She Dalles VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY. JULY 2, 1900. NO. 274 SPEGIAb 4th July REDUCTIONS Ladies' Suit Department. Wo arc offering our entire stock of Ladies' Eton and tight-filling, as well as sevoral styles of Jacket Sails, worth from $12.00 to $13.50, at $8.50 Finer styles worth $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 and $25.00, at $13.85 n those lots are st'les and cloths well worth considering for woar next fall. BUY NOW and SAVE Tvrrwv.v 1-4 Off the price on all WASH SKIRTS. No exceptions made our entire slock open for you to soled from. Plain and trimmed Crash, Pique, Ducks, Denims and Cotton Coverts. Our Ivha Khi Short Skirts included. SPEGlALi 1)og Collar Holtsworth 50c, 75c and $1.00 39c Shoe Department. TODAY and TOMORROW Only. Hen's m mm nci km snoes Made with a fane' vesting lop, now and fashionahlo coin too, nickel hooks and eyelets, and 'furnished with guaranteed oak-tanned soles, today and tomorrow only $2.SS You can get your size if you come quick. Gents' Furnishing Goods Dep't. IHIR.TS! Six weeks ago we came across an unusual chance to pick up a few extra good Men's shirts cheap. Yesterday these shirts ar rived. Today wo place them on sale at the following special prices: FIRST LOT Men's "Eclipse" eliirte, best quality percale in up-to-date patterns; beauti fully laundered, one pair extra cuffs to match. These shirtB eell regularly at $1.25 and $1.50; Special 90c SECOND LOT Men's Silk Front "Eclipse" Shirts; the silk extending well to the back, linen finished white cambric body, assorted patterns ; worth $1.50 und sold by many deal ers for $1.75: Special 90c THIRD LOT Men's Puffed Silk Front ShirtB with white cambric body; "Eclipse" brand ; excellent value at $1.75 ; Special 95c ...SPECIAL SALE... Sl Imperials apd Iouty Riders each one u bargain worthy of being a 4 lb of July offering; values 50c, 75c and $1.00 each. Choice, Cents. T7H X7"llrX0-V7CrS A. M. WILLIAMS & COMPANY. THE OFFI CIAL REPORT Oregon I-'o si- Kan Aground in n Dense Iris Coins' to Her Assistance. W.HjiiiKCiTox, June 30. Tho following dispatches were received at tho navydu parttnont relative lo the grounding of the Oregon : "Che Foo, Juno L'u. Secretary of the navy r Anchored yesterday during a dento fog in seventeen fathoms, three miles south of How Ko Light, Gulf of Pe Chi Li, Kent out two boats and sounded; least water five and a half fathoms, Weather clear. Got under way und struck Punclo rock. Much water in for ward compartment. Perfectly smooth. Shall charter steamer if possible at Che Foo and lighten the ship. Rock through side of ship above double bottom about frame 11). Small holes also through bottom of ehip, Wildk" "Che l-'oo, June 29. Secretary of the navy, Washington : Iris gone to assistance of Oregon. Raymond Rookkk, "Commanding Nashville." "Hong Kong, Juno 20. Secretary of navy, Washington : Princetown arrived. Urooklyn leaves for Nagasaki. The Ztillro at Olio Foo lias been sent lo assist the Oregon, reported by Rogers on rock south How Ko Light. Iris going to her assistance. RitMnv." The point whore the Oregon grounded Is fifty miles west northwest of Che Foo. Tiiku is 150 miles west of Pinnuclo rock, where hIio struck. Pinnacle rock is about 25 feet high, is encircled by a shoal, und should not be approached nearer than three cables. According to the Hydro graphic iiureau offlclale, there is a strong current of from three lo five knots' speed always prevalent in this vicinity, und this fact, together with tho dense fog that prevailed at the time, greatly en hanced the danger of navigating the Oregon. The officials of tho Naval Hydrographv er'fl office say there is a great rise and fall of tiie tide at this point -about 10 feet and it is possible that the Oregon may have been lifted by the water and set all'jat without assistance. Captain Wilde's statement of the in juries sustained by tho Oregon is scarcely sufficient to unable the navy constructor here lo form a definite opinion as to the prospects of aaving tho famous ship. They aay, howover, that tho ship prob ably can bo saved if tho weather does not become rough, but, unfortunately, this is tho season of storms in Chinese waters. At tiie request of the secretary of the navy, the state department today sent a message to the Russian government at St. Petersburg, asking permission to take the Oregon to Port Arthur to be docked tliero in the event thai tho ship can bo flouted. It may be said that, from the facts set out in Captain Wilde's cablegram, tho officials aro not inclined to censure him. llo was under orders to hurry, warranting tho asHUinptiou of risk. He appears to have observed all of the usual precautious possible under such orders. and it is known that the charts of that section aro inadequate. Air. Wu, tho Chinese minister, said this particular spot was a graveyard of shipping.