The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY JULY 2, 1000 Tnr l'teiltlent WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or oiiin. for Vlcr-t'ri'-liii'lil THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Clf cv Ynrlt. Tlie jS'isv York Sun works itself nn to the followinc ecstatic period : "The Hon. W. Dennis Uldham, Uc l Nebraska statesman to whom has occn asipncd tne nonor oi speai.ui!; the chief nomination speech for Col. Urvnn at the Kansas City eon- 4. ' , ,) . . , t ... , , High old woman oner, ue win ueie- Rate the lionor to the Hon. David , Bennett IH1J and to no man else, i , , J Here is a chance tor the t-ace of TVolfcrt's Boost to show his altruism. , . , Also a chance for a "lorious show: Mr. Hill in stiver chains, celebrntine ', ' tne Peerless. Hut Mr. Oldham wastes ATr flill will nnt nnrn to waste any in climbing these heights of self-sacrifice. Yet what convulsive sobbings of a hundred Missouri brass bands, what screams of triumph, what multitudes of strong, medium and weak men weep ing there would be. We hear the tears. But it is too good to be true." It has always been a mystery to "out-sidcrs" why all country editor? get rich. Now that a Western paper has let it out, the journalistic field in the future will no doubt be over-; , , a,, . . , ... worked. This is how it happens;, 11 j A child is born ; the doctor in at-, teudance gets.flO, the editor gets 0. j It is christened and the mi lister gets o nnu tne editor uu. v nen it 1 marries, the minister gets 1U and ai piece of cake and the editor gets 000. In the course of time it dies; the doctor gets from 6.5 to 100, the minister perhaps gels another 5, an undertaker from 2y to 75. The editor prints a notice of deatli and obituarj two columns leng and gets 0000, besides lodge and society reso lutions, a free card of thanks and c lot of poetry. No wonder the editor gets rich. When a New Englandcr is a fanatic, Ue is generally a thorough one, says the Telegram. There is George Fred Williams now, spouting like a very lunatic for free silver at ICtol, and for a specific, radical declaration therefor, when every inairof good judgment, whether he was for free silver in 1SDG or not, knows that this dead and shriveled propaganda could not secure, of and by itself, one vote out of five in all the country at least throughout the j northern slates. The wonder is thatj Dryan don't choke off those raving1 political lunatics. Iiut since he1 doesn't it must be presumed that he' is one of them. ' Application has been made to the courts of New Jersey, by the holder of 100 shares of stock, demanding an accounting of the affairs of the! American .Sugar Inclining Company,, otherwise known ns tho snnr tiint i l This is the same concern to which jsloek 01 harden Jioso and ai'0" Senator Jones, chairman of the na.l carrying the same brand of For a TSTlPP tional democratic committee, wanted iTt , ! to refund upwards of $000,000 of ! uuues which tne trusts had paid on imports of Porto Hican sugar. carry New York this year for gov-jteSO Cr03S 1Jrand' Ve canT crnor, the empire state should grow i the same brand of HoSQ that pop whiskers and drop down lothc!4, rt., . iu-cont dollar, with an apology fori UaIlGS Clt.' J,n Oparl its gold standard plurality in 189C of! ment has boen usiiif for tho 208,-109. T -1 ii . -WiLViii ii. iiiii inriiiniit 1 1 n tvn- presidential timber in 1 890, and also nn opponent of io to i. Now theldoubt the best grade of Hose I uesi ue can nope for is to be the tail I of the Bryan kite and classed with! Scwftll, Towno and Tom Watson. Mr. Towno is calculateif to make more troublo than Tom Watsou did as a bifurcited candidate for vice president. The Minnesota man is c anil lanes nimscii more . t i e seriously as a politician. I .Meeting of M'ntur f'lini in ! limers. j The regular monthly moetinp of the ' water runimissiouurs was held Sntnriluy ! liielit. The treasurer submitted his ru- j port for the month of June, which me i ne follow?: Cash on hand, June 1 .. $1,S12 04 Cii'h from Lniilluw & Co., re bate on bonds -T2 O'J Note of U L Durrett 5f 00 . Wutur rent 1,274 GO 1 I'M . . . I :J,573 0(J , 304 01 750 00 , 1,114 oi 2,459 05 it, the I vi?rant ; n eei .Vert . . 1 1 . 1 1 j Interest on water bonds . . . ltU4 oi ; Hal. on hand 2,439 05 On motion of Commissioner Fish it, was determined to redeem three of the water bonds at oll0 each fn,Wi uUs ...