.... . . I I .. V V V - - - 4 I ine uanes uauy unpuuiuc.:tin)C wllcnltflgliml,ntll05C cvollts, "JULY 0, 1900 MONDAY For l'telilrnt WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or ntiio. Fur Vlce-rroliient THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of New York. CLEKGYME.U FOll EXl'AXSIOS. The opponent expansion are , . ., . , ,,, assuming that the conscience of nation is against retention of tbc j milippincs: mat iuo wnuie course. of President McKinley's ud minis tration on that question is dictated by sordid commercialism. Thus the j Kansas City platform assert tuat; 1 1 . t - .1 . - nnmmnrninlittt TT-llinl. I tuu yieeu -JUIUIU--I ciiincuj in-u i dictates the Philippine policy of the j republican administration attempts ' to justify it with the plea that it will j pay;" and Carl Scburz exclaims,; "Whv don't thev dare to discuss the! moral aspect of the imperialistic policy if they feel themselves in the right?" If it were true that the moral sense of the supporters of expansion had been strangled bv their creed j forcommerce.it would follow lhatj' the pulpit would hp thunderin" against it, says the Review. It is ( not, and an extensive canvass just 1 made by the 2sev York Herald shows that a larce maioritv of the ministers ' , , . who were consulted were for expan- ,, ... , SlOn. ThrOUCb ItS correspondents, I - ' I lue lieraut suumuied uie ques tinn tr Pifn- mon in nf fi f tion to hft men. in each or ht-jL.i Innn lnrna f.iflnc Inn mm, in nonll nf " ue ijtuupi iiamen, uuuk '""i ; clergymen, lawyers, ptiysieians, ana laboring men. One hundred and sixteen clergymen were interviewed. Thirty two were opposed to expan sion, sixty were for it, and twenty four (chiefly Roman Catholic) were non committal. Clergymen were in terviewed in Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Galves ton, Memphis. Milwaukee, New Or leans, Xew York, Philadelphia, San ! Francisco, Savannah, St. Loujs, a id St. Paul, reflecting the moral view of the question in every section of the Union. Al told the Herald obtained the VICWS OI i'b persons: S'J-i were lOr : expansion, 330 were opposed, and ' CO were non-coiumlttnl. Of tbe : business men, (J i were for and CI against; lawvers, ;Vi for, 7S against: f ' c , physicians. 4 lor, AS against; clcr- gy, GO for, '62 azainst; and labonnr: nJ ' - ' - n t r ... . . i i men, o4 ior nno 1 1 1 against. Ap. ; parently, tlie laboring men of the j country arc Strong against expansion, 1 r .i: ,., i. brought in conflict with the ClieftUi. Inhrtr r,r Min iclnnnj nnrl niiltnrantll' ! . . . , 1 , lusiui; si-jui ui uie iuci. tuai at iiita , moment the Phiiippinoes are'frce to enter the United States, an always , have been, as also nic the tecmine . millions of India. But they don't 1 come. However, the opposition ot ,. . , , , the work.ngmen based on grounds , of expediency. It is when the clcr-, gymon are consulted that we obtain pspsia Cure be thanked." This prepara the opinions based on moral "rounds!1'0" will digest what you eat. It iti3tantly and the sentiment is strong for ,bc : retention of the islands. The three most important declara-! tions of the republican national plat- form to the people of Oregon and the Pacific coast are these : I ) "We j renew