THE COST OK ACAliLK. Pi&as for One Across the Pacific Beset with Difficulties. It itrrnt Li-nulli nil C ut lit rnl-aldj- Deter (pllnllsl friwn I'n.lprtnMtie flic l,nlnc In vitxr of the mtnt c i Atlantic cable wbiVh h- reti a to nhk i.)rk1 t-very tv.. alnc the first :c'sfl rhi i il stands to rvwon. says $':giu,nt. tbat tht drffir " -Uj :lie Pacific t-e-lor tbe . i . . .-f itlClK fd : . ;e 1'; up , ; . . ut ( ; - -: -tewd s -it, i'a. -ibf .. f !.:. .: iat. . i Tin . - i.- . Pi ; ai--. N a.ut.f a" IVC'.:.' ' t , .. m :. - f. I't ! 1.. E. SPRING HUMORS Complete External and Internal Treatment $1.25 EeJi m mm rof. Vast Mart tap. i -all Ul . lHr . r. 1 1 Worth, Omaha, Knii m. City. Iswit Cateartt and Lat- Is- Itr 11 ! tli. The Jial. ' tntHa naii the liw..'!' j in i ail t2.?Cv,'j;!.i, and Ik c. u ;. nance, intiutimr two rrpmri: -jtud of rtperatinr expetam, at at year. It Is not considered that a - . cable -will be rufScient tt. ini--.r t mancBt cormuunicfttion. av., -avhcsie for a Pacific cable wu- t,. vide eientualij for (luplic&ie -. . throughout the entire ron le. s . . i the tot nl capital cost of a tbr reliable and efficient 1'acific ch'', !; s tern may lie put down at appruxim; Ijr S26.lOO.r!0. which would im": ! two repairing ships, a rra':.;. quantity of .spare cable, and 'in equipment of operating stations : ' ihe rarioui landing point:. One of the essential feature.'- of ; .-submarine cable is the speed of sil Tialinr'. In opera tint: lontr cables- vert delicate instruraents are requin-d. nti the currents arrivinjr at the rec eud are very feeble in comi with thoe employed in land-line sig naling. The longer the cable, na'- j tirallj' the feebler the impulses ar- j rivfag- at the recei' in? end. A short coble, a cable of under 1.000 miles be- in -nnerally considered a short cable, j irive.s a S)eed of signal'ini,' amply smV'- , ient for all purposes, with a con- j luetor weighin" about ICO pouuds to roe mile, surrounded by an insulntin? nvelope of jiitta pereha 'weitrhinr I about an equal amount. When we ' mi! to a cable of about twice tins length It is found necessary, in or der to rret a practically unlimited speed, that in. a speed a- liih as the roost expert operator can read at. to mp!oy a core of 650 jkmiikIs of cop per to the tnile, insulated with -Jot-pounds of utta pereha to the mile. These are the proportions of copper and gutta pereha in the 1M4 An;lo American Atlantic cable, which is considered th, record Atlantic 'raid for speed of working, ami has bec:t worked, by automatic transmission ut the rate of some 45-words a :nin--ti te. !Fhy type of cable proposed for ilie Yanoouw-Fanninfr section of th 3!ritish l'aciflc cable, ak designed h Lord Kelvin, if. to have a, core of ;ounds of copper, and :v pounds I gntta pereha to the mile, and it. calculated to give a speed of 12 words per minute over a length of miles. It is not considered safe to adopt a very much beatier core Usui, ihls, for the reason that the weiifht f the eoroplf e cable with a core thu ahould weirh more than about 1ml' a ton to the nautical mile world u great that picking it up for rep.V from a depth of X0O0 fatlioms Im an extremely difficult and huxar ! tint operation. The establishment of toleprajil.i eonimunleation results in ue,w ul doling buMincss and onans up t- aenum of profltable endeavor. Ti. rfdcs(re current, like that set . iSB'a't' OT by the presidei.t i,i u. jlwltion. sots in motion a vur.eM iflf waoliinary that before 1 do, KiaoU The trade to the Pjicifw looking up, and lot r enferp; i.