The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY JULY 10, 1000 Tor l'teililciil WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or Ohio. Fur Vlcc-I'rennlrnt THEODORE ROOSEVELT, or Sew Ynrk, DEL EX DA EST CATHAY, For several weeks past public at. tcntion has been attracted to China, nnrt South Africa and other portions of the globe have sunk into insic nilicnnce. The fate of the foreign legations in Pekin, the Uoxer revolu tion in the Celestial empire and the conflict of Buddhism, Confucianism ! and Tauism in the far East against i Christianity and Christian civiliza- j tion has claimed the attention of the world. Whether the capital of the Chinese empire has become a slaugh- tcr pen for the foreigners residing there, and whether ihe women and children, who are under the protec- tion of the legations, have suffered a ( fate worse man cleatn at tne nanus . of fanatical and devil-worshipping Asiatics, are questions in which the civilized world feels the greatest anxiety, and which cause the most harrowing suspense. Terriole, outrageous wrongs have Leen committed within the Chinese j enipite, and these demand the speed- Toot rmlrncc l- ti,n ,lninc f Hip ! world. The Hag of almost every European country and of the Amen- ; can republic has been grossly insulted, j and subjects of England, Germany : and France and citizens of America ! have been butchered 13 Chinamen, and it makes little difference whether these were loyal to the reigning empress or allied to the revolution ary forces of Prince Tuan, known as Boxers. A great many of these un fortuate victims were Christian mis sionaries; but this is no excuse or palliation for the crimes which have 1. 1 ...... .i . i. . r rii i. . . uimiku mi ii.iBw ui u'""t uaWi , fni-ilia ioc:t fotr mnnilic If ilmrn !c ior me past ten momus. 11 mere is . to be any discrimination and we do tint snv tliprn ebniilrl lin rfnorfl inc ' not SB mere SUOtlltl ue regariUUg , religion, in the protection that civil- j 7pd tntinns snnrnnliw tlioir nlfiypms ' izett nations Sliaraniee llieir OltlZCnS or snbippls tho Christ; shroilrl i-p ' Or SUb-CCU, the Lliristian SllOUld le- PPIVP flip oroolof nnnst.lnrnllnn . f.iv ' c , whether we be atljeists, deists, Mo-j iiammedans or Buddhists, the fact , oldly that in the march j . ., . , - . . i viiization the Cbt istiau , ins been, without an ex-j stands out boh of modern ci missionary hn ueplion, the forerunner of the school 1 house, the factory and the railroad.' ; each of the nations a" wbieli her subjects are warring, and in these . slip In? fMinrnntppd urnlpptinn in tho ! uc uas eiiaruim.tu pruiuuiiuu 10 mi. foreigner-, eekin her shores iui(.iniiLia .LbMiir, net auuic. It is true that China boasts of a civilization as old as the Pvramids, 1 1 and it mny be a fact that the Chinese 1 were what thev are now when the ! It was so in Australia, "New Zealand, I pepsin cave the following aPPP-a'1' YnS1 A fripi ind thn Knst and "iVest Indies 'rendering of Burns' famous blessing :' Mil on or tA-fore the lsih day of July, lt"0. ami Sirica ano Hie l.tlSl anil u CSl iinjll... , I if you do not, for want thereof the plalntlll' will Aside from this incontrovertible fact "ie have meat and cannot cat, and . u Jtijril.wit usan ytm unci will apply to Aside trom tuis inconirocnii)lL taci, have none that want it; hut we thee.nnforthe n.diefpn,ed for in her'eom China hn made solomn treaties with'. . . t- , , n plaint, to-wlt for a ilecrte of divorce from you uina mis main, ui.iuu irL.uas wuu , . , t t Kodol Dvs- the said defendant. Doiiild M. Hiis.iinrs. shepherd kings'rulcd over Egypt, be- j , !ttrk drUB Ptock Is WK , ' . , f , , . , ! fresh aud complete. fore iSoah planted his vineynrd on : the slopes of Aiornt, or long before 1 , 0'ie, Minl,te Cl?,,grl C"re is, lhe .n,y , , , , ... , , .harmless remedy that produces im Moses tended the flocks of his father-, ,nediat(j reaulle Try it