Ml UP 15 I" J -3- -r f Hie Dailes Daily Ghi-amrie. ,V'l iAM M!,m.V tr hu. Fr Vlr-lrr"iHnt' -ECDORE f?CC2VL-7 irsTt r.r Hi: " t. jr -Ai. -'. ir i::p3- .on ,-i ,e art 'hst imni lira r arr.Tr t n. l ts xtTtrltzt rr -JoiffBMit it -ne rrtinem ut utt-fiy iTwist & J. n;i 'htsr ropn mf.on to tti wttin-wr-s inft 'Be an ntf ,MV2R CU'FUR'S WHSHAtSS. r-tn -csu inn iiat.oBs. is 'Htf -sinniit mat n fi C Me1 tit sfi. Catarrtt . i Ktwtt ir OHtlittmonai liffi . ami n .rriw tu rap- t i n.i?t 'uKw mer rau .-wststitM. Had' '.' ltiirrfl Cnrn . ml A amp?, im ftmrm mtore-nftaf akn -ntwmulr , mit Hi iiresilv in fnr Uw ?- at Tasm n fwnif- the Hood ind uiicon irfnutr. EuU' piMi)r pmMMwee urn Sr amoiir CSuar-rh Oen . nn i i!--fc; lut-tfitant?. HTjDttwr Sp pum vr ivmmta it mf tns- prrcrrOrt iv m no trait- Hr-t r rmd - a trmttr A iiimI m- unr-wani- n :tu nntr- fhr year?, ami pmrmm: tar -rrusMH ami jma-ff i rt-mmr ai--Tr:jroon. It eafapo-i iw-t-- to not -mar t. mit -re .as sfcr rf the 1? tonics siro-m. nrahinwf th Garden Hose fi iconic -?f '.nir'len H-khj ami ,i'f carrying fifati 5iinni fcraatf of REGULATOR LINE, llllil.V't I TUllilli'l V IIWI'MH.1 1.1.11. 'iJUJ.H ti.n)iu tir Hi" tlfaiilunir Liiim -vlll run iin nw Ui iv . iiMintH. tin! tfimiiiiiiiy i'rvUiif tiiu rtht u uliiian I. ' . ti 'in, ut mill'". St -it 5r Snnamrat ?ntl iff Hiii hI nti Unfit CittL. The mr .nakfa k ray "fair srtizfe nrps, as to am nr rpij-ai. prnoer jtad jaflHMPM -nth ttte atr i npfla and :he rwfsre of 't: :nrtahi(initK. f .tra 3trK-e(i u ststts fht tbtsfe : a due iH'eraajifle J tto rT .inrt" oi ir fer prp.inilt , hut Uik ,dty as a iKiiK ij at present neered nth rs-jcntur pra peritv inil mr miaene erBrBily --nth the same bran! of Ed that A Bhe Dfilles Cily Fire Depart-, r , mr6 bns baaix Hsing mr the fhe ICaL- WMMi. in-. Pixtftmtt tt p. -I. '.r'lulllt it i. 'I. MnmlHr AIT. Oillm e. 4. Ship your Freighc via Regulator Line. lit. .' t. . .rr. Pirtlimit .it i i. II in fZ3erc?ncv to iluniii neutr it-t onttar7 aa :hwr -Tihhas and esvsailv s in inBtSfcfaenonMr atfbdinz property riuhts irni nstin ipan them aeav? hanieas- Thers ih another reason far iruic the iramwiiate reptai nf jaiii ir itnanoe in tte lth tay jf iaet month a arc? anraBcr A .-stii5'n rasaayers as The ;rMmr i LS5S. ay asai sea. -s-oisintJife aaramentasi a .wit atjainet anthoHc Uti3e Ctr tn :ek and -U tliH oily ts peraetnail? diijoin thii city fyindr. not ta sasd .a He -izzrtrzzli- fmnj fnnber praotfiin uniii-r inid ir- fiajKVVJB -rah. rfaiai :a atr nf:he tht-n ,linane. I die smt m .iwtndwi 'jy tftu nntstandinu .ndtJrtwnt JianK the at? is Ttll he in jpposition tn the s- tstj, nd n nnrwianrft if aatharity prrreil Irishes if .i iurue aiHjurity if anr and the prnrtwonir of aut v.: -aty aondif esttsens. it sjreat erat-nw ta th aty and ta the jmnnnt if 7 .KIS.Oft ven; .fniy Tth a ttron-i prnhnnility thuc tnt! inii- toted and soid that amount naiiim; nanua and acta of :sm can noil fhirewith th cty ? .ndehtttlnei thii esifctint:. -nnnot; tie apheid hy thu ennrt. nn Tiiteft bnndrr wre mada payataitj in granmiB rhich I in not cam 'a difcent?. fram the date of ifisuania and The pnmpt ropnaiiny of the 'iniinanus aa!e and hfar 'J per cfnt. interest psr- ,vin aaV(, ttfect ta terminate ud afjlB i:ni.tnnijajlr. Thmnuh vmnixpii TOU. thK eaits far are merely nouii- nr lnadrtMoe r aeHitnn thti aci of aal. That iewra -vtil be repaired and 1395 faded :a smvidi! a sinirin!,' fund attw sewem lanetrnr.ted thera an 'ie aa tth -Thien to meet Thu pafuient. of dnnht, hnr, as I hnvn wtzzfitetl. such thej bnmta at maturity ic fn authaHzi- tTorn snnnid be ior. :n nurmony t th Zhtt loinin? of money saved fnraich pnr- the 'vishesol proper: v awnere. ir i aur, pos, in 'hir meantime, much tn rhe !o rnn because of a present; neciirv ai me uty, jat the esjaiature of Ifm) Hose thnt we fctm batm :urrv- ; in." fiir tha &ic five vearf. 1 oprj tari aaB ass 'rttMrrov to e !M)ot prifku?. n-tJni; Ilreasly " - . rt.. . ...t:t. : ...,r..t..i,.i vr.i wi ocMitMs ttcttai ia -rxad 'Mtii in pirir.z tanabiitatian rf :fae f.vri nurfilents ih . tfce TtHimmee. ml imhsr a anapprrv -bec prmincti men ronifuraii rcsultc in UlSG .XOSS HCtlBu. " HilVV'f i HtMftm -if "it rwl endntMir xrwi arcei snritJC v-Atarrji. r-jiri for twiimmjiniH, jtaoaafcr die aarnen jf -jsnent- .1 Tmit F. i. Caicmr i Co.. Poi., ToMmSo O. tu.nlwn thn irrfinn- am- Sill's ?ffiiir P11! are -his fcfJXi. EI fc.- ft .u, ' 2 Tmraj t.y n-.mrn. ,f -m-3tn.ttnir f rjteretare rKCBOfiniMHt '.hsc raid renamed .Tt an 5r? day. no to est-i i. aj pmiwu and mh- Str. OalM'i City. Li Piirtiiinit Ttlurntn iitttiriluv .Vrr Dm in FOE GOMFOH.T SCONOMT AfD PLSASUBE, r.ittf. jamm.. The li.d up alli ,; j fe without hopes n rwavfery. I twiH .t SiottJf; uf 4 -nn. ! vr xvlMtn plWilllM. Thn 'iiniwiiv tlitifirnr J- ' ir turtliiT iiilnrriumim ulilnsii rhoea Heniwiy to therion'". -tdHm: them I fHt iw it would in unari ;r ustni au- OD. thti marfclit. isiniini: tn dirctiana. Ixt fvo diir1 rime ' the i-Jjud .lad ftuly meivsmi. Hie (jhilct isnair icarons and health". I h" r uammemied this r?inefiy fmjuentir anil havv nevir kniiirn it to fnil. Mr?. Curtia Bafefr. Bmnk'raitur, Ohio. Suiii by ElaKeJev .t Honsiiton. Call ami iret, our orii.'i-s before buvintr. JflaieF 5 Benton Sole Agents. TV intfit. Ktmcitlntl7. X -wid humess-mHker. Aoply to E. Kraiifcf. of Wasco. Or. j'2 tf. Oie Minute Ciiiisiri Cuns ia the only , harmier- remedy !hut pr.niucaa hn-i mediatu resuita. Try it. j PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this weil-knom Bakery, and am nor prepared to supply every body -with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Stauie and -Fancv Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, ?ionee: cer. " for The Ctimmcie. Hags I Giow anppiied tins defer.t by rrentini a ink- ai fund and -nafcini; it the duty of tiie cauncii to annually st apars from the aeneral fund and pay intn mid sinkins' 1 fund not less