The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 29, 1900, Image 4

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    sores and Ulcers
That old sore or ulcer, which has been n source of pain, worry nutl nnxicty to you for
five or ten years maybe longer doesn't heal because you are not using the proper treat
ment, but are trying to cure it with salves and washes. "While these are soothing and relievo
miu to some extent, no real, permanent irood can come from their use. because the disease
is in the blood and far beyond the reach of external applications.
A sore heals promptly when the blood is m good condition, but novat if it is diseased, lhe
tendency of these old sores and ulcers is to grow worse, spreading and eating deeper into the flesh.
They are a constant drain upon the system, gradually but surely ruin the health and sap the very life
A person's capacity for work or pleasure is soon lost in the great desire and search for something to cute
S. S. S. makes a rapid and permanent cure of old sores and ulcers, and is the only medicine thn'
does, because no other can reach deep-seated blood troubles. Ordinary Sarsaparilla and potash mixture)
are too weak and watery to overcome a deadly poison that has taken possession of the blood. Do no'
waste valuable time experimenting with them.
. . "Some vfjrs sro I wa shot in the left If r, receiving what 1 coinlilerttt-mily a 1IrIiI vroiitiil. It
A UUnSnOt ,levelopcU into a nimiins sore ami save men of pain. I vr.n trc.itcil iiy many doctor, am!
uun,mj took a number of blood remedies, but none did tnc any Rood. I had heard S, S. S. highly iccomineurtiC
vruunua nml jjjhjhuJj,! to Rjve it a trial. The result was trtilv gratifying S S S. seemed to get ilaht at tht
trouble, and forced the poison out of my blood: soon afterward the sore licalcd up nml was cured sound and well. 1 now
have perfect ue of the leg, which was swollen and verv stiff for a long time J It. Mcurayuk, 1,-iwrencebttrg, Ky."
s. s.
S. is the onlv rmrelv vece tabic blood nurifier known :
is made of roots and herbs of wonderful purifying properties,
which no poison can resist. S. S. S. quickly and effectually
clears the blood of all morbid, unhealthy humors, and the old, troublesome sore neais.
At the same time the general health is invigorated and built up. When a little scratch
or hurt fails to heal readilv. vou mav be sure vour blood is bad. S. S. S. will soon
nut it in order and keen it so.
Our Medical Department is in charge of experienced physicians, who have made
Dlood diseases a life studv. It vou will write ttiem about your case, tney win giatuy r
furnish all information or'advice' wanted, without any charge whatever. Address SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA
Showing it ()r-aUy Improved Condition
In tin- :it' t'ltinnei'.
Good News
to Good Dressers....
dimculty that was hard to! ffi
Ullltl l
I extend a t-nrdial invitation to all to inapect the sample tit
Woolen? from the CROWN TAILORING CO., Chicago's famous Cua
tom Tailors.
Suits to Measure, $8.75 up.
Fit, workmanship and entire satisfaction guaranteed.
JOHN PASHEK. Merchant Tailor, Agent.
To run Hon. Mayok and Council ov ! c
Dallas City : v
It is a urem pleasure to be able, for j J
the second time, to submit for your con- ! S
eideration a favorable annu.d report of ! i;
the financial condition of this city.
For years I ho expenditures were
Kroner iiiaii inu income, arm u is wasj
a pcrplcxit:
overcome, and it leiiKiimil thiu
two yean ao, w lien tlio taxpayers were J
informed that tne city'a cjihIL j Bfr$HE i-gHgc-
tion iiad changed from u long courss of ! ,. ,MM ,, M ,, , ,
adversity to a course of prosperity verv i
gr-itHvins to tnxpavere. The folio win".-1 ,he cit-v'd (ltibt contracted years ago.
report, after considerable labor, is so ar- J Mo"9 was I)Ul i,lt0 thtJ Hiiiklng fund as
come and expenditure is so
eliorfii that it can be readily seen how
the nion!1)- of the people has been
died and their affaire! conducted.
The fijcal year commences July
1S0O. and ends June 30, 1000.
" 11 -2 V HP- V- -V'- Hi-J
nhinlv -Ul ,ayu
$5000 00
1000 00
Mav IS. 1900 1U00 00
June o, 1000 loCO CO
(;eli-ii Ncitlcc.
