The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 05, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 27G
lint She Cannot Be Docked at Port
Arthur May Be Sent to Japan.
Shanghai, July 2. The United Statee
battleship Oregon, which ran ashore off
the island of How Ke, in the Mlatau
group, twenty-fivf miles northeast of
Ciie Foo, on June 28th, has been floated.
Washington. July 8. Secretin y Long
tliis morning received the following
c.iblegrom from Lieutenant A. L. Key,
naval attncho at (he United States lega
tion at Tokio, Japan, in regard to the
grounding of the Oregon :
"Tokio, July 12, 1900. Secretary Navy,
Washington, I). C. Russian dock at
Port Arthur is too small for the Oregon
to enter. Japanese navy department
tenders the use of either Kure or Ko-
koshuma docks. Offers any assistance
lesired. Has ordered Akitieushima from
Che Foo to the Oregon. Have cabled
Wilde offer of docks. Kky."
The naval officials are disappointed at
the statement that the Oregon cannot
be docked at 1'ort Arthur, as that place
is only about sixty miles from where
she struck. Nagasaki is (100 miles die
tant, but can be reached by the Oregon
without venturing far outside of the
emootb waters of the Pe Chi Li bav.
Catarrh Uanuut lie Cured'
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Cutarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
tuken internally, und acts directly on
the blood and raucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the beBt
physicians in this country for yep.-s, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
oi me nest ionics Known, commneu with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly I
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Ciienkv & Co., PropB., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
FuIIimI to Uet Uuuii to IIunIiiuhh.
Kansas Citv, July 4. Convention was
culled to order at 12:02 by Chairman of
the National Democratic Committee
Jones, and Rev. S. M. Neel led in
Mayor James Read gave the delegates
welcome to Kunsus City, after which
Temporary Chuirmun Thomas was in
troduced for the opening address.
Following his speech came the read
ing of the Declaration of Independence.
At 2:18 the convention udioumed until
I P. M.
From early morning the Lincoln
Kansas City long-dislanco telephone
has been overworked. Bryan has at no
time ceased to dominate the convention
by this nvt inio of comyiunicatiou.
There is no indication that the Ne-
Retiring from
Closing out my Entire Stock
Regardless of Cost.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Roots and Shoes, at much less than wholemtle
prices. ill sell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers.
Entire stock must be closed out
before thirty days.
All goods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fltting Corsots
anil Butterlck Patterns, Your prices will be initio. Call early and secure
bargains. '
Corner Second and Court Sts.
brasknn will yield in his determination
to have the platform declare for 10 to 1.
Opponents are organized to fight the in
eertion of such a plank, but the fight
will be made before the platform com
mittee and not carried to the floor of
the convention.
Kansas City's mammoth new conven
tion hull is pronounced the most perfect
and complete ever built. Its arrange
ment furnishes every facility for the
prompt and convenient disposal of bus
iness. Wrecked In Montnna,
BuTTK,Mont., July 3. A very dis
astrous wreck occured on the Montana
Central Railway, a branch of the Great
Northern at Trask Siding 12 miles from
Butte, by which two persons were killed
and thirty-two injured.
The train left Butte at 8:50 last night
and was on its way to Helena. It had
made the climb up the Continental di
vide in safety, and was rustling along at
top speed on comparitively level ground
when the rails spread, ditching the
baggage car, smoker,day coach, and
sleeper. The engine and one baggage
car remained on the track. The cars
I were thrown over on their sides and the j
paBseiiEers who were not injured, or
only slightly so, climbed out through
the windows. All ttie lights were ex
tinguished, and from different portions
of the wreck came calls for helu and
I groans and cries of the injured. Con
i ductor Zeick, who wub seriously injured,
made his way back to Woodville, five
miles and telegraobed to Butte for help
A special train witti doctors anil nurses
was dispatched from that city, and
brought in the injured, who were taken
to the different hospitals.
tttory of a Slave.
To be bound hand and foot for years
by the chains of disease is tbe worst
iorm of slavery. George D. Williams, of
Manchester, Mich., tells how such a
slave was made free. Ho says: "My
wife has been so helpless lor five years
that she could not turn over in bed alone.
After using two bottles of Electric
Bitters, sheis wonderfully improved and
t,ble to do her own work." This sunreme
remedy for female diseaees quickly cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
headache, backache, fuinting and dizzy
spells. This miracle working medicine
is a L'odsend to weak, sickly, run down
people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only
60 cents. Sold by Blukeley & Houghton
Druggists. 0
I'tturi'it M'ntlil-H Clierkfl.
