DANCER Cannot be Gut Out or Removed with Piasters d flesh destrovim; plasters arc useless, painful and dangerous, and besides, never cure Cancer, a cancerous sore is removed, another comes at or near the same ioint, and always in a worse form O.R.&N. Surgical operations am! Does not this prove conclusively that Cancer is a blood disease, and that it is folly to attempt to cure this deep-seated, dangerous lilood trouble W cutting or burning out the sore, which, after all, is only an outward sign of the discase-a place of exit foi the Plnnr?nlns iu famines through many generations, and those whose ancestors have been afflicted with it are liable at anj i time to be stricken with the deadly malady. Only Blood Diseases can be Transmitted from One Generation to Another further proof that Cancer is a disease of the blood. To cure a blood disease like this you must cure the entire blood system remove every trace of the poison. Isothing citrei Cancer effectually ami permanently but S. S. S. . S S S enters the circulation searches out and removes all taint, and stops the formation of cancerous cells. Iso mere tonic or ordinary' blood medicine can do this. S. S. S. goes down to the very roots of the disease, and forces out the deadly poison, allowimr the ore to heat naturally and permanently. S. S. S. at the same time purifies the blood and builds up the general health. heal under ordinary treatment, should all be looked upon with suspicion, as this is often the beginning ol .. bad form of cancer Mrs. Sarah M Klinc. 041 Windsor Ave.. Bristol, Tcnn., writes I am 4t years old. nt:d for three vears had suilered with n severe form of Cancer on my jaw. which the doctors in thU citv said was incurable, nnd that I could no: live more than six months. 1 accepted their statement as tme, nnd had Riven up nil hope of ever being well again, when my drug cist, knowing of my condition, recommended S. S S. After taking a few bottle the sore began to heal, much to the surprie of the physicians, nnd in n short time made a complete cure. I have rained in flesh, my appetite is splendid, sleep is refreshing in fact, am enjoying perfect health."' Our medical department is in charce of nhvstctans of lone esnerience. who are especially skilled in treating Cancer and other blood diseases Write for anv advice ' . , . r . , T-iii- r v. 1 r-T- pnrn r n nnuoAfclv it ruti r, j. or information wanted, we maue no cnarge wnaiever ior uiis service. dkimut ror. TtstK NMirnci.r.. Fr.oM tALi.r... Ar.mvR Know Vast Suit l-akc, Denver. Ft. Ft Mall Worth. Omaha. Kan- Mull U 10 . m. m City. fct. Umis, ti SO p m Chicago nnd Kast. Atlantic s?lt Uikc, Denver, Ft. 4 l 11. 111 Kxprcss Worth. Omnlia, Kim 12:,V'h. in.' phs City, St. Louis,: Via limit-' Chicago mid V.ntl. 1 tiiSton. 1 sss Spokane Walla Walla Mail nud Kxprci-s p. ra. S p. m. Spokane, .MIiiucaouti. M. raui, lUiluth, Milwaukee, Chlraco and Kast, via bpoWmieakd Hunting tun alio all points in Washington and hits! I'm Oregon. ; From I'oivthnii. Orcau Steamships. For San KrancHco Kvcry Five Days. Spokane .Mall 11 mi llxjiros ;.i a. 111 i p. m. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. IIi-lp Wanted. "The linrvs ia great but the laborers nro-few." Sued is the err of the farmer who is aiisiou to garner hi? i:raiu hs rapidly as po??ibl- and i? in need of help Dehij is dangerous and help must be forthcoming. Now is the time f jr idlers who complain uf lack of cm pi y meat to feeure work. There is titip:y uo excuse for tramps irifestitifr the cities lit pre'ent, ami thost' who as.