Our Mid-Summer Sale WILL SOON BE HERE in full force. Just one month earlier than usual, Wo started with an $8.95 Suit Sale, which now develops into a general clearance a full-fledged bargain event. Not through any Sfccial effort on our part; not through unusual ad vertising. Tt seems as though each customer told a dozen oth ers, and so the sale has grown to a Christmas crowd looking for July "bargains. Rest assured there shall be no disap pointment. The most pronounced bargain fiend shall bo more than satisfied. Jt has come to us unsolicited, and we shall ac cept it with good graco. $8.95 Few custom tailors could surpass these suits", though they were to charge $1U or $15; doubtless $20 would please you better at tho to-order stores. Remember Unit it is not for profit this enle whb Btarted a Mid-Summer Sale nt n loss if necessary. It !b nn estab lished feature of our husiness ; boiiki of the broken lotH linve been placed on sep nrate counters, including values up to $12, your choice at ti '.)"). , We have started a Hat Sale.... A lot of Men's Straw Hats, in eithur yacht or soft finish, rough or plain straw, plain or fancy bands; us good as any and better than many Bhown else where at $1.00 Sale price, 50c. Two lots of Fedora Huts. Two lots uf Alpine Hats. The first lot gathered from such as Hold all season at $1. 50 and $1.75. your choice at $1.10. Tha second lot, gathered from such us sold at $!2 to $2.50; your choico, $1.83. Here's a chunco for swell dressers Biirpasfliug any nfl'er we havo yet made, and Btirely better valueB than you've ever seen before. Boys' Clothing-Clearance.... A lot of I5ovb' Summer Coals we bought to eell for 75c a fair price; half takes thum now Only 39c. Lots of good 25 Knee Pants in a variety of patterns; well made, in fact best 25r yalues you ever bought; your choice for 15c. BOYS' SUITS. Regular $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 valuea (slightly soiled ; your pick for 59c ench. A list of Men's Furnishings. Men'B Silk Front Shirts in fancy Btripes and checks ; on will admit they arc good 75c values Going at 45c. ONE LOT of Silk Front Shirts which were good Bellers at $1.25 and $1.50, have been reduced to $1.05. Special lot of Men's Bike and Golf Hose.... Good valueB nt 90c and $1.00 ; your choico for 09c WHAT WE SAY WE DO, WE DO DO, MID-SUMMER SALE Commencing Monday, July 2nd, 1900. A few days ago we announced to you through ibis paper that wo would greet you with a Mid-Summer Sale. The goods -we oflcr you do not show the rust of by-gone seasons, but are all new, bright and attractive patterns. Silk Department. This is a great silk year, and wo are propared for it.' 500 yards of high class silks in n variety of designs and color ing. For instance thero are Warp Printed TafTettas, I.ibertv Satins, Crink led Tailettas, Lace- Stripe Tall'ettas. When we assure you of the beauty and every high character of the silks, our prices will tell the rest. Pricos at the Silk Counter. Suit and Skirt Dept. The values in this department has surpassed anything heretofore ofl'ered. Suits ranging from $4.00 to $23.00. Skirts from $1.35 up. ....WASH FABRICS.... Dimity Cords, a beautiful wash fabric, in some 30 colorings, 4 3-4 Cents, worth 8 Cents. Domestic Department. Unbleached Muslins. Albany C IJc Albany LL 5c Cabot W 5o Cabot A 0b Indian Head 7Jc Bleached Muslins. Hollywood 02 Rutledge 5c Uric-a-brae 5c Hope 76c Lonsdale "jc Fruit of Loom 7jo Prints. Ceylon-Blues 4.c Skirling Prints 4c Light Color Dress Prints 4u A 'I Standard Prints oc Ginghams. Amoskeag 53c Lancaster 4'..'c Embroideries and Laees Everyone knows that Embroideries and Ltces are higher than thev were a year ago, yet on the face of an advanc ing market we have reduced our prices one-fifth from old price. The Shirt Waist Season Is now at its best, and as soon as our stock is pretty well cleaned ud we are willing to sacrifice' the balance at any old price. MONDAY Will be a cala dav with us in all departments. We want this sale to ov erlap all previous records Big Sales and No Profits... This is our object in this great sacrifice sale of Men'sVonicn's, .Misses' and Children's Shoes. If you know a good thing when 'OU see it, buy now. Men's Tan Lace Shoes $2.00 Men's Calf Congress (clastic side) 1.00 Men's Calf Lace (narrow toes) .... 1.00 Here are the best values on earth. Ladies' Kid Button, sizes 2A to j, .85 Ladies' Kid Button, sizes 3 to 5... 1.00 Ladies' Tan Oxfords, all sizes 1.00 Children always want SHOES Buying at these prices is like find ing mono'. Misses' Kid, spring heel, button, sizes 2h to 0 $1.00 Missis' Kid, spring heel, lace, sizes 2h to 0 1.00 Misses' Kid, spring heel, button, sizes HUo 2 85 Cbilds' Kid, spring heel, button, sizes So- to 1 1 . 75 Cbilds' Kid, spring heel, button, sizes 0 to 8 GO We do not quote the former prices for these goods, but simply request you to see for yourself if they are not the best values ever offered. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS THE DALLES The Dalles Daily Chronicle Telephone No. J. SATURDAY - - - - JUNE HO, 1000 rrr- : IPC PDtRM onrt IUL UIILrHHI ClIIU ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Kollor's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Dayton's jmtuiit fly and mosquito killer" nt Maier it Kenton's. 20 3t Tho regular monthly meeting of tin wntor commissioners will convene tonight. Rev. V. 13. Chiton, of Una city, will deliver tho orntion at Uufur on the I Fourth. Tho members of tho city council will tlioct tonight nnil wind up tho business of tho past fie(!ttl yottr. Dor collar bolte, worth GOe, 7oc and $1, reduced to $!10c, Monday and Tuesday, ut A. M. Williams & Co.'h. J. A. Gulliford, of Dnfur, was in town today on his way homo from n visit to friende In tho Willamutto valley. Tho OoWlomlalfl Agriculturist says the (rain crop of Klickitat county thia year will ho tho lariat over harvested. A. M. Wllliame & Co. aro ottering a reduction of one-fourth oil" tho prlco of their wash skirts, Monday and Tuesday only. It Is paid tho Grant distillery will .i ii... commence operation enui mn.ni. mu 1st of October. The plant is being put in running order. Puler Shoomuko. formorly of Center, vlllo, is tulleriiiK from poralysifl of tufa brain mul not expected to recover. Ilje liveu noar Portland. V leira Five hundred Uollan. in three pureed u'tm HoUBe 18 la oll'ered to milling men who will par ticipate in n rook-drilling contest at linker City ou tho Fourth. L. O. Huhn today Moved his Bnloon I stock from tho corner of First and Court to the building known ns the California restaurant, ou Second street. V It la rumored that Frank Wutklns, who is well known throughout this nnd I i 1.111... I 1... Hherman county, Iudlans on the hue been killed by Yakima reservation. The Indians Bay that Watkins was driving oil' their horses when they shot him. A mnii mimed Dymond, from Fuldn, Klickitat county, was sentenced last Thursday at Goldendalo to three years in the penitentiary for horso stealing. 'Yog," said tho schoolmaster, ns he jumped wildly (rom his chair, "1 havo always been in favor of tax ou raw ma terial, bub bleed me if I like raw mute rial on lacks I" Ireland's vital statistics for the quar ter endod March 31st sIiowb n decline in the population of 10,185 souls, of which the excess of deaths over biiths ia responsible for nearly one-half. V. 0. Minor, of lleppner, recently purchased a G-year-old Durham cow in Indiana that weighs 2300 pounds. She cost him .$1,750, The Stock Breeders' G motto says she is "the queen of Amer ica's allow yards." Moorhead, Mnllory k Bratton, of the Blockhouse country, tool; across the river this afternoon a new Bullalo Pitts, 32-inch cylinder separator and a fifteen horse-power traction engine that thev bought throught Baiter Bros., of Gol- deudale, At. Portland on tho 4th of July ther will bejscen in the ftreets nn enormou Chinese dragon, secured by Reld Be at u cost of 1200 transportation tefcs from Wyoming. It will be attended three bundled Celestial priests. Tint will bo a alght. A good grade of lignite coal, only one per cent lower than the best Wellington coal, will soon be laid down in Portland for $2.50 a ton. Tho authority is the board of trade, which will bo icady to announce in a few days practical results in tho line of coal development. SInnott & Fish havo boughtthe entire stock of Belgian hares latoh on sale at the Bettlngen building oiyfeeond street. It there Is anything iufhe story that the meat of these nnijnala beats frogs' and canary birds' tongues, the ng to una it out. Pursuant to a tlrtee or four days notice In the columns of our esteemed contem porary, four of the faithful met last night and organized n democratic club, with II. C Liebe nB president, John Filloon, vice president; Karl Banders, secretary, and John Ilumpshlie treas urer. The recent rains throughout Eastern Oregoti have Insured .tho farmers a boun teous harvest, says the Uklah Sentinel, Umatilla county will harvest the largest crop in her history. The farmers aro mostly out of debt, nnd with average j prices for grain they will have "money I to throw at the birds." ; The wife of John I.undy, railroad ' agent at Bitrge, has been adjudged in ! sane. She waa taken to the sanitarium Jin Portland some days ago, but it has i been decided to trauefer her to the asy lum,and Sheriff Holder and wife went J to Portland Tueeday to take her to baiein. asco Mews. Do you want the prettiest while blouse waist in the city for your boy V A nice white blouse waist witli deep sailor collar of threo low s of insertion and open work embroideiy edge, insertion trim med front, pleated sleeves and cull's; from 1! to 7 years. Our price only $1.1!!. Tho New Yoik Cash Stole. A gentleman from the south who late ly yisited Baker City told ono of the cit izens that he had never in his life been in any town "where the men seemed to take so much pride in uttering some j dirty oath just at an opportune time for some passing lady lo get the full benefit of it." And the Republican sorrowfully admits that the gentleman was correct. W. II. Moore, of Moro, is interested with Dell Stewart and Archie Mason, of Portland, in a schema to take water from tho upper Deschutes for the pur pose of irrigating tne uesert foihii oi Prinevillo. Their surveyors have been T there for about a month and it is ex pected that work upon the ditch will bogln in n short time. An exchange tells of a "yeller dawg" up on the Yukon that was taught by his ingenious owner to hunt gold by Bcent, ami after making many rich strikes for his owner (who naver had oc casion to sink another prospect shaft) was token home to Tacomn, where he ran down a prominent pieiichor of total abstinence who had secretly takfii the gold euro for drunkenness the suiiimer before. Thoro ia no question but the fall wheat crop in the Wlllaniettd valley Is going to be very short, and neither spring wheat nor oats will give anything like a full yield, says the Salem States man. This is unfortunate; but it will demonstrate verv completely the value of diversified fanning, especially ns the dairying boom Is on to assist in tho dem onstration. Coroner Hart, of Klickitat county, received word Thursday that the body of a man had been found on the hank of the Columbia river on the 23d in stant at Scott, In eastern Klickitat. The body waB entirely nude, and bore no evidence of foul play. It n supposed the man had been drowned while bath ing, but his identity had not been dis covered at last accounts. JURY FOUND HIM GUILTY. Such Willi the Vim did In the Case of lllo ! Statu Against Ge.irgti FurrJH, . 1 At 10 o'clock Thursday night the jury ; in the case of the state of Washington I against George R. A. Farris, accused ' with the murderof Abo Worrell, brought' in a verdict of guilty in the (list degree, which means death by the rope, says the Goldendalo Agricultutist. The rate was tried beforo Judge Miller occupying five days, two of which, how- ' ever, were spent in securing a jury and ' with arguments of counsel. The case, on the part of the prisoner was weak, i his defense being almost childish. He' had undoubtedly had a quarrel with J Worrell previous to the murder over a( team of horses, which Worrell objected) to his taking. Farris insisted on taking the horses, and it was duiing this time thai Worrell was killed. That Is about the way Fan Is put it while on ihefctand. Others think that Worrell was shot down without warning. The prisoner went on at gieat length while on tho stand in telling his story, and corroborating in the main the case as made up by the defense. The evi dence all went to show that Farris had p'annetl the crime in advance; and the evidence was strong enough to convince twelve of the best citizens as to its truth lesulting, after live hours' de liberation in tho above verdict. The state's case was ably managed by County Attorney D.ueh, with the assist ance of llirnm Diistin and Hon. A. S. Ilennett ; while Farris' defense was faithfully and earnestly conducted by W. 15. Presby, of Goldei.d.ile, and II. S Wilson, of The Dalles. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought SI .AM'gelable Pr eparntionforAs-similatiiigilicrooclniulRcgula-ling the Stomachs aiulBowels or Pronmlcs Digcslion.Chcei ful ness and Hesl.Conlains neither Ophim.Moiphine norIineral. TOT vAIiC OTIC . Art aM Df&'J'.l ZZ NTCHEll uitJan Seed' jl!x.Seiinn ILtkilU SutK -t:ke Stv1 t htfjriitinl . Ill Ciliuuc.tr Aula lllMtiefJ - Cltmfitd Sitgnr WakifWM rianr, Apeifccl Remedy forConslipa Hon i Sour Slomnch, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions.rcverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Vac Simile Snjnnlurc of rtffZ&tiZ NKW YORK. ( f CXAuT COPY OF WRAPPER. V GASTORIA For Infants nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of At IF In Use For Over Thirty Ye GASTO THf Cf H1UH COMPtny, NEW VOH CITY. Boars tho Signature of 1 Subscribe for Thk Ciiuonick. Salvation Aimy. There will be a uraini junior demon Etration at the hall en Saturday ni'lit, June liOth. .Slnclnif and speakintr by the juniors and three tableaux of "Kck of Akcs" in red light. Collection at the door. All welcome. Aim'. Ni:iu.s Pur Mtlii. A good second-hand threshinu ma chine for sale at L. June's blacksmith hop, ou Third street. j4 d&wlin I Cii.h III in ir fliili. i All coiiutv warrants rtV'Merert prior 't Anir. 1, lfsflli, will le paid at my jollice. Interest ceases after June lit), 1(11)1). C. I'llll MI'S. County Treasurer, To Curo i '.lil in Olio Hay. n i . I I.... II.. ...... Ili.l.ii.w) Tilll. I iar.ti i.uittuyu iiiuuiu .("imiii" " " lets. All ilriiL-idste refund tl o money- I Cl.uk k Falk are never closed Sunday I D.m'l forget this. 1