I Our Mid-Summer Sale WILL SOON BE HERE in fall force.-.) HS, , month oarhor than usual. Wo started with an $8.05 Suit Sale, which now develops a conornl olearanco -a fuU-flnrl through any sreeial ollort on our parL; not through unusual ad vertising. It Kooms as though each customer told a down oth ers, ami so the sale has grown to a Christmas crowd looking for July bargains. Host assured there shall ho no disai? pointmont. The most pronouneed bargain fiend shall be more than satisfied. It has come to us unsolicited, and we shall ac cept it with good grace. info $8.95 Few custom tailors could surpass those Btilt, though thev weru to charge $11! or $lf; doubtless sfUO would pluaao you butter ut tho to-order stores. Remember Unit it iu not for profit this sale was Htnrtt'd a Mid-Summer Sale nt ti loss if necessary. It is un estab lished feature of our busiiiis ; tioino of tlio broken lotH have been plm:id on sep urutu counters, including values up to if 12, your choice at if! 05. We have started a Hat Sale.... A lot of Men's Straw Huts, in either yacht or soft finlBb, rough or plain otriiw, plain or fancy bands; uh good us any and better tliun uianv shown elii'j w burn at 4.I.OO Sale price, 50c. Two lots of Fedora Iluta. Two lota of Alpine Hats. Tho flrnt lot gathered from nuuh nB Bold all season at ffl.oO and $1.75. your i;boii:o at $1.10. Tin second lot, gathered from such lis Bold ut $1! to $-,r0; your choice, $1.85. IIhto'h ii chance for swell dressers surpassing any odor wo have yet'inade, nnil surely better values than you'vu uvor seen iiofore. Boys' Clothing Clearance.... A lot of Hoys' Summer Coals wo bought to sell for 75c a fair price; balf takes them now Only 39c. I.ota of good 25c Knee Pants in a variety of patterns; well made, in fact beet 25c valued you ever bought; your choice fur 15o. BOYS SUITS. Regular $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 values (slightly soiled' ; your pick for 5!)c eaeb. A list of Men's Furnishings. Men's Silk Front Sh'irto in fancy atripes and cbeeka; oti will admit they are pood 75c values Going at 45c. ONE LOT of Silk Front Shirt? which were pood Hellers at $1.25 and $1 50, have been reduced to $1.05. Special lot of Men's Bike and Golf Hose.... Good vnlues at 00c and $1.00 ; your choice for OUc MID-SUMMER SALE Commencing Monday, July 2nd, 1900. A few days ago we announced to you through this paper that ;ye would greet you with a Mid-Summer Sale. The goods we offer you do not show the rust of by-gono seasons, but are all new, bright and attractive patterns. Silk Department. This is a great silk year, and wo are prapared for it. 500 yards of high clas pilka iu a variety of designs and color inpa. For instance there are Warp Printed TafTetlas, labortv Satins, Crink led Tafl'etlas, J.nr.e Stripe Taflettas. When wo aseuro you of the beauty and every hicb character of the silks, our prices will tell the rest. Prices at the Silk Counter. Suit and Skirt Dept. The values in this depaitment has surpassed anything heretofore offered. Suits ranging from $4.00 to $23.00. Skirts from $1.35 up. ....WASH FABRICS.... Dimity Cords, a beautiful wash fabric, in some 30 colorings, 4 3-4 Cents, worth 8 Cents. WHAT WE SAY WE DO. WE DO DO. Domestic Department. Unbleached Muslins. Albany C lc Albany LL 5c Cabot' W o'Sc Cabot A Gc Indian Head 7'oC Bleached Muslins. Hollywood 5c Ruth-due 5c Bric-a-brac 5c Hope 7c Lonsdale lc Fruit of Loom 7.u Prints. Ceylon-IMuen 4j.'c Skininp PrintB 4c Lipbt Color Dress Prints 4c A'l :,.t Standard Prints 5.c Ginghams. Amoskeap SJc Lincaster 4l;ic Embroideries and Laees Everyone knows that Embroideries and Laces are h'gher than thev were a year ago, yet on the face of an advanc ing market we have reduced our prices one-fifth from old price. The Shirt Waist Season Is now at its best, and as soon as our stock is pretty well cleaned ut) we are willing to sacrifice the balance at any old price. MONDAY Will be a gala day with us in all departments. We want this sale to ov erlap all previous records Big Sales and No Profits. This is our object iu this great sacrifice sale of Men's, Women's, Misses' and Children's Shoes. If you know a good thing when 'ou see it, buy now. Men's Tan Lace Shoes $2.00 Men's Calf Congress (clastic side) 1.00 Men's Calf Lace (narrow toes) .. 