The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 02, 1900, Image 3

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    Our Mid-Summer Sale
WILL SOON BE HERE in full force. Just one
month earlier than usual.
Wc started with an $8.95 Suit Sale, which now develops
into a general clearance a full-fledged bargain event. Not
through any sj ecial effort on our part; not through unusual ad
vertising. It seems as though each customer told a dozen oth
ers, and so the sale has grown to a Christmas crowd looking
for July bargains. Kest assured there shall he no disap
pointment. The most pronounced bargain fiend shall be more
than satisfied. J I has come to us unsolicited, and we shall ac
cept it with good grace.
Fow custom tiiilorB could eurpnes
these fciiit", though they uoro to chargo
$12 or $ 15; doubtless "20 would please
you better ut the to-order stores.
ttemember that it ia not for profit
this salu was started a
Mid-Summer Sale
at a lots if necessary. It in an estab
lished fenture of onr business; boihc of
the broken lota have been placed on sep
arate counter?, including values up to
$12, your choice at Hi 05.
We have started
a Hat Sale....
A lot of Men's Strnw Huts, in either
yacht or soft finish, rough or plain
straw, plain or fancy bunds: hb good as
any and better than ninny shown else
where at $1.00
Sale pric?, 50c.
Two lots of Fedora lints.
Two lota of Alpine Hats.
The first lot gathered from such ns
sold all season at .l.o0 nnd -1.75. vour
choice at 10.
Th. second lot, gathered front such
as sold at $2 to $2. .")(); your choice, $1.85.
Here's a chance for swell dressers
surpassing any ofl'er we have yet made,
and surely better values thnu you've
ever seen before.
Boys' Clothing
A lot of Hoys' Summer Coats wo
bought to sell for 75c a fair price; half
takes them now
Only 39c.
Lots of good 25c Kneo Pants in n
varietv of patterns; well made, in fact
best 25c values you ever bought; your
choice for 15c.
BOYS' SUITS. Regular $1.00,
$1.25 and $1.50 values (slightly soiled? ;
your pick for 59c each.
A list of
Men's Furnishings.
Men's Sill: Front Shirts in fancy
stripes and checks; ou will admit they
are good 75c values
Going at 45c.
ONE LOT of Sill; Front Shirts
which were good sellers at $1.25 and
$1 50, have been reduced to $1.05.
Special lot of Men's Bike
and Golf Hose....
Good values at 00c and $1.00 ; your
choice for (!!);:
Commencing Monday, July 2nd, 1900.
A few days ago we announced to you through this paper
that we would greet you with a Mid-Summer Sale. Tho goods
we of lor you do not show tho rust of by-go no seasons, but are all
now, bright and attractive patterns.
Silk Department.
This is a great silk year, and wo are
prapnrcd for it. 500 yards of high class
silks in a variety of designs nnd color
ings. Fur instance there are Warp
Printed Tafl'ettas, Libertv Satins, Crink
led Taflettas, Iice Stripe Tnllsttas.
When we assure you of the beauty"
nnd every high character of the silks,
onr pricoa will tell the rest.
Prices at tho Silk Counter.
Suit and Skirt Dept.
Tho values in this depaitment lias
surpassed anything heretofore oll'ered.
Suits ranging from
$4.00 to $23.00.
Skirts from
$1.35 up.
Dimity Cords, a beautiful wash fabric, in some ')0 colorings,
4 3-4 Cents, worth 8 Cents.
Domestie Department.
Unbleached Muslins.
Albany C 4.(c
Albany LL 5c
Cabot W 5,V.e
Cabot A 0c
Indian Head 7a
Bleached Muslins.
Hollywood 5c
Hutledge 5c
lirie-a-bnic 5c
Hope 7J.c
Lonsdale 7Jse
Fruit of Loom 7j.j
Ceylon-Blues 4 .,c
Skirling Prints 4Jc
Light Color Diess Prints 4a
A'l 3i Standard Prints 5'.jc
Amotkeng 5J.(c
Lincaster 40
Embroideries and Laees
Everyone knows that Embroideries
and L'icea are holier than thev were a
year ago, yet on the face of an advanc
ing market we have reduced our prices
one-fifth from old price.