- Mlury of ii Hluvn. To bo bound hand and foot for years by tiie chains of dieeasn is tho worst form of slavery. George I). Williams, of Manchester, Mich,, tells how such a slave was 'made free. Ho says: "My wife has been so helpless tor five years that she could not turn over in bed alone, After using two buttles of Electric Rittors, alieis wonderfully improved and able lo do her own work." This supremo remedy fur female disoases quickly euros nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people Every bottlo guaranteed. Only 50 cents, Bold by Hlukoley & Houghton Druggists. fl DeWitt's Little Early Risers are i'reviiulutl u Iracmly. Timely information given Mrs. George Long, of New Stnutsvillt', Ohio, pro vented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. A frightful cough had lung kept tier uwake every night. Blio hud tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grow worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her, and sho writes this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long'of a severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cures aro positive proof of tho matchless merit of this grand remedy for curing all throat, chest and lung troubles. Only 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles freo at Blakoley & Houghton's Drugstore. 0 l'urlniiN all Hliiln. London, July 2. Ofllcinl dlspaches re ceived by tiie consular body at Shanghai, an express cable dated Shanghai, July 1st, says, confirm in tho fullest ma'nuer the report of tho butchery of Huron von Ketteler, the German minister, on June 18th. Tho ambassador was riding in Legation strfot, when ho was attacked by Chinese troops and Hoxors, dragged from his iiorso and killed. His body was hncked to pieces with swords. The German legation and six other buildings were burned and a number of servants of tho legation killed and their bodies thrown into the flames. famous little pills for liver and bowel troubles, Never gripe. After many Intricate experiments, scientists have discovered methods for obtaining all the natural dlgestauts, These have been combined in the pro portion found In the human body and united with substances Unit build up tho digestivo orguns, making a com. pound called Kodo) Dyspeiisla Cure. It digests what you eat und allows nil dyspeptics lo eat plenty of nourishing loon wniie uie siomiicii troubles urn being radically cured by the medicinal agents it contains. It la pleasant to take und will give quick relief. It has been demonstrated by experience that consumption can be prevented by the early use of One Minute Cough Cure. This Is the favorite remedy for coughs, colds, croup, asthma, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. Ouresqulekly. Omit Jtnolc I'lrc. Ni:w YoiiK, Juno i!0. Over $10,000,000 worth of property was destroyed, many Uvea lost, many persona were injured, and at least 1500 livee were imperiled by a Are that started among cotton bales under pier No. 2 of tho Nortli German Lloyd Steamship company, in Huboken, N. J., at -I o'clock this afternoon. In less than fifteen miuutes the flames covered an area of a quarter of a in long, extending outward from the actual shore line to the hulkheade, from 000 to 1000 feet away, mid caught four great ocean liners and a dozen or more smaller harbor craft in their grasp. Stories in regard to tho'losa of life aro conflicting, tho number being variously estiinatod at from 50 to 200. Up to mid night ten bodies had been recovered, but they were all so badly burned and black ened that identification was impossible. The hospitals in New York, Huboken and Jersey City aro crowed witli injured and men are being brought in by scarce. Tito Hunt ititniiMly rir Htuimioii lloirul 'J'rouliluH. utul "I liavo been in tho drug business for twenty yearn and have sold most all of the proprietary inedicineB of any note. Among tho entiio list 1 have never found anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all stomach and bowel troubles," suys O, W. Wakelleld, of Columbus, Ga. "This remedy cured two severe eases of cholera morbus in my family and I have recom mended and sold hundreds of bultlosof it to my customers to their entire satis faction. It affords a quick and sure cure in a pleasant form." For sale by I RlaUuley & Houghton. A gentleman leeently cured of dys pepsia gave tho following npproprato rendering of Rums' famous blessing: "Some have meat and cannot oat, and some have none that want It; but we have meat and we can ent, Kodol Dys pepsia Guru lie thanked." This prepara tion will digost what you oat. It instantly rellovoa and radically cures indigestion and all stomach disorders, Clark & Fulk are never closed Sunday Don't forgot this. t ii OF COURSE You Couldn't Tell i ii was so lion est looking- He a nico appearing -such fellow besides the price was so very attractive: Mows and taiiMs only 75c Per year... Is simply irresrstable. But wo think it so much more economical to tako your money to a responsible dealer, pay a legitimate price, and tool assured that you will got your money's worth. The Jacobsen Book & Music Co. For HhIo, Wo have at Portland n stock of ilno lubricating oils and greases. Prices and terms aro fight, Writo for prices. Cen tral Refining Co., Cleveland, Ohio, Hull). Trimmed hate and patterns at coat for the next thirty days at the Campbell & Wilson mllllnory parlors. 23. tf Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Pattou'a sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 yeara. Clark & Fi!k, agenta. ml7 For bums, injuries, pilea and skin dlaeasea ubo DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salvo. It is tho original, Counterfeits may be offered, Usoonly DeWitt's.