The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 03, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 275
a I) c Dn II cg
4th July
Ladies' Suit Department.
We are offering our on lire stock of
Ladies' Eton and light-filling, as well
as several styles of Jacket Suits, worth
from 12.00 to $13.50, at $8.50
Finer styles worth $15.00, $18.00,
$20.00 and $25.00, at $13.85.
In these lots are styles and cloths
well worth considering for wear next
1-4 Off the
No exceptions made our entire stock open for you to
select from. Plain and trimmed Crash, Pique, Ducks,
Denims and Cotton Coverts. Our Kha Khi Short
Skirts included.
SPECIAL. DS Collar Belts-worth 50c, QQn
' - JT.JTit 75c and $1.00 OuU
Shoe Department.
men s $uo ciocoiate ifici til S(oes
Made with a fancy vesting lop, new and
fashionable coin toe, nickel hooks and
ej'elets, and furnished with guaranteed
oak-tanned soles, today and tomorrow
You can get your size if you come quick.
Gents' Furnishing Goods Dep't.
Six weeks ago we came across an unusual
chance to pick up a few extra good Men's
shirts cheap. Yesterday these shirts ar
rived. Today we place them on sale at
the following special prices:
FIRST LOT Men's "Eclipse" shirts, best
quality percale in up-to-date patterns; beauti
fully laundered, one pair extra cuffs to match.
These fihirts sell regularly at .f 1.25 and $1.50 ;
Special 90c
SECOND LOT Men's Silk Front "Eclipse"
Shirts; the silk extending well to the back,
linen finished white cambric body, assorted
patterns ; worth $1.50 and sold by many deal
ers for $1.75: Spe.-ial 90c
THIRD LOT Men's Puffed Silk Front
Shirts with white cambric body; "Eclipse"
brand; excellent value at $1.75; Special 95c
Sill Inperials
ai?d Ioufy Riders
each one a bargain worthy of being a 4th of
July offering; values 50c, 75c and $1.00 each.
xr wimruows.
This Store will be
Closed Tomorrow.
This Store will be
Closed Tomorrow.
keuty Thousand Chinese Soldiers
Within I'ekin's Walls Thirty
Thousand Outside and 3000 on
the Way to Assist.
f AKiiiNOTo.s", July 2. The navy de-
rtment hus received the following
MMlegram from Admiral Kempff, with-
date :
H'Chuo Foo secretary of the navy,
BHhington : Runner from I'ekiu ro
ds legations are besieged ; provisions
any exhausted ; situation dcripuruto.
irmau minister 'going to Ten nt; li
ituon murdered by Chinoflo soldiere.
porlcan, Italian, Duty (?) legations
rued. Twenty thousand Chinese
dlers inside, !!0,0000 outside Pekin;
0 rojiorted bound for Tien Tsln; etill
itinK nt Tien Tain. Commuiilcrttion
Bit Tien Tsui by rail und river in
luro. KuMi-rr."
Pho word "Duly" in Admiral Kompff's
patch Is taken to mean "Dutch," in
erouce to that legation.
Jkumn, July 1! A telegram from Dr.
n, the German consulate at Che Foo,
rfi : "Uur miiueter nt rekln was inur-
red on June 8th."
Jkumn , July 2 The consular body at
bii Ttiiu has unanimously proposed to
fir governments, as the Hole means of
mig the foreigners nt Pekln, that the
lited powers Hhould inform the Chinese
IthoritluH that the graves of the an-
Btorri ot the imperial family at I'ekiu
111 he destroyed if the foreigners at
Bkiu, especially the ministers, are
united. It is understood that Great
ritalii Is now dispoeed to adhere to the
Wahiiinciton, July 2. Cable ndvicee
prom Admiral Kempff thle morning fully
confirm previous report of the murder of
Von Kettoler, the German minister at
I'ekiu. The admiral also represents the
situation of the ministers as most des
perate. The shortage ol their food sup
plies reported by Admiral Kempff, gives
rise to the gravest apprehension. Hav
ing been takeu to Taku by runner the
dispatch repreeonted the ministers' con
dition at least five days ago, and there is
reason to fear that the worst has hap
pened in the interim.
Admiral Kempffa's favorable report of
the condition of the Oregon is believed
by Secretary Long to be based on the
report of tho commander of the Japanese
vessel, which generously offered assist
ance. No further reinforcements have been
ordered to China, military or naval.
btory of 11 81iivc.
To bo hound hand and foot for years
by tho chains of disease is tho worst
lorm ol plaveiy. George D. WillianiB, of
Manchester, Mich., tells how such a
slave was made free. Ho savs: "My
wife has been so helpless lor live years
that she could not turn over in bed alone.
After using two bottles of Electric
Bittore, eheis wonderfully improved and
able to do her own work." This supreme
remedy for feiualo diseases quleklu cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
headache, backache, fainting and dizzy
spells, This miracle working medicine
is a uodsond to weak, sickly, ruu down
people. livery bottle guaranteed. Only
50 cents. Sold by lllakelev & Houirhton
Druggists. tt
A L'ontloman recently cured of dvs-
pepsin gave the following approprato j
rendering 01 miniB' lamous Ulepsing:
"Some have meat anil cannot oat. and
some have none that want It; but we
have muat and wo can out, Kodol Dye
pepsin Curo be thanked," This prepara
tion will digest what you eat. It instantly
rolleves and radically cures Indigestion
and all stomach disorders.