The Shirt Waist Season
Ts now at its best, and as soon
as our stock is pretty well
cleaned up we aro wiliinu to
sacrifice the balance at any
old price.
Will be a gala day with
us in all departments.
We want tin's sale to ov
erlap all previous records
Big Sales and
No Profits
This is our object in Ibis groat
sacrifice sale of Men's, Women's, Misses'
and Children's Shoos.
IT you know a good thing when
you see it, buy now.
Men's Tan Lace Shoes $2.00
Men's Calf Congress (elastic side) 1 .00
'Men's Calf Lace (narrow toes) 1.00
Hero are tho best values on earth.
Ladies' Kid Button, sizes 21 to 4, .85
Ladies' Kid Button, sizes o to 5. 1.00
Ladies' Tan Oxfords, all sizes 1.00
Children always want
Buying at these prices is like find
ing monev.
Misses' Kid, spring heel, button,
sizes 2 A to 0 $1.00
Missis' Kid, spring heel, lace, sizes
2h to 0 1.00
Misses' Kid, spring heel, button,
sizes 1U to 2 85
Childs' Kid, spring heel, button,
sizes Hh to 1 1 : 75
Childs' Kid, spring heel, button,
sizes 0 to 8 GO
We do not quote the former prices
for these goods, but simply request
you to see for yourself if they are not
the best values ever offered.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
Dalles Daily Ghroniele.
TAephune No. J.
At Androw Keller's.
N v take th nnt'ii'tit Hint-lock down
And I imJ .t full oi Mint,
1 11! up the imclui.t iiwU'jr-horn
Uicl heat tin' vii ilk stick hot.
Kltil! iMCtuu In your ii'-liliu: cum,
And, murk you, don't (orRrt
'1 1.-, for Willlo now
The I nirth mudo, you list.
Dayton's patent fly and mosquito
killer nt Muier & Kenton's. 2(5 tit
"lion. .1. N. Williamson will dtsli ycr
tlio oratiou at I'riuuvlllu on tho Fourth.
The tirst moating of tho now oily
council uill convene tonight nt the
ueunl hour.
liny hands are scaiee in Klamath
cjunty. Tuu ruling wagoa tire 'l and
$2 50 per day.
Wo acknowledge thu courtesy of u
visit from S. A. D.Gurloy, a prominent
attorney of Arlington.
Filty-nino head f Indian ponies from
tlio Warm Wprings recurvation were
Hhippod today from thu Saltmarshe
etock yards to thu Linntou cannery.
Goore Khv, n Fiunrt IVndleto,n man,
wasnnosted for lehn-ing to answer tho
tluud awaiting
nd is In I'oi
flio U. iS, ci
court. Foolish
census man, an
thu action of
mil ii.
Two more gold fluids have been "dis
covered" in Alaska, and by tint time
discoveries cease there will not hu much
gold I hat will not he in the possession
of the transportation comiinuies.
Pick Southwell, of Ton-Mile, had his
loft arm broken at the wrist Saturday
I afternoon while breaking u wild horse.
Vile came to town and had thu' injured
member al tended to by Pr. Logan,
Ii. 1. SaltnmrHh hud tho misfortune
Saturday evoiilug to break one of tho
small bonei in his left wrist. Tlio luces
in ono of IiIh shoes hud become, loose,
and utter lie had tied them by placing
his foot on the sidewalk his foot caught
on the plunk and lie fell back on The
street. Dr. GeisendorH'er fixed up the
wounded member but it will be of little
nee to Saltio for tho next two'or three
The Astoria Newa bays that Weather
Observer Johneon Iia3 given the Fourth
of .Inly committee- hiii solemn word of
honor that he will have dry weather at
that place for the celebration.