than lU0.Jfl, -hieh money is to bo. Ioanfd by the treasurer nnder the direction of the cauncii upon arse ciaea steamy and at sucn rate uf rnlerest ae the canmul may "iesm proper, lam rat'de-.i tn learn lhat fBOflfl.OO, or autiiit that aum, hr.a already been paid into the iinkinii fnmi, of '.vhich snm "afl.tJ0 is draivini,' ai:c and eiyht per cent interest, -wine of it beinu in . county warrants and citv '.vater h-imi lihit:si run err:. On the sunset of pravidini; stre-r Hehta for the c:ty I have no rwamnen- li.itinn to make at this lime further Ulan tn induiije in a brief auifqcstSan. Tha: the abseniia of -street lights in the .are fad and winter 2-nsons ss a rpat incon venience, is a fact recognized by ail. bur have mnnanr!i to do without street Hi'htiiii' for a iun puriod. I have so douhc that if the eity Ten free, or prac tieatly u, from lebt there '.vonid 'in an almost unanimous siemand tor ,'iBtitini thu .uiieta uf the ijity jn a coniervative and economic: batis. In vleiv of the and the hninna. :n.m,..i r 81 i nnnnciai unnitmop. :t iema to mo jjilt eiiya srounty. " thlis; no ehinfeive sysiem of. street iit-ht- I have 3en lit ui pani.minriv mention ini; Ca" at P""6 be atftmnil, and in -m thia bondwi debt of 'he !itv, not for nie 'V'int iboalii an7 ''-"P1 !w made -reason that I assume von are .j-nonint of ' allKmli1 or Paftintly fh-tjt the city -.v.t a thesefacli.. hnt ta especially imprpa us 0,It tIrat ,ll,tai",n,i HMuuoa of ue arith the necesfeUyof carefully ami can . ta"'p,l-"ire' atantiy jnantin!,' iivnint tn inuurrinij tar.K7, imnxr n.xr v.-td cbov of unneta-isary esnen in things m Z favor a ;ihetni policy, without might ivisii to hnva but which are not travnannce or inxuetiee to pmper? own- finperativeiy 'lem.-iiidi and -vs cancut. ' era. in the umttfcrif repairing' ind rnain- aa mere convenience, alfurri. Tn can- tninin- our atreatB, siduivailrg and cro ductJna 'he ariairs of the city, and in 'vaik in a i-riod safe condition. view of tne aeavv ieut hanmn" mu.r over it, nm, on? iaTMHJsr. ihnuui adopt th same ittitst meUi- r.., u r . . , afo and plan of economy Urnf-owm nr: lim departn,,nt in campetont the prudent and bus man f ta"- bein, and hue rn nductiniwu buMnetg a-fuir ' T 'f man,U" WJrU,? af Bava thoH fn.n done that am ab-o- at iaaA ljiticen Ihtety neaaarj for the health and nroa- 'Apartment should receive inch perity of our Btintt and to .lioni em ' a'U " TUr han'te 18 may b ae",aily ample ?CCunty m their persons and """tu.n it for etfcotlv property, and re;ent all othra. The ! ' 3W',uMn' "-nneoessary wHar,. husint'ss ife of -nmrnnnitles ie frequent- ''IT'' T8a yriKA Iy suhjented to rhe lame v!eisitudia T:l, thls branch of our city overn viaited upon .ndiv.dua.s, 're have -otMl II1H3t i"111 n"v nuie it anything uj ti'raiis and we have our bad timesfand dn- 0"" water supply fur domestic ipe tfis titan fur tn pravtdt) ihr the puv anii dre protecttun ia under the wiper day that tviil by and