Fines and forfeitures recorder's
cunt . 123S 00
Team licenses SSS 00
Game licenses "S'J SO
Dog licenses -IS 50
Kunnere' licenses 00 00
Snow licenses 124 00
Kent citv property 42 00
City tax 1S90-1900 4941 ol
Ci'y tax delinquent 520 74
ftoad tax 392 00
Liqjor lieensn.-j 507o 00
3Ii?cellaneous income 202 50
Total income for year .. ..$14,-111 11
Ofik-eri)' salaries $ 3360 00
Itridse department 5 30
Fire department 1034 30
Light department 101 22
J'oliue department 331 05
liecordt-r'a office 44 40
Sewer department 400 S8
Street department 1439 37,
Superintendent of streets So 1
Treasury department 15
Vatnr rent 000 C
S500 00
This money is loaned at interest and
is producing over 500 a year. The
debt will be payable in twenty years
from now, if this sum is kept at interest.
Without computing the re-loan of the
inleiest, this sum will amount to about
$20,000 when the debt is due. Thus it
will be seen that one-third of the debt ;
is practically paid.
There is no reason why this prosper
ous condition of the city should not con
tinue as !on as its officers live up to
that muxim that a public office is a
public trust.
liesppclfully submitted,
Ni;i II. Gates,
Recorder of Dallea Citv.
All persons who havo not been enum
erated on the census rolls, or any per
son who knows of any ono who has not
been enumerated, are requested to re
port to J. M. Patterson at Tim lialles
National bank office beforo Friday oven
int', June 29tii. This ia important and
should have the earnest attention of all
i;ood citizens.
Ciias. L. Schmidt,
R. .1. t-SuKM.tx,
J. M. I'attkuhon,
Max ISaktem.,
l. S. Ciinsne Knumuratoris.
25 3t
l'Kuri.j: vou am. know.
W. H. iligjs, of Worco, arrived hero
today on the mid day tram.
Congressman M. A. Moody is expect-
! ed home some time tomorrow.
It. A. liyrkett, of Trout Lake, Is
Sundries 404 20 J registered at the Umatilla House.
Expenditures dur, vea- $ 8197 57
Interest on debt for vcar 3120 00
John A. Little, of Antelope, returned
; to Tho Dallea this morning from a short
1 trin to Atf)'!!i.
Total i-xpenditure 11 917 57 U Mrs. Nathan Harris and children ex
Balance overall expenditures. .$2,523 54 iWf to leave next week for a summer
savinz the citv contrib- C,U,nK al UceaM L At'
Ilu.idna lit a oni'mn
.. x s rrr 4 l 1 1. ! i i .T It n rt iv r ittir4 rf J T n v ( !rfl? I in U
Ule" ,,vr w luwarua ui upeninj; .w.u "I,.""'. ,7. "" '. .7:. Niiliiw-t. Ia narrated l.v bim h follows
leiuriieii uere uiihi a snuii ()ii:u3uiu -
A"nouncenient io inadn in tiie Knjs
lish papers that the spot where David
Livingston died while exploring in
Africa is to be mark id by a suitubht
monument. It will bo remembered that
he dieil in a little tjrass hut on the ehore
oi Lako llanu'weolo, and that at Iho foot
of u great tree near by his heart was
buiied by his fuiir faithful native follow
ers, Upon this spot there ia to be erect
ed an obelisk of masonry twenty feet
hiyh, crowned with a cross and beiuin
suitable memorial inscriptions upon tab
blets of blackened bronz i, This is to be
done in fact, is now bemt; done by a
joint committee representing the Royal
Geographical Society and some other,
bodies, Sir Henry Ktanloy buintr con
spicuous niii'jnj; the promotera of tho
work and ono of tho most nuneruiis con
tributors to the fund.
Kolilivil till! (imvu.
A startlin;: incident, of which Mr.
John Oiivor of Philadelphia, was tho
Claiko.t Fall; have on nam n full lino
of paint and artist'a brushc".
You will not havo boilH if you taltti
Clarke & Falk'y sure euro (or IhiIIm.
A full line of U.iatnmn films and sup
plies just received by Clarke it Fall:.
ltu sure and gun thu barfjiiiiiH In ladles'
duck kirts al tho New York ('sh
I Store. j0
Floral lotion will ciirn wind chap)iiu'
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
A Fall;.
