... . ., ,. i learning the primer lessons of libertv.
public of Texas from the marauding -
Mexicans, aud which culminated in Townc, the tail of the fusion kite,
an American army entering the City js still in doubt whether to withdraw
of Mexico as conquerors, and injja faV0r of Adlai Stevenson, the
annexing under our flag the region i Democratic vice-presidential candi-
now constituting the state of Cali-i ,'nte at Kansas City. This is one of
fornii and the territories of 2sew the manv instances in which fusion
StciiMoro of tlif ItcciilnKir l.ltic will run ns ik.t thu tot
ow.iib S' luiliilo, llio Coniininy riwcrvliiR thu rlulit to cliuiij.,,
jchi'iliiU" wltliimt no tire.
Str. Ropulator.
I A Kiillo-i
lit 7 A. )l.
Hutlinliiv .
Arr I'nrtliiinl
lit I M V. M.
I.v. I'ortliiml
HI 7 A. X.
. Monday
. Krlilny
Arr. Im Ik'
lit ft I'. M.
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. Dallos City.
I.V. Pullc
lit 7 A..
i Wrilnnulny
, KrlUiiy
Arr. I'lirtliind
lit I :.t0 i'. m.
Ia I'lirtlliiid
t " W A. it.
''nturilay Arr Dnlln
t ' I'. K.
ri'l by tli'- Sternum ol the Itcciifntor Line. Thy Coini,jny will endeavor to give its it
rmi the lic-l service jm)IIi1o. Kor further Itilurmutlon mlilrosn
? Ttiiv
H rm the liol scivlw i)H
; 2, 1'ortlmnl omif.OnV. Strret Intel;. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Agt.
WOMEN ami Women Only, especially mothers, arc most competent to
appreciate the purity, sweetness,"nud delicacy of CUTicmtA Soap and
to discover new uses for It daily. Its remarkable emollient, cleansing,
and purifying properties, derived from Ctrncnr.A, the great skin cure and
purest of emollients, warrant its use Id preserving, purifying, aud beautifying
the skin, scalp, bauds, aud hair, and in the form of baths and solutions for
annoying Irritations, itching?, inflammations, aud dialings, too free or offen
sive perspiration, and also in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses,
ns well as many sanative, antiseptic purposes, which will readily suggest
themselves. All that has been said of Cutictra Soap may also be said of
Ccticit.a Ointment which should be used after the Soap, in the severer
cases, to hasten the cure.
Complete External A Internal Treatment for Every Humor. $1.25,
con-lsttiij? of CLTICVKA Soai' (3SC.1, to clcnuse the ekln of crusts nml irnliv anil gotten the
thickened cuticle, CtTtcuitA OINTHE.NT (Kc.), to lntantly allay ltcIdiiR, Inll.unniatlon, uml
irritation, ami Miotheaiul heal, anil CrncuHA Itooi,VKNT (50i:.), to cool anil elcaic the
hlooil. A Sisou: Sct 1- often cutUclont to cure the most torturing, Jlsllpurlnc, nml humll.
LitliiK fln, scalp, ami bluoil liuniors, with lu;c of hair, when all else falls. Pontl: DllUO
XHV CULM. Coui'., sole Props., lloston.
I fill kinds of
i funeral Supplies
doesn't fuse; but it nearly always
Mexico and Arizona.
If it had been put to a vole of the ! confuses.
American people, when war was de-.
dared against Spain, whether we! T. . GO,NG fAST'
' Tt van tntpnil tn thlro n frtn Kncf not
should accomplish the taking of j your agent Q rQUte yon vja T"e
Guam and the conquest of the Phil
ippines, as a war measure, the uni
versal verdict at the ballot bos would
Lave been against such a course.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, soon
after the declaration of war, Dewej.
Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date
railroad in everr particular.
Through trains from Chicago, Kansas
City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York
and New England points. All trains
run via Niagara Falls and.every through
train has free reclining chair cars, sleep-
in command of the Asiatic fleet, was ling and dining cars.
nt Mr, Trnnr, n,l n;,.n,i I Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni
tion that Montijo, with the Spanish
fleet, was in Manila bay, GOO miles
distant. If be had steamed away
and left the Spaniard alone, Cervera's
snips would have been reinforced in
Santiago harbor, and the brilliant
agara Falls. Boss C. Clixi:,
1'acinc Coast rasa. Apt,,
Los Anceles, Calif.
C. S. Cease, vi. P. A., St. Louis, Mo.
The law holds both maker and cir
culator of a counterfeit equally guilty.
The dealer who sells you a dangerous
I counterfeit of DeWitt's Witch Hazsl
Wnnteil, lininciltntely,
A good harness-maker. Apply to
H. Krause, of Wasco, Or. j'J-tf.
There are no better pills ninde than
IleWitt's Little Early IJisers. Always
prompt and certain.
Fresh cracked 'NebraSKa corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mch25-ti
To Cure a Colli In One Dajr.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druugiats refund the money.
Clarke & Falk'e flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask vour crocer for them.
You will not have boils if you take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure (or buiis.
victory of Sampsou and Schlev would 'Srtlve risks '0,,r life t0 make a little
not have gilded the pages ofAmeri- j Profit' ou cau, 1101 trn.H biai:
n ' " DeWitt's is the only genuine and
can ntsiory. .everyone must ac
knowledge that the action of Admiral
Dewey was a brilliant feat of naval
warfare, and justly entitles him to
the crown of the greatest hero of the ,
American navj'
original Witch Hazel Salve, a well
known cure for piles and all skin dieases.
See that your dealer gives you DeWitt's
Sick Headache absolutely and pernia-
A"ain if after the ! ncntl.r cured by using Moki Tea. A
destruction of the Spanish fleet he - ''" uru,..,uu
, , , and indigestion, makes vou eat, Bleep,
had considered the fruits of victory , workand lmppv. SatIsfa!,tion guaranteed
complete, and had steamed out of or money back. 25 cts. and 50 cts.
the harbor and left the city of Manila, ! Ulakeley &. Houghton Druggietr.
with its 200,000 inhabitants, many j cuve Headache ouickiy.
of whom were Europeaus to its fate, Baldwin'e sparkling effervescent Cel-
, , , , , , ,, 1 erv Soda. A harmless and effective cure
what would have been the result.-' , , , , , ,
; for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
Weakened by the loss of the Spanish ; brain fatigue. 10 and -Jo cents. Sold
ships, the city would have been nn j hy Clarke A Falk, druggists. jan24 Cw
easy prey to the 30,000 revengeful rur sai.
Ftlininos soatlocMo desneration bv We 1,ave al inland a stock of fine
Spanish cruelty-outside the walls, j '"K nJ"- P"'L'
' terms are right. Write for prices.
ami a massacre oi Germans, i-,ngnsn : tra; nefln,IB Co., Cleveland, Ohio,
and Spaniards would have been an j c.h . r cnec.
event that would have "staggered j All countv warrants registered prior
humanity." It was absolutely necess- j ' Au- l 189ii w'll be paid at my
sary for Dewey to remain within office' Intere9t ceasee after June 30.
1UUU. J. f . n.UIPSHIItE,
rices nnd
A Difficult Problem.
It is among the most difficult prob
lems of ueturul science for one to become
expert in several lines. J. E. Adeox A
Co., by their combination, have over
come this difficulty in a practical man
ner. J. E. Adcox is an expert watch
maker and is good on jewelry, optical
work nnd engraving, while Tiieo. H.
Liebe ie an expert optician and is good
on watch repairing, jewrlry work and
engraving. Their price is as low as con
sistent with good workmanship. Tly
are prepared to do ail work in t i i i r
several hnee, on short notice. Work
eent by mail or express will receive
prompt atteation. Sign, "Big Red
I, ash Ofkice at Va.vcocvki:. Wash ,i
Jlay IT, livi. (
Iotlce Is hereby Riven thnt the followins;
named settler has tiled notice of hi Intention
to make liniil proof in Mtpport of hli- cliiim, im
that 8 till proof will he imide before W.II. I'resbv,
United filntes Coinmhilontr, at liolilenihile,
on July ij, i'.MJ, vij:
AfiHhel K. Ollar,
who made H. K. Xo. ibs, for the frnftloiml W'
S'!i, Sec CO, Tj. 3 X, It Ki K, nnd feKJf of XE' ,,
Sec J5, 1 p 3, X IS 12 K. W. JI.
He names tne folloniui; v.itnesca to prove his
eontlutious resilience upon, nml cultivation ol
(Hid Iiinii viz:
Robert . Htrouthcrf,. Chris K. Franen. ill
lam Garner, John Kmc, nil of I.)le 1'. O.,
W. it. DL'NIUi:,
may2i Htgliter.
Grandall & Barget
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shoes
C. S. Smith,
I grarprr x-p
Up-to-date Qroeer
Freeh Epge and Creamory
IJutter u specialty.
2d Street.
'Phone 270.
L. Lane,
f i
j G- F- Stephens
.Dealer In.
Dry Goods, Clothing,
shooting distance to protect the life
and property of foieign residents.
Even after we had taken possession
Oonntv Treasurer.
Those who know inform ns today that
it lookl inorp thnn ('vnr nn if vinn men
of the city, it the blood-thirsty Fili- J would hold their wool until hetter pricee
pinos were allowed to wreak their ! are oirred, which dealers do not eeetn
vengeance upon the inhabitant?, the 1 10 tw,k ttitsy are warranted in offerintt.
streets of the city would have run We are otlering special values in
blood, nnd we should have had a : ladies' tan oxfords. A $2.50 silk vesting
fearful account to settle with Ger-' l?p' .turn'eole oxford for f1'75 whl,e
! uiey last, fcvury uay is bargain Uav at
Xotice i hereby eivcn that the uikIit.Il'iihI
ha been duly opjol. ted hy the county court, of
thextateot Oreifon, executor of tho last will
(Hid teilrtinent of Kvallne Kvaui, deceased.