our faith in the policy of pro- i tectlOIl to American labor: CM 'l'he i , ' I former place nmong the trade-carry. . , . . in" Heels of the woild and f:: '-Wp llle lltt-is oi tut HOIIU, and y) e lavor tlie construction, OWnerSU I), , control, and protection of an isth-1 ruian canal by the government of the Untied States." The miifortune suffered by tfce United States' crack battle-ship, the Oregon, will give sorrow to the nnnntrv T iniirnne Imlf wax- i COUntrj. JtSJOlimej hallway around the world durinr? the Snaniah war nil "-0 ---- t . iU service in tbe battle of Santiago I l.ao nivnn ii i,fAm!.,ni inn :n Has given it a prominent place in j nuiiouai tieiense ai d naval ei iciency . 11101 "u iirW)I w" oeiore .. rrtsoy, w ""v,, .1. ..r.,.,?, .. V.. , " ifistiieiaicbiuiBcovereuaiBesTr . ,. 'ifniiMl Smtt Coinmi. oner, at (ioldendale, a? suardla i of the irKiut and -.wate ( f U-im nntandtonlc No other nrenarat Ion of this country, moreover, supply a . on July "S5.S h oXi! ! Kroaciiit In eEnTt'in" compelling reason for legislation j w,l0 indu ,h" irctio.i w3 it M W&'MuV&Z g&S'TndiSffi which will enable us to recover our JttflTh &?inPw" History, rrouauij Ibe most effective war vessel possess- j nri in nnv I'timiL m niv; ut" oil bv any I! , The United States lias several ves-j f tlio tvne of tho Orcuon, mul ! nf nn mnri minion some of tlietn are more modern in ' their design or equipment. We1 liuve no ship, however, which has a ( ' 1 it.--. .In ntnniv , will w ti cause . J 5,"Ceie rCf et aH " " There is a chance that the Oregon wiU 5l5 be ablc t0 tlo cood work in lhe war , C1na if U.c services of ' . ....,. ., ncc(1 , 'anv Amc v. t ii . i . . - - - , 1 ed. Globe Democrat. Admiral Dewey says he would not , accept the second place on the Kao- , . . . . I . IT., mill xt .vln1 ,t ' gc; -jiy iiCKei. lie .iu u-j -iuii .m.. j t0 have first place when he reads thej platform BUSINESS LOCALS. A full line of Eastmnn films and Eup- plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Floral lotion will cure wind chap Floral lotion will cure wind chapping ! and snnburn. Manufactured by Clarke plb L ... Paint your house with paints that are ! fully puaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk , have them jfasnl Catarrh quickly yields to treat- ' ment by Ely b Cream uoim. wmcc is agree- 1 nmmntiV It is received tbrouGU uie nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole but- ! face over which it amuses uscir. uruggihis )T "TX TlrSSO evii www. w ) - y 1 cents. Test it and you are sure to continue j di-' treatment. , .uinouuceiucm. .' Xo acconnuodnte those who are partial i fi.p w nf atomizers in nmiirinc liouius W Uie use OI atoniers in WW mto tho nasal passages lor catarrhal, troit. , out, tlie proprietors prepare (.ream ajiuiuju ' liquid form, which will bo known as Ely's Cre Balm Trice including the 1 ., Kunilc Tlrnf'CIRtR nr hv '"I' - . - J1 "'.6."' r.7,:" ,J 1 Yi.mi ' in tnnif tnrrn pmoouies uie ejeu- , 5cina! propcrtieS of the solid preparauon. , " m , It Save il 111- Lee P. A. suffered Danforth, of LnGrande, Ga., intensely for sis months with a frightful running sore on h hi leg, but , I Arnic.l aalve, writes that Uucklen's l.nH,. r.l ii in ton riva. F,ir TTWr?. ' Wounds, Burns, Boll?, Pain or Piles it't ! the best salve in the world. Cure imar-' anteed. Only 25c. Sold by Blakeley & ; Houghton druggists. t . J , Children for Adoption, . , , Twin girl babT'S o montnsold; one t.l i.oi... 1 ..,n..H, f,i,l o V(V,.C . 