by surely come in vlHot ti control of the Water Cam when tfme are ood and our cittseng miusinn, corapo?ed il pnident buaine-a can ninm easily near the burdens of uvx- men Tha are performinsi their duties atfnn. Our citisana am already heavily , MtWauiorily in avery eespect. Tt ia burdened with ra.tation for state, caun- to ia? tnut 'r!th aur present water ty ami ichuot purposes, aside from the anpply. oorelTenti-r means far estin-hur-ipn if maintaininir iur city ovem- i'hn! 3re, and the ready response of munt, ar.d w iwe to them careful hon-, oar ersetu: arpmen our fair uty ia in eatwirfc ,n aiiminifiterm,' th aifuin of '' no',-an,Qr ' 0fti'"? 'Uatn lain in aahos. the eft, to the end that their hntviens .ascieoau amm. will not be ntineceflannly inuwawi and tra , . ., . evry dollar that can h . . "r rrm "p"" H vor: : iew year, ami let us not for-et the 1? The inlr stare n -ins 'Jt" There the Genuine impnrtsd Scr3n3ky-Scsef Wars & ?oJu. A atria higher in pnee. bun outiasta a iozen aieceaaf so ruled meap enam eieii wTire. beware: Other -xares looi: ike ir.huttheaenitk .ne haa the name S z ranaky Steel Wimoneach piece. Do lot oe deceived First pnze ac 1-1 Znternatiunal E.thi tmona Eurheac aani at World s ji'inihian rthihi ".f n Chicaco Prs-?r-l hv the best of.inmiauthannes, ar-.ded zn bv thu ti -junausahem rta ir punty and iuratiuity it id meanest because Complete ZT)2 of Drills C. S. Smith, t:i; 4 1 4 L. Lane Up-to-date Qroeerj; at Z. DON NELL, THE DRUCCIST. Fn.'sh Ej'-9 and Creamery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. We Put... every bit of twenty years e-Yp.jrienfe and drus knwletke with every Prescription Bfeu's GomgiKtttieil here. Is it anv reason whv oar pvessiip4$fa 6tisjmi is iHorensine so rapitlly ? A.-k yn;v phy-ician BiacRsmnn Horsssnoer VKas-on and Carrrage Wrt. Fish 3rothsrr VWagon. TliMIauii JeffCTD. FlionellS' Hi' C. F. Stephens BEST. 4bJV rtemnmcer tats .leiehmteit enam el tfi -vare inapeciai .y imnoraHl for and sold in thia cit7 e: :iusively 3y us. It .Uses not nitt zor ahsorh grease, ;oes not ifiscolor nor '.atoii inside ih nct.iifecmdbyaci da ui fniita or esetables, viU boil, ittiw, rcast and baka vishouS .mpurtini .1 tvor at ptrevioualy t 'j o k a 3 Jod and rvfli laat for yearn. W-i cut r.on the public ttrainut .niiunofla fl Dry Cccds, CIc thing, '-nts' ;-a?nisnmcs, T-' "o U." (! if.. iii:iui -hi. Tie Dalles, Or. I iilM k nnmi Reliaf.l E'reserlptionists F. S. "" Gunning, ..GHAS. mu- J Batehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Tpi .in IrriiiB'ir -:m .it Him won pr.i-rt. .'.tin, t mil 1 Mtv:tiint. V rinmt j mints ii '.V ,m, mil ' lsars. i" tintiil Sandtuichea ii U if..nlH iiwayii hi ik3U t Just i. 4l!lia.ti X. ?n-.-lilimt; 1k i What You manfc. .Blacksmith, first National Bank. wagon 5nop, Horseshoeing. THS DALLES - - - QRECCN .1 Gnnurai BunUini- Buaineaa tranaac'Jif Dpi,Hit rycitived, itibjer.t to 'ii; J Draft or Oiitcit. OillecUnnrt nnufu and pmi-miilrf prom Jtif vTUiiLi-u on uav in ctiuuctinn. I1T . irnL jc 5LximauiH an.