The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 03, 1900, Image 3

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    Our Mid-Summer Sale
WILL SOON BE HERE in full force. Just one
month earlier than usual.
We started with an $8.95 Suit Sale, which now develops
into a gonoral clearance a full-fledged bargain event. Not
through any special effort on our part; not through unusual ad
vertising. It seems as though each customer told a dozen oth
ers, and so the salo has grown to a Christmas crowd looking
for July bargains. Rest assured there shall bo no disap
pointment. The most pronounced hargain fiend shall be more
than satisfied. It has come to us unsolicited, and we shall ac
cept it with good grace.
Feu custom tail ore could surpass
these suits, though they were to charge
.$12 oi $lf; doubtless 20 would please
yen better ut tin) to-order stores.
Keniembcr Hint it ia riot for profit
thiis suit) was Btarted a
Mid-Summer Sale
nt n lose If mice ssary. It is Hn estab
lished feature of our business; some of
tliti broken lots luivn been placed on eep
urutn counturc, including; values up to
$12, your choice ut 111 i)5.
We have started
a Hat Sale....
A lot of Men's Straw Hals, in either
yncht or soft finish, rough or plain
straw, plain or fancy bunds; ns Rood as
tiny mid better tluui ninny shown else
where ut $1 00
Sale pric?, 50c.
Two lots of Fedora Hats.
Two lots of Alpine Hate.
The first lot gathered from Huch as
pold all season at $1.00 and .f 1.75. vour
choice nt .f 1.10.
Th" second lot, gathered from such
tie sold ut $i! to ?2..")0; your choice, if 1,85.
Here's a chance for swell dressers
surpassing any offer wp have yet made,
and purely better values thau you've
ever seen before.
Boys1 Clothing
A lot of Boys' Summer Coats wo
bought to sell for 7fc a fair price; half
takes them now
Only 39c.
I.'ots of good 25 a Knee Pants in n
variety of patterns; well made, in fact
beet 25c yalnos you ever bought; your
choice for 15c.
BOYS' SUITS. Regular $1.00,
$1.25 nnd $1.50 values (slightly soiled",
your pick for We ench.
A list of
Men's Furnishings.
Men's Silk Front Shirts in fancy
stripes and checks ; ) on will admit they
are good 75c values
Going at 45c.
ONE LOT of Silk Front Shirts
which were good sellers at $1.25 and
$1.50, have been reduced to $1.05.
Special lot of Men's Bike
and Golf Hose....
Good values at 90c and $1.00 ; your
choice for (i!)c
Commencing Monday, July 2nd, 1900.
A few days ago we announced to you through this paper
that wo would greet you with a Mid-Summer Sale. The goods
we ofler you do not show the rust of by-gone seasons, but are all
new, bright and attractive patterns.
Silk Department.
This is a great, silk year, and wo are
prapared for it. 500 vards of high class
pilks in a variety of designs and color
ings. For instance there are Warp
Printed Tall'ettas, Liberty Satins, Crink
led TafTetfae, Lace Stripe TaH'ettas.
When we assure you of the beauty
and every high character of the silks,
our prices will tell the rest.
Prices at the Silk Conntor.
Suit and Skirt Dept.
The values in this department has
surpaesed anything heretofore offered.
Suits ranging from
$4.00 to $23.00.
Skirts from
$1.35 up.
Dimity Cords, a beautiful wash fabric, in some 30 colorings,
4 3-4 Cents, worth 8 Cents.
Domestic Department.
Unbleached Muslins.
Albany C l'c
Albanv LL 5c
Cabot' VV ojijc
Cabot A 0c
Indian Head
Bleached Muslins.
Hollywood ."its
Kntledge , 5c
'ric-a-hrac 5c
Hope 7j.c
Lonsdale 7Jjc
Fruit of Loom 7oc
Ceylon-Illuea 4:c
Skirling Prints 4fc
Light Color Diess Prints 4c
AM Standard Prints 5h;C
Amoskeag S'.j'c
Lancaster 4 1 . 1 c
Embroideries and Laees
Everyone knows that Embroideries
and Lines nre holier than thev were a
year ago, yet on the face of an advanc
ing niarknt we have reduced our prices
one-fifth from old price.
The Shirt Waist Season
Is now at its best, and as soon
as our stock is pretty well
cleaned uo wo are wiliinu to
sacrifice the blance nt any
old price.
Will be a gala day with
us in all departments.
We want this sale to ov
erlap all previous records
Big Sales and
No Profits...
This is our object in this great
sacrifice sale of Men's,Women's, Misses'
and Children's Shoes.
If you know a good thing when
you see it, buy now.
Men's Tan Lace Shoes $2.00
Men's Calf Congress (elastic side) 1.00
Men's Calf J -ace (narrow toes) 1.00
Here are the best values on earth.