-ii.i Ainerieaus are busily engaged tti loos g up thnt trade. A trann-l'n' ;; able is not an absolute ftepwi' t, i -eauao eoromunlcation, corrctin, if e penaive and relatively idow, be ween America and the far east i u I ready had over the cxlstinf,' syhtem l.ut that Stiuli a cable would soon find n proiit ulile trallie is not to be que.-tinned by those who are at all fatnilmr with the rising volume of trade between the far cast and America. And be it re- niotnbured that to-day ovory cou-iiner-eiai transaction Imtwuon two point separated by the heu, like this nrtiole, iMjginK and untls with a cable. WasooWer ; Allan tie Klts i I Ja. m. VU llsnt VTartlt, Onabs. Ku w City. t Uui, Cbicsco tot tat ?tVane Wall WitlU, --w Matt . ttuiftearotta. t I' I tt l O. M ConiUtinc of CLTICIRA SOAP 25c, , to clen the skin ol crusts and .icales ni olten the thickened cuti cle, CUTICURA OlvnENT 50c , tn Injtsntlv allay Itchlnp Irrltstion, and InfUmmation and soothe and heal, and CLTICURA RESOLVENT JCte to cool and cleanse the blood. A Is oiten ut(icicnt to cure the most torturinc, dislicurlnc skirt, scalp, and blooJ humors, rashes, luhlnjs, nnd Irritations, with loss ol hair, when the best phsicians and all other remedies fall. Sold throughout the world. POTTER DRL'Q AND CHEM. CORP., Sole Props., Boston. "How to Cure Baby rlumcrs," free. Kkfs n. m. Sun, ane. is. t fui. inlut h. JttlWBUVw. CaMwru and Ent. v. poVaneaEll Huntinc ton: 11. jKilnt" in Mhtnelon aud Kat era Ordu I'M Powlaxi. Otwan SMaoBMhlpA. For San Francisco Every Vjt-e Paw tt K K )'at Malt ! p la t t a. m spftkanc Mail and KxTrv ' a. tn t p. m. u. m. 4pm Friary! a1 Columbia Ttr. StaaaMtn. r.i.snndjtj To AstoSUa ane War Sattttdar Loading. 10p.BU Ha WiLLiXKTTa Kites. lX;i.a L.'.BUdajr Oratnc Cltl, New berg. Ex.oundaj iv u a; Lana WrMAKcrrs a Yaji- i: p m. Mon. .noil ' a. m. T - em Thar, mid. Rivaiw. tad tt. .Oftpaa City. Darton . ana Way-ljaKtrngs. v Riparia a.' m SKA.KJ! Kirs. Kinaria to Letsion. and F:u IjiAVE Lsnritrrnn da! I; ' eweO ompany TiTtjeo dculrtnc u ro to Ilept'.'.cr or t. .!,;- : i :un.M "-nuthwn via Kicrv. sbnuld Ui.- -S- .. leariuc The IMlles at I.'. lii p. rn ' cum ::r'i : ri:irections at Ileppner junrliou t i! hiez iti'MiroInc matiiicdirwtctitineranu ' ii' I i .ii m tie:, and llizvt witb. ,Ni. r. at I lie Iiai'.e- ut 12 p lu Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?n kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, s?mKl feei Headquarters fcr By ers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. I ir m... T.R't,cu.nrs ra!1 i: O K S- : Tu. i'K.'-.' iir addre"! ll V. hi p: r.T Ta Alt . I'..rtia-t t '). Nort era Fa tl Th; Pionr : R.nruf3i"ture'i exjiressly for famiiy use. eterv ?ek . tritaranteed to cive satisfaction. We set. ocr coo'Ie ,Trcr than iir,v ho:i-e .r. the trade, and if voa don't thine so Yellowstone Park Line. call ana pel -cr pr'e ar 1 V- fjnvinffd. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats THK 1'IMn-j i Alt Kit' It H:"M 1'uKTLAM' T'i Til K E.VT i Tilt ONLY l)IRt(T LINE TO Tilt YELLOW MONE l'AKK PIONEER BAKERY, U8!6Efcpt, Flftt aSilStl I have re-opened this- well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Pancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Picnec-r cer. 1 f!15 A. M i i Xo I. ' 1! . 1. ii I I So feat mail lor Tnooma, rtailtlc, Ol; Hipia. trar . tiniDor ana soutn iieuil tioinu, cp-itHtie, !'.os Uori, II. :.. I'ulluian, Moacow, Ijeviton, Unf. fnlollumpiiiliittir coun 1'. M. try, Hult'iia. Mtnueai lie, s(. l'aul, Omaha, Kaiin Ctiy, at Lui. Cblcago and all pciuU east and s-'ii'iii-ul. Hi, :,. I'ucet Bound Express for Taconia aud reatdc T,W A. M. and inturrotrtltaty )uiut CLEANLINESS be'u.' advocated by a!! parties regardless of rac, colur or pre-v:'0-e-ndi-ti of servitude. J; - si. "ii. l,r we make our custo mer? j!ad when thev buy ,r I'urc iVenared Paint-. TLure is a litiieh and iio?e tj Ur work tt.a: is admirel l j b!i. Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings B- cure and inspect our sIm k t! V: I'apcr Ies;;ii- f jr i't 'Jot. D.fct.'uv. Va-b:rij: r. between t. ! Tt. r!. H. GLENN & CO. t'uIlmsQ limtdurt and Imirift l.,rM., i., .Minneapolis -t. I'ul aud Miwouri rher tioinu : without ebanae. I Vsatiuultitt trains, t nioii depot rounectiou i in all priitcipa' eltius. Btu.'sai' cliteted to destluatinu of Uctt'U. i i'orbaiidMitnciy iUusiiBleddahurfptivemuUttr, i tick.eti', ttlecpinR cati reservBtlotla. eU;., call on or write j A. D. CHARLTON, ul I'anMiictr ACfii't. iV) ilorri turTI'ird l'i,rt!and Oregon. A'-in'Miit 'iei 'I. -irtei i i SOUTH and EAST via Mm Pacific Co. Shasta Route I Trunin e, e Tii- KullfS for I'ortfnt ! ui utuoin ut i i.i a. in. nnd :( p. rn. CONTL-T NOriCK. lne 1'ii.i.K". 'ii-... '!) is, pioji.) ..t fniiP : kAiiIh -It haw a been lilfcd !','. ii ',u-.- lcX4iidf' iaiit.tnut, .i,M-teaU eiitn No. ,7", nmdc Muv II ol i.v, see . ti, i i., rntine liiu. i. tt-., i .yu.t.-t t. 'i t' I e.rii!l 1 tiil.toatee. in vnieb it in l. .I'nl Ulll '1 V.rlfflt 1im Mhi.lU- arc MARf.'j jGSIGfIS ' rt-..;y. '1 HO U.-avt Portland " Albany f:tn .tl.iTBu 111 Arrhe Aslilaiil! li:Sluin " BVufanvmto b-M p m " km Kritpoftoo 7. 1 1 p hi Arrive OgrtoD " Daiiver " hHtttsUiljr " Cbluaco . . Scientific Hmnm. A bai.'l.'r. (.ly i!injtf : vooklr. lj,rKt nr-mla-.i'jr. - f i.i t wiai.Mi. journal. Turnn. U f lr- n.-'nUi. tl. roia 07 all r.awU-alcr. MUNN&Go.M-hBeiyVorfc lirancl tjfflta KSU V ! . Y.'biwi(on. II. I :,ioti.-I a.'l trui t. clmtiKwl bib rmMence i r-!roni lor iimi thnt. n.t iiiiinthn riaee rank- lit' -ma em" una M-xt nrmr to ohIh: anil i :t,t ;n. hM-i- of 'Ji-f'-ndant limn wild tract l I , n .rl'ii. to In- riiiplownont 111 tbe military ur I ;-; '' of tin ( niu-il ilMtes, mid iirtie 1 Arrive l-o AtiRulus i.r.-ntr.-by nonrttii loappcnr, iwpoiid BiifJuuer " Bl l'ao -id' -n-tr torn luiijf mi iillscntlon at W o'clock " ''art Worth . h. in on Jim. 30 l'jr.o beiitre tbe Krister nwl ! " OltyofMusleo hiiBiitr at tbt 1 I1H..-0 auiet. laud oii,.;1.i,, The) Honaton lit.! e, 'jitKon. o Kt,w 0loan fh' ''ti'ealaitt bavins, lu a proper Hlllda 1 " w'snbliitflou I Jit. f '! .Uy 1,, I ao. et forth faelk wlilrli rhow I " Kow York .. j that olt r (im- dlligenr-e iw.iihI wirvloe of tliln I I untie, iii, not !, mode, It Is lietobv orilorfd noil t , direeud tl,it hut. iiu'ii bo given by due- mid j prrpr Htion i ' A V I-. J.l t as, ItejiUter 6. IS a m UiUO a m 7"i5 it ui 7 . t'i a id 1 'A' p 11; II. . a in .. ft.i'i u 111 4.OI1 11 iii . (i 'i'i 11 it, C. I.' u 111 12 . I.I p 111 j, in 10 Jo p III 11 SUB III I , a in 1 3 in .1 1, it i' ' !' U III .' 