VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGOS, SATURDAY. .JT"E 30. 1900. NO. 275 Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing Hoots and Shoes, nt much les; than wholesale prices." Will jell iu bulk or hi lots, or any way to suit purchaiers. Entire stock must be closed out before thirty days. AH iioods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-rltsins Cornets ; anil Huttetick Pattern. You! price will be mine. Call early and set-are bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. o the measure cov no so far aa ta assert Bmhhtii w irar. that the bik will pass regardless at A ssartltmr, rsciiitfixt, at xhich Mr. whether the next House sil be rapub-; John Oliver cf ?h2ad;i.phhu tb the lioun or democratic. They say that the subject, is narrated by hiia. as rbticTs . only opposition that rendered the fate of 1 was fci a most dreaiifiii cacdraort. My the bill doubtful has been placated, aa skin, was almost yeuaiv. eves scsksn, the Westerners who originally thactrhs teniae ccfttsd, pais. coatEscaiT ia back the bill discriminated rn favor m Atlantic and sides, no aroeCise rradcaliy groT- shipping have bud concessions made tng weaker dny by day. Three pcysi.- wbtch will include a fair proportion of cions had serves, me c?. Fortcnateiy. a the Pacific ships o American make, to biend ad.vised 'E'ectric Biters, and ta hold Pacific Coast delegations in seaport my great jry and surprise, tie rirst of the bil'.. bottle made a decided improvement. I . coEtsaced their ass ?cr three -reeks, and am now a Tell man. I inoT they saved my life, asu rafebed the xrtve af another victim.'" 3a cce sbxtidsifi ta try stem. Oniy 30c. guaranteed, as aSoksiey a 5sJCsaion dmjr store. 5 with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or coustitntional disease, in order to cere it 7oc mast take i: dreat 47 of July ..Speeial Sale.. SHIRTS! ITS! J anil liar- Six weeks az Catarrh Cere is acts dirsctlv on na! remedies. Hall's taken internally, and the bioud and mccocs scriaces. nail's Cutarrh Care is no: a ccack medicine. sni. Starvation never yet ccred dyspe; Persons with. iadfcresEian are already htur starved. Xfcev need 'den.rv of wt e-Aave across an anusiuu chance to pick up & few extra good. Men's shirts eheep. YesJerd&v ihese shirts ar rived. T'xiay we place tkera.i on saw at the foOowine special prices: BATTLE-SHIP OREGON ASHORE Report That The United States Battle- C.inton for the present. An uprising is feared in case of his departure. The numerous daily criminal executions by order of the viceroy show hi-- realisation of the erions condition of affairs and hi firm intention to-prevent trouble. He is threatened bv the mob with assassina-1 if he shouid leave the city. Well-to-do It was rcas prescribed by one of the best wholesome food. Zsdol Dyscepsia j I . . - . U.. J.UMi 3V bJSI LVi ; is a reirclar prescription. It is composed 3e nccrsstied whe the warr ctrt sr- ' of the best tonics known, combined with. Ass are bessc recocstmcted. It is tee i the best blood purifiers, actin? directly oniv prenaraewn known, tkat win ir on the mucous surfaces, xhe periec; combination of the two ingredients is what produces such woeceriet resdts in curing Catarrh, iend for testimantals. ' tree. F. J. Cesxey & Co., Props., Toiedo O. Sold by drrnssstsr price 73e. , Hall's Famiiy Pfiis are the cet. 12 scanti v ;e.jeve mc eoaptecei- ears SJmacti trsc&i-s. Try it if voc ore SBrTerinr from iad;esEjcn toinlv de vac rood- it wiJ. cer- Oj:h or Allsrilict;. JIasiLa. June 2S Xine insnrerit leaders inciadin? Generals Pia Del Pilar, Cuncepcion. Garcia and AivarerT were released upon taking the oath, of at- purpose of oani2inr & municipal puard i lsxance to the zovernment and resosnc-. ti:ld shipOreon Went Ashore in a F02. re3i,Itfn!3 have olf,ir,id Lf Hnn? Cluny o.Ct-'O.CCO taels 3.5Ji.CtX for the U1I Itoo hie island. inthecitv. The vicerov appreciate! the; "S connection wun sne revoi-.ian ca(ifi, h.; confidence and cratitude of the people, i ia 5as Philippines, tozesher wrtamaitsi iioc J-UA.vuu.w, June '20. It is rumored and proruiies to do his utmost to main-. a acknov.