The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 10, 1900, Image 3

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    n Bona Floe Reduction
On cvory garment in our Men's
Clothing Department. Hundreds of
pooplo in The Dalles have been wail
ing for our Annual Mid-Summer
Clearance Sale and now llio oppor
tunity is here.
Why have they been waiting?
recauso they know they get just
what wo advertise to give; they
know tho value of honest, legitimate
advertising; they appreciate tho fact
that we never misrepresent.
Here's a clean-cut saving for
every man in The Dalles:
Men's nil wool suite, regular $7.50 aud
ifs 00 milts; Clearance prico
Men's nil wool cheviot and casslrnere
suite, regular S.50, $9.00 aud f 10.00; Qf-
Clearance price JpD.oO
A line of odd suits, nothing to their die
credit mve the absence of a few import
ant ; all new and seasonable goods ;
broken lines, that's nil. Regular $5, $0.
$0 r)0, $7, $7.50 and $8.50 suits; Clear- g Q
nnee price tpO.oD
All Cra?h Suite jnst the thine lor this hot
weather Clearance prices. $2.50, $2.75, $11.25.
I All Men's Negligee and Golf Shirts, regular j-q
I 05c, 75c, 85c ; Clearance price Ot)C
What wo say wo do, wo DO do.
Infants' and
On Wednesday, July lith, the
Dry Goods Department will make a
special effort to greet the little ones
in gala attire.
Everything in Infant's and Child
ren's wear will bear a special price.
Infants' long and short dresses
from 30c up.
Infants' gowns, long skirts, short
skirts, at prices within tho reach
of all.
Infants' pique jackets at 00 cents,
worth $1.25.
Infants' lawn caps and bonnets of
tho very latest patterns.
There are no better or more taste
ful garments made 'than those wo
offer you.
Do not forget the day Wednes
day the 11th.
The Special values offered in
Ladies' kid button, sizis 21, j to 4, at $ .85
Same ' . 1 00
Ladies' brown kid oxfords, sizes .'i to 7, at, . . 1.00
" black " " " :ito7, ut... 1.00
on tho expense of keeping children's
feet well shod and great saving
when you can buy
Mines' kid, spring heel, lace or button, sizes
2j to 0, at $1 00
Same, button, sizes 12 to 2, at 85
Child's kid, spring heel, button, sizss SJ ll .75
Same, sizes 5 to 8, at CO
Same, sizes 5 to 8, at 40
Infants' kid, button, sizes 3 to 5, at 25
the money saved when wo offer you
first-class goods in
Men's brown calf welt, lace, at 2 00
" black " congresp, at 1.00
Boy's " " " " 85
As shoes are advancing in price
it is like finding money to get such
good values, and they can only be
had here.
All Goods Marked
in Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chroniele.
Telephone No. i.
JULY 10. 1900
At Andrew Keller's.
1. adieu' tan oxfordF sizes 3 to 5 only
HO cents at the New York CubIi Store.
The Oregon Short Line is making a
cut rate of till .50 lirel-class from Salt
Luke to Portland.
This morning our water eotnmiseloni
redeemed three water bonds at $500 ear
making a total of $1500. ,
Special values in Indies' tan oxford
A low cut in shoee. All prices reduced
iN i trouble to show goods at the New
irk Cash Store.
C. J. Kindling is engaged today in
sion of 15 cents will be charged, w hich
will also entitle you to ice cream.
Yesterday Murphy, who was arrested
Saturday night for robbery committed
at the Cascades, came to the conclusion
that if nil the snakes had been driven
out of Ireland they had lodged in the
county jail. He was unable therefore to
be taken back for trial, but is recovering
today and will bo taken to the Locks to
morrow. Head what A. M. Williams & Co. are
doing: Saturday next, between the
hourB of nine in tiie forenoon and live in
the afternoon, we will sell wash goods
worth from 10c to lO-'yC for 0c per yard;
wash goods, worth from 20c to 40c, ut
10c per yard; 12-yard limit to a custom
er. All remnants will be reduced to
half-price. See window.
Recorder Gates informs us that from
the present condition of city's finances,
they will soon be able to add $1500 more
to the sinking fund, making -f 1000 put
in since the liret of the year, and $10,000
since tho fund was created eichteeu
months ago. If conditions continue as
favorable the entire debt will be paid in
the course of five or 6ix years.
Mr. Hammond, engiueer, and Mr,
r ..,!.. ...........I .lU.LUIIItU. .K.UMfr .tf till.
moving nib stock from his present Ioca- ? , ' ' ,
,,,, ,, ,i . , , , Co innuia Southern Jt. K., are in town.