Ladies' Kid .Button, sizes 2v- to 4, .85
Ladies' Kid Button, sizes 3 to 5. 1.00
Ladies' Tan Oxfords, all sizes 1.00
Children always want
Buying at these prices is like find
ing money.
Misses' Kid, soring heel, button,
sizes 2 h to 0 1.00
Missis' Kid, spring heel, lace, sizes
24 to C 1.00
Misses'. Kid, spring heel, button,
sizes Hi to 2 85
Childs' Kid, spring heel, button,
sizes 8i- to 1 1 75
Childs' Kid, spring heel, button,
sizes (5 to 8 60
We do not quote the former prices
for these goods, but simply request
you to see for yourself if they are not
the best values ever offered.
All CoocIb Marked
In Plain Figures.
Telephone A'o. 1.
- JULY a, 1000
. "TiiO.m D I K Ul !
m w mm- m k an m m w
iX-SLS m " iCTV
irri m
The tiutida v school hoard meeting ut
the M. 13. church will he held Thursday
instead of Wednesday evening, us An
The new conntv oll'icars assumed their
..... . .
jMerH, with .Judgn L'ltikeley presiding, will
ju held.
A lire tomorrow would he dotihlv mi-
fortunate with to many absent from the
city, so we would advise the emull hoy
(und large hoy as well) to take heed to
the whereabouts of the diminutive lire
cracker, rthioh may prove enormous in
its results.
Do yon want the prettiest white blouse
waist in the city for .vour hoy V A nice
white blouse waist with deep sailor
collar of three ion s of insertion and open
work embroidery edge, insertion trim
med front, pleated sleeves and cull's;
from 3 to 7 years. Our price only $ 1 .41.
Tho New York Cash Slore.
The Astoria hoys better look well to
their hoimrs w ben our buid boys come
marching; in tomorrow, tor they U.okid
decidedly nobby this morning In their
linen dusters and white caps. The
leudor, however, failed to don the regu
lation coBtume, and it wmh evidept there
wore not enough ulsters in town to go
uround him. lint the girls will see
him just the same.
' A change took place In the manage
Anont of JJIakoloy & Houghton's drug
store on the first of this inoeth, V. L,
Houghton having sold his interest to
J. Jilakeley, wno is now sole owner.
These gentlemen have been connected
in the drug business for over ten years,
nnd have conducted one of the most
popular places of business In the city.
Ho fur us wo have learned Mr. Houghton
hus no Intentlou of leaving The Dalles.
While tho partnership wus a p1casuit
one, enjoyed by both proprietors and
patrons, wo bespeak for Mr. Ulakeley
the same neutrons patronage they have
always held.
The professors and former pupils of
Mt. Angel college, are arranging to hold
a mass meeting of all former students in
the near fuutre, which bids fair to be
one of tho most enjoyable ttflairs imagin
able. This college has for years been
dome n splendid work in educating
Oregon's young people, and a meeting of
this kind will be greatly appreciated by
those who love their nlina mater and
those connected therewith.
ZHood Htver hay shown the good judg
. nttf 1 1 tiifntti riliniMiit ruin r f 't'litt TViltua
uivjiiu n- 4.1,1(11 v 1 1 vulv. oim y i itiu iuiiva
teachers to fill a vacancy in her school,
and last evening Miss Anna Thompson
received notice of her appointment.
lies Thompson Is a graduate of Mon-
mmth normal school nnd has had re
narkable success in the positions she has
iield near The Dalles. Hoot! Kiver mav
therefore congratiilnte herself on her
(good luck in securing her services.
In another column we publish our
now mayor's message, which is truly
interesting reading to those who have
the good of the city at heart. True to tho
principles under which ho was elected,
tho tone of . the message indicates that
those who houored him witbanoflico
which was not sought by him, have
made no mistake in their choice. Mayor
Dufur evidently intends to use in the
city ull'airs tho same good common sense
for which ho line always been noted,
Almost a week bus passed and still
Mrs. Spink and family await further
news concerning tho drowning of her
only son, Uobert J3. Kintoul, In the
Snake river on tho 27th. Tho merest
news of his death was received and as
yet no word as to the finding of the
body has boen heard. JIo leaveti a wife
and two children. The suspense is ter
rible to those who mourn his untimely
loss and they have tho sympathy of all.
Among tho passengers on tho ex
cursion boat tills morning was Mr.
Hugh Gotirlay, editor of Tin: CmtoNiou:,
who, having laid aside his editorial
mantle, will dou his bathing suit and
piddle in tho waters of tho Pacific (or
tho next fortnight. Having aleo loft
tho official pencil and scissors behind,
ho evidently has no Intention of favor
ing our readers with poetic effusions
on "old ocean," but will confine his
writing to the burning Binds. His
"summer gill" (who, by the way is alBo
his winter giil ) will meet him in AEloria,
where they will enjoy the celebration
and he will return with her to their
cottage at Ocean Park.