-iet them in any manner are e'mp'v fisterinp idlene-s. In Washington the demand for harvest baud: is more uruent than in this sec tion, and it la said a thousand m sre will be needi-d. Since June 15 it is estimated that 1500 men have reached Wnlla Wa'.la and all of theui have found ready vuirk at good unties. Every employment agency in that city has standins: orders for men, many having sent to Portland and otln'r places for help. It i- 11 rare thing to see a farmer in The Dilles thee days, 'so hu-ily are lliev occupied on their various place;. t t t t SINGERS!! Stop and see them The best sewing Machine on the market for the least Lor cash or on time. : : : price. AT The Jacobsen Book & Music Co. S p. m. p. m. I Kx.Miuday Columbia llv. Steamers. Ex.Sunda) To Astoria and Way Saturday Landings. , 10 p. m. t'. a. m. WlLLJtXBTTK ItlVKii. 110 p.m. Ex.sunday Oregon City. Nevvberg, Ux.nuuday aulcru it way I-aud's. . a. ra, Tues.Thur. and sat. Willamette anu Yam hill UtVKRS. Oregon city, Dayton, and Way-l-nnding-i. l.Y iliparin daily 3 ! a. 111. Snake I'.ivjjk. Mparts to l4;w!aton. .mp m. Jlon.,"'cd nnd Fri. Leave Lewistoh dally l:Wu. m. Ail v rtlHd l.t-tterf. Toiloiviti'j is the list of letters remain ing in the poslofEce nt Tho Dalles tin !illed for l.fnlr 7. lOOfl. Prcni,c eallinu for tiie same will give date on which ihey were advertised: l.ADIKS. Hamilton, Mrs W C L-uis, Mrs .lohr. W Hughes, Mvra Mever. Mrs Bertha ' Wall, Mrs'C M CKXTLEMEN 'Allen, H V Beleheo, C H Bonner, Mr UUrk Fred X Hanson, Mux Hubbard, M D Humphrrv, .on Hoyt, John Jarvi-, L C Martin, Ales F ln2L"-tu. '-tottando I'ickens, Lon Siaioji, .lohn Skinner, Nathan Tvnney, Hv W A Wattere. .1 E H. H. KtUDKLL, P. M. CUrke i Fa'b have on sale c full line of pnii.r artist's iirushH-". SnWr be for Thk Ouuoxice. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?ii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, o? mTllfeed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- FlOTJr 'lk c,ur 18 manufactured expreealy for family A use : every Hack is K"annteed to gjve eatiafaction. We eeil our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think bo call and get our pncE and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. U Yellowstone Park Line. : THE HIKINC. CAlt UOl'lK KKOM l'OKTI.A.'l j to Tin: EAST. THE ONLY DIKKCT LINE TO TIIE VELLOW SIONU l'AUK i 1 t i 0 Citicbo Lice Conprei. USE Carbolineum : Avenarius. The miwt cSi"iunt Wfvul Pif-ervllic l'uint l-r. u I'.adlciil lli'inedy nuln'-t Chlflccii 1.H-". Itt iippli'-atioii ti. in tldf ' H f.f iMiultty U'iUH will jt niHticxtlt txt-rtniiiate all lice lie ult he.ilt: : rlilrkeris j.enty of ckK' w rit ( .r circulars and pipes. McutiDU U.i papyr. Jos.T. Peters & Co., Til K II I.I.I.S. ItKt;ON. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. Union Depot, rmti and i sis .u-.mvk. No. Fhst mail for Thcouih, Feattlc, Olymplu, Griiy'n tiurtmr mid houtli llvnu Mints, bpiikmic, Kdis land, 11. C, l'ulliniin, MiKOvr, I.'intnn, lluf- 11:15 A. it. fulollninp niinlliB coun try, Ilelcmi, Mliiiiciiinv lis, St. 1'uul, Omnlm, Knnsai City, rit. Uiuls. Ctik'Hifo nnd nil lKiintt, No 4. eut mid niuthcuot. I'list't Sound Kxpros 11;3U I'. Jl. for Thcoiiu. anil S-attle nnd intvrinedlatc puinti- No. r.,.v) i'. m. No. it. P.CO X. .M. t I oricf: foi: publication. J.irk OrncE at Va.ncoi'vki:. Wash . Julie I, 1WM. j 'otioe i betels given that the fnllowiu nanxd wtilw hi Hied notice of hi Inter lion ' to mHte t'niti prwil iu support of 111 olaln , mid ' that nld prfnil ; '.,! b miulebefiiie VV. j I'n-shy. ' I? oiled Mitex omiiiilimer for llutrliH ol 1 AVahi: gi ,11. M hi otbm to flnldondIf. Wash- OTiEUiu, on MunaMT, juiy 10, VKO, viz- JoilU WllttOll, Home!; d Entr o so-u, fur the MHitb half of the oiitb(wi rjunrtttrof tttllou towii.biiu liofth. .if rat.irt? 14 nut. V.'il'. Mlt. Jle i.dinb' tbt- foil. .wliiic witno Mtojirove his ouitiun.iiik reflldeiiu upon, and oultirdtios oi bold 1 lid, iz Chariin htTaubv, U llllum Vilk!ii6on, Jnmea. C. I)l, 1 utricle llHKorl. oil of Ccuterviiic, 1 Q. Wuith. W. it. Dl'NIUU, June I liwliitr. CLEANLINESS. :s Ijeiti advocated by all partis rnAril'.tm of race, cj.or or pre vious conditi n of servitude. U-u.ftnber we make our custo mers triad when they buy or Pore Prenared Paints. There ie a finish and t,'io-e to iu work U.ut is admired by a!!. Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings Be gure and inspect our Block of U'a Pnpc-r Design? for i''.." on Diupiay. H. GLENN & CO. Washington Stree', ' between Second and Third. l'ulliniin first class und tourlit altepcrh to !iiiiiciHilh, bt. I'uul and illteoud river points without clmtici;. Ve-tlhulcd trains. I'nion dcjuit toiuicctloiis in (ill iirinrlpHl citiu. iiakMKC chet'Lul to destination of tickets, r'or haiidMimvly HltiatniteddtTuriptlveniiittcr, ticket", dleeplng car rcacrvatioim, etc., fill on or write A. D. CHARLTON, As-iblant 'jciir.a I'asipiiBcr Accnt. av. .Morrl--11 stret curner Third T'lrtiand Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via sr. Scumern Pacific Co Shasta Route 'J rains ienve The Dulles for I't.rtliiiiJ and wny iitntl"iir ut 1 Si a. 111. nnd :i p. m. Iaiivc Portland " Alhany fi :'.) n in .I'J.SU u III Arrive Anlilnud 12:S;uiil ' -aoriiinniito . . . . &;li p 111 ' h'an t'raiiL'laco 7: 16 pin JiDMI.N'ISTItATOIt'S BALE. NMe- ie liurehy iven that tindiir anil by viriiib 0 aiiiirder of the eoiHilv t'Ojrt of (!iHcl:,tnia- uuunty, Oreenn, umiln and ti.'-r..) ou thf -'8th dav of May, 1000, I will (dler fr phk, at private alf. from and ufior Um 7tli dav of Julv, 1000, for casli in hand, all thr riiilit, title and ill teiet of th ei-tate if Walter Fich. lf cead. In and to lot 12 in block IS, LauulilliiV Addition to lUllee Oily, Wupiio county, Oreeon. 1'i:kih;i:ick Hai:hon, AiliiilnUtrator of the ectate of Waller Fit-li. dt-ft-ahC'd, OlftTf received by Attorneyfi fur Ad ministrator, J. T. ' Whalley,' PipfH 4 TiUi, Portland, Or. jO i COrivST NOl'ICK. Vr.f iBTJlfcNT uf Till. ISTJ' t I Mllill CTATl." I.AM' Utl'J'l.. TJIK DALl.ta. OK., Mli l'j Hi'.l I A suilicleiit cnutt ullidavit ha-iiijr l. -i! fled I in tbi otliee by Cuds. Mfxaiidt-r 1 i,m. ,ta(it. Htraiut homexteid entry No. 'TTT, ii;itd y :i 1 lew., fur uf ntt'4, uf 1. tp e. I.c by John T. Wrisht. e.iutottej. ir nif n 1 ti'. ! leg.d that aald .' i. t h. '!.; HbiitidouMl uiid tliiot. ai.d clmiiKeii iiS r -.detj(.c ' thercffi.ui firnioie thai, nix taunt! 'ii.r' iuhK 1 Iiik raid entry, and next prior tu uale und that the abn-nre of defeitdunt fioin hi.IU truct ) eiii)lormeiit in the whita-v mti ' naMil Mrict of the I'nlted Mntcn,sa!d piiftie-! I are hereby untitled to appear, retpond and ..Her ' evidence toiiehini.' uiid alletration ut 10 o clock u. 111. 011 June )). iK-snie the ltTsit.-r und I Heeiver ut the fluted otute land oiltce in The , Dalle. OrtKoii. The tain coriKuitJiiit havinK, in u iiropuruiUda vlt. tllcl May !'), 1 u. tet lorth (nets v,hl h how , that alter due diligence ikinial noivice of till'. . notlr-t can not be made, it l hereby urdvrtd and dirtcted that mi' h uu!i':e hi plven i.) d'. od irir publication. i JAV l'. 1.1'' A" li. Biter 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Arjivc 0(,'(lon 5:l.'a m " Denver 0;U0 a m " Kuiinii. City. . . a m " Clilcayo 7. 10 u in ' 'URN ', 1 RACE WlARKE JESIGNS COP YfllGHTS &.C. Ton" nenrtlns n c'rv nnd riorrlptlnn 111s' mi r nveriuiii 1 opit ,11 free whether a in-. eni'-'n M lr"lm jiintrible iiriniiuiilc i.iiiimricOTeoiitiilei Mai llniirtlxiolc 011 Patent j' Ul freo. 