The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 06, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 277
1) c Dalles
1 s Miri -v"---i
The Empress Dowager Crazy Chinese
: Forces Arc Said to Again Be in Com
i pletc Possession of Tien Tsin.
wjjjmj Shanghai, July 5. (Copyright, 1900,
y.JjWNlk.. flit. Anannlalail Tlpuaa FmTKifnr
?X'S13K-ftn(T Su committed suicide bv taking
pintn under compulsion of Prince Tuan
"June lit. Tho Empress Dowager also
Itook poison, but is still alive, though re-
fported to be insane from the effects of
Uho drug.
The above has been officially reported
Ho the German consular stuff.
London, July
statement is
published in Berlin that the Chinese
"fSnave already taken lier. ism, hut a
amiable Jispatch from Shanghui, dated
IPf July 4, 9:35 p. m., bIiowb that according
ito the latest advices the city is still
the hands of the international troops,
though the Chinese forces continue their
tteuipt to isolate them, as they did at
I'ekin. They were receiving constant
ccessions, many troopB arriving from
The dispatch adds that Colonel
oguck, commanding the Russians ut
ion Tsin, was utmost exhausted. lie
ad been three davs nud uightB in the
itaddio directing the operations.
Pauls, July 5. The French consul at
McChe Foo
tolecraphes that a Chinaman
Sgtvno leir. renin on .iune 'i reports imu
3rcH IKo iiriici.m.n fi.wl ei.o.rl.... n ti- a rfk 1 1 1 f t t
ta.t?aautiiitttf.f1 nf tliu Itrittfili lpt.tlttrm llin
French, German and Japanese legations
wore guarded by their own detachments,
nd Pinchon, the French minister, and
is wife were well. The other legation,
he customs-house and the missions had
mm linrneil. Tim fnrnii'ri trnnnn Inul
poHt six men wounded, including tiie
Ipfiiommander of the Britieh detachment.
s, London, July o. 2:50 p. m. The oft-
-Mpeated Htory of the murder of all the
bites in I'ekln h being retold today,
liitii circumstantiality that almost eon-
nces tiiose who have hitherto refused
credit the sickening tales. Tho only
iopeful feature of the evil nows is the
,ct that it comes from Chineee sources
it Shanghai, but it is realized tliut even
the tragedy has not yet been enacted,
cannot long be delayed unless help
rallies from unknown sources. Even tho
loldlng of Tien Tsin against tho over-
helming hordes now seeiiiHto bo u very
emote- possibility, while tho sufety of
ur treaty ports is sorlously threatened.
A dispatch from Che Foo, dated yes
terday, voices tho fear that in view of
ilio Imminence of the summer rains, it
Eill be impossible for tho joint force? to
advance to Pelt hi until autumn.
According to reports from Slianchai,
,11 ui Chinese army, on u march south-
wunl from Pekln, lias reached Lofa.
Tiiis is presumably General Nieh Si
tCliang'H force en route to attack Tien
A force of '10,000 Chinese from Lu Tai
Retiring from
Closing out my Entire Stock
Regardless of Cost.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots nnd Shoes, at much lose than wholesale
prices. Will cell in bulk or in lots, or tiny way to suit purchasers.
Entire stock must be olosed out
before thirty days.
All goods will bo sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Coreets
and "limerick Patterns. Your prices will bo untie. Call early uud secure
Corner Second atid Court Sts.
has appeared northeast of Tien Tsin nnd
is reported to have been driven back by
tho combined forces ot Kuseian and
Japan. The losses of the international
were heavy;
Fourtn of .Inly CaiualUe.
Ciiicacio, July 5. The Tribune says:
As a result- of the celebrotion of Inde
pendence Day with firearms, toy cannon,
giant crackers and other forms of ex
plosives, thirty persons were killed and
1325 injured, according to reports re
ceived from 125 cities.
In' Chicago, one boy was reported
killed, us against one death Inst yea;y
Thero were no costly fires in tho city.
Frankfort, Ky., alono suffered a fire loss
of $50,000 due to firecrackers. Other
cltios also sufl'ered heavily.
Out of this total of 1325 persons' hurt
in an attempt to bo patriotic, 442 can at
tribute their injuries to .firecrackers and
dynamite torpedoes. The deadly cannon
firecracker did most of this execution.
Out of 152 injuries by firearme, in 0?
cities, the toy pistol earned 105. Gun
powder explosions, including tiie prema
ture blowing up of many village anvils,
caused injury to 187 out of this list.
Many of tho injuries included in the
lists were reported us prospectively
btory of h Slave.
To lie bound hand and foot for yoars
by tho chains of disease is tho worst
lorm of slavery. George D. Williams, of
Manchester, Alien., tells how Buch a
slave was made free. He says: "My
wife lias been so helpless lor five years
that she could not turn over in bed alone.
