5fc 1 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY - JULY I'r l'tfMftt WILLIAM WKINLEY, Of OhU. Far Vler -lrMrnt-THEODORE ROOSEVELT, or f YwrV. PROSPERITY TALKS. Is tfac republican national plat- form adopted f:r vear aso it w Everr coasileratioc declarei that of pcblic safety aJ terest deraaadi that li eovraiiDi shall be re.-;2W f;oa the beads those -bo have -ho tbeaseives , Hat pt;Ui. iacapsbk cf easdactiae it Filboutis tb sl;?et nit iter therriil AUhemftT khm&d. the pa'Jtfr l!l;.i?ni.tt ..(oiiaio v, ?r trrtb nnw,a'od -OC-- nd DfOi- ..J.. , iri:v." &cb -2; iht repabikiS ; prolans id ??6. i w su, f.i. , , rfoabhciB nfcst-! Siled. Ibe fore 'er5 :o ;be reiicnijiOD ?f :'se ; jed-re i Bprom.J' 5 Oft sea- ersl icd sbacdis; tbia we hire evfr xsots. SO '-iplesdid Ui- a o phi in bu-iseii sad coanerc" .-,1 n' aad "n nn:crpta.-d r.co.u o. achitTeEfaL" Ail thiie esnieiiioai ! are jaitiaed. Tae Tacti ind firnre: ! sre before Ibe people. The reialu 1 Of preiperisv sad iocceiifnl covera-; nsen; ire as pUialv visible oa every band as were tbe iiai of buiiaesi decline and disireii that made tbe $.revKu; ausu:i.rat.t'ju a utlhvhj.ii niciitmsre. ' .. ... ... ..,.- j look back over tbe road by wbicb proipentr eare. Tbe democratic plaSIorta of 1595 ssierted that baii Des; TTocld coatiane lo decline nattl tbe ntnts were opened to free iilver ind a 3ood of iic dollar: pour ed oat. Tbe Chicago platforat wa; reafSraaed at Kaaia; Citv. old ratio! aa nautterible foolisbaeii oSered to , tbe voters of tbe United Mates a iec- r-irnl ti! Thpv- wi'! li c,it1 n dUffMlit what tbev iff- "id kno;- ' aiscrcait wnai tu sec aa Know, to dasb aside prosperity for roaje- j tbias nalried bot iecomnended to: be better, to t back tbe reia; of soverr.taeat iato tbe bands of tbe- . . , j 1 party of tacorapeteaee and calataity. When tbe human mind prefers deesv 5 to tbrtfr. idleDe-to activity, loss to advancement, anxiety to content- meat, debt to a sarplos, and misery 1 to aood times, it msv eoaseni to Uke tbe advice of tbe democratic party in ptejiriag for po'itrcal ac- t;r."t.:- 'H.n .,, , - tton this 3 ear. Jl.e grea.e.t pro.- perity tbe cocnlry bas ever seen will .6 .11 r.r.,--.h trr f hr. rt;?,- A statemeat made and ?tiil cn- o Aicencan; lo JOTeiiro sbinonerr dariDC tbe pasi uwiwiMe ear-, - lL ' - . A? aad that duria tbe next tweaty-five years i-3,00(','(-0.000 more will te paid if there is so ehaase ia our Ehippin? saws, fully jostiGed tbe platform demaad for remedial legis lation. ine-teBtllS Of Our fort'ba Carria2 trade is now doae bv for- . J - ' C'lgn SblpS. IblS means tbe navmect of i20',':'0,000 a year tD foreign sbipowae crrrvinir. for doiaa Americaa Ilrf Irr MfullK, Oks'-n!iox! ii.ade lo feat ihia jue5- uon showed that her cu .. u.t.t. ! " ! wiey. 3e- i tase tw.ee their eigbt is hone era! bee were cousrhi a tbev re- . turned to their hirea laden iih houi v . ..... ' ana, after neitir tb.