I m fa- if; iff''. Si. h in HEALT HY Oil) AGE - 'TV .-. Trr.-n5 tiro- rcachi. . t:;;vU.:. " J35' 1 - i ' ; c-Ves wtai ar.i U.:r.. .1 -itseafc tlii -were -'-e' c to Scr fila. Cinccr. khc-truttstr.. Gout at.! ehir howtzry trr-Ue may cheaps - r' a.- ibev .e the blood, so i -nr taicted and weakc-el tv acc-trr '.ated waste matters, u nc f. rr.r-cr,' rjotirisri uic ;xr: mu i. ii . . - ... - - r CCC O.RsN kH JB ktH stagsssmsuiKuijiujiiii n n W as: Ve re-enforced before it . , - . , . ..u. c..-..'r f:T-ttiallv does this as S 1 c c ctrcs-titea. and enriches the blood, improve the appetite, acd bui.ds tip the general constttu- ft i aat inv the best blood pudaer. but the best toaic for old people. It warms the blood, tones up thVasne reraove all tain: from the blood, and prevents the development of disease - i the onlv parelv veceisKe blood tntditinc know-r.. Not one particle o: mercury, potash o: -Ttc-a' roiscn can be found in it, and it rxav be takes for arsv length of tjtne with .at ham. v s. is the onh rcrtredv that reaches ceep-scstei Mo.xi troubles itKe jsrroru.a, cancer, r-.-tiss. T s:tra. Tetter etc' It punne and restores the blood to a healthy, noma! condition, and makes '. impossible fo: . - . a4 T e a.rt r- 1 rtrtftrM?! ftheinate ulcer that rciu5e to heal, or arr trembled vnth boxcar I cat -acics, ry b. It never fails to make a qakk end pcrrrtancat cure ot these pests. It your system is ran down and yov :ee. the need of a tonic. 5 S. S. will strengthen and help you as it ha.-, many others to a happy, healthy o.d age . U:s.r K Th.oa.cf EUethiar Ca-was for years afSu-lei4 S. ? f.. ISr. K Border. attmsrUie V a ca ot tritt a sti ; 1-- p o: rhrcmatwin ani hjc! urd rvrrr rrrd Ecjcu of Jtinr-irrr years siaBim; airr thi thyictaai ta, a..s rrcoainirt:Jt a a rcrt witfcoat rrcr-vinr aev la the 5srTooiar.as rortmry baa :a:jr-a. j b w y.s ijcnefi; s. s. Tirotapt'.r rea;b;d thr scat o! tat cicaie kja. ad rbrrt hi S n no rstw-r c tKe tnc a a - Ev'f'iai perrsatieci cre doubt ibout rwr disease, and wU. ser i us a stitement o: vour case, cur pnysiciar v. fa.vt ?:t IjiV . iH-r-..- H Mali Wrth. (,'miit.a K.au Cbicaso awi - t- AtlanUc -ait IWW, ft Expns.5 Wtb, Oaaki. Kn K 'a in ": s't- u ilutit v hieaco and 1 t- ir.jti-:. voc are :a cive voc asr -.afcrmatioc r- aavice war.te--. : jr witicii we ma.Ke caarge. Book ca 3'i cod and Sk:s I'eases sent to ia Jestrt-i;. :'. Address Swift Specif.- c S.S. 6& Sjokaut Mail arid i xpre Walla WaJla. .