DoWitt's Little KarlyIii8erH are
famous little pills for liver and bowel
troubles, Never gripe.
Subscribe for Tuts Cuboniok.
1'reveuteil a Irneeily.
Timely information given Mrs. George
Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, pre
vented a dreadful tragedy and saved two
lives. A frightful cough had long kept
her awake every night. Sho had tried
many remedies and doctors but steadily
grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's
New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured
her, and she writes this marvelous
medicine also cured Mr. Ijongof a severe
attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are
positive proof of the matchlees merit of
this grand remedy for curing all throat,
chest and lung troubles. Only 50c and
$1.00. Every bottlo guaranteed. Trial
bottles free at P.lakeley & Houghton's
Drug Store. 0
l'el Iihiik .ill Hltilii,
London-, July 2. Official diepaohea re
ceived by tho consular body at Shanghai,
an express cable dated Shanghai, July
1st, says, confirm in the fullest manner
the report of the butchery of Jiaron von
Ketteler, the German minister, on Juno
18th. The ambassador was riding in
Legation street, when ho was attacked
by Chinese troops and Boxers, dragged
from his horse and killed. His body
was hacked to pieces with swords. The
German legation and six other building:)
were burned and a number of servants
of tho legation killed and their bodies
thrown into the flames.
After many intricate experiments,
scientists have discovered methods for
obtaining all tho natural dlgestants.
These have been combined in tho pro
portion found in tho human body and
united with substances that build up
tho digestivo organs, making a com
pound called Kodol Dyspepsia Cute. It
digests what you eat and allows all
dyspeptics to eat plenty of nourishing
food while the stomach troubles ire
being radically cured by tho medicinal
ugentB it contains. It is pleasant to
take and will give quick relief.
It haa been demonstrated by experience
that consumption cnu bo prevented by
tho early use of Ouo Minute Cough Cure.
This is tho favorite remedy for couuhs,
colds, croup, asthma, grippe and all
throat and lung troubles. Curesqulckly.
Shot Girl unit Selr.
Wam.a Wam.a, Wash., July 1. In a
fit of insane jealousy, and because he
could not marry tho girl of his choice,
C. A. Martin, this afternoon at 3:l!0
o'clock, ehot and killed Mies Leal)
Coleman, and shut hitmelf, with
fatal result?. Tho shooting took place
in the central office of the telephone
company. Several people were near,
hut could not etop Martin before lie
succeeded in his purpose.
Martin came up from Pendleton last
night, where lie is known by the iiaiuo
of Archie Parks. Today he lav in wait
for the girl until she appeared at the
telephone odice. When eho arrived at
the office Martin met tier at the door,
wIihii a Ihw wnrilx impti'il liptu'iin tliurn
1 - ... .
and instantly live shots, tired in quick 1
succession, rang out. The first shot
fired at Miss Coleman missed its maik,
but the next two took effect in tho left
breast, causing instant death. Tho two
last shots were directed at himself,
which resulted in his deatli at 0:30 yes
terday morning.
'Jim lli-xl iU'iiicily fur Stonmcli ami
If, MMil Truuhlt'ii.
'I have been in tho diug business for
twenty yeaia and have sold most all of
tho proprietary medicines of any nolo.
Among the entire list 1 have never found
anything to equal Cliambeiluiu's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Renfedy for all
stomach and bowel troubles," s.iys O,
W. Wakelleld, of Columbus, Ga. "This
remedy cured two severe cases of cholera
morbus in my family and I have leeoin
mended and sold hundreds of bottles of
it to my cubtomers to their entire satis
faction. It iiffrds a quick and sure cine
in a pleasant form." For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton,
ruin, lli'iufurlin (Julckiy.
Baldwin's spaikling effervescent Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and effective euro
for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
bralu fatigue. 10 and 25 cents, Sold
by Clarke & Falk, druggists, jan24-0w
Clark & Fulk are never closed Sunday
Don't forget this.
Clark & Falk's drug ntock 1b new,
fresh and complete.
You Couldn't Tell
He was so
a nice appearing
honesl looking-
the price was so very attractive:
Mufi id Cnoioliti's
.,.at only 75c Per year...
Is simply irrcsislablo. Hut wo
think it so much more economical
to tako your money to a responsible
dealer, pay a legitimate price, and
feel assured that you will get your
money's worth.
The Jacobsen Book & Music Go.
For Halo.
Wo have at Portland a stock of Hue
lubricating oils and greases. Prices and
terms aro right. Write for prices, Cen
tra! Ilefiulng Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
Trimmed hats und patterns at cost for
the next thirty days at tho Campbell &
Wilson millinery parlors. 23-tf
Why pay $1.7) per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James K.
Patton's faun proof paints for if 1. 50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark k
Falk, agents. mI7
For hums, injuries, piles and ekia
diseases use DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo.
It is tho original. Counterfeits may bo
offered. Uee only DeWltt's.