It is said thnt the fruit crop will bo so
heavy in some dietiiutsof Oregon that
there will not be enough evaporators to
take earo of it. Thin does not look much
likou failure, says tho Pacific Homestead.
XThe Dalles City ypstuimiy brought up
from Portland eight yfgons and twenty
horses belonging to trpatty of Germans
who woro on theway from Kugeno to
Adams county, Wnsh. Tim outfit made
well nigh a load for tho steamer.
A pilgrim from a logging camp down
the river came here yesterday to cele
brate the Fourth nnd got drunk. Tho
marshal ran him in nnd he was lined $5
this morning. Ho paid the flue and
vowed to the recorder that ho would
never, never be drunk again, y
A spark from a steam shoveUast Sat
urday ignited tho grass on AAa Mosier
ranch, at Mosler, and hunrt over a large
acreage of pasture bepfdes destroying
ab-iut twenty tons offniy belonging to
J. J. l.owis nnd Iho pasture of Lark
Mr. Hugh f.usk, of Skamania county,
Wneh., was united in marriage this
afternoon to Miss Lillio May lillswood,
of Hood River. The oromony took
place in the parlor of thu IT mat i l la
House. Justice M. F. JMrd, of Viento.
Do you want the prettiest white blouse
waist in tho city for your boy? A nice
white) blouse waist with deep sailor
collar of three iowb of inseition nnd open
work embroidery edge, insertion tilm
mud front, pleated sleeves undcuUs;
from 3 to 7 years. Our price only .f l. lli.
Tho New York Cash Store.
Archoy Todd was arrested yesterday
morning by Night Watchman 1'hirmnn
and placed in tho county jaij. Archey
seems to be a Slick Kphraim. About
three months ago he borrowed $10 from
tho bar-keeper at the Columbia brewery
on a forged check on Seufert liros. Sat
urday ho borrowed two blank chocks
from Pease & Maya and afterwards tried
to cash one of them that he had evi
dently filled out in the name of J. O.
I Daley, n well-known sheepman of
: Klickitat county, who is now, unfort-
uuately for Archey, on n visit to Ireland.
' His little game did not work, and Sheriff
Kelly, by mere accident, got wind of the
: business and set a watch for him, with
, the above result. Archey claims to be
a much injured mnn and pretends he
I does not know wliat he was arrested for.
: Our new district attorney will enlighten
him in the near future.
Capt. (i. K, ihu teli has received orders
from Adj. Genernl llebee to ibtue orders
to all members of company I),' placing
them under order ut 0 o'clock Friday
evening, July 0th, for state encampment.
Quarter-master J. -K. Herons has the
company in readiness and will go down
to Salem with the intention of making
as good un appeaiance as nny company
nt- the encampment eo far as regards
drilling qualities.
Satuiday afternoon . sentence was
passed by Judge Hewitt on Feriis, the
Klickitat murderer. Tlio attorney for
thu defense made a motion for a new
i trial, which was denied bv the court.
A motion was then made for u stay of
sentence, and )t also was denied. Fer
ris was then asked if ho had anything to
say, and made a statement clearing
Miller, who has been mentioned in con
nection with the murder, of all blame,
and saying that thu verdict had been
fair and impnitlal. He contradicted the
doctors, saying that every shot was
llred from the front, except that in the
head, of which ho knew nothing. Sen
tence was then proijounced by the
com t that ho bu executed privately on
a dale not sootier than 110 or later than
t0 days, no definite time being set.
AMtorlit JCxeui nIoii.
Tho eteamei Dalles City will leavo tho
dock nt 8 u. m. on July ltd with the ex
cuisionisls for Astoria, accompanied by
the Dalles baud, nnd wilf run through
to Portland iiirlving ut2:l'.0. Returning
tho Dalles City will leave Portland July
nth on arrival of the morning train from
Astoiia, and will run throngu to The
Dalles without making way landings.
