The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY .JUNK iil), 1WO I'or l'tclilfnt WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or Ohio. For Vic-I'renldent THEODORE ROOSEVELT, lf Niw VorU. The city recorder's annual report, winch we published yesterday, is an exhibit that reflects great credit on the men who have conducted the affairs of this municipality for the past year. The total income for the year has exceeded the expenditure by the snug sum of 2,5-i.r4, after paying $3,420 for interest on the ex isting city debt. The city has $8, 500 in the sinking fund, and this money is loaned at interest and is producing over -itfOO a year. And nil this has been accomplished, or is in progress, under a o-mill tax, while cities like Salem, Albany, La Gnndc, Astoria, Baker City. Vancouver and Walla Walla are run ning behind, or barely keeping even, on a lev averaging more than double that of The Dalles. As our esteemed and eilicicnt recorder says: "There is no reason why this pros perous condition of the city should not continue so loug as its otlicers live up to the maxim that rv public ollicc is a public trust. It only re-j mains for Tin: Ciihonicm: to say i that the new administration will! enter upon its duties next Monday possessed of the confidence of the taxpayers that the affairs of the city ; will he conducted in a manner thai 1 will equalby meet their approval. Under the name of the "United j States Monetar' League," a lot of Tiryan's fool friends arc going to J meet at Kansas City on July the ! day before the convention, apparent ! ly to charge the atmosphere with : their frec-silvei-at-10-to-l folly, ! says the Telegram, A partial list of thc speakers will disclose the nature! of this idiotic effort Allen, Altgeld, "Coin" Harvey, John P. St. John, J. 15. "Weaver, Anarchists Sulzer and Xentz, and "Silver-lleptibiican" Towne. Such a meeting, with Urvan's approbation and if he did not ap prove it would not be held will be a rude, needless and fairly insulting notice to the majority of Eastern democrats and to hundreds of ! tlimisnnll; in Ilir Woaf tnr lio i Iheir votes are not wanted : that Bryan desires no votes but those of populists, silver cranks, socialists and anarchists. If Mr. Urvan can stand this sort of a performance, his op-1 ponents certainly can. Astorians are getting alarmed at the rapidly diminishing amount of the salmon catch, and the News I warns the citizens of Astoria that if " the present condition is permitted toj TTTCJTi TDTH TT'TTTTr'T" exist the salmon industry 0.1 the;"1 -KOilil V JLU Columbia will soon be a thing of (tin llnat rl'l,r Vna lnic llm .t.l.lrvi u lit. iij IIJU itiiuii; blame on the "traps, seines nnd wheels," nnd insists that they be nuoiisueii, nnu auoiisneti at once. Of course the nets that catch more fish in a day than thc wheels do in a month must neither be abolished nor restricted. Three years of republican misrule Lave brought distress in nearly all parts of the country. It is almost impossible to get men to work, and when they can be found such out- i rageous wages nre demanded; The banks have difliculty in securing bor. rowers though tho interest late has lowered considerably. The farmer does not receive low prices for his llax nnd cattle and tho laboring wan has much woik to do and wheat up several cenls. Knrgo Forum. Tho Kast Orcgonian objects to Jim Ham Lewis for the vicc-presi. dency on the ground that "he is about as fit to be a candidate as a spider is to spin yarns." But a spider can spin yarns and Jim Ham tried left Davis has been nominated for governor of Arkansas, and esteemed doinoeratic contemporaries ileum it needful to explain .that lie is no ro lalion of the .leff Davis that was j hanged on a sour apple tree thirty- live years ago. Hrigham Roberts was fined only 150, 75 apiece, for having two extra wives, but one of them is a doctor, and if she has a good practice she can easily of it for him. pay her part GOING EAST If you intend to tiike a trip East, ask vmir lii'kt't mnnt tn rnntn von vln Till! Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-dato railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to Now York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls nndevery through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Uoss C., Pacific Coast Pass. Agt,, Los Angeles, Calif. C. S. Chank. R. P. A., St Louis, Mo. Tlmt Tlirolililne Itcnilacliu Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of suirerure have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Onlv '25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Llakeley & Houghton, druggists. 