1 fc"' ' h one boy 1 vear: one bov 2 vears; one , " , . ' - V ,t , i boy 9 years. Anuly to I. F. Tohey, cnnp-inlHndi'nt Children' Home -"oci-1 supe.ltitendtni iuuuren e nonie oli 1 civ. The superintendent wili be in The .. , . .,, . . . Dalles tais week and will receive written nrmlli'Ttinns nt this office. . For tha ,nnnieM.JD, wisnt in ice in Uie afternoons, th? Statjelman ! Ice Co. will twrry a stock at their store, ?-'er Third and Wasbin?ton strceu. iPhone No. 10 ; lone distance ls3. j "Kiur 'em up." ISm-tf ' 7. . 1 alien t p. ' At ,v D. Pt,liard5 .,ia,e neflt Fairfield. Thursdav mominir Jnlv 5:b. a brown Saddle horse, we:ent about lOoO Ids., !;, tu-n urlnlo iiinil fi'Kt! utar in fnre- I. V, nil nitml it. cmlfl! nti , . i i t . 1 h,P. Un. ner tan, nave same Dj prom. property and paying all charges, v.. 1). Uicii.u:d-, JnhT'ltw Da,les- A trer.tlemi'.n recently cured of dys P-Tsi uave the followinu approprate l" of I5u,rns' ,famou; b,"JnB: "ftome have meat and car:nat eat, and . gom, u none thM want il; bnt have meat and we can eat, Kodol Dye- and radically cures :ndiKeet.on and all stomach disorders. Wuntvil, IuiiutMllatfly, yood harnese maker. Apply to A H. Krause, of Wneco, Or j'J-tf. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. 1,a:u Ot ri' r. at Vji.vi.ocvek. Wash ,i Jlav 17. VM. I lite le hereby given that the followinRj namt-il oettler ha riled uolice of hi intention to mate finul iirrof iu U)iirt of hit claim, nd iieiminestb( foiiuwiuwituftiitolrovebis eontiiiiioin midene.-uiKin, and cultivation ol uidland viz: "J?X"rt a. "iroutht. rhri K. Franien. Will Inni (iamer, John Kate, nil of I.yle I'. 0 vatjliiBlOTl. W. K. HUNIIAK. niaj2;i lie-b-hter. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. -. . -. .Sollcv l hereby clveu that the umler.iKnert , h been duly appoh ted by the eouniy court, of the tte of Orejton, executor of the lat will and iwUDient of hyaline Kvaun, deceased. ill .msms iiHi'liif idnirn ttvuitiut flirt Saturn All K-rons havluir claims aainst the estate : ; o( the .ld K valine hvam are hereby riulrei oiinciMO bvaiine r.vani are nereoy reiui to present the atne to him, prooerly veMtied H"' VWM' wU"1" ijji'ii mi iiuiii nit; unw ijci cui, trtthiuMhd.yofJanc. ExecuUir of the last will ud testament Of I hvaiinehaiii,deed. jumcu CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature af purine last May an infant child of our ..I !... -in r-ittV.iWMin trty f linloTH 111 tantnin. The doctors hail pivun up all hones of recoverv. I took n bottle of Ch.,bc,l.ln'. Colic, Cholera and Dinr- rnoea Rt.metjv to the bruise, ti-llins them i t fUre it would do eood if used ac- cording lo directions. In two days time the child bad fully recovered, n.t. child is now vicorons nnd healthy. I hnve ri- 1 commended this remedy frequently nnd "- 1 "ZUCt , , & Honclnon. j i a t"Y CC i. P-A1J im iJ-J. JlllHwLlll X iUUlUli . It is amonp the most difficr.lt prob lems of natural science for one to heconie expert in several lines. J. E. Adeox it ! (Jo., oy tlieir cumumauon, nnve over rhia ilirtipiiltv in : nrao.tieal man- ne, J.E. Adcoxis an expert watch- J maker and is puod on jewelry, optical 1 'work nnd enpravinc, while Theo. H.I, 1 Liebe is an expert optician and is good 1 on watcn repairinu, jewelrv 'work and j encravinp. Their price is ae low as enn- j I Bistuul wun gonu worcmanMiip. iiify; ' are nreuared to do all work in th ir several lines, on short notice. Wots! ,kiii u uj.i w. ... .prompt aiieiiuon. Watch.'' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1 1 usb Orncc at Vakcovveu. Wush.,i ' J s hcreby HvcnUint 'thefniiowiiiR-' I uauicu settlers have aiinl nollee of their liiten-: l tiun to make finni jirnof in support of their J s cuwa ana io wun pdoh kui i nmm.' wmrr B i,bv. I nittl Slates Commissioner tor Piatril,. of washJnRt .n. at hi5 otSiee in UoWcn- i (iaiCl a.h., iionuay. jui.v y, viz Hcnrj Y. ucl.i l, noneste. entry No. WIS, for the SK4 of See. 'j Tri. 2 X . R 14 E. W. M. Who ZiaineS the follow- Int. '!!,. tn , rove hi. eonti.iunus resilience i r. .. '. :;7 ... r. , uion nua cultivation 01 aia lanu. viz. Manuel Leonardo. William M. Mullitmn. John .. 1 T ... ,1'ttll..... t ,t..,ll I Mullipin, Francis I.. Bunnell, nil of Ccntervlllo ! P. O., Washington. Fraud I.. Ulilili'll. j Hometcad Entry No. 50 !3, for the fractional rnameS"heSfoil tiuuous residence upon ana cultivation 01 sat land, viz. Jlnnuc! Leonardo, William 31. MulIlRin. John N"!!!?1'.11.. lleury Yesckcl. all of Centerville J'. O.. Wu'hinEtoi;. raay-H W. K. nt'NR.VU. Ilepister. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby uiven that the j-artnerslili heretofore csisslnc hctv.een K. 11. liufur and Frank Menrfee, nt The Dalles, OreKon. under tne nrui name ana iiyie ni uuiur .v jieneiee, is thi d Uisn'vtd by mutual conent, K. li. Iiiifurretirinir fiom said tirni. All unlinUhfd casw jn which s.ild ftrm is interesttd ins nt turners, will be attended to and coinjilcttil by i both p-irtners the same as though no dissolution , una occurred. ' Frank Meuefee will retain the books nnd ae-! 0OUIlls o tbe firm, mid will va all dehti. anil1 claims against suid lirm.nnd nil txirtie- indebted j to the firm of Duiur i Menefee nre renucateil to' w..tie the nme with him nt mi early date. i . imteri a: 1 nc uuihn, ukkoii, i illsl any oi i July. 1-.J. h. II lilH lt, I jly 7-w FKA.NK JIKNEFKE. SUMMONS. ' is THE nncuiT lol-kt of THE STATK 1 i of Oreson, for Wasco County. , Mrs. Kcte linaiings, riaiutitr, ! ?., ., A . 1 ! 'IV,n' M- ' To Donald 31. Hosting, the above-natne.1 lie- lendai.t: lu the Name of the State of Oregon. Vou ntc ' hereby required to npiwur end m nucr tiieiv tit'ed suit on or before the ls-h day of July. l'.'.O. .and m )"uunoi,i w " t lone itiflenu nt quaUssX von Mid v. ill aimly to ihd nmlrf fur lln mi 1 lilf Tiril fl fur '.t' Ih'T fAT iilaint, to-wit lor a tk-ciw nf dlvoivi from y I. ....t..l nr. .n n.t I I.H.. ,!, bj.ordcrf,he court, made on the 5th day of June, l'.uj, which said order diri-cts that this. i 5iimraoi's li... served ujrfin ji.u by piibllcatlou ' thereof larslxeonseeu'ivewe-kii in In:: Iiali.f , i:kkly C'iiboniclk, n newsiMK-r published in said Yuco county: that the first inibhr itlon : be made on thefithday of June. l'Xu, and that he defendant be re)iiirt,l to apKur mid answer -J vttTX'oi m, mm m(Jn, is June o, v.v. Atiiffift ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice ii hereby alven that the uudersiencd. . by an order of the Countv Court of the htnte of 1 Orezon lor Waveo C'ouuly, lim. leen uiiiiol ted t i Hainiiusiraior 01 tne ejiuie in iieici iirauioiu, i i rieceane-1. All k:!