Hun tn the three-story brlek opposite,!,... , '. .
' r ' l lipi" iMitim mi from Shanikn bv team.
where he ie to earrv on a wholesal
W neat is not so strong in Liverpool to
day an ycnteiday. Fifty cents is being
paid in The Dalles today. A great deal
f wool has been received at tho ware-
hoiii-ea today.
Mr .... . .
e are oiiering special values in
ladle' tan oxfords. A $2.50 silk vesting
top, turn-sole oxford for $1.75 while"
th'-y liif t . livery day Is bargain day at
the New York Cash Store.
The hearing of II. G. Wyatt, who was
arrested at Hood River Sunday for
obtaining money under false pretenses,
took place last night, aud on motion ol
the dlHtrict attorney the prisoner was
A rumor Is afloat that some time in
tin very near future the 0. It. & N. will
take i luime of the Columbia Southern
rai'way, and should this change take
Place the trains will he run direct from
Tdiainko to Tim Dalles.
Yesterday the supreme court alllrined
the dtelsion of the lower courl, in regard
w the title of the land in Union oouuty
" which tho Eastern Oregon insane
Hfyiuin was to havo been orecled, which
decision was in favor of ownership by
me Hate.
Albert, thollttle son of J. K. Ferguson,
HiiOMO eyes were so severely burned bv
liiirnb on the Fourth, is after ull a very
Husky boy, since ho is to retain his eye
BH!ht. It was feared he would lose the
fl'Kht in one eye, but hucIi will not be the
chrc, and he will soon be able to see as
well an ever,
Jomorrow the large tent will be
"reeled In Academy park, and nil the
uicnciH of tho "Snlaales" family Hie in-
vlted to call on them Thursday evening
via the month of Thlrtymile. to view t lie
country witii a view towards extending
tiieir road tide way. They speak en
thusiastically of tho country over which
they have come. Fossil Journal.
Not only are the harvesters busy now
adays, but tho orchardists are employing
numerous jmckers in the attempt to dis
pose of their fruit to the best advantage.
Peach plums are an enormous cmp, and
bo rapidly are they ripening that it is
not an easy job to keep them packed and
in good shape lor shipment. Many
young ladles from the city are employed
as packers.
The flouring mill project at Grass Val
ley lias been discussed for some time
now, but the citizens of that place have
not given up the ideu of having a mill.
Mr. C. W. Moore is now in communica
tion with h 'gentleman in Portland re
garding building a flour mill at that
point, who has ample means aud sub
stantial aid back of him. Grass Valley
wants a flour mill, and tin people will
do all in their power to secure such an
It truly is "an ill wind that blows no.
body good." So thought Dalles people
about 11 o'clock this morning when one
of those "gentle" breezes, which causes
us so often to complain, made its ap
pearance just as we wero sweltering
with the heat. The Dalles winds may
nt times give us cause to grow weary at
their continued presence; hut when wo
consider how unbearable the atmosphere
would be without them, we are led to
Lappreclato rather than condemn them.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher with their
daughter, Eda, and Mits Annette Mlehell
returned today from tneir overland trip
to North Yakima, '"hey were greatly
and judgo as to their talents in the Npleased with the llvafatiuoiphere of that
musical aud diamutlc line. An aduili. 1 place and Mb prosifecti. Many Dallea
people were met there, who are doing
well. M. It. Murchie is jh the dairy busi
ness, while his brother has a confection
ery store there, botlprospering. Frank
Wood is employed In a dry goods store
and the Coffin Bros'., who were former
Dallesites, do an immense dry goods
business there.
While not one of The Dalles frjends of
the irrepressible R. II. Wilson has dared
doubt the merits of his particular line
over other routes, they have often"
begged him to give them a "breeze" on j
the subject, and today their 'petition J
was granted when he walked in on us ',
' with his hands full of fans, scattering!
them broadcast. He said not a word on i
hie favorite subject; but lo and behold!
upon manipulating the aforesaid article,
a breeze from the ISurlinton was wafted j
to us which out-did all previous efforts ,
at advertising, and wo have concluded'
1!. IS. is invincible.
The, exodus to tlieseaeide is increasing
each day, and every boat and train from
Portland is loaded with passengers going
thither. The extremely low rat of fare
by rail and boat to the mouth of the
Columbia is an inducement for people to
visit the coast, as a 25-cent rate for 100
miles makes it cheaper to travel than
stay at home. Whether this rato will be
continued for the season or not, is known
only to the ollicialsof the O. H. & N. and
Astoria & Columbia Jtivur railroad, who
have been carrying thousands of passen
gers for several months past at this
figure, and, so far as the general public
know, seem to prosper at it.