5 TIl9 Chinese ask How is Tourliver?" instead of "How do you do?" for when the liver is active the health is good, DuWitt'e Little Early Risers are famous little ')ills for thc "ver ami bowe'3- Garden Hose "We have laid in a largo stock of Garden Hose and are carrying the same brand of Hose that we have been carry- mg lor tne last live rears, which is the celebrated Mal tese Cross Brand. We carry the same brand of Hose that the Dalles City Fire Depart ment has been using for the last twenty years The Mai- iteso uross Brand is without doubt the best unule of Hose on the market. Call and get our prices before buying JUaief & Benton Sole Agents. A new eot.eignmerit of those Just the suit for thu coast. The best that ever happened for the country, Just the suit for the holidays, Havo you seen them at PEASE & MAYS. couldn't do anything else if lie to. Rougn Hioer Suits ItnlRlan lliires. The Los Angeles ltelutau Haro Co., of Portland, hna u lint; stock of hares for sale- ii: the Hettlntfen store. Will bo hero but this wek. This etoek is all pedigreed, high class. Everyone invited to call ami inspect. Stock rungiiiK from $5 to $;i0 each. Don't Bond away and buy eomothiiiK before you see it, but call and see beforu buvlntr. 2G-tf Fur Halo. We have at Portland n stock of lluu lubricating oils ntid greases, Prices and terms arc right. Write for prices. Cen tra! defining Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Clark A Falk'a drug stock ia now, L,h nm, (MnpI,lB Iteports show that over tilteen hun dred lives have been saved through the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Most of these were cases of grippe, croup j asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia, lte early use prevents con sumption. Ciirp llemtiiclitt Oiilukly. Ilaldwiu'a sparkling eilervescont Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and -5 cents. Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggists. janiM-liw Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. ' Patton'a sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. mI7 "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, ia pleasant to tako and is truly the dyspeptic's best friend," says E. Hartgeiink, Overisel. Mich. Digesta what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. Experience is the beat Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to givo immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. lllakeley & Houghton ' Druggists. Freah cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-ti For the convenience of parties want ing ice in the afternoons, thc Stadelman Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store, corner Third and Washington etreets. Phone No. 107; long distance- 1SIJ. "King 'em up." ISni-tf snic. Trimmed hats ami patterns at cost for the next thirty daya at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. L'D-tf A Difficult Problem. It ia among the most tlifTiotilt prol lems of natural science for one to becoun expert in several lines. J. K. Adcox & 1 Co., by tiieir enmbination, li.ivo over-i conio thi difliculty in n practical man ner. .J. K. Adcox ia an expert watch-' maker and is juoil on jewelry, optical wotk anu eiijravinu, while Tlieo. II. Uebe is an expert optician and ia jjood on watch repairing, juwulry work and engraviiiK. Their price is aa low as con sietent with (,'ond workiiiHnship. Thev are prepared to do all work in their suveral lines, on short notice. Work sent by mail or uxnrets will recuivo prompt attention. Sln. "lli Red Watch.'' I rl' (linHKNIXMtfFKIt Pliysicitm and Surgeon, Special Attention kIvwi to lurijcry. Uoobjs 21 nnd K, TcI.UiS Voxt Mock K. K, I'Kltd IIHD.N, PhyHician and Surgeon, Olllce, Vot lllock (over I'nstotlk'c), iOdplinodw Till: PAI.UvS, OltKUO.V. For a Nice Suit of Clothes. I'lifitintr, Ovcrcouilii"or Kiuicj VciIIiik, Kindly call nnd rxiimlne my atock of Im ported und 1 wftlo Woolens. A line Block in elect from. KuiU made from the lowest price to the high et grade. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. TUB UAhUK UKKUO.V, 7ro9iIe5p?eial5 Complete of ' at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DHUGGIST. rjCT3irryT"JKTJkTATATATA''JL-l At ATA'TJ ITJ t-TS 1 3 L. Lane, (iKNIMlAI, ...AND. r C Wagon and Cnrringo Work. C p Fish Brothors' Wagon. tj Thirdlaud JefTcrnn. Plionc:i59 1 r ..CHflS. FRflflrv- Butehens and Farmer's ..jrehange.. Kecpiioti ilrntiKht the cclcbrnUil rolX'MlllA HKIUi, ncknow;-i-UcI tlu- lx'it Ux't III The lliillva, Mt tho iimiiiI prlcv. (.'unit' In, try It iiml tic coiivlni'i'il. Alo thu FliifKt liriuuls ol Wliui, l.j jiiijr anil CiKiira. Sandtuiehes of all KIihIm nlwiiyii on linnil, C. F. Stephens ..Dunlur In.'