PKOriiK VttV Al.l, KNOW. Thi) family of K. K. Austin left ycstor 'tiny for Canada. 'Consreesmnn M. A, Mooily returned iiotne today on the No 1 passenger. Uuily Oradleh.uigh left hero today on n visit to friend in Carson CJity, Nu v ml n. Nntlinn Myers, n veteran of Iho Mex icnn war, was in town today from Chickuti .Springs. liov. Mr. Woody, of Portland, cnnu1 up on tiio limit Inst night und 1h vltrlting tliu fnmily of Marshall Hill, of Dry Hol low. Missi Ht'fH Isenberir, wiio is toaehlnir echool in Johns' Mill neighborhood, vasecd through town today for Hood IMvor, wlioro she will spend tho Fourth with her pariMitH. OUR CHURCHES Christian Science meeting in sinnll K. of P. hull every Sunday morning nt 31 o'clock. Calvary Hnptist church Rev. W. P.. Clifton, pastor. Regular services at II a. m. und 8 p. m. Young people's meeting a', 7 p. in. Sunday school at 10 n. m. Congregational church coruur Flftli and Court streets. Rev. Poling, pastor. Morning worship nt 11; Sunday school at 12:15; Junior Kndcavnr, fi p. in.; Young People's Society 7 p. m. No Hcrvicu in tho evening. Subject, "Com ing Aforehnnd." Mrs. Taylor will sing tho oH'ertory, "lie Ciivoth Hie Hulovcd Sleep," hy Abt. Methodist Episcopal church Conn r Fifth and Washington, Ucv. U. J Hawk pnstor. "Hymns and Music" will hu the subject at 11 n. in. At 8 p, in, tho pastor will speak on tho saving 'Uirds of a feather wilt flick together." The Sunday school will have a epecinl Kervico at 10 a. in. in the auditorium of .the church. Class meeting nt 12:11) noon. Junior League at 3 p. in. Kp worth League at 7 p. in. You aro cor dially invited to nil services. Ventral OrvKim Knllrnml .lie tea. The Telegram says the Columbia Southern proposer) to get in on the ground floor on any proposition to cor ral thu traflic of thu Inland Umpire. The. rapid manner In which thin road ix extending its preliminary surveys and establishing permanent ones would in dicate that eomo influential friends are furnishing all the capital needed. Some hint that the Union Pacific is interested. Anyway, from a small local road whose only purposo was to operate between Uiggs and Shnniko, a distance of cevonty miles, it line suddenly become ambitious to corral the whole of Central Oregon, nml seems in a fair way to accomplish its purpose. According to reliable in formation surveyors aro running lines for an extension of the Columbia ijoiithcru to Priucvillo; thence enst to John Day; along John Day past Canyon and Prairie cities; through a pass to Malheur rivor, and down tho river to u point on tho U. It. & X. at the eastern border of tho state line. Nor does tho operation of the Columbia .Southern stop there. Surveys (or nnothur liriu by a 'Company incorporated under the nnmo of The Dalles Southern are being run Tho proposed route is south front The Dallea ulonj; the Deschutes river past Warm fcprings reservation and to l.nko- vie.v, in the touthern part of tho stale; tiienco uortheasteiiy to Uiirm, in liar ney county; thence to the Malheur river and out to the ens torn elate line over the enmo route as tho Columbia Southern, Tho foruior road will make a half circle like tho sweep of u scythe, taking in tho principal trade districts of west, tooth and enst Central Oregon Theso linos will cover ICistero Oregon vory thoroughly. Tlio Killliir .' imi tint Alionil. Tho editor of "Tho Lost Creek Lyro" thm describes a little incident of every day editorial life in that lively camp: When hu lit Intlilemir M.iiictiiia Wo MuHuoiirtt'Oiuly tlmnkcil lilm Ko? tlio Junior lio liud pulu us hy the call, Ami liln huml Mint like a rocket To hl iirfccjiul hip ji.'Cknt A lio pubU'il a rmlo u-uiark nbotit our gull. lie iiud coinu iircpfiri'd'to llylit n, To iinmciclOilly smite in, On lil nnirtuiiry fence to Jjhiik our tilde, Hut our norvo wan worklii' Meinly Ami our (JntlliiK Kim wan really Ami liuiircimtttirely croH'il tint (treat divide, A Nnvl Hlnii. to Good Dressers.... 8? 