The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 09, 1900, Image 3

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    n Bona Fide Beauciion
On every garment in our Men's
Clothing 'Department. JIundreds of
pooplo in The Dalles have been wait
ing for our Annual Mid-Summer
(Men ran co Sale and now the oppor
tunity is here.
Why have they been waiting?
Ik'causo they know they get just
what we advertise to givo; thoy
know the value of honost, legitimate
advertising; thoy appreciate the fact
that we never misrepresent.
Here's a clean-cut saving for
every man in The Dalles:
Men's nil wool suite, regular 7 50 nnd nr
ts.00 suits; Clearance price JpO.OO
Men's wool cheviot nntl casslmern
mite, regular fS.50, $9.00 uuil $10.(10;
Clearance price
A lino of odd suits, nothing to their dis
credit save the absence of n few import
nt sir.pp ; ull new nnd seasonable goods ;
broken lines, that's nil. Regular tf,
10 ''0, if", $7.fi0 and S.50 mitB; Clear aq Qt
anco price ipO.OO
1i Crash Suits just the thine ior this hot
weather Clearance prices. .f-'.5, $2.75, i.'.'o.
All Men'n Negligee Btid Golf Shirts, regular
doe, 75c, S.")c ; Clearance price O&C
What we say wa do, we DO do.
Infants' and
On Wednesday, July 11th, the
Dry Goods Department will make a
special effort to greet the little ones
in gala attire.
Everything in Infant's and Child
ren's wear will bear a special price.
Infants' long and short dresses
from oOc up.
Infants' gowns, long skirts, short
skirts, at prices within the reach
of all.
Infants' piquo jackets at 90 cents,
worth 1.25.
Infants' lawn caps and bonnets of
the very latest patterns.
There are no better or more taste
ful garments made than those we
offer you.
Do not forget the day Wednes
day the 11th.
The Special values offered in
Ladles' kid button, eiz-'s 2J.j to 5, nt $ .S"
Same 1 00
Ladies' brown kid oxfords, sizes !l to 7, Bt. . 1 00
" black " " " n to 7, at. . . 1.00
on the expense of keeping children's
feet well shod and great saving
when you can buy
Misfcfi' kid, spring heel, laco or button, ei.-ta
'J'j, to G, at $1 00
Sanm. button, sizes 12 to 2, nl 85
Child's kid, spring heel, button, sizjs S'j 1 1 .73
Same, siz-s 5 to 8, nt .CO
Same, sizes 5 to 8, nt 40
Infants' kid, button, aizei 3 to 5, at 2f
the money saved when we-offer you
first-class goods in
Men's brown calf welt, lace, at $2 00
" black " congress, nt 1.00
Boy'e " " " 85
As shoes are advancing in price
it is like finding money to get such
good values, and thoy can only bo
had here.
All Goods Marked
in Plain Klgureo.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone JVo. .
. - - JULY 0, 1900
At Andrew Keller's
at i
The river is fact receding nnd ttood
23 7 this morning.
Mrs. II. W. French's friend?, who
lime beon concerned regarding her ill
iifte, will be pleased to learn that she ie
Alexander ivoisay, an uncle of our
former county clerk, and an old reeident
of Antelope, died ut that place Friday
lifter a lingering illneee. He was aged
71 years.
Members of Friendship lodge, K. of P.,
flion d all liu on hand at the seseion to
Jilgtit as special business will bo the
enter the evening. Work in the third
de-ree will he one feature of the pro
gram. trance that some of our ministers
did nut take as their text yesterday,
"The wind bloweth where it listeth."
II uever. that text might be well suited
t i each Sunday's eeivice, as that day is
ertaiiny noted for us wind etorins in
The IlallfH.
Coming down on tlin Columbia South
ern Saturday, passengers noticed fire in
tin- v.ciniiy of Wat i!) and were greitly
a armed for the grain fields. Word re-,
ccived this inorning, however, assures
us that although lire had started little
damnuu resulted. Other later leports
ay one field o.f gruiu was destroyed.
Among tho new ofllcerH of Uuiatilhi
eouiity, who have just assumed their
duties, wo notice tlie name of Henry
l'owler as deputy elerk. There is no
doubt but that Henry will mnkeu splen
did oMcer, and tho records of Umatilla
canity wiil bo in safe hands, even if he
is a record-breaker in everything he undertakes.
-'at C. Goodwin, the fatuous actor
took an overdose of morphine at Butte
iunt.p on l-ridiiy, and narrowly escape
leatli. A physician had prcaerlbe
"urpliini) for insomnia, and the comedl
"n took too much of it. Mr. and Mrs
j lidrtln 'Maxlno Klliott) are now on
'heir way to New York."