After utiug two bottles of Electric
Bitters, sheis wonderfully improved and
able to do her own work." This supreme
remedy for female diseaees quickly cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
headache, backache, fainting and dizzy
spellB. This miracle working medicine
is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down
people. Every bottle guaranteed. Ouly
60 cents. Sold by Blukeley & Houghton
Druggists. 6
Ovuirnmo by tlio Heat.
Wkst Point, N. Y., July 5. At diees
parade last evening fifteen cadets, in-
I eluding a lieutenant aftd a color sergeant,
were overcame by the heat and fell in
their tracks. Thev were removed to
tho'hoBpitul. Tho detail for the day,
winch was read by the cadet udjutnut,
is an'uuusually long one, and the motion
less position in which the cadets are re
quired to stand is attributed us the
cause of such u large number of prostra
tions at the time.
A I'limeer l)ol.
Sai.i:.m, July 5. Mrs. Elizabeth Chap
man, aged 80 years, 0 months and 10
days, died at her homo in this city last
night. She was an early Oregon pioneer,
having crossed the plains with ox teams
in 1648 with her husband, Caleb Chap
man, who died here in 1892.
It has been deinonstioted by experience
that consumption eat) bo prevented by
the early use of One MinuteCough Cure.
This is the favorite remedy for couuhs,
colds, croup, asthma, grippe and ul)
throat and lung troubles. Curesquickly.
You will not have boilB if you
Clarke & Falk's sure euro for boile.
The Platform Contains Declaration for
Free Coinage at Ratio of i( to t, But
the Plank is Relegated to an Incon
spicuous Position in the Structure.
Kanmas Ciry, July 5. Bitter fight was
waged against the insertion of the 10-to
1 plank in the platform, tiie debate be
fere tho resolutions committee lasting
until 4 o'clock this morning, when n
vote on the question resulted in a
victory for the Bryanites, the vote being
2G to 24 in favor of a specific declaration.
Early this morning David B. Hill de
clared the fight was not yet ended, it
being the intention to force the ipsue on
the floor of the convention. He said
further that ho was "opposed to im
perialism in an individual as much as in
a nation." General Warner, of Ohio,
voiced tho same sentiment.
At 10 o'clock Van Wyck, New York's
representative on the platform com
mittee, refused to sign n minority report
on the money plank, thus precipitating
:i break in the conservative ranks.
Other states' delegations then began to
weaken, and just before the convention
was called to order it was announced
that no minority report would be sub-,
The convention was called to order at
11 :02, Rev. Glennau delivering tiie open
ing praver.
When it was learned that the com
mittee on resolutions would not be able
to report until 3:30, the convention ad
journed until that hour, after hearing
short speeches from Hogg, l Texas,
Dockery of Missouri, Beckham of Ken
tucky, and others.
The platform committee completed
their work and adjourned sine die at
1:30. Although the document contains
I u specific declaration for free coinage at
a ratio of 10 to 1, anti-imperialism is
declaied to tie the leading ieeue of the
day and campaign.
Imperialism, militarism, Cuba, the
Philippines and Porto Itico occupy fully
one-half of the platform. Imperialism
is declared to strike "at the existence of
the republic."
Anti-trust plank demands that nil
articles manufactured by trusts shall be
placed on the tarifr free list.
Adlui Stevenson is much surprised at
prominence given his name in connec
tion with Eecond place on tho ticket.
He had no inkling of any such intention,
and is much gratified. His boom today
is strong, many delegates confidently
asserting that lie will be nominated.
Charles A. Tonne issued a signed
statement this morning saying that
support is coming to him from all points,
and that he is more confident than ever
of getting second pluce on tho ticket.
His candidacy has apparently made
little headway, although his friends
contend that the 10-to-l declaration
alone will nominate him.
Both nominations may bo made yet
tomi'lit. unit liri'im will llin im In i
Kansas City to make a speech of ac
ceptance. An Ocean itt Itiirnlni; Oil.
Nuw Youk, July 5. Tho fire at tho
works of the Standard Oil Company, at
Constable Hook, Bayounc, N. J., which
stinted early today, is still raging at 9
a. m., and no estimiito can yet lie mudo
of tho damage, though it will run into
tho millions. The entire plant is almost
certain to be consumed. The oil from
the works Is sproadiiiir along tho upper
bay, and the Kill von Kull is blazing as
it Hows, and serious damage is tlueiit-
ened to adjoining property.
The fire was started about 1 o'clock
this morning by a bolt of lightening,
which fell during. n thunder and ruin
storm. It struck Miuaiely in tho lm-
menso yard of tho Standaid Oil Company,
which covers 000 acres o( ground. King
... n , , '"itho digestive organs, making a coin
was struck by tho bolt, and ut the fame ' ,)..,,..,. ... ,.
time it exploded two immsnbt. rcorvolr
tankH of crude oil.