1 extend a enrdial invitation to all to inspect tho samples nt Woolens from the OUOWN TAII.ORLNV. CO., Chicago's famous Ctiu & loin Tailors. a Suits to Measure, $8.75 up. 0 Fit, workmanship nud entire satisfaction guaranteed. W JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent. $ Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds, Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SPIuIKSd Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOU FlOUT '"H ,',""r 18 manufactured expressly for fainllj use : every sack is guaranteed to give imtiBfaction. Wa soft our goods lower than nny house in the trade, and if you don't think no call and gut cur prices and bo convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wha.t. Barley and Oats A Dalles tailor, who" is chairman of thu ilohoiriiiiu Club, and a sort of a one .liorso poet, has let a contract for a sign that will read ns follows: I'niitK of great men nil remind us Wo cum make our limits lit llu?, Ami dqpurtini; Icavo behind us I'anU tliut never kIo:.i nor shine; TroiiHcrN Hint iw,tIjum homo other, When he's hungry , cold ami wot, Homo forlorn and shipwrecked brother May ImiliigifOiK.'it kJhiI to K-'t. Young men, white duck trousers and a blue sorgo coat, topped oft" with a neat white duck yachting cap or a straw hat, makes a correct combination for Fourth of July excursion wear, A, M. Williams & Co. can supply you, Tliut I, Itilo Country NiVHiuHr. "It's strange," said a eulobrated au thor recently, "und yet not strunge bow these old associations cling to us. I was born in a rural district, and forty years ago tho little country weekly wns thu only newspaper literature wo had. It was published every .Saturday, und when it didn't come out 'on time' every body was in u flurry. Well, 1 have not visited my birth-plnco in twenty years, but during nil that time i have been a subscriber tu that little country weekly. I've crossed thu sens, and it has followed me faithfully to foreign capitals. I've taken it from my pocket in thu clubs of Loudon and Paris, and have read, witli all the interest of old, how Colonel Ho itud-Sn'is in our midst, how .lolin .loues Sundayed with ns,' nnd how 'our es teemed coroner eat on three dead men yesterday,' and how 'the editor is thankful for a niees of calibngebut needs noiiio bacon to boil with It,' etc. Yea, that little country weekly is a pos itive joy to me yet. And the editor doesn't have to dun me for my sub scription, either." Anlurlu Kx!tirliin. The steamer Dalle City will leave tho dock at K a. m. on July !id with thu ex cursionists for Astoria, accompanied by the Dalles baud, und will run through to Portland arriving at U :'.i0. Ksturnliig tlie Dalles City will leave Portland July oth on arrival of the morning train from Astoria, and will run thrnugu to Tho Dalles without making way bindings. W. C. Ai.t.Aw.w, Cieu. Agent. BUSINESS LOCALS. ClnrkuA Falk have on nnlo a full lino of paint and artist's brushes. You will not huvu bolls if you taku Clarke & Fnlk'e sure cure for boils, A full lino of Kastinau films and sup plies just received hy Clarke & Falk. Floral lotion will euro wind chapping und sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that aro fully guaranteed to lust. Clnrke A Falk have them. Clarke. & Falk liaye received a caiload of tho celebrated .limit 10. Patton strictly pure liquid paints Good, pure natural Ico from tho Iiluo mountains for sulu by thu Columbia Klvor Ice & Fuel Co. 'Phono Ult or 81 Long Diet. ; 75 or 8 Ken (or t & Condon. fimall in size and great In results are DoWitt's Little Early Hieors, tlio hi moiin little pills that cleanse tho liver and bowels. They do not gripe. Neglect is tho short stop so many tuko from a cough or cold to consumption. Tlio early use of Ono Minute Cough Cure prevents consumption. It is the only harmless loiuedy that given iiuuiu (Unto results. It cures all throat and lung troubles. Children all like it and mothers endorse it. Hv. W. K7uyrrw."Canlon, N. Y writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty years, and tried doctors ami medicines without benefit. 1 was persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me from tho start. 