-m in a ittle I lOX. tliey were carefotlr ueiehetl Hbeu the ueea trbloade'I iheif hone ! the; nere ajraiu vauht. pUwd m the . . t . . . . vmv ihja unu neivnni a A-i .rm t 1 m' (..,4,6( ...... 1 -1 - - ... , 1xie when laden weighed three fimet i a m'Jeh ixi when empty. It nut there- ; jore proteti thut a .e can earr.i twice it on, weifl.t in honey, ani tun fly tj P,n 'liKiaiifch uJtli that eiiriit. i.it.r i,i.a i j.nrjMirer. i Wanted, JiiiinrUlatt )y, A food harness-maker. Apply to Ii. hrauee, of Wafeo, Or. j2.tf. One Minute Congh Cure ii the only iifcrmleie remedy (bat producei im mediate teeulte. Try it. cUalleDiied at tbe Uepoblican Va- th proprietors prepare Cretralltka is. t! n by ttl, :;.J v;;u "y " hqaid ionn, "whieh 'sriil 1 fcaoTra as Ely's "f -'si. lti. u d - airecu t:.a! : . tioaal Coavtrilion in Pmlauelpbia, Liquid Cms: Baha. Iric isclnUa? the """"t' t rd .5- r. ; -j uy j'j.tt. that 54. ''00.000.000 bavj been nsid PTc toU Ij 73eeU. Drngisu or by I. SclV'T SaKi.tl'. 'i' "riii" B. -: tr: ': OUR CHURCHES Cbti'iua Seieoe wr-etia:: i- fsai.. . . . . . 1 . . K. Oi 1 . aU every ssaoay a.dt 11 orioet. Cilvary Baptist cfcarrh Kv. W. F. CTifto. ser. Ise-raJar rtei at II ' i. a. aad S p. m. Yoan; p4pie"s awMia? at T p. ns. -nndav jebco! t Id a. m. C-jnrreritVoail chorch Fifth tad Coart streets. Br. Polia?, pastor. Mccainy worship it li ; SoadUy fbXH .'at 1?:1: Joaio.- Eadeiror, 5 p. yocnj People's Soefeiy r p. m. No servic ia thi ev-?:;. Motaia? seb- j. "Lv" Chris: aad" tore.-- - - T T VI I ; aau k t--i .hureL-C Fifth tad Wiifciazton, Rev. IT. F. jl II a. m. As 5 p. sn. :i fpaafc on sb; sayitr this vsiU be s.ai !ile?i3. Frrf t? ; m n-. .;: iln-? t jv.. :Uw -V . - . . - !:! Jsaior L;ee as 3 j-. ra. r.p-; srosta l-sartst a; . p. 3. Jr are cwr- ;dwi!riarited ai! rery:ci. . Good a tUc Ben. -Yoc hare some 2a road?, 1 see, , , r .-re j.- rep-ated sae Pitts- ; Ksriner: I iboaM say sol Tby ; haven"-, better rtds Sn Rhode Isi..i 1 i.ftJ,rpSKsblir:.h Carotid TeJ- ' AVay ef the Ouner. Col. 3den-rowel!. we are sole, pre i noa-nces his same Bcydenpoie. H fct ; I can stand that, say; the Chicaro Trib j ' liCe, tivbooy tls Li s riht to ob . jft j rrlnv II I III Tltlrr. jadre IJae I not seen von tHie i 'nder tbe intluenc of liquor? Prisoner If iou were in that eoadi t ian. rou: Jojfr. voti nrubablv dW. Catholic StaiMlard and Tiroes. Iter FMnlt. Bob So yoe're waitiar cpoa Miss .Siowboy Jatety? Tom lAtrii ? I should tay f-o 'Ve never ret anynhere on time, Philadelphia Itulletin. litlou Arinv. . TLere wid be 3 farewel! iee cream i :tjrper at the ball 02 Satardav sicbt, Jolv Tta. Adit, aad Mr;. Nchoa snll Ibave their iast meetia? ia Tbe Dalle: SCacav nizbt, Jc.T h. Ail SriesCt are cofC!-!-v "".vised. Ai.t. elo. 2UolN-i2 LOCn-5. A foil lice of EtBu alas aad -.cp- P;ies 7 Cia-" Fa5t- Fiorai ioUon will csre ind chapping aad zc&barri. Maacfactcred bv Clarke . , ..... Paict voor boose wtln paints Sbat are fa-ty -Brai.te! lo last. Clarke & Fafc bare theis. Xatl Catarrh jukily yitrlds to treat- sat br E!e s Crsait. Iiaka. which i agret J,TZ;! iiostnis, cleaaea ana heals te whole sitr- iace ortr ihich i: daTuses ittll Ifrogsisu the 50c. iis; Trial size by aaSLlO i: JOT 6Ure io w::tjsil(e tb treatment. -VII JIOUJJ CC'Ilieil I -o Mxwaano'jai iu.j ao srs paniiu to th) um of atomizers in applyinc' hqwdf i.tr fVt fr.r rnLnrrlnl tr,.u- ijrornies of the solid Tjrf&aration. 1 ..,;,lri.a recntlv ari of dv. pepsia cave tr.e foHowin'; eproprate rendering of Bores' fainocs blessinz. "Swo DBTe m,at 3 taanat eat, and EOtae nave none that vant It ; hot vre have meat and we can eat, Kodol Dys- pepsia Care b; thanked." This preaara- tion will dl6 what vont-at. It inslantU- ... . , relieves and rndica'-lv caret indijestion j -, . . , , nomacti niruers. Clarke & Falt'f Savoring ertractt are tbe best. As; yoar ffKier for them NTICE fOL PUBLICATION. f.AXb (JY1V t AT ' iy 17, wti. ) Sotle it hereby p.-er thai the follow: np; ummI uler ba btt notice of bie lutet.tiiu to rsnfc UliAi irtoof in ouubon of hit r elatu, nd that xdd proof uU be made before W.B.frbr, tottd -ntei f.omiaiMlomr, at OoldM.dale; b July t, tau). viz ... Aliel K. oiUr, . ... Ar. u t . I I. . , 1. . . I , 1 1-1 fu i - V.V1. i- o , i j'IlmJv! iri,,fcT?,J-.,SliwE,'n'leKof !Tj.sifi:i..s. Uwmea the foil .wins wiWyMi to wove ki. He wamea tbe foil. w!r(s wit0M; to wove kit ta iwi rb . "u n .. i . i . l j . ..... rstuu-u". 1 urv u. rrauzeo. win lam 'ians, JobiJ ail of Ile P. O., ntmuiieiOB. W. it, lilWJiAi:, J;tsiter. EXECCTOP.'a NOTICE Notice i bereby Ki Ten that tbe uuderMirned of: K.Srt'M eltinS'toV'iV w. w.uo.s." " , letter, of Credit iBBued available in the and tettaraent of Kvallne hven. deceased. :X? .WV'i .a. V'.'"." F ATTOI'.MiV AT LAW. Kut. ... ..,i.fl?..r li;i,'et". TtTti? w " wo AO-, ,.. TIIKIiAUOKEOCS Blafht E change ana W....,,! wia7i?&hii.p HQMhK w.Moohh.ouatdlan. i ' Trawler, bold oi T New York, Cbiro h.tedtblu,tbd.yo,te. M0A?" AVliV, IloivW, AW iHrSitdVitfuJ; ,0Inl, CASTOR I A For Isiaats aad Children. Tte Kmd You Hare Always Bought I;rlac My an lafAnt chi'd of ucr serrhtor as sntTerinc forra cbo'era ia fiotaai. Tte devtors bad civet up ll bp oi rt-coverc. I took S" bottie of , Cfcirahrhia' Colic. Cholera aad Bi&:- ' rho-a R-nr lo tbeboa-e, iflUa them ' I frit ;G.'e It wocld C CCOil IS B;e C- wdiar to dirfetioa. In two djrj lime the child bid feilv rwovertii. The child 5 box Tsroroas sd heItbr. 1 have re-1 oatnmeadei this remedy frtjcentlr ad J hire ove.