Cof veil higf Bej Hcl tnl bC as. oft iiiJi ft- nl. ll il llltt Udlica uaiij viuvmiui. . - . . JULY TRILAY Fr Yir-4fat M'KINLSY, IK OKI. Fr rce-rr-lt THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of ew rfe, WffF XK1SLET WILL WIS. The following from the Colorado pars uizette. is woriov 01 a care- fat reading: . . ... I'restdent 1cAib5v wui inn tn . . - r cause hts candtdscy is is accordance, . . . .... ' tcttu t&e .-pint ot Araeneaa inimo- lions and c-f Amerjcan DfOr, and also because he reweieots the znaieriai icercit: .h tut vnrei fcsu people. The decocracv is on the wroos side, and it is on the and it is on the cntruthfnl There is not one of presented by the deciocracy upon mended and sold handreds of bottles of . rua via -ia.ara YjlIU and every threw?h which it onght to win. and there is it to 7 customers to tbeir entire satis- train (ree rec'inins chair cars, steep E0 Utter proof of this than the faes ; f3Clkn- lt a-rds a qstck and sere care ia? 3nd diniac cars. that it does not state anv ooe of these ' issnes fairly, clearly and honestly. What a tissae of fraud and misrep resentation is the cry of ''imperia lism'". There is no imperialist in this rcr.nV.:,- Tk .cv.iir ,;.. istratioc is worktDg ont the problems which have been bronchi before it with skill and sccce- " Th riirfVnt. The dirfkml- ! 4... . . .j , " . " ' tue lauure: are iew. m me sreai majont of caiCs it is ckin2 not onlv ihollv ccred itmten days. For Ulcer?, ...... , , . , . . ,t- j t, r, A . ., the nchl thine, bnt the thm" "occds, Barns, .ofls, Pam or Piles it s tut uiy mm. ' ' . possible under the circumstances. tfcfc fc: 3alve in tbe world- Ct3re SX1"- Tr, ,k- ,,,:,4 t ,t, ;anteed. Only 25c. Sold bv 3Iakelev & i In the attitnde of the democratic a , , i rionirnton drBSSlSt:. 6 partv toward the trnsts the same in-: " - ; . ; sincerity is apparent. They are fer- children to, Adoption, ( tile in wholesale denaneiation and! Tin ?irl babes 5 months old; one, threats, bnt nt thev prono-e nothing 1 1 - that is nraeticabl- nri thnf riM . , , ... The careless citizen who v&skl take their invectives at face yalq rnlsht .' . .L i suppose mat the democratic icccea: would be followed bv the banishment of "trusts"' fr&m the land, if be did not stop to think that such a whole sale revolution of economic con ditions and methods is impossible. and if it were possible it wonld be .-t.nn:. A ,.!.:.,... . : iiieaiure. x,iu oemocrauc secaejr -.,,.. , . , , . 2 , . 1 see that voar dealer gives voa Dew ills and platforms are not intended for'SalTi the voters who stop to think. The attitude of tbe democratic party on financial matters is bsolote- ly icsmcere. Tbe members of the party are greatly at variance fipon this portant mailer, and it is impossible honest policy. To the 'West they must oresent a silver shieltl with a steady disregard of facts and possi bihties; to tbe East tbe silver side bflities; to toe East tbe Silver side must be carefully concealed or treated n- r.t cr r.t! . m. . l.:l,. .t., "3 ui suiuu luniuii-jtc, nunc ut ms same time the populists must be con - ciliated with a tolerance of their fan tastic theories of an irredeemable pa- per currency and tbe uselessness of metallic money of any kind. To a far greater extent than usnal, this year's election is going to be a test of the good sense, the intelligence and shrewdness of the American people. j There is n ffiir minrlf.i1 Wnnnst i .ia; . . , ... jury in the world but would decide, upon