-ied?ment of American t jaerif. recetvinsr six beiiets himielf. . btis own horse, and suvereimv, Tfri oiirh w ranch atronsrer and mor W.-.H9-shasch oath which Gen. Ocis ' body, SinVinc a: if re that Hie United States battle-ship tain order. The majority of tne foreirn Ore-on is ashore on the island of Hco women and children have left for Hon? iv'... ; t:.... fHr,- miij : Koni or Macao. The British ssnboat ,,,rtu nf c.h ,t that a ,te,me- nf ' Bedpo'.e and the United States gunboat I administered and s consequeny dis t.,e Indo-China Steam Navigation com-: Won Juan de Auitria are in the harbor r ny lias Kone to her anijtarice. , The Fneh gnnboat Comete is expected. raft Headache. Pa-ins zs. varices parts , the pit of the ssomaeh.. Loss ef appetite, xeverijhness. I.OMTT.V, June 20. The Shanghai cor- rejf. indent of the Times iri.iay, say- : "The but w-nt iuhore in a io-g off Hoo Kie Hland, t. v aiilei north nf Cho Foo. 3Iesir.T. xr line, Mathtejon & Co., are sendiny - ai'Htanctf." A Thuuianil TonsUH4 s'teleirraphinc ' CoW no: express U.e rapture of Annie Me-hipOaon Sprmser, of 1125 Howard St.. Prut i tr: adelpria. Pa., when she found that Dr with bad grace, fully realiin-xthe resets ''- -V maer hew it of anv violation. itJ ". Tf I", is hoped tnat these nine .eaders : " . J; . - - -t - a .t.: , , kv .. ' riexir has neer faUra to cere crfnlcci will mcuence their men to tase aa- . or sypetaiRr rsss or a-y pioer ctw whicc has thus tar beer: without results , . . . . - It is certainly a wood-erf al re-medv and we s-h erery toAtle oc W.siusGTO.v, Juno 20. Up to mid .ut toniuht no official news had besn had completely cured her of a backirtc couyh that for many years had made Hie a burden. AH other remedies and doctors could give her no help, bnt she savs of this Royal Care "it ;oor. rt- -Jived in Washington bearing upon moveil the pain in my chest and I ran c- report that the battle-ship Oron now sleep ionndly. somethine I can v! -Joe ajhore nrar Che Foo. Early rcely remember dom-- Uwre. I feel xA week Admiral Hemov was directed ioun.lins its praiies throu-hout the send this vessel from Hons Rons to universe." So will every one rho tries . itn. Cmwin W.Ide is her commander. f- ' -e uwcovery loranv inme i:r. W. S. Whedoa, cashier of the sas era-- swjre. First National bank o Wtuterset, Iowa, ; in a recent tester cies soeie exnerwace with a. carpeoter is his employ, that will b of vaiee to aeher mechanics. F. M. HK'tas. ditar Sesiaci. I..S-. Newj, was &Ueteti Kk yars with piles that bo ketr or raawrfy helped cut" v,e .eft Hong Kong last Sunday nivrht, '. .v j day s ahead of her expected depurtu re, .-.I had ju biard, in addtttron to her ru.r crew, lftl iiliors and marines wrought from Hong Konp from Manila .'V the Zafiro. , of the throat, chest or lunjrs. Price 5tV and ?t. Trial bottle free at Blakeloy A Hoiiihton's dru store; every Kttle guaranteed. 5 Ueport of llrUIth Comul ut MnlU. Wa.-HiNGToy, June 26. The state de- Ftoi iutit. or t;or war. partment has received irom United ToMWS.June t3.-OaUid of ro5Bor , SUtet Consal HaUtwd, at Birrainsbam. nfl"-ta n the Umnye river colony, j England, an abstract of the annual re ,jihi ..w m in. port of the British consul at Manila con- 'wing cont nued Hoer acisity in me i- -.