- nimvPl j j Crossen 00 00 C A ljorders 0 00 ed tiates 10 U0 wm Morpantield, labor 74 00 , D.ivi.l Stroud, labor 52 00 A A Urqnhnrt, labor 2 00 p y. Fisher, labor 52 00 )al ;atlnnu Hunk (injurandi 4 id I Jaeobsen Hook & Music Co, mdse loo i p g Gunning, repairs 4 G5 , . L A Porter, team . 5 00 1 wanes j.umuenm; v,u -f ; Mays Crowe, mdse 3 17 Crane Co, casinc for well 103 St3 L II Kretzer, boriiiL' well 109 02 For theconveniem:e of pnrties want ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadelumn Ice Co. will carry a stock nt their store, , corner Third and Washington streets. Phone No. 107; long distance 1S3. ! "King 'em up." ISm-tf Cave lleadiii'lip nulclily. Haldwiu's sparkling effervescent Cel- cry Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, ' brain fatigue. 10 atld 25 cents. Sold by Clarke & Falk, drucpists. jtui24-Gw Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of , . , , , , chicken feed. uich2o-ti j TTTQT1 T?Trmr.TT7TT''Pl : A new consignment of those Just the nuit for the coast The best i that ever happnt'id inr the country jut me Eu:t lor ti.e tioinlavs. Have you seon them at Jioso lnat wo nave been carry-' ing for the last five years , . , . ' ...1.., 1. il . II i t w- muu is me ceieurateci :lal- 'last twenty years. The Mal- 050 U'0SS j'nuicl 1S Without I .i 1 ..... markot- Cal1 ad got our prices before buying. Jfaier & Benton Sole Agents. i,mbal,v l I flouijt Hif Sis1 f.r fJn, T 1 p tv l 4 til C HUin MS EiV AVe liave laid in a large V I'llllMIU . I L Kl iidyD a uiuno Tho only store in this citv where- the Oenuinc Imported Stransky-Stccl Ware is sold A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen piecesof so- j called cheap ennui , eled ware. c5rs A A BEWARE! Other wnres look like it.butthegenu- ine has the name i Strnnsky - Steel Ware on each piece. Do not bo deceived First irize nt 10 International Exlii bitions HiRliost award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tiou. Chicago Pre ferred by the best cookmgauthorities, certified to by the most famous client ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special lv imported for and sold in this city ex- j clusively by us. (j It does not rust ' nor absorb fjrease, does not discoior nor catcli inside; is I notaffectedbyucnls! in fruitH or vppetaules. will boil, stew, roast and bake with ou 1 imparting flavor of previously cooked food and g will last i ft AVe cau tion the imblic nsainst imitatiurLS A Difficult Problem. ' It i amoiiR the most difficult prob- lorns of notural ecience for one to becomi j expert in several lines. J. E. Adcos A , Co., by their combination, havn over-' jsome thi? difficulty in a jirnctical man ner. J. E, Adcox is an exnert waicli-' : maker and is -rood on jewelry, optical, ! work and ungravim:, while Theo. H. 5 Liebo is an expert optician and is ood i on waicn repairmt', jewelry work and! I ensravinc. Tlieir price i nl low as con- sifiteut witlt Kontl worktnar sbiu. Thov are prepared to do ail work in ibeir several lines, on abort notice. Work i sent by mail or express will receive . prompt attention. ".Sign. "I'Au lied 1 ft-... 1. T W 13 men. ! Physician mid .Surireoii, Kiieclal attention slven to surs;ry. J Kood and iv. Toi. aa Vost lilott jj ii. i:. i:. Finiur.Mi.v, PJiysiciaii and Surgeon, ujlic-, Vot Illoct (over PoitolDco), JW THU DALI.K3, Oltr.tiON. g - jj of Clothes. I'antius, Ovcrcoatln- or KanCT Vwittog- 3 Kimily rail ,.a .-.vnmln. mv r I Mirtui mill i) i, ii',.i...4 i .-,.. ......i.-. 1 KultH niudefrrjin ttii' Imvcut ,..1,.. ,i... entgraJe, b J. A. Eberle Flno Tailoring. Tilt UAI.LKb UKKGO.V, i V (w7 Complete Cipe of at M.Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. F L, Lane, GEXKHAI. C E. fi, k BiacKsmim .AND... i 1 5' f I" 1 b r i, Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. r .3 Lr. tr,,n,IITITlY ivvi rtir.i ri-r'.'rZi UXU r ..GflflS. mu- Eutehefs and Faimeps Ke-'p, on ilrnuyht the eolobnittd col.rMlllA 1IEEK, iioknnw;. wlKMl tin: iwst bter In The llullufi, nt thcii-iial prlne. Come in. try It imil be ("Diivliif eil. Ali. thu Fltictit bninils of Wine!,, I.l:juur mid Cicart. Sanduiiehes o! ull KiiulH always on hand. .Dealor In.. Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. l:i;ot-, hhws. Huts, Cups, Notions. ,for V. I DriiiKliif Hhoe. ; J-ieiihono .No. m. 1-Jl fcct'ona Ht Just What You uant. New Ideas m Wall I'ancr linn. fii,..t, wide variety uh we ate uhowing never bu lore uracud a fcinglo Htoitk. Iteal imlta tion croton eU'uuts at ordinary prices. Good papntH at chwaii paper prices Elegant doaiuiiH, tastofui co!oringu, youril for a small price, at our Htoro nn tmi "treut. Also u full liuu of houfle paints. 