The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 02, 1900, Image 4

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Columbia Kivor Ice it Fuel Co. wjalica
to aunuuiiee that they will deliver fee to I
any part of the city ut nil hours of the J
ilny or night. ' Phono III! or SI Long
Hist. ; "') or 8 Seufert & Condon.
M'f'k k
summer, when the blood is making an extra effort to frw Sink Headache absolutely and purina-
nentlv cured by using Moki lea. A
Satisfaction guaranteed
or monuv duck. -i ois. aim ou uib.
Hlnkuley & Houehton Druggist1
Thee unwelcome visitors usuallv appear in the spring or summer, when the blood is making a
,uoif fm.u thn tnativ imtmritios that have accumulated during the winter months.
Carbuncles, which are more paimttl antl dangerous, come most frequently ou me imck ot uic necK, , Ult ,orb drink. Cures const
eating great holes in the ilesh. exhaust the strength and often prove fatal., lloils are regarded by some k vml
people as blessings, and thev patientlv and uucouiplainiugly endure the pam and inconvenience undci anil indigestion, inuku. ou tai,
thp mistaken idea that their health is being benefitted, that their blood is too thick anyway, and this i work and happy. Satisfaction gnat
Nature's nlan of thinnintrit. The blood is not too rich or too thick, but is diseased is full ot poison and or monuv buck. -outs, and 50
unless relieved the entire sstem will suffer. The boil or carbuncle gives warnitig ot serious internal
troubles, which are onlv waiting for a favorable opportunity to develop. Many an old sore, running ulcer,
even cancer, is the result of n neglected boil.
Keep the blood pure, and it will keep the
skin clear of all the irritating impurities that
cause these painful, disfiguring discuses.
S S. S. cures boils and carbuncles casilj
and iiermanentlv bv reinforcinc. tmrifvmg and
building up the blood and ri'dding the svstctn of all accumulated waste matter,
S. S. S. is made of roots and herbs which act directly ou the blood, and all poisons, no matter
how deep-seated, are soon overcome and driven out by this powerful purely vegetable medicine.
S. S. S. is not a new, untried remedy, but tor
fifty years has been curing all kinds of blood and skin
diseases. It has cured thousands, and will cure von.
It is a uleasant tonic as well as blood purifier im-
Durlnc the summer of tsss I was per- proves the appetite and digestion, builds up vour
3uadeatotn-..S..S..amtafterljm!r. . i,niMVn,l i..w .., K1,1 i nnW "
tcTeralbattleswaenttreIycuretl.antt ........... - r ...... . ... -
have had no return of the.e painful , Our phvsiciJlis have made blood and skin dis
pests up to the present time." ; eases a j;te study write them fully about your case,
and anv information or advice wanted will be cheerfullv given. Vc make "no charge
whatever for this service. Send for our book on Mood and Skin Diseases free. Address, The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga,
Sir. K. M. Pratt, Cave S. C. writes
"Kor twenty years I was sorely
aii:tcil with Colli antl carbuncles
caused by impure blood. It is impos
sible tod"esc:ibcmy sufferinK . part of
the time b?in triraablc to work orsleep.
Several doctors treated me, and I tried
all the so-called blood remedies, but
jictmns .eemea to do me any good
(.mod, pure natural ice from the Hlue
mountains for sale by the Columbia
River Ice A Fuel Co. 'Phone S3 or SI
Long Dist. ; 7o or vS S-eufert & Coudun.
You will not have bolls if you take
Clarke A Falk's sure cure for lulls. ;
"Matt Ttiorborn,
C. L and George Mo:
tcdav from Victor.
of Kinsley, is in
e are in town
J. T. Peters went to Stevenson on the
early morning train.
J Mrs. E. M. Wilson went to Portland
on the early morning train.
Lee Steers, postmaster of Sup'ee, is in
ithe citv wilti a load of wool.
arehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot t-n kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts,
IZ 11) p. in.
TIHK .srilKllliLE.
rait ljikr, Denver, Ft.