1.00 Here are the best values on earth. Ladies' Kid Button, sizes 2-- to -1, .85 Ladies' Ivid Button, sizes 3 "to 5. . 1.00 Ladies' Tan Oxfords, all sizes 1.00 Children always want SHOES. Buying at these prices is like find ing money. Misses' Ivid, sprint; heel, button, sixes 2h to G 7. $1.00 Missis' Kid, spring heel, lace, sizes 2h to 0 1.00 Misses' Kid, spring heel, button, sizes 1U to 2 " 85 Childs' Kid, spring heel, button, sizes 8 j to 1 1 75 Childs' Kid, spring heel, button, sizes 0 to 8 GO We do not quote the former prices for these goods, but simply request you to see for yourself if the are not the best values ever oiTered. All GooctB Mnrkocl In Plain Flirurou. PEASE & MAYS THE DALLES The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Tekvliwic No. 1. i 1UDAY - r JUNK '-'!), 11)00 Co) ( !CE CREftlfi and ICE CREfiWI SODA WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The census imnmurutoru will close 'iii'ir wotl: tomorrow. Dayton's patent fly and mosquito i lller at Muiur & Kenton's. 2d !lt . Will Corson, formerly of this city, lias bought a half interest iu a Htore at lone. Itoya' blouse anil Hbirt waiHtR, .50, .58, .0, ifl.ll) anil $1 !!!, nt tlio Now Yuri; (vj!i Utoro. UnrvMit iti on iu tliu Wullu Walla val U'.v. Many mncbint's wont iulo opera tion tbu first of tho wuek. Tho first numbi-r of tlio Whmilm County Nowb, from tbu town of Mitoh-i-'ll, wilt) publiiibiiil yoaturilay. John G. Wuolloy who noiniuati'il y'P builay in C!iii:ao as tlio probibitioniHt I'aiiiliiiatu for pn'eitlont of tho United v stati-H. Tho ratn of throo taints a nilU ixoob into illct!t on tho O. It. & N i -lrat Nortborn and Xorthuru I'aclliu next fluidity. Tho Mom cornifiiondont of tho SImu iko l.uadur my whoat buyurn am oiler inu to contraut for wheat at fifty cents a bushel In Khermiui uonuty. Tho rooont rains havo ilono much for tho bpl'oihI inalallmeiit of the Hood Hivnr Htrawburry urop, and shipments are made dally to Uutto, Mont. The Shaniko Leader says J. N. Hur cuss, of Antelopo valley, Is jjolmr to start n hlu onmnu'ry. Ut has placed an order for fiO.OOO feet of lumber for tbu iicct'H. tiny bulldliiKS. Shaiilkouns huvo orn'inizud a eebool I'oard with A. O. Snuford, N. M. Lino nd F. II, llrunor ub (liructore mid Dr. Hay Iwh) ns clerk. They will start a threo months' subscription eoliool ns oon aa they cun And w Hultnblo toucher. Tim Ohhonici.k is indebted to tho courtesy of Homer D. Angell for tho Juno number of tho "University of Ore yon." Tho number contains the vale dictory of Mr. Anc.cH, who was editor-in-chief duriric the past pchool year. Tho very handsome cover design is tho work of Miss Dasio Allaway. Tlio Ashland Tiding says a party of railm.ul surveyors from The Dalles have arrived at Silver like, Lake county, and tiTU pushing on to l.nkeview. They s.iy tho road will soon be built and that the O. It. & N. ia back of the movement. Do you want the prettiest white blouse waist in the city for your boy V A nice while blouse waist with deep sailor collar of three iD'.isof insertion and open work embroidery edi;e, insertion trim med front, ideated sleeves and cull's; from !S lo 7 ye.us. Our price only fXAo. Tho New Yoi k C.ieh Store. For the Fourth of July the O. U. it N. Co. will coll tickets from The Dalles to all points on rail lines within two hun dred and fifty miles of Tim Dalles at a rate of one and a third faro for the round trip. Tickets will bn sold on July 2d, lid and 4th. Tickets roturnimi will be limited up to and includiiiK Julv 0, 11)00. Under this arrauoiueut tlio round trip rate for tills occasion to Portland will be $!l.fi0, as the ono way rate from The Dalles to Portland will bo reduced to IS.OOon July 1, UKIO. 28 A disastrous hull storm struck the I'rinevllle country last Saturday, de stroying tlio entiio ciops of half a dozen or more of the settlers west of town. Some of the hailstones measured over six inches In ciicumfeienoe. Tlio Jour nal says that in some instances tlio de otruction of crops was is "complete as if a lire bad rayed over the farms, even potatoes and oiiioub hi the ground beine; destroyed." At ono houao the hailstones perforated in several (daces a galvanized iron tub that bad been placed bottom side up. No railway mail was delivered here from D-'tJiO p. m. yesterday till 10 a. m. this mornimr, when a larye quantity ar rived on the No.!! paHHener that was over live hours late. The mail from the west that should have been left oil here at 4:45 this mornini! appimrs to hove been carried to Grants foi transfer, and h,nce did not net back here till 0 o'clock. Why the Dulles mall should bo carried past here to GraiitB and bo co.no subject to delayed viest-bound trains is what we would like to find out. On his travels Inst week Sam McDon ald found n bee uvhiry in a queer loci tion, wnd the bees were tit work iu lull possession, doing well, tells the Sher man County Obsei ver. It. is in a flue iu John liattlea' house, near Ceiilo. When tliey were first discovered an efl'ort was made to smoke them out, but the bees choked up tbu Hue and smoked tlio family out. Mr. Uattles then ave thom ample room to eairy on their sweet operations, and Sam anticipates :i day when tlie Moro Farmers' Market will have an abuudauoe of unadulterated honey. C. D. Moore, of White Salmon, lias discovered a plan to net eaily strawberry sets, says the Glacier. Ho takes tiie first lunners that start from new plants and sets them in t lie ground, same as jr.ipo cuttings. In thico weeks, il well cared for, they make t;oud plants ami p.io ready to set out. Ho will commence next week to set out 20,o00 plants he has scented this way. S. C. Xeif'ler, of White Salmon, telle the Glacier that from a stiawberry patch of threo acres be shipped this year 520 crates of first-class denies, besides what he used for his own hou?eholit. A more lemaikablu statement than the above is Mr. Ziei;lei's ix turn on tomatoes last year. From less than half an acre of (round he raised and shipped to the W. H. Uiafke Co., of Poitland, 1000 crates of tomatoes, and 75 to Seattle, besides eellim: ut least 50 crates at home. He realT.ed from this half ueio $401 clear. This land, his neighbors said, when ho moved upon his place, would not irrow white beans. It was a buiren, sandy bill-side. He has the faino ground in tomatoes this year, and he thinks his plants prnmUo better than last year. We publish in Ibis issue an Albany, Oregon, tulecram that will be of inter est, unless Tin: Ciiuoxifi.i: is misin formed, to some 200 people iu this city who, about tinea weeks aj-o, yielded to the seductive story of a smooth young felbw, calling lijiiifelf II. Dennett, and paid seventy-five cents eaeli in advance a a year'e'subsciiptlon to the Cosmo politan or Munsey's magazine. There is little to add to the Albany story. The fellow played bis game hero with marked success, working, as elsewhere, among the business people and tdieitinu the sympathy of some of our lending business men uh well as n host of clerks. We hnvo one of the receipts beforo us. It is nuiuborod 482.r and is sinned iu mi excollent business hnnd "II. Dennett." It ia believed "Bennett" worked tho town for not less than from $150 to $200. To He SfHi mi tliu Excursion. For the information of intending purchasers of tickets for tlie Y. M. C. A. excursion, we wojild say that the steam ers will land at their regular landings for passengers and any Y. M. G. A, ex cursion ticket will be accepted on the boat by the purser and exchanged for a regular ticket. Arrangements have also been made whereby persons intending to go to Portland, only, can get a Y. M. C. A. excursion ticket for If2, and make a saving of $1 50 on the O. K. it N. rate. It is the intention to run lo Poitland in as short a time as possible, eo as to allow a few bonis of sight-seeing in that oity before leaving for Astoria. Keniem ber on this trip you will see tome of the world's most famous tcenery. At As toria you will see a genuine balloon ascension and parachute drop of one thousand foot, tho world's famous bi cycle rideis, tight wire peifoimaneee, boat races and uequatic sports of various kinds, tlie cruiser Philadelphia and the training ship Adams, the lite-saving seiviue and their drill in the surf, a regiment of artilleiy from Fort Stcvene, a company of maiinej and marine band from the Philadelphia, a corps of cadets and their maneuvers, May-polo dancing, the annual regatta, yacht carnival, duett of music, the bigaest of big parades, ie Viewed by Oregon's farmer governor and his beautiful bride. And last but not least will be the sunrise Fourth of July salute as given by the guns at Fort Slovens and on tho Philadelphia. Can yon ullbrd to miss so much fuv so small a sum as .2 50V Itemember this is a chance of a lifetime. Tickets ate on sale at the Regulator ofllco and all the drug stores In the city. Do sure you call for a Y. M. C. A. excursion ticket either to Poitland or Attori i. Piico to Portland, $2 for round trip. CASTORS A For Infants and Children. Tiie Kind You Have Always Bought i AVegefabL1 PrcpaMiionrofAs- similaiiiigil'.cl'ooilandRetliila lU'g (he Stomachs aiulBowels of Promotes Digcslion.CliccrPul nessandnesi.Conlains neither Oiniiiu.Morphine norL'iu.'ral. KOX' NAliC OTIC . fitipteraMnrSiiKi'amviiEn s!tx.Stmui lKcllt &Ms -SlaLvStvtl t Ji-VjAr.mil - Jit CtaMuJt-luUt MZi in JV.' -Claifici .KjMr Jliilnyr.-t flavor. Aperfecl Remedy forConslipn Uon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms.ConvuIsions.reverislv ness and Loss or Sleep. TVic Simile Signature of new vonic. EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. !For Infants and Children. The Kind You Sieve Aiwa Bears the Signature of AW tQ( Over Thirty Yars THt CCNTAUR COMMI.V, NCW VOflH CITY. Boars tho Sitjufituro of Y'mWi-Ih'n I'oillaiul Wlitat .llurkvt. Tho Portland wheat market is lower in sympathy with other markets. This sympathy is nut assorting itself lo the limit, (or il is still possible to secure quotations of 58 and 50 cents for Walla Will hi, u decline of only about a cent, while other maikeis are oil' fmn. :ti. -1 cjnts per biitdud. No sales of c n-i-(pieiicd were reporltd ytstt-r'av, and buyeis are wiiicng for matteis to seine before they attempt to do much busi. ness. Freights continue veiy tlini, with no new tonnage ottering. Wheat Walla Wullu, nominal, 6 Sin 51) cents; Valley, 58(if5t)cj Hluestem,- COe per bushel. Oregonian To Vurv Cold iu otiti liny. Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money. S.I 1 V . tl HI . I 11 1 J . There w,:l b-agr.un junior demon stration at tlm hall m Saturday Light, Juno HOth. Siiik-iuy and speukiiiL' by the Juniors ami thrre t.tbtrau.s of "Hock of Ager" in ml light. Colleciimi at tho door. All welcome. Adit. Ni:iun. The ChineMi atk "How is your liver?" instead of "How du you do?" for when the liver is active the health is good. DeWitl't l.illle Karly liisers aro famous little pills for the liver and bowels. I 1 lor 30, lb.