truthful pre-; senta.ion of the tacts, lhat be .... . , interests of the American people re- quire tne continuance of the rupubli- can nartv in nower. ! me vast iio-iy of voters who will ist their ballots next November i' such a jary, and there is no danger wu- ju,Jt aMU tunc i: m uauger tbat it will be misled by the eftorts of aemocratic conventions, speakers or newspapers to befog its mind ftnd to misstate the facts as thev exist. And that 1 tit icy win ne cl A writer i Bays the coming Campaign Will be, tbe most importftnt in the country's history tince the days of the civil war. The campaign of lb&G was a very important one. But we are in- mcir luiiiuwiuiiuii, ovef. "J ' .mniv i.ourt of trip atntf of i JTtjJUJ.lli.vTl I i Js why President McKIr.. come thU difficnlty in a pracloal man- "J! '"' 'unty, h b,w, (.,,i. twi I V-V., -lected. nu-tiUMmnrrKi: ' J. K. Aduox ih an "expert atch-! J1'" 'UiXJ'li BANKERS II maker nnd if vtiful rn Lut, ,v thu fiat nf mh trt dw.-...! nr.; . .1.:' .'V iuiivuuUi ii ms lun xuihiitrniu 1 iiciic in an kt. jieri ujuifian anu e KO'ltl tlm iat-of tin iidtliM chned to acree with the Herald writef victory for the Bryanites would be a greater misfortune than woald have been their success four .years aao. It would be breaking orl , ia the middle of the great things tint are nrkier tray. If inch a misfortune is to happen, it were better that th ereat thiols bad nver been under taken. Bat w feel ever coalesce that Lb oeook of this country will 1 ..... . . noi thiak of tnrnmz their faces back . - aad leaving unfinished the great unaeriasioci iney nave in aaau. ' . ... .t l 1 3 T woold not be like this creat cocntry t . , . . . . ninr Mr; oi its ciono-a; nisiorj " The Be.t itemefir rr 5tmtn and ttwrml T.kf. bl 'I have been in tl.e dros dg;jb?5 JOf tvestr Tears and have sold aost all of . " .. . the proprieUrv rned;e in a pteasant icrtn. ror saie oy ; Blakeley k Hoorhton. Cure Headache Quieklr. BaWvin's sparklics eServescent Cel- erv Soda. A harmless and efeetive csre for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brats latizne 10 and 25 cents. Sold by Clarke A ralk, drocg'.sts. jic?4-Q 11 5aTed Hi L"- I p-A- Dislorth, of LaGrande, Ga., ' sonered tntenselv tor six months witn a frirhtfnl rnnnin? sore on his lej: bnt vrit(ii thAt Rn.fein-S irnM ' e'irl i5abe- 1 ooth; one pirl 3 years : ' r. W 1 -r- i n 1 -v"r- uae uu-" -Jr5 oe , boy P years. Annly to I. r. Tobey, ety. The snperintendent will be in The j Dalles this wetk and wiii receive written applications at this ofnee. rr . ! The law holds both maker" and cir-1 relator of a cocntcrieit eqnally goilty. The dealer a ho sells voa a danzerous counterfeit of DeWitt's Witch Hazel ; Salve risks yonr life to make a little larzer proSt. You can not trnst hiB. ! DeWitt's is the only zecnine sad original W!th Hj't.'-! slv&. a vcf-Tl 'known care tor nilesandall skin dieases. . , , , A L jit, " : " renderinz of Bern;' faaoe; blessinz: "some have meat and cannot eat, and ; ave none that want it tat - u"'""k "u V . "V: "-" , relieves and radically cures indicestion and all stomach disorders. Fjr the coavenieace of partie: want- mz ice m tne afternoons, tne stadelaian ! Ice C5' wiil carr-v 3 5tock at thtir fctore r corner Third and Wa..h:n?ton streets ti.,.i v" in-. 1. j. ico , Phone Xo. 10; ; "Rinz 'era op." lim-tf Trier are no k,tttr ni!U thn j nBWiu'- Little Early Riser i prompt and certain. Always ! r! i., r.n i c . ; Ciarke & Falk'fc nivonnz extracts are ! the best. Ask your srocer for them. for hule. A eol second-hand threshins ma-' . . , , . , , , ., , chine for saie at L. Lane's blacksmith hop, on Tnird street. j-J-d&v Ira . 