Worth, Oninhn, Kan
m Citv, fct. IfllliU,'
CIilfrtKO mid hast.
- I
Mill I
Wisw p m
Retiring from
Closing out my Entire Stock
Regardless of Cost.
Drv Goods, Clothing, Hunt and Shoes, at much let than wholesale
prices. Will sell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers.
Entire stock must "be closed out
before thirty days.
Ail goods sv ill be sacrificed except Thomp'nn'H Glove-fitting Corsets
and Itutterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call oarly mid secure
('onior Second antl Court Sis.
Sir A,
and all kinds
Krb fcr "Bsers' Best" Pendle-
Enierson Williams, the Kingsley
merchant, was iu town today.
E. 0. McCoy and wife lelt iiere tcdav
spend the Fourth t Wasco.
Dick Fisher, E. 15. Wood and C. A.
Cramer arrived in town todav from
Atlantic 'Silt 1-nks. Denver, Ft.' t:t". u. m.
Kxprej.i Worth, Omaha, Kmi
Vi V n. tn. a City, Ht. Louis,
Via Hunt- Chicago and Knst. ,
iugtuu. 1
SiKikaiic Wiilla Walla, Kpokiimy Bkmie
p. m.
Minneapolis. St. Paul, Mall
ilulutti, Milumikre, ami
Chloiijo and Kast, via K.xpress
S-pokimenkil lluutliii;
ton. aho nil points in;
WiiililiiRton anil Knst- 8;S) a. ni
era orcein.
tOTI "FlmTP Hour is manufactured expressly for family
use : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
I We sell our poods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think ho
I call and get cur prices and be convinced.
1 Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats
S. B. Driver, of Wainic, was in town
last nLjUt, the t'ueit of the Umatilla
Tilrs. H. W. Wells and children left o
this murnius's boat on a visit to friend
.in Portland.
"cam Laster, for nine vea.-s clerk
the Warm spruits reservation, was in
towu today from Mitchell.
Joe ilink.'e, a prominent business
man of i'riueville, passed throuyn town
today oa nii way to l'ortlaud.
Mra. fi. P. Belknap and Attorney M.
R. Elliott, d! Priueville, parsed ttu"ous;h
town today on their way to Portland.
Fred Van Nordeu and wife went to
yPortland tnis morning with the mten
V. tion oi spending the Fourth at Astoria.
Mrs. Jessie L. Vert, worthy grand
. matron of the order of the Flasteru Star,
is the guest of her grand -eeretarv, Mrs.
Mary s. Myers.
.Homer D. Angell left on the mid-dav
train today fur Grants Past, where he
has a contract for the survevjne 0f KOv-
after his admission to the bar removed
to The Dalies, where he was appointed
and afterward elected judge of Wasco
He removed to Portlaud about 1S64,
3 1 and was elected police judge, a position
j which he heid tor four years, and re-
j the appointment of collector of internal
' revenue for Oregon and Alaska.
In 1S70 he was appointed United,
Catarrh Cannot lie Cured'
with local applications, as they cannot
reach Ihe seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure if
taken intermsily, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a riuack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of tiie best
physicians in this country for yea-s, and
States consul to Amoy, China, but de- is aregular niescription. It is composed
clined the position. In 1S77 he was ap- ( of the best tonics known, combined with
pointed United Slates consul to Tien the best blood purifiers, acting directly
Tsin, and in 1SS0 was promoted to the ' on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
position of corisul geueral at Shanghai, combination of tho two ingredients is
After serving fojr years he resigned and ; what produces such wonderful results in
returned to Portland, but iiad not been curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
eminent land.
Henry Dietzel
from i
there long before he received a cable
gram from Li Hung Chang, on behalf of
the Kins of Corea, inviting him to
i Seoul. He accepted the invitation, and
: on his arrival there was made foreign
' adviser to the king, ut a salarv of 1'J,-1
(OOOayear. He held this position four
I n i . i. .
vesterdav 1 ur uve years, anu reiurneu to t'ortiauu
F. J. ii Co., Props., Toledo 0.
Sold by drruggists, price 7nc.