1 uir Tr a ttovti mi . , ,. J-J. STURDEVANT, Dentisf. OfflC3oier KrencJi & C'o.'h Hank VUmo Ii, TIIK DALLK, OKEOON Horsesnoe l! - : ,t. ; Tie Dalles, Or, j - - . (" i3t lti'nmury iiw.iik M'liriluU1, M'titilulu ultliimt Str. RoBi'lator. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. liIU': nr. I,v. t'ortl.inil nt T A. Ji. Monday . Wetliiecdiiy ... l-rldiiy Arr. l)iilli! nt 5 1-. ii. 2, 1.v. Dulles M lit T A. M. h TuosiIhv p, TlilllMliiy ... k i-ntnrilny . . . h' Arr. l'nrtliiiiil S, nt i :::o r. m. S FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 3 Tmvel by the Stonmors i( the Itceuliitnr I.I no. Si rims tltt- teivU'e jiossllile. P, t'.irlhmil Olllre, OnL .Street Unci:. rXT.iT tVJJUX LW.V. i T . T- Y . T ..T..YiyiTi T-t.T.i.X.t.'rj.'TJ T.l.TtT.iV.l SCiTJ .T. V i.T PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer C. S. Smith Till up-to-date Groeer Freeh Eurs and Creamery Butter a Hpecialty. 2d Street. We Put... every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every n Prescription that's compounded here. Js it ainr reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if wc are reliable. fflJHELEY k HOU&HTQN Keliable J'rescriptionists p. S. Gunninq, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & Laoelilin. 'Prione 151 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON STAORAT And CAFE, J. B. Orosseu & Co., Prois. 87 Second Street FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TIlANHACT A KNKUAtillANKINU IIUhl.SKH Lottere of Crudit issued available in the ouBourn oiaiea. hight LtclmtiBe and Telegraphit rratiBfers Bold on New York, Chicago, ht. LouIh, ban Francisco, Portland Ore gon, .Seattle Wash,, and various points In Oregon and Washington. Oollbctluna made at all point on fuv orable terms. RE j REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY, COMPANY - if tin. Itoitiilntcir Line will run n. in-r the fol- S tho C(iiiii:iiij-ri'Hi'rvliiff tliu rlKht to oliiuiKu'ij uotlt'i'. '? - r " Str. Dallos City. DOWN l,v. Halli'N m ; a. i. Mmiiliiy WfiliifKluy. . , I I'rlility Arr. l'nrtliiiiil 1 nt -I :.H) p. i. ii r. I t P.irtliitlil n lit 7'tHI A. M. M TllOMlliy 'H 'i iiurciiay ,a .Saturday Arr. Dalh-H d ntfi v. u. ,g The foiiii'iiny will cinli'avor tit rIvp IIh put l'or further liili.rn.iitlon iiihlri'iM W. C. ALLAWAYi Con. Agt. cer. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlflciall vdicests the fond nnrinirfn PVinnp O'sD aturo in Htrene;thonlnp and recon jrnuiie & i j. t atructinjf the oxlmusted digestive or IfaiiH. It is the latest discovered die-est- anttind tonic. No other preparation lean approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, flatulence, Sour Stoniach, NauBcn, nicKiieauaciie.tfastraigia tjrainps.and "ill other resultr. of Imperfect digestion. P-CDared by E. C. DrWIt. A Co.. Cblcooo. J. ti. SC11RSI K, I'ri'siilciit. 11. .M. IIHAII,, Cimlilet First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Dunking ButiincEs tratmactcd DopouilB received, nubject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceade promptly I remitted on dav of collection. ! Hicbt and Telegraphic Ercir.ntio houI a ; Now York, Kan Frauciiico uiii Port land. DIK1COTOK8 1 1). F. Tnoy.i'Ho.t. h. hi ii em ir, I Eu. AI. Wn,i.iAi!B, Gbo. A. 1.k:jk. ; II At. Bkaii. THe oolumBla PecRlng bo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANL KACTl'ttKKH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON )RIKD UK EI-. ET( Jtkig OO YEARS' .MHl' EXPERIENCE TflACC IVlAnK3 JCSICNS COPVMICHTS A.C. Aiivoimiioniiiiii! nuii-uii mill ilr-erliitii.n mn' oill-' .ly K'uriiiiu i. iir iiniiiiiii fr wliutlicr u lnviintliiii is prulinl.iy iiutmitnhli-. omiiiiiiiii-f timi iitrictljri-iiiiiiMiitliil. lliiiiilliook(ml, ji'iit IriMi. niiliMt iiiimiry rnrn'ciirlli,'liiiluiili. I '.iliMitH i liikirn tlirinmli .Miinii ft Cc rt'culvb i.i rriiuuui, uimruu, 111 lilt) A iiitiiliiinly lllimtmd'd wpnliti- I niit clr riil.illnii nt iiiiv itciHMtlllc J'Hiriial rl itium t u HfiUNNfiCo.3ClD'ta York llrmiuli Oflici, ihi V HI . Wiuiliiimliiti. U. I B ft HUKTINOTONi H H WII.HON TJUNTINOTON it WIWON. Irease 1 helps the team. Saves wear and K Lexpemic. Sold every wlicru. STANDARD "oiL CO. JMk 4.X ATiOKHKYK AT LA.W, Oltice ovtr Vimt Nat. Umik 3 9 3 V 4.