111 1' a ;.i ' II II. 0 'to p III 1 II In V 1 ' tl 11 1 on u in ' .'.pin 1 ; u in .' 1.1 p n. 1 1 1 f (US to as f 4 The Dalles, Or a- I The Chronicle, Job Printers l ;.ilA-ArA'i1A.AT..1:A,4-.,..A.A.A, 1,A,A,A,AU-A.1-A.i ...C. J. STUBLING... I Wholesale and Retail Wines, : Liquors : and : Cigars Agency for tho Celebrated Yellowstone Whisky. Columbia : Brewery : Beer : on : Draught 173 Socond St. THE DALLES, Phono 234. OREGON. tTl' TjTlTtTtT i:fiTlTJT.I VtVXTt T.ITi 1 $1.00 per month. fctrictly firH :Ih9 local anJ lotit (Jietnnun teluptionu eyrvifo within your liotne. l.ineii lo not crofs-tiilk. Your con- . vermtion will le kept a eecret. No cost for installlnK. You iret tli tttiiiuJard Hunning Jnitr Dif-tiuit Instrument. Continunux duy and niglit ervii'.e. We will nrcept your contract for ten yewrn imd allow you to cancel eutne on irivint; us thirty daye writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATE8 TELEPHONE COS. V3afe RpffirP Vfill ' 'H'X' ""y oril"r'' for tomUlone or for UCIUIC JUU curblnp, foncini; or other ft'iiietery tturb, call on Low Comlnl. 1 w ill not only kivo you nil the iiif.jriiiation you need hut J will quote you prices you cannot bent anywhere. Let no ono hltifl you'. Jt will tai:o only n few minutes to call nnd n o me. If you lmvo u neiflihor who ever did budlneHH with inn coiinilt him us to the pri'u and .junlity of my work i ; nn-' nnUabidi. by tho leeult. ; : LOUlS LOmifll J) j -S 1,1 !:.,. , Noticn is hereby iriven that the uoutity ' IVlllrt fif U'M.nn iviiii.O. riM..,. I -.1..- . ., wuii.j , viuuii, uy urnur j Minnie tho L'nd day of July, 15)90, hu , Oi..-r.i chaiiifKl the name of John McCaran to i - Ji'hn C. K. I'airviow. ltd John-C. K. F.fuwtw it. o. 'J . SMITH, Osteopath. IUhiui !o mi't . , ' 'i.iioi.iaii li..,f l - Mill I I - .. - rullnmri nnd Tourist nam nti ,tn triilim (.biilr ear rwonitnuiiU) to tit'.ioii and i:i 'i,o nid tourtat (.-h to flilwigo, rii 1juln, .Sen or leaiia nnd Wuihlub'ton. toniiwilliig at Him CranoUoo with o.'il.,;,,',.I' 'Wllniuilulii, Japan, rhUlppliiea, Cuiitrnl nml houtlt Ainuriiu itevoial , 'lllllH, li.t. I in It illit, i.i i- I.' Freeh crueked Nubrafcka corn at the Vntti warehoiuo. Finest kind of chick,, fewK tncliia-u Clnrkti h Falk havu on .Bale a full line f paint mill artifct'o hrubhee. ! Up PI 1'itr Jtt'iit, A flve.rootn cottage on Alvoid Btreet, with bath room and patent closet, at $10 a month, Apply to Levi Chileman. Ji3tf fiubH'rlbc for The On 1:0x101;, Ofi f'OR A DOSE. Itm P, Prevent rs FILLS bee- ufcunt at The Imlle atutlun, or oddrih C H. MARKHAM, Oununil I'iihs. iigtr AKtnt, rorlliimj, Or T, BROWNHILL JUSTICK OF Till-' PHAflK. v... J,rT:Mil;:.'''',,C i,,'UIJ,Lt; ColIt!;t''"'' pro...,.ty attended .... ..iu uu.rnna.r'. j "w, iuc tuiit'B, wrepuu. OrUOCl 1NGWS I to Good Dressers.... viv,i 1 ,;xtu"(.1i'1 ,r;l'lt! i'.'viiaiion to all to inspect tho ram pice of ? tOm TuHorT TAJLOKING CO., ChicaKo' fauioue Cub- $ Suits to Measure, $8.75 up. Fit, vvorkiiiaimhin and entirti Batik'fiictton guarantt't'd. JOHN PASHEK, Merohant Tailor, Agent. t 35 si r 'i a; i m ft. i'