RIII'IjK YUf AM. KNOW. U. F. Swift, of Ors. Valley, is in town , to lav. If. I'lUison is In from his home ut Gross Valley. Mr. and Mr?. W. A. Miller left this morning fur U bite Salmon. Klnifr Ward was passenirer on the! ' Dalits City for Ouioulo today. r.:int. and Mrs. Xelson.of the Salvation Army, went to I'ortluml on today's boat. , Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Phillips left on the coon train for a short stay in Putt land. Among the passengers for Portland on the boat this morning were Ad Keller mid son. Mr. Win. Fuss, of flood River, is in the city vifititifc her friend, Mrs. M. Parkins. One of Wapinitia's leading tarnierf, .Frank liable, i visitirifi hie old haunts in The Uallss today. Mis? Mabel Kiddell left this morning j on the bo.u t" spend her vacation at ; Newport, Yaquina bench. Mr. nnd Mrs. Smith French left on the und-day train today for their cottage at Seaview , llwaco bvacii. ' Geo. X. Tuesley, manager of tlie akima Heraid, nude the trip dow n the river todav, bound for Portland. 5 t t t i SINGERS!! owing Stop and see them. The best Machine on the market fur the least price. For cash or on time. : : : The Jacobsen Book & Music Co. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot fii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, and all kinds of MILL FEED .eaveuhVfS for "Byers' Best" Pendle- wnere iney win speim uiu cummer nun DKTAUT rOR TIMK 1IIKI)ULK. FKOU IMUXS, Kast isatt l.akr, Denver. M. Mall Worth, Oiiinlia, Kun 12. M) i. ui. m City, St. I Ami: 1 Chicago mill Knit. Ar.rcvic KllOM Kmt Mall IS. ;X) p Atliinttc Suit l-nka. Denver, l't. Express . Worth. Onnilin, him-' sas City, Ht. 1.0111s, Chicago unit Kail. I 12:,vin, m. Via Hunt liiSton. Spokane Mull and Kxprcs U;Jj p. in. 8 p. m. 8 p. m. Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis. St. Paul, ilu 111 t h, Milwaukee, Chicago anil Kast, via hrkanuakil Huntim- ton, also all point In Washington and l-.ast-crn Oregon. From Poutlamii. Ocean Kleamslilp'. For Fan l'"runclco Kvery Five lav. h a. m. Hpofcnnc Mall ami Kxprc!.!. 1 H, 111 I p. m. 1 1'. m. Kx.buiiilayiCiiluniliiii Uv. Hteiimcn..'Kx.fcii!iila' ;To Avroau and Way Saturday ; Landing. 10 p. ui. the iamiiv of Polk Mays. Mrs. J. B. Condon and little grandson, Clifton, accjuipanied Mr. and Mrs. S French to the beach, nnd will remain with them a few weeks at least. F. A. Alexander, one of the leading merchants of North Yakima, arrived in the city from that place yesterday and left for Portland this morning. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Uushey, of Iowa, who have been visiting lor some time in California, are in the city the guests 'of JMra. Bnshey's aunt, Mrs. M. Parkins. Messrs. Earl and Ripley, of Boston, who are touring mi this coast, stopped over yesterday afternoon with the family of 0 D. Taylor. They are on their way to Alaskn. Rev U. F Hawk took his little son. Haymnud, to Portland today that the) -attending nhvsician. Dr. MeKenzip. I might examine his hip and sec that its imp'ovemeut was satisfactory. 'Mrs. Chas. Corson and little son came down on the noon train from Wasco, where they are now making their home and Mr. Corson is -attending to the settling up of the Corson estate. D C. Ireland, who was formerly scribe on The Chronicle, but now edits the Sherman Couii'y Observer, is spending n day or two in The Dalke, and loote .more hale and hearty than ever. Slier jnan county evidently agrees with him. t"071 'K'TmiT' This Flour is manufactured expressly for family vJi-l. A JJ tLl . uge . everv paCjj e guaranteed to givo satisfaction. ' We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get cur prices aud be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. llet r.un of Fish Is On. As-T0KiA,.July 9. The run of fiih for! the past two days tag been the best of the season, and at the present time it gives promise of continuing. The fish, in quality nnd siz-1 are not what have