W. O. Al.l AWAV,
Gen. Agent.
Willi led, J lit ill fit i ii t I -,
A good harness-maker. Apply to
II. Krause, of Wasco, Or. j'J If.
One Minute Cough Curo is the only
harmless remedy that produces im
mediate lesults. Try It.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Council M.-i-tliitf.
The adjourned meeting of the common
council was held Saturday night, when
the following business was transacted :
Petitions from all the saloon keepers
in town eighteen in number were pre
sented, asking for license for tho ensu
ing six months, and granted.
The bill of the Tinier-Mountaineer foi
publication of the sewer-assessment was
referred to the committee on sewois.
Tho following churns were allowed:
Sinnott & Fish, meals prisoners !!
Chronicle Pub Co '
Dalles Luinb Co, lumber 1
Win Michell, lent office '.'
R (i Itiooks, wood It)
J T Petois Ci Co, lumber
TiiiiPS-Mountnituer, plinting. .
S.I Drown, saw ing wood
W A Johnston, uulse
Win Michell, sharpening saws .
Maier k Jtenton, ind o
Mays & Crowe, mdso
F S Gunning, repairs
Klectiie Light Co, light
W A Gates, eawitig wood 1
G Iuig, supplies 1-
1 C Nickelscn. mdi-e
Seiifert A Condon, supplies, etc
Jas Like, expieseage
F. Pat ton, labor
George Keno, labor
T T Fanning, labor
N I) Hughes, killing ds
F W L Sliilbe, ju Ige election . .
15 i
no 1
. .... i
55 !
7". I
:i on
do do .... II 00
do do .... !i CO
do do .... :j 00
do do .... .". 00
do do .... .'5 CO
do do .... ') CO
do do .... :5 00
15 00
:; oo
:j oo
.'! on ,
:i oo !
:i oo
3 00 1
:! 00 '
Frank Hill, canvassing '( 00.
J Julian
is S Smith,
(. II Itiddell,
A A Urquhait,
W A Kirby,
J F Staniels,
George Keno,
John Mnrden, judge election
t; Mnltii.
John Twohig,
liei! ISaldwin,
.1 K liarnott,
O M Fonts,
.1 Doherty.
Tim Hrownhill, canvassing. .
il l or Si-lioo) K.
Following is the report of thorpiing
term of school taught in DLL 05, tn in
i Mareli 20th to Juno 15th:
I Whole number of puji'la enrolled, .'il.
I Average number belonging, '-';,
A voi age daily altcinlanco, L'O.
i Names on (he loll of honor: Hoy
Ciabtieo, John am! Joseph Gray, Her
! mud and Silva linntou.'
, Tho.H making the must improvement
in penmanship in their lespectivo classes
me: John Uinleihill, Bilva Huston and
Frank Huston Deportment nnd i-chol
aiship: Maggie Crabtree and Sylvester
Gray, frusiK'WAitn, Teacher.
Subscribe for Tilt Cuiiomok.
rri. fr.rVS Q iUKlh. n. I iT'l
similafmg UicFoocf andRcnla
lin iltcSiomaclis and Bowels ol'
IVottiOlcs Digcslion.Chccrfitr
ticsri nnd riesi.Coiilaitis neillier
Opitiiii,Mojiliiiie norIiiicral.
Wot "Nam. c otic .
ltotk,llr SulU -
hf,tirjil -
Jli CutimuJeSula.
Cliatfitd Whgnr
ItfUteiywu r'tmr.
A period Hentody forConslipi
rton , Sotif Stomach, Diari'lioai
nnd Loss OF SlJJElP.
IwcSlniito Si'tfiinlure of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Slave
Always Bought
Bears the
ft A if
fTflf' Use
Thirty Years
Dalles to Cascades nnd return 7io
Dalles to llpod Hiver and return filla
Children under 12 or over U years , . .Half Furo
W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Agt.