Paint your housu with paints that are
fully yuarautt't'd to Inst. Clarke A Falk
have them,
Clarke & Falk haye received a carload
of the celebrated .lame K. l'atton
sttictly nuro liquid paints
Good, pure natural ice from the lllue
mountains for ealu by the Columbia
River Ice & Fuel Co. 'i'hoiiii 3.'! or SI
Long Dist. ; 7o or S Seufert it Condon.
Small in si.u and creat in results are
DeWitt's Little Karly Ui-erH, the fa
niuiiii little pills that cleanse tin liver
and bowels. They do not eripn.
.Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia.
Persons with iutliKiMtion ate already
half starved. Thoy need plenty ol
wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure digests what yon eat so tho body
can be nourished while the worn out. or-
I pins aru beinc. reconstructed. It is the
only preparation known that will in
stantly reiievo and completely euro all
stomach trouble. Try it if yon are
sulierini: from iudinesliun. It will cer
tainly do you i;ood.
Ntfiflect is tho uhort step so many take
from a cotieji or cold to consumption.
The early nso of Ono Minute Cuii;li
Cure prevents consumption. It in the
only harmless remedy that (zives immo
iliale results. It cures all throat and
luii troubles. Childicn all like it and
mothers endorse it.
Rev. W. irsitijer. W. Canton, N. V.,
wiites, "I had dyspepsia over twenty
years, and tried doctors and medicines
without benefit. I was persuaded to usf
Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me
from the start. 1 believe it to he a
panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." It
digests what yc u eat.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by usinj: Moki Tea. A
pleasant herbdriuk. Cures eomtipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep,
work anil happy. Satisfaction iruarnnteed
or money luck. 25 cts. and 50 cts.
Hlakeley & Houghton DriincieK
to Astoria and Clatsop beach.
improvement of Federal strent, urei'ly
ineieasinf? the value of property in that
locality. Decide tide the
uted over $000 towards the
the chemical enuine, hook and ladder! with Homer D. Anell.
truck and fir.) alarm system, tho result! nBnrv Ankenoy, delegato to the ro
oi uii icli is mat we tiavc a line lire (ic- puDltcan national convention
I "I wa8 in a most dreadful condition. My
liv pontri! !JameB H.Carrico. a student, of medi-ii" was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
' " 1 lcine in tho medical department of tho j tongue coated, pain continually in back
he pjrehase off gtate university, is here on a short vhit , and sides, no apputite-(jradually (?row-
parlment and that tltt rato of insurance
haB been cut down on business property,
eaving hundreds of- dollars for the cill
'.iini. For the purpose of comparison the fin
ancial condition of tho city for a'few
years back is given. Only a few years
ore necessary, as further back would
brine; us to tho period when the 557,000
debt was slowly contracted:
For the fltcal year July 1, 1690, to
June 30, 1897, tho expenditures over the
income amounted to $42,10.
For the fiscal year July 1, 1897 to June
J10, 1893, the expenditures over the in
come amounted to $58,73.
My first annual report then showed
that the afTairs had changed, and for tho
fiscal year commencing July 1, 1898, and
Jackeon county, was a tiass'jni'er on the
delayed train this morning on his way
home from Philadelphia.
A Siirniui'il Aiililn Otilclily (lured.
"At one time 1 suffered from a severe
sprain of tho ankle," says Geo. E. Gary,
editor of tho Guide, V'a8hine,ton Va.
"After lining eoveral well recommended
medicines without success, 1 tried
Chamberlain's Pain lUlm, and am
pleased to say that relief camo as soon
a? I began its use and a complete cure
speedily followed-" Sold by I'lakeloy
& Houghton.
in weaker day by day. Three physi
cians had (iiven me up. Fortunately, a
Iriend advised 'Electric Hitters' ; and to
my tfreat joy and mirprise, the first
bottle made a decided improvement. I
continued their use for thiee weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they saved
my life, and robbed the yravo of another
victim." No one should fail to try them.