All pemonfc huvliicclaini-s BKHinut the e.itate
of the siiil llvdlluc Kvaii8 are hereby reunited
to present the tame to uim. irocrly vciilled, ai
' by law required, a. Hosier, Oregon, within six
moiuim i rum ineoaic ncreoi.
liated thU lith (lay of June. U0.
Executor of the !ant will and tetmmit ol
Evaline Kvim, deceased. Jiinir. ll
Iloot", Phova. Kats, Caps, Xotlons. Agt.
for W I DouKlas HIkx-.
Telephone No. . mho nnllno fin
i:n seconu Mt., IUU UOUUiliUli
dust What
You uiant.
We Put...
ever bit of
twenty years experience
and drug knowledge
with every
that's compounded here.
Is it ain' reason why
our prescription business
is increasing
so rapidly?
Ask your physician
if we are reliable.
P. s.
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
nor Second & Laiblin, 'Phone 157
llttiDil j
AND jj
Horsesnoer )
5, Wagon and Carriage Work.
p. Fish Brothers' Wagon.
I THirdM Jefferson, PhoiioI159 1
..GflAS. pfiftHK..
and Formers
Keep cm (IrniiRht tlio (ulebnitcil
COl.UMIilA HK.Klt, iicknow.
Rvd tl;c luait lx-vr In The Unlke,
nt tho usuul jiricc. Come In. try
It uml tit- rouviiicoil. Aho thv
KiiH'f.t lirimd!) ot WlneM, I.l-jtior
nnd ClL'arb.
Of Ult KitlflH lllWHJ'5 Oil lioncl
U. M. 1ICA11,
J. H. UcneticK,
nian', England, France, and even
the New York Cash Store.
Snain. If WC had loft tho arrnoont
.-11 i . , F,,r Hule
Aguinaldo and Ins soldiers to workj ,a good stcond-lmnd tl.rehinis ma-
their own sweet will in their pre-' chine for eale at L. Lane's blacksmith
meditated attack on our troops, on ; llQP. on Third street. j4.d&witn
that night in February, Luzon island i '"
would have been n slaughter pen nnd Trimmed hats and patterns ut coat for
., ,. . . the next thirty days at the Campbell &
.Manila the blood.est spot of oil. wteon lni,linerv prtriore. '23.t
And this premeditated attack was , . : t7T:
, , . . ,. 4 , . ,, . i bpeclal values in ladies' tan oxlorde.
..mnuu.. uiivi ,UU hcjuv Ul A MriS VU . A nir ,.. l allfl
rjit' UEisKMinitrreit j
Physician and Surgeon,
Special uttcntlon given lo urvery.
Rooms 21 and Tel. 32h Vogt Block '
- I
T7IKEU. V. Wlli-ON.
Ollloe nvei Kirt Nat. It tan.
All prices reduced.
No trouble to show goods at the New
York Cash Store.
signed nnd I he islands ceded to the
United Slates by the vanquished foe.
Every day of the wor in the Philip- J)eWIU,11 yule (rIy Rer( Rre
pines can be carefully scanned, aid famous little pills for liver and bowel
there has not been n time when u troubles. Never uripe.
withdrawal of the American forces
would not have resulted in the worst
Dayton's patent fly and mosquito
killer at Maier & Benton's. 20 -3t
Notice is hereby given that under and
by virtue of an order of the county coiUt
of Clackamas county, Oreuon, mailo and
entered on the .'8th day of May, 1000, 1
will offer for eale, at private eale. from
aud after the 7tli day of July, 1000, for
cash in hand, sll dm riuht litlu an, I in.
terest of the estate of Walter Fish, de
ceased, in and to lot 12 in block 18,
Laughlin's Addition to Dalles City,
Wasco county, Oregon.
Administrator of the estate of Walter
Fish, deceased,
Offers received by Attorneys for Ad
ministrator. J. T. Wliallitv Pinoa A-
Tifft, Portland, Or. 10 I '
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as we are showing never be
fore graced a single stock, iteal imita
tion creton effects at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, votira
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a full line of house jialnta.
D. W. VAUBE, Third St.
J. B. Orossen & Co., Props.
87 Second Street
a mimmoTon h h wiuon
fTXllt I Vti ituiritvo
Offlc OTcr First Mat. Built
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Bight Exchange end Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, Sen Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, ani various pointa
in Oregon end Washington.
Collections made at ell pointa on fav
orable terms.
First national Bank.
A General Banking Business trannactti)
Denoeite received, anblect to Sk'lit
j Draft or Chock.
I Collections made and proceeds prompt!
remuteu on uav ol collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange soid oi
New York, San Francisco and port
D. P. Thompson. Jko. H. Bcukmix
Eu. M. Williams, Gko. A. Limn.
H M. Bbalu
Tne coiuniDia PacKiDgCo..
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curersof BRAND
Omceoior French & Co.' llauk
I'hcrno C, TIIK IA LLKt1, OftW0
Physician aud Surgeon,
Ottlct", Vogt Illook (over Postofllce),