Puniji.uton, Or., July 4 Fred Mox
ley, of the ranchers firm of Proof & Mox
led, who were arrested in Walla Walla
on a charge of uttering worthless checks
on the First National Bank here, and
had their examination heie, was releas
ed from custody, and goes free from ull
imputation of guilt. Bert Prout is held
in ttie sum of .$500, and Is in jail in do
fault of bonds.
Moxley proved that ho had nothing
to do with the making of the checks,
and was in no mini tier responsible fur
their iseuniie.
It has been demonstrated by experierce
that consumption can bo prevented by
the early use of One MiiiuteCough Cure.
This is the favorite remedy for coughs,
colds, crorrp, asthma, grippe and all
throat and lung troubles. Curesquickly.
Powers Must Prepare to Meet Chinese
Forces Numbering One Hundred
and Forty Thousand, Stationed
Between Tien Tsin and the Capi
tal City.
London, July 4. 12:45 p. m.. A dis
patch from Taku dated Saturday, June
30th, and Che Foo, Tuesday, July 3d,
says that the British and Russian ad
mirals at a council of war held June
30th, decided that it was impossible to
attempt to relieve Pekin without great
ly increased forces. They also con
cluded that it would be impossible to
hold Tien Tsin, but in the event of this
not proving feasible, they will endeavor
to retain possession of Taku. One hun
dred and forty thousand imperial troops
are stationed between Pekin and Tien
Tsui, while the total of the allied forces
which can be concentrated at the
present barely numbers 20,000.
It is reported that General Nieh Si
.Chang is advancing for an attack on
Tun Tsin with 90,000 troops.
Another leport has been received at
Taku to the effect that the German
guards rescued the body of Baron Von
Ketteler, the late German minister to
China, after he was murdered by the
London, July 4.-12:52 p. m. "Not
a single foreigner iB now alive in Pekin,"
is the latest Chinese report which has
reached Shanghai. Earlier repurte from
the same sources describe the condition
of the British legation as something
awful. It is said that rooms of the lega
tion were filled with sick and wounded,
the killed lying unburied in heaps. It
is believed that many members and
officers ot the Tsung li Yamen perished
'when the German guard, maddened by
the murder of Baron Von Ketteler, the
German minister, set fire to the build
ings. l.'iuiirrur William linn IIojicb,
Behlin, July 4. At a banquet at
Wilhelmehiivui of the officers of a club
yesterday, subsequent to the launching
of the warship Witllesbach,
Villium, in response to a toast proposed
by Prince Rupprecht, of Bavuria, "to
thu head of the German navy," made
some emphatic declarations upon the
subject of Germany us a sea power, as
For the Complexion
To purify and beautify tho skiu and
provent pimpios,
blotches, black
b on (1b, rodnoss,
lougunuMi, yellow,
oily, mothy skin,
chapping, tan, bun
buru, uud many
other forms ot Mn
blemishes, nootlior
skiu or complexion soap is for a uio
niont to ho compared with Outicuha
Boat, because no other toap reaches tho
chubu, viz.! ine ciom, irritated, or m
famed condition of tho I'ohks.
For Hair and 8calp
fjllAMfOO with Outicuha Soai-, riiiso
wiiii win in waior,
dry anil apply u
light dressing of
UuricuitA, purest
Kenny ruuuuu inio
tho scalp. This
si in pi i), refresh
in ir. und itioxnuii.
ntvn t rnnl in nn t Ht
will bootho frri-
tatud and itching surfaces, stimulate tho
hair follicles, clear thu sculp and hair of
crusts, scales, uud dandruff, supply tho
roots with energy uud nourishment, and
make tho hair grow, when ull else falls.
Complete External and Internal
THE SET $1.20
axp Cum. four.
w vaj vvr.i m
f " 71 V
serting that the ocean is indispciisabl
to Germany's greatness.
"The German people," said he, "did
not emquer and shed blood years ago in
order to be thrust aside when great for
ciirn problems are being settled.
that happens then the position of the
German Empire as a world power would
be at an end. I am not inclined to let
matters reach such a pass. It is the
Emperor's duty and highest privilege
to employ suitable and even the sharp
est methods to prevent it."
Prevented a Irngeily.
Timely information given Mrs. George
Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, pre
vented a dreadful tragedy and saved two
lives. A frightful cough had long kept
her awake every night. Sho had tried
many remedies and doctors but steadily
grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's
New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured
her, and she writes this marvelous
medicine also cured .Mr. Long of a severe
attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are
positive proof of the matchless merit of
this grand remedy for curing all throat,
chest and lung troubles. Only 50c and
$1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial
bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's
Drugstore. 6
SkatnaniH County SI I II Itured.