- kaos-n it to fstl. Mr?. Ccrti; j Biirr. Brookilter, Ohij. Said by i BUte'.ev A Hoccbtoo. A Difficult Problem. U.r most diScalt prot- - , ;?srrt ta irvefal i iu-5. J c. acpii , 1 (X!, br tbeir cotnbc&tioa, hve j sotae thi? d'Soi'.y c a practical over -; mas-, aer. J. i. AJCui !J an ex?er: aicxi J maker and i? tjJ oa jewflry. optical; J srerk aad t-nrrAvioc, while Tfcto. U. j L.-v-rc is an eSPrrj oplician Eiti i: twu foe aateb repasnap, jeflrr wors aoa . ;iteat itb trol Worfctoac--b;p Tby are prerar-d so do ail ork ta tb ir rrveral hse. oa ibo.-t notice. Wots. ' i: bv nail or expreis 511 ivceire armnt attention. Sicn. "B; Red Watch.- ! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. , riTca ) ,:. ,v.z OAiueC settter tre tied nodes of tbexr itte: Han io n:te Snl in oyor: tf Uh;- f)Uu UK UM. i'H . " -I . W t -' J ! J Di?tlc: of HihJar: a, : Ll -iSee in (ioidea- Iltory Yrackrl, j Eoia:ti eatry No. fvir tie iD4 cf w J Tit 2 N. E 14 E. W. M. rt nja tbe 1MW ' iar ita-M to put hif eootlnoccs :eideac , ei-c aui etilvanoo of mu! UjkJ. viz. : 1 . 1 T ...... , W TV n t J(uU:;d. Fraei? I Bctnell. til of CenterrJte ) P. 0 . Wi6ti gtos. i KrsDcl I.. l:ntnll, RoiD4UJ Eatry No.KrtS, for Ux- f:etlonl i X nf ree. T. Ty. i X, fc f . W. M.. ibo lienor rendeiMC njron jm: eustirtttoti of sal : laiMt. rlt ; Uaace! Leonardo. WfJliun It. ! allien. John Mnitirtn. licsr? Yeiel, 1 erf Centeriiik V. O.. ViakinsUKi. , cil.V'U VC. E. DT SBAE. Kecttr. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. y.3.i breiy rirm ttt tbe rartn;hfp hwiBs fctotejgt th Cms an n -yte of Iafur i Vttt.". t in,fcr reUrtrK Ii.to taw firr AU anamh.il CBiW whJeb M fim iBtetetfe4 , M. utneri, will te Attended :o sd oompltMj b; tth uJ'otzf Uke Hue tti.arfc no dlo2otloii f." . , enaau oi tbe firm. iJ viU At! debt. and tialiai afaiust -iJ fcrm.Knd sli parties iitdabtcd , to th fine of Dofir 4. Menelct aie inqneatcd So ' tettle :tac use w.th birr. At & early dte. Itea t lb I.a!1. Oito. thi Ut tay of ' Jnw. ltM. t.. b uvrris. jtt-w fkank uzszrzz. '. SUMMONS. !S THE rtRf TIT 1 OI !:T of the state f Of:-jn, loc Uakeu touiity. jirt aIam Hak:;de, Maicnff. I.Ckid 11. UAktlCtp. 11 i end ACL To IkmAid M Hutusx. ti.t above-Darned . fecdAiit In tbe n of tbe staw f OwgtTJ, Voa a?' sereby required t; px:r And at ner tb; r : .;r:t:.kl . ym :a si.; tunc e:.: . w ob or before tbe 1 fc t;- Jo!r, ! a ! jria do not. for irent l&crf tae .:: tr v . ia uac;am ks:ii too r.a m t iht ei-nrt for tbe n-Ief for i: -- j!eitt. to-wli f' t a decr" ..1 .r-c ILe ld defewlAi.I, Itoui". Y HatHugt 1 ua nuiuiuuii. nvrrtr. ; -u .111 tj y w: ceoo ihtf.ic f ry.o. k:,i un Bui e"itr lb '.0tC.lAlt.t on or w: ltt. day r.f J- r ;: ajc oai bvlEZ Ml oy rt t:. ',-. f.r"ritd for tb tud t -&iR-Ati.JU. TV.f dU: of me flr.: )iobat-Kti'n