1 or some days pnst ulllcers have been
looking for J, T, Wyatt, who last
Saturduy presented a bogus check for $5
"l the Clarendon restaurant and ttlso
committed a like offense In several places
i the city. The chtyk was on Hntler's
bank at Hood River. Wyatt had been
ever on the Washington side of the river,
l,ut coining over yesterday, Constable
linger, of Hood River, nrrested hliu for
cbtaiuiug money under false pretense.
He waa arraigned this morning and his
preliminary hearing set for this evening
nt 4 o'clock. He will be defended by
"Chancellor" Kent, of Hood liivcr.
The Fourth of Julv committee did
everything in its power to make the
visit of the visitors from The Dalles
during the celebration a pleasant one.
Astorians feel very kindly tow ards tile
people of The Dalles, and every avai
able moans was einploved to return th'
courtesies extended on the excursion a
few weeks nco. Astorinrv.
j Tho members of Calvary Baptist
I church are arranging for an entertain-
mint and lawn social, to He eiven ir,
Academy park Thursday night. A htr
tent will be stretched, in which tile
program will be rendered, and ice crenli
and rake will be served on the lawn, it
is beldam that this denomination ask
for assistance in this manner and the
should be well patronized.
About 4 o'clock Saturday evening
States military academy. Prof. NelT,
taken to the hospital in Portland but it
tot-ether with Prof. Forbes, niincinal of was much fearsd he would not live to
the Pendleton ncademv, and Mr. James reach there. He, however, survived tho
F. Ewing, of the Portland academy, ' trip, but died at St. Vincent hospital
compose the examining board. I yesterday morning.
Miss Ida Omeg, of The Dalles, has The Regulator was the seen of a great
been elected a teacher in the Prineville , excitement yesterday when two drunken
schools. I carpenters attempted to bnlldozo their
The Dalles City went on her regular companions into following their orders
run todar and will mine through to Tho anu quilling worK. a lime misunuer-
-a 1! M. il . C 1
Dalles tonight. The Reliance will again "" RJS wiwi wie captain me auuuay
make her usual run. with the exception : previous caused me uoys ro
of running up as far as Sprague instead
, Gertrude Crow, v ho has been ill for the
! past tlx weeks, died at her home on the
lilntrfroni the efl'ects of blood poisoning.
She was taken ill with pneumonia and,
when hopes weie entertained for her
recovery, erysipelas developed, dually
causing blood poisoning. kShe was aired
15 yeirs. Tho body was taken to the
vicinity of Wind river this niomiii,
1 where I hey will lest betide thobo of her
Backus, who was arrested on the
! Fourth for selling liquor to Indians, had
I his bearing before lT. S. Commissioner
j Huntington Saturday evening, and
waived examination. He was bound over
to appear before the U. S. grand jury at
J'orllund and taken thither by Deputy
Marshal Roberts today. Backus does
not deny that he gave the Indian liquor,
and ho will no doubt receive his just
Already are our boys of Company D
taking Cauip Geer by storm, and from
reports received from theie they are
"it." Sergeant Mix Burtell has been
appointed battalion sergeant-major,
to terve during the encampment.
Bugler Frank Assis is battalion musician,
and there is little doubt that he Is the
best in the encampment, having served
in the Philippines, and Capt. Bartell has
received special recognition, command
ing the battalion in the absence of the
major. Company D is all right.
,Y A Sabbath morning wedding took
place yesterday at 10:30 o'clock, nt tho
home of Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Dellinger,
of the Cafe.ides.
The funeral of Cora Sybil, wife of
Thomas Hayden, took place yesterday
afternoon nt the undertaking room" of
Cranda'l & Burget, Rev. Hawk eon
ducting the eervice, The remains were
buried in Odd Fellows' cemetery.
The encampment at Geer was
saddened yesterday by the drowning of
Roy Gage, of Company C, whoso home
waa in Portlaud. About 1 o'clock Gage
and a Mimlier of his companions went
in swimming in the Willamette, and
whilu'atteniptiiig to swim across, Gige
was taken with cramps and sank before
the boys realized his danger. Sam
Stott, of Troop H, of Sumpter, also had
his leg hioken, by being thrown from
his horse.
Chas. Stublini; has disposed of the re-
decide not
i to work yesterday; but upon explana
, lions and a mutual understanding a
portion of the carpenters went to work.
, In the meantime the two who would not
give in, got to drinking, and proeuiing
pistols, made their way to the boat and
demanded tho others to stop work. They
' not only demanded, but at the point of
pistols compelled them to do so. They
then skipped and boarding the east
( bound train lft town before the oflicers
( could stcure them.