Stevenson, Wash., July 4. The
Wilson and Grapper saw mill, one mile
northwest ot this place, was completly
destroyed by tire Monday night. The
fire is supposed to have been of incend
iary origin. The property was valued
at 35,000, and was injured. Thomas
Connell, of Portland, had recently pur
chased the mill of C. B. Williams, and
iiad operated the plant, but n short time.
The mill was well located, being in close
proximity to large bodies of fine timber.
After many intricate experiments,
scientists have discovered methods for
obtaining all the natural digeetante.
These have been combined in the pro
portion found in the human body and
united uitn suostances that build up
the digestive organs, making a com
pound called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It
digests what you eat and allows all
dyspeptic; to eat plenty of nourishing
loou wniiu the stomach troubles are
being radically cured by the medicinal
ngints it contains. It is pleasant to
take and will give quick relief.
.Smi led by u Kielet.
Skatti-k, July 4. A $50,000 fire
caused by a skyrocket in the hands of a
1 careless boy tdiight burned u business
block c.ccu pied by Holden & Wilson,
Randolph Gross and Rhodes Bros., on
Second avenue. The building and most
of tlie c ontents is a total loss. All are
believed to be f ull v insured.
For Red Rough Hands
me nanus, on retiring, in strong,
hot latliur of Cuil-
dry, and anoint,
fiooly with Outi
(juiia Ointment,
tho great skiu euro and purest of emol
lients. Wear during tho night old, looso
kid gloves. For rod, rough, chapped
hands, dry, fissured, itching, and feverish
palms, shapeless nails with painful tlngor
ends, this ouo night trcatmont is simply
For Sanative Uses
Its remarkable emollient, cleansing,
puriiying properties, de
rived from Outicuha, tho
groat skin cuio, warrant
tho use-of (JuiicuiiA Soap,
in the form ot baths for
annoying irritations, in
tlatninatlons, and chunngs,
for too frco or olfonslvo
lorspiratioii, and ulso in thu form of In
ortial washes und solutions for ulcerative
weaknesses, and for innnv N.mntlvii null.
soptlo purposes which readily suggest
themselves to women, and especially to
mothers. Tho use of Cuticuka Ointment
With OUTICUHA Hoai will also ho nf
advantage in tho soveror cases.
Treatment of Evory Humor.
A sudden veering of
. j 1 1
in tue weatner.
Wash Suits
for Man and Boy.
from 3 to 10 years.
Crash Blouse Suit 50c
Uaik Percale Blouse Suit .. ..75c
Hark Duck " " ....$1.00
BlueChatnbrav " " 1.00
Linen Crash " " .... 1.00
Linen Duck " "... 1.25
White Duck " " .... 1.50
Tan Duck " " .... 1.50
Extra Knee Pants.
Crash 25c
Chambray 35c
Linen CrBah 50c
Fancy Duck 50c
Men's Crash Suits,
Duck Suits tan with white fancy stripes $3.50
Same, with brown hair-line 3.00
Pure linen crash natural color 5.00
Black and white check, linen crash 5.00
Blue Chambray 7.50
Wool crash 8.50
Cricket flannel light grey with fine line 5.50
Same, finer quality 7.50
Washable Vests Crash and Duck white linen and fancies;
- - price $1.00, $1.25
Full line of gray and black Alpaca Coats $1.50, $2.50
The Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
fur Halo.
Wo have at Portland n 'stock of line
lubricating oils and greases, Prices and
terniH uro right. Write for prices. Ceil
tru! Jtefiulng Co,, Cleveland, Ohio,
Trimmed hats and patterus at cost for
the next thirty days at the Campbell &
Wilson millinery parlors, 23. tf
the wind may mean a sudden
-r r .i -
not weather are you ready
from 8 to 14 years.
Tan mixed Duck Jacket Suit;
double breasted $1.95
Blue and white mixed duck . . 2.00
Natural color linen crash, small
blue hair-line check 2.00
Tan and white mixed cotton
covert 2.00
11 years to 20.
Three-piece crash suits $4.00"
Why pay $1.75 pur gallon for inferior
piilntH when yon can buy James K,
Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark it
Falk, agents. id 17
For Inline, injuries, piles and eklu
diseases uso DeWltt's Witch llnel Salvo.
It Is tho original. Counterfeits may bo
offered. Uso only DttWItt's.