. rry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. llootH, Shovi. HiitK, Cups, Nolloim. ior V. I.. DoukIiis Shoo, AKt. Tcl'-phoni' No. fcS, lillbtcimil Ht The Dalles, Or. Just What You uiant. New ideaa in Wall Paper here, finch wide variety hh wo areuliowine; never be fore (jraced a aintflu stoiilc. Jteal J,ita. lion croton etfvela at ordinary prices. Ooou rmnura at chean imm.r LltKant deaiune, taatoful coloriiiKB, yonrH for a Dirndl price, at our atoro on Third street. AUo a full line of house imlniH D. W, VAUSE, Third St JJ . 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Ofllcs our French it Co.' Hank I'haie THK I)AJ,1,K8, OltKUUN BiaCBID Horses r. dliULO, Str. HoKiilntor. k - - - Ship your . Freight via Regulator Line. V MIWN. i.v Paiio U lit 7 A. N. h TiicMlny C.TIilltMlHy u Humidity, h Arr. I'nrtlaiiil K, lit v. m. I.v. rorll.itul III 7 a. si. Moinliiy Wuliu'viiMy Krhlny Arr llalli"i tit .1 r, M. m T?nn nnMPORT F.nONOMY ANTi PT.TCArmw 8 Tmvel by llieHlcumori. ol tlm lU'isiilutnr l.lne. roil tin' In-it KCivlre ihimIIiIv, i i l'orll.iiiil oniou, OiiU Htnvt Dock. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer C. S. Smith; Till tip-to-date QroeerDyspepsia Cure. Fresh Egga and Creamery Huttur a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. We Put... ovory bit of . t-wonty yoar.s oxjioriunce nnd drug knowludgo with every rreseriplion that's compounded here Is it any reason why our prescription lmsinofjs is increasing so rapidly? Aslc your physician if we are reliable. BLflKELEY k HIMTOH, Koliable J'resuriptionists F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, nor second & LaneUIn. 'Phone 151 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAUIT And CAFE, J. B. Orosaon & Oo Props. 87 Second Street. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TltANHAUT A KNKHAI.HANKINH HlJiiiNKfi ritterB of Credit iaaued availublo in tho ui..i.t t, K?8te,n fltatea. St. Loiiia, Han Franc sco. PnrtUn.i n.l Kon, heattlo Waah.. and various poiuLj n r.T!"d Waaiungton. ' " OOlleCtioilB innrla af ull .t ... orable Urma. " W,H" " ,my' REGULATOR LINE. HIi-inncrMiil ll.i, ItrKUliUi.r l.lmuvlll run n .,.,,, inviiiir M' Ik ill lie. the ('nniimiiv rii-rvin i "wt"' iiotlcr. " ' w ciDW Str null,,., r.i... 4 ' DOWN I.V. DilllcH lit" A. H. Mniiilny Wfilni"ility Krliluy... Arr. I'lirlliiiHi lit I i.Hl I', i, . a i nriund A 1n,(i0A,n.,a 'I'lleMliiv3 Tlmrwlay tiiitunlay Arr.IMiieV AtAr.K. Thu Cmnimiiy will eiiilcnvnr m vu lt m 'il Kor lurllier liiforiiiittlim nililrvii r H '3 W. C. ALLAWAY., Qmi. A?t. cor. Kodol Digests what you eat. i IturtlflclallydlgcstHthcfoodandaids , xfuturo in HtruiiKthoninf; and recon struotlnff the exhausted digestive or- fans, it Istbelatestdlscovercildlgest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in etllcloiicy. It in Htantly rulleverf nnd permanently cures Dyspepsiu, Jiidlgestlon, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Kuumb, SiokHeadaohe,Gnstralf,'lu Cranins.and H other results of ImperfecttllRcstloa Preoartd by C C. DrVJlt A Co., Chicago. J. H. HoitKitc:, l'rvxldunt. II.M-llKAIt. Cuhltt first National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Dunking Huaiiieeo transacted Dopoaita received, nubject to Sight Draft or Cheek. Collection)) mode and proceeilri promptly remitted on dav of collection. SiKht nnd ToleRraphic Ivxclianne sold cs Now V'ork, Han FranciHco anJ "ort laud. 131 KBOTOHS I). P. TllOMI'HOX. .iNO. K. ficUKHCI, Ku. M. Wu.i.iamh, Guo. A. Limi. H. M. Hkam.. Tne Golumsia PacKingCo. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKAOTUKKHHOF Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON )IilKIl BEKK. i:TC. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE USEE jEamno, fiftPVIllOHTS &C. Amtoiio emllinr n slirleli 11111I 't"1!'1'':!!."1?' qnlcUIr iisiiTlJiln imr ii.lnloii ieo "i V, liivxiltloii U prolmbly wiU;iiUM. ' " i'Sfi lliiitrlcUrniilWoiitlal.Jliiii'lbilV,J,i. I'aliii.lH tukmi triniiiuli .Miimi fi I tjM-rdil wittce, wltliiiiitcliiirtfo, latin' scientific mmm . ... . A .t.ld I nrcpt ' rimri lour riimitln, tl. H'ilil Uyall imwi-niynn- mUNN & Co.36,D'oadNew YorK lri"cli IKS If lit,. Wh.Iiiiii:!'"'. i-1 Mica lindens the load 'Axle gliortciia Crease the road. I. i..., it.,. n.,i Knvcs weir wid i .,..riwlierc cxpciinc. OUI" " STANDARD OIL OO. ,8 VUM U H HIINTNOTOHl 001m ovwr KlrtMt. ilunk