Hall'a Family Pills are the bert. 12
..-,.1 ..u.ufc u muuie ui muiuiis at nis i eariv in me "Mi. lie was mane re
C!?. ni1?, ,!iV'rt,b?CllQnd -f lhe;ceiver of the Portland Savings bank
Jeadurts, near the head of Dog river. I .. . , ,
, shortly after his arrival, but after serv-
jmg three years retired, and since that
A Goiid Clinch .Mrdlclln;.
Many thousands have been restored to j
health and happiness by the use of
Chaiuberlain'e Cough Remedy. If nf-!
dieted with any throat or lung trouble, '
give it a trial for it is certain to prove
beneficial. Coughs that have resisted
S p. m.
h p. m.
j KllOM 1'OliTI.ANl).
I Ocean Steamships.
For Pan Francisco
Every Five Days.
t p. m.
I p. m.
Kx.iuuday Coliimbla Uv. Steamers. Ei.hunda)
'To Astoria uud Wnyi
Saturday Landings.
10 p. m.
fi k. m. ' Wiluijikttk ttivr.R. t:nop. m.
Er.hundayiOrivou City, Ncwlwre, Ks.ijimdaj
t-alem i Way Lund's.
Tucs.Tfmr. HII.I. Kivkbs. .Mini. , Weil
a. m,
mid hat.
Oreson City, Dayton,
iiiiu Way-IindiiiKS.
and Frl.
Good News
to Good Dressers....
I extend a cordial invitation to a'.! to inspect the eauiples of
WoolmiP from the CROWN TAILORING CO., Chicago's famotie Cus
tom Tailora.
Suits to Measure, $8.75 up.
Fit, workmanship and entire satisfaction guaranteed.
JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent.
ftf aft? i
I.v Itiparla'
3.i' a. in. i
Kiparin to lwlstim.
, daily
I uaoa. m.
W I'arties deslrniK to o to Ileppner or
points on Columbia Southern via Illms, should
take No. , lcavhiK The Dalles at U:V p. ra.
making dire:t coniiectlniis at Ileppner junction
(ml Miss?"- HeturnhiR niakiiiBtllrectcmiiiectlon
at Ileppner junction and Ulcus with No. 1, ar
riving nt The Dalles at U!;SU. m.
For full jiarticulars call nil O. It. A If. Co.'f
Hgent The Dalle, or address
w. it. ncKi.iirtiT,
fien Fa. Ast.. l'ortlaud. Or.
irtlei'i Pacific
Grandall & Barget
All kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes
Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc.
The Dalles, Or. r
' July 1st, to Mr. and .Mrs. Tim Evans,
-oi Eight-.Mile, a eon.
time devoted himself to looking after " "'J'" treatment for years, have yielded j Yp!!flWitnnP Park I inP
,.: , . , to this remedy and nerfect health been I CIIUVVDIUIIC Vaih LNIC
his several farms, in
deep interest.
which he took a
facta CiniceriiliiB Ills Lift., Which Wa.
uu Kveiitfiil Oiii!.
Jndgo 0. N. Denny died
Saturday afternoon at Long
a gontra! breukin" Uoh'ii of his hL-alth
He had anei.cjuater with a savage bull
about two afco, which all'scied his
nerves in a serious manner, and he
never mlly recovered from the shock.
;A ago he eufT;red a paralytic stroke
tud leniv ' or nants an Children.