While to is casual observer Dalles peo
ple do not seem to be in an overly pa
triotic, mood this year, yet when we con
sider the number of miles many of them
are traveling for the privilege of pulling
tho eagle's tail, one must neces
sarl'y change his mind on the subject.
However, while the city will be almost
deserted, we should at least leave a re
minder of the day behind in tho form
of decorations on our homes and busi
ness houses.
Sunday afternoon S. Kelley And fam
ily came in from the Seth Movgan place
to attend tho Salvation trmv
hitched their horso just back of
Cuurlay'd residence on thoblnH'.
returning Mis. Kelley and the two little
ones got In the wagon, when the horse
became frightened and tarted to kick.
In some manner the children were got
ten out before the atinial tore up the
road and around tho corner toward L,
13. Crowe's leeideneewith Mrs. Kelley
holding on to tho front eeat, tho back
pseat having fallen' out. Tho horse
turned and ran upover the rocky road
In front of Crowe's and dually was
stopped in the aley near H-jbt. Mays'.'
Frightened almost to death, Mrs. Kelley
fainted away ajd was some little tlmoin
com i lie to; lktit fortunately no perma
nent injury wis done, as teemed inevit
able to those who watched tho runaway.
Tho D.illes lu soon to have anothel'
neat ehurih edifice added to tho list of
which she Is already justly proud, and
next Monday morning workmen will!
begin tearing down tho building which'
has for tho past six years served thd
purpose of a place of worship for thoi
uiembeis of tho Calvary liaptlst church,
preparatory to the erection of a new
church. While tho present iiaiters
have been tilted tip neatly and scived
their purpose well up till the present,
theyaio certainly not adequate to the
requirements of the growing congrega
tion, liesldo this, (he building has not
been an ornament to that portion of the
city, and not only tho members of that
chinch but all will be pleased to learn
that a bulldiug will bo erected which
will greatly improve this street which Is
used so continuously. For that reason
alone, laying aside tho broader and
more deserving one, they should receive
tho assistance of tho entire community
I.. .!...!
The Kxrirloii.
Save for the absence of lire crackers
and lemonade stands, one might have
thought tho Fourth was already here
and the D. 1. t A. X. deck the scene of
a celebration this morning. A .goodly
number bad gathered to see the ex
cursionists Eet sail for Astoria, while as
many more were boarding the Dalles
City, which, with the Keliance, were
lined up awaiting their cargo. Had the
number of excursionists not been a
euflicicnt load for the Dalles City, it was
tho intention to' let her carry tho lie
liance passengers, or in case she was
overcrowded, the latter would come to
her assistance ; but when all was told,
171 were found to be boui.d for Astoria,
nnd-all was in shape.
As they started out, to the music of
the D. C. A A. C. band, tho little Re
liance seemed to have a slight difficulty
in moving oil', so that the Dalles City
was quite a ways ahead ; but soon show
ing that she meant business, the little
craft gained on her, and when they
turned Crate's Point they were almost
abreast, although the larger boat still
took the lead.
It is the intention to reach Portland
at 2:l!0, but as excursion'sts will 'bo
taken on down the liver, undoubtedly
it will be later in arriving. Remaining
in Portland a few hours, they will tako
tho train for Astoria anil reach there
about 10:110 tonight. Returning on the
5th, they will get Into Portland in lime
to tako the boat that morning, arriving
hero in the evening.
Those of us who pel force must remain
behind wish them n uloiious time,
Tin- Mi' I).
has been
is some-
ill their work.
Mrs. II. W. French, who
very ill for the past ton days.
w hat better today.
Mr. J. A, Mcintosh, whosa condition
has been critical for some weeki past,
was verv bad yesterday. His trouble is
heart failure.
I3d llotteltler was taken sick Situi
day, since which time his de&k bus hi en
vacant in French & Co.'s hank. He is
Viibln to bo out today.
Professor J. T, Nell' Ins b.eii con
lined to tho house hi co last Thursday,
but is improving from his illness and
was on tho street this morning.
Carey Mallard, who has been confined
to his room for several days, attempt' d
to resume his duties In Johuston's store
yesterday, but took to his bed aguiu
lite Slomuclis and Bowels of
Promotes Digoslion.Cficcrruf
iicssandnesi.Conlains neither
Opiiim.Morpliinc nor Mineral,
tiQT j!AliC OTIC .
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
J)imJLut SciU'
KixlslU SJli -JtiiirSrrtl
i ffisiwil -tltCaiiaiuib-fufa
(JiytfitJ Surjar
hiatriyHwi flam;
Apeifecl llemeily I'orConslipvi
Hon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish
ness mul Loss of Su?ki.
Vac Snu'ilc Si'nnlurc or
exact copy or wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
Dalles to Cascades and return ... . ,7'm
Dalles to Hood Kiver and return Sllu
Cluiilien unoer 12 or over 0 years Half J'aro
W, C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt.