u..r... - . r - - WWW J";-C-"C i v-v-v v v v --;-- I I Ilk The Dalles Daily Ghronicle. JFKIIMY JUNK 20, 1900 tongno has ovor yet portrayed tho snow covered glories ' Mount Hood or the --- ---- ! irridesccnt splendors of Multnomah l'or I'reMtil WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or Ohio. For Vlcfl'retltlom- THEODOHE ROOSEVELT, Of Now York. falls. "While all the appropriations inailo during the last session of congress were $LM,000,000 larger than in 1900, it should bo remembered that nine millions will be expended in taking the census, and upwards of seventeen millions will be used for improving the postal service, while another seven millions will be snent in in creasing our navv. In other dircc-l0'')'?1 tions there has been an GOING EAST. If you intend to take a trip Kust, aek your ticket agent to routo you vin The Great Wabush, u modem and tip-to-duto railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas eull ,uuj gw before haying. City, Omaha or St. Louts to New York and New England points;. All trains run via Niagara Falls and.every through train has free reclining chair cars, sloop- ing and dining cars llrlRlxn The Los Angolos Holman Hare Co., of l'ortland, has a line stock of hares for sale it: tho liuttlnuen store. Will hu . here but this vek. This stock is all pedigreed, high class. Everyone invited to call and inspect. Stock ranging from $5 to $30 each. Don't send away and buv something beforo you eeo it, but 20. tf l'or Hale Wo have at Portland a stock of tine lubricating oils and greases. Prices and terms are right. Write for prices. On- Stop over allowed on all tickets at N't-1 tral Uetiniiig Co., Cleveland, Ohio. ntf.iru a. ko.s ij. i;i.ixi:. ' c. s, Pacific Coast Pass. Agt Los Angeles, Calif. Ciiani:. fi. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. AilTOrtHeit I, niters. Clark A Falk's drug fresh and complete. stock is new, IJeports show that over fifteen hun dred lives have been saved through the Following is the list of letters remain-: use 0f One .Minute Cough Cure. Most ing in tno posiouice ai ino jAiues un- ()f ttiese were cases of grippe, croup for June 22, 1900. Persons i asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and , .'calling for the same will give date on pneumonia. Its early use prevents eon- decrcase in the appropriations. Senator Wolcott said in his speech j Hogan, J It at Philadelphia that "A democratic j g',1 "",rv president could paralvze the opera- Williams, I) II tion of the new currency law as effectually as if it were wiped from our statute books." Democratic success would reopen the whole cur rency question and end in a battle for irredeemable paper money. Is'o intelligent sound money man can have a doubt on lhat aolnt. which thev were advertised: (iexti.emc.v. rndt, John Duncan, Kobt E Hanson, Henry A Starr, Hoy Slinll, Ann Walters, J E Woodcock. F, Jr i..um. McNeal, Miss Nettie Movers, F J (l) Hav, Mrs Klttie Ramsey, MUs Ksta II. II. Kiudkli., 1. M. Children for Adoption, "If we are going to give the Fili pinos their independence," says JJryan in a recent letter, "wo ought to sr.y so at Qiice, nrul thus avoid further bloodshed." Mr. Bryan should explain if lie would give in dependence to each ot the sixty uianet relief. It will care eczema and trihps. nr nnthnrizo one trilio. in the I all skin diseases. Ueware of counter- name of independence, to tyrannize over all the others. Twin girl babes 5 months old; one girl babe, 1 month; one girl 3 years; one boy 1 year: one boy 2 years; one boy 0 years. Auuly to I. F. To buy, superintendent Children's Homo Soci ety. The superintendent will be in The Dalles this week and will receive written applications at this office. All who suffer from piles will be glad to learn that DeWitl's Witch Hazel Salve will give them instant and per- feits. j GardenHose sumption. Ullret Headache Oulckly. Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel- I ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and 2o cents. Sold i by Clarke A Falk, druggists. Jan2-f.(iw Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. j Patton'fl sun proof paints for $1,50 per ! gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & i Falk, agents. mI7 I l.T ,an.t 7-.,.l.,l 11,..,.......,... n ! ..... x u:ru iv.juui i n n:jl 3 m Willi: in in. family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and io truly the dyspeptic's best friend," says E. Hartgerink, Overisel. Mich, Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate- relief money refunded. 