Since the erection of tho Methodist
church in '92, tho members of that
congiegation have been burdened with it
.debt which lias continually weighed
upon them und greatly retarded their
i work. From time to time payments
J have been made, and a few months
since the ofliciul board decided to make
' a supreme effort to lift tho remaining
amount. Willi tlie untiring help ol
tail depaitmeut of his business nnd has , Uieir earnest pastor they have been stic-
moved his stock to the Schanno build
ing, one door east of A. M. Williams A:
Co.'s, where he will continue the whole
sale bu-iiiest, Mtail bottles, ami serving
family tiado. He will as heretofore
cairy the choicest of table wines, liquors,
porters, nnd nit 6. Mr. Stublng takes
tlie oppoitunitv to thank Ills many pa
trons for their past liberality and solicits
a c iiitiifiiarici- of the same. Fur his
successors, .1. 10. Fait iV Co., he bespeaks
the liberal patronage with which he has;
been favored. 7'Jtdw 1
While they slept Friday night at the
Cascades a man, by the iiameof Murphy, I
went through the pockets of two ir.en, '
robbing one of $15 and the other .20. A j
warrant was sworn out for his arrest, ,
It ii t It i uci it imii I tt 1 f iti lllvwr I Hi T lllllllt
cessful, and yesterday at the inorning
service Rev. Hawk announced that all
but rl-5 had been subscribed, the ollicial
boa nl assuming that amount, which they
wore positive could be raised among the
members who had not yet contributed.
' l'he lifting of this debt Is a sou ice of
' great satisfaction to that congregation,
, who now feel that a weight has been
taken from their shoulders.
YVlmt Iri It?
Friday last W. J. Perry exhibited at
tiiis ollice several heads of w heat that
were literally covered with a very small
green bug, which soma farmers have
pronounced to he the Hessian fly. We
are not up on hugology, and so do not
feel prepared to speak authoritatively
in itn . J'. "" , . "IK 'IuI'Thii ''Pi i .mtiMimn
Afcgclablc IV cpnrationFor As
similating HicFoodandRegula
ling (he Stomachs andBowcls of
Promotes Digcstion.Cheerfur
ncss and nest.Contains neillter
Opium.Morphiue nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic .
fimiJan Scat'
HSitpSrrd -CttKtfud&iggr
hSttnyrern rJmvr.
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa
Tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish
ness ami Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature or
new' yohic.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
B. F. Pike is down from Moro.
J. V. Minto arrived in the city
official business tcday.
Wm. Henry, Sbaniko's druggist, spent
yesterday in the city.
Miss Nellio Roberts left on Una morn
ning's boat for Portland.
O. D. Taylor wn" a "homing" passenger
on Saturday night's train.
A. R. Thompson returned today from
a few days' stay in Portland.
Emil Hachler, of Wapinitia, is among
the few farmeis in tho city today.
Mrs. Olivia Morgan left for a shoit
trip to Portland on the noon train.
Miss Hilda Beck returned .Saturduy
night after a week's visit with fiiends in
A. McAdam enmedown from Shaniko
and spent Sunday in tlie city, returning
at noon.
Fred N. Wallace, Antelope's post
master, spent yesterday in tho city, ie
turniim in?t niulit.
Pacific coast nnd is creatly pleased with
nr state. They will return to Portland
Fur Kent,
A five-room cottage on Alvoul street,
with bath room and patent closet, at $10
n month. Apply to Levi Chrisman. 23tf
Clark A Falk'a drug strc' U new,,
fresh and complete.
One Minn!" U-mgh Cure i tie only
harmles leinedy that produces im
mediate results. Try it.
OI st r ke & Full; V fuvorifii: i struct.- are
the L)e,ft. Ask vour croeer for them.
Winnecl: caine
for a
coming on to this city Saturday, where upon tlin name or nntiiio ot tho insect
Deputy Shoriir Sexton, Mnishit't Hughes which has put in un appearance In
and Nlghtwatchmaii Like were laying i various localities in this county. In
for him. Like succeeded in nabbing him
nnd he is now In the comity j.iil. Oflicers
mo here to take him back to Cascades,
but the fellow is at present ulllicted with
i what in slum is known as "d. ts" mid
thiti Instance tint grain did not appear
to ho injured, yet it seems hardly pos
sible for n Held to escape damngo where
so many of the bugs have established u
habitation. We have heard farmers
when their daughter, Vesta, was united i unable to be taken. Murphy is an olil
in innrriage w ith I). I). Wilder. Rev. U. soldiei and n man about -10 years of age.
F. Hawk performed tho ceremony, after i As soon as he iccoveis lie will be taken
which a splendid wedding dinner was
rved. Both of the contracting parties
have resided in Tho Dalles for several
years, the groom being engaged in
photography and having many friends
here, while the bride is a young lady of
splendid character and well thought of
in the community.