-.., ....!.. , ...tm3 from , cerning the trade and conditions m the -llC.ai. ...w - r i ... ... . . "The collapse of the insurrection last ntisii consni sam, tiorts iince June Cape To on dispatch reports an at-1 r . .ptUytheHcer.,0 bio, up the a, , - 1 ituh Africa ineiely indicate prepura- na. ttamts uiai an atnuci.ui.iu. f istrated the attempt by the withdraw lighted fu-o, ji killed by a t. ar, whom the soldiers afterwards at- ' mpted to Ijncli sued. Law and order arc being restored as rapidly as possible, hut the immense size oi the country renders it a ditViooit task. The natives, I believe, would williiuly return to their agricultural Ihe Br.th au I, o e u d portly , P q the .l , ir.. ...,l,a n Hnll.md. aPP."f Mimciouu "l irBc numucia ui ..w...... . ..,lfl,t,.. "Ihetwo well'known leading industries be dealt with by their own govern luent for not observing the state ol i (Urahty declared by tho Nethorlaud. President &ty is reported to bo at I ethluhem consulting with Cionernlj J' Wet. t-ir Alfred Mllner, tho Hritlsli high v.inmWsioner, has notified the t'ovorn i. out to pay tho interest on the Kreo st;ite 0 per cent loan on condition that tuero Is no liabitity lor further Interest. Ortpo Town roports that President Kruger ia still at Machadodorp, afraid tu move for lear the bridges are under- nilnod . i.i iiiimk ciiumif wnt N'kw Yoiik, Juno 20.-A iliapalnli lo the Heiald from Canton saye: Whllo tho general oituatlon hero Is un pliauged, on ntieaay feollng prevallfl. An Imperial mandate from VMn tllrtctH Viceroy U Hunw Olinnd to remain In of Manila, hemp and tobacco, will, I fear, snfler severely for somo time from the lato insurrection. The natural indo lence of tlm Filipinos will mako it al most imposaible to do work, while the Chinese and tho Chinese labor question la ono of threat importance to tho islands. Tnero ia o strong Influence ftfiainat the ColestialB, for by their induatrloita habiti they gradually obtain monopolies in all retail trade, hut on tho ottier nanu, me Filipinos themselves have no energy and no commercial instinct.' Mil SuliHidy May ! , Wahiiimito.v, Juiio 29. During the lull at republican headquarters, thero is more or lens general dlacusaloti, today thu nhip HtibaUly bill coming up. The opinion toeiitfl to prevail that thU bill will pH ut the next seBHlon, The frionda He says : "I had a carpenter wackta? i Beeifcea's Araiw SJt. H for nic who tas ohlrpid : stop wock far , irrijtfS tVtf HKsres vrlwily rested hiai. It's several days or. accoest of feeinir tree-: iBeesS pii ere s eturth asi ie hied aith diarsha. I aentiaiied to fc- sarw in the warld. Cue -reins-nim tbat I had been similarly trtwhted Se. e.ls. SoUl hy Saisy ami that Coaatberlaio's Code. Cholexa & HooshtOB, &tsscii ' and Diarrhea Remedy had cer-dnie.j He boushrja bottle of it from ihe dcarrUt ic Aasa Qiir here and informed ue that one dose J "At oe ttoe I iatferwi tob a sevwe cured him, and he is aata at his wock." sprain of ankle,' sajps Gw. E. Cory. For sale by Blakelsy A Hoc -hton. j edHsw f th Go, Washist-rten, Vs. j .. if5r atar serI ittl neoaaaavfaded otMicuies withooe sbccscs, I triec S.in Fbascisco. June The ! rjberUia's Paia B.vlt, am rectors of the Southern Pacific company j w iay trfkf 50lja have named a coverninr, or exeeeme ftj h- Us as oatf a wplte care comroitwe. which wi.l henceforth ajiome, Blakeley the manacement of most of the affairs , FiojhtOR. hitherto entrusted to th foil board. Thii , will obviate the necessity of weekly meet-; Utless food is diyestec quiekly it wLU int'S of the directors. The goversias fercMtat o irrita.te thut si-xaadt. AUer committee consists