-' ju i N.t-v York, ,-un Fruiciacn ani n-r' Cor M i Laos&iin. THoug 151 d. f. n. .r. w. Tits Goiuiia pjcKing Cl OP,N DAY AND NIGHT. -4J.JL l-aU Bli 5fl&.fl Tai.ia . i . . W 1. 1 rr- frnni nprti .-t-i.,,-, w year, anu let im not for-et the , . 'v mrew m riper hrir. Sxh 11 2J .inwr f nr3em;ntH' hs 'a"' . Importanoa of that work and the lenin H TH H ?P ! O Q HCfO I 3 Ir y M T,! -f f- kuuvewnc or '.ail eltV's,) .(u. t. . .f - - - - "in ttim .!. "" ,nr 3H9'-'-"'ins Till be - -sa i ..! iat warm, obdi- pleasant and harmuninua. and that if 321. .Hin-nMiniss anee they will honest dlf. A Difficult Problem . ' -1 i"-eu oy tne .ei;. jimun, not nastily formed, iircton ncmsLi Ti,i nannr.i at Knwin 5rdia:ir7 price. paper v atmuiy ot WTiO.thrt csuncilia ' ni,c -'n nmtnra and well' considered iunun.:ei una aaipowered to estahiich lu"i.'tne(ic Sir the pnhllu weal, a synem 0 jeweraue and to conetruut, Re-ppctfutly suhuiitted, rc-.ay, maintain and repair all aecasaary F- B. D-ua. iravor. drama and jeweri at iU diacretion, etc D-- Cily. Orpsjou, Tuiy 2, WtjQ hw. -i, .jiflj, me .iammon council Fjr pat!Sl -peciai Ordinancj tit -.u.-u hiuu mv im it ih .imonif Mm most dilfui.,1; pr.)!, lema .if natural scimice fiiroriH i ht-c.-mi' rt-rpert in wveral liuea. .f E. -e Co., tiy tbetr cninhiuatimi. ni.-- I jjiiiij iniH uiuicuity ;u a amiM.c.u cuTint (i)tinfn.4. fcitrii irir,ir. ir.t iinuil price, at our jtiiri on Thir-' street. Xiao a full line o hwu puinti D. W. YAUSE, Third St The CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE, J B Crossea & Co , Frop,3. 87 Second Street Ai'VftNLtt'R.ttori s .voticf.. and. QthSCTONS OMP-iiifi. .I:o. a.Scua.icit., Uaa. A. L'jj. Xf B.r.t. , t, , ; - ia 'joou on iewfrv .inn enyravini, '.vhim was approved hy the ma vor an r...T . .. :.T l"a -'""'"nian ' l P"mn ami m rii....l man flu' ihhI riiwi. n n 'inliir if rh .iiuicv ' iiiirt'it thii .rui ..; VW., oy i fii tll.l If II....,..-.. lay of aid month thenty. It ia notmy p,lrp088 to manti upon the meriu or dement of the ordinance or the plan or jystm cnn. tiiiH ordiuancft pro. i earner Third and Waehim-inn , ?:n" Hieir pn.ut ia .,i,v a .( Phone o. 107; iona diatance 1VI V iln 'ir'n'1 ;nrU m,-"' M- 'Chi.y "RJnif'am up." 11!. ara PBm tn do all a , ,hH,r ! . W,n " : wral linea,, on hart n.UJ.w.. Work waytnn.'- patent fly and mndom'rii ""1' "y m'-" or pr-M will JJ-lt I Watch-" Itiller at Ifaier A Beatun'i. ri,i-' BANK FRQ B H. SJ?, ' ..C , rr, f P, i.. , ! m.i(lu. .if uiu miii;.8 """,ia tf"' p. . l" ' '"nlrt ia thn 0'iu.i May iujh ! c. , wurn auiwi. It 'VI rm-ou iwid Wfciiiiai-toa Cull, orable urmn PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF M.icif.wTtjiisaaoi Pine Lard and Sansagea Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIFD BEEF, ETC. H. STUROEVANT umamut 3mwti A Oi. Una Physician ami Snrgeou, Oifliiif, qiimk tllT,. PM.t.ntli'n) a-rttnui-.t v XUI D.lLtKa, O&R'iQ !