of t:..s mou t Jnnef, W. H MlLsS. ."1 Allurnt-y for l'iai:.ur A DM 1NISTKA TOK'S NOTICE. . iei hereby Kueu tbat tbe pntiertigneu oyaqoraeroi loe i.iiiiT ccr; o: ice state oirtm lorWawm cour.ir. Ua been at.ty.' tea ACsdliHtrator erf tbe elale i.t Helen f;riij r at-e. All -jhk.o. bavlii? flalnjp aki tbe feUlt Of f I4 dtfje! Skrt! r,. fifil tr. r.r itriu. with tie ptouer . uuebc-rt toaet' the c&l of tbit i.oskv IUd itay J, w I'vrmx V. htAtroEb. Aduiicittrator of tr.e t.t ale of Helen Krad 'old, fJWtaJied. , Guardian's Sale. Notlee i hereby fiitii iba' .brnuast to a !. eeote and order of i;e raede at d H.oed to me ruaioian 01 tbe usmw bnd .atutt of lr,a jioon- mm uarnei'i 'irc. ii.icom, Dy tbe county Coort of the -lau-of Oreron for W-i !! . ' n. . . door h. pallet curat ie bour of 2 ovir-k ,, . of nay. ei! t-. tbe hijhet bidder f.,r fab In band, ell of thi li.tert of taid luinor. eab In band, ell of thi luertat of aaidlbinun e itid tnteret w!,e i .uui,t tw.. ......... ... .1: .... . -iim iukicti iu nu-j ... we m 11,1; -1. t. 'e of u.c eM U. and Loll ..f oe Jt-i,a 1 ara ,'oi rer. 1.., ai.Q teat ccruiii imrr:.. ol land Ooi.iid.'d an folloH' I ..mri.uiiCii.i; a lake on tbe nortb line of tne Victor i rerltt I'onation U4iii i.inim, ncre I' crorai a diteb lb.'iK4 iu a kiiutberly (litiouou t.crot tbe bot Ku rm the l.nc of toe .;i.wit fence Hi rod lbece vrt Vi rod tbeiie jj.'tbvi.'t M itsU. thfiff. ftturiv If. i, VI, ti. ... ..(.... ... begiDUli'ic. bHnf a ;.art of tbe Victor Irerl't in.uaiiuu j.au'j (.lAiin, in eve II. all taio Ulidi Complete of Druds at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUCCIST. j C. F. Stephens! .Dea'er :n... Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. I ht Ht- Teiephoiif N". !. Tii M?s, Or. j IM rcomt r. rii ?......., , - i - - - ; cf Wnn You uiant. Q XT) Ns ideas ia V"!! Paper here. Such v.ide variety b; e are ebowin never be fore craced a iule stu-k. Real itnita tioa cretoo ejects at ordinary prices. Good perjeis at chea paper price. r-.eant at-.z'-' .'-:-Iui cjori:si, v,nr? i'-r a ga a.. a,r r,:r f-re onTr.irl ttree As a?'. .."e c! Lov.se paint. D. W. VAUSE. Third St. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. .It artificially d gests the food and aide nature la streairtheni Btructipythe exhausted digestive or- faBS. It la the latf-m ditrstv?Tt.,iUlriZf JtT ' i l'sl," ela's I Oil SCOVereU alKCSt- uiiicj pieporailOD Can approach it in Ciliclencv It In. stantlr relieve, and rJVrr nVi1.. L "fspepsia, Indlfe'estioa, Heartburn. Flatulence, Sour Stomach. Nausea SiCltHeadache.GaStrak'l rrn,WA SICltHeadachfe CrMtKilvIn f'Vorn, viot'ier results of imperfect d gestlon. L.a r. n A . . r a r-ti!.. . . .. " w uy v. urnr. 0 co Chlcaao. Q'f OEiHKMJOKr'rEi: Physician and Surgeon, gjA-clal attention ulrcu lo Muerj toorn W an 2!, Tel. KA VokI lilok hc'.p f" t.n. Saves ' aad B c pesc. Sjld everywhere. R STAN3ARO 0!L CO. fflK ,Arl- AT ikTTATT-rA't Sf. Resuiator. Ship your Freight via 119 l T i. M. Tocwtay Art HrUttd t r. x vr. I.t. rrti4 I 7 A. X. MoBdar WBar . rr.ilJnJl Regulator Line. at & r. v. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, . r, tlt ,,, ,tn , t.i.;l. .r JurUir in.'.-riSMtlpri juMrrni ' prtltLd i.b;v -Itir: W. C. ALL A WAY, Ccn, Apt. iHT.Tit.T.Vit.t.t.T.T.T.TiTtTiT.MU.i... Ti TiJTOtiX CrandallSBurget DKAI.ERj- i.V fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalies, Or. Funeral Supplies' C. S. Smith, iJp-to-dateCjroeer r'reit Krc? anJ Creame'v itntter a -rfcislty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. iWe Put... t-verv bit of iwenty years experience and drug knowledge with everv Prescription that's compounded here. Is it any reason why our prescription hu-ine?s is incroasim.' so rapidly? Ask your phyician if we art.' reliahh. BLBKELEY & HQUQHTOH, J tibial .t - rresmptionist- F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Sunnlips ... Cor Second & LanliD. Ttone 157 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE, J B, Crossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street FRENCH & CO., BA N K E RS ' rKANeACTA KN'KKAI.HA S'lf r vn uit.i w - ... . ..-... w v ( d o REGULATOR LINE. Mil 1WUXD & ASTORIA NAY. COMPffl .tT'ot tht licruUUiT Une win tun a (t tbe i roitfiny wtrrlnc the nrht tt tint. t !OttC. Str. Dalles city. tx s I.v. lwtle nt 7 i. Mnm!jr Vtnt"lar Krtdy. ... Ait. lNirtUml At I r, it. r. . Robes, Burial Shoes Etc r A " T . T"T-.-t T Jk"01 TTCT AT "! XT tT2TI L. Lane, 5 EM UAL i 5 ' B Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Mian Mum. PtouflS L........,-,-,r;wT:.!..jii oat j "1 ..CHflS. FHRJ1K.. Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Ken in lrukt the eelfLraf.-l ('Lt'VIBIA J!KKK. ACkr. a edred tr.' U-.t tn Tbe Iallf tlMUMul jifio fXiio- In, try It ABd t notvlo.-ed Al f Fine! brand of Wiaei, Ujaor aid. !rr. Sandrjuiehes "l all a tJf ; ijt. bao-t -1 , J. e. it. X liii" fmldet. first National Bank. THE DALLES - - - ORECC A General Bankinj; Business tranftffja XJepoeit received, eabject to iss' Dratt or Check. Collectioat: made and proceed procf remitted on uav ol nollcct on. 1 si?ht "d Te,rmeli,t' Kt'nT re ew York, Kan Erancieco ani po'! i and. 1 p. to. j: DIKItOTOKS A IJ 11 M. 15 a Li. Tie ColumDia PacKlng PACKERS OF PORKand BEEf MANUyACTOKKKH Or' Fine Lard and Sausage Curers of BRAND HAMS & BAC0J j JK1FJ) JIEKF. ETC JJ. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Ottles oier French & Co.' J:f Pbo-ic (., TIIK IMUCt.Ol Jjlt. R, K, rKltUtHtllV, Physician and Surgeon, j OfflM-. Vfurl lllock (over I'wloWcd. ! auaiduiodw TIIK IMJ.U., OliKl BiacKsmnn Horsioei tea