in-law, .lelhro, or nn' of the old , 1'iblical worthies lived; yet, as n rule, i she has blocked the wheels of pro- gress in everv era of her eventful ' history. Chinese have reaped son'c . advantages from tho teachings of Confucius, Jluddha and Mahomet ;. but ns a race the' have clung tena ciously to their old customs and superstitions. The imprisoned cm peror, with Li IIun Chang, repre sents today n smnll minority who are in favor of modern advancement ill mvui ui lUUiiLiu nil wuiLLiiit-iu, but the millions svmnalhiye with the uui, iuc miiiiuns &j uipatuix wuti uie reigning empress nnd Prince Tuan, the commander of the Uoxcrs, who are in favor of old China, with the ' filth of its cities, the terrible sub-' lection of its npmilo and it linrrililr. ... , . ......w dnvil-wnrshin 1 ' China's fate is scaled. It roust follow the dealinv of other nnnrn ' IOIIOW tut lltawilN oi oiutr linpro-1 gresnive peoples. Tho nations of Europe and our own country arc aroused, nnd no halt will be called, The blood of Americans, Englishmen, Germans and Frenchmen eneth from the ground for vengeance, and a terrible reckoning wil! be had. 11 may be that Ilussia, more closely allied by the Tartar ancestry of its people, will be the foremost among the avengers; but, if so, the great! White Czir will br the instrument of t provideuce in cleansing this plague- spot from the map of Asia. Perhaps a constitutional government is not adapted to the best interests of these Mongolian hordes, and the autocratic . rule of St. Petersburg may be the j wiser aud the better for the people, m . i .. ,i. i.- .ii China must batter down her wall . j of seclusion. Shu must give way to . railroads, telecraphs, churches and scnooi bouses, and the logic of history piace uer fate similar to that of U)e Drui(1s 0f Britain, and the Aztecs Qf aiexieo. Tbis is a coulQ)ercial age, and the xjnited States is now a world-power, sirajar t0 Great Britain and other nations. in tue breaking up of CuinIl) we must watch carcfully that we bave cqual prjvicges with others, nnf1 nnr t1p nmi nrmv nt Manila we are in a position to de mand this. ZS'o doubt due consider- ation will no paid 10 mis in iue imai outcome; but this is the vital point that we must cuard. P. A. Danforth, of LaGrande, Ga., suffered intensely for eix months with a fricrbtfnl mniiiiif snrf -mi lii lei? lint claim nnu ma; .-nm proois win ce nimie neiore irighttol running sore on nia leg, utujw11 .rei,bv. United States Cominlsstoner for writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salve I Dlitrlct of Washliict n, ut hi oflice In Golden- whoj,y cure,, it inten lhlVfi For UIcere, Wounds, Burns, Boils, Pain or Piles it's the best salve in the world. Cure guar- "teed. Only 25c. Sold by Blakeley & Htnnlitnn (l.(.mafs ft uifuniuu ui..i(,.c.c. " i 1 ,ur j Tin uirl bahes 5 months old : one i 5 months old ; one i l o . " J one RIN 6 eare , . . . , . . , ' . gin uuue, i uiuuiu, unc Kituiwit, one boy 1 year; one boy 2 years ; one ) bov 9 Vears. Applv to I. F. Tobev, j . , i . nl .. " , tt r. superintendent Children's Homo Socl-, ety. The superintendent will be in The Dalles this week and will receive written ' applications nt this office. ) r t , c i For the convenience of parties want- i . ice . fa afternoons, the Stadelman ! t ... , . . , jC(i q0i w;h wrrv a gtoc(. at t1L.,r gtortii i corner Third and Washington streets. I'hone Xo. 107; lone dtStatlCO 1S3. j .iKil)K en) UI1, lSm-tf ; i Taken I p. p;,.i,nr(la nl,,oar ir;rfif.l.l At . U. Kicharus place near riiirneln, Thnr,,,av mornillB ji.. 5th. a brown .. ." , , ', Buuult. nurse. weiKMi, ituuui. juuu iu: with two white hind feet j star in fore- j I'd; full shod all round; with saddle on ! ibt n bridk or r',e 5 brandf L' Tl 0,1 1 iup. Owner can have sanio bv proving d , , j ' W. D. RiciiAnn. Jnly"-Hw The Dalles. A gentleman recently cured of dys- pepsia wire ue uiaiiKeu. hub