Iteach of The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
to this remedy and perfect health been
restored. Cases that seemed hopeless,
that the climate of famous health resorts
failed to benefit, have been permanently
cured by its use. For falu by iilakeley
. Houghton.
i:imrek'A Iron .Ncirvu
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found whero elomach, liver,
' kidneys and bowels are out of order. If
you want these qualities and the success
During last May an infant child of our ' tne ,,r'nB King's New Life
neighbor was sufferine form choiera in- 1 1 lllb' Uie' develop every imwer of
Only 2oc at Iilakeley
drugstore. C
Chamborliin's Colic, Cholera and Diar- i. 0 '
w ui.ii. ,tui4 v.lilliut: um Qllieiv OI WIWI
ing eUo-flhipment
and has since b.en gradually failing m fammn. The duCtor3 hai, Klvel u tt , brain and body. I
health. In the hoe that a change iJOpe3 of recovery. I took a bottle of ! & Houghton's drug
uiwm uuuuut nun no went with his . m,nmi,n,! p.,':.. nu..n :. '
wife to Long liach at the beginning of j rhoea j.en)edy lo ,e ,, . ' , " I5e "" our stock of wnl
-June. While he seemed at times to thoroughly before buying el.o
-aain strength, his condition was never t.ord n o di ecUon- lfidilZVh'M V "aVP tU la,t'8t 8,,",men
very hopefnl, and the end, though aid- Z ii h ' I v " " 2 ! " V
don, was not unexpected
Judge Denny bad long been prorni
nent in political life. He spent many
years as a representative of the United
States government in Chiiu, and while
vonsul-geueral at Shanghai, introduced
into Oregon the ring-necked phtasant, a
Aloiiuohnu game bird, which is now the
. the child had fully recovered. The child
is now vigorous and healthy. 1 have re
commended thin remedy frequently and ,
huvo never known it to fail. Mrs. Curtis '
Baker, BfOuhfcnlter, Ohio. hold by
Hlafceley A Houghlon.
P. A. Danforth, of LaOrande, lia.,
prlncipd upland bird in Oregou ailj ' mtoisfllj- tor six niDiithb citli
'Washington, and by common consent of j Mt'l'tfurrunninft sore on his leg, but
! tion at li. Oienii is. Co.'s. al7-lw
VuiU In our Cliiiuns.
All countv warrants regiatered prior
to Aug. 1, 1890, will bo paid nt my
office. Interest ceases after Juno 80,
MO. C. L. Vmuuva,
Countv Treasurer.
Thorfs are no better
DeWttt's Little Early
pilis made than
Itisers. Ahvaye
I I . . . . ,
aponainen has been given tho name of, wrltes ,,,at Uucklun'fl Arnica rialve; ,u,",,w,"u
Denny pheasant. ' wholly cured it in tcn'days. For Ulcers, j Clarke & Fulfc'e flavoring exiracta are
Judge Denny was a man of much I Wownd'. Uurne, Ilolltr, Iain or 1'ilua it' at. Ask your Krocer for them.
ability and of high character, and his j Ul Ue,t sa,ve ,n u"s wor"' c'iue ur-!
death will bo deeply mourned by a wido ' a"teed. Only i'5c. Sold by IJlakeey,&
cijele of friends and acquaintances. ! Ho"Khton '"iijf. I) !
0. N. Denny was born In loverly, 0., j The law holds both "iniikor and Tcir-'
uHuv-moor 1, low, MIS JU lor was u (Ml a In r nf a
I'nr hnir.
A good eecond-hand threshing mn.
chine for sale at L. Lane's blacksmith
hop, on Third street. J Ldit a- t m
Till. Ul.NI.Nti CAU ItOl'Ifc 1IIOM 1'OUTI.ANI)
to Tin: i.axt
Till: ON l. Dlhhl T I.INF. TO Till. VKIJ.OW-
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, : Liquors : and : Cigars
Afioncy for the
Celebrated Yellowstone Whisky.
Columbia : Brewery : Beer : on : Draught
173 Second St.
Phono 234.
No. :
Union Dsroi. Firuaadists
KiiM miiil for Tucomn,
tcOMttlc, OlympiH. (irny'ti
IIIIIIMir ll"U Rlllim lldllll
iKiintt, hpoliune, Hdh
lanrt, II. c, Pullman,
Jlo'tiiw, lAiitou, Iliif
llrlS A. II. fiiliiHurnimlnliii?ciiiin
try, Hek'im. Mlniiwiiio
lli, Ht. I'rtUl, Oinnliu,
Kunsu'i City, !it. Iiui,
Chl;n((o mid all point
No I, wist nurt souttitmi.