Ouu hundred mon were at work in tho
yards, and whether muro were killed or
not is not yet known. Tho explosion
was heard for miles, nnd the heavens
wuro lit up for hours afterwards by tho
flames, which leaped u hundred feet in
tho air,
Even ut 8 o'clock this morning the
column of stroke which rose from tho
still burning tanks spread out in euch n
cloud that to those coming from the
West the bright morning sun was
The Unanimous
Choice of the Kansas
July 5. William J
Bryan, of Nebraska, was tonight unani
mously placed in nominnuon as the
democratic candidate fpf President of
the United States, on a'platforrn oppos
iriL' lmnerialism. militarism and trusts.
and specifically declaring for the free J
coinage of silver at tho ratio of 16 to 1 J
The nomination came as the culmihrf-1
tion of a freczied demonstration in
honor of the party leade; lasting 27
minutes, and giving utterance to all the
pent-up emotions of thovaet multitude
It followed also a fierce struggle
throughout the last 3u hours concerning
the platform declaration on silver
and on the relative position which the
silver question is to maintain to the
other great issuef of the day.
There only remains the choice of a
candidate for Vice-President, and the
work of the convention is over. There
is every evidence that this choice will be
quickly made tomorrow morning,
although there is still doubt as to whom
the nominee will bet
Prevented a Tragedy.
Timely information given Mrs. George
Long, of New Strattsville, Ohio, pre
vented a dreadful tragedy and saved two
lives. A frightful cough had long kept
her awake every night. She had tried
many remedies and doctors but steadily
grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's
New Discovery. Ono bottle wholly cured
her, and she writes this marvelous
medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe
attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are
positive proof of the matchless merit of
this grand remedy for curing all throat,
chest bud lung troubles. Only 50c and
.f 1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial
bottles free at P.lakeley & Houghton's
Drug Store. 0
Kan riiinclHuo Tracrily.
San FiiANCiico, July 5. Mrs. William
Mitchell, a white woman, who was the
wife of a colored man, and their eon,
were shot dead by unknown parties on
their little ranch near this city late last
night. The tragedy was thought at first
to have been tho result of a feud which
lias long existed between the Mitchells
and their neighbors, but it is said there
are circumstances which will nut bear
out this theory.
Catarrh Cannot Jlu Curi'il1
with local applications, as they cannot
reach tho seat of tho disease Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal loinediee. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous sin faces. Hall's
Gutanh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by ono of tho best
physicians in this country for yecrs, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
tho best blond puriliuiu, acting directly
on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect
combination of tho two ingredients is
what product's such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Ciiunuy & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by lirruggists, pi ice 7rii.
Hall'o .Family Pills are tho best. 12
After many lntiicto experiments,
scientists have discovered methods for
obtaining all tl.o natural tllgest.uits.
Theso liavo been combined in tho pit).
portion found in the human body ami
united with substances that build up
the digestive organs, making
wlmt tmt B1(J (lllowa
,u , . ,,,,
i iy n f i i 'r7 iw vitv Jiivinj oi i I I c 1 1 1 1 j
food while tho stomach troubles are
being radically cured by tho medicinal
agents it contains. It is pleasant to
take and will give quick relief.
Clark A: Falk aru never closed Sunday
Don't forget tills.
Subscribe for Thk Ciiiionicic.
A sudden veering of
in the weather.
Wash Suits
for Man and Boy.
from 3 to 10 years.
Crash Blouse Suit 50c
Dark Percale Blouse Suit .. ..7.3c
Hark Duck " " ....rfl.00
BiueChambrav" " .... 1.00
Linen Crash " " .... 1.00
Linen Duck " "... 1.25
While Duck " " .... 1.50
Tan Duck. " " 1.50
Extra Knee Pants
Crash 25c
Chambray 35c
Linen Crash 50c
Fancy Duck 50c
Men's Crash Suits,
Duck Suits tan with white fancy stripes $3.50
Same, with brown hair-line .' 3.00
Pure linen crash natural color 5.00
Black and white check, linen crash 5.00
Blue Chambray . 7.50
Wool crash S.50
Cricket flannel light grey with fine line 5.50
Same, finer quality 7.50
Washable Vests Cr.n6h and Duck-white linen and fancies;
price $1.00, $1.2o
Full line of gray ahd black Alpaca Coats $1.50, $2.50
The Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
For Halt'.
Wo huvo at Portland a stock of (Ino
lubricating oils nud greases. Prices and
terms are right, Write fur prices. Cen
tral Ilcflniiig Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
Trimmed hats and patterns ut cost for
tho next thirty doys at the Ciunpboll &
Wilson millinery parlors. 23. tf
the wind may mean a sudden
Jlot weather arc you ready
from 8 to 14 years.
Tan mixed Duck Jacket Su!t ;
double breasted $1.95
Blue and white mixed duck . . 2.00
Natural color linen crash, small
blue hair-line check 2.00
Tan and white mixed cotton
covert 2.00
11 years to 20.
Three-piece crash Euits $4-00
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for Inferior
paints when you can buy James K,
Patton's miii proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clink it
Falk, ugonts m 17
For burns, injuries, piles and skin
diseases uso DoWltt's Witch Ha el Sulve.
It is tho original. Counterfeits may bo
offered. Use only DtiWItt'e.