prepura- ; ....... i .1 .pi.!. tion will dige:-t what you eat. It blatantly i relieves and radically cures indigestion ' ,,, ,,:Cnr,l,.,0 1 an" a" ptomacii disorders. ! J-'cir Hunt A five-room cottage on Alvoid etreet, with hath room and patent closet, at .10 a mouth. Apply to Levi Christnan. U3tf Wanlrc!, Immediately, A good harnets-maker. Apply to H. Krause, of Wasco, Or. j'2-tf. NOTICE FOR I'U ''LIGATION. Land Oitkk at Vancouver, W'ami ,1 "lay 17. lliu. ( named Kettler has tiled notice of li Ik intention ' to make dual proof In impport of his claim, und United fiuites .ominln.ioner', at (ioldendale', ' on JulyO, Ii, vl.: I .,,,, in. Ahaiiei k, tJiinr, who made II. E. No. yv..5, for the fractional . ' NW!-1, KcB0,Tp;iN, It K, mid HV.'4 of NEJ., KecM.Tp J, N H U K, W. il. i,ic continuous residence ujwn, ami cultivation ol , hi and to tho real .property hereinafter do. umj vj2- 1 toi ibeilt said Interest U'Iiik ii contiiiKnt two- UobortA. Stroulhw, Chrlt- K. Kranen. Will sfiventh" linterest ln ihhI to the W'k-' the) Ki:M. J(m (iami!ft Johu Kutc Mll nt j,ylo .j., u.,tbo sEii of the rtWJi.imd U.t tut bee. ll.iiud Wishinuton. W. It. DVNIlAlt, lieyiiter. ""s - i EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ' iiuiii;u im llt.vuj uie Uli.iuin.nnni 1 Uas becn '1i,lJ' "l'poh.teil by the county court, of illlUBUIIUUI Ui reKOU, executor of tho last will ! and testament of Kvallnc Evans, deceased. i ' All persons baviuc claims against tho estate the ld ''.valine Evans are hereby reoulred j to present the fame to blin.Proi.erly verllled. as aZSWii - aT ",,B-" Dated this IMh dav of June. 1000. I.EA.NDKli EVANS, Kxecutor of the last will and testament of Kvallue Kvaut, deceased. JunlC il CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boors the Sitfuaturo of During last May an infant child of otir neighbor was euiTurim: form cholera in fantnin. Tin doctor- liwl ttivon up all hopes of recovery. 1 took n bottle of Clmtnbt'rlniti'a Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Kumedv to the houe, telllnc tliuin fuit bUT0 t would do enod if used ac- cording to directions. In two daye time the child had fully recovered. The child is now vigorous ami healthy. I have re- , , . , .1 i commended this remedy frequently tui'l haw nevor knUV) it ,0 fni. .MrP. crlf Rnker, Brookwalter, Ohio. Blnkeley & Houghton. Sold by A Difficult Problem. It is among the most ilillicnlt prob lems of iiHturul science for one to become expert in several lines. J. E. Adcox A Co., by their combination, have, over come this difficulty in a practical man ner. J. E. Adcox is an expert watch maker and is good n ij jewelry, optical work and encravine, while Theo. H. Liehe is an expert optician and is good on watch repairing, jewelry work and eneraving. Their price is as low as con sistent with gond workmanship. Thy are prepared to do all work in Ih lr cm'tarnl liriMu mi nhnrC nntipp. Went: Bent ,,y m.,, or express will receive prompt attention. Watch." Sign, "JJig Red NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orncc at Vancouveh. Vush.,( Slny 1WH. I Notice Is hereby Riven that the fnllnwiiiK nnnieU settlers have fllccl notice of their Inten tion to make linul woof In ktippurt of their "Mh- "".K' j iiomestemi entry No. doia, for 'the se;4 of Fee. IJliSSlS u,n and iKaiu Mm ....... . n ... ... ... ...... ... . jiuiiignii, rruncifc i jiumieii, nil ui iciuerviiic 1: 0., Washington. FrancM I.. Ituiiii-ll, Homestead Kntry No. 10.13 . for the fractional Homestead Kntry No. 10,13 , for the fractlom of Tp. 2 N, U 15 K, W. '!., wl names the following wltnefses to prove his co: NVJ4' of Sec. 7, Tp. 2 N, U 15 K, W. i! who names the folImvlnR wllnefses to prove his con i i" u 2 rf 3 1 u c 1 c e ulM,n d cultivation of sal Manuel Leonardo, William M. MulliK-in. John Mulligan, Ilenrv Yesckel, all of C'entervllle I, o Washington. mayco-H w. r. DfXisAU. Iiegister. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. .ui is iiicuj iivtru u mi inu j urni; remit heretofore existinir hetneen E. 1). Dufiir anil Menefee, at The Dalles. Orwni. under the firm mime and style of Itnfur A -Mene!ee, is ,,, (Hoivej bv mulUai consent, k. 11. Sn'whih'inld" tnrnevs, will be attended to mill completed by both p irtners the umens though no dlsolnliun hHrrSSkUWM wiu retain the books amine counts of the firm, and will pay nil debts and cbilms uKaInt said lirm.m.d all partio. Indebted jo the (Inn of Hnlnr.v .Menefeeare reipiesttd to wW the -ame with him at an early date. . V"" T,0 Dalles, OreKOIl, Ills 1st day Of ) !l ... I jly 7-w juis, i'vj. h. 11. IH Kl'H. kkank jii:nkfi:e. SUMMONS. l.v the ciucdit ccicht or the state of :?. " v"te ",,,U"kS 1 Mmitt' Donald M. 1 In -1 1 1 1 j-' . Iicfeudaut. To Donald M. Hastings, the iibnve-named defendant- In the Name of the State of Oreson, You are i iiih Miinn ouh in terveu iiiMju ou nv iniuuea by ttlcr,lf . f.mlrt, ,iwi-u the 3th day fJSvnu ihereol forslx conttcuilvewc-kk InT he Haixk.s Mkekuv Chko.siclk, a newspaper published in Mlrt Wl(,e t.,m,j . ,lmt thu ,lrt public itlun be made on the fith day of June. 1UC0. mid that the defeudunt be required to npiiear and answer the complaint on or before the lth day of July, wi, aaui natu peine me oay oi tne uiiil pre-ccllicd for lliekuiil publication. The date of the lirat publleatlon of this sum moniU JuueC, V.'). V. II. 'VJI.SON, Ju I Attorney for l'bilntlll. ADMINI5TRA lOIt'S NOTICE. Notice It hereby civeli that the iiudcmlRlicd, by an order of the Couiiiv Court of tho Htatc of orewon lor Wutcn County, bun been upp'il" led uduiinlhtraUir of thu estate of Helen lirailfntd, deceai". All person IihvIiik cilidtiifc iiKiilimt the estate of said dtrceaed are in tilled tit pre sent tli in, wllli thu proter vouchers, to im: at Hood Itlver, Oregon, within felx mouths from tin; mil': of this notice. Dated May IJ, I'M. I'UTKAM K. IlIIAIlKOKD, Administrator of the Kmatu of Helen llrai). ford, I)e eased. 1C-1 G-uardian's Sale. Notice Is hereby Kiveu tbat iiiruaut to a II' a? KU'irdian 01 the ikjuoiih and eitatu of U-im Mimjio and itarticld Jloore, minors, by thu County Court of Ihe felale of Oregon for SViueo c ounty cm the fith day of Juno, 1KJ0, 1 lll,on Hie 21t day of lulj, 1WJJ, nt thu court hoiisu door In Dalles I'll), at the hnurof a o'clock .. ni. of said day, K'll to the hlKbtst bidder for cash In band, nil of the iutetest of tali! minor Lots 1 and '1 of fiec. l'i. ami Hint certain parcel of laud bounded as follows- Coinmcimiiii; at n stake on the north Hue of thu Victor Truvltt Donation Iind Claim, where It crotses a ditch. ' , thrtict in a boiithvrly direction aeron the bot tom on iiiu uueoi iiiu pievui leueu n ruua, thenca w.stNlrodn ihencc uortliwost KO rods, thence ulmiK said line M Iritis, to the place of beiilnnli.K. bcljiK n ?t of tho Victor TrevPt DlllllUIOll 11 UU I .IMII11 , 1 II fltC. 1 1, 11 11 BII1 IM11U bliiK in Tp. 1 N, K 13 V W. M. Also n like in t,.,y.t in Hml in I.t !. and iC&Z feet olf tho west .i,i. i ti n in hi.e c. nl I jui. IiIIu'b Hinif Art. .n,i,. null... .'in- iir J9 JlOMKtt W. MOOltK. auardlau. . . r. ncoac. John oavim MOORE & GAVIN, A'lTOKNKVS AT LAW Itooms 39 and 40, over U. S. Land Office. Complete Cipe of at M.Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. C. F- Stephens .Denlor In... Dpv Goods. Clothina. Gents' Furnishings, f Hoots, Shoes. Huts. Cups, Ntitloni. Apt. for V. 1. liotiglas Shoe. Telephone No. SS. Tlic Dalles, Or. I1 V.U Second St., Just What You uuant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we aie showing, nevor be fore graced a aingle stock. Real imita tion creton effects ut ordinary pricee. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful coloringe, yours for a Btnall price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. , Digests what you eat. i Itartlflciallydlfc'eststbefoodandaldB 'iNature in 8treii(,'thening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or fans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dvspensla, Indigestion, Heartburn, Ffatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea Sicklleadache.Gastralgia.Cranips.and ! Ill other results of imperfect digestion. novariu uy c. ,. weni.'. CJO., CQICOgo. Yyll- UKkHENnOKFFKK Fhysidau aud Surgeon, 8eclttl attention given to nirijery. Koohu 21 and VI, Tel. m Vogt Illock FKKD. V. WILHOnT ATTOUNEV-AT LAW, , THE DAU.KB, OH Ed ON OH'.ce ovei First Nat. burnt. B 8 HUNTIMOTOH M 0 WIUOD HUNTINOTON WILSON, ATTORHKYB AT LAW, , . THK JJAU.KH, UKKUUN Office orr Klrit Kit. Baak. I NlA m lo:id- 1 mLLC "rtcua Crease 1 I hcljw the team. Saves wear and E . cxixruse. Sold everywhere. ( STANDARD OIL OO. aH Hteiiiners ott.iiK m'Ih iln. rlii-ilttle without Str. RoKitlntor. Ship your Freight DOWN. l.v. Hallos nt 7 A. M. Tuesday TliutpilHV Snturilny . . . Arr. I'ortlnml ntl:W r. M. l.v. l'ortlunil lit 7 A. X. MimilMV IV'.l.llll.M.tMt via ArrAffi, Regulator nt s r. . FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Btamm W?"" ions Ilii' l)ft "Oivii'O piwsillile. B, I'nrtl.iml Onicc, Otil-SUwt IXu'U. W. Grandall & Barget DEALERS IN fobeS, All kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes ' funeral Supplies t.embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. C. S. Smith, Tin: Up-to-date Qroeer: ! Fresh Eggs and Creamery j Putter a specialty. j 2d Street. 'Phone 270. We Put... j I every bit of . ! twent' years experience j and drug knowledge j with every Prescription j that's compounded here, j Js it atn reason why j our prescription business; is increasing ! so rapidly? j Ask your physician if we are reliable. MJKELEY & HOUGHTON, Jveliablo l'rescriptionists F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & Lanolin, 'Phone 151 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON ltESTAURAflT And CAFE. J. B. Orossen & Co., Props. 87 Seoond Street. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANHACTA KNKUAI, II ASKING HUklNEB Lettere of Credit iaaued availuble in the EusUsrn Slates, Biicht Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore icon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, rORTLURD k ASTORIA NAY, COMPAKYl nt Hit lli-Kiilntor Unc will run ns nor the fol the Ccimpmiy rcHorvliiB tho rlfilit to cluing i nngo j notli'i). Str. Dallas City. I iiown l.v. Dnllen nt 7 A. i. i Miilllluv Ia J'ortlnrii mum ,2 it 7 ooa. k. i Wdllic-Hiliiy . .. TlmrmloyJ L XjilitJ. axt. rortlitud Arr. Iall4$ j nt I ::t p. m. nt. r. m.J -3 JXttSlSXJ? W " For C. ALLAWAY, Gen. ARt. 3 L. Lane, f.KXKItAI. Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Thirdlaud JeiTcrnn, Plioue.159 r ..GJtflS. FRAP.. Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. PtetMis on drnucht tho celebrated coni'MniA ni:i:u, nckumv eilKi'd tho best lM.-er in The IJutlcn, at the usual jirlcc. Come In, try It and be couvliii'i'd. AIo the Kltn-ht brands of Wines, l.liunr and Clears, Sondrjuiehes of all Kinds nhrayt on haml. J. U. Uciik.stk, rrcsideut. II, .M l.KAll. c.asblei First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREC0H A General Banking Business truiiBucttif Deposit" recoived, subject to Htiiit Draft or Check. Collections made and proceed! prompt! remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange potd it New York, San Francisco aud l1ari land. DIKKOTOKS D. P. TllOMFBON. JKO. H. bt IIKNt Et). M. WlLMAXH, QUO. h. LlBK. H. M. Bkai.i.. Tfie coiumDia Packing Co.. PACKERS ,OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTUKKKBOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DKIV.D BEEF. ETC. H' 8TURDEVANT Dentist. Otllcjciicr Kruncli & Co.' Hunk l'lioiie fi, THli PALI.KB, OliE-0 . tt. k, k. ricKuimoN, Pliysician and Surgeon, Ofllcc, Voet Ulcjck (over PoHtoIllci"). Upltiio clw THK DAlXEti, OI!K Biacksmim ...AND... Horsesnoer