For some time past our people have
I been agitating the question of a free
delivery system for The Dalles, and
everything now looks bright for the con
summation of their hopes. The require
ment by law is that the gross receipt of
the ollice be $10,000 for tho year, and our
postmaster leports that The Dalles ollice
exceeds that amount for the fiscal year
euding June !50th in the sum of $-110.80,
jthe receipts having been $10U0.48. Ap
plication has been made by the mu
nicipal authorities, and it is now dls-
j cretionary wltli the postal department.
Our claims should be urged with a
tenacity that will eooii InEuro us a free
delivery system.
Yesterday the supreme court rendered !
a decision in the case of Henry Gardner 1
vb Wasco county. It will he remembered
fliufr tlifa la i tiaan irx rconim t- ilmn lcruu !
for nu If jury received in nu accident on
the Hice grade during the winter of '9S.
Moore & Gavin were attorneys for the
appellant and A. A. Jayne , and W. 11.
Wilson for the respondent. The lower'
court granted a nonsuit against tho
iiltilnlUt' nn the vrmiiui Unit nt, 1 1 it) elose
! of his evidence ,he had not made out
case sufficient to go to the jury, and the
question before the supreme court waB
whether the nonsuit wus properly
granted. The supreme court holds the
road was faulty and that its condition
contrived to the accident; that If the
condition of the road constituted the one
concurring cause of the accident, with
out which it would not have happened,
then the county would be liable, It is
held that this question as well as the
defendant's contributing negligence
should be left to the jury.
A. M. Kelsay, formerly county clerk
of Wasco county, but later a business
man in tbe new town of Shaniko, was
in Long Creek Monday making ar
rangements for the operation of the
Heppner-Canyon City stage line, which
fell on the hands of himself, Simeon
Bolton, and C. W. Haigbt.of The Dalles,
as bondsmen, through the failure ofj
B. F. Miller the enb-contractor. They
have been operating the line since the
lfith of June, and Mr. Kelsay's trip to
this place at this time was to secure tho
use of attached stock on the route dur
ing the time that proceedings are being
had in the bankruptcy court on the pe
tition of 13. F. Miller. The bondsmen
will conduct the line until future ar
rangements are made. They are each
men of meari9,and financially responsible
for the indebtedness of tiie route since
June lGth, so no one need hesitate to
lend asssistauce when the same is ap
plied for. Blue Mountain Eagle.
It is always conceded that a cat has
ninelives ; but thequeetion now agitating
the minds of the people in the East End
ie what is the limit of a goat's life. Were
they to consult their own feeling9 July
10th would end his earthly career and
the place which now knows him to its
sorrow, would know him no innro forever.
Some time since at the solicitation of a
number of ladies, whoso flower gardeiiB
he had laid waste, we wrote his obituary,
and he left town in disgust for greener
fields; but a "bad penny always, returns"
and "the goat came back" bringing bin
tail (or the semblance of one) behind
him. Since his return he has seemingly
been more independent than ever, nml a
few Sundays ago joined the independent
order of Odd Fellowe. Tho teachings ol
that order, however, seem to have little
elfect on him and he still continues hi
depredations. He has also joined the
class of "goats" known as dudes and
taken to chrysanthemums. Watching
his chance he throws his head In the air,
dropping it down among the choicest,
hikI nibbling the plants off to the roots,
leaving not n blade to tell tbe tule. His
days are numbered, aud ulready he
roameth among the tombstones at
Cotnini's, under which he will soon lie.
or the neighbors in Ills vicinity are al
ready lying regarding the matter.
Arolilint to Mr. .'nlilii(f .
This morning early, as is Ins wont,
Mr. M. M. dishing camu in from the
farm on Five mile with some fruit and
when about to return drove up to Joy.
Peters & Co. 'a for some boxes. As he
turned Peters' corner ho was taken with
a fainting spell aud fell from the wagon
seat to the ground, rendering him on
conecions. A gentleman who was parsing,
assisted the hoy who accompanied Mr,
Cushiug, to lift film into the wagon, and
he was taken to Ulakeley & Houghton's
drug store, when Dr. Logan was called,
He remained unconscious for some time
alter he readied the store, but restora
tives were given aud he finally came to,
In falling he fortunately missed the
wheel, but fell on his face, cutting a
ANfcgctable Preparalionfor As
similating theFoodandRegula
ling (tie Stomachs andBowcls of
Promotes DigeslionXheerfur
nessandnest.Contains neither
Opium.Morphinc norliiieral.