Representative Moody, accompanied
by Professor J. F, Neil", principal of
our public schools, left today to be
present at the competitive examination
to be held there today of candidates (or
appointment to cadetship in the United
Pi ineville Friilnv and loft
liiic-iuesii trip to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. IX D. Wilder were pas
scnger on the noon train yesteid.ty on
a wedding tiip to Portland.
Mts-i Iless French lufr. todty for Port
land, and tomorrow will j tin her parents
at their cuttago at llwacn tiu.ich.
Misa Olg.i Hewitt, of Albany
spent the pust ten iIuvh with
Schmidt and relumed home today.
Misa Nell Davenport lias laid nside
her duties in A. M. Williams' stoic, and
will spend her vacation at iier homo at
Miss Frankie Payne leu beo i tlin
giiudt of Mrs. D. V. Poling for the past
ten days and returned to lutr home in
Albany today.
After spending two weeks with the
family of K. L. .Smith at Hood River.
Miss Virginia Mardeu returned home
Saturday night.
Mrs. M. K. Collins has returned from
a four inoiitns visit to Illinois, when- flic
was called on account of the illness of
her daughter.
Rev. U. F. Hawk accompanied til
funeral party to Wind river, u mI w 1
conduct the survio ovjr the leiniiii o
Miss Ciertrnde Ciow.
II. M. tdeu. W. C. Martin. A W.
Mackenzie and L. 0, DohU are anioni;
the traveling men who arrived at the
Umatilla House from Portland tudnv,
Mrs. George Herbert iind chililien
came down Friday from Antelope, where
they have been visiting Mrs. lferleil'n
patents, and lull last night tor their
home ul Cornucopia,
CI rant Mays returned home Satuiday
(leny that the insect is the real Kistern
neseian ny, yet menu same gentlemen , Ilil,lti mVjim ypent u week at Poillaud,
, have been unable to naiiio the rest. ' Astoria anil the. seaside, (limit t-uts
... .... . . I l tyt .. ... i .
theie for trial. t" tblllg IS Sftru, tlie llllillltesinml III- nearly evury ioung on i.nutop neaen is
a vv m , ... "el l'e in nbuudauce, and time j (U)U" "" weather is dolighllul.
. c- ... .... 1 alone will tell whether its presence has Jude Hunnwti urrlveilliome from the
i,ulluiul,j,mnuUimi 10 KiuiBas City t! jii veil I luii
death of the PJ-year-old son of Win.! ry tu " r'iiu or "W a for, w ,M,IHi.
.. . ..... 1 veniiiirl i iineti. II 1.1 ..
I'icciee, iniinnger oi tlie uregon i.utnijer : uryun oiionii o uw
Company at that place. The young man ' i!mc, iivtuiuuiiu )iiiui
wan running the donkey engine and lialdwin's sparkling ell'urvescunt
. noon I'mIuv.
leu behind a
as till) Slllelll ol
..Hi,. 1 t
lescent (Jnl-Vy
ll'ective 1:11101
Aj-ix Major, but genial and expau
sloulst iirauil
hoisting logs up from the river, when ery Soda. A harmless and effective
by some means lie was caught In a wire ! for headuche, nervousness, sleeplessness,
cable nnd before lie could be i-xtricated ' " 'align. 10 and 25 cents. Hold
was dreadfully cut up, one leg being j1 O'arku & Falk, drugglets. jan'-M-Ow
entirely severed from the body, the To uur coia m ou. iy.
other .broken nml an arm broken, be- Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
sides other serious bruises. He was lets. All druggists refund the money,
gleam uf suushii
7.r !. '
smiie siiowmi nae a
all round the edces
of it.
Chris Schwahe, forineily of the Cuito.s'.
ici.u force, but now of tim Irwin-lloilHiu
Co., of I'oi tin m! . came up from that cliv
Saturday to spend a few days with l
mothei and sister. He is uccoiuimu ed
by his friend, Mr. Henry tiiolue, of
Chicago, who is pinking a visit to the
m i
Tho only store ir
this city where th
Qenulue Imported
Ware i3 sold,
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
u dozen piecesof so
called cheap euani
cled ware.
Other wares look
ino has tho name
Struusky Stool
Waro on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First pri7.o at 1C
International Exhi
liitions lligliont
award at Worlds
Columbian Exlnbi
tion, Chicago Pie.
f erred by tho best
certified to by the
most famous chem
iats for purity und
durability it rs
clieapest becauso
Remember this
celebrated onnin
oledwaro is special
ly imported for and
hold in this city ex
clusively by us
It does not rust
nor nbaorb grease,
does not discolot
nor catch inside. i
fruits or
will boil,
stew, i oast
and hake
w i t h i) u t
liny or of
o o o 1; t tl
food mid
will last
for years.
Wo can.
Hon the