-potaBO. MinrMUv ft. I"wt. i u ! u : b, MiKaattv. rhlrnjo md Biut. via ;-Waii at d Hnatinc tnn alo all ; -Tin Is in UnshtDCUUIaud KM rrr. Urwoti. Akr.' c Ft MMl 1 ii :i i in : j 4 f a. m. ; stk:aDe Mail nnU i i :ia.oi runs !"orvsi. For ran fiaul0 K orr Klve ttars. ( rm. S. 5. iS THE IDEAL TONIC9 AND BLOOD PURIFIER FOR OLD PEOPLE. X pMrtonrur nt c f ch! Fatd. 3 4 b 6 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 37 IS 20 2i 5i :2i 25 25 $ K 0.. 5T fid ISO 6-3 75 SO 45 fr 46 2? IS 2 12 W 23 40 Ifj So S7P fr 15 60 16 2(1 prjiSc iSrjjfc f. (K 24 00 Lt &irarla (Sal.v ;t -.-a re 4 .adaorci.. HeadQ no? x ers for Seed Grain of an kinds ' ' - r 1 . r 1 .... iiePvaquarbers ior j? eea u-ram 01 fu km Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, SPmSlfeei Headquarters fcr "Byers Best" Pendle tOn FlOTlT 16 onnfactnrl expressiy for famllj ;.V.."-J 'taSSS ca.l and eel ur pr'-i ai;d I convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats F..i;. inz i- Mi" : porticto !.! r' ; c-nntr -clioo! fcttda midr f-r. the C; Mondnt in Jnlt. 7h totn! at:---"1 mt-nl i; t2644 30: the tct; rntt-Vr 440i, ad the ;w c utf. 7 m t: apporucnmeivt ;. i uadeuo th- firri Monday in O.-ttbtr f ho'l, tate an 1 ccooty fund - : Oti:. v 1 T C Bn3na 2 M H Kiek-hen . . LH-nry P r Hturieh- C D H-nnca . . . Wm H EtlicK.... J H Ft-at W T McCSure. .. A Y JUr-b J W Joha-tfin ... Jure"1 CAtneros . C L r-hm!dt W H r-narp M M Co-htne . Ani'Q-t D'Cterl . U'm B.-onVboae. M D Fr.-inrari . La L Iavij 13 20 oire Rict 3J 40 C rl -ootii-rn O R Connelly TFGrav. ... M D Adams.. 0 L 'a sr. . . Wm Mctn:. . j w y.-.v.n . . W J Harrimac 18 Su Geo W Jchnnon H-nrr Hndson 27 CO H W ?A 7 0 W H Od-ll 13 50 4& B H Harris . . . Orrin W Moore. W L Ht-Ddrieie. Junius L-Ddc... fasco Warehouse Company J- XC ?- I Ei.;unfiar v nlumbte Rt. fttasen. EiJWnfiaj To AfTOtiA and Key ( .-alu-dtj Ijiiidlnv ) J 5 m. t a m TVnxaximt Rtvxn. 4p ra. Ei.ruu5aj Orison UltT, Ncwtwrt. KiWKlaj ralem way laod't. T a. m. Wnjjkitrrjr iKl T a-Ttae-.Tnar. hi Li Rivers. and :t. Oicron Cllf. Iay sou. Riarta to Ifv-tstoti. t.v u m. and Frt. LxaVi V K1 a. m. I I'aru dcMriDC to co to HrpsxnT in- i -iluniDm -outoern ru Itiis, mouia Tn I)alit a! 1 K n. tr. n?e; everr saci; h cnaranteea to irive satiB.'actioa. ma.::,i.-dirt-i-.iDDM-tkm at Heumur iuwtioo We sei: Jtir soo-Ji lower than any house In the trade, and if yon don't taint sc at 4 Biscs Kf.urrun? maunedtm-te imwonn at tiri'fijr. . ,u.i hiiu ti..,. .