TJox "Narcotic .
Mfttfie of Otd l)r SAMUEL PiTCJWl
Hanpkm Seal'
hinkryrn rlarar.
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa
non, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signnlurc or
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
i .1fv In
For Over
Thirty Years
small gash in the right temple and
mashing the left side of the nose slightly.
The nervous shock seemel to chme a
partial paraly.'is and it was feared he
had suffered paralysis of the left aide;
but later he gained control of if, And was
resting very easy this afternoon at the
home of his son, C. B. Cushin?, where
he was taken.
Mr. Cushini: is over 80 years of age,
and such a shock is serious to one of his
years. The old gentleman, however,
seems to have a strong constitution yet,
an.i tho doctor thinks he will be able to
be taken home in a week at least.
At C'niiii (Jeer.
Chas. Slubling has disposed of tbe re
tail department of his business and hae
moved his stock to the Schanno build
ing, one door east of A. M. Williams &
Co.'s, where he will continue the whole
sale business, retail bottles, and serving:
family trade. He will as heretofore
carry the choicest of table wines, liquors,
porters, and alts. Mr. Sinblng take
tho opportunity trvthnnk his miny pa
trons for their tn liberality and solicits
a ontintiaiiLM of the same. For his
sine '(.soi s, J. K. F.iit it Co., he bespeaks
the liberal patronage with which he has
been favored. 7 2tdw
Camp, July 0.
When our battalion reached Portland
about 7 o'clock Saturday night, we weie
marched to headquarters for supper aud
afterward to tbe depot, where we took
ibo train for .Salem, arriving at Camp
Geer at 11 :'AQ p. in., marching to head
quarters by moonlight.
It took all day Sunday to get comfort
ably settled at the c.tmp, which is a mile
ninth of the fair grounds in beautiful
timothy Heidi as level as the lloor. That
evening a diees parade took place, with
12(10 enlisted men on tbe field. Fully
10,000 people were on the grounds. After
all battalions were formed, the salutes
were fired and the regimental stars and
stripes ft 1 1 to the ground, aud tho regi
ments were drilled till dark.
We are under very strict orders in
camp, which causes a good many of tho
men to forget the rules occasionally, and
the reMilt is that the guard houao is
hIwuyh full of "full" im'ii.
The men are drilled about three hours '
and a half in thefoienoon aud four hour h
in the afternoon and the grounds at all
huura of the day are pretty well filled
with spectators. There are four military
bands in camp. oi.iii:u
Dlkhollltlcin NotU'u.
The copartnership business heretofore'
i ...i ... 1 c o . ... ., .. !
uuiiuuuu'ii i nu orc'iuii tirrm, ueuer
tlit linn name and xtvle nf lilhki'lev
Houghton, is this day dissolved by '
mutual consent, F. L, Houghton ictir- '
ing fiom said llrm. The husiucHS will,
lie eoniiucte.i in the inture by lieo, (
Iilakcltty, at tho old sland. F. L
Houghton will collect all accounts and
pav all liabilities of said linn,
The Dalles, Oregon, July 2, 1000.
GUO, C. Hl.AK lil.UY,
F. L. IIoiKiirio.N.
Dm ii ilruilui'liii Oiilukly.
Ilaldwiu's sparkling effervescent Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and iffeclive euro
for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents, Sold
by Clarke A Falk, druggists. jan2-Hlw
larke Falk have on sale a full line
of paint ami artist's brushes.
A full line of Kaufman dims and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Fulk,
Flora) lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn, Manufactured by Clarke
A Falk.
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last, Clarke A Falk
have them.
Subscribe for Tub Ciiiionice.
plays & ciowe
Tho only store ii
this city where the
Oenulne Imported
Ware is sold.
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
n dozen pieces of so
called cheap eunm
eled ware.
Other wares look
has tho name
Strnusky Steel
Waro on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize- nt H!
International Exlii
bitions. Highest
award at Worlds
Columbian Exlubi
Hon. Chicago Pre
ferred by tho best
cortiiled to by the
most famous chein
ista for purity und
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled waro is special
ly imported for and
sold iu thifl city ex
clusively by us,
It docs not rust
nor absorb urease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside, is
In l nuts oi
will boil,
stew, toast
and buku
flavor of
o o n 1c o il
food and
will last
for years.
Wo cau.
tion the