1 believe It to bo a panacea for all forms of indigestion," It digests what yen eat. Hick Headache absolutely and purine- noiitly cured by using Moki Tea, A pleasant herb drink.. Cures constipation and indlfKBtlon, makes you cat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money buck, '.'5 cts. mid CO els, IJIakoloy & Houghton Druggist'. .R.&N. IIKI'AUT run 1'llKt Mall l'JMU l. in Atlantic Kxprcsx V1:!U. in Via Hunt- ilC'tnll. i!icikmio .Mull mid i; Ui'J.'i , rn. h p. in. 8 p. m. Ivx.Hiiudiiy Kntiirday 10 i, in. i'i a, m. i:x.Kuii(lny TIKK KCIICDULK, FllOM IUI.I.KS. Hull I.nkr, Denver, Ft Worth. Omiiliu. Kan .im City, tit. IjiiiIs, ClltClIKO tiuu hunt. Hult ImUs, Denver. I't, Worth. Oiiiiilui, Kiiii- hms City, Ht. Ij)lllH,j (ililfjUKO nun l.n.H. Wnlln Wnlln, Hpokiilic, .MIlini'MliollK. St. l'niil, i) illut h, Milwaukee, Clileiiuo nud I'.naX, via hpoknnuttkd Uuutiiu;. totr, iilso nil I'Ohils In Wn.ililiiitoii nml Kiist eru OrcKon. I'BOM I'Or.TI.ANII. Ocoiui Htoiiiniillii. for ban I'ranelxio livery l'lo Hay. (.'nliiiulilii Hv, HteamerH. To Ahtokia and Way limlliig. AlllUVK 1'IIOM Kt .Mull 1-':: p m !:!.' n. in. KiMiknuu .Mult nml i:.irc.s .'l iin a. m I p. in, I p. m. Kx.hiuidii) Wir.i.AMRTTK ltiviui. l:i:0 1 1. in. Oil'koii City, NevvlierK,l5x.tluiuliiy Haiein way nnini'M.. 7 a. n. W1L1.AMKTTK a.nii Vam- :i:::o n. m. Ttietiniiir. 1111.1. Uivisui, Mon.,wui nud bat. I Oivkoii (.uy, Dnyloii, nml rrl, mid Wny-uiudlu,'. I l.v Hltiarlii dally 11. 111. SNAKK.ltlVlilt. Iti 1'iirln In ljv.'lhlou. I.I1AVK l.i.wi.vru:; dully ti:0U 11. m, SF I'arlles dodlriHK to (,' to Hemmcr or iioiutN 1111 Columbia bouthi.-ru via Mm, nhould iako No. 2, Ivavlut; The Dulles at la. 10 p. m miiklnc dlreot eonncotloua at Ilepinier Junrtloii mid lllfKK. ' ItctiirnhiK liiiikluKillreeteotiiivctlnii nt lleiipnor Jiuietlon mid HIkbi with No, l,ar rlvhijf nt Tho Dulles at U:np. m, Kor full imrtleiil.irii call on O. It. A N, Co,' asoiitTlie Dallea. or tiddiexx W. II. llUKMlt'ltT, (ion I'M. Act,. I'nrtlmid, (ir, Jlt. V. T. HM1TII, Osteopath. Itoouifi III mid It, Chiliiiuiili lllo(!k, The ll.illes, Oregon. Tuusdnys una Friday, H u, m. I 1.' innylH-iin T. BROWNHILL, JUSTICK OFTHK PHACK. Notary Punlic. Collections promptly attended to. Monov to loan. C. K. lluyard's of fice, Tho Dalles, Oregon, ONE FOR A DOSE, ,,)?"" I'iiiiPl'"", l'mrent I llliiujiioiw, I'urlfy thulllooil, IJtir., Hitjiilun T.i i. A iiiiin'ini'iil (if Ilic l.iimiln oauli il v id uii'TiniiltV for li,.nltli, TlH-y nll lir urlii.i nut nlok'm, '' coil. '"m I'Vl B'""1" '"" ' ' ill lit it; PLLS All who sudor from piles will be glad to learn that DoWitt's Witch llai-.el Salvo will give thorn instant and per manent relief. It will euro ee.eina and all skin diseases. Iieware of counter. foiU'. Notltn, Columbia River fco & Fuol Co, wishes to announce that they will deliver ice to any part of the city at all hours of the tiny or night. 'I'liunu or 81 Long Dlut, ; 70 or 8 KoufnrUfc Condon, Clarke & Talk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer (or them, liita Pae Yellowstone Park Line. THi: DINING (lAlt HOPTK ntOM 1'OUTI.AND TO Tllli KAST. Tllli ONLY DlltliOT LINK TO THU Vlil.I.OW- KlONIi I'AKK I.kavi:, No. j Union Depot, Firth and I sts ; aiouvi: t- Fint m ii 1 1 for Tiicninn, No. 1 1 Heiittlo, Olyuiplii, (iriiy'h Hiiliur and Honlh Head ( IpolutH, Hpokmie,, lluiid, It. ('., l'lillmnii, i .Moscow, l.etston, lluf 11:1) A. M. fMlolllllnpiiillilliceoiin- i,.V) p, M, try, llelenii, Mlniieiiiiii Ills, HI. I'mil, Oiiiiilui, I Kiiiiiois City, Ht. I.ouh, ChleiiKO iiiii! nil pnliilh No f, cunt mid Miiitlieioit, No. .". , 1'IIKCt Hllllllll Kxprci-h, IliSO P. M, for Tiicoina mid tiuntUu 7;fiOA. M. nud liiturmcdlnte imliitt. I'llllinmi llrstclnsN mid toiirltt hlcepers to Wlniioni(dlH, Ht. I'mil mid Mlfc.sourl river points without chnliKO. VeNtlhiiled trnliiK, t'uliiii depot connections In nil principal ! t !.. HiiKaiiitc checked to destination of tlekctK. For hmiilmmioly lllipumteil ileciirlptlve umltor, tlrketN, hleepliiK enr n.