1 LsWitt'e Little Early , Risers are . . . . ,uiuu!int time lor nver aau nowei ' tronbltig Ncver trlpe , 1 lresb cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of . chlcken feed tnch25-tf To Uurr c"" ,u n ur Ta TQitlra Vmrm t i. lets. All drozwiete refund the money. ' " fur lt-nt Af,rW,mn iui.,, 1 A five-room cottage on Alvoid eereet, with hath room and patent closet, at 10 a month. Applyto LevChrisman. 23tf Clark & Falk's drag nock is new, fresh and complete. ' . Sipecial attention given to larger?. K&om 21 aad Tel. as Vojctuiock FRED. W. WILSON. ATTOKNEY-AT JW, , TJ1E, OREGON O0.ce ovet r'lnt .Sat. bins. Amoar the eatue lt i tore .ever fond . Jf y0Q ialead t0 uke a tnp Eaiti ssk gt. 'r; : anythisc to equal Charaberum s Cohc, vocr tjcsj aeat to rctnte voa via The nrf ttswment irf EmUne Eviutf. 4ecewt. i unoie.A ac uta..ncea i-.emeay .o. ai. (jreat abash, a modern and up-to-dte I of thViit EvU. Et. ar hr-tr m,ireet , pro&taUiid i?''" -3f;0- railroad in evervparticnar. ! rerMo; SuT ' Miicunu,u. wiuju.-, 4.11, i hroccH triin Irons cnicaco, Kinsa? , BK-ntu-tnm to a iioe. j . . t i. -1 .... i - . . I at.v' thi IStft Uv nt 1 line Htfwy. reraeuj enrea s referees;: os tau.rra r,tr Omi. nr r I nnii tn Niir YrjrV- 1 ' 5Tif,ri pnv; , the Ham lSSOeS EorbCS in CJV famil-and I have recom- ar.( v- Vnt-lad rmint; AN t-afna , Eieeatnr of the !t ai and textaBf t't nt rn ..-.. I. 1 , ...I kftlt Ih In U'll h tr... t.r.,.u. ..,...1.. rUlViUKT 1 ItLM . I . . I Ulitifir. a n . wl aw ....... , . n'JIH. HI U rf II 1 r V I II t' - UTlltM I r.Ctft If l'ia'l- I Ulll.'llirril, 111 int ii r 4. i iv Mil fillAL n A 71 K I ""a I i M II a.' I K V a CASTOR I A Par Infants aid Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought .eears Dar'inc 'at Miv an H int child of oar nnthbor was suffering fi rm cholera in- iaBtnm TKj ilivtiira hiil etiren no all1 " ' 7 . Dopes ot recovery, i 100c a ooiue 01 "J , . . J ,. nmm , n:,. rhoea ReiB(Hjv" t0 thelj v.Basniu s v.uviniauu - ' . the hoc'e, telling theta id do cood if csed ac- . i eu 5Bre t -ob , cordiac to dtre cUoa In tco uaji tliae .1. Ak:M I.-.) fMlU .a.PA-ii.f The chtki .w.w.. " , U s-oc virorecj and hethr. I have re eotamecded thii remedy rnqnenUr and taw MveT tssown jt & ts;i Curtis .. . . i Baker, Brkaiter, O-'l. ;xd by! e, . . , u..,v,, ' s:od over attoeu on ai; tickets at t- arara Fails. Ho" C. Ciixe, ! Pdeinc Coa-t Pas?. Azt ( Ldi Arseles, Cahf. J C. 5. Crase, G. P. A., St. Loots, Mo. ' BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke A Fa!k have on sale 3 full line of paint and artist's brushes. A fell line of Eastman slms and sop plies jast received by Clarke & Falk. Floral lotion will enre wind chaoninc i n nhrri M ftnr fm.fcnrpH hr P-hptt . - T. . , Paint your hocse with paints that are ... . . . , . , , , fmly pnar3nteed to last. Clarke & ralk have 'hem ' ' ISUmarcfe' Iron .Nerve r,. .. ..... , ,. . . , . Was the resnlt of his splendid health, Indos.itable wIU aad trfcnjeado09 eaenry are not foand where stomach, Hver. fcidnfys aad bowels are out of order. If I , .... . . ; yon want tnese qcaiines ana tne scccefrs ! tber brin, use Dr. Kinz's Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley & Hoczhton's drozstore. 