(i!is having i:llmt. iivalnst 1 the estate of said decease-d are tilled to nto eut thun, with the i.roKr vouchem, to me at , Hood liiver. oreKri, within tlx mouths iroin the aat; of this notice. Dated Jiay IS, l'.O). ! I'CTKAM F. liKAnfOKD. i Adrnintttiator of the t.nnte u( Helen iirnd ;L ' ford. Dei't-aatU. ltd G-nardian's Sale. Notice It, hereby jjlven lliat pursuant to a 11- ch(n hand, nil of the tnutot of wild minora in mid to tfii. reiil moK.rty heiclinitter de- ,ei bed, m din crent uIuk u contlni; iit two- ' eveiuh interest In and to the oi ; tlm felj'i. ine titU ot me mm M..omi im i in - u.iiuii Lot 1 and '.'of see. I., mid that c-rtain luircul of laud bounded n (olluwe: L'omiiieucliiK nt a , stake on the north line of the Victor 1 rovitt Donation l-iind Claim, where It enhcJi u ditch; , thence in a southerly diitction in.tovs the bot torn on tho line of tho preneiit fence Hi rod; ' Uibui-c weit hj rod llii-ncu ntthwe-t Mi rodn. 'thence atonK mild llneK) Jrod. to the ilee of ! Iflritilnf . tx'lni h .rt lif IliH Viritnr Tri,ellt i,nutiou iMU( claim, in hte. II, all wild lands 1,, j i ,,. i ; k 13 K, W. M. AUo u like in teret in and to Uit la, and l?j feet oil' tt.o wint ,de o Ixit 11 in block 0 of Uuiililiirit Iiluir Ad- ..ui . . ii.it... ji.. . altion to Hallo. City, 'lr. iy. 1IOMKK W, ilOOIli:. guardian. . F. MC0KE. JOHN OA VIM MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOUNKYB AT I. AW ' Itooms 3-J nnd iO, over V. S, hand Ofllce. : Complete of Dras at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUCC1ST. 53333- fJ C. F- Stephens .Dealer in. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes, lint., ( nys. Notions. Ast. for V I. DotiKlr.!. ."hiH: Telephon1 No. SS. 134 Second St., The Dalles. Or. J Just "What You cuant. New ideat in Wall Paper here. Such .vide varietv as we are showing never be- tre graced a Biiigle stock. Ileal iuiita- tion creton effecte at ordinary prices, Good papeiB at cheap paper pricee. ' Eleyant desiu'ns, tacteful colorinirs, yours! for r. small price, at our store on Third e. ., ' (l, ,. , nf . nfl ,,. uw.ww w. .... T-k ttt TT a TTGK71 rpts 5-,rl C!- Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and olds itfature in Btreriirthenlne and recon. BtrUCtinff tlie exhausted digestive or- SIckHeadacbe.Gastralg a Cramps, and , ,erreaiti, of i mn? rf p ot rtl oUiinn vioiiier rrauiuiur impurieciaiResilorj. t "reoord by C. C, OeWK. Co.. Cblcogo- IC (IK1HKN1MIKPKKK Physician aud Surgeon, dfeclal attention (,'iven lo surgery. itooms 'i and Tel. as Vont Block F71KE1). W. WIUUN. i AinOKNKV-AT LAW, TI1K DAl.l.KH, OI'. Ed O.N lilifuovei Pint Nat. li'UiH. B B HUKTINQTOX H H ,MUK)H HUNT1N0TON WIIiWN, ATrOKNKYH AT LAW, , THK IJAUJiU, 0 2U0.S OJice over First Nt, Buk 3 f i rr a n i s It?.' -A1' -wv m 4 tin: 1 UREASE - 1 , H hclj the team. Saves weir and B ' expense. Suld every where, j M'liriluU' witlnmt )P' Str. RcKiilator. Ship your Freight via Kegiilator Line. ' K IIOWN. J I. . IMlll k lit 7 A. M. III'. l.v. 1'ortl.iml nt 7 A. . Mnmliiy Wtiliininny . . Krliluy Arr. HhIIw nt 6 lv u. S, TluifMUy Snturiln)' . Air. i milium , at r. x. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ?' Trnvpl liv the .tlnmer nt the Ucuutiitnr I.llic. K" Tr'" 01 1 J ,a ronV the U-t n'ivU-e i.ossllile. J, r.irlliitirt Olllcc, Onk Street Dock. W. L.V.T-1 ti.irt.Ti.vx.vj.va.irjTT Grandall DEA1.EHS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS tf EMBALMERS Tho Dalles. Or. I t Funeral Supplies C. S. Smith, Till. ijp-to-date(iroeer:? Fresh Kgge and Creamery Butter n specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. We Put.., evorv bit of twenty years experience and (.lrui knowledce with every J'rcscription that's coni)ounded here. Is it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? -A.-k your physician ' if we are reliable. BLflKELEY & ID6HT0I, Keliable Prescriplionists p. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & LaneUiu. 'Phone 1ST OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE. J. B. Crossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ; ritANBACTA K.VKKAI. BANKING BUt'lNKtf Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States, Sight Exchange and Teletrrapbit Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore iron, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on far orable terms. I REGULATOR LINE. : DALLES, IWLAKD k ASTOKLV NAY. COMPANY J siti-niniTH ol tin- llrttulntor Une will run rh pot thu fnl- 'i t.w.iiK M'luiiulo, tlie Cnmi'Hiiy rcorvliiR tin; rlglit to elmiiKc'3 iintlrc. Str. Dalles City. " 'fr. j 1a . l'ortliuiil J at 7.111 a. M. Titoilny . Tlmrxlny ,! Suturilny Arr. Dullm Ht 5 1', M.,5 . DOWN l.v. Dulles nt ; a. t. Momlny VnlHl"llll'.. . I'rldiiy Arr. rortliinil nt -I :;so r. m. The Cntiiaiiy will enJeiiynr tn give it j.iit Kor further liiloriniitliiii iiddress C. ALLAVVAY, Gen. AKt. v-ti3r.i Tin tL 1 & Burget Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. 1 L. Lane, KNHtAI, BUDilil j p. 5- F rr I .AND. r Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. le ss Thirdlaud Jeflcr'nn, Plioue:i59 r ..CHAS. PPM.. Buteheps and Fapmers ..Exchange.. Keei 011 tlrnuBlit the celebrated COM'MMA UKUli, iiefclio: iiiKtd the m bier in The Dr-Ioh, nt the uual irice. (-'nine in, try it nnd be rouvtueed. Also tlie Finivt brandi of Wines, LJ ,uor lilill I ilTHtS. Sandrjuiehes i J. H, Scnr.Si c. i'renideitt. H. M llr-Alf,, i:i:nl)lei First National Baok. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking BuBinene traneactt d DopoBit8 received, tubject to b'iidit Draft or Check. Collectlonfl uiodi r.nd proeeede nromptly remitted on dav of collection. f$t:a 1 land. ; rg. jno. b. Bcumr. . LO. M. 1LLIA.YU, GHO. A. LlitBK. ' l J v. H. M. Bkau.. Tfie CoiuirtDia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF .MANUFACTtIKKK OK Fine Lard and Sausages i Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIF.D BEEF. ETC. jfj. STURDEVANT, Dentist. OMcauter French t fo.'n Hank 1'l.one 6, THK DALLEtS, OKWi0' jjlt. K. K. VKItCit'NON, Pliysieian and Surgeon, ODIce, Vottt l(K7k (over I'ontolUcc), JOauluio-aw THE OAI.LKE, OltE''S'' Horsesnoe s