been known in past years as July fish, hut re-enib!e in every way ti.e June run of former years. Thegillnetters, for the first time, are beginning to make good catcher, and the traps in Eaker's Bay, and in the lower river, have done better up to the present date than ever before. The seine-i, both up and down the river, have bi-i'ii making big hauls for several days. Miller's sands got nine ton's on Saturday, and the other grounds did fully as well, in proportion to their sizii. Victim', ut lliiliukoii Fire. "New Yokk, July 0 Three bodies were recovered today from the wreck of the s-teatner S.tale. This makes 149 corpses Win far recovered of victims fjf the tire which destroyed the North Ger. uan Llovii pier at floboken and burned the atuaumrs Sa.ile, Bremen, and Maiu on June HO. CLEANLINESS. is being advocated by all parties regardless of race, color or pre vious condition of servitude. Remember we make our custo mers clad when they buy or Pure Prenarpd Paints. There ie a finish and gin's to its work that is admired by nil. Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings Be sure and inspect our stock of Wall Paper .... Design; for 1000 on Display. . . H. GLENN & CO. Washington Street, between Second and Third. f. a. ni. Willa uf.ttk Uivkk. I :S0 p. m. Kx.stiudayi Oregon City, Nowhere, L'jt.biiiuiRJ Knlciu it Way Land'n. "a. HI, WlLLAMCTTE AN!) Yam 8 .SO p. m. Tnes.Thur. mu. Uivkk.'. MihimWwI and snt. Oregon City, Dayton, and Krl. and Wny-UmdliiK's. I.v I'.tpnrla dally 3:&a. m. j Snakk Civki:. Hiparin to Ijiwlstun. Leavk I.KW1STO.! dally ;i;Wii. 111. Parties dcslnnir to eo to llonmicr or 1'iiints on Columbia .Southern via lllci;'. stioiild take No. 2, leaving The Dalles at 12: 10 p. m. makitiK direct connections nt Ilcppncr junction nial Hlggs. KctnrnliiR uiakliiRdlrcctcoiilicctloii at Hvppncr Junction und HlKgs with No. 1, ar riving at The Dalles at 12:30 p. m. For full particular!, cull on O. K. & N. C'o.' agent The Dalles, or uddreMs W. H. IIUKI.lil'KT, (ten Pan. Ak't., Portland, Or, In Facuic Yellowstone Park Line. CONTEST NOTICE. Tin: DiNiNti t;Ait uol'tk khom poutland TO TUK KAST. TIIK ONLY DIP.Kin' UNK TOTHK YKLl.OW filONK l'AP.K m. unioa Derat, Firtnaad I sis aiuuvk. No. : No. DKI'AP.TMENT Of Tllf. INTKIIIOI'.. I .MiED B i AT. . I.A.M) UthltK. The DAL1.KS, On., JIny 13, V.Oi.i A uBiclent contest nflidavlt having been nitd " iu this otlice by Ous . Alexander, eontestant, airainat hornestertd entry No. 3777, made May It j l?'."',, (or s'4, ol m1, ttc. ' tp. 1 n, ruusre 1.; c. by John T. Wrisht. conttee. in which it li al legtd that said John T. Wrist t has wholly abandoned aid tract, and cinmged his residence therefrom for more than six months Mtice man-' ina mid entry, and next prior tu date: and . that the absence of defendant fiom mid tract is ' murine tu his employment In the military or i naval service ot the I'nitcd Mate, tald rarties ' nro hereby notified to apjar, rcpiiid and oiler , evidence tonehlnc said allegation at 10 o'clock I a. m. on JnneSo. Iim), before the ltiiter nnd Kicciver at the United UtA land oihee in The I Diilles, Oregon. The mln contestant linvintr, In a proper iiilida ' vlt, filed May 13, pxo. tetfoith fact.s which show ' that alter due diligence j'Cifconal Mjrvlce of thii notice can not be made, It li hereby ordered and dltecttd that such no'lcc te givn by due and ! lroer publication. -Bl JAY P. I.UCAh, Ileshter SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE mm Kant mall for Tacoinn, Seattle, Olyuiplii. dray'f. iiarMoriino touin neuu points, hiMikane, Ito.s laud, 11. C, l'ulhiian, Mo-cow, lwlntou, lluf 11.13 A.M. faloIIiinipniiiiliiKCoun- !;M P. M. try, Helena, MinueaiHi. Hi, Ht. Paul, Omaha, Knnsai City, Kt. Unili. Chli'iio mid all ltointi, No 1. .uat and nmth?int. I'UKet hound Kxpros It .50 P. M. for Tacoma mid Seattle nnd intermediate point!) No. :;. 