1'neot t-ounil Kxpres
ll;: 1'. 21. for Tucomn tmil l-eiittle
nnil iiitcrnuih.ite poiuiii
No. 1
.';.yj r. ii.
7, to A. 21.
I'llllmnn liMt-claw nii-l tonrnt rtmw lo
iliiiiiwiw) is, Ht. I'aulHiiil Mliuoiitl ttver iHjhits
without i:liaiiKV.
VstlhuU-l lr.iln. fnlon depot t'oiitiMtiotm
In "11 principal cltle.
lliiSK-ise chcckitt tuilMthmlloii of ticket.
hor liHiiiJuiinoly lUiimmtul(kti:rliitlvomatt.:r,
tickets, ltiiiig.fiir rfstrvatioim, lc, uall on or
AIshintr(eiieriil l-di..nor Ajretit. iV. 2torrl
win htrwt.ciiriiCTThinl, rorthuiil, Oa-Kon.
11. U. T. SMITH,
I.. ,...:i... i
u Hiuviiur was a aiasa. ' tiio iif.:i r .i,r. .aiiu ,. ,i
KllltilulKl j-n.n.n .....1 .. I! . . .1 . WlllJjOIUII.
a ""-u i,i4 mrect uescentuiit counterfeit of DeWitt's
oi mi tuionisie who came over in the Salve risks your ;
Afjivflnivnr Vita wx t . . -
' :: . ,. i""'"Krauio'jnrKerproUt. You can not trust hiji.
DeWitt'a Is the only genuine and
Witch Hazel
iifo to iiiakeu little
To tlur li (Jolil hi (Mio Hoy,
Taku Laxative Jiromo Quinino Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money.
Oregon in 1852, and settled in Lebanon.
their son receiving his education In the
Lebanon ucademy and the Willamette
'University. Ho read law with Amory
Jlolbrook and Joseph Wlhon,and eoon
l Clark A FalklH drug
, fresh and complete.
Htock is new,
original Witch Hazel Salve, a well
known cure.for piled andall ekin dieaeee.
See that your thaler glvea you DoWitt'H
Salve. .. f
l ur Itonl,
A fivcroom cottage ou Alvoid Htreet,
with bath room and patent closet, ut $10
a month. Apply to Levi Ohrieman. 23tf
ltiM.nn. I nun H, Clmjiiniiii lllock, The D.iIIim,
Ort-Koii. iuenln)M anil KrliUyn, h n. in. to r.
i iujIIc. Colleetioiis nroiimilv iiti..n.i,.,'i
!,"' ,0I,?V ,t0 o'in U K Hitynrd'a of.
(Ice, Tho Dalles, Oregon.
iMwto&t rlLLS
Oure llilteh Zti 1), p,,'. IfclfcW
$i.oo per month.
Strictly first class local nnd long
diHtiiticH telephone service within
your homo.
Lines do not uros-lalk. Your con
versation will be kept a secret.
No cost fur iiiHtnlllng.
You get tho etaiulard Huiiiiini;
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and night uorviee.
Wn will accept your contract for
ten years and allow you to cancel
fiami) uu giving us thirty davH writ
ten iiotlcu,
RpffirP Unil l,,l,c y ""lura for ft tomluloiu) or for
w.wiw iuu curbing, fennliiL'
work, call ou Louia Coininl.
tho Informalloii you need but
or othur ccinutury
I will not only glvu you all
I will
cannot beat any H here. Lot no ono blull you. It will tnko
on y a few muiutefl to call and hco mo. If von l,BVa n
IllUCOIIhlllt llllll us to
iittlghlmr who over did bualnom with
tho price and quality of my work
and abido by t10 tmitt . .
Louis Comini