2o cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-it Perhaps Senator James K. Jones, of Arkansas, chairman of the demo cratic national committee, can en lighten the people as to the evil j AYo have laid in a large effects of trusts. He has for a long;slock of cjavdon Hose and ar0 time oeen a member ot ttie cotton bale trust. Congressman Dolliver says the fight in the coming campaign is for the wages of the workingman. for the solvency of buyer and seller, for the market place and for dividends on even invested dollar. Col. Bryan turns a deaf car to every appeal that is made to him to drop silver. From present appear ances he believes lie will have all he can do to drop Towne. If the people of the country are against expansion, how is it that no body can be found to run for presi dent on an anti-expansion policy platform : The "yellow kid" of yellow jour nalism may become prominent in national politics if Willie Hearst be comes the running mate of Willie Urynn. carrying the same brand of Hose that we have been carry in?; for the last five rears, which is tho celebrated Mal tese Cross Brand. Vc carry the same brand of Hose that the Dalles City Fire Depart- For the convenience of parties want ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone No. 107; long distance 1SII "Piing'em up." ISm-tf IS ale. Trimmed hats and patterns at cost for the next thirty days at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. 23-tf " t?roi7ile5pial5 Complete Ope of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. TJCTJCTSre-AT ATAVA'Pi 1-r.crWJ Lane, (1KNT.KAI, BlacRsmita ...AND... Horsesnoer Wagon and Cnrrlago Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. ThirdSand Jelftron. Plioiif159 J, I.V. Plllll'S M III T A. Hi Tucwluy C.TIilltMlrtV ... k Hiituiilny. . . h Arr. I'litllmiil B, at I : r. m. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASfOHIA NAY, COMI'MT HtniiiK-m of Hit. ItcKUlator I.lnu will run ns ir thufoi 'S M'hi.lnlo, the Cinivmiy recrvlnK thy rlBlit t CliZ-3 Klioilwlo without notice Str. rtoKiilntor. nr. I.v. lYirtliim! at 7 a. m. M nnliiy Wiliii'Hiny I'llilny Arr. Malli's at .i r. si. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. DnllciB City. now? I.v. liallPN t" A. II. -Mimilay Wnliu'Mlay Kilrlny.. . Arr, I'nrtliiiiil itt I ;".!) r, m. I II ,3 ' VoriUnj ) at 7.( a. u. Tlllltwlay ) Ur, l)allo3 .1 nt 5 r, u, FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, H Tinv-r.1 In- tln .miMiucrs ot Hit Itcifilialitr I.I no. Tim Comimiiv u-lll i-M.li-.icir i,. ..i.... ... . U rntm tin. In.t korvli-n iiorllili.. l'nr flirllmr litrnrnnillMii mM h 18 Pal A W. C. AULA WAY, Qon. AKt. K 1'iirlliiml (Utli'o, (Ml Hiri'ot pm-l. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer cer. C. S. Smith, Kodol dp-to-date (.roeer Dyspepsia Cure. I'reah Khh and Creamery Butter a specialty. ,1 r !A Difficult Problem. meilt has been .USIIIC lor ihO llums of natural science for one to become oxnert in several lines. J lie ual- J. E. Adcox oc ! Co., by tbeir combination, hnvu over. I come this difliciiHy in a practical man ner. J. E. Adcox is an expert natch-' maker and is ood on jewelry, optical1 work and enjiravim:, wliiio Theo. It. Liebe is an expert optician and is eooil i ., i . -, ii i . on watch lepairiiitf, juwclrv work and I Oil UlO mai'kot. L all and get j enuravina. Their itiw is as low as con-'. aicff.nt i t li .rrnil i..nfliriiinutitn rI'Vi... 1 ... ...... Aw.... iiiiiniiiiiii.iuiifi . nil I ........ I . .1.. ..II I. I.. "ID HKMK-Il III 111) it 1 1 ViUlK in uii'ir last twenty years tese Gross Brand is without doubt the best tirade of Hose. Butchers and pQPmevs our prices before buying. ief & Benton Ma eeverai lines, on sent by mall or espreEs prompt attention. Sign Watch.1' short iiiillfM. Wurl: ...in : ' ! Will IKl'IMVM "flit: Hed Solo Agents Jn the nb.cnce ot nn issue, logic,! JUST RECEIVED or mental activity of any kinil, the democratic patty can always back on abuse of Hanna. fall "Wheat is behaving as if it intended to poke fun at the Chicogo platform and its reafiirmation nt Kansas City. Oregon heeimn' Itt-iitH Hie Vi'orlil. "Natural advantages?" askc Colonel Pat Donan in an interview with tho reporter of the Fargo Forum, "Take Oregon us an example. It has an area of 00,030 square miles or 01,159,200 acres. It ia 3500 tquare miiea or 2,240,000 acres lirxer than New Hampshire, Vermont, laeeachueotte, Hhodo I-jIand, Cqnnec ticut, New York, New .'ertey and Dela ware all combined, with tho District of Columbia, the white house and the na tional capitol and ail their occupants thrown in for uood or rather, had ineueure, Itu