6 Oolite Colottibta River Ice &. Feel Co. wlhes 1 10 san0nnee that they will deliver ic- to i any part of th- city at all hours of the i diT or aizbt. 'Phoae 33 or 51 Long ' ' Dist. ; 7.5 0r 5 Sealert k Condon. Ca.h Is oar Check. All coantv warrants registered prior ' ' t0 Aa-" t:' wlh . " 7 , cmce. Interest cease; after Jcne 3". ' . , lfiOO. C. L. Phillips , ,,ua" , ixk faeadaehe absoiately and pe.-ma- ueirrc . . ,nA, HStinT1 n. rn M!lf c. r, j worfc aad bappVi atli(ac;ion pDaraneed --w ri or money buck. 25 cts. and 50 cte. ! Good, pure natural ice from the Bice I 'mountains for fale by the Columbia J Rivi-r r. .V fn 'Pl.nm. M nr Kl T n;o, .,, ,, Uajton i patent fly and mosquito 2G31 at .Hater & ii-ntor. Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat- ' taezit by Ely's Cream Balia. which is agree- ably aromatic Jt is received U.ron"U the .' W-.p. ace 0Ter .jcjj j. ditlnses itaeli. Dmgcists seil the COc. fcize ; Trial size 1 y mail, 10 .cents, lest it ana yon are eure to continue 1 treatment, Announcement. lo accommodate tnose wao are na artial ; A, oi atomizers ia nppiyiag i: iato the nasal passages for catarrhal Uu, the proprietors prepare Cream Ei to the use of atomizers in fipplviac liq iqoids trtu- Balm in liquid form, which will lie known as Ely's T . t,.i n; . . . i i-itjum vciuii xmiui. a rice ixii'imiisg txio gnravinc tnt 5a IT, rents. iHnrrlttt m- li ' .7 .r ; . . -y -.!, nn.. i: -it . i ;i. ins nqmu lorcn emoooiort uie mecu icinal properties of (he .oLd preparation, j ' wB,ed, i.,etl.t.,, , A 80J harness-auker. Apply to, Krame, of Wanco, Or. j'Mf. j nnc. t;r..-n.M.. r-... :,. .u. . .-i.uu vi.'t uhi harfTilnas rfinftii' tri.Jintj It-.. mediate results. Try it. , ' rrr- ' -r-N-rv- , , A TYf-f, U 13 11 1 niCUlt 1 TODlem. lt ife au)0n, tUe mmt ,ffic.llt lem of natural science for or to become "i'f1 in several lme. J. E. Adwix & on watch repaiririL'. iewf-Irv work and eiiKraving. ineir price la u low m con- tistent with uorkmarihhip. Th are prepared to do all work in lhi several linee, on short notice. Woiki sent by mall or express will receive I prompt aiieauon. blgn, "UW Ked Watch." ; aes ot any note.) GOING EAST- I SUMMONS. THE rlK TTT 01 Kf or THE of ireircn. Mr .'" onncy Mm. Kate Husttnyi riainttir. rvinai.t f Hatlnc. Men (tint T" rvmai.l M Haunir. the l0T-naiiJ J la the Narar of the jtateol Onwnw, w ar. t k .. ,-, unnMP mnd irrnnr tnCt 1 ir on of t the !'h nt Jot llt. an.l if tb do n. for want trwrwf the pluintlfr tute 'Bdmient afittnt vou Ufa m ppi; " the court tor the rvtici prated t r tn her com fa m defendant. Donald Haiiniti TW rtmoti umrwa ip 'J P."?"! 1 fcr ortJero roort. bukh on in- 1 of June. . waitu ia raw airww i Mimmo. b- rr( n-poo rbVN,Urtn - , thereof for Mi ei'tiwutir wees l o l hi u iti 1 sskly nio cla. iww-prtjer pobUhHi m , bt- n the U (X .lane. t;. nd tJMt , th n .vVrfore the lth Jelr. w J ot t!"" ttm" ! k to, ti n.ia BaWteition - 1 The date .rf the firt potUcHin of Uii 'irr. ii . W- H .n 'Jd' AtlBroey for PbonUtf. I t.hCL iUK i NUttCfc Xotice i- herrby sir that the uaienrijut'l Complete Cipe of Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, . THE DRUGGIST. ) A r- t i i si iT C sronnonc H -P. 3CgpneD5 .. .Dealer in. $ r--.- r- i uuko j-ui'uii uiuuii. j :ts. Hat, f n;j, N"' tnn Teler.hor..: V 134 second st. Tiis Dalles. Or. ... . JUSC Whclt You uuant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such . , B1 y, ,.ccr yu- lore kirnrea a inwe Blwk. Kea imita. Mori rfntnn t-M'nctc ur ..lriua. Good pap-e at cheap paper prices, Entrant deeiznt;, tuwtefui coloring, your.