7;l A. M. trace rviARns JE9IGMS Copyrights &c. AnTon.'Sfondlnc a jtkelrh and decrintlon ma' nnlfiily uiccrtaln our opinion free whether a' . 'iiTentlon is probnbly iviieritiibic 'Yiiiiniunlci1. iioinstrictlenntldentl.il Ilandboolcon I'alentt cn tre. OMot axeivj for necurtns patent. r.ttoi.is taken tlirouuli Munn 4: Co. reeelra ticLv mint, wunoui, enarec, in mo first eW and toiirh.t bleciien. to , ht. r.iul aud Missouri river points Union depot count.'Ctioiis Scientific flmrkan. A h.indomcly lllintnted weoklf. I.iraest clr. tulation of any -ientlfli journal, lcrms. t.'i a Teirs (.air months, tl. Suid byall newnlealer". MUNN &Co.3B'D-New York llraach OSlco. C3 1' H . Wttihiouton. 1). C NOTICE FOR PUIU.ICATION. Good, pure natural ice from the IJltie mountain for de by the Columbia River Jch & Fuel Co. 'Phone 33 or 81 Lontr Dist. ; 75 or 8 Seufert & Condon. for hle. We have nt Portland a stock of fine lubricatini: oile and greases. Prices and ternife are riyht. Write for prices. Cen tra! Ji-finim: Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Tiieni are no beMcr DnWitt'e Little Early iiroinptand certain. pills inadu than Hisers. Alwaye LvNb OFncr: at Va.vcocvki:, Wa.-ii. i June 1, 1SMJ. ( Notice is hereby clven that the folioiiins named tettlerluk tiled notice ol his intention to make final proof In support ol his eiahc, mid that taid proof will be made before W. 11. 1'reshv, i UniKtl .Statos rominht loner fur Hutricl of i WashlcKton.atliliiolhceiu (.oldsndnlc, Wnth-1 Ington, on Monday, July 10. lw vi j Jolm Watson, Homeitj'd Entry No. tsn, for the outh hall ,f Ihesouthrastnunrtfrof ctlon totvuihiii :i north, of raiiKu II east, Will. Mcr. I He names the folluirin HIne-n. to prove his t conllnuuus residence uin, and cultivation of uld I mil. viz: i Cliurlc- htraube. William Wllkhiwm. Janits ! C Daly. Patrick Ha'crt:. . nil ol fcntervl.'ic, P O . Wash. W It. DfNIlVIt. It. C. T. SMI'I ll, Ostboptitli. Vi and 1, muyla-lm P.OI nil Oregon. Chapman Illock. '1 ue.'dax and Fridays, r a. The Dalles, in. to 12. I june-i IKtrister DeWittV Little K,rly fainoiiH littlt. pilis for liver troubles. Nver vripo. Ulsers are and bowel Fresh crai-kn! NehrahKa corn nt the Waeeu arehou-e. Finest kind of .chick"!! feed. mch25-tt 13 ONE FOR A DOSE. T?i nt t ... . ....... , iuivi , ,Tt i".:. ;:-.l'nnyth. Ui f . ; tit, ITl.i-.t'i 'ChfT ti. Ilh., . 0 0 DiLfiUNN'S -T.7.," - y 4, i .'. '.ii"' myi full Uy U nweiuiaf ;' 'JC '.!'. ,hw-r to nor... t"n T "HZ, V Chicken Lice Conanerefl. USE Carbolineura : Avenarius. 'I tie most cllicient Wood PreservinB Puint hUo a lindical Iti-meily ahi',t ( hicken I.ie Its atpllratfon to ln Mde Hulls of poultry house will per manently extetiniuatc nil lice. Ite-sullfc- healthy chickens, p.enty of iirxs. ilto for clrcularK und pticc. Mention thi pcr. Jos. T. Peters & Co., TIIK IMM.UH, OKKUON. I'll 1 1 tllfl II Minnenpoil without I'hansi Vostlbtlled trains. In nil nrlneinal iiilios. HiiKKiise checked todeatluallon of tickets. Kor lianilomely illtlstiateiiileii.'tiptlvcmatter, tickets, slccplnc car reservations, etc., cull on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Oeuerul 1'aw.einrcr AKeiit. i' Morri win Street, enriicr Third Portland, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via in Souinern Pacific Co Shasta Route Trains leave The DulJcx for Portland and way stations ut l:-i a. m. nnd 3 p, m. lA'uve Portland " Albany . ... Arrive Ashland ' baeruuiento " San Kraueisco h:Uinni ...lS.SOa in . ...12:SiHin .... .1:01 pin .... 7:!ipni Alilvc Ogdon " Deliver . .. . " Knlitus t.ily ' Cllleairo . . Arrive 1js AuseloN " Kl I'am ... . " Tort Worth. " City of Mexico . " Houston " New Orleans .. " WinhhiKion " New York fill-in m 'j;tj n in 7"i'i a m 7.ru m . . I :J0 p in . b:CO i m .. 0:U)!ii ,. 'j:Mii in . . 1:10 a in .. C:aum .. fi:IJn in ..I'J:i:tpm 7:fti p in V)M p m 11. CO a in I a ui b 15 u in II I' a in 'J.OOa ui 7 i'j li in U U.) a in 7 ) a in ' 0:00 li m ! I1..J) a in I (I Ma in . !:(X)ii iii . . a inn I 0 a a iii I 3-W pm. f f f 'i f to to The TDoiio. Chronicle, Job Printers. i I 1 i ft A .ATAT.TJCrCTAAV.