of President C. P. each ael sax & iiCKX'el ol Kvdol Huntington, D.O.Mitls, Chas. H.Tweerf. Dyspp5la Care. It dipteti what yo John D. Probst and Edwin Havvley.Gea- eat aad will alKv- vm to et all yoa oral Auditor George T. Kleot, whose seed of wht ; lUe. It sew fei'.s to headquarters are in Sac FranciiCJ, has ' core h wves ss of dysypiU.. It been made assistant secretary. j is pwasaot to CUUttrvu rr aapllu. a Oua Cuugu .neiiiciue. $ry poMotac. potott frottadi ani a ' It speaks well for Chamberlain's ncctdotal ii jarUi iy b c.i.s Cough Kemedy when druggists use it la 1 ,4 fey oiior DeWitt'i Witco H;. their own families in preference to any . Salv It is also a certain car for iiri other. "I have sold Cnambeflaln's ; cd sfc;n dlienses. Tke no .itnf. Couch P.eiuedy for the past eve years , with complete satisfaction to myself and 1 customers," sas DrucgisiJ. Goldsmith, J "Xin ?irl baha4 raoirthi M : oae Van Etten, X. Y. "I have always ujed ; irj i, moath; one sirlJywrs . it in my own family both for ordinary olu bor 1 yer: o boy 2-yeurs; oce coughs and colds and for the cmch :oU ty o years. Xwi? to I. F. ToWy. lowing la grippe, and find it very erHea-, Uperitedfa: Child's Hi,e Sxl cions." For sale by Blakeley A Housh- 0ty. The fttperiwiendenC will be ia Tae 0n, litles this wek n4 wltlittsalre written hlinrkey Hnockeil Out by CopM. applications at thh OtU. Ciiicaoo, June SO. TbeT'ibnne says: Pugilist i'oru Sharkey and Mrs. Lillian Bauer, a widow of a well-knou saloou keeper, will be married uext we-k. Sharkey met Mrs. Bauer while ia Chi naco this sprinc. Mrs. Baner is at for lleut, A five-room cotas o A!void street, with oatb room and pwteut closet, at J10 a month. Apply to Levi Cbrlsman. 2itf sure and exiiume our stock of wall present in Now York, but will return to 6 thorouchtv before buying else- Chicago, accompanied by her future hus- wi,ewaj we have the latest shipment band, for the marriage ceremony. mJje ,0 0jtyi no A- rtady for inspec- riubscribe for The Chronicle. , tion at II. Glenu A Go 's. alT-iw FIRST LOT Men's "Ecues-i" shirts, best qcolftr? jercuhi in ix-w-duse gattyrns : bea.tti fciy tuncdered. oae ?uic extra cuds to march. These ?hrcss -eii reittilarfv at JL.25 and f 1 ;i) : Speirfal . . SUc SECOND LOT Men's Stlk Front -Eci ipse" ?hrrts: tne st-Je extendmtr weu io toe baer. Sa vcxst-; Fsisji, CoL, Jens 21-. Taomas Flonnelly who mnrdered his father. Patrsck F! tsseiily, anil Sherif W. ?. ilc.Evoy.OT San. Mateo eocrtcy. en the neiK of October a: Eedweod City, was hasrsd today. Ks hil noth inz ta say tram the scoroid. The father was she; dead iz bed aftsr cacsinT his sen to tie evicted irons a piece ryry. - FLOineitV th-in borri 0yix -, patterns: -vcrtit JI j() and sold by many deal- "ij NL 1 THIF.D LOT Men s FutSsd St.k Front Shirts -rith white caatbrfc bod : "Eciipse" fcra-d: sxceilent vaiae at Ji.Tj; Special 'cc ...SPECIAL SALE... Silk Imperials Q zr)d lou6t) Riders ea.-h ccs a corriin wcrthy of fceLii a -ith o Jc CtTsricr ; voices JVc, Tlx- and eacc. Choice. SITE CCH IV 1XIX3U'S, if ft A f A. M. WILLIAMS & COMPANY HE.GULATOE LINE EXCURSION BATES for JULY 4th. I a. Si Ct;.Ji i-" i W-irz. Ia. s : H .vd K ter and return C a-cf Jr . ir 4 yeas ii.C Ha.t Vsct W. C. A L LA WAY, Gen. Agt. J t t t t t OF COURSE ..You Couldn't Tel!.. He ws so honest itxkir a uice appearing fellow T.l- i ri.'..- was S'i v. ry at:r.v. t such -bee id v MISfif 5 11 CiSI tans ...at only 75c Per year- Is simply irrv?i?talle. Hat wo think it so u.uh juoi "oitonikai to take your money to a resjnsille dealer, pay a ks:ittuiate price, and feel assured tliat you will iiet your money's worth. The Jaoobsen Book & Music Co. i t t i t t t i i