- fur n kifiull i.riou ot nn? tif.x. ... 'm.f.i trea. Alo a full line of house nalnt. rwt. awo a mil line ol Looae pelntB. D. V. VATJSE, Third St. A DM IMS fit A I Oli'S NOTICE. Dattd May is, im Aiinir,ut,..t,.r ,i il? 'l. -i,'l0M, tutfibSiXT ' the ' "''' ' MCur,, ,, . Jf wvik MOOKK fc GAVIN, a -itoh.vhvh at r m- Kooma Xi and iO, over V, a. Lund OOSce. 1 trauae Evan. eawM. junto u 5 ! - Mil1 J.oM''t- l hereby trivn that the iiiirtLT.iin..,! . 1 .1 f 4-r-na.i- . . , ti".''r .': i'. u f . .t j J 4 j Sir. Regulator. Ship your Freight via . J cr. iwi. ' r If r Lv HortliinJ at r .i. m. Mmtday J, t-t ? irJS , J " TaeT Thsradar Arr rSnS; Regulator Line. lUtV.n.t t .5 r . Ht ' r- -y- 1 , f FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, -5 I Travel br the ?trrap- . f V. e K.r.tor I.lue . ITavl D- ron- ui.- N r. ;r.- j-.t(..e PiTilan-l oSkpe, "ik tr'.t I' - W. Grandall DEALER.- IN flil kinds of UNDERTAKERS ;? EMBALMERS The Dalles. Or. Funeral Supplies C. S. Smith, Up-to-date droeerj. Fresh Ezjs and Creamcy Batter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. We Put... evt3ry Lit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded here. Js it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? I Ask vour physician I if we are r liable. i i BLBKELEY & HDUGHTOri, I'ie-criptionists i Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & Lanzblin. 'Phone 157 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE, J. B. Orossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street Lettere of Credit issued available in the nastern states. bight change and Telegraphic ht. Ixiuis, ban Iranclsco, Portland Ore k'on, Seattle W'anh,, and various point in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all polnU on fav orable terms. F- s. REGULATOR LINE. I'LLES, PORTLAND k ASfORI.V NAV. WAXY? of KrcnUtfir Unc will run ht thtfni.'j mr i nniiwii n-uriuK urih 10 Chatif tii.Urr. Str. Dalles City. I.V. luilct Nt . ll. MoniUy t r. t.t I' Widtlrdr Tt. rtT J 4tJtdt'S A'f llln3 5 r The t omtwnv wttl ra-lcavor tn g .-. , Mt. For further tnl Tamtkm aJdrcsj J C. ALLAWAY, Con. AKt. & Barget Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. rriATi TJITXTA. miTTUT t m JIU 1 X L. Lane, ! 1 EVEU.AL Biacksmiin I i, ; j .AND. ! 4 Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers Wagon. Maud Mn. Pbone:i59 tun.ri.t.Y.,..,(fr,....i fjtMU r '1 ..GHAS. FRflflK- Butehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kvcpi nn dnitiKlit the tcicbrated f'Ol.l'MlH V HKKIt, ncknnw. iillint tl.- U Utr It! The Uttlle, nt tbe it.Mi jinn1 ('nine in, try It nnd I.-, nun Alo the Kli.wt ".rur.ds i.i Witien, Li ,u;r ai.d iru' Sandujiches uf all h!vm' 0:1 bend. J e. 'SCHK.Nc t, hrecldetit. H. M. iliAJL, ehkf first National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON- A General Banking BueineKB traupactd Dcpoeite rweived, subject to Hight Draft or Check. Collections made and procd4 promptly remitted on dav of collection ! land. OIKKCTOKS D. P. Tjiomj-kon. Jwo. B. KtuKStx Eu. M. Willi amh, Go. A. Lubi. H. M. Bkalu tub Columbia Packing Gi PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MANUr'A(JTUKJKH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKI) BKEF. KTC. If' STURDEVANT, DentiKt. Otlicsoier rrcneb 4 Co.'a lunk Hiu-m C, TIIK DAl.I.Ke', OIiF.00s Jvlt. K. K. FKItdDHOrV, Pliysician and Surgeon, j Olllw, V(Kt UWick (over 1 Woffle'", j ifOaplmodw TJIK DAI.UKri, OIlEOOX. j HOTSeShQB - m Mi