rcenery Includes all that li wild, Etiblime, picturesque and en chanting in tflacier-created mountain and crystal stream, gem-like island, boundless forest, crag, cataract and cas cide. Cardinal Satolli, one of the most scholarly and cultivated men who ever represented liis holiness, the pope, in this country, declared that the scenery of the Columbia river valley and the Cascade mountains, along the Hues of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co., vurpaseed everything he had elsewhere beheld in America. No pencil, pen nor l A "C'.v consignment of those J Bough differ Sultsj jr.. ;i:iHi:MHw:rri:K Physician and Surgeon, Srwclol attention given to suri-ry. Itooms 21 and W, Tel. U2S ..Exchange.. KecfiRon itriuitflit tho rolcbratnt UOl.t'MIHA IIKI-.lt. ncliiiow: ulK.il Ihu 1m -t lvr In Tlio Dalles, at tlKwmiiil imi v. Comu In, try It ami be eoi.vlncrtl. AI'O (lie Kliit-st brmiiJ-. ol Wluek, 1,1-jiior aiirl Clgam. Sandrjuiehes or !' KlmlH always on liaml. C. p. Stephens ...Donlor in... Dry Goods, Clothina. Cents' Furnishings. VORt IJIuck i jji:. i:. i:. KiiKciKsii.v, Pliysicinn and Surgeon, Olllce, Vot Iiloek (over rottolllcc-J, JOapluio-rtiv Till: IMI.M-:.S, OIII-liON. t it Hoot", Sliooa. Hut. ( ,I1S, Notlotio. Aijt. ii 'Jur W. 1.. IjoukIiis hlnH', j Tileiihoiii' No. w. mu n-ii- n.. r)l ;j uib'tcmiitfi., mu mm, ur. For a Nice Suit of Clothes. fantlne, Ovc-rcoulliior Kmiicj Vvttiug. .lint the suit for -tho coast. Tho best that ever happened for the country. Just the suit for the holidave. Have you seen them at PEASE & MAYS. Kindly rail and examine rny itock of Im portal ami J iettlo Woolens, A llnontock to telnet from. fcultB made from t bo lowest prJeea to (lie )ilh. it grtul. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. TUB VAVLKH OltJCaOM. Digests what you eat. ItnrUflnlnllVilluestsMinrnnfl , --r ---n"-''-' kuuumviuiuj Prl ctvont 'PbnTio 9.70 J1" HtrciiBtlicniiijr and rccon- totlGGt. Jnone atructinprtlio exhausted tllKcstive or- 'rinn. ltlHthcIiUestdlHcnvereddlirest T T J T , ,unt and tonic. No other preparation VVP nit lean approach it In cniclency. It In- --' jstantly rullcvunnd ponminentlyciires j iyieiiiu, iuuieiiou, uearinurii, ; Flntulcncc, Sour Stomach, Nausea, bicKJicaaaciic,uuALraiKin (Jranips.and "ill other retuiltsof imperfuctdlKestioa Prepared by E. C. DeVJlt A Co.. Cl)lcaa J. 8. HCIIItNCK, I'loilik-ni. II u.imn., j First national Bank, every bit of Iwonly years cxporiuni'i' and drug knowlodgo with (ivoiy Proscription that's finninouiHh'd horo any runson why ! A Gommil JJimklll(; luainuefl trunsacUd OUf proscription bui-lllCp' Dupoaita recoived, nulijeet to Eight . . 1 . 1 Droit or Cheek. IS llicroasini' , Collections ntadu and iiroceeda promptlT rumttted on dtvv of collection. Hlnht and Telegraphic KscfmiiBO sold ca Now Vork, Bun VraiiclHt'o :wiJ "orl laud. DIKlCdTOKH I). P. Tiiohi'Hon. -Ino. K Huiiinvt. El. M. WlIJ-IAMH, (iKO. A. Umh. H M. ilKAII- o rapitlly? Ask your physician if wo arc reliable. BLHKELEY Jioliable IVescriplionists Gunning, HDU&HTDJI Just What You txiant. (AJ 0 Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Secoud & Laililiii. 'Phoiic 157 tho finliimfiiQ DQnirinn l!fi II(U UU1U Now ideitb in Wall I'uper horo. finch whlo variety iih wo uit show ing novor hu foro uruced u hinifhi Hlonk. Heal imltu. lion creton elR-ctH ut ordhmry prices Good papuiH at cheap piipor t.rlcea! KleKiuit desimiH, tiietefiil coloriiiKe, youro lor a aiuall price, at our Htore on Tr(i street. AIbo a full Una of house puints D. W. VAUSE Third Sti JJ. 8TURDEVANT, DeutiHt. OUcoour French Si Co.' Umk bwu TIIK DALLES OUKUON OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAURANT And CAFE, J. B. Oroaon & Oo., Props. 87 Second Street il PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MANUKAOTt'lti UHOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON ,)HIF.I) ItKHK. I'TC CO YEAR8' EXPERIENCE I loiw mrlcl Iv ((Hill.l.Millal. I I'll , . I'nlui.u liikmi trirnimli M" ",t' jffMI twflcf, wllliDilt cliiiri-e. I" l Scientific flmcrsca FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANBAOTA KNKHAI-IIANKINU IIIIHt.NKB Lottera of Credit issued avallahle in tho oi i l 1?:il8torn Htates, HiKht I'Achaniio and Teleiiraphit Transfera sold Now York, Chicago, Ht. ix)iilH, 8an Francisco, Portland Ore Kon, Seattle Wash., and various points In Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Mica 'Axle Grease lijjlltClU the load- shortciia the read. ltd tontti. Saves we cxnensc. Sold every w ' U1IIIS IIV TAMDARD OIL cu ;irnwl, lore H HUJ1TINUTON , Office or KlrttMit.JUiit