-i. a. a. at Tae at :j "J ji m. For f'iH farticalars cai: nn O njeLt Tii i'tuta. or cddns (i3 W H II'-KUSfET Arv. I'urtuud. Or. 42 00 26 0 10 9 22 20 16 20 11 4 25 29 Good News to Good Dressers.... Norihern Paci u 26 30 31 32 33 34 & 35 3: 33 3 40 41 45 43 -44 45 46 47 45 -IB 59 51 55 5 4 55 JiO 7 5S 61 03 04 05 24 00 13 SO I n'en 1 a cr.,!;i :n:?tion to all to iaaeci the samrjle? of Voor; from me CK0.V5 TAILORING CO., Chicatro'; faruons Ca toai Ta:.or. Suits to Measure, $8.75 tip. Fit, wrkruanshij) r.ni ei.tire .iti!action pop.ranteed. JOHN PASHEK. Merchant Tailor, Agent. Yellowstone Park Line. 20 40 ,7 G W Jordon 12 00 45 24 00 2?, 4U V6 " 53 40 10 2j 15 GO 14 4f 33 i 17 40 45 20 24 GO 7 -' 00 11 40 25 SO , -t -j- jr- "jr- -v -v J : Jyt jtjl t THL i-'IMS-j ( AUltoriE fK'jM r'!:TL.."b TO THE LA -7. & THE ONLY MKECT USX TO THL VEUjOW. rlOXE I'AKK G1I8 m, Mltii I SIS .umivr.. Henry Bolt in . . r M V. Kriir t E McO.rfcJe V C Yvon7 E X ChuaHler . ...... n-fpb A Knor J l ldord J I tVen O L I'..qoet X W Fiius .1 H Cha-tfciu F S Flfruins FranK Irvine I j I. Cro!l THE tnti: lOIt 0ATA3RH ii Eiy's Gream Bain; CATARRH For a Nice Suit of Clothes. I -r-t.&s, Ovcrcijuf.:.- ,:ii:icj Vesting. :5 a. a n.' . ( T - Cbas Gn-n 19 SO H W Cwfce . . M F Bd ... .! C WingfieJd C C Enciih. J ; Bolter ( I Mjlier . .. J E K-nn-iiy H r,einan A C Martin ;. " u e- lie-. It O-'.i zu- , th aul is- j.. Aluji Ip.asr..;.. i b 00 Heali and J Dr-"" Ei.y GOLD 'nHEAO 1 - r. Guardian's Sale. Xotiee i hereby eimi ibat iiurii-:att a :. Jree and urdtr ul aie mad& ai d lau; t i;,. tsii coard'at ot th neraona Knd estate of U-.w 3IMM6 and (.t-lield Uuoxe. rolDUTk, ly ti,. Osuntr Court ,f m aute if O:ou l.n Waif MlBty up tne r.ih da ..Uun. li 1 vil:. .... Uw Oar f lu!j, at the count., av 5oor in tullcB ( Uy. at Hie livurul 2 o'rlwk , V. of Mid day. sii tu tnc biihat hidde: (. eaab in band, all ui the inwre: of nid nijin.r in awl t. t i: ial prof?rtT henHnaltir di Milned lutfttnt limr (ntlni?tit twr. e;i!tlM .! terwi in and t tr.. VU irf iu- .-fci tb -t4 ' the i. ,..Mt.d l.t (uf ;i ai..; Trt 1 aid 2 i.f -w 1 Hi:i tha: ecruln w"'-'-4m laiid fij-i.dl mj- (oUi.wA i.ominwicirje a: a take ..I, if..- ti'ifib l.ut- ; tie Victor 1 rt IHt!aiiin iji'id ' lain. it oMtajs a d.ict -tbn-. hi. vj.iti.erl;. .:.-t.n..:. nM t,, ,,; UM0 i IL- Wiik of tae j. fr.'-i m r.l tbetx v-t r.l tbt:.c i.i.cti,.- . r Umdv bi.iih auld ! sei r .d. ti. ti. p,u- .. 'bHrir(.ii p. i-ln a ;ar: .f i..f , ; ,-r. MuialiML I..nd ialn.,jn?. i. ul. mlnK ii.lv 1 -"'. K 1 . '.. M a.,., . . lifNat in ami k, L: nut; 1. 4H (tt: , i . . ad irt I,; i: n bUK i. nf li.,ii!n '. hi :' -OJtK'ii o Jja!..-a 'ley, u. J-!i m 'ilka v y. .Kf:. ,.. ,c CONTENT NOTICE. lEfAkTMeXT Tut ISTEBIOfc. . I.:.rxf:u rrj(f. uri tifMi.L, TMr l4!.,, ',h Ma; V. !- V (Utlieirlit f-.M.-lmt alida It I.j iul- U-i '. " la tbhi oi bj dui Alrx!,4r i..,,.t. -aaint twnuwtwd e;itr.