-ncrvntloiis, etc, call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, AitSlhtiint (icnnral 1'iiM.eiiKPr Atrcnt. 'AVi Mnrrl miii Htrce.t, corner Third, l'ortliind, Oregon. NOTICK FOH PUIILICATION. la.M) Oi ricn at Vaxi oi'vci:. Wamu June I, lrixj. ( Notice In lieiehy ulven tlmt the fidlowliic liiinicd settler tins tiled not Ice of his Intention to make limit proof In support of his elnlir, mid that "iilil prim: will he ninde before W, II. 1'rchhy, t'nlted Htalc.s Coiiiiiilstliiiinr for District ol Washington, at his olllce III foihlemliilc, WiihIi liiKton, on .Moniliiy, July in, I'JW), vU: John Wutson, llomcst;"'il lliitry No, 'JUJ, for the south half of the soiltheiist quarter of see.tiou L".', township:! north, of mono II enst, Will. Mer. lie nmiiei tlio following Uncles to prove Ills continuous resilience upon, mat cultivation of snld liind, viz: Charles titrmihc W I Ilium Wllktuson, Jmnes (' Daly, J'attlck ilniji'orty, nil of Conturvllle, I' ().. Wash. W. It. DL'NIIAIt, JtintS'l ItcKlstcr. " " NOTICK FOIt PUBLICATION. I.A.Sli OlTICK AT V.VNCOl'VKIt, W.VHIl ,1 .Miiy I", hkhi. Notice Is lierehy elvuii that the followliii;; nmiicil settler Iiiih tiled nutlce of his Intention to ninke llmil proof In support of his i.-hilin, nud tliut s.ilil prnol will be inuile. Iieloro W. 11. I'resby, fulled HlnUis Ciaiinilssloiier, at tloldemhilv, on July ii, I'.mo, viz: AhiiIicI K, OIlHr, Hint iniide II. Ii. No. linKl, for the fmetlonnl W,i, NWJ.1, Hce Mi, Tjt a N, It la li, and HliMof NliM. H- L'ft, Tp it, N It VI Ii. W-. M. He iiiimeH the followliif,' wltue'ses to prove his i.'initiiiuinis residence upon, mid eiiltlvtilloii of snld In I itt , vlx- KOhertA. Htronthers. Chris Ii. Kniuzeu. III Imu (inriier, John Kuie. i.ll of I.yle I'. ()., WiisliiiiKton. W. It. DL'NIIAIt, miijil KcilMcr. maus & giowb mr Tho only utore In this city wlioro the Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold, A little higher in price, but outlasts n dozen piecenof so called cheap ouum olod wnre. BEWARE! c Other wnres look litis tho naino B LraitBky Stool Wnro on enoh piece, Do not bt deooived First prize nt 10 International Exhi liitious, IliKhost nward nt World h Columbian Exbtbi tion, Chicago, Pre ferred by tlio best cookingauthorities, certified to by tho most famous chein isttj for purity and durability it iu cheapest becauso BEST. Romombor. this cclebiatod oiiruii oledwaro iasjieciaL ly imported tor and cold in this city ex clusively by us. It dooH not rust nor absorb crease, does not discolor nor oiitoli inside; fa iiotiifloutcdbyaoidH in mills or vpgotabloa, will boil, wtow, roast and buku without imparting lltivor of jir.evlously aonk o il food and will last 'for years. i.OfO Wo cau tion tho public against iiuitutiouii 3f. i i h ill 5 'i f f. 4V ft AS The Chuonielc, Job Printers. The Dalles, i! Grandall & Barget o DEALERS IN RobS, fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc The Dalles, Or. ...C. J. STUBLING... Wholesale and Retail Wines, : Liquors : and : Cigars Agency for the Gelebrated Yellowstone Whisky. Columbia : Brewery : Beer : on : Draught 173 Socond St. Phono 234. THE DALLES, - - OREGON. Before you place any orders for a tombstone or for curbinp, fonciiiB or otlior cemetery work, call on Louis Uomhit. I will not only irjvo you all the inforinulion you need but I will quote you prices you cannot beut anywhere. Let no ono blufr you. It will tnke only a few uiinutes to call and eeo me. If you have, a neighbor who ever did business with me consult him as fo the price and quality of my work I fiiiip ( ft m in i and abide by iho roeult. : : : LUUlo bUIIIIIil $1.00 per month. ' Strictly first class local nml long distance telephone service within your homo. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will bo kept a secret. No cost for installing, You iet the standard Huniiing Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night service. We will accept your contract for ten years nud allow you to enucel fliuno 011 giving us thirty ilavs writ ten notice, PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. Subscribe for the Chronicle. I