-rA1 A' 15 A-TAIAf A'. A I A A.t .1'A.A,fA.1 TJk-'-JkT AT AA- KfnCTJI li, ...C. J. STUBLING. Wholesale and Retail Wines, : Liquors : and : Cigars Agency for the Celebrated Yellowstone Whisky. Columbia : Brewery : Beer : on : Draught 173 Second St. THE DALLES, Phone 234. - OREGON. - ckr:?J:yt5 sri vXcrlx.i sr..sr..wsu9 $1.00 per month. Strictly firet cIbhh locnl mid Ioiir diaiunco tclopliont) service within your home I.inuB do not cross-tnlk. Your con. vcrHiition will liu kept u bt-crct. No cost for itifltnlliiiK. You lint Hih Htitndurd Iliiiining I.oni; Uistiuit Instrtiincnt. Continuous tiny nnd nilit ourvice. Wo will itc'copt your cont'rnct for ton yciirs mid allow you to cuncol eiune on uivini; ua thirty duye writ ton notice, PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS, Before you plnce any ordorH for n toinlBtono or for curliinc, futicliii; or other ccinctorv work, call on Louts Coinini. I will not only uivu you all t!i infuriimtii.n you need hut J will quoto you priced you cannot heat anywhere. I.t no one uliiir you'. It will tako only a few mimitfii to call and turn me.' If you havfl u nelyhlior w ho ever did IiusIiichh w ith inn consult liiiu as to thu price mid qtinlity of my work i p.. : mid ahtde hy the result. : LOUIS LOIHIM mi: am jn:Ai.i.va C'UltK i'OIt CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Nusnl Catarrh quickly yiddu to treat- j A "MINISTKATOlfS SAI.K. meut hy Elyu Cream Uahn, which in untuo. Notice is hereby given that under and ably aromatic. It is received through tlio , by virtue of an order of the countv coart jiu.siriii, cieauscs nnit iicais tuo wliolo lUxy and pleasant to ii Coniam3 to In Jurioui drai;. It U u,aickiy bwrbc3. (lil'ej IteHpf -it nttn. It Opcn ami Cleainca Hits IiiiUrnm.nl,,!, iiciu aim j'rolccw llio Membrane. Iteitorti tlio COLD'S HEAD Mir. face over which it diffuses itsoU. iJrufjiits fcill the COc. fcizoj Trial htee by jnailTlO cents. Tcrft it and you arc sure to contmuo tho treatment. Announcement. To nccouiuioilato tlioto who nro partial to tho uw of atomizorB In npplyhit; liquids into tho nasal iiassages for catarrhal trou. Ma, tho projinelora prepare Cream Halm in liquid form, which will bo Jaiowu as Lly'H Liquid Cream Halm. Prico includiug tho upmyiuff tule ia 75 ceuls. Brugcista or by .1..1!. . .1 . xiiu injuiu luim vuiuuuicn 1110 lliCU' mall. iii uuonujits, arreuut( Kew Ywk. icmal properties of the holid preparation. tt of Clackamas county, Oreuoii. ina'do mid entered on thu 'J8th day of May, 1000, I will oll'ur for sale, at private eale, from mid after the 7th day of July, 10U0, for cash in hand, ell the rltiht, title mid in terebt of the estate of Walter Fish, de ceased, in and to lot l!i in block 18, Lnuchlin's Addition to Dalles City, Waeco county, Oregon. I"iiki);iiici: H.MiiiO.v, Administrator of tho eetate of Walter Fish, deceased, Oilers received by Attorneys for Ad ministrator, J. T. Wliulley, I'ipes & Tiirt, Portland, Or. ju-i i'iillliiu;i Mini Tonrlit earn on fontli tniliid. ;iialr cum fjiicrumcnui to OuiJeu mill Kl Pino, nmi loiiii.it mm to ClilcaKo, ht lula, New (jr leium mill WaililiiKtoii. (.'oiilioitlin; nt Hun Krnnct.cn with klciiii"iip lines (or llonoliilii, Japan, chum, I'hillppliica, Central and (South America. I file HL'ent at The Dalle utatlon, or inJilrtM C. H. MARKHAM, (ivueral Pumengcr Agent, I'ortl.iinl, Or I Good News T to Good Dressers..., if 'r- fjf. I,. jy. rj?. lyp. tk Vtfl iiy ff, T. BROWNHILL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notary Public. Collections promptly uttonded to. Monev to loan. C. E, Uavard's of fice, The Dalies, Oregon, I extend n t-ontial invitation to nil to inspect Mm flumnles of !!m TallorT" tl,U K0WN TAI"KINU CO., OlllraU rru?0u2 Suits to Measure, $8.75 up. Fit, workinaiiHiiip mid entire Hntiefaction Kuarmiteed. JOHN PASHEK, Merohant Tailor, Agent. IV i