-f,,, r, inadi Mi MM. i .j n't, mkc ., t. 1 r.. (-1,)f. j. . J'ni. T. Wright. OJUtoatt. ii. wtm-ti 1' ii. h lin.i1 u.i 1 J.rart. arid frtiuBd tli. rr.'i' lb- . Ji .r uipn tt:ai. MX ui.Milb. n,t. n iua rn:ri. MOO lal nrlor U. - e . ' 21 0C -TK aaaaajaaaBK, T- ,1 ' T -.11. ,.r. Kat mat! lo: Tacoraa. reelllt. Oljuiia, Oray t Harbor arid notitb Bend pointa. ?jtauc. Kut land, II. ;.. I'ullman, MfMvvr, Le iaton. Bui Uli.Humf. taininc eriun- try, Helena. Mtnucamv si. J'aul. Omaha, Kar.m City, it Viiait. 't:cg and all fwiuu Xo l. ca-t and M.u'btuL I'ucec ronud Eztren. XI 1". il lor Taeotna and fecattte and ioksaedlate tuiuu No. So. . . .00 A. M. PetOman Cratdaaa and tiiurirt levra to I .tuDcarpoiin, si. reui anc Missouri rtor iwlitt witarai cbange. VsixtlinUid Uaii I ni'n: depot uunuecUuci In all prJnctVtti eitlnt. WtKiAt OMcked lo deatluallou of ticket. Kor nswJiiumely iiiuauaUc! dvacripU-. e malUir, Uekou, e4D? car rnratloni, ttc. call r n or write A. D. CHARLTON, AsJt!i--,t .ti.t.'a i'jfvuze' jrt:.t. i' Mo-ri-i.-:rf' -: - - T 1 i .-1' :.and. Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via r y ' 'ui' c "rii-r Marks f . I'a.taa 4: rete.T. ' .d.r fl. si.d .-.Tfj-.irif r.- ator.k rf In, rj-tHl aiid l j. ei.tir V irtuzus. A tint; kt'tk It. ri.:t rr.elr.rip::. '.jj'- . ncs' j.-i' s to be bigh s : niad'.. sn u nR n nan n n w w v a aaar a &a a wi a a w V w I i, A. Eberle Fine Shasta Route Traitia l-?tTtn for Portland and way Tailoring. I tiioti at t . m i.nd ; j.. tu. 'iHK l)X.l.Kh Oltl.OM.V Scfeiiflfic Jlerlcati A Var. J " f 1' tji'-i - ! ir-r T iceiir c. ' i - k." '.i . a. "rtr ir, a MIINN & Co.M,B- New York !.. c I' .rtlaud Ailjnuy Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you cat. ft artificially d.eest. the food and aids hi:, mature in strefu,'.henin,' and recon- J; structtnjfthe exhausted digestive or-i uu3. ii j,, MHja't-st aiscovertddicest ant and tome. -0 othor prermration ES be ' fv vearead a'"aiix-nto nan r'taneltoo . :1b aw 7:111-. n 1.1.30 a in 10:i.j). ui U.toam ll:am S fe) p m l;JSaa ?:i)M .15a Ojrd'.o l.'i.ver Kdi.MMt.'lly i.ivayo 5 Ifia m feuoa in '. : ii m T.ti a id 1.. I"'. .1 Tl ...-,.... . . . 1 .. . - . t . notrt.rt. 1,1. erawiofnitttit ii. tb ri.iiuar or "at-"v rei.t-ti and ierni&ii(!ntl y cures 7. .. ?vl(.. ..'tbe r iid neawi, id M.rti- Vysitt-psm, Ind!ifcstion, Heartburn tr.- 7 - - .-... auy uuimf in i r . .- iuululi lcnuiiNi.i ill lu.rTunr ni....F,i.. i . . - eery w acre. QTAMDArtD OIL CG. t V t. 1. HMJ1I1, O.stuoiiatli. ' . i- . 33 1 I;.- Al.gvl.a t'.'!H.rtli o Mexico . iloU.IOIi .. . V Orleans V. nhinelon Now Vort 6.00 p m :am l:ain 4:10 b ib 6:0 s m :Uin 11 I. a m ' & u.a m " bin v uui T : K in 6:W j. m o:.i) i; ia t . iS n m ' l:lu in 1 6 25 ii ni f 12 it m 12' 13 pro p 5f 51 51 4A 4 S Tha ! Dalles. Or. " T The Chronicle, !i Job Pnintens. FT'X'rA lTXTiTA ATJ." A A" A A AA IAA1AUtAfcUA rT A ATAWal A"-" A- AATSr ' I ...C. J. STUBLING... j ; Wholesale and Retail Wines, : Liquors : and : Cigars j J ARency for the Gelebrated Yellomstone Whisky. Columbia : Brewery : Beer : on : Draught f V 173 Second St. Phone 234. ji ; , . k 1 n L UMLLL5). - - OREGON. 11 CLEANLINESS : be!np adv.cate.J t.y h.1 partie? regard. e-c of rnce, color or f re- ; v: 2-cotidi't n of servitude, lt-mi-tnber make our xi:er c'ad w i en tl.ey buy or Pure Prepared Painte. There . tiiii'-h and jrioje to its work tbat is admired by aii. Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings Be sure and inppect our 6tock of Wall Paper Deeiirii! fur lOUOon Display. . . . H. GLENN & CO. Washincton Street, betweeu Second and Third. $i.oo per month. Strictly firet clap? local and Ions dieUnce teieplioiio tervictt witliin your home. Lines do not crosMalk. Your con versation will he kept a oecret. No cost for Installing. You u't the t-tandard Iiutminz Long Dietnnt Inetruuient. Continuous day und night eervice. We will accept your contract for ten year and allow you to cancel eame on uivinj; ue thirty duve writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE OOt j.jii.-s, t . u TtH- laui c.i.tuiMnt I.vi!nc, In a Tirof.r aAida- lmrj.r'tif.t Air,. t Pi'eoored by E. C. Ot Wiw Co.. Cbleaao- yit, lilrt Mm K ivt.... .otlottii taota vbl(b .bow ! " , w "uc oiitgem iionai wrvlet o( tbi. , b vvmtscios i t wilj,oh i.oti rrain not u iadt, it 1 hereby ordored uud T T V'JTISotok u witsiv i JAV K J.UCAH. Bcylitar 1 Die over Kirat ,u UALI''t 0fc OME FOR A DOSE, ft 11 I t riLLo l'i..liiiu:i and Tourist can on botb train 1 iiair pnr tbMtfMnuiito to Ogdim and Kl 1'aio . and tourlat wn to bicago, rt Louia, SK Ol- 1 kau. and WaabiiiKUn. . OonujcUw: at r-ati Krar1Cco witta aveia: ! atMinibip Hnw for Honolulu. Japan, (.'Ulna, r-litli,plna, i.eultml and outb AtnurW ' aw. at-!.t at TI.- lnCT nution, or additaa ! i C H. MARKHAM, Uwitrkl I'aiiv i)Rt.f Agn.t, I'ottlalid, Or KraiT(i Pm Intent ii h' uiu-u. ii? k. m i'J "'" mt r. ,r t,n ... " "u.'f UH. fjn, !,0c AUKO CO.Phlla.l'j. T. BROWNHILL, ..JUSTICE OFTHK PKAOK. .Notarv I uolic. Collectioue promptly uttondecl to. Monev to loan. (J. K. ilavard'e of fice, The Dallee, Oregon, PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. .iHSriiA