'line t f ir a-curmir uti;ntn. I'.itei.'o uiiftu ttirju.'ti .Munu it Co. recetvw tfif-tiUnolke, wlthoo'. charge. In the Scientific Jimericatto A handfon -Ir illn'rild weekir fjirt'it rr Milan., . , t nnr m f ' rr- .mat. Terr.n. ;i a l .nr ni Mill tl byull tiewnilwilriM. MUNN &Go.3C,QadNew York UraDChuniie 1 Y , .ihinutoii, D. (' Ar.ivc Lo AiikuIiw " Kl l'ao " Kort Worth. ' City uf Mexico . " lloiiHton. ' .New Orleain . " Washington ' New York 1 :vu p ra i'iiim .. GiWu 111 .. b:rwa in .. l:0Oii m .. 0:n in . fi: 1J a in p m 7 :0i) p in ' 10 .ie ji ra i Jl .SDn in I 1 a 111 e 15 u 111 11 l," n in ) wa in ' a 111 '.'.Jf' a iu ' 11 in 1 o.fx) p in ii;:x u in 'J bi a in i Wtx m c .'i . ill 1 c t',' a m , Upm 9 Th Dollea, Op. The Chronicle, dob Printers. I Ills 'IS P ma (.'It 1 3S : S r liiC 35. 3: 1 ' 1TTiiniitiiifiTttriiiittimxrTTitrfiiTa'trfititTiiii j Tartlef desirnii: to uo to Hctiplicr or point? on Columbia Southern via JIIki;'., hhould take No. 2, leaviUR 1 he Dalles nt i. in 1 niakiia; direct coDiicctioiib at Heppucr junction j and Hies". Kcturulnc aiaklnpillreutcomiBCtloti at Heppner Junction and HIck? with No. 1 rivin? at The Dulles at 12.;i p. 111. I Kor full particulars call on O. U. & N. C'o.'f ; agent The Dalles, or address I W. II Hl'ltUllMlT, , Gru Pas. Ai;t.. I'ortland. (ir, . ...C. J. STUBLING. !5 Wholesale and Retail Wines, : Liquors : and : Cigars Agency for the r 4 I Gelebrated Yellowstone Whisky. Columbia : Brewery : Beer : on : Draught j 173 Second St. THE DALLES, Phone 234. - OREGON. 'iinjifcir mta-tai fAjr 3TAX.Tjtjr-WM- j r i.t t.i. tvu rirrr.ricm $1.00 per month. Strictly first claeB loeal nnd lout dintancH telupliutie eervieo within your home. Lines do not crosp-tnlk. Your con verpiition will he kept u secret. No cohI for itie-tnllinvr-You ir't the ctBiidiinl Ilunnlni; LoiiK Dibtutit Instrument. Cotitititiouf dav mid nii-ht nervice. We will iiccept your contrnct for ten yeiire nnd allow you to en nct-1 eame on kWiiik a thirty duyu writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE 00S. Before you l-lare Mny orderi for n loinlvtonu or for curhint, fenciinr or other cetuetcrv work, call on Louie Omitil. I will not only ivo you all the infortunium you need hut 1 will quite you pricve you cannot heut imj where. l et no onu hlniryou. It will uko only 11 few mi mi lex to call nnd eo me. If you luivd a neltfhhor who ever did hiislnem with. n.ecjiiHill him 11 n to the price nnd quality of my work 1 nn;', and uhide by the reeult. ; : LOUIS bOlTlini i'lilluia.i and Tourist cart, on hoth tiaum , Chiilrciim riacrnmeiito to Uitden nnd Kl l'ao ' and tourist earn to Chlcaxu, bt 1iuie, New Or , leaiin and Waililii;toii. r',' fit 1..,., f.'pn icl.l. I Meauiithlp llnei for Honolulu, Japan, China, ' rniiipjiiueei ..ennui nnu nuuin America. Kce iiKont at The Dalles titatlou, or addrtift C. H. MARKHAM, (icuerul I'amieugcr Accnt, 1'ottlaml, Or J3u. C. 'J. S.11ITII, Osteopath. Iloonu Id anil U, Chaiaiiaii Illock. The tulle, Oret'oii. Tuodnyo anil Krldayn, n. 111, to 1J inayli-lra Qii.GUNHS.- HILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. lUmotii PimplM. Pr.Tfnt , f.,f, ' 1 rf tenfc corn at tfje ! vu5fleh.dUiebf.v Watcu warel10U8e. Pineat kind ol I tvT,SZ .....1 ..- .. lr""...?.'i'V "'" "wpl-W. or fa chicken feed. mchiio-u njeiary T. BROWN HILL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notary I'ublic. CollectlQUB promptly attended to. Monev to loan. 0. E. Baynrd'e of fke, The Dalles, Oregon. to Good Dressers.... I extend a cordial invitaiion to all to imped tlm samples of ooIhiih from the CltOWN I'AILOUING CO., ChicaKo'ti famouti Cua totn luilorn. Suits to Measure, $8.75 up. Fit, workmanship nnd entiro Hatinfactiou guarunletd. JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent. laWMMMIKWAaUAUMHnna...