Only 50c, Kiiiiranteed, at lllakeloy A
Homjhtnn'B druj,' store. 5
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of tho body, Sinkiim at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishnuss,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidencee.
of iinpuro blood. No mutter how it
became so it must bo purified in order to
obtain .ood health. Acker's Blood
Unless food is digested quickly it will
ferment and irritate tho stomach. After Wexir has never failed to euro Scrofulous
each meal take a teasnoonful of Kodol or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you diseases. Ills certainly a wonderful
endine. Juno 30, 18M, the income over wM allow you to eat all you romeuy aim we sen every uotuo on
need of what yon like. It never falls to j " positive uuurnnieo. uiaweiey iiouun
euro the worst cases of dyepopaia. It 1 "' rH etoro.
tho expenditure- amounted to $3011.93,
Thin city is running on only a 5-mlll
tax, while other cities in Oregon and
Washington are etruttyliiif hard with a
tax much larger than ours, n few of
which 1 will cito for example: Walla
Wallu, Wash,, tax 12 mills, loss $700.
Last year loea, $3100, Salem, Ore,, 10
tnilla; Astoria 10 mills, saving nothing;
Albany, 8 mills; Haker City, 10 mills;
LaGrande, 10 mills, and Vancouver,
Wash., 7 mills.
Lees than two years ago (hero was no
uch thing as n sinking fund to meet
is pleasant to take.
Ivy poisoning, poison wounds and all
other accidental injuries may bu quickly
cured by using DoWitt'fi Witch Hazel
Salve. It is also a certain euro or pilcu
and skin diseases. Take no other.
Jtu mire and exiuune our stock of wall
paper thoroughly before buying oho.
whore, as we have tho latest shipment
made to this city, now ready for Inspec
tion at II. Glenn A Co.'s. a!7-lw
Kdlliir'" A IV In I I'llKilt,
F, M. Hlguins, editor Sonata, Ills,,
News, was aflllcted for years with piles
that no doctor or remedy helped until
he irbd lliicklen'u Arnica Salvo. Ho
writea two boxes wholly cured him, U'h
tho suiest pile euro on earth und the
bust salvo in the world. Guru guaran
teed. Only 25 cents. Sold by Hlakeley
A Houghton, druggist. 6
Clarke A Falk's flavoring extracla ure
the beat. Aak your grocer (or them.
3 :
,& I
Tho ;
oit. an
dob Pointer's.
1 at
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi rii kin
Headquarters for Boiled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Tpeed
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
qti TTlOlir '''H '''onr 18 manufactured expressly for family
use : Hvory iiack in guaranteed to give satisfaction.
W. sell our goodn losvor than any house in thn trade, und if you don't think to
call and get our pricea and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid, for Whea.t, Barley and Oats.
Tlio only store in
this city whom the
Ocnuinc Imported
Ware io told
A little hiahoriu
price, l)tit outlimtH
cled ware
and Motors
a dozen pieces of so-
called cheap ouaiii
Other wares look
hati tlio nnuin
Struiifiky Stool
Wuro on each piece.
Do not lx deceived
First prize nt 111
Inteniatioiial Exhi
liitioim HiL'hoHf.
jiward at World a
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago. Pre
ferred by tlio IichL
certified to by tho
most fauiDtia chum
ists for purity und
durability it ia
cheapest because
nomembcr this
celebrated onitiu
oled wnroiH special
ly imported for and
Kold in this oity ex
clusively by us.
It doc.i not
nor absorb uroiiso,
docs not discolor
nor catch inside; is
In fniitii or
will boil,
stew, roabt
and Imko
llavor of
(10(1 kotl
food, mid
will Inst
lor years.
Wo cau
tion tho
Circulars and particulars furnished on application.
P. S. GUNNING, Agent.
RpfflTP VOU ',nu:o,u,y onlora for a tombstone or for
UCIUIC yUU curblnpf, fouclnt? or other cometurv
work, call on Louis Comini. 1 will not only ive you all
tho information you need hut I will quotii you prices yon
cannot beat anywhere. Lot no ono bluff you, It will take
only a few minutes to call and see me. If you havo a
iioicjibor who uver did business with mo consult him '
tho price am! quality of my work i n;e pnmjni
and abide by the lesiiit. : ; : LOUIS LUlTlllll
- 7
m A TvTT T-NTtnciri
is bofiiK advocated liy all parties reuardlces of racn, color or pro
v oiih eoiulliliiii nf Ui.i..,iii,,i.. . ..... iiiiik-o nnr ciisio-
iners liul whim thoy buy or l'uio I'rnpari'd I'alnts. 'Ihuto 18
Hiiisli and ijlojH to Its work that 1b ml ml red by all.
Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings
Ho Hiiro and limped our dock of Wall l'apur